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Found 46 results

  1. BrutalStriker

    More weaponry

    Hello, I am a new player in arma 3. I liked every details that this game has along with the dlcs that have added tons of new weapons and vehicles. But it would be even better if there comes a new arma 3 dlc which includes some more nato and csat towed artillery including the M777 Towed Howitzer , the PzH 2000 Howitzer and Msta B, some heavy machine guns like the DShK and a few more modern MBTs, aircrafts(Helicopters and fixed wing fighter jets) and arms like Barrett M82 sniper, M4A1 etc . That will provide more realism and variation to the game.
  2. BEST FULL MILITARY EXILE SERVER WITH MANY CUSTOM STUFF Discord: https://discord.gg/cUFWFQy ServerLink: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3/17895683
  3. Hey, I was wondering if the "Project 1947" mod by xxgetbuck123 - you can find him below - ever saw any progress or uploading. If possible, I'd like to retrieve the mod, and especially the E-50. Cheers! - Llama
  4. So I'm working on a Cold War era tank mission, very basic stuff with a US platoon breaching through a Soviet frontline. However, a trial run of the mission revealed that there are a pair of glaring issues. At first I wanted to abandon the thing, but I'm also very stubborn so I'm asking for advice here. The first issue is that I need a full repair script or function that works with a moving vehicle, as the mission has an AI support convoy tagging behind the tanks. Doing ACE repair, even with boosted settings, is a came of hunting for interaction points, so I'd rather just have an ACE interact point on the repair truck that allows you to fully repair a nearby vehicle. Similar with how rearming works, unless there's something I've missed in the ACE settings themselves that someone could inform me of. Nevermind, just noticed the ACE settings were set to Repair Facility and Advanced Engineer for the mission. I'm dumb. Although, something similar for a full heal tied to an ambulance vehicle would be good. The second issue is that the trial run revealed I had put down way, way too much AI on the mission and that had a very adverse effect on performance. To the point things started flickering badly for players (and myself) at random. I had set up Dynamic simulation for the units, however the only way it wanted to work properly was if I used the module, instead of the performance options so I must've done something wrong from what I can tell. So instead what I want to do is having tanks and IFV's spawn a distance away and come at the players, combined with some static defences. I have one basic script that spawns in AI, and making them move towards a marker waypoint, or use a LAMBS module: _grp1 = [getMarkerPos "testSpawn", east, ["O_Soldier_SL_F", "O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],0] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wpt1 = _grp1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "testMove",5]; _wpt1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; The problem is that, while it's really handy it only works with infantry. Most likely due to how closely they spawn, as whenever I tried using it with vehicles it usually ended up with them signing up for the space program so to speak. So I'm looking for some alternative that let's me spawn in a platoon of tanks and have them head towards the players. Especially as a whole unit, as I've noticed that tank platoons can be slow to get moving and usually drip feed themselves into the action. But that could also be LAMBS for all I know, and probably something I need to check closer at some point.
  5. Hey guys. Today I'm happy to announce to development of Conflict '85. A re-imagining and recreation of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. Conflict '85 was born out the CUP project as I created Russian and FIA units in the style of OFP units. From there the ideas grew and grew. Re-imaging: There's a lot of military hardware from 1985 that would fit sweetly into the OFP timeline. I aim to bring a unique yet fitting armory of vehicles and weapons into the fold. We'll get into a few examples later. Recreation OFP is a game adored by those who played here, those who yearn for that era one more time. There were vehicles and weapons in OFP that perhaps shouldn't have been used. (I'm looking at you OT-65) yet why the hell not have them back in A3. While a lot of vehicles don't exist right now. Hopefully as time goes on, it may be possible to bring back those missing vehicles. Screenies. M1 Abrams FIA captured T-72. Painted with the classic green stripe indicator. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/505902374494994338/08E6AE6C33FA9B14DC8FA08F533ABA7CC4BCCC06/ RU T-72 M151 Jeep M113A1 and M577. The ever reliable M113 and it's cousin, the M577 command post.ambulance. Return in MERDC camo. Giving them a new look. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/505902374502543185/82F5BE3A43D2020A48805BE6E574A7E1D1A1D034/ FIA encampment http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509280040511509501/8F966F03C798E84F36357DD87F90FE36BD40AD72/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509280040511509723/F5BAC5DCB3816B5F931D10EA410273DEE0E5846C/ US Army UH-60A armed with M2 MG http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/501399955305426393/489CE502859FF3832A20C40CDE7C080A0B1B362E/ RU Ot-65 FUG CUP will be at the heart of this mod. A standalone is out of the question before you ask :) I'm a man of few words who can't think of much more to say but if you have any questions or suggestions. Fire away and I'll do my best to answer as soon as I can :)
  6. SSAAPS - Sarogahtyps Simple Arena Active Protection System Full Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible. Arma 3 script which simulates the russian Arena system which is an Active Protection System (APS) for tanks. Basically the russian Arena system lifts an explosive charge upto some meters above the tank. There it explodes and directs a few hundred shrapnels in a cone to the ground. If the countermeasure is successfull then the incoming threat is hit by some shrapnels of the cone. The script spawns some bullets above the tank which create the shrapnel cone. Then the incoming threat gets (hopefully) directed to ground. GitHub - Branch GitHub - wiki GitHub - Issue Tracker GitHub - Download GitHub - Direct File Download Dropbox - Download (temporary disabled) Installation (short story) - copy "functions" folder in your missions root folder - integrate cfgFunctions from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you secured your missions remote execution then integrate CfgRemoteExec from description.ext into your own description.ext - if you don't have a description.ext then you can just copy the given one into your missions root folder - apply the script with this line to any vehicle: [tank_1] spawn saro_fnc_arena_start; to stop the script on that vehicle just do this on any part of your mission: tank_1 setVariable ["saro_arena_active", false, true]; to adjust the behavior of the sysem you should take a look into fn_arena_start.sqf I do not recommend to adjust more parameters than skill and reload time. Full installation documentation will follow within the next days/weeks/months 😉 The Download contains an Example mission as .pbo and as unpacked Folder. brand-new shiny trailer video: version 1.0 video: Please tell me all thoughts you have in this thread. Issues and wishes can also reported on GitHub - Issue Tracker Changelog v1.10 - added simulation of the charge container which lifts up, explodes and sends shrapnels to threat - added ability to get threats exploding mid-air instead of smashing to ground only - added parameter to adjust protection skill of the system v1.01 - hot fix - new vanilla example mission created. the old one was mod depended. v 1.0 - initial release
  7. Sean Newberry

    First Armored Division

    Come join the First Armored Division, we currently have 12 people, but pull in the corp 30-40 in events and drills! We have many mos, everything from motorized rifleman to a helicopter gunner. We primarily focused on land fighting but will have the occasional apache in missions. There is no age limit, only requirement is to have arma 3 and speak ok english. https://discord.gg/NsUyQXjQ4z To join copy and paste this link into your browser and accept the invite.
  8. When a player is in the driving position in a vehicle, it's easy to find out that he is the driver: // assuming player is in driving seat assignedVehicleRole player; // returns "driver" However, when you're the commander or gunner you get an array that's the "turret path" of what turret you're in: // assuming player is in commanding turret (assignedVehicleRole player) select 1; // returns [0,0] often, but the commander turret can vary depending on vehicle, especially modded vehicles If the commanding turret were always [0,0] I could use that to detect if the player is in the commanding position. However sometimes it's [0,1], and on modded vehicles it can [5] or [6]. I thought that (allTurrets [_this, true]) select 1// [[0],[0,0]] might have been the answer. That the last entry in the array it returns was always the commanding turret. This is not the case, again, often not on modded vehicles. Basically I'm about to go ahead and hard code every single vehicle name in my script with a reference to which turret path is the commanding position. However, before I do that, is there a cleverer way to find out if the player is in the commanding position? The moveInCommander command always moves the player to the commanding position, so there must be a way to query the vehicle and for it to give the commanding position / commanding turret path, right?
  9. With the buzz of all the new DLCs coming I wanted to ask if Ol' BIS thought about, that even though we'll be getting flashy new tanks & improving the old stuff but it wont matter if the Coloum gets bogged down, for instances; the terrain Isla Duala is split into several halves by sharp, narrow gullys and rivers. Not to mention some of the key citys are connected by bridges that can be destroy easily. SO! I wish to push the conceptual thought of adding Armored-Launched Bridge-Layers, It'd be a nice flavour added to the Engineer/Armored Warfare elements of ArmA, now this might sound offensive to some (which is a given) but I'd say it'd be an easy model to make since the chassis is only slightly modified to the factions standard issue tank and has a retractable bridge, plus since there are many to chose i.e. the Panther IFV or the T-100 for instance... I think these types of tracked would be essential along side whatever MBTs we're getting in the because if an Armored column gets bogged by a blown bridge on say... Tanoa Near the Blood Ruins having to divert down and into the gullies to keep moving can be dangerous and time costly, furthermore Armored/Engineer based Clans and Mission Makers would get a real kick out of such a vehicle for it's potential! Hope some ArmA devs or Modders pick up this idea and think "Hmm, this would be actually cool to try out..." But If no-one does then meh, I tried, Who am I to demand stuff, I'm just an ANZAC from the 40's. With Regards, Digger James.
  10. -Snafu-

    SP Breach and Clear

    Hi all I'm currently working on a mission featuring STGN's great Abrams addon. The mission involves the player and the rest of the tank platoon breaching a defensive line and capturing a position. ETA, when it's done (soon hopefully). EDIT Version 1.3 released. Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_F3rXwcWPGpew3S2BN_AdJ35qTd7J1Qb/view?usp=sharing ReadMe
  11. G'day everyone Announcing a new project I'm slowly working on. I'm still fairly new to modelling so this may take a while, though the good thing is that I'm an avid World Of Tanks player and they have most of the tanks I want to make, thus its a great source of reference material for me to look at as they would have gotten their hands on their own reference material I most likely can't, not to mention I get to see their models first hand in game when I play which gives me ideas of what I can add or do etc. Still cant make cables/wire for shit though haha What its about? Project 1947 is mod that is based mainly on armoured combat, tank/armoured versus tank/armoured combat if you'd like, steel beasts going head to head. This mod will most likely not include any uniforms or hand held weapons as I currently don't posses the skill or excitement to make uniforms and hand held guns, not to mention that other mods like IFA3 and FoW fill that gap of infantry equipment. Overall, Project 1947 (working title) is about the possibility of if World War 2 was prolonged and did not end in 1945 and Germany successfully took Stalingrad or D-Day was not as big of a success as it was, for example. A bit like Wolfenstein, but without all the Nazi robots and spaceships, a more 'realistic' approach if you want to call it that. What would it include? Here is a list of factions I'd like to include into the mod. Most of the factions in their spaced groups would use similar vehicle, thus re-skins only really apply to some factions. However some factions will get their own unique kit at some point. Factions/Nations---- Nazi Germany Japan Italy (I have no clue what they'd use at this point of the war) Finland Soviet Union Communist China United States United Kingdom France Poland Nationalist China Australia I'll first be doing front line armoured vehicles such as heavy tanks, mediums and possibly lights. Depending on the reception I get I can always make APC and IFVs. Vehicles---- (Only a small list) [USA] M26E1 Pershing, M34, M30 and Easy 8 Sherman.. (To name a few) [German] E10, E25, E50, E75, E100.. (To name a few) [Soviet] IS3, T44A, T44B.. (To name a few) I'm also hoping to have a dynamic stowage system, so ultimately you're able to mix and match all kinds of stowage, even randomise it so no tank looks identical. What has been done so far? So far I'm doing all the German vehicles first, the E-series. The good thing about the E-series is that they share most if not all of their assets, from road wheels, exhausts systems, stowage, handles. For example, the E50 and E75 share the exact same hull, just different turret and number of road wheels. Since I've made the E50 hull and road wheels I've also technically made the E75 hull and road wheels. However this is what I've done so far. Germany E-50 E-75 Feedback/Suggestions Pretty sizeable project for someone like me, but I love making stuff so I don't mind. If you have any suggestions or feedback, go ahead. Cheers.
  12. 7TH CAVALRY GAMING REGIMENT-TANKERS NEEDED Do you like tanks? Are you a fan of armored combat? Are you an excellent team player? Then the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment wants you!!! A little bit about myself, I am 2nd Lieutenant Kyle York, currently the platoon leader of 7th Cavalry Regiment, Bravo Troop, 1st Platoon. I am a real armored crewman in the Canadian military and have been doing it for the past 12 years. I bring a lot to the table when implementing realism and overall a fun enjoying atmosphere. Currently we have two sections but are looking to grow larger. I have a great deal of experience when it comes to Armored Warfare that makes our practices a lot more in-depth and fun! I do believe that there should be a great balance of MILSIM and real life to allow all our troopers to have a great experience and yet be able to unwind at the end of it. About The Unit: The 7th Cavalry gaming Regiment is a ultra-realism unit based around the 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Cavalry Regiment "Garryowen!" We run real world MOS's and kits as used by the United States Armed forces today. We have a variety of positions available to choose from, and we incorporate realistic training's based off of tactics used by the armed forces today. We currently have over 189+ Active Personnel and over 40 Reserve personnel. 19 Kilos needed: In the course of acquiring new individuals to fill a variety of roles available, the 7th Cavalry Regiment is looking for several highly motivated and dedicated individuals to bear the 19 Kilo MOS. What is a 19 Kilo?- A 19 Kilo MOS is the U.S army's designation for all active Armored Crewmen serving in the U.S Armed forces. Armored crewmen are responsible for operating and maintaining the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank. Positions range from the following: -Driver -Loader -Gunner -Commander What will my responsibilities be?- As a member of Bravo troop (One of our various classifications for troopers who bear the MOS 19K), your job will consist of the following tasks: -Operate the M1A2 TUSK II Abrams in various combat operations. - Work with a designated crew to ensure all combat goals are achieved and crew survivability. - Attend one weekly Section practice (SP) to learn techniques and tactics. Topics range from formations, to crew commands, and more. All SP times are scheduled around to ensure all Members can participate. -Operate under intense combat situations. -Provide protection to infantry troops operating in conjunction with the M1A2 Abrams in various Combat Scenarios. How do I enlist in the 7th Cavalry Regiment and become a Tanker?- Follow this link! https://7cav.us/enlist - Upon completion of your designated Bootcamp, you will be required to pick a MOS and a section (Based off your timeframe and availability) Here are the minimum standards for enlistment into the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment: 1. Minimum age is 18, not debatable, no exceptions 2. You must have a microphone 3. Must have Team Speak 3 4. Must have one of the following games to join: Arma 3 WITH Apex DLC Squad Hell Let Loose 5. Must be willing to play in a Military and Tactical Realism Unit 6. Must be willing to take orders and follow the chain of command 7. Once you complete Boot Camp you will be assigned to a Section/Squad and you must practice with that group. If you cannot attend the practice of your assigned Section/Squad due to work or some other real life event, you must be excused by your Section/Squad Leader. Options for making up the practice can be discussed with your Section/Squad Leader and Platoon Chain of Command. 8. Must be active on the forum 1 time a week. Your Section/Squad Leader will make a roll call post once a week, you must respond to this post in the required manner. 9. Must not be a member of another FPS Clan/Unit. Dual Clanning is prohibited. 10. Must not have a VAC or Game Ban on record within the last 5 years. We hope you join the brotherhood that is the yellow and black!!!! "Garryowen!!"
  13. With Tanks DLC one of our priorities is to improve the feeling of driving a tank or any other tracked vehicle. Refine how the vehicles perform, handle or simply how enjoyable they are. What do the improvements consist of: updated PhysX libraries to 3.4 and switched wheel contact queries from raycast to sweep. We believe the precision and reliability of terrain traversal has improved quite significantly. On the other hand it's been a change that undoubtedly affects already released content. Especially the n-wheeled vehicles and tanks. Watch out for new issues with us, please. Report anything suspicious. And if your own mod got negatively affected by the update - get in touch with us asap ;) revisited physics configuration of individual vehicles, their engines, drivetrains and suspensions. Together with new config. properties and options. revisited sound configuration, with new samples and new approaches AI tank driving - AI driving feedback topic, following up on previous AI car driving refactoring player tank commanding changed to direct control over the vehicle (test) Most of these changes are WIP, to test things and get feedback from you!
  14. Hello All, I've been getting into making addons, specifically vehicle textures, and have had some success. Despite this, there are a few things I am having trouble with and cannot seem to find any information to help with online, so I wanted to create a topic to find some additional information about the process beyond Amit's simple re-texturing guide, so here are my questions: 1. Is there any config template for simply adding a texture to a vanilla vehicle's virtual garage (VG) without creating an entirely new vehicle class? I am a novice with scripting and writing configs, so I am not great at figuring out how to implement code. I have searched through the config files of vehicles with multiple texture options and have found the classes for each texture option, but I don't know how you would implement it without creating an entirely new vehicle and adding your texture to that list (defeating the purpose of dealing with VG in the first place). 2. How do you go about adding re-textures for parts of a vehicle that are either modifications via VG or just not listed in the initial three hidden selection paths? For example, I am making a winter re-texture of the MBT-Kuma (I know some exist, but I had an idea for my personal scheme), and I would like to include a re-textured winter-style camo net with it. I am also doing things with the slammer and would imagine the process would be similar for the optional turret backpacks. Also, I have a re-textured marshall that has been added as a different vehicle, but the camo net reverts the texture back to vanilla. 3. Finally, is there a hidden selection path for the tracks of a vehicle? On the Kuma, I have also created a new track texture, but cannot find a way to even test it via setObjectTexture. I know this is a lot, but even help on one issue would be awesome! Thanks!
  15. Re-Activated December 28 2018 to counter the growing threat of CSAT and insurgents forces. All new recruits are to report to their nearest recruiting office for assignment. Recruiting Station https://discord.gg/NHzqFws Who Are We? -We are a Arma 3 tactical realism community for those who seek tactical team play, and others who want to relive that awesome military life with out the garrison customs and courtesy drama like cult thingy. Our community fosters new players and understands most have been playing fortnite, battlefield and Call of Duty their entire lives. We are here to help you transition from run n gun Rambo lone wolf solid snake American sniper tactics into awesome well oiled CSAT killing tactical machines. We also understand that sometimes a lot of what we teach doesn’t make sense to those accustomed to player revives with a dirty reused needle. So here we offer open membership to all our causal players to come and join us on our Dedicated Server and teamspeak channel to help us take some of these towns on the chaotic KP liberation mission. If you find out that you kinda like the team and some of the Official unit members then ask to officially join the unit. What do I have to do to join the Unit? -Good question! Most of that information can be found in that discord channel I posted in the beginning. But to give you a barnie style breakdown, you first need to attend the units basic training which is broken down into 3 30-60 minute sections Red, white and blue phase. The basic training will go over unit standards, tactics and all roles available for you to fill. After that there is specialized courses for various roles. You can specialize in one or be a jack of all trades, it’s up to you! When do you guys play? - the peak hours among the unit is around 1800 Gmt and we normally hold training on Tuesdays and Fridays, with unit operations on Saturdays. Any other days of the week are normally casual days so jump on and have fun. Can I be pilot? -Sure.....in casual gameplay, going to go ahead and assume you just downloaded the game. So if you want to be a unit pilot I’d prefer you practice, and learn to hurry up and wait. Because having planes blaze down an entire village before the troops get there is kinda a immersion killer. Can I fly Transport? -only if you can land Why do you only have slots for certain roles? -let’s put it this way, if your playing on a football team your likely not running the football if your a lineman and probably not catching the football if your the quarterback. Every position has a role and specific task and if one person is not sticking to their role the whole team fails. So in the 32nd ID we build our squads in a way where just about all tasks can be completed with the least amount of players. A Squad typically consists of about 9-12 players —ALPHA TEAM— Team leader Rifleman. (AT) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman --BRAVO TEAM— Team Leader Rifleman (SDM) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman —Command Elment— Squad leader Medic RTO/FO/JTAC Machine Gunner Other roles are planned for the future as the unit expands but for now we ask that players become familiar with the available roles. And fill them when needed. How to I get into the server or teamSpeak? - super easy, first join the discord and look in the appropriate channels or direct connect here: https://units.arma3.com/unit/32ndinfantry Hopefully you fill all warm and fuzzy inside about what we offer here, and muster up the courage to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask either here, the discord or in game and will try are best to answers all reasonable questions. See you soon........
  16. dead kennedy

    [SP] The Iron Scimitar

    "The Iron Scimitar", SP Subscribe on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616111219 Take the role of a CSAT tank company leader (amir) in a large combined operation against a NATO forces on Malden. Command the whole company of 9 vehicles with HighCommand system, use the artillery support, mines and recon units to reach the victory. Key features: - Under your command is 9 powerfull T-140 and two JTAC specialists to provide recon and arty support. - Approximately 45-60 minutes of gameplay. - Enemy WILL try to outflank you and call in an arty support against your units. So, be carefull and don't forget to eliminate forward observers before it's too late. More screenshots on Steam, you are wellcome! :) Don't forget to subscribe also The Iron Cowboy. Similiar mission of the NATO tank company on Altis. Be advise, this is a SINGLE player mission, the Steam probably marks it as a MP one because of use of the teamswitch v. 1.1 Changelog: - ADDED: OFP-style outro cutscene; - ADDED: the enemy now provides a MLRS-strike when "frustrated" by player's action; - CHANGED: the location of the final objective now be revealed only when the 1-st and the 2-nd objectives are completed; - CHANGED: Player's and friendly tankmen geal loadout; - CHANGED: the number of enemy manpad ATGMs significally reduced; - CHANGED: hostile armoured vehicles has been covered better and covered by the camonet in come cases. - CHANGED: hostile infantry units now tries to find cover at their positions; - CHANGED: subordinated tankmen now will not leave their vehicles, even immobilized; - CHANGED: JTAC's SUV moved nearby their initial position; - FIXED: objective 2 may end before friendly forces reach the village; - FIXED: enemy armoured reinforcements coming too early; - FIXED: some needless debug triggers has been removed; - FIXED: the C4-trap in the village now works; v. 1.2 Changelog: - NEW: logistic setction now has the ammo truck. - NEW: there will be a point of rearm / repair near the objective "Mansur" when the player capture "Mansur" and friendly mechinfantry arrives. - NEW: a small hint in the brieffing about the HighCommand interface.
  17. Hello guys, since I play Arma with the Tanks DLC I have one problem the cams for driving Backwards wont work. I always get the message: Camera FAIL. What can I do to fix this issue? I hope you can help me. _Thugnit_
  18. Hi, since the update, the tracked vehicles are slipping and sliding all over the place far too excessively. This is true of all original Bohemia Arma 3 tracked vehicles on any map, including the original Arma 3 maps. Something to correct pretty quickly.
  19. Hello, As part of the changes made for the upcoming Tanks DLC, we have just upgraded three wheeled APCs with fully modeled interiors. You can try them on Dev-Branch already, we would like to encourage you to post your feedback to this thread. To clarify, interiors are still work in progress and are also subject to change. The plan is to introduce them to all vanilla armored vehicles as part of a free platform update. We hope you find them as enjoyable and immersive as we do, please let us know what you think! More about the interiors and their development in the latest Report In!
  20. -Snafu-

    SP The Bridge at Davle

    SP The Bridge at Davle This is a Cold War combined arms mission based on the 'Soviet Assault (Large)' scenario featured in the 'Cold War Gone Hot: World War III 1986' book of the Force on Force wargame series. During 1987's spring season, the Soviets launch a massive assault across the Inner German Border. Elements of the US Army's 2nd Battalion, 64th Armor and 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry occupy a German village and nearby high ground awaiting the enemy assault across the bridge. The Soviet forces consist of the lead tank company of the advanced guard battalion of the 120th Guards MRR, 39th Guards Motorized Division. This scenario is based on an actual training mission fought by these US Army units NE of Schweinfurt, Germany during January 1987. Can you succeed? Required Addons The mission requires Mikero's Editor Update 103 which can be downloaded from the link below: https://www.ofpec.com/editors-depot/index.php?action=details&id=158&game=OFP Readme Download Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZgO3VTXfA2m4sPjwcRLUWJO-NblL8nL2/view?usp=sharing
  21. 171st Combat Brigade 9th Armoured Combat Detachment Who we are Built upon serving armoured veterans and current serving personnel, we are a platoon/troop level organisation dedicated to providing the 171st Combat Brigade with personnel who specialize in armoured warfare. Our mission is to close with and destroy the enemy using fire, maneuver and shock action to enable the 171st to achieve mission success. Much like the rest of the 171st, we are committed to achieving a challenging and realistic mil-sim experience to provide a teaching and experience-building platform for both in-game and real life military skills in an enjoyable way. Similarly we aim to create and provide a community for which to casually interact with each other outside of the game environment as well. Our unit seeks to take our community to other games to expand upon our interests and palate but predominantly: we aim to provide the high standard and format of game play that our unit/community members expect and enjoy. Who we require To fill operational needs, we require 18 personnel to join our ranks and become armoured crewman capable of manning both M1 Abrams series of Main Battle Tanks and a plethora of MRAP mobility vehicles. The person joining us must not only be committed to learning the armoured trade but have a peculiar dedication to the unit to provide mission capability: there is one compulsory operation day on Saturdays 1900R (Romeo) (EST-Eastern Standard). What you can expect Unlike conventional infantry or special forces, armoured brethren have a unique bond that is noticeably casual and close between the rank structure filled with interesting and humourous banter. The nature of our job requires the crew to be in-sync with each other as much as possible to ensure that steel meets target. An excellent crew is unmatched on the battlefield, mastery of this profession ascends you to a level that cannot be unsurpassed by any land (or even air!) platform. Our missions are dynamic, complex and challenging: our servers are built using systems such as ALIVE, Spyder and other in-house tweaks and scripts in order to bring to life the 171st Combat Brigade concept of the original MSO style game play in past Arma titles. Furthermore, as a community we regularly play other games with each other purely to let of steam as well as ensuring that we prevent ourselves from burning out from doing the same thing repetitively. Would you like to know more? https://units.arma3.com/unit/171st-combat-brigade https://steamcommunity.com/groups/171CB If you are interested, please don't hesitate to contact the 171st expressing interest in the 9th Armoured Combat Detachment or myself directly through the Bohemia forums. I will en devour to respond to you as soon as possible.
  22. Need a project to cut your teeth on? This unique mod may challenge you to become the scripter you always dreamed you could be - the guy that makes girls' pants wet! Make your mamma proud! Seriously, though, I'm looking for a scripter to fine-tune my in-game models, mostly so that I can continue to focus on the artwork. I need someone who can push themselves to add polish and shine to the mod. The mod is called Fight for Freedom. It's based on our favorite (US) army men from the '80s, the successor to the toy line that invented the term "action figure," but with extra doses of realism mixed in for that tasty immersive flavor. Here's a quick list of work that needs fulfilled: Tanks Set up for a variety of tracked vehicles with full modeled interiors and articulation. - Crew hatches will need to have at least three stages - open, turned out, and shut. Depending on vehicle, turned out may be split into two phases - turned out sitting and turned out standing - for a possible total of four. - Change displays and/or display focus of individual crewmen. E.g.: commander's screen changes from his top cam to the gunner's cam - stuff like that. - Performance. Climbing, speed, turning, etc. - Weapons. Specify what weapons are used and which crewmen will control them. Define firing rates, weapon change order, range, etc. Custom [some fictional] weapons will be needed; see "Ammo" below. Ammo Some vehicles in this mod will have unique weapons with unique ammo. We will need to define them and create them. Other Vehicles and Stuff There's plenty to do, including helis, cars, boats, and anything else that needs work. I have a good chunk of the models already, and quite a bit more in line waiting for me to create them. At the time of this post, I have these items semi-working ingame: 3 tanks 1 helicopter 4 cars 4 airplanes, including 3 VTOLs 1 boat 3 helmets Much more on the way! This is a paid opportunity! The more you're involved with the project, the more you get paid, so let's talk about getting some $$$$ into your dusty wallet! Fight for Freedom Rooster3D's Arma 3 Assets Promotional Images
  23. maxl30

    Tanks DLC: A3 Samples

    When come the Tanks DLC texture samples out ?
  25. Hey I'm trying to add some additional damage simulation to tanks and was trying to figure out how to disrupt sensors and displays. DISPLAYS: I've found the render targets for the example vehicle; "commander_display" and "driver_display", but I can't quite figure out how to modify them. I don't know how to refer to that render target for that vehicle when using a command like setPipEffect. SENSORS: So some vehicles have incoming missile warnings and such. Is there a way to disable these? I'm thinking I might also be able to disable data link send/receive. Are there any other sensors or electronics I may be able to disrupt? Cheers