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  1. The Lowlands Warrior team has decided to start releasing Alpha stage mods in order to get more feedback on the content and maybe encourage more modders to join the team History Back in the early 2000's LLW started as a mod for the original Rainbow Six series, creating a large arsenal of NL Army/Marines weapons. Shortly afterwards they started creating content for Operations:Flashpoint (aka Arma: Cold War Assault) They released a large pack with terrains, vehicles, aircraft, weapons and units which what THE only dutch armed forces mod around at the time. Current plan The LLW team is not as big as in the old days. Many have stopped modding. Although, those who still have a bit of spare time dream about doing what was done before, this time in Arma 3. (Or 4?) Whatever we are creating now will be released here in the following posts. We hope every one will enjoy the mods, even while in early development stage. Website: Going through an overhaul...
  2. After long period of efforts finally HAFM Naval mod came to a point that I and my friend Devastator_cm dreamed. Version 2.0 practically is a totally new mod replacing the previous 1.5 version (in case both versions will be used at same time there will be incompatibility issue). Bringing new ships, weapons, actions and capabilities, as much as possible like in the real life without breaking the game fun was our goal. We believe that we approached it by the best possible way so far. This mod is coming after the successful Submarines mod, in order to complete another aspect of Naval warfare in ArmA 3. For compatibility reasons we decided and split these two mods using another one as Common part/mod for Core and Weapon parts. Due to this, the Common part/mod (Core & Weapons) together with CBA are required for Submarines and Ships mods as base, without a direct dependency between Submarines and Ships (Ships does not need Submarines to work neither Submarines need Ships). Ships mod consists by six new Ships plus two from the old mod. New Ships are: Turkish NAVY - Barbaros class MEKO200TN Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbaros-class_frigate Greek NAVY - Hydra class MEKO200HN Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra-class_frigate French NAVY - FREMM class Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FREMM_multipurpose_frigate Russian NAVY - Admiral Grigorovich class Frigate - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Admiral_Grigorovich-class_frigate Russian NAVY - BUYAN-M class Corvette - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buyan-class_corvette A replenishment ship for each BLUFOR and OPFOR sides. Also a variety of weapons - missiles - torpedoes - cruise missiles - countermeasures, together with defense systems, are included in order to make things more realistic. So these Ships will also include: - Active Radar Console (same as submarines but for shorter distances) - Anti Ship Weapons Console (Torpedoes - CIWS - Missiles) - Anti Missile Defense Console (CIWS - Missiles) - Torpedoes Console (for Ships and Submarines) - Countermeasures for incoming torpedoes (same as Submarines have) - Cruise Missile Console (for deep strikes) - Artillery Weapon (Artillery Cannon) - Boats for leaving/entering the Ships (mainly for missions) - Helicopter Landing (half-scripted - almost all helicopters can be land - unload cargo into Ship - load cargo from Ship - leave landing deck - etc) - AI logic (in case ships are controlled solely by AIs, will perform evasive maneuvers and auto-defend or fire against targets) - TFAR compatibility - Replenishment Ship, with options to rearm - refuel - repair any same side Ship will be close to it (by the meaning of some minimum distance) - Flags on ships (user can choose default flag texture or add his own through eden attributes) Finally, in order to support mission makers and ensure compatibility for missions that have been build using the old mod version, there is an Optional part/addon which mission makers can use in order to be able to rework their missions in ArmA 3 editor, updating with new ships (with this addon any old mission can be loaded in editor and old ships will auto-replaced by new ones). Ofcourse, a detailed operations manual is coming with that mod, explaining the most parts of it as well as a text file with classnames. Required addons/mods for either Submarines or Ships: CBA_A3 HAFM NAVY Core & Weapons - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523363834 Optional (for missions build using older ships version): Helper addon - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523395341 Pre-release forum Ships discussion thread: Submarines release forum thread: Submarines Steam download link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1362114638 Submarines Armaholic download link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33913 Ships Steam download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882 HAFM NAVY Collection : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543583710 Core & Weapons Steam download link (will be downloaded anyway with subs or ships - REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523363834 Helper addon for missions made using the old version ships (optional): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1523395341 Operations manual (also included) external link: Press here Bugs tracker: https://github.com/Aplion/Navy---Ships/issues
  3. Hello, I've been working on this for a little while and only really sharing it in a few discords, so I thought I might share this a little wider, I am currently working on a small mod project including several vehicles and items used by the British armed forces, I have no real focus other than on British kit in this project, with its development being rather sporadic (owing to my being a university student). https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2057281148 Planned Features: aircraft: Chinook HC6 Chinook HC5 Merlin MK2 Merlin MK4 TSR 2 ships: Archer class P-2000 (several variants) Type 31 Frigate Other: Several Buildings MK8 Naval gun MK4 Bofors MK3 Bofors Sylver VLS Sampson Radar S1850M Radar Artisan Radar 20mm Oerlikon 30mm DS30M All of the above have some form of a starting already, however, I wouldn't expect much soon, this is merely to show off what's coming in the future, any opinions, suggestions, or issues are more than welcome, positive or negative 🙂
  4. Hello I am currently recruiting for my Arma 3 server called "Arma Operations" We are a newer community with 20+ members we have a lot of spots that need filled I will list them below; * MEDIC * MARKSMAN * MACHINEGUNNER * ASST MACHINEGUNNER * ANTI-TANK * ENGINEER * EOD ( We are looking for Pilots as well ) And some more, basically all roles need filled, we currently have a few people who are looking to be in these kits so hurry up if you're interested. Our current op; Operation Hell Desert* Description; A small town called Laura has had recent reports of insurgents harassing and killing innocent civilians. The town has about 30 people living in it and 2 civilians are reported missing, We will be dispatching a fireteam to investigate further. Obtain information about the disappearance of the two civilians as well as the insurgents in the area. We do not know what to expect, follow ROE and check in with command, set up a perimeter and talk with the locals to gather intel. This community does have actual members who are in the Military, I'm the Owner and I do not place myself higher than anyone who wants to take a foot in leadership, I am here to Zeus. So if you're interested in filling some slots and having a great time come on down. ( We have 50 + mods ) Discord Link; https://discord.gg/b936rY3H6n
  5. Howdy, I'm seeking some help building a USS Liberty Template, making the AI move around in it, and also I'm looking for a NWU Type I uniform. First off, I have no problem placing the various turrets/weapons on the ship, and disabling AI pathing to place crew members and make them animated to sit/lean/kneel/repair whatever. My problem is making the AI move around in/on the ship, as they constantly get stuck, clip through walls, fall through the entire thing and land in the water, or refuse to move. AI troops disembarking from a chopper walk straight off the edge into the water. I tried making a 4-man CSAT diver team board the ship and attack the crew, but the just sit in the water, they absolutely refuse to use the 2 ladders. Finally, I'm looking for a Navy Work Uniform Type I (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navy_Working_Uniform). I've got RHS, General Equipment addon, VSM, and a whole host of others. I haven't found anything with the blue/grey digital camo used by the US Navy. Thank you in advance for any help.
  6. Malden Defense Forces Malden Defence Forces is a Faction modification for Arma 3. This project will attempt to add a realistic armed force to protect the island of Malden realised in the free DLC; Malden 2035. Alex and I plan for this to be our first co-production to allow us both to improve our skill set. Malden Defence Force, AKA MDF, will be a strong military force able to defend itself and the islands within its maritime borders. The MDF will have a Maritime Guard, an Army and an Air Force. With our first release slated to come out just before or a short time after the release of Malden 2035 DLC it will only include simple stand in representations and a custom camouflage and branch. Follow on updates will include the fleshing out of each branch of the military and special operations units for each branch. This will include new weapons made by Zeealex and possibility of new vehicles as well. After the conflict on Malden between the Soviet separatists and the American Forces subsided 1985 leaving Malden in an impoverished and diminished state. The elected officials deemed it necessary for the country to have a standing Defense Force to avoid the events of the flash-point conflict of 1985 repeating themselves. As the nation expanded its economic power through its resources like fish and creation of luxury goods such as wine. The military grew with it to allow for proper protection of its newly exploited assets. This led to several arms companies to get involved including Robertsen Waffenfabarik GmbH Limited which actively pushed forward weapons development projects for the Malden Defence forces, which included it first mass produced weapon system, the CWS68, entering into mass production in 2022 and issued to troops of the Malden Army in the following year. Development Note: The staged release is subject to change as the project progresses Stage 1. -Initial Proof of Concept - Creation of Faction with light role Infantry and Reconnaissance units. - Creation of a unique woodland camouflage suited for Malden's climate using images from Malden's terrain. - Creating suitable stand in equipment for the units mentioned above to be replaced later with unique equipment. Stage 2. -Fleshing Out - Development of the CWS68 primary service rifle based off of the MR-C Prototyped by Crye Associates will begin immediately following stage 1 release - Creating suitable stand in vehicles for units mentioned above to be replaced later with unique vehicles. - Configuring Squads and Branches within the MDF and making it Zeus-compatible. - Creation of a Malden National Flag as well as an MDF flag to replace stand in. Stage 3. - Further expansion of equipment and weaponry - Hopeful completion of CWS68 and implementation into the current MDF units. - Development of unique body armour, helmets and other unique equipment for staged release upon completion for Units mentioned above. - Development of secondary and tertiary camo patterns for the MDF including a Marine or maritime Camo and a Deployment Camo with matching equipment for each. Any help or assistance is appreciated, if you want to join along feel free Malden Camouflage made by Zeealex (and you know it... bitches... love, Zee ;) )
  7. Greetings from MilitaryGamers! This is an official recruitment post for MilitaryGamers.com, the world's premier multi-platform, multi-game online community for US military service members. We're always looking for men and women to join our ranks who have either served in the past, or who are still presently serving, in any branch of the United States Armed Forces. If you would like to learn more about our community, or if you would like to register an account and become a member, please head over to our website at www.MilitaryGamers.com. All recruitment is handled via our website. Once you've registered an account and have become a member, you will find information on our forums instructing you on how to join us in game and on Discord. About MilitaryGamers.com: Our members hail from every branch of the US military, nearly every occupational specialty, all rates and ranks, from E-1 through O-6, and from duty stations and their homes the world over. We have had a game branch (cabal, clan, corporation, fleet, guild, organization, society, squadron, unit, etc.) in nearly every major game title since 2007, where we have established a solid, respected name for ourselves. With thousands of members spread across countless games, we think you'll find that we're the last gaming community you'll ever need to join! Things You Will Find in the Military Gamers Community: Camaraderie, esprit de corps, professionalism, a relaxed, casual atmosphere, and most importantly, folks who "get it". As our motto, "Tantum Nos Teneo", states, "Only We Know". Things You Won't Find in the Military Gamers Community: Within the MilitaryGamers.com community, you will not find any "realism" units or the like. If that's what you're looking for, please look elsewhere. We do not simulate a military environment or organization. We don't have to. We've all "been there, done that". You won't find any phony rank structures or titles being worn by people who haven't earned the right to be addressed as such. We do organize our community staff, and occasionally some game branches using generic military titles, such as "MG CO", "MG XO", "MG Officer", "MG NCO", etc., because it is familiar to us and identifies who's running what within the community. These titles, however, do not magically bestow anyone with the right to expect anyone else to treat them as anything but an equal. We have members from all walks of life, all branches of the service, and of all rates, ranks, statuses, and vocations, and when they cross our doorstep, everyone is treated with equal courtesy and respect. Within the MilitaryGamers.com community you will not find any puffed-up "internet commandos" or teenage "squeekers" giving you orders. Everyone is 18 or older.
  8. WIP/BETA The last Brazilian Armed Forces update brought some naval units including: Three "Amazonas" class Ocean Patrol Vessels: P-120 Amazonas, P-121 APA and P-122 Araguari, each one with 2 organic RHIB's on each side. Those RHIB's are a port from Arma 2 ones, with new textures and new panel instrumentation (WIP) and are capable to carry up to 8 soldiers plus driver. All OPV's are REAL VEHICLES, movables and capable to receive helicopters on its flight decks, which have deployable fences and NVG landind guide lights. They are armed with one Bushmaster II Mk-44 30 mm front canon and 2 Bushmaster Mk-242 25 mm gun located at starboard and port side respectively. Commander has a FLIR pod located at the main mast. The vessel can carry up to 10 soldiers plus it's own crew, i.e: Driver, Commander and 3 Gunners. We'll increase that number to maybe 25. To do: - Be able to walk on it even when the ship is moving. - Detailed interior Lods for gunners, commander, driver and Cargo. - Proper damage configuration. - Custom sounds for engines and alarms. - Usable deck crane with slingload capabilities. - Deployable salvatage boats, for SAR missions... Exterior View Front Cannon Side Cannon Deployable RHIBs Functional Helipad One Brazilian version of Scorpène class submarine SBR S-40 Riachuelo. S-40 Riachuelo, is fully functional, capable of diving and "sail" around, it has two special features called: Emergency Dive and Emergency Blow, which you can dive or emerge more quickly. It is armed with SM-39 Exocet missiles, only capable to lock on targets and fire when surfaced, unfortunately. We'll implement in near future torpedo launch capabilities too. It can carry 22 soldiers as cargo plus its crew, and one mini sub or rubber boat on it's back for special operations insertions. To do: - Lock capabilities when submerged. - Disable water shader/effects when using internal lods, like I really would appreciate some help from Arma 3 GURUS on this feature! - Sonar for only subs or boats entities. - Acoustic countermeasures. - Torpedo launch script. - Recharge batteries snorkeling script Exterior view Interior view Exocet SM-39 As we always warn this is a WIP/BETA version and you can download it at: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=504306716 Please give us your feedback so we can improve it and correct bugs!
  9. Debatable Bravery Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) He saved hundreds but now he cannot save himself! Will you save him? 1.] Hypothesis: War is raging in the Mediterranean! Greek and NATO forces are battling CSAT forces. One of the battlefields? The island of Altis! Altis is where hostile Assault Force Viper conducts war crime operations. A few hours ago they even tried to ambush a convoy carrying locals to the hospital of Kavala! They were families in need of medical assistance. Gladly we found out about their plans and although the harsh weather conditions we immediately dispatched Jet Squadron Zeus to intercept them. Zeus managed to not only intercept Viper but they even caused heavy casualties to them! One of their Jets however was hit by an AA missile and the pilot had to eject North of Altis. So now we have to find and rescue that pilot. While we do so hostile troops are also trying to find and kill him. Why? Because he is not just a pilot. He is Greeces Minister of Defense! Once he heard that Zeus Squadron was missing a pilot, due to him being really sick, he jumped in the plane and went with! Losing such a person would be a disaster since he is someone who can greatly increase the troops moral and he is even the guy who organized and coordinated the retaking of Altis. So he might have saved hundreds of families but will he die, the whole Altis invasion might be at risk! 2.] Important details: a)To play in SP you have to be the GROUP LEADER of the SLING-LOAD chopper team. b)This mission has high replayability. The Jet Pilot's location along with all units' patrols are random. c)To control the ships you have to be the CAPTAIN of the wanted ship. d)In the airport the choppers can get repaired, rearmed and refueled. e)Playing in SP will be really hard so you can use the SP Friendly action located on a laptop at the start of the mission. f)In SP additional rescue teams will search and notify if they find the pilot but some are only available in MP. g)Respawn: Instant although there is no vehicle respawn 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Advanced chopper piloting and organizing abilities. 3.2]Technical: a)Arma 3 Apex b)Greek Navy - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207 c)CBA - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 d)ASR AI3 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: None 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.]Website SubLink: here 7.]Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-1/debatable_bravery.altis.pbo?dl=1 9.]Changelog Version 1.1: Added thermal vision to the already existing night vision of the ship crew members. Changed the ships to much better ones for both friendly and hostile units. Fixed glitch where the naval units would report the finding of the Jet Pilot again if it had already been found by the airforce units. Fixed glitch where the airforce units would report the finding of the Jet Pilot again if it had already been found by the naval units. Updated mission so as to make it compatible with the new version of the Greek Navy Add-On. Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great. If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits. Enjoy
  10. Emazz

    Call Of Arma 3

    Crew Expendable First mission of CallOfArma3 (cod4recreated) campain I recreated a merchant ship all whit static obj ( 5/6 hours) and more hours for a decor ship . But I'm really satisfied with the result , I await your feedback and criticism . =) You need a great Zeus or you cant play it Zeus task: You have 2 video to start by consolExc " play = ["videos\primo.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_PlayVideo; " for briefing and " play = ["videos\ultimo.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_PlayVideo; " for last part of mission You need to place a Document inside a radioactive container Put contact whit animation inside the first building More mission incoming stay tune https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1572979367
  11. Background Information Carrier Strike Group 15 (CSG-15) is a US Navy/Marine unit (28th MEU). We are currently looking for dedicated individuals who can put time and effort into our unit. We are a bit more laid back than some units, and also have many available positions, such as Pilots, Ship Crewmen, Regular Infantry, etc. Getting in is as simple as a brief interview to try to gauge out your experience with ArmA and other units, and to try to figure out where you'd fit in best. Furthermore, there is plenty of room for advancement. Generally, we run Ops every Saturday @ 5 PM EST. We frequently run ops on Sundays as well, training on Fridays, and we run events throughout the week (not necessarily ops) as member availability permits. Requirements Must have a working mic. Must speak fluent English. Must have TS3. Ability and willingness to download our Workshop collection. What makes us different? No obligations to attend every OP, however, we do appreciate people who show dedication. Plenty of room for advancement It's a naval unit, with the capability for large/grand air, land, and sea operations. Simple (for the time being) entry/eligibility for OCS/WOC. ArmA players of all nationalities, skill, etc. are accepted. Ran by competent and experienced leadership No "ArmA-drama" Our current numbers and open positions can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aOJNUvU8Qf0S1prQuzPh2RsRIOWk8JhBXS_XL00kRaM/edit?usp=sharing ***No matter what MOS you pick, you may be asked to perform Infantry duties if there are not enough Infantry, as there is no point in (for example) having 5 rotary pilots with 10 infantry guys.*** Links Teamspeak: Discord: https://discord.gg/UrW23gZ If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to leave a comment on this post, add me, or join the discord/teamspeak!
  12. flanders25


    Copyright 2016 flanders25. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Mr.Red Hi everyone! First off, the model was bought from turbosquid with an all extended uses license. I'd like to announce that I am currently working on an EA18G. A person and I started work on this a few months back. Currently, the model is complete as well as some textures and its just starting to be implemented in game. This does not mean it will be released soon though, as I am working on the CH-46 Project with NightIntruder and this mod is going to be a lot of work, especially for a new modder. So, enough of that and here are my goals First Release: - Firewills AWS intergrations (done) - Loadout/texture menu (done) - More then 2 textures minimum (done, 8 so far) - ALQ-99 Jammer (Most likely will be added into AWS, already discussed with Firewill) - Electronic attack script (Mostly complete) - Cockpit complete with working MFDs and gauges - Nav lights + landing lights and formation lights (done) - Nimitz compatible (done) - Custom sounds - Folding wings (done) - Air refueling (done) Team: SuperFastBlast (Scripts, animations, tester) Jones (Textures, tester) Greg (Cockpit Modeling) Firewill YanYat Cheng (Tester) Buck (Textures) Brian/Foxone (model work) Pinaz (Textures, scripts) TeTeTe (Animations, scripts, etc) thesn4k3 (cockpit textures) People that have helped: Peral There is a lot more, but these are just the basics I wanted to share with you guys. I really need help, it doesn't matter if you only know a few things, you are needed with his project. Please message me if you could help at all. Ill update pictures when its in game. I posted this early to try and get some help with this, as I doubt I can do this all on my own Consideration: If all goes well a pack is being considered to be made. It would include the F/18F, F/18E, but that is far in the future and if this goes smooth.
  13. This is the latest update of my Naval mod (version 1.5) On this update many issues have been fixed and the addition of two more ships raise the number to seven. Most of the ships that have boats attached on them, now have the option for player to detach them and move as crew into them. I'll not post any detailed changelog as I worked so many hours on this mod that I'm not sure of what I've changed after all. One is sure, that all ships are working fine and still are deadly using their weapons even if the AI are controlling them. This mod has been tested only in vanilla game, using CBA_A3 (which is required), so I'm not responsible for any conflicts that might occur using other mods. The mod is coming as modfolder ready and all files are properly signed. Also a server key is included, plus a classnames.txt file for mission makers help. Original Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/4aztxzghw6ayo9f/%40HAFM_NAVY_1_55.rar?dl=0 Steam Workshop Link : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118982882 Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207
  14. oldbear

    Encore Plus

    Studying additions and after doing tests on "Encore" Dev version, have gave me some idea of further developments and an "Encore Plus" DLC. Navy - bring in Arma3 an updated version of Arma2 LHD with an open wet dock, - bring in LCAC - bring in small fast missile launcher patrol catamaran. Air - add grey camo for Navy helicopters - add slow flying COIN air plane based upon Caesar BTT Modules - extend SpawnAI factions and extend compositions groups list
  15. Seal team 7 of the NSWG One is recruiting experienced Arma players. We are a serious mil-sims group based on the Navy's seal teams. We use many different RHS mods along with Ace and Ace 3 mods. We conduct various raids and missions throughout our campaigns. Our primary mission is to eliminate all threats that would seek to cause us harm. We strike with precision and skill. Weather it be a stealth mission or full fire, you can bet we will succeed or die trying. If you are interested in joining NSWG our teamspeak will be linked. Join the Teamspeak and hop into the recruitment channel. . Come check us out. We may impress you more than you realize.
  16. I am announcing today that me and Matchbox/M.Nelson are going to be making an MQ-25 for ArmA 3. the drone will hopefully feature a full rearming menu,Lesh tow compatibility, an Eden menu fold wings option, USAF refuel compatibility, a fully functional weapon bay, and lastly to be able to land on the Nimitz and take off of the Nimitz. As of right now we are just starting to project and don't have any photos to share with the community. if there is any reasonable suggestions or pointers for this up coming mod please don't be afraid to post them P.S. this is also our first mod so this might take awhile so bear with us ;) and since this is our first project we will be getting some help from some of the better known content creators in the community Edit: X-47B was renamed to MQ-25 Stingray
  17. DEVGRU is currently recruiting. We are looking for guys interested in joining a team that enjoys working together to complete opjectives and solve complex problems. Our goal at DEVGRU is to give you an amazing full filled fast paced experience. If interested please contact me on steam at any time. Available Positions in DEVGRU ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Standard Operator EOD Specialist Special Operations Combat Medic Communications Technician Forward Air Controller (FAC) Positions Available in 160th SOAR ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Multiple Positions Available for - Flight Aviator Multiple Positions Available for - Crewman Feel free to contact me at anytime. Thank You ! -SCPO C. Galahad -TS IP : | 6pm - 2 am EST -DISCORD: https://discord.gg/42KevD
  18. Squad name: FIRST STRIKE TACTICAL Timezone/location : -8 GMT / UNITED STATES of AMERICA Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: solidkreate@gmail.com Website address: http://1striketactical.proboards.com/ Short description: First Strike Tactical is a private military company owned an operated by Isaac Chavira in the Puget Sound of Washington state. We are a world wide deployable organization. Our company employs former military or police from all allied NATO countries. The Company motto is "Proelio Caedibus Temperatum" which means 'No Quarter'. We strike hard and we strike first anywhere in the world. We have a wide range of military gear that we employ to achieve our mission goal. This unit is a military realism unit. There is a hierarchy although we do not use standard or traditional military ranks. We use what are called 'Grades'. You will start out as a Grade 1 Operator or 'OP1G'. We do use rank insignias modeled after military enlisted chevrons for grades OP1G - OP12G. We are an ACE, ACEX and Task Force Radio squad. We also use advanced medical. There will be basic load outs however weapon choice is up to you. It is Operator preference with some exceptions. The only stipulation is if we are in the desert or woods that you dress accordingly (No enemy uniforms). Also no balaclava or schema only headgear. And the only banned weapons are AK or Chinese styled weapons i.e AK-47, AKSU-74, QBZ-95 ect. IR strobes are required during night operations and so are black uniforms and gear. We will have the basic roles for combat such as: Rifleman, Grenadier, Heavy Gunner, Engineer,Ant Air Specialist, Anti Tank Specialist, Sniper and Medic. JTAC Forward Observer/Striker Operators will also be used in our scenarios. Official designations are as follows: Field Operator-RF Field Operator-GR Field Operator-HG Field Operator-EN Field Operator-AA Field Operator-AT Field Operator-SS Field Operator-MD Field Operator-FS (JTAC Forward Observer / Striker) We hope you give us a try and enjoy your stay with us. Check out the link above and contact me for more information.
  19. G'day Blokes and Shelias around the World, today I want share, with you, a little project I've had on the back burner for the last few months, for the Obvious reasons; Lack of funds + absolutely no skills in Modding at all. So the reason I'm revealing it is because I want an Audience's opinion and see if there are Modders who want to give it a crack! be So lets get to the reasons you clicked on this Forum! *But first some Disclaimers; THIS DRONE IS COMPLETE FICTION THAT I CREATED, The other photo shown are taken off google and I don't own them (Obviously) Sencond, Please have leniency for the Concept art since the time it took to slap it together was 1 hour of dreaming it up before bed then 2-3 hours doodling in Microsoft paint* Now, let me introduce you to the MQ-56 Skua, Multi-role Aquatic Scout Drone. Built with the the purpose of handling the standard UAV missions and a little bit more! Armed with the "usual" UAV payloads i.e. GBUs, ATGM Hellfires & Laser designator. But it also comes with Combat Air Patrol capabilities Being the First Fixed-wing Drone with two AN/M3 50.cals, able to shoot as fast as the Infamous MG42, and the option to carry AASR Sidewinders. Let's list the full Payload & Missions it's good for; This Ship-launched drone is capable of the following task; Close Air Support, Combat Air Patrol, Recon, Artillery Observer, Anti-Submarine Warfare. MQ-56 MK1 (Stealth/Regular UAV) Radar 2x AN/M3 50.cals, 1200RPM 1000 rounds per gun Bombay capacity 2x GBU-12 Paveway II 4x AGM-114 Hellfire 2x AIM-9 Sidewinder MQ-56 MK2 (ASW) Airborne Sonar M3 50s, again Hardpoint; MK 46 MOD 5 Homing Torpedo Bombay capacity 2x AN/SSQ-47B Sonobouy 4x AGM-114 4x MK 34 Depth Charges (fictional) Concept art legend Clear cone window containing forward Pilot Cam and Radar Sensors/ Sonar for ASW Variant Air intakes 2x 50.cal AN/M3 (RPM:1200) 1000 rounds per gun Retractable wings that roll foward then fold back along the side of the drone flaps and ailerons Prop Propulsion twin tail rigging Rudder the Aft wing tips, folds vertical 3x Elevators Insignia as example Underbelly 12. Targeting/Gunner Cam 13. Weapons bay 14. engine exhaust 15. landing gear 16. plane floats 17. tail dragger landing gear 18. MK46 Mod 5 Acoustic homing Torpedoe Now how I figure how Sonar should be done is piggyback on the new Sensors Upgrade, futhermore the MK2s onboard sonar would be weak in strength but can be bolster when paired with some Bouys since they are stationary and transmit via radio, you get the idea, and most know how a bouy works; [see photo]. Anyway thats my pet project, well part one of it! (part 2 will go on my public feed) Hope everyone has enjoyed my ideas & I hope to get good reviews and critiques of my UAV design! (excuse any grammar that I missed, I'm picky about that) With Regards Digger James
  20. Before I ask the question about BI having variants for the F/A-181, I must point out something that frustrate's me about the release of an naval fighter without BI providing a proper landing platform for the crafts. Don't get me wrong, I love that BI has spent time and energy developing the Black Wasp II and Sentinel II for the community. From the beginning BI has focused its energies on land warfare, but through the years a section of the community has asked for more naval assets to accommodate the land warfare experience. As of to date here is where we are for ArmA 3. For the NATO Navy/Marine Corps we have the F/A-181 Black Wasp II, Sentinel II UCAV, SDV, Special Operation Divers (SEALs, Force Recon), and the AMV-7 Marshal. While there are no support platform to lunch from or to recover to. Yes there are mods of an aircraft carriers and amphibious ships. While one comes from ArmA 2, the other is from the community. Still they are not up to standards for the ArmA 3 platform. Due to ArmA 3 being set in the 2030's, the Ford Class CVN should be the mainstay of aircraft carriers for the U.S. Hopefully there will be more naval assets in future productions, but as always that looks bleak if we are to use the past as a road map for this outlook. Now for the question. Will BI provide both single and two seat variants of the F/A-181? What do you guys think?
  21. This is my first release of the HAFM NAVY mod. This mod has nothing to do with my basic one for Hellenic (Greek) Armed Forces mod and I'm releasing it as an individual part. The mod is consisted by 5 ships for the moment (2 Frigates, 1 Corvette, 1 Missile Boat and 1 Patrol Boat), which are fully functional. Also all ships have similar weapons capabilities and they are using PhysX engine. There are no other mods/addons dependencies and don't blame me in case of any conficts with other mods (tested using vanilla settings). Please keep in mind that this mod is still on beta version as ArmA 3 engine produces many issues on naval addons/mods. The mod is comming as modfolder ready and all files are properly signed. Also a server key is included, plus a .txt file with all classnames. UPDATED to v1.1 Download Link (primary): https://www.dropbox.com/s/gh8fnrs92m0g7o2/%40HAFM_NAVY_v1_1.rar?dl=0 Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32207 Changelog v1.1 Crew is no longer leaving ships or been killed when any ship is placed on EDEN editor. Ships speed and acceleration as also their generall behavior tweaked. Ships armor reduced to be more easily destructable. Frigates and Corvette front guns have changed ammo type to 127mm and 100mm (AI using them now). Added lights plus collision and markerlights. Some improvements on models and configs. Known Issues Big ships are still not following directly the waypoints especially if they are to close on them. Aplion
  22. Texture artist wanted for a few ship models I have completed, but haven't been able to texture. All the ships have walk-able interiors, and are mostly UV mapped. intermediate to advanced texture-work knowledge is required, and also some previous experience working with others is preferred. list includes several small ships, a couple destroyers, and a cargo vessel. Leave a comment, or PM me for more details. will not pay, but will give credit where due. (as any good community member will do) Cheers!
  23. Hello humans! So, i worked on a ship mod when i was in high school, and you may have seen it on the workshop or other places. I'll be honest i guess, it looked like a highschooler did the model and texture work, and i want to put out better. What I've decided to do is update the graphics and scripts of the 'Demise' Operations Vessel. The demise was designed to be a mobile platform for all sorts of coastal operations, with an armament designed to take out small ships and coastal armour, while still being durable and such. To make the vessel more realistic, I've decided to scrap the armament of the old mod and use weapons used by navies around the world. I've also redesigned the inner workings to accommodate the inner engineer within me (interconnected ventilation systems, wiring, etc.). What I hope to end up with is a ship that can be used by any Arma unit, and not just the ones who partake in naval combat. Proposed features (in order of importance): Some Screenshots so far: If you have any recommendations or suggestions for ship systems, feel free to leave em here. I'm also a university student so i may not have time to work on this from time to time. Also, if you wish to help with the mod, feel free to pm me. Thanks!
  24. What is NSWG 1? Naval Special Warfare Group 1 is under the Naval Special Warfare Command and operates in special warfare operations. It consists of a few SEAL teams and a few other units as well. What do we offer? Semi-realism (No "yes sir") Rank Structure Smaller modpack A variety of jobs and opportunities We are starting up so we have opportunities for admin and leader roles! How do you join? No age requirement, but be mature when in operations Speak fluent English Use our modpack If you comply to those, it's simple, join our teamspeak and talk to recruiter! Poke them, or leave a message if they're AFK. We welcome everyone. Hooyah! Arma 3 Units: https://units.arma3.com/unit/nsw1 Application: https://drive.google.com/open?id=14igWGRFpTjmL3ubHaDSJC4fbMR-1pOCYO5chqVL42Gg Steam name: Joosterr Teamspeak:
  25. CZN Masaryk aircraft carrier by DonbassCZ What? Czechs have an aircraft carrier? Not now but in 2020 we will have it. Some basic info: Displacement: 45k tones. Drive: 2 reactors, each with two steam turbines, supply two jet engines with a total output of 23MW. Height: 26 metres (to surface). Dive: 11 metres. Maximal speed: 25 nodes (46 km/h). Crew: 1100 - 450 vessel, 650 aviators. Price: 62 billion Czech crowns (only vessel) thats almost 1,5 trillion US dollars. About project: This project is inspired by the first Czech carrier of the Masaryk class. This class is very similar to the HMS Queen Elizabeth, which serves in the Royal Navy but its smaller. The ship is currently under construction in the Chinese shipyards of Changchun and its home base will be the port of Pula in Croatia. So far i have not started with modeling, but the only thing i can give you is a picture from the Ministry of Defense about a vessel. Also iam planning to make a Gripen Future2 jet which will be able VTOL land/take off and the AW101 helicopter. Also it will have self defense system like CIWS and 30mm cannons. There will be functional lifts, both islands (command centers) na the most of the vessel. It will be driveable. :) So here is that picture :)