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  1. Ok, first, my AI unit already has a waypoint when he joins my squad, but remember that waypoint wasn't working because he's on my squad, and that waypoint was supposed to be later. So what I wanted to do was say there's a specific time in my mission where he needs to leave my group and go to the waypoint where I put it, but the problem is he's not moving at all. Even though I synced the trigger to that waypoint, it was set to skip that waypoint. And it was already put in the condition to only activate it at the specific time when he needed to leave. In simple terms, I want the waypoints to work after he leaves my group. Is this possible?
  2. I'm trying to assing leader to created team (ive used custom units from addon), spent another 5h to make it work and still i dont know how to do it. If someone has working script for this it will be awesome. If u wwant to see previous .sqf files just let me know. Maybe u will have better ideas.
  3. Dear Bohemia Interactive Support Team, My name is sukablat025, and I recently submitted an appeal to lift the ban on all official Arma 3 servers. My Steam nickname is sukablat025, and my Steam ID is [ 76561199433988722]. The ticket number for my appeal is [ #306847]. I previously sent a reminder yesterday, but I have not yet received a response. Could you please provide an update on the status of my request? I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, sukablat025
  4. Hey people. So, i've been editing a Liberation mission for me and a couple of friends. However, the modlist we use is a little bit extense, and some mods include gear / equipment from other countries. Furthermore, these mods are necessary for the liberation mission, as the enemy force will be spawned from units from these mods. As i want to make something very standardized, i don't want people using gear from my country and then having somebody using a freaking russian helmet or whatever. To solve that problem i thought of hiding the arsenal option in the Main base and FOBs (By adding "//" to the arsenal script in the liberations source folder) and instead of having a full arsenal, having a tent with various cabinets and, by these cabinets, there are triggers that, once a player enters it's area, a loadout is assigned to that player. This is how it works: You enter the trigger Area, the trigger removes all of your gear, equipment and items and assign you new clothes, weapons, gear and items to replace the ones you've had on spawn. I've tested it, and works great. However, on Multiplayer sessions, it seems it stops working for some reason. i've read something about the player variable not working in multiplayer, because player in MP means everyone connected to the server, and not just the player that stepped on the trigger. Basically i want this script to be applied only to the one player that steps on that especific trigger, and not the whole player base. This is how the structure of my script is right now (still broken on MP): {removeVest _x} forEach thisList; {removeBackpack _x} forEach thisList; {removeHeadgear _x} forEach thisList; {removeUniform _x} forEach thisList; {removeAllWeapons _x} forEach thisList; {removeAllBinocularItems _x} forEach thisList; {removeGoggles _x} forEach thisList; {_x unassignItem "NVGoggles"} forEach thisList; {_x removeItem "NVGoggles"} forEach thisList; Player addWeapon "bel_fn_cal"; Player addWeapon "Binocular"; Player addPrimaryWeaponItem "20rd_556x45"; Player addWeapon "BAD_M1911"; Player addHandgunItem "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"; Player forceAddUniform "BFMexercito_uniform1"; Player addVest "MEA_vest_EB_06"; Player addBackpack "br_alicepack_med"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_EarPlugs"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_IR_Strobe_Item"; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {Player addItemToUniform "ACE_CableTie";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToUniform "ACE_Canteen";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToUniform "ACE_MRE_MeatballsPasta";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToUniform "ACE_WaterBottle";}; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_MapTools"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_microDAGR"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_Flashlight_XL50"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_wirecutter"; Player addItemToUniform "ACE_EntrenchingTool"; Player addItemToUniform "ACRE_PRC343"; for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {Player addItemToUniform "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag";}; for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {Player addItemToVest "20rd_556x45";}; Player addItemToBackpack "NVGoggles_INDEP"; Player addItemToBackpack "Medikit"; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {Player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToBackpack "20rd_556x45";}; for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {Player addItemToBackpack "HandGrenade";}; for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {Player addItemToBackpack "SmokeShell";}; Player addHeadgear "EB_helmet_ballistic_C"; Player addGoggles "G_Tactical_Clear"; Player linkItem "ItemMap"; Player linkItem "ItemCompass"; Player linkItem "ItemWatch"; Player linkItem "ItemRadio"; If anyone knows wich variable i can replace for the player, that'd be a great life-saver. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hey guys, I was wondering : which is the correct command to set face mimics with animations? Are we supposed to use the "setMimic"? Thanks!
  6. My dedicated server is stuck on the loading screen and it has no mods or anything.
  7. Hello. We are in the process of manufacturing artillery equipment. I've done modeling with a blender, but what model should I use to implement artillery in Semple? Please tell me the name of the model. Thank you.
  8. ToH ReCharacters Faces of Bohemian Interactive for Arma 3 ported to Arma Reforger. 50 new faces have been added that are distributed among the existing factions appearing completely randomly. Faces by faction: +35 US +26 USSR +31 FIA Compatible with all mods, if you have a new faction and you don't know how to add them, contact me. Characters from the texture conversion of the original ArmA 3 faces, originally created by Bohemia Interactive. Available in Workshop https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/596330D9AF34AF38-ToHReCharacters Greetings to all, I am once again starting a project to adapt the old faces of our old friends to this evolution of Enfusion. Initially I will start with textures only and later I hope to add new heads. So forgive me if at first I will only be able to use the 12 head shapes that exist in Reforger. The initial work was to create a template for myself to be able to do the first step of basically converting the face distribution from A3 to AR. This took me about 10 days with a lot of testing, but once it was done it was a lot faster to process all the faces. Now it's been a while since I can't advance this due to lack of time, but the next step will be to create some templates based on the AR faces to give the most definition to the processed A3 faces. Here are some very preliminary examples of the processed and enhanced quality heads (Miller, Dwarden, Solomon Maru, Krupin, Yakhin😞 Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)
  9. i made a scenario where enemy wave should a ttack base , but i want the enemy with its mortar artelleries to stop for 5 mins and then attack , how could i do that ??<
  10. I have created a mod for Islamic Republic Of IRANs Armed forces Including Air and ground vehicles and units The mod consists of Aircrafts, Helicopters, Ground Vehicles (Wheeled & Armored), Units(soon) & Weapons, trying to reflect parts of real IRAN Armed Forces. The mod has some dependencies that is important for working Properly RHSUSAF & RHSAFRF & HAFM & FirAWS & Fir F14 Tomcat & cba a3 & TacVests Includes: Iri_units.pbo Iri_uniforms.pbo Iri_mig29.pbo Iri_c130.pbo Iri_c130H.pbo ported from arma 2 Iri_Su25.pbo Iri_F14.pbo Iri_F4E.pbo IRI_b206.pbo bv_flashlight.pbo heuypack.pbo IRI_Flags_marker.pbo iri_oh.pbo iri_other.pbo tfiComposite.pbo type10 flaregun.pbo and etc... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************** WWW.IRARMA.IR *************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits & Thanks: Red hammer studio (RHS)[www.rhsmods.org] for their great mod Grumpy Rhino For his great HeuyPack mod Αplion For helps and Config totuarials and permisions for use HAFM mod as dependesy Dezkit for the Bel 206 mod and Texture templates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- armaholic link steam workshop link
  11. We here at Eglin AFB | USASOC focus on creating storyline based RP with a emphasis on realism within our Deployed Field Operations and FTXs. We combine the RP lifestyle with a plethora of real life knowledge and tactics from our outstanding Active Duty, Veteran, and Reserve personnel. We seek to make something fun, new, and unique; especially since our future plans are to host several different units under one umbrella, operating together to achieve one Ground Commanders goal in a AOR. Currently we utilize a heavily customized base map when we're not deployed, where everything from Training, FTXs, and RP events like just hanging out at a BBQ happens! Individual Unit commanders set their units time and schedule for events and the server is always open for you to hang around or get your own training in. When Deployed the Ground Commander sets everyone's schedule for operations, missions, and RP Scenarios that affect the over all route of the Deployment. Give us the opportunity to have you on our side, so that we can all learn, and grow together. We currently host the following Units: -A CO 3rd battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment (Open) -160th SOAR (Limited Slots available) Bring your "A" game so we can show you ours! Hooah. https://discord.gg/GxEbPEna5r
  12. Sometimes it's useful to discuss updates to the Steam Development branch in one centralized place. Let's use this thread for that. The changelog thread can stay clean and do its thing. It mainly serves for our team to rapidly see if a daily update is very broken or very epic :ph34r: Actual issue reporting should still happen via the Feedback Tracker of course. Thank you!
  13. virtuelle Panzerbrigade 21 (virtual tank brigade 21) Our unit was founded in September 2013. Since then we try to combine milsim and fun in our unit. Therefore we usually meet on Saturday at 19:00 CET (7:00 PM). Our unit is characterized by experience and knowledge, which comes from active and former soldiers. We try to use the knowledge we have gained as much as we can in Arma and work out meaningful trainings. However, we are aware that Arma is still a game and all members want to have fun. The real unit that we depict in Arma has different battalions that we try to depict ourselves. This gives us a wide range of possibilities. Whether as infantry, mechanized or with tanks, we offer everything and even have fun with it. We are interested in friendships with international communities. More Informations: Klick YouTube-Channel: Klick Facebook: Klick ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Die vPzBrig21 ist eine deutschsprachige MilSim-Community, die seit 2013 eine authentische Nachbildung eines Teilbereiches der Bundeswehr darstellt, dabei aber die Vielfältigkeit im Spiel nicht vernachlässigt. Hierfür treffen wir uns im Schwerpunkt Samstags ab 19:00Uhr. Um dies zu erreichen verwenden wir u.a. eine Vielzahl an Mods wie ACE3, ACRE2 und den BWMod. Abwechslung wird in dieser Community groß geschrieben. So stellen wir in den Missionen nicht nur Teile der Bundeswehr, sondern auch anderer Nationen und Zeiten dar. Hierbei haben die Missionsbauer sehr viel Freiraum, um ihre Missionen zu gestalten. Wir bieten an, als Gastspieler bei unseren Missionen teilzunehmen. Hierfür reicht ein Gespräch auf dem Teamspeak. Zudem sind wir an Einladungen zu Events interessiert und freuen uns über jede neue Freundschaft zu anderen Communities. Wenn du mehr über uns wissen möchtest, oder einfach nur mal reinschnuppern, dann besuche uns doch einfach mal auf unserem TeamSpeak3-Server. TS3: ts.vpzbrig21.de Weitere Infos findest du unter: Klick YouTube-Kanal: Klick Facebook: Klick Voraussetzungen für Bewerber Bei uns kann grundsätzlich jeder mitmachen, der folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllt. Vollendetes 16. Lebensjahr Funktionierendes Headset und Mikrofon Interesse an der Bundeswehr Zeit um an Aktivitäten der Brigade teilzunehmen Teamfähig Solltest du alle Punkte abdecken, steht deiner Bewerbung nichts im Wege. Dabei kannst du dich bei der virtuellen Panzerbrigade über 3 Wege bewerben. Über unser Forum unter: Klick Per E-Mail an: s1@vpzbrig21.de Oder am einfachsten per TeamSpeak ts.vpzbrig21.de Der schnellste Weg ist dabei meist direkt per TeamSpeak, da wir jeden Bewerber zu einem Gespräch einladen. Sobald du auf den TeamSpeak bist, wende dich an einen Kameraden mit der S1 Gruppe oder an den zu dem Zeitpunkt ranghöchsten Kameraden auf dem TeamSpeak. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Videos:
  14. Homesick

    Community Radars

    Introducing the Community Radar: your main source of intel for Arma 3 community activity. Take a look inside to check out issue #01! Community Radar (COMRAD) #01
  15. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  16. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  17. We're pleased to announce Arma 3 Creator DLC. A while ago we invited external developers to send us their pitch for new third-party premium DLC content for Arma 3. We've now signed contracts with several external developers and the development is in full progress. While we wait for these Creator DLC's you are free to use this thread for any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding this project. We'd also suggest you to read our frequently asked questions page.
  18. DnA


    Whereas SITREPs are general development updates, the SPOTREPs will focus solely on big default branch updates to the game. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details. ---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ---------- Full changelog and SPOTREP
  19. All Arma3 WW2 Mods Compilation List Last updated: March 11th, 2024 Current number of mods in the list: 517 Hello WW2 Fans! This compilation list was created from my frustration of steam Workshop's lack of function to better sort items in collections, this sorted list is my Arma3 WW2 Steams Workshop Collection seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1508144524 that compiles all the WW2 items (not missions) into one place! The collection on the Steam Workshop page has all the items in one place however they are not separated or sorted based on type or subject, my list here does this for you! Video Overview Animations & Static Poses Backpacks, Helmets, Gameplay, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Ships, Statics, Structures, & Tanks Compatibility Mods Compositions Creator DLC SpearHead 1944 Factions & Units Insignias & Loadouts Major Conversion Mods Map Markers Outfits & Uniforms Singleplayer / Multiplayer Campaigns Retexture packs, & Texture packs Scripts Sound, Music, Radio, & Voice Sound Mods Terrains (Maps) Credits I hope that my list here will help the community recognize the creators for their work, and give credit where due, as new content adds more enjoyment and replayability to the game. ========== Note: This thread will be updated as new content is added to the Steam Workshop Collection.
  20. When I load my model into object builder it loads in fine, but when i load it into blender via .fbx or .p3d file, then it is all distorted. What do I do?
  21. Homesick

    Community Profiles

    Arma 3 hails people of every flavor from all over the world. To get to know them a little better, we're hosting a series of mini-interviews with some of our amazing community members. These aim to give you a personal insight into their backgrounds, why they got into Arma, and how they typically experience the game. Community Profile #01: "thebuckfastwine" - Full Interview
  22. Good morning, I would like to know if it is possible to put a video in a workshop mod and then show it on a server to all players. Currently I know how to create a mod in the workshop to put custom music but I would like to know if it is possible and how to put a video in the mod to subsequently put a command on a server to be played to all players. I have tried to search but I have not found a way, if anyone knows how to do it I would be very grateful.
  23. Slovak Armed Forces by Reluk This mod tries to represent Slovak Armed Forces in Arma 3. It´s mostly just retextures of Arma gear and vehicles from RHS mod but new content just for this mod is on the way such as Slovak armored vehicle Aligator, Tatra trucks or Grand Power K100 pistol. Since this is my first project in Arma universe and I´m still learning I´m looking for a texturers or moddelers that would like to help :). Hope you will enjoy this mod and have fun with it. This mod includes: Slovak woodland units (regular units, 5th special operations regiment) Slovak desert units (regular units, 5th special operations regiment) Slovak police units (military police and counter terrorist unit, maybe more later) I want to thanks to: Marekoi - for help and support presko deltagamer UK_Apollo evromalarkey, ascz team, acr_a3 mod - for awesome NPP vests, same vests that Slovak army use so this helps to make the mod more realistic Yano - for letting me his old Aligator project and for the help that he was trying to give me RichardsD - for his MRAP MaxxPro Modification RHS team - for a great high quality mod with a lots of content and of course all the support on BIS Forums ! Links for download , RHSAFRF, RHSGREF, RHSSAF, RHSUSAF are required! : Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=971009565&result=1 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33625 (not updated to the latest version v1.4) Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t-grzZX9vdQrRyK8SITpKpcr76wTiKLF
  24. 23. Panzer-Division "Eiffelturm" Who are we? We are a professional Arma 3 realism unit portraying the 23rd Panzer Division, Panzergrenadier-Regiment.128 and their combat actions throughout the second world war. We also portray other Wehrmacht units such as the 79. Infanterie-Division during our Stalingrad and Kuban campaign. With our current manpower, we operate at a company level with over 70 members, hoping to expand to over 80 in the near future. With unit leadership and other members having years of experience in Wehrmacht realism, we aim to deliver the most professional, accurate and realistic portrayal of a Wehrmacht company in the second world war. What we offer? We take pride in our historical accuracy, and aim to offer the most authentic realism experience to someone who wishes to join our ranks. As well as realistic combat, we structure and operate our group as Wehrmacht units would have been historically. This encompasses ranks, tactics, tactical commands, radio procedures, uniforms, medals, weaponry, and most importantly camaraderie. With years of friendship between members of the unit and our diverse, international collection of individuals, you will be welcomed into a stable, active and friendly community to bond with. With a team of dedicated unit developers and permission from mod creators, we are the most customized and specialized ArmA 3 WW2 unit created with development in all areas of the gameplay experience. This includes completely custom maps, vehicles, uniforms and even artillery pieces for all theatres and time periods as well as special uniforms for individuals who have earned a combination of awards. Primary Language: English & German German is utilized to increase the immersion and historical authenticity of the events. - During trainings and operations, primary communication is done with English. (85-90% of communication) - Tactical movements and commands are given in German. (10-15% of communication) Combat billets Entry level combat billets is where all speculative members of the unit begin their time with the 23. Panzer-Division: - Mechanized Infanterie - High Demand Graduate level combat billets (You may progress to their different paths within the Kompanie when you graduate Rekrut Schule and reach Panzergrenadier): Specialized Gruppe Roles (MG-Gunner, MG-Assistant, Assistant stretcher bearer, Grenadier, Rifleman) - Tornisterfunktrupp (Funker - Radioman) - Kompanie & Zugtrupp's (Melder - Messenger) Sanitätstrupp (Sanitäter - Medic) - Panzer Crewman - (Gunner, Radioman, Driver) All billets are subject to availability within the Kompanie and those who are best fit for the role. Requirements to Join Age 18+: Accept if met current Criteria. 16-17-: Accept if met any of the following: - Friends with a current standing member of the unit. - Previous experience in a realism/mil-sim/reenactment unit. - Show above average levels of maturity for their age. - Show an interest in developing their current understanding and learning more about the Wehrmacht and what we do as a whole. Technical Must have a legal copy of Arma 3. Must have a working microphone. Must have or be able to have Teamspeak 3 VoIP program installed. Must be able to use Push to talk on Teamspeak 3 while in game. Must be willing to download mods off of Arma3Sync and utilize ACRE2 Schedule Attendance to main Sunday events and Saturday trainings is 100% mandatory. If real life bars you from attending you are able to write in a Leave of Absence to inform that Unit that you cannot attend: - Kompanie Operations, PvP's, & Trainings: Sunday, 2:00PM EST (19:00 GMT) - 1. Zug und Panzerzug (1st Platoon 4th Platoon(Tanks)) Training: Saturday, 2:00PM EST (19:00 GMT) - Aufklärungstrupp (Reconnaissance Troop) Training: Thursday, 6:30PM EST (11:30 GMT) Contact & Media Join our Discord below and fill out an application if this sounds interesting to you. If you're still thinking about it how about taking a look at our YouTube channel. Discord: http://discord.gg/YvMJQ57 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaleJudge Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/23PanzerDivision-public