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  1. **CASUAL** through the week, but with Semi Mil-sim Operations on the weekend. *Mechanized Unit focusing on 24/7 Servers, rotating monthly through several custom game mods [Liberation, Alive, Antistasi, Custom] provide daily engagement for the members. Optional training is provided on the weekend, with no training requirements to play through the week. Jump in and play mentality. Large and growing with 5+ years of experience.* - 24/7 Main Server - 24/7 Public server - Daily small activities - Weekly Operations - Casual gameplay outside of Operations - All roles available to new players - Unit Custom Mod - Prior and active military, Leadership. *Age not enforced, Maturity is enforced* https://discord.gg/7Kh67RXNpu Unit patch link: https://units.arma3.com/unit/taskforcesilverfang
  2. ▌Group: Canadian Tactical Group ▌Branch: Hardcore Milsim ▌Main Language: English ▌Timezone: GMT (but accessible to everyone around the globe) ▌Operation Times: Saturday, 15:00 GMT (3:00 PM GMT), with trainings depending on the squad you'll be inducted in. ▌Operation Type: Professionally Zeused and hand-tailored to the unit's needs. ▌Required Mods: Some of the most used ones, 28 mods that induce complete realism. ▌Additional Info: Hello and thank you for your interest in the Canadian Tactical Group, ▌Here's a rundown of what we do here:▐ ⬢We hold immersive and qualitative battles ⬢ The Canadian Tactical Group has professionally Zeused operations, hand-tailored by our veteran Zeuses to create a fun and realistic environment. The operations that we do are unconventional warfare, reconnaissance, counter-terrorism and direct action. Our missions consist of VIP captures, raids, assassinations, and reconnaissance. ⬢With our experienced Zeus (who has years of experience), we make our missions professional and unlike anything you’ve seen before.⬢ If you are interested, please message us or click the link below to join and we will be with you right away! 😀 Message: Duck Man#8773, Calin#6538, or Mayer#4868 https://discord.gg/KqyU7F7 Thanks!
  3. Hey! JSDF or Joint Strategic Defence force are recruiting! We are recruit new and old players you don't have too have any experience at all. we are at NATO based unit but also from time to time we try different genres and settings like 40K, Halo and WW2! Rules: Age Requirement - 16+ Be Kind and Respectful - Here is a short trailer of what you could expect of our unit! We have Operations at these times : Main Operations 7:30 pm GMT on Saturdays & Sundays Training's 7:30 pm GMT on Wednesdays We are very laid back as a unit for the majority but we can be more serious if that's what your into. If you have any questions about joining the unit join our discord https://discord.gg/mzZr3vT ! If you do want to join JSDF Click this link too sign up! https://www.jsdf.co.uk/recruitment I will see you on the battlefield!
  4. //THE PITCH/ ‍If you’re looking for a group of tight-knit players & an entirely new perspective on MilSim RP, look no further. DAGR operates on the basis that all members are capable of executing orders effectively with advanced knowledge of not only the game and its environment, but basic Role-Playing knowledge as well. Some training may be required; We aren’t here to babysit you, but we don’t mind showing new players around, either. Join DAGR today & be deployed to over 10 different AO's around the world under armed forces from any NATO nation imaginable. Take part in full scale international operations with Dynamic Recon Ops' replayability & functionality. Literally hundreds of uniforms, camos, accessories, gear & fully licensed models of every NATO nation's arsenals. Not to mention the countless uniform patches for RP purposes. Take the next step with a uniquely casual military-rp community. All the tactics & gear, comradery & fun without the ass-kissing & time-wasting of typical MilSim servers. //ORIGIN STORY/ Defense Alliance of Global Resurgence (//DAGR/) is a fictional peace-enforcement initiative set in the A3 universe established by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in June of 2030. DAGR is a collaboration of allied nations whose primary objective is to bring diplomacy to poverty stricken, war torn countries with limited resources & provide them with security, medical, & technical aid. In addition to re-establishing local governments, DAGR is assigned to assist in the training & development of local law enforcement, military & other key government institutions. (read full dagr lore here.) //REQUIREMENTS/ We are currently reviewing applicants from around the world & whilst we are eager to welcome all, we must first verify that you meet our basic requirements... ‣We are a mature gaming community & as such must insist that all applicants be the age of 16+. (Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, please contact DAGR administration with any & all queries regarding our minimum age requirement policy.) ‣You MUST have a legal copy of A3 & install our modpack in order to participate in training & missions. ‣You MUST have a good quality, if not above average microphone & a copy of Discord installed on your PC. ‣You are only required to attend 1 operation & 1 training a month to retain active duty status. (Our operational schedule is currently under development whilst we gain community feedback. For the time being, we operate on a day-to-day basis in Pacific Standard Time.) ‣ You will be implemented in any number of positions in a unit and must be able to represent critical thinking skills & communication within operations as a team. //HOW TO APPLY/ ‣Visit our website @ natodagr.com ‣Click "Join Now" on the main page. (Alternatively, feel free to scroll down to the application page & learn a bit about us on the way.) ‣Read the instructions & proceed to your Selection Assessment ‣At the top, you will see our list of Requirements, give them a read & complete your application. (same as this forum post, disregard if you have already ready them) ‣Join our Discord & inform yourself on our community structure whilst you wait for a Recruit Liaison. //SERVERS/ We are a Discord-centric community & therefor do not use INVISION BOARD or the PERSCOM system. Discord is our main communications hub for all off-base communications. We do however utilize TFAR with our private TS3 server. //QUICK LINKS/ WEBSITE MODPACK DISCORD A3 UNITS CLANLIST PAGE VOTE FOR US ON CLANLIST! SPOTIFY PLAYLIST YT (under construction) IG (under construction) Thank you for taking the time to read our pitch, we know you have a lot of options when it comes to A3 communities & we appreciate your interest in ours. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me personally via Steam. -Sean Dugan Commanding Officer //DAGR/ Headquarters
  5. Re-Activated December 28 2018 to counter the growing threat of CSAT and insurgents forces. All new recruits are to report to their nearest recruiting office for assignment. Recruiting Station https://discord.gg/NHzqFws Who Are We? -We are a Arma 3 tactical realism community for those who seek tactical team play, and others who want to relive that awesome military life with out the garrison customs and courtesy drama like cult thingy. Our community fosters new players and understands most have been playing fortnite, battlefield and Call of Duty their entire lives. We are here to help you transition from run n gun Rambo lone wolf solid snake American sniper tactics into awesome well oiled CSAT killing tactical machines. We also understand that sometimes a lot of what we teach doesn’t make sense to those accustomed to player revives with a dirty reused needle. So here we offer open membership to all our causal players to come and join us on our Dedicated Server and teamspeak channel to help us take some of these towns on the chaotic KP liberation mission. If you find out that you kinda like the team and some of the Official unit members then ask to officially join the unit. What do I have to do to join the Unit? -Good question! Most of that information can be found in that discord channel I posted in the beginning. But to give you a barnie style breakdown, you first need to attend the units basic training which is broken down into 3 30-60 minute sections Red, white and blue phase. The basic training will go over unit standards, tactics and all roles available for you to fill. After that there is specialized courses for various roles. You can specialize in one or be a jack of all trades, it’s up to you! When do you guys play? - the peak hours among the unit is around 1800 Gmt and we normally hold training on Tuesdays and Fridays, with unit operations on Saturdays. Any other days of the week are normally casual days so jump on and have fun. Can I be pilot? -Sure.....in casual gameplay, going to go ahead and assume you just downloaded the game. So if you want to be a unit pilot I’d prefer you practice, and learn to hurry up and wait. Because having planes blaze down an entire village before the troops get there is kinda a immersion killer. Can I fly Transport? -only if you can land Why do you only have slots for certain roles? -let’s put it this way, if your playing on a football team your likely not running the football if your a lineman and probably not catching the football if your the quarterback. Every position has a role and specific task and if one person is not sticking to their role the whole team fails. So in the 32nd ID we build our squads in a way where just about all tasks can be completed with the least amount of players. A Squad typically consists of about 9-12 players —ALPHA TEAM— Team leader Rifleman. (AT) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman --BRAVO TEAM— Team Leader Rifleman (SDM) Grenadier Automatic Rifleman —Command Elment— Squad leader Medic RTO/FO/JTAC Machine Gunner Other roles are planned for the future as the unit expands but for now we ask that players become familiar with the available roles. And fill them when needed. How to I get into the server or teamSpeak? - super easy, first join the discord and look in the appropriate channels or direct connect here: https://units.arma3.com/unit/32ndinfantry Hopefully you fill all warm and fuzzy inside about what we offer here, and muster up the courage to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask either here, the discord or in game and will try are best to answers all reasonable questions. See you soon........
  6. About 10th SOC The 10th SOC is a professional Mil-Sim unit adapting real life tactics for use in game, if you are tired of playing with public players who have no structure, and no sense of leadership. Then the 10th Special Operations Command is exactly what you are looking for. We are not a realism unit. We are a Military Simulation Unit. Our training system is ran and taught by actual Combat Veterans that have served in the military at home and overseas. Our SOC is comprised of three major battalions. All of which, new applicants can tryout for right out of the gate. Each battalion has their own unique training regiment and expectations. So before joining, make sure you fully understand those requirements. The unit has been around for nearly 10 years. We have a decade of experience in mission creation, training and operational knowledge. If you want an organized unit that trains and practices, this is the place for you! Each new recruit, will join our one week Delayed Entry Program(DEP). From there you have the ability to play in our weekly and nightly operations. During this time, you will learn about each battalion, unit rules, training requirements etc. This will give you time to determine if this is the right unit for you. Also, you are being evaluated by leadership to ensure we have a good fit for you. Battalions: 75th Ranger Regiment- Currently Recruiting Light Infantry: Our primary Infantry section. Offering the largest variety of roles from Infantry, Medical, Department Shops (S1 - S5) Once completing BCT(Basic Combat training) fixed to the mechanics, and in game use of tactics, basic marksmanship, and discipline installment. You will be placed into the 75th as PV2 with a front row seat on the battlefield. Where further training will be implemented through out your career. 10SFG- (SFOD-A) - Special Forces Detachment: Limited Availability: The 10th SOC's Pinnacle of training, and experience Special Operations team. Providing Asset and Strategic Demolition, Intelligence and Recon, and HVT Neutralization. Some of our unique training include SWCC, Marksmen, Explosives, and many more. The 10SFG is the scalpel of the group and is sent in to do a variety of task as mentioned before. The 10SFG is recruiting members for the following MOS's: WEAPONS SERGEANT (18B) ENGINEER SERGEANT (18C) MEDICAL SERGEANT (18D) COMMUNICATIONS SERGEANT (18E). If you are interested put in an application using the link provided at the bottom, and when you join our discord ask for either any SF recruiter or a ODA member. Lastly here is our recruitment video for SF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtlpxsGUOhg 160th SOAR - Fixed and Rotary Wing Assets: Currently Recruiting: The 160th SOAR is the 10th SOC Air asset battalion. With fixed wing and rotary assets, the unit is equipped to handle all engagements and support roles. Specializing in reconnaissance, tactical insertions, air support, close air combat and much more, the 160th SOAR is a highly trained aviator unit. The training requirements for this battalion is very rigorous and requires many hours of training before being deployed in a operation. If flying is your passion, 160th SOAR is for you! Training: As a new recruit you will attend Basic Training as well as Advance Infantry Training. From there, you will go on to your specific training in whichever battalion you wish to join. Additionally, we have weekly Unit Wide Trainings and side operations that sharpen your skills. The 10th Special Operations Command Potential Applicants Requirements for Applicants are as follows: Age of 16+ Working headset/mic Discord Teamspeak Arma A3Sync How To Join Join our Discord Fill out Application at: https://10soc.com Speak to a Recruiter in our Discord Join Arma Units https://units.arma3.com/unit/10soc
  7. Teamspeak IP: Ts3.3rdSFO.us Public Server IP: Port: 2542 Map: Clafghan Game Type: Insurgency (ALIVE) High Traffic Time: 8:00pm-12:00am Central US time Server side mods (Required): CBA ACE3 TFAR RHSUSAF CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Terrains - Core CUP Vehicles CUP Units CUP Weapons F/A-18 Claghan Alive The Mods 3rdSFO Runs includes above: BloodLust USS Nimitz BackPackOnChest ShackTac User Interface Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Advanced Urban Repelling Arma Enhanced Movement FIR Pilot&Crew Pack HMDs MOD (Metric) L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision Spec4Gear v4.6 Splended Smoke Theseus Services Steam Collection http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827107985 Server is open keys, so you can run any mods that you like. Just have the minimal required ones and you should be good.
  8. About Us The 1/75th Ranger Regiment aims to recreate present day army ranger operations. In the real world 1st Battalion is one of four battalions the fourth being a Regimental Special Troops Battalion. Our goal is to create an environment people enjoy being in by promoting professionalism and creating custom scenarios for all of our operations. Not only do we have 1st/75th RR we have a 160th SOAR Battalion attached to us. They provide 1st Battalion with Transport and Close Air Support throughout all of our operations. Training The 1/75th Ranger Regiment has a two phase training for anyone that wishes to become a Ranger. The first phase is Recruit training and second being Ranger Assessment & Selection Program. Both of the trainings teach you the basis for you to be effective in the unit and how we operate during our missions. Our Mission: Our Mission In Creating The 75th RR Is Foremost To Make A Community Where People Are Happy. We Believe that Fun and Professionalism Go Hand in Hand. We Want The Happy Balance That Brings Responsible, Professional People Into The Unit And Evolves It Into Something Better. Suggestions Are Something We Encourage, As We Know That There Are Always Ways To Improve. What We Have To Offer: A 24/7 Teamspeak Server That We Will Use For Operations And You Are More Than Welcome To Bring Your Friends To Play Games Here Dedicated Arma 3 Servers Custom Made Operations Tailored To Our Needs A Custom Modpack Created To Increase The Realism In Game. Dedicated Command Staff, Willing To Listen And Make Adjustments To Benefit The Unit. How To Join: Create An Application On Our Website, If You Need Help Feel Free To Jump On Teamspeak And Talk To A Recruiter! Requirements To Join: Minimum Age Of 17 (Can Be Waived But Will Be Difficult) Must Have A Valid Copy Of ArmA 3 And A Valid Player ID. Must Have ArmA 3 Apex DLC Must Have Teamspeak 3 And A Working Microphone Must Not Be Apart Of Another Modern Era ArmA 3 Milsim Unit Ability To Attend Unit Wide Events Willingness To Attend Trainings Of Platoon and Squad Contact Us! Our Website - Http://1st-75thrr.Ipbhost.Com/ Teamspeak - 75thrangerregiment.Teamspeak3.Com Steam Group - Http://Steamcommunity.Com/Groups/1st-75thRR Also Feel Free To Add Us On Steam!http://steamcommunity.com/id/Deckedmongo http://steamcommunity.com/id/CMuniz/ FAQ’s What Is The Age Requirement? - The Age Requirement Is 17 But It Can Be Waived. Do I Have To Have Apex Right Now? - You Do Not Need Apex The Day That You Join But It Will Be Necessary For You To Finish Your Initial Training. What Are Your Operation Times? - Our Main Operations Will Be On Sundays @ 1700 PST/ 1900 PST/ 2000 EST And Team/Squad Trainings Will Be Dependent On Where You Are Assigned. Keep In Mind These Times Are Flexible And Subject To Change!
  9. Hi I'm the leader of a group (Mastiff-Squad) we are looking for recruits as well as people who would like to join our servers and play with us. Anybody is welcome we just ask you remain mature and play nice with others as of right now we may be hosting a server in a hour or two if you need to contact me do so through my email: harlan201@hotmail.com or on steam as: nightblaze14 and on discord as: harlan201 thank you and we hope to see you soon
  10. Here at 3rd Special Forces Operations, we take pride in the leadership of true Arma series Professionals. Professionalism is the core pillar of the foundation upon which we build this unit; Confidence drives the various aspects of our Brotherhood--we all want to be good, and we all want to be better than we were the week before. At the end of the day, ladies & gentlemen, what we the leadership are looking for is not perfection, but rather the desire to see oneself improve. What sets us apart from other military simulation units is that we focus on and master the basics of infantry-based combat tactics in realistic battlefield scenarios. We are not just leading a group of subordinates: we strive to lead one another as peers and uplift the unit together. To us, a team is not meant to be micro-managed, but instead, is meant to be provided a task and given the freedom to utilize the skill-sets and tools available to them to complete it in the most effective way possible. Our top priority is to accomplish the mission before us, and we will find the means to finish it no matter what it may take. If these basic principals are what you look for in a mil-sim unit, we would love to have you along for the ride. Cpt. J. Black What we want in a new join is the confidence and ready to be committed to a unit that puts hours of time so you can gain the experience you are looking for. We follow our rank structure, we have a solid event planning system, and most of all we have a full infrastructure ready to take on as many of you as possible. We are created and ran by veterans from many branches. It so happens that veterans understand the military very well and we were able to relate their experience to the arma 3rdsSFO community. So if you're ready for a Realism unit that is not going to crash like the last five you have been in, come roll casually with us on our Insurgency server and learn what is the 3rdSFO! Operation Timezone: Central US time or -6 GMT Game Type: CO-OP and PVP Teamspeak IP: Ts3.3rdSFO.us Public Server IP: Port: 2542 Map: Taviana Game Type: Insurgency (ALIVE) High Traffic Time: 2000-00 Server side mods (Required): CBA ACE3 TFAR RHSUSAF CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Terrains - Core CUP Vehicles CUP Units CUP Weapons F/A-18 Alive The Mods 3rdSFO Runs includes above: BloodLust USS Nimitz BackPackOnChest ShackTac User Interface Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Advanced Urban Repelling Arma Enhanced Movement FIR Pilot&Crew Pack HMDs MOD (Metric) L3-GPNVG18 Panoramic Night Vision Spec4Gear v4.6 Splended Smoke Theseus Services Steam Collection Server is open keys, so you can run any mods that you like. Just have the minimal required ones and you should be fine.
  11. Raiders International is a community of players who play a variety of mil-sim games in a team-work driven mindset. We find that playing with a group who communicates and works together, a more exciting experience for everyone. We play Squad, Escape from Tarkov, Arma 3, DCS, and others. From a family-fun adventure of Genital Jousting to a tactical loot run in Escape from Tarkov we do it all. We provide a resource-rich environment with our own public and private servers for the unit to play on, even if you can only participate for an hour in the week there is always something to play. We have a few requirements for our players. Some games may require mods, and we require you to have a mic for our Teamspeak Server. Players from all over the globe are joining up to play in kick-ass communities. Our clan is a relaxed mil-sim unit. Based on America's elite operating forces. We meet every weekend for gaming and other various operations in one of many games. Most of our members are veterans or active duty, while some are dedicated gamers. TL;DR Realism Unit Requires Mods Multiple Games Private and Public Servers Meets every week 18+ (younger requires unanimous vote) Check our website out. You know you want to.. raiders.damnserver.com You can also join our teamspeak at our.damnserver.com Or our discord server at https://discord.gg/6Rsdxeg
  12. Hello this is Col. AvengedCanadian of Strike Group 10 here announcing that we are now recruiting members to the unit! Strike Group 10 is a Mil-Sim unit based in ArmA 3, Strike Group 10 consists of the US Navy and The USMC. Here at Strike Group 10 we have a age limit of 16. The USN Part of the unit flys FA-18E Super Hornets and FA-18F Super Hornets off of the USS Nimitz to provide support for ground troops as well as to maintain air superiority, In the near future the USN part of the unit will also be flying E-2A Hawkeyes as well. Under the USMC part of the unit we have Infantry roles as well as Heavy Armour, Light Armour, and SOAR (Helicopers). Our Infantry roles range from a simple rifleman to a AA Specialist. The heavy armour we have are M1A1FEP Abrams. Our light armour consists of LAV-25's. For SOAR we have AH-1Z Vipers, UH-1Y Venom Gunships, UH-1Y's in a transport configuration, MV-22 Osprey VTOL's, and CH-53E Super Stallions. Here at Strike Group 10 we have a age limit of 16. Strike Group 10's training times are based around Atlantic Standard time GMT-4, we are an international group how ever the preferred language is english. If you are interested in joining Strike Group 10 you can contact us on our teamspeak at or on our website at http://strikegroup10.enjin.com/home Thanks for your time and consideration, Sincerely AvengedCanadian
  13. 56th Pararescue Squadron Do you like landing into hot LZ to extract downed team members and civilians? Do you like working under pressure? Do you want a mil-sim team which isn't to over the top? We are a stand alone division from within the Lowland Warrior Arma 3 mil-sim team based on the Pararescue teams of the USAF we use ACE3 Advanced Medical systems to add realism to what our team does for allied teams which request our help are missions are ran at GMT/ Zulu time as division is European Based. We are currently recruiting for both squadrons the 56th & 106th Vacancies are PJ/ Combat Medic Helicopter Pilot (Experienced/ Inexperienced) Helicopter Navigator (Experienced/ Inexperienced) Helicopter Crew Members (Experienced/ Inexperienced) PJ/ Combat Medic Role The PJ's are the elite ground forces that provide our Allies & Lowland Warrior team with the capability to execute these noble responsibility of Rescue, Recover & Return of Lowland Warrior or Allied team members in times of danger or extreme duress we also are used a spare sections when needed. 160th Pilots & Crew Role The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment’s mission is to organize, equip, train, resource and employ Army special operations aviation forces worldwide in support of contingency missions. 160th Pilots have the mission of getting us as close to the causalities as possible whilst the crew have the task of keeping the helicopter secure for ex-filtration by the PJ's whilst providing cover, when not flying PJ's in the 160th are used by the lowlands warrior team to fly attack helo's and transport helo's. Both of these roles are explained more within the forum, feel free to register and have a look around our website and hopefully you will enjoy your stay. If this sounds like a team which you would like to join the pop by our website and have a look around http://56thpararescuesquadron.enjin.com/