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  1. All-in-One Single-Player Project by Leopard20 Short description: All-in-one Single-Player project is (at this time, will be) a collection of 3 separate addons that work in tandem to create the ultimate single-player experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Long description: Hello guys. I'm sure everyone agrees that the current state of ARMA single-player is not really playable (unless you're alone!). The AI are always a burden and hard to manage. Well, in this project, my goal is to change that. Check out the latest development videos on Superior Intelligence (aka Super AI) in the next post! This project will consist of 3 addons: 1. All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe ver.): The improved and enhanced version of my old , dusty mod, All-in-one Command Menu which itself was basically an improved version of WW AI Menu by Windwalking. 2. Superior Intelligence (WIP) 3. ADDON #3 (WIP) The other two addons are not "command menus" but something entirely different and crucial to the single-player game, and interaction with them will primarily be through All-in-one Command Menu. I will update this thread about the latest development status. Stay tuned! All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe Version) Current version: v1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2023) Some of you may have used, seen, or at least heard of my All-in-one Command Menu mod, which added many new capabilities to the vanilla AI. When I started working on that mod, I was completely inexperienced in scripting, and the mod, despite its great feature roster, became a poorly optimized and buggy mess over time. So I decided to rewrite the mod from the scratch; updated the visuals, rewrote most features and added many new stuff. Without further ado, let's jump into the feature list! Release Trailer: Additional Screenshots: Feature Overview: What's new since All-in-one Command Menu classic: This is a complete rewrite of the classic mod, so obviously there's so many changes. Here is some of the most important ones: Manual (MUST READ): Some of this stuff might be a little hard to grasp at first (but once you learn them you realize how easy and intuitive they were!). I'm very busy right now so I'll add a video tutorial later. For now, try to make do with these! Download: Steam Workshop GitHub Dropbox (Outdated) Google Drive (Outdated) Armaholic Installation (non-Steam): Note: The name of the mod folder has changed! Please delete the old "@AIO_AIMENU" folder if you have the classic version. F.A.Q: Donation and Support: If you like my mod and would like to support it, or you just want to buy me a drink, etc., you can become a Patron! Requirements: Community Base Addons (CBA)
  2. OO_EXTDB3 - A driver for extDB3 addon Mysql Lastest version : 0.2 by Code34 GitHub : https://github.com/code34/oo_extdb3.altis OO_extDB3 is a driver for extDB3 addons Features - Encapsulate totaly EXTDB3 commands through an object - Standardize methods name and return values Licence Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_EXTDB3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: install the extdb3 addon put the "oo_extdb3.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_extdb3.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.1 - OO EXTDB3 - first release Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_EXTDB3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _extdb3 = "new" call OO_EXTDB3; Create a new extdb3 object Parameters: string -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _version = "getVersion" call _extdb3; Return string extdb3 version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "isDllEnabled" call _extdb3; Return bool - is extdb3 is loaded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setEscapeChar", _string] call _extdb3; param string : "TEXT", "TEXT2", "NULL" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSessionId", _string] call _extdb3; param string : unique string to identify the session (default "SQL") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIniSectionDatabase", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set Ini Section concerning Database (default "Database") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setDatabaseName", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the databasename used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setQueryType", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the type of SQL queries (default SQL) "SQL" : Classic sql "SQL_CUSTOM" : SQL prepared statement "LOG" : log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSqlCustomIniFile", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the SQL CUSTOM ini file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "connect" call _extdb3; connect to database Return bool - true if connected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _return = ["executeQuery", [_query, _defaultreturnvalue]] call _extdb3; params: string SQL query or SQL CUSTOM method default value return if nothing is return ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _return = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; params: string SQL query if nothing is return, return empty string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["lock", _string] call _extdb3; Disables all System Commands except for VERSION + LOCK_STATUS + various TIME/DATA Commands params: string - password lock return array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["unlock", _string] call _extdb3; params: string - password lock return array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = "lockStatus" call _extdb3; return array - lock status [0] // extension is unlocked. [1] // extension is locked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = "reset" call _extdb3; reset the dll when debug .dll is used return: return [0] or return [1] if success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _locatime = "getLocalTime" call _extdb3; return array - local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _utctime = "getUtcTime" call _extdb3; return array - utc time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _uptime = ["getUptime", _string] call _extdb3; params : "SECONDS", "MINUTES", "HOURS" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["addDate", _array] call _extdb3; params : param [[0,0, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds], [+x Days, +x Hours, +x Minutes, +x Seconds]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getOutPutSize" call _extdb3; return _scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["delete", _extdb3] call OO_EXTDB3; Destroy the template object Parameters: object - extdb3 object Return : nothing Examples call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_extdb3.sqf"; sleep 2; /* SQL CUSTOM Example with prepared statements in test.ini files Call the query getAll private _extdb3 = "new" call OO_extDB3; ["setDatabaseConfigName", "Database"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseName", "extdb3"] call _extdb3; ["setIniFile", "test.ini"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseProtocol", "SQL_CUSTOM"] call _extdb3; _result = "connect" call _extdb3; private _query = ["getAll", []]; _result = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; hintc format ["%1", _result]; */ /* SQL CLASSIC QUERY private _extdb3 = "new" call OO_extDB3; ["setDatabaseConfigName", "Database"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseName", "extdb3"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseProtocol", "SQL"] call _extdb3; _result = "connect" call _extdb3; private _query = "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10;"; _result = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; hintc format ["%1", _result]; */
  3. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  4. Hello everyone. I am the mission creator of a medium sized Arma 3 group. Our group is organized into 3 divisions, doing "their" kind of gameplay - being Spec.Ops, regular grunts and combined arms, and the air division. I am looking for a way to let the combined arms group be able to utilize vehicles to a much larger exctent than what they currently can do, as any vehicle requires minimum 2, preferably 3 people to operate. If we want it to be an IFV, we're quickly looking at needing 9 people to fully man 1 IFV. This is currently leaving us with basicly just using 1 vehicle - where we would like to operate at least 2 or 3 in a group. Now, BI has apparently made it so that in singleplayer or in locally hosted games - that you can operate any vehicle from a gunner/commander position in the vehicle, as long as there is an AI in the driver seat (i.e. controlling the driver). As long as you do this in singleplayer/locally hosted games - the control of the vehicle is smoth and precise. Almost like driving a tank in the Battlefield series. However, when doing the same on a dedicated server the controls gets really wonky and the AI driver just simply cannot compute the same detail of control it seems. Where in singleplayer its basicly like driving any other vehicle yourself - while on the dedicated they can only make 40+ degree turns - which makes it impossible to even stay on a simple road. Now, i fully understand that many people play this game for its realism - so do i - but the reason why i love this game is that it is first and foremost a sandbox, where you can form the game to fit your own needs and desires. My group is a MilSim group, but a casual one at that, and far from anything resembling "realsim". But that is our choice, and how we like to play Arma. We also only play vs AI's, having a Zeus controlling them for us during missions, which is set in an ongoing narrative and story which unfolds over several campaigns. Any reservations or opinions about the "overpoweredness" of being able to fill two roles of a tank as a single player is sort of void, because we're not looking at balance or pure realism in this sense - we're looking for a solution which enables more people of our group to have fun in our games (lets face it, if your stuck as the driver the entire game...you need to be a special kind of interested in driving, else it will be one long and boring mission, and we end up in a situation where "who needs to fall on the sword this mission to let everyone else have fun with a vehicle backing them up" kind of thing). For regular unarmored vehicles this is not going to be used, as those are for the most part just filling the role of transports - taking our players into the missions, being ditched at a safe place, upon where the mission begins. Often they need to go back to said vehicle to get out of the mission - but as said, im looking for this primarily to free up player slots from the most unpopular role to have in any mission where armored vehicles are going to be used - the driver seat. Im not looking for opinions, im looking for solutions, tips or tricks. Im glad BI has sorted this for singleplayer as such, but it seemingly does not work the same way on a dedicated server, which is what i need it to do. Thanks for any advice, help or solutions you may provide me with! //Ulfgaar
  5. Hi all, I have been running into a strange issue recently. I use a Logitech Force 3D Pro to pilot planes and helicopters in the game, I had no issue for a year and now I experienced something pretty anoying. I accidentally disconnected my joystick while being in game and Arma 3 does not recognize it anymore... I have tried reinstalling the drivers, the game and changing USB port (3.1, 3.0 and 2.0). But nothing changes, when I try to refresh the controller section in the game's settings nothing appears. I have checked the Controller Settings of Windows and it appears to be working. So if anyone could help me getting it to work it would be very kind, because as for now I am a bit stuck... Alexandre SARWA PS : I apologize for all the langage errors, English is not my natal langage
  6. Hello devs! Unfortunately, after the release of DLC Tanks, the change of positions (driver/gunner/commander) in Arma was not affected at all. It was always a needle in my ass, but after the release of the interiors, this problem even aggravated. Why? After the release of Tanks DLC, I see how in half of second a player can find himself in any chair (driver/gunner/commander), without considering the inner walls of the vehicle and other units! Unfortunately, this looks not good. Please note, in most tanks or APC driver position has a separate location. This is a completely separate cabin, which is closed on all sides by bulkheads. Those. being inside such a vehicle, a person physically can not change his position - "from gunner to driver" or "from commander to driver" or "from driver to commander" or "from driver to gunner". This is physically impossible! Why do we see this in Arma? When a player changes all positions passing through the walls, then it looks absurd. I propose to take this moment into account and make a change of positions from the position of the driver (or to driver position) accessible only from the outside of the vehicle. In this case, the place where the player wants to sit should be free. So it should be in real life. For example. If you are in the gunner position, then in order to sit in the driver's chair you need to first get out, go to the driver's hatch and only after that sit on the driver's seat. Or vice versa. In this case devs, you can use the action menu (choice of place) or personal icons (when a player approaches a certain place of the vehicle) It seems to me that every interior, before changing positions should take into account the current position of the player. Most vehicles physically even do not allow (!not leaving vehicle) changing the position "from gunner to commander"and vice versa. For example, see Varsuk T-100 or Rhino. It is impossible physically to change position from the gunner to commander's position and vice versa. The main weapon prevents this! In this case, also it would also be good to change positions from only the outside vehicle. Such a feature could add a bit of realism (time spending for changing positions). In general, I want to say - in most cases, for change positions (driver/gunner/commander) the player must leave the vehicle and the position where he wants to sit should be free. Devs please try give the player a bit of realism on the backgrounds of vehicles interiors.
  7. Hello, not sure if this is the right place for this topic. My problem is I want to keep the driver of a vehicle on the road and focused on the waypoints, while the gunner for example, fires away. I tried this setBehaviour "SAFE"; on the driver but that doesnt work?