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  1. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  2. Hi. After some long time away im back on a new profile looking for a team to join. I will not go through any ingame training, other then the game it self, briefing and that kinda things. Have been flyging alot in koth but Can verywell do other modes and group flyging as well. Im only a pilot, and im not very good on the ground. hope to hear from you. Think happy, be happy. Tm aka spacemonkey.
  3. RATS NEED YOU! ----------------------- "Rats, we're rats. We're the rats..." ARMA 3's, RATS PACK is a new Unit/Squad I, the Rat King, have created for two things. Fun and Strategy, but mainly the first. Right now we have two members including myself and my best friend but we're looking to expand and need YOUR HELP to do this. What we're looking for are semi-serious people who can work well in a team, have good ears for following instruction, and are good at having a good time above all else. YOU MUST BE OLDER THAN 16 YEARS OLD AND MUST OWN A DECENT-ISH MIC. CONTACT INFO vvvvvvvvvvvvvv Steam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/bymylifeandmyloveofit/ Discord: Rat King#9017 Email: sheridanvarn@gmail.com
  4. Just to enlighten everyone that this is now happening on a bunch of servers, hackers are coming in and killing everyone in the server at the same time. They are forcing vehicles to flip over and go flying through the air. I was driving with a full crew and we all randomly got kicked out of the vehicle and then flung into the air and died. Eventually it got so bad that people started to lose connection or were physically kicked off the server and then the server crashed and was down. My whole game crashed because of the hackers. I only play on CodeFourGaming servers and it's happened on multiple of their servers so far. Hopefully this issue can be taken care of soon or KOTH will cease to exist. I hope it hasn't spread to other mods and gamemodes, please spread this and shed some light on this major problem for KOTH players.
  5. Lets put King Of The Hill 1944 Back on the Map! I have noticed that Europe doesn't have a King Of The Hill 1944 Server and as of NOW Tango Down is the only community hosting a 1944 in the EU!, for ANYONE who wishes to play KOTH 1944 Please feel free to join the server I welcome anyone on my servers, it is running the latest v10 server version so all your stats will be saved to the global database no need to back up your documents anymore! The Discord server is also linked here: https://discord.gg/Nk2Q8ed All you need are the following mods linked here: These are the mods which you'll need to subscribe to so that you can play King of the Hill 1944. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660460283 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583496184 Here's the direct connect Information below: Server IP: Port: 2300 There are some 2x XP codes that can also be used on this server as well! I hope to see you on my server all the best to who ever reads this Ryan
  6. Hello, i'm developing a King of the Hill mission at the moment and encountered an issue. The mission is running on a dedicated machine and everything is selfmade except extdb3 for the database connection. So the problem now is: When i'm trying to pick up items on the ground it won't let me do this with the scroll menu. Normally you can pick it up with the scroll menu, either by selecting "inventory" or by selecting "take ......". I hope you get what i mean. The same appears when i'm trying to open ammo crates or other kind of crates. it just won't let me do that. The scroll menu just won't appear. The point is, there's no error, no indicator why i keep getting this bug. I've also tried this in 3den editor. While i'm in editor the bug (or glitch) isn't there, so everything works normally. And the second problem is, the vests a player equips keep disappearing. i guess this has do to something with this "no scoll menu" bug. because there is no error or log entry aswell. Hope you guys can help me, thanks.
  7. I think I've found a bug while flying advanced flight mode in the MH-9 Hummingbird on Code Four Gaming's US #4 Infantry KOTH server. I have 7000 tactical insertions in the little bird since V10 came out. So, I was flying with a full little bird (7 passengers all of whom were wearing spec ops armor. not sure what else their loadouts contained, or if player loadouts even effect the helicopter weight in AFM), and the heli felt extremely heavy. AFM takes into account the weight of each additional passenger, and the helicopter becomes harder to fly and responds differently, something that I am quite attuned to. So it's very obvious when something is out of whack. I kicked out the 3 people inside the little bird (can't kick people off the bench), but even with just the 4 players on the bench, I was still too heavy to fly properly. Has anyone else noticed an excessively heavy little bird in AFM? Is it possible this is a KOTH or C4G bug, or is this an A3 / Bohemia bug? This is at least the second time I have seen this bug happen. I don't know how to replicate it. I fly with a Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog throttle and joystick, as well as Thrust master pedals and TrackIR headtracker. It was not a controls / throttle issue because I can see the collective percentage on the gauge that shows ascent / descent rate. So I know that my controls were working as expected. I repaired the helicopter in the safe zone repair pad, even though it had no visible damage, yet the issue persisted. Any ideas?
  8. How do you access the custom clothing for your character in multiplayer games? (KOTH) I see the guys in the white shirt and black pants and killed a guy yesterday wearing Hawaiian shorts.
  9. Connor Gasgarth

    KOTH profile

    I built a new computer and all my old files on my old hard drive ended up getting deleted, including my KOTH profile. I know that there is a process to restore your progress but it seems like you still need the original profile to do that but in my case its an entirely new one. Is there any way I can get my progress back? Thanks.
  10. Hello, For a few months now I have the problem that I can't join King Of The Hill servers. Everytime I try to load the mission it sends me back to the server browser without any notification. A friend of me also joined the server to see if it would give more information in the server chat, but there it just says I disconnected. I have already tried a few think like fully reinstalled my whole arma 3, but that didn't fix it. Enybody who has the same problem or who can help? pls do. Thanks already for your help, Owfier
  11. Two Tagbi Pls

    Massive frame frop

    I have been playing KOTH for about 2 weeks now and had no problems while flying jets ect... Recently when flying jets all the buildings below me unrender and my frames drop under 5. Has anybody had this problem before. I have verified my steam files and changed some settings ingame but still no joy, any suggestions will help thank you.
  12. Hello, I am writing this topic to understand why am I permanent ban of the koth servers, I don't cheat I don't use glitch, I don't teamkill. I just play like all players and I am now ban of practically all the koth servers. Sorry if my English is not good ^^ And thx to have read my litle topic ;)
  13. I've lost all my progress in KOTH after the update of the new DLC. Now I want a Bohemia Interactive solution for this For if I use any other means to getting back my level I will be banned from the game. I can provide any means of contact to resolve this.
  14. pantherapardus

    Koth Official server down-

    Majority servers focus only on infantry. I enjoyed the [Official] Bohemia King of the hill. All out Arma vehicles, All out chaos. What happened to those servers? Give us at least 1 server thats not infantry only, All vehicles, HC and maybe no AA missiles on jets. If I wanted to play Call of Duty I would have bought Call of duty.
  15. Hello to all weapon players 3, I have a problem with the game. When I start a game at koth, after a few minutes the game crashes and closes. It tells me it's a memory problem, but I doubt it's a hardware problem. My hardware: Motherboard: msi h97 gaming 3 Processor: intel i5 4960 Graphics card: nvidia 970gtx gygabite Ram: 16 1600mhz corsair low profile blue what can be? I can not play with this crash.
  16. Arma is awesome. Hope you enjoy these!
  17. Hello, the last update ruined the game experience completly, the disadvantage for people who play King of the Hill and are not playing with premates is now incredible big. The AA has to lock on again everytime one rocket was shot, the rockets hit even less than before, the new radar is not showing the right symbols and you cant see shit on it. The Tanks got no rangefinder? You cant lock on to enemy tanks? Where is the sense? Why do you downgrade the game? Why is the Minimap now on the otherside of the screen while driving a normal tank? Why cant you move it? What the hell is going on with the camera while flying chopper in 3rd person?? why cant you leave it as it was, now you need VR and a Headtracker to fly proper? Im angry and slowly but surely im losing the believe in this game and the dev's. Explanation would be great
  18. In koth the radar is not working proper anymore, when i am on blue sight and want to join a dogfight in jets for example and the enemy team is using a Wipeout i cant lock on to him. I know that the Wipeout usualy is a Bluefor jet, before 1.68 there was no problem with the radar and the lock on but after that i cant get a lock on or the right radar symbol. R and T not working The Cheetah radar is not working in any way, and R and T as well are bugged. 8/10 Times nothing is working.
  19. If you died in the tower at Koth Revive is not on people I came under the tower now It is a feeling that it is on the ground rather than under the tower Was the specification changed in the update? I did reinstall but it made no sense
  20. This post is essentially a request to the devs to add an option to change settings regarding targetting. For a long time now, CCIP has damaged the quality of King of the Hill gameplay and it could be fixed by simply adding the option to disable CCIP. I've even spoke to high admins within Hostile Takeover and they agree that it's not a welcome feature and they would disable it if the option was given. The next segment is regarding future updates. Please just add the option to disable or change new features via code, whether you realize it or not. ArmA 3 KotH is getting worse and worse and it all could be restored given a few options.