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  1. Complete newbie to Arma3 scripting and was wondering if there's a AI transport script that's already been done, that's compatible with multiplayer?
  2. Hello i am newbie to scripting and arma3 editing and i can't find an answer to this: I spawn a group of AI infantry and a truck (will be 2 IFVs when i get it to work) then set the waypoint so the AI infantry group board the truck. I had no success yet. The AI infantry group move then stand still near the truck and do nothing. I would be glad if anyone can tell me what i am doing wrong. This is the code for the truck: And this is the code for the infantry group:
  3. EGX_HeliTransport system by Enigx The system allows you to call and manage a heli transport to and from a specific clickable area on the map. Useful to simulate and manage an insertion/exfiltration or simply a players heli transport. You can control the heli when you are on board (order it direction, stop and land). Armaholic EGX_HeliTransport system Hey, it seems Armaholic has been shut down!! Alternatively, I added the file to this link which uses a personal external website (completely unrelated to the Arma game). Features: System consists of two separate modules: ** CallHeli Allows you to spawn a helicopter and make it land on a map position. It can be used to call an exfiltration. You can call heli wherever you want on the map You can call heli whenever and as many times as you want Graphical interface window for options selection Different helicopters available for selection You can add user heli inserting its classname and text description Automatic procedure to identify a safe landing position close to the selected one You can select heli route clicking on intermediate waypoints on map Multiple helicopter calls No need to place heli from editor. It is spawned at each call ** OrderHeliGO Allows you to order a helicopter, in which you are on board, to go and land at a point on the map. Useful to simulate and manage an insertion to specific zone. Graphical interface window for options selection Automatic procedure to identify safe landing position close to the selected one You can select heli route clicking on intermediate waypoints on map You can stop the flight in progress, land at current position or reset the route for new destination You must within a copter to work Once landed you can choose to send it away and delete it Both modules can be activated by ACE self interaction menu for authorized players only or for everyone. SP/MP compatible. Installation / Usage: For instructions and information about how to use the EGX_HeliTransport pleasde refer to the included README.txt file. Mission example included in zip archive. Notes: It needs the following mods loaded in your mission: - ACE for the interaction menu - RHS USAF for the definition of the RHS helicopters option. Otherwise you can use vanilla copter option. Mods: ace ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces CBA_A3 RHSUSAF Credits & Thanks: Sceptre for sharing his Custom Dialog System (CDS) Thanks to Armaholic Community. Changelog: **Version:** 2.0 - 02/11/2021 - The transport with heli module (OrderChopterGO) has been updated with the possibility to stop the transport in progress and reset the route - Updated the module of the heli call (CallHeli) with the possibility to add an user heli from a different mod to specify **Version:** 1.0 First official version 1.0
  4. KP Support Missions Gametype: Ground Support Players: 1 - 16 Modes: SP, COOP, PVP Available maps: Altis Vanilla - NATO vs CSAT RHS - US Army vs Russian VDV Malden Vanilla - NATO vs CSAT RHS - US Army vs Russian VDV Takistan Vanilla - NATO vs CSAT RHS - US Army vs Russian VDV Tanoa Vanilla - NATO vs CSAT RHS - US Marines vs Russian VDV Description: In this mission, game mode "ground support", the players take the roles of helicopter pilots tasked with supporting ground units. The playing field includes the two bases of each factions, as well as a total of 10 sectors. From these faction bases ground units are always on their way to independently seize control of those 10 active sectors. The players are there to support the groups by answering requests for transport, air support or medical evacuation. These orders are dynamically generated during the game, which means that no round compared to another is completely equal. This is accompanied by immersive radio traffic. The mission ends as soon as one side has no more tickets remaining. These are reduced when helicopters crash or the opponent controls at least 6 sectors. In the event of a helicopter crash, the player can respawn at their respective base, where after some time the helicopters reappear. The base also provides landing sites to repair, refuel or rearm the helicopter during the mission. Players are actually restricted to their role as pilots and can only leave the vehicle within their own base, for example, to switch to another helicopter. This also means that players themselves cannot take any sectors. Each side also has a Jet in their base. This won't respawn, so it's a high valuable asset with which you can interrupt the enemy supply lines. You can adjust parameters in the lobby for the daytime, weather, tickets count and view distance. There are 3 kinds of infantry troops which will ask for support: Ghost (4 soldiers) Nomad (8 soldiers) Hydra (16 soldiers) Download: GitHub Workshop: Altis Vanilla Altis RHS Malden Vanilla Malden RHS Takistan Vanilla Takistan RHS Tanoa Vanilla Tanoa RHS Discord
  5. EGX Players Transport system by Enigx The system orders the transport of players from a Base Point to clickable point on the map by means of air or ground vehicles. Useful to transport players from the respawn area to operational area for their re-insertion. Armaholic EGX_PlayersTransport system Hey, it seems Armaholic has been shut down!! Alternatively, I added the file to this link which uses a personal external website (completely unrelated to the Arma game). Features: Just place a Base point marker during mission editing and the system does the rest Graphical interface window for options selection You can call transport vehicle whenever and as many times as you want Different air and ground vehicles can be selected You can select vehicle route clicking on intermediate points on map Automatic procedure to identify safe landing position for copters Multiple transport calls No need to place vehicle from editor. It is spawned and deleted at each call Activation by ACE self interaction menu for authorized players only or for everyone SP/MP compatible Installation / Usage: Detailed steps and information in initEGX_PlrsTransp.sqf file. Mission example included in zip archive. Notes: It needs the following mods loaded in your mission: - ACE for the interaction menu - RHS USAF for the definition of some type vehicles. Otherwise, if not loaded, you can use the vanilla vehicle from graphical window. Mods: ace ACE Compat - RHS United States Armed Forces CBA_A3 RHSUSAF Credits & Thanks: Sceptre for sharing his Custom Dialog System (CDS) Thanks to Armaholic Community. Changelog: First official version 1.0
  6. Hello, how would I have a helicopter move to a certain position but only if my unit is inside the vehicle. Thanks
  7. I am trying to figure out how to create a basic pickup/transport/drop off situation for either vehicles or aircraft. Here are the steps I'm looking for: 1. AI-controlled infantry waits at pickup location for transport (vehicle/helicopter) to arrive 2. Transport arrives at location and waits for troops to load 3. Troops load the transport 4. When loading is complete, transport moves to second location 5. When the transport has arrived, troops unload 6. Transport waits for unloading to complete, then leaves the location I've tried this using waypoints and triggers, but the problem is always in the timing and sequence, for instance, the transport leaving before the troops have boarded. I tried looking for other threads that address this, but they are usually asking about a particular situation that is not what I'm looking for. I tried to make this as broad and simple as possible so as to be applicable to more people, and to be as adaptable as possible. Any advice on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  9. Trailer: Welcome to BIRDY WARS - WHERE Little Birds SOAR.... LOL.. yeah.. always wanted to do something like that.. anyway, This is a mission I made based of "Heliborne" with focus on only ground support. Wanted the game with an Arma 3 flight model, so this is what I came out with. A project made out of fun, but I thought it would be fun so I decided to put in the workshop. I wanted to play Heliborne but I was looking for something closer to Arma 3's flight model and also wanted an actual reason to transport units and land them, rather than the usual heli-taxi mission you see made in the community. (Not because that's what the waypoint says, but because you have to insert the troops there to maybe flank or capture the sector faster.) So Birdy Wars is what came out of that desire. (I ended up focusing on this so much more than actually learning how to fly the helicopter though... T-T ) Wonder if I can make a trailer out of it :P Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1174045120 Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rclahashddpbnxh/BirdyWarsV153b.Altis.pbo?dl=0 Quick SP and MP Description: SP (player in MP actually) - Be able to practise transporting troops to LZ or doing combat runs on AI running around to secure sectors - Just fly.... Don't bother about anything else MP - Go against each other to support your ground AI units to capture the sectors. - Play in Either Ground support Only or Pilot vs Pilot Actual Feature Description: - 6v6 Ground Support Only or Pilot vs Pilot modes (Set in Parameters; WIP) - 3v3 Ground-based Support (1 armed and 2 unarmed vehicles.) - AI-based Sector Control (You support the AI to capture the Sector) - Pawnee for combat roles and Humming Bird for support roles(Spotting, Reinforcements) - Vehicles available same way with armed and unarmed(only reinforcing.) - Spotting:- Apply enemy side in range with smoke/flares depending on day/night. (range set in parameters) - Reinforcements:- Pick up small units from base and inserting them close to sectors to make them assist the attack on the ground. - Simple Repair and Rearm function back in base after landed and engine turned off. - "Advanced" AI to move/attack sectors according to sectors controlled. - AI Patrols on sectors taken by their sides accordingly - Map Tracker to help keeping friendly units' position in check - RHS compatible; Specifically RHS USAF and AFRF. (Set in parameters too.). Default in Vanilla mode. RHS MELB and Humvee used for RHS Enabled games. - Added Parameter to allow armed players and also Virtual Arsenal ammobox near Spawn area. (Off by Default) Some Screens. Roadmap(Might sound a bit too massive though, lol) - Better Clean-up system - AI polishing. (Not like FFIS or bcombat, but just how the AI's waypoints is being decided.) - Limitations of different features to prevent overuse/server crash. Nonetheless, I do hope you had fun! Also, please do comment in regards to possible bugs so I can try to solve it as there is a limit to how much I can search and find with a single brain. PS: Please don't expect quick response and also quick solution to issues as I am doing this in my free time from work. Hope you can understand. Thanks.
  10. Hey everyone! It is time for me to show you my truck, M35A2 Kaiser-Jeep, 1964 issue. Since we don't have any commuity made G742 (M34/M35/M36), I've decided to create a common framework for these vehicles and gradually develop their options. This truck was the workhorse of the US Army in the mid to late 90s and had several different modifications for the M35 truck only. I'm not talking about other options M35 series family (tanker, remotly truck, water carrier and others) that also had a lot of modifications. At the moment, it is suitable for many scenarios, the Vietnam War, the escalation of the conflict in Panama, Operation "Desert Storm", the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and almost everywhere the American soldier's foot came. The truck had several incarnations and configurations and was produced by several different manufacturers. More screens: I am currently planning 3 different eras/versions of the M35: War in Vietnam: M35A2 with metal roofed driver compartment with/without tarp, tarp roof driver compartment with/without tarp, without a roof with the possibility of lowering the front glass, option with a M2 .50cal machine gun on the M36 Ring Mount. Well, the famous guntrucks, with the reservation and with different weapons, from the dual machine guns M2, dual M60 to minigun. Also, a low-armored dumbbell with a quarter-machine gun M2 - M55 is planned. Anything I can find documented of Vietnam War gun trucks from the various branches. The consequence of the Vietnam war 70s-80s: more of the same but with different camo, U.S. army, for different divisions and other operators from other countries. 90s and present: M35A2 with metal roof with/without tarp, with a rag roof with awning / without an awning and various gantraks on its base, for armies still expropriating M35A2 (Israil, Georgia, Venezuela, Philippines, Kongo, Iraq and others), as well as trucks of any insurgents (African, South American, Thai rebels and others, to countries that were supplied by the M35), terrorists (Taliban, the Islamic state (I saw a couple of M35 taken from the Iraqi army in Syria and Iraq, several more captured in the Philippines by local terrorists from ISIS and etc), Somali terrorists of the 90s and the present and others) You may suggest any liveries or nations + other ideas and variations and I may implement them if I like them. Also, would like to make different variants of the M35, many were made, such as M36 (with stretch), M49 (gasoline tank), the M50 (the water carrier), M109 (Shop Van), M60 (light wrecker), М59 (Dump), as well as other options (M34, M44, M45, M46, M48, М108, М257 and many others). It is also possible to create on the basis of it a future modification of the M35A3 and South Korean modified trucks K-511, K-511A1 Also, I would be glad if you will subscribe to my ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/ramamarines If you have anything that may help me, be it research and technical information, reference material or other assistance, I'd appreciate the help. I'll be back with more updates soon!
  11. Hello guys, I try to use the function "Vehicle in Vehicle Transport" for one of my vehicle but i'm stuck when i want to set many areas. If I set only 1 area it's work but if i want to set more than one, thats not work :/ What I do : https://hastebin.com/esimuhunek.rb Wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport What i have to change, or can i define many area in CargoBayDimensions ? Thanks for your help !
  12. Hello guys, I try to use the function "Vehicle in Vehicle Transport" for one of my vehicle but i'm stuck when i want to set many areas. If I set only 1 area it's work but if i want to set more than one, thats not work :/ What I do : https://hastebin.com/esimuhunek.rb Wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport What i have to change, or can i define many area in CargoBayDimensions ? Thanks for your help !
  13. Hello guys, I try to use the function "Vehicle in Vehicle Transport" for one of my vehicle but i'm stuck when i want to set many areas. If I set only 1 area it's work but if i want to set more than one, thats not work :/ What I do : https://hastebin.com/esimuhunek.rb Wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport What i have to change, or can i define many area in CargoBayDimensions ? Thanks for your help !
  14. gmangnall

    Transport Module

    Does anyone else have a problem whereby if you use the transport module and board a helo, you cannot issue any commands until you have selected the unload location? This behaviour even stops you zooming your map out so that it takes ages to scroll to the location you want to go to. This bring three further complications - 1) after a period of time (seems to vary but around 30 seconds on average) you get thrown out of the helicopter - usually before you have scrolled to the locatoin 2) You cannot call AI to get on board if you are group leader, so you need to remember to get them to board BEFORE you do (and the helo does not wait around forever). 3) If you get shot whilst in the helicopter then your game is pretty much goosed as your menu and cross hair will permanently stuck on trying to select an unload point, which you cant do as you are not IN the helo anymore, nor can you use the menu to get back in either. This behaviour continues after respawn too - so the only option seems to be to leave the game.