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  1. The 104thEC or Eclipse Company, 104th. Pride ourselves on being a growing community of mil-sim and star wars enjoyers. We currently do a weekly Main Operation on Saturday at 4:00pm EST, and also do fun ops throughout the week, usually before the main op. We offer multiple billets/roles for example, we have a ARF detachment ,a large variety of Infantry Roles, a Armored detachment, and Aviation. We are in an alliance with other units so we do joint ops and other types of ops with our sister units. Here in the 104th we also have our very own studio department, this includes our own custom helmets, textures, armor, vehicles, and many more! We welcome any and all persons inquiring about joining the unit, our trainings and recruitment process are informative and do not take more then 30-45 minutes. https://discord.gg/MEw2qSGc https://www.tiktok.com/@104thec?lang=en https://www.reddit.com/user/104thEclipseCompany/
  2. -- WHO WE ARE -- Discord: https://discord.gg/X58DwGZz Operations: Saturdays at 7pm EST (Fun ops: TBA) Upcoming Campaign: Battle for Earth We are R.A.V.E.N, a primarily North American Halo-Sim / Optre unit. We work with a heavy focus on recon and info gathering; While trying to keep a light-hearted, yet mature environment. There is no “yes sir, no sir” atmosphere and we don’t have ranks, just command roles. When in-game, members will be required to wear their proper tags, follow the orders given to them, use proper radio communication, and operate as their assigned role. When out of game, members are encouraged to relax and enjoy themselves while participating in community events. -- OUR OPERATIONS -- Every operation hosted by our unit will be run by one of our “illustrious” Zeuses featuring multiple factions and individuals. Each mission is interactive and story-driven. Seemingly simple choices that are made early on in a campaign can have lasting effects that directly alter the events that follow. We require that all members attend a minimum of 2 operations each month to maintain active status. If you are unable to attend ops for a stretch of time you will be put in reserves and can rejoin to active status at any time. Our unit acts as a private military company (PMC) employed by the UNSC and other parties. We play missions set in various parts of the HALO timeline from the main games, to the background lore, and to parts of our own unit-specific storyline! -- WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT -- We are a PMC group set inside the Halo Universe so we have the freedom to explore not only missions in the various games, but we can also carve our own path and story. Unlike other Halo-Sim units we don’t have a set side and so frequently find ourselves fighting UNSC, Innies, Covenant, and many other groups. Our style of Halo-Sim means we don't have to worry about all the semantics or rigid military structure that other groups focus heavily on such as: requiring prowords, grid references, land navigation, multiple squad formations, saluting, etc. Just stick with your squad, do what you are told, and shoot the bad guys. Our operations offer a wide range of settings in various environments. We tend to have a heavy focus on reconnaissance, but break up the pace every few ops to help keep things new and exciting. In other units, you become just a number and you make little to no impact overall as you throw your body to the wall. Here, we know everyone's name, listen to all ideas, and work as a team to carve our path throughout every operation. Currently we have two separate formations; Kestrel and Thunder. Kestrel fills out our infantry squads and is the core of the unit, providing individuals many diverse options for equipment and specialist roles. Thunder is our (primarily) aviation wing and they provide logistical and combat assistance to our main ground forces. We have several different trainings that will be available such as the basic combat training (BCT) required to be taken by all who join the unit, short training to get certified for a new specialist role, and much longer trainings and qualifications for applicants for our more advanced specializations such as Shooter (reconnaissance/sniper) and Thunder. Members are not stuck in their specific role, we allow our members to change their role at any time if they are no longer enjoying it. . We do not micromanage your gear. While there are basic kit requirements for whatever role you have there is an incredible amount of flexibility to what you can carry. Players can make their character truly unique and take the gear that THEY want to use. -- HOW TO JOIN -- Our basic requirements: Be Mature (no age requirements here). Must speak English. Microphone Preferred but not required. Have a valid copy of Arma 3 If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to hop in our Discord and talk to us there. There is more specific information posted there and we would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have for us.
  3. Group: Nine Company Branch: Casual/Semi-Milsim Main Language: English [EU] Operation Times: 18:00 (6PM) CET/GMT on Monday, Thursday and Sunday Operation Type: Casual/Milsim Required mods: RHS, CUP, Niarms SCARs and FALs, CFP, Project Opfor, main modpack has 30 mods Other Info: We are a casual semi serious unit designed around the idea of democracy and transparency, as such everything regarding our unit is transparent, from server info to admin chats, we focus on making everyones opinion heard and on both fictional and historical operations,usually with lesser known conflicts and irl wars.There is no one true setting, one week you could be kidnapping Obama as the Spentznaz and the other you could be a Romanian soldier in ww2, the limit is our imagination and the capabilities of Arma 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVZYwuend-M Requirements: Be 14+ Own a legal copy of Arma 3 on Steam Have a Mic Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bFjjDmw4eJ
  4. Ghost Hawk Gaming

    Ghost Hawk Gaming

    Ghost Hawk Gaming Who are we? Semi-Serious Milsim based in the US. We focus on fun and semi-realism. Variety of squad options for custom missions run every Saturday. How we play We play every Saturday at 9pm EST and host custom ops made by the community. We like to focus on having fun and completing the mission. We are a semi-serious community. There are hundreds of squad options for each person to pick during every op. We primarily play against AI-controlled opposition, led by a human Zeus. We have a variety of squads ranging from PLATOON down to KINGFISH (Boats) with lots of units to pick from in each. We do not use any “Yes, sir!” / “No, sir!” or forced RP in our community. We do not play scenarios that are realistic for realism’s sake alone; At no point will you have to man an observation post for three hours while nothing happens just because it would be realistic. For a more detailed look at how we play see this video made by one of our unit's members! Video When we play Every Saturday at 9PM EST. Excluding popular holidays, and occasionally breaks. Every session is followed by a 5-15 minute debrief, where we evaluate our playstyle, behavior, improvements, etc. Besides our regular sessions, we also have a Training server where several of our members play around with each other, and the occasional op run by one of the officers for people who want to play during the week. Join up! We accept members who fulfill the following membership criteria: - Speaks and understands English - Wants to participate as an active member of our community: If you’re not busy with IRL business, we expect you to show up for our regular exercises and operations. - Is at least 18 years old. (Can be waived based on maturity) - Owns a legal copy of Arma3 - Owns a legal copy of the Apex, Western Sahara, and SOG DLCs. We do not have any requirements on prior experience. https://ghg.suznetworks.com/orientation
  5. 23 SAS Regiment | "D" Squadron 23 SAS Regiment | "D" Squadron About us: The 23 SAS | "D" Squadron | 18 Troop is a Semi-Serious UK/EU Arma 3 Realism Unit that aims to provide the experience of being in a Military structure of the SAS with the emphasis on ShackTac's concept of Serious Fun. Although we are a new and growing unit, we have a wealth of experience from running Arma units and developing modifications over several years. We are currently using our own Auxiliary mod that allows us to use ComTac headsets within our helmet systems as well as full KAT medical/Pharmacy. During our campaigns we receive intel packets on what is going on in the location we are in, our Sigint officers then relay that to our command team who will then set up a plan that correlates to the intel we have received. Our focus is on growing a highly effective, close knit team who work well together. Our current operations are based in Iraq where D Squadron has been tasked to assist in counter-terrorism operations, Deployments are held every Friday Evening at 20:00 GMT [OPERATIONS TO CHANGE FREQUENTLY] Requirements: - 18+ [We expect a level of maturity and commitment] - Access to TeamSpeak and a working Microphone - Availability on Friday evenings at 20:00 GMT Expectations: - Act in a Semi-Serious mindset - Listen to the Chain of command - Follows orders - Respect other members If you wish to join: https://discord.gg/kfyucnmMz5 Trailer:
  6. 23 SAS Regiment | "D" Squadron 23 SAS Regiment | "D" Squadron About us: The 23 SAS | "D" Squadron | 18 Troop is a Serious UK/EU Arma 3 Realism Unit that aims to provide the experience of being in a Military structure of the SAS with the emphasis on ShackTac's concept of Serious Fun. Although we are a new and growing unit, we have a wealth of experience from running Arma units and developing modifications over several years. We are currently using our own Auxiliary mod that allows us to use ComTac headsets within our helmet systems as well as full KAT medical/Pharmacy. During our campaigns we receive intel packets on what is going on in the location we are in, our Sigint officers then relay that to our command team who will then set up a plan that correlates to the intel we have received. Our focus is on growing a highly effective, close knit team who work well together. Our current operations are based in Iraq where D Squadron has been tasked to assist in counter-terrorism operations, Deployments are held every Friday Evening at 20:00 GMT [OPERATIONS TO CHANGE FREQUENTLY] Requirements: - 18+ [We expect a level of maturity and commitment] - Access to TeamSpeak and a working Microphone - Availability on Friday evenings at 20:00 GMT Expectations: - Act in a Semi-Serious mindset - Listen to the Chain of command - Follows orders - Respect other members If you wish to join: https://discord.gg/kfyucnmMz5 Trailer:
  7. Who are we? We currently run both of our units(26th STS & 160th SOAR) with the 26th being the mainline unit and 160th as the supporting role. The 26th STS is a unit in the United States Air Force that consists of PJs(Pararescuemen) and CCTs(Combat Controllers). Both PJs and CCTs will be working together to complete different objectives, the PJs main skill is providing medical care and the CCTs work with radio communications and calling in fire missions. The 160th SOAR is an aviation unit that will be providing transport and some CAS over the mission area and are used in a supporting role for the units on the ground. What do we do? Our main role in the battle space is conducting CSAR(Combat Search and Rescue) Operations for allied units as well as conducting raids and capturing HVTs. Right now we are operating on the map Lythium which is modeled after a region in Afghanistan. Our role in this campaign is to help the ANA/ANP with holding their ground in the region. When do we operate? Our operations are every Sunday at 8pm EST and we run training for the specific teams at least twice every week. What roles are available? Currently we have CCT, PJ and Aviation roles open, and depending on experience you can be moved into higher roles within those billets and not have to do as much preliminary training. Requirements to join: Must be 16+ Must own ArmA 3(no DLCs needed) Must download Teamspeak 3 Be able to attend most scheduled operations How to join: All of our recruiting goes through our discord which you can join here: https://discord.gg/5qSCVajc2C Some unit photos that we have taken so far:
  8. Battalion "Aafrika" a Private Military Company About us The Aafrika Battalion is a Semi-Serious Arma 3 unit. We focus on having fun during events while maintaining a certain degree of discipline so that order is still in place and everybody can enjoy the missions. We also have a set focus on creating a story-driven element to the campaigns, to add extra spice to what is the usual Arma of just run and gunning. The main focus will be set around infantry combat and our main language is English. We play as a fictional private military company and take up contracts all over the world. The types of missions we play can vary greatly. (Mainly depends on what we feel like and what area we want to play in) The symbol that represents our Battalion is a "Mmusuyidee" which is supposed to bring us good luck. Event Schedule: TUESDAY - Side Operation at 18:00 BST FRIDAY - Main Operation at 20:15 BST Member hosted Side Operations can be hosted any day. Our unit currently features: Battalion Command "Victoria" (Staff/ Zeus team) Platoon Command "Bouddica" 1st Infantry Squad "Spears" 2nd Infantry Squad "Elisabeth" Support Detachment "Margaret" (Armour and Aviation) Currently, the following roles are open for new members: 2x Squad Lead, 1x Team Lead, 1x Combat Medic, 1x Machinegunner, 1x Team Lead, 2x Rifleman (Each with their own specialisations) Gameplay As mentioned earlier, the unit is semi-serious, which means: We play in first person with very limited HUD. During missions, we maintain a chain of command between the units. Because there is some roleplay involved in missions, everyone's actions have consequences whether long or short term to the Battalion's reputation in the world we play in. (Example - massacring villages, doing war crimes etc. will probably not end well for our Battalion in that campaign) We only allow 1x magnification sights, but you can just use the iron sights. The amount of equipment that people carry will be limited, otherwise, there is no use for resupplies and other gameplay elements that come around that. After the end of each campaign there will be a vote regarding where we will take up the next contract. If this sounds like something you could be interested in, feel free to join our discord where you'll be able to find more information and ask any questions. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/hZhXuBN87B
  9. Welcome to the 1st Battalion, 6th Special Forces Group. We are a Semi-realism based reactivated Green beret group that is looking to expand its members, current roles available are Infantry and Light Armor Operators. Our Current Elements are as follows: Alpha Company (Ground Assault Team)- The mission of Alpha Company is to conduct ground operations in order to pursue US national interests on foreign soil. Mission set includes raids, HVT elimination and extraction, Hostage rescue, Advanced Reconnaissance, HALO drops, and advanced infiltration. 6th SFG Armored Support Group- The mission of the 6th ASG is to support Alpha Company with designated missions. Mission set includes light and medium armor reconnaissance, armored para drops, Quick Reaction Force, HVT extraction, and force multiplier for adjacent units. 160th SOAR Special Detachment- The mission of the 160th SOAR SD is to support 1st Btn 6th SFG units with both Fixed and Rotary wing assets. Mission sets include CAS (Close Air Support), CAP (Combat Air Patrol), aerial reconnaissance, unit transportation, fast roping insertions, para drop insertions, and HVT extractions If you are interested you can contact us by going to our discord https://discord.gg/QsXf9vDpnK or message SGT S. Harmon our current recruitment lead on discord at shard#7874
  10. Regicide Tempestus Scions For the Emperor! Introduction We are a tightly connected and constantly growing ArmA 3 semi-serious unit playing in the universe of Warhammer 40,000. We are impersonating an elite special force of the Imperium of Man known as Tempestus Scions. The elite status allows our unit to access a wide range of equipment - starting with lasguns and flamers, going through plasmaguns all the way up to destructive melta bombs and meltaguns. We fight across a vast plethora of environments - from snowy tundras or huge jungles of unexplored planets to centres of massive hive cities populated with both allies and civilians. The enemy of men is our enemy - orks, forces of chaos, tyranids, traitors, demons and much, much more. About us Our main objective is to create a fun and unique experience enjoyed by every member of the unit. The experience, which is both challenging and entertaining. We boast a wide range of operations, whether that is our main campaign, side campaign or a simple fun op where we impersonate other armies - Warhammer or not. Depending on the Zeus, we may have different ORBATs, different style of campaign and totally different experience. Currently, we have two main parts of the unit: Tempestus Scions Adeptus Mechanicus Tempestus Scions are the core of the unit - the killers and the defenders in every conflict we are engaged in. This is the main backbone of the unit - Assault, Armour, Heavy Weapons, Mortars, Heavy Artillery, Fire Support and many more. Adeptus Mechanicus is a new part of our unit that we have started developing recently. This is the backbone of our support - medics, demolitions, engineers, researchers, technicians and pilots. We and the Emperor want you! Don't wait, don't hesitate! Join our Discord today!
  11. Carpe Noctem Tactical Operations Carpe Noctem Tactical Operations was founded in 2014 as an Arma 3 community that aims to balance a realistic combat environment with fun gameplay. We play missions on Tuesday and Friday using a custom modset designed to improve your Arma experience. The average age of our members is 25 years old, mostly from Europe and we want to attract mature and motivated people to the community. Both Arma veterans and newcomers to the series are welcome to join CNTO - previous Arma experience is appreciated but not required. Carpe Noctem is not a community that calls each other "sir" or features other role-playing aspects generally associated with milsim units. We use a rank structure, but it serves administrative purposes only, in daily interactions we are completely equal to one another. Our play style is semi-serious and in many respects very similar to ShackTac. We employ real tactics, techniques and procedures adapted for Arma 3. Our goal is to have serious fun, not a tedious boot camp simulation. We are a friendly, relaxed and organized community that enjoys playing a variety of games together and have a good laugh. We understand that players have other responsibilities and our core principle is that real-life always has priority. Our minimum attendance ratio is one event per two months. Requirements: Minimum age: 21+ (rare exceptions are possible for applicants between 18-20) Friendly, respectful, good-natured and mature. Timezone range: between UTC-2 and UTC+3 Intermediate English - both spoken and written We offer: Active, mature and friendly environment Flexible attendance policy Membership in other communities is allowed Coop or PvP sessions every Tuesday and Friday, 20:00 UTC+1 Non-mandatory trainings Mod collection with dedicated repository Dedicated servers hosted in EU, exclusive to our members On-demand organization of various other game sessions Most prominent mods used: Inhouse developed CNTO Mods Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 (ACRE2) CUP Terrains RHS Escalation Where you can find us: Website: https://www.carpenoctem.co/ Teamspeak: ts3server://ts.carpenoctem.co Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/4EkAKg4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarpeNoctemArma
  12. 1 MERCIAN REGIMENT, British Arma 3 Semi-Realism/Semi-Professional Military Simulation Unit. The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire, Worcesters and Foresters, and Staffords) is an infantry regiment of the British Army, which is recruited from five of the counties that formed the ancient kingdom of Mercia. Known as 'The Heart of England's Infantry', it was formed on 1 September 2007 by the amalgamation of 3 existing regiments. The Regiment has had eight operational deployments since its formation. What's this Military Simulation Unit all about? This Milsim Unit is built upon the foundation of enjoying Milsim within a Semi-Professional environment with like-minded players and a friendly staff team, we strive to be a well established and organized community which partakes in various Training, Operations, Deployments, and Community Events which will take our members through realistic training and well-built Zeus operations giving them a unique experience playing Arma 3. We plan to have a professional structure while in training and combat scenarios but also have banter outside the fight within this community. Reasons to enlist with 1MERC: 1. Simplistic Recruitment System, simply fill in a short Enlistment Form, and once accepted you're good to go. 2. Useful Training, our Combat Infantry Course provides you the knowledge you'll need to fight and survive within the virtual warzone, already know your stuff? you may only need a refresher to our specific style of training before being qualified as a full member of the group. 3. Additional Training, where possible we like to teach new skills including additional weapon platforms to train on or even new trades which will include Recce Platoon, Mortars, Aviation, and Snipers in the future as we continue to expand. 4. Future Deployments, we are planning for advanced Deployments in the future ran by our Dedicated Zeus who has years of experience creating a whole story for the Unit to follow, who knows what is to come. 5. Civilian/Military/Government Interaction, some of our Missions, Operations, and Deployments will have our soldiers meeting authentic personalities which further immerse them into the story that is being told, who you meet may even change the course of the battle. 6. Specialised Modpack, our Modpack is made with lots of well-known Mods and has been built to ensure the Unit is well equipped for various scenarios. 7. Kit Customisation, we have a balanced way for players to customize their kits while not straying too far away from uniformity, as long as players carry the required gear they have some legroom for additional kit and some choice for how they look. Unit Requirements: We are looking to build and improve upon a Semi-Professional Unit that can take on a variety of situations in the field, any interested personnel should read the following criteria: -Applicants should be at least 16 Years Old when enlisting. (Exceptions may apply.) -Applicants must speak fluent English. -Applicants must have a legal copy of Arma 3. (No DLC Required.) -Applicants require a working Microphone, Discord, and TeamSpeak 3. -Applicants should have their Steam Profile set to "Public". -Applicants must be willing to attend Training and Operations on a weekly basis, should they be unable to attend they must fill out a Leave Pass form and notify their IC of absence. Offered Positions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ioBUP9SNvuXqURB2HL42OUkvQdXLw13wXlB48s65DXk/edit?usp=sharing 1MERC takes part in Weekly Training and Operations, we plan to prepare for a possible Deployment sometime in 2021 once the Unit has time to go through Home Rotation. We have Training planned weekly on Fridays starting at 1900 GMT and Patrols/Operations on Saturday starting at 1900 GMT, additional events are held through the week when enough people request them including Recruit Training. (Combat Infantry Course) 1MERC is willing to discuss potential mergers with smaller British groups who are looking to merge into another group, please contact Lt. Lee [1MERC]#6253 via discord to discuss details. If you are interested and would like to enlist please join our discord below and follow the given instructions. https://discord.gg/MG82ycv
  13. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  14. //THE PITCH/ ‍If you’re looking for a group of tight-knit players & an entirely new perspective on MilSim RP, look no further. DAGR operates on the basis that all members are capable of executing orders effectively with advanced knowledge of not only the game and its environment, but basic Role-Playing knowledge as well. Some training may be required; We aren’t here to babysit you, but we don’t mind showing new players around, either. Join DAGR today & be deployed to over 10 different AO's around the world under armed forces from any NATO nation imaginable. Take part in full scale international operations with Dynamic Recon Ops' replayability & functionality. Literally hundreds of uniforms, camos, accessories, gear & fully licensed models of every NATO nation's arsenals. Not to mention the countless uniform patches for RP purposes. Take the next step with a uniquely casual military-rp community. All the tactics & gear, comradery & fun without the ass-kissing & time-wasting of typical MilSim servers. //ORIGIN STORY/ Defense Alliance of Global Resurgence (//DAGR/) is a fictional peace-enforcement initiative set in the A3 universe established by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in June of 2030. DAGR is a collaboration of allied nations whose primary objective is to bring diplomacy to poverty stricken, war torn countries with limited resources & provide them with security, medical, & technical aid. In addition to re-establishing local governments, DAGR is assigned to assist in the training & development of local law enforcement, military & other key government institutions. (read full dagr lore here.) //REQUIREMENTS/ We are currently reviewing applicants from around the world & whilst we are eager to welcome all, we must first verify that you meet our basic requirements... ‣We are a mature gaming community & as such must insist that all applicants be the age of 16+. (Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, please contact DAGR administration with any & all queries regarding our minimum age requirement policy.) ‣You MUST have a legal copy of A3 & install our modpack in order to participate in training & missions. ‣You MUST have a good quality, if not above average microphone & a copy of Discord installed on your PC. ‣You are only required to attend 1 operation & 1 training a month to retain active duty status. (Our operational schedule is currently under development whilst we gain community feedback. For the time being, we operate on a day-to-day basis in Pacific Standard Time.) ‣ You will be implemented in any number of positions in a unit and must be able to represent critical thinking skills & communication within operations as a team. //HOW TO APPLY/ ‣Visit our website @ natodagr.com ‣Click "Join Now" on the main page. (Alternatively, feel free to scroll down to the application page & learn a bit about us on the way.) ‣Read the instructions & proceed to your Selection Assessment ‣At the top, you will see our list of Requirements, give them a read & complete your application. (same as this forum post, disregard if you have already ready them) ‣Join our Discord & inform yourself on our community structure whilst you wait for a Recruit Liaison. //SERVERS/ We are a Discord-centric community & therefor do not use INVISION BOARD or the PERSCOM system. Discord is our main communications hub for all off-base communications. We do however utilize TFAR with our private TS3 server. //QUICK LINKS/ WEBSITE MODPACK DISCORD A3 UNITS CLANLIST PAGE VOTE FOR US ON CLANLIST! SPOTIFY PLAYLIST YT (under construction) IG (under construction) Thank you for taking the time to read our pitch, we know you have a lot of options when it comes to A3 communities & we appreciate your interest in ours. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me personally via Steam. -Sean Dugan Commanding Officer //DAGR/ Headquarters
  15. RATS NEED YOU! ----------------------- "Rats, we're rats. We're the rats..." ARMA 3's, RATS PACK is a new Unit/Squad I, the Rat King, have created for two things. Fun and Strategy, but mainly the first. Right now we have two members including myself and my best friend but we're looking to expand and need YOUR HELP to do this. What we're looking for are semi-serious people who can work well in a team, have good ears for following instruction, and are good at having a good time above all else. YOU MUST BE OLDER THAN 16 YEARS OLD AND MUST OWN A DECENT-ISH MIC. CONTACT INFO vvvvvvvvvvvvvv Steam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/bymylifeandmyloveofit/ Discord: Rat King#9017 Email: sheridanvarn@gmail.com
  16. Who are we and what do we want? The United Islands of Duala (UID) is a small, semi-milsim unit focused mostly on infantry-based combat. We are looking for dedicated, committed individuals who have a working mic and are willing and able to join many if not all ops. We do not have an age limit but we do expect maturity from everyone during operations. Basic Information The points ahead will give short and concise information about this unit. Own storyline TeamSpeak 3 + TFAR First-Person View only Focused on motorised infantry… for now. Events at 1900CEST Dedicated Server Semi-MilSim ACE interaction If you feel like all of these coincide with you, please continue reading. Requirements? What we require of you is to...: ... have a clear, working mic. ... download our modpack and keeping up-to-date with it. ... listen and do as you’re told by your superiors. ... be friendly towards your battle-brothers and superiors. What roles are open? In UID, the squad leader decide the role for the soldiers in an operation before heading out to an AO. In certain cases we offer specialized training for soldiers interested in a specific role. These roles include: Section Commanders (Squad Leader) Fireteam Leaders Light Machine-gunners Medics General Purpose Machine-gunners Marksmen (in special cases) Who do I contact? If you’re still interested in joining our unit or have questions then add these people: LCpl Mildly Pvt Fish Sgt Pop Thank you. Media:
  17. Epsilon Community (here forth called: Epsilon.) is a semi-serious, modification intensive and player-first community. Our primary focus is on the game: Arma 3. Please feel free to hop onto our discord for a chat or to ask any questions. We are looking for any players that wish to enjoy the following content: - Utilising quality scripting along with excellent Zeus co-ordination, allowing for the correct pace for both the player and Zeus. - Striving to achieve excellent team play and allow for the best combat experience, with realistic tactics and communication. - Our missions being curation with each community suggestion in mind. With having over 33 members and counting, we always for ways to keep things fresh, but still familiar. Epsilon is built from the perspective of each of our member's opinions formed through polls and general discussion. You can view all of our relevant pieces of information at: -- General Information - Website: https://epsilon.community -- Communication Outlets - Discord: https://discord.epsilon.community - Twitter: https://twitter.com/EpsilonCmty - YouTube: https://yt.epsilon.community -- In Game - TeamSpeak: ts.epsilon.community - Server 1: s1.epsilon.community:2312 - Arma 3 Server - Private Modded Operations - Server 2: s1.epsilon.community:2322 - Arma 3 Server - Public Liberation - Server 3: s1.epsilon.community:2332 - Arma 3 Server - Public Warlords - Server 4: s1.epsilon.community:2342 - Arma 3 Server - Public Modded Liberation - Server 5: s1.epsilon.community:2352 - Arma 3 Server - Private Modded Antistasi Private = Passworded. Modded = Uses Mods. -- Specific Documentation - Modification Lists and Download File: https://mods.epsilon.community https://ranking.epsilon.community https://guides.epsilon.community/install-and-load-modifications/ https://guides.epsilon.community/install-and-load-task-force-radio/ -- Misc Links - Arma 3 Units Page: https://units.epsilon.community - FAQ Page: https://faq.epsilon.community Please feel free to hop onto our discord for a chat or to ask any questions.
  18. 2 PARA is a British Realism unit. We started off in ARMA 2 in 2014, but have now returned in ARMA 3, with many of our old members joining back to re-create the fun we had back then. Our aim is to provide a realistic, but fun experience to all of our members through our high quality missions every Saturday at 8pm GMT (Or BST during summer). We use a variety of mods, such as ACE, ACRE, and a collection of British Unit and vehicle mods to allow us to emulate the parachute regiment. Why join us? We play Arma in a tactical, realistic way, using teamwork to achieve our objectives. We have a simple phase one training, therefore this group is perfect for those that want a mature, tactical community, but maybe don’t have the time or the interest in hyper-realistic milsim groups as we don't try to match the real world procedures. The term we use to describe this is 'casual milsim'. If you cannot attend every mission due to other commitments or uncertainty, you can also join the reserves; this allows you to join in when you’re able, although you won’t be able to have any specialist roles. Requirements We have some basic requirements we ask from people joining, but the most important is for people to be mature when we are playing: Mature Working Microphone Own Arma 3 (No DLC required) Speak English fluently Can attend trainings/missions at times above (unless reserves) Not in another group already (that clashes with our times) Extra Info We use highly modified and simplified British tactics to fit the game. Our main aim is to have fun. We aim to achieve this by using teamwork in an efficient and professional manner. The ranks we have are 'functional’. They only exist to fit their own function. For example, as we are only up to one section currently, there is only a need for a Cpl to lead them. We are based on the Parachute Regiment, therefore our main role in conventional warfare will be para-drops and air assaults. Whereas, in counter insurgency campaigns, we will be replicating what most modern forces do in conflicts like Afghanistan and Iraq. You do not need a specific interest in the Parachute Regiment or the British Army to join, although you will get most out of the unit if you do. If this post has managed to persuade you to sign up or at least ask a few more questions of what we can do for you, then either sign up on the website - https://2-para.co.uk/ - or, add me on Steam - razer313 Thanks for reading, hope to see you soon!
  19. 142nd Airborne Division "First to Kill, Last to Die" What is the 142nd Airborne Division? The 142nd Airborne Division is a newer Arma 3 Milsim unit centered around having fun and intense operations. Started in early May, the 142nd AD is a newer Arma milsim focused on the United States Army's Airborne Divisions, a group of elite soldiers utilizing tactics from H.A.L.O jumping to night parachute drops to insert behind enemy lines. Our purpose at the 142nd is to keep things serious but still enjoyable. We don't want "yes sir" and "no sir", no biting your head off over calling a NCO "sir", and no cancelling op's to substitute in "training days". We believe that even though this is a milsim group, it is still first and foremost a video game and meant to be enjoyed. We also understand that life comes first and attendance isn't a do or die situation. Need to miss an op for something? Just let your CO know you won't make it and you're good to go, while we hope you are an active member of the community, life comes first. The 142nd offers a slew of MOS options for you to choose from, with possibly more on the way! Rifleman Combat Medic Automatic Rifleman Marksman Light Anti-Tank Radio Operator Aviation Combat Engineer Helpful Links and Information 142nd Airborne Website Our Steam Group My Profile - Contact me for questions! Church, one of our co-owners - Contact for help and assistance! TeamSpeak 3 IP:
  20. Tactical Gaming is a widely established community, with games ranging from MOBAs to FPS's. Our Arma 3 division is a very strong and tight-knit community. We hold operations, FTX's, and side missions every week. We have "mandatory" practices every wednesday and sunday at 1900EST for US, and 1900CEST for Europeans. If you are interested, send in an application at TacticalGaming.net and we will have you saving the world with us in a timely manner. Hope to see you out there soldier!