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  1. Hello, I am not too sure about the vanilla system regarding first aid kits, but as I understand it, if a player that is not a medic and does not have a medkit tries to heal himself or someone else with a first aid kit, then he should only be able to restore his health to about 75%. If you want to return a player's health to 100%, you should be healed by a medic with a medkit. I noticed on my missions that all players were able to heal themselves to 100% using first aid kits. I checked that this was indeed the case by using a little mod to show the health status, which can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1250429186. I am running a few scripts, but there is nothing that I implemented that should affect this. Is there a setting somewhere where I can change it back to the the vanilla system or a script that I can implement to force the system that I described above? Thank you
  2. A3 Wounding System _________________________________________________by Psychobastard Hello, this wounding system based on the AIS Wounding Module from BonInf*`s Arma 2 version. Again this one based on the vanilla wounding module from BIS. (but it wasnt MP compatible) Well, essentially not a completely new stuff. But i think this was one of the best wounding systems we had with Arma. Cause i wont miss it in upcoming Arma 3 missions i rewrite and expand the system for further use. The greatest advantage i see in the system is that you dont realy die before the unit go in agony. (what happens by any other normal revive system) That fact give the mission designer the possibility to create non-respawn missions with a revive system, too. The second big advantage is the possibility for unconcious players by pressing "W" to roll on their jelly and crawl forward or empty their loaded magazine. The following short video i had made in the early alpha state of the development. (over 8 month ago) The effects are completely reworked since this days. Nevertheless you can watch the core features of the system well. Core Features: - Fully AI compatible revive system - Fully SP/MP, HC and JIP compatible - Teamswitch compatible - Setup file to change easy the behavior of the revive system - A lot of options to choose between arcade or a more realistically usage of medics - Option to select a realistic damage handling (die immediately by heavy explosions f.e.) - Injury state without dying immediately - Compatible for missions without respawn - drag, carry, drop and load injury units - Option to change damage tolerance - A lot of visual effects and discreet information’s around the gameplay - Unconscious units are able to roll on their jelly and perform simple actions - Most time consumption actions are visualized and can be aborted if needed - Markers and HUD show injury units on the map (if wanted) Attention! - Update from 24.06.2017 or later - If you are a mission designer who already use this revive system and want to update your mission: Newest version is a complete rewrite with new setup file and new functions. I recommend to test the mission before you release a update with the new AIS revive script package. Screenshoots: ais_setup.sqf: Readme and Documentation: Download sources: Steam GDrive Have fun!
  3. All-in-One Single-Player Project by Leopard20 Short description: All-in-one Single-Player project is (at this time, will be) a collection of 3 separate addons that work in tandem to create the ultimate single-player experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Long description: Hello guys. I'm sure everyone agrees that the current state of ARMA single-player is not really playable (unless you're alone!). The AI are always a burden and hard to manage. Well, in this project, my goal is to change that. Check out the latest development videos on Superior Intelligence (aka Super AI) in the next post! This project will consist of 3 addons: 1. All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe ver.): The improved and enhanced version of my old , dusty mod, All-in-one Command Menu which itself was basically an improved version of WW AI Menu by Windwalking. 2. Superior Intelligence (WIP) 3. ADDON #3 (WIP) The other two addons are not "command menus" but something entirely different and crucial to the single-player game, and interaction with them will primarily be through All-in-one Command Menu. I will update this thread about the latest development status. Stay tuned! All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe Version) Current version: v1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2023) Some of you may have used, seen, or at least heard of my All-in-one Command Menu mod, which added many new capabilities to the vanilla AI. When I started working on that mod, I was completely inexperienced in scripting, and the mod, despite its great feature roster, became a poorly optimized and buggy mess over time. So I decided to rewrite the mod from the scratch; updated the visuals, rewrote most features and added many new stuff. Without further ado, let's jump into the feature list! Release Trailer: Additional Screenshots: Feature Overview: What's new since All-in-one Command Menu classic: This is a complete rewrite of the classic mod, so obviously there's so many changes. Here is some of the most important ones: Manual (MUST READ): Some of this stuff might be a little hard to grasp at first (but once you learn them you realize how easy and intuitive they were!). I'm very busy right now so I'll add a video tutorial later. For now, try to make do with these! Download: Steam Workshop GitHub Dropbox (Outdated) Google Drive (Outdated) Armaholic Installation (non-Steam): Note: The name of the mod folder has changed! Please delete the old "@AIO_AIMENU" folder if you have the classic version. F.A.Q: Donation and Support: If you like my mod and would like to support it, or you just want to buy me a drink, etc., you can become a Patron! Requirements: Community Base Addons (CBA)
  4. Kacper Nowak

    Burning helicopter

    Hello every one, I'm courius if there is a way to move a injured soldier from burning helicopter or vehicle as a Medic. Are there some ways? (maybe some mods) Thanks for answering
  5. The 28th Combined Arms Division ArmA Unit & Community The 28th Combined Arms Division’s main goal is to provide a positive experience for all, regardless of skill or experience. We are primarily an ArmA unit but we have grown to become a community of close knit friends and colleagues. Our leadership staff, active and retired, have spent hours creating an organized and fun environment for you to enjoy and experience MILSIM. We are a light infantry based unit, with armor and aviation supporting assets to help us complete the mission on the ground. Under steady leadership and systems established based on facts rather than personal interpretation, all unit decisions are made impartially and follow a standardized process. We have combat veterans and enlisted members from real life armed forces currently rostered who work to help develop leadership skills within our community. Application and Entry into the 28th Join our Discord linked at the bottom. Upon entry you will be greeted by a recruiter who will lead you through our induction process, which includes creating an account on our website, filling out an application form, completing a meeting in our TeamSpeak with your recruiter, and finally, completing Initial Entry Training at one of our scheduled times. Once these steps are completed, you are officially recognized as a member of the 28th Combined Arms Division and are free to specialize with specific training. Upon application and acceptance into the unit, members are required to complete 4 operations as an enlisted 11B Infantryman. Upon completion of 4 operations as an Infantryman, the member may request to transfer and train into our other specialized MOS’ listed below. Why do we require you to enter as 11B (Infantryman)? We use this system to streamline members into our more advanced MOS’. Spending 4 operations at minimum as 11B proves that you want to be integrated into the community, as well as providing you with the knowledge of our unit at the most basic but most important level. This system builds prestige within our specialized MOS’, as well as raising the base skill level of our radio operators, pilots, armored crewmembers and medics.If you choose to remain 11B, there is lots of opportunity for growth into leadership positions to help the unit and yourself grow as a leader. The 28th Combined Arms Division Consists of the Following MOS’: Infantryman (11B) After 4 operations as Infantry the following MOS’ open up to you, provided they don’t have a waiting list already: Bradley Crewman (19K) JFSS - Forward Observer (13F) Combat Medic Specialist - Utilizing KAT Medical (68W) Rotary Wing Aviator (153A) Flight Medic - Utilizing KAT Medical (68W-F2) We currently have 160+ people rostered and receive 40-50 members in attendance for main operations. We hang out in our teamspeak and play many different games together outside of operation times. Deployment Operations: Our main operations on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday consist of a persistent storyline throughout the course of 2-3 months to simulate deployments to various areas around the globe. Deployment patches can be found on the website linked below! Main Operations: Our Wednesday operations will vary on terrain and story, as we use these scheduled days to provide a different and refreshing experience outside of our deployment storyline. Operation and Training Schedule: Monday: N/A, subject to extra events Tuesday: Initial Entry Training @ 4PM EST Wednesday: Main Operation @ 7PM EST Thursday: Initial Entry Training @ 4PM EST Friday: Deployment Operation @ 7PM EST Saturday: N/A, subject to extra events Sunday: Deployment Operation @ 7PM EST Our load-in time for Operation Nights is 6:30PM EST with the Operation beginning at 7PM EST. Our Requirements: Working microphone and ability to communicate clearly. Speak and understand English. At least 16 years of age. Be able to commit to 50% attendance. (6 ops per month). Legal copy of ArmA 3. No VAC Bans on record. No DLC required. If this interests you, feel free to join our discord at: https://discord.gg/Deqf5wX Feel free to take a look around our website: https://www.28thcad.org/
  6. Hey. Some thoughts that have poked me... With the reception interiors of armored vehicles , it seems to me, that time comes for a useful update, which can greatly improve the gameplay of Arma3. Today, (v1.80) inside the vehicles AI or the player does not have the ability to treat themselves, despite the fact that majority vehicles abound with medications. This fact looks, at least strange, if not more. It seems to me that adding the ability to heal itself inside vehicles would be a perfect addition for Tanks DLC, since interiors can now allow the addition of self-healing animation inside vehicles. I think this feature is simply necessary for all passengers. On the positions of Driver / Gunner / Commander this may be a matter for discussion. Here's how I see the details. if vehicle has medicaments, then: 1. On the passanger places the player or AI must be able to handle a wound. The AI always should do it independently (if he is injured and is inside) 2. With the reception of armor interiors, self-medication inside the vehicle must have the treat-animation in the sitting position. (one anim for all sitting) 3. If the AI leaves the vehicle and this AI not have a first aid package, then it should always take a nominal first aid package (one) with them. 4. The quality of the self- treatment inside the vehicle can have a different coefficient of recovery and can differ from self-treatment outside the vehicle (more or less effectively depending on the position and situation) @BIS, please think about these details. This can significantly improve the upcoming Tank DLC and the entire Arma platform as a whole
  7. Hi, I am trying to add 5 public Medic slots on top of the already listed Whitelisted slots. I have this code in the initMedic.sqf : #include "..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_initMedic.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Initializes the medic.. */ waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; if (!(str(player) in ["medic_1", "medic_2", "medic_3", "medic_4", "medic_5"])) then { if ((FETCH_CONST(life_medicLevel) isEqualTo 0) && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) isEqualTo 0)) then { ["NotWhitelisted",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; sleep 35; }; }; player setVariable ["rank",(FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel)),true]; [] call life_fnc_spawnMenu; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be open. waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be done. After doing extensive research i have been looking in my mission.sqm file (as directed to from my research) and after scrolling through the 100k so lines have not found where to make the adjustments - add the public medic slots. Am i looking in the wrong file or did i just not see it? Thank you. ** I have solved it - I went back to the Editor and on spawn island i added another 5 Medic Players... Hooked them up to the inital player (the medic_1) (Hold Ctrl select the new player and drag a blue line to player 1) Then i changed players 1 - 5 from whitelisted to public slots (double click on each and changed the text value)... Cheers
  8. New server that just released. Spots for Police, EMS, and Civilians are open. We also have free gang packages available if you can bring a certain amount of people over (Gang base and Gang uniform included). Unwhitelisted server Download the mods and hop in game! Discord/Teamspeak/Website https://discord.gg/SxYkDaz http://forum.armadeluxe.com/
  9. An error has occurred somewhere here that MEDKIT is not found inside the backpack. Try and tell me where the problem is. loadout.hpp class WEST3 { displayName = "Medic"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\VehicleIcons\iconManMedic_ca.paa"; role = "Support"; show = "side group _this == west"; weapons[] = { "arifle_MXC_Black_F" }; magazines[] = { "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer" }; items[] = { "FirstAidKit", "Medikit" // this gives rise to difficulties }; linkedItems[] = { "V_TacVest_oli", "H_MilCap_mcamo", "G_Shades_Blue", "optic_MRCO", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS" }; uniformClass = "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt"; backpack = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"; }; InitServer.sqf [west,["WEST3",6]] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; // Medic description.ext #include "loadout.hpp"
  10. 1) Currently, doing First Aid takes about 4 seconds (my estimation). This does not feel immersive and feels too easy. I suggest that about 8 seconds to apply First aid would create a better simulation within "in-game time", be more risky in combat, without being too long for real-life time of the player. The same way repairing a vehicle in a few seconds breaks immersion. I am not asking for anything more complex à la ACE3. 2) What is more heroic and iconic from war movies than carrying a wounded comrade on your back towards base ! Arma 3 vanilla should have the status Unconscious or Out (I am new to the game, but I only saw Wounded versus KIA) and the default action in that case would be the fireman's carry (on your shoulders). The total weight of the person/gear would be added to the speed and stamina drains. This is implemented in ACE3 but should be in the vanilla version. Thank you
  11. Col. Biggin

    Vietnam Group LRRP

    We currently are the number 1 dedicated server for unsung. we have a small community and would love for you to grow with us. There is plenty of room for promotion and its a very laid back group of people. we ask that you are atleast 16 years of age and speak English. its set in the year 1966 we are LRRP long-range reconnaissance patrol, Airborne quilfied, Green Berets which eventually boiled down to Rangers. There is no standardized training just war.The LRRP was trained to think like the enemy, survive a extended period of time behind enemy lines with no way to contact command they would go in with an objective and a time and place to be evaced from. Fun, hard and heart pounding. Please join the discord for more info. https://discord.gg/4cDChjr . If there are no admins online please place a message in the General chat with your steam name so we can contact you when we are also online.
  12. 56th Pararescue Squadron Do you like landing into hot LZ to extract downed team members and civilians? Do you like working under pressure? Do you want a mil-sim team which isn't to over the top? We are a stand alone division from within the Lowland Warrior Arma 3 mil-sim team based on the Pararescue teams of the USAF we use ACE3 Advanced Medical systems to add realism to what our team does for allied teams which request our help are missions are ran at GMT/ Zulu time as division is European Based. We are currently recruiting for both squadrons the 56th & 106th Vacancies are PJ/ Combat Medic Helicopter Pilot (Experienced/ Inexperienced) Helicopter Navigator (Experienced/ Inexperienced) Helicopter Crew Members (Experienced/ Inexperienced) PJ/ Combat Medic Role The PJ's are the elite ground forces that provide our Allies & Lowland Warrior team with the capability to execute these noble responsibility of Rescue, Recover & Return of Lowland Warrior or Allied team members in times of danger or extreme duress we also are used a spare sections when needed. 160th Pilots & Crew Role The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment’s mission is to organize, equip, train, resource and employ Army special operations aviation forces worldwide in support of contingency missions. 160th Pilots have the mission of getting us as close to the causalities as possible whilst the crew have the task of keeping the helicopter secure for ex-filtration by the PJ's whilst providing cover, when not flying PJ's in the 160th are used by the lowlands warrior team to fly attack helo's and transport helo's. Both of these roles are explained more within the forum, feel free to register and have a look around our website and hopefully you will enjoy your stay. If this sounds like a team which you would like to join the pop by our website and have a look around http://56thpararescuesquadron.enjin.com/