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    • Hi JB,   Been playing around with it myself - since you pointed out that the Point was literally running around - I put him a crouch - slowed him down a bit - I like it better.   Great news. So many cool features in this mod.   As for SOG_AI - you and I seem to be on the same page with this stuff. It's about immersion as well as game play - I would try slow first and see of people complain - as I try to be realistic as much as plausible. I walk slow and look around pretending my life depends on it. MilSim like - without the live team members. I also set my squad without respawn - they die they die - it tends to make you more careful. One got hit with that spring loaded punji trap the other day - the poor guy got skewered and couldn't even fall down. Too cool - horrible and amazing at the same time.   With SOG_AI - one of my favorites is putting the squad in a defensive line - SOG Silence - SOG Form Line - SOG Go (macro) - it's real advantage when being pursued by a larger force. All your firepower from a prone position gives you a pretty good advantage over an advancing enemy. I just added the watch direction commands - so I can steer them to the threat axis - if they happen to be facing the wrong way.   Keep at it - sir. 😉   Regards,
    • Ok, so this is the beginning of my ArmA 2 OA series of flying videos.  Mostly in Chernogorsk.    Yes it is short.  I knowed that. Will get longer etc.   The idea is to create a decent cinematic of flying around Chernogorsk.  ( with my pal if he actually shoes up.... come on! )   All flying is done with my DIY flight controls and head tracking  and I will do a video covering that in the future.    The limbo is not very hard but it is a good test. Can you do it over and over ?  Touching the skids is a tricky thing, I'm not really sure if I am am but yes things can go bad if you are too low. And bad if too high.   The video is low res, I'm new and my PC is old. It's a feature!   Why do this? I love Chernarus and I love the AH-6, I also love aerobatics.    :- )   George.
    • Hi, welcome to the forum.
      When you create object with createVehicle, you can see that it returns object. That means we can save the returned value into variable and we will have reference to that object. 
      For this example I'm gonna  use global variable and will refer to it as "wall".
      when you want to set direction to object, you can use setDir command.
      so full script then looks like this wall = "Land_W_sharpRock_wallH" createVehicle getMarkerPos "marker0"; wall setDir 45; Assigning variables are basic thing to do in every scripting language. You will use it a lot.
      You can read this article to better understand how scripting works in general.
    • @scottb613Hey man, good news.  I've got a Take Point feature working well now ( in my dev version). My original failed approach was making player second unit in group and point first unit in group.  But your key combo approach of "selected unit advance" steered me to a working solution.  Since there is no Advance sqf equivalent command, I just send him X meters in direction player facing.  And I can toggle forceWalk on him, so he can move slow and stealthy, or fast.  Plus his stance copies player which also slows him down or speeds him up some.  It's pretty sweet.  Player follows Point at his desired distance, with rest of team following player as normal.  You can stop or redirect Point's direction of travel at any time, or take point yourself at any time.   Anyway, lots of testing still to do.   I want your opinion:  Should Point's default speed be fast or slow?   Player will have an action to toggle it.  I'm currently using default Slow as it makes more SOG tactics sense, but I expect players being impatient may more often opt for Fast.  Since you've been doing the point man thing for awhile, what do you think?  Default point speed Fast or Slow?