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About Wyqer

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  1. KP Liberation v0.96.7a Released Get the new version and see the full changelog on GitHub
  2. KP Liberation v0.96.7 Released Planned as hotfix, it now evolved to one of the biggest updates since the resource sytem implementation. Some highlights: Functions library A3 High Command A3 Artillery Support Interactive Tutorial for campaign start Discord Rich Presence Many tweaks, fixes and performance improvements Get the new version and see the full changelog on GitHub
  3. Nobody banned you from any workshop item. Also thanks to @R0adki11, to remove the inappropriate language. Beside of that, you posted this already on the GitHub Issues, which is the right place. So it'll be taken care of. But we won't use a scheduled script like that one you've posted.
  4. Same answer as already on Discord. Head over to the Wiki and read the "important hints" and "config files" articles.
  5. Since 0.96.4 https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki/EN_ConfigFiles#kp_objectinitsqf-since-0964
  6. KP Liberation v0.96.6 (old framework) released GitHub Download Steam Workshop collection Changelog Added: Swedish Forces Pack transport configs. Thanks to @Dahlgren Added: Parameter to enable/disable the vanilla A3 dynamic fog behavior. Default enabled, so `fucking_set_fog.sqf` isn't running by default. Added: Parameter to enable/disable limitations on Zeus functionalities. Default enabled to keep old behaviour. Added: Parameter to decide to start the campaign with a FOB container (default, like before) or a FOB truck. Added: Parameter to allow enemies stay in immobile vehicles (default 50% chance). Added: Sector despawn scaling. The longer sector is activated the longer it de-activates. Configurable as parameter, 5min additional delay max by default. Added: Korean localization. Thanks to PanzerKoLee Updated: Russian localization. Thanks to DjHaski Tweaked: Initial FOB box doesn't have equipment in the inventory anymore. Tweaked: Height check for mobile respawn now relies on `isTouchingGround` instead of z value of position. Tweaked: Transport config heights on M977 vehicles. Thanks to FishAI Tweaked: AI in building now has a dynamic radius to look for enemies until they start moving again depending on blufor/opfor ratio in sector. Fixed: Potato 01 was created after server restart, even if there was one saved. Fixed: Missing variable `stats_blufor_teamkills_by_players`. Also no separation between by players or not by players for teamkills anymore. Fixed: Factory storages could disappear randomly on save load. Fixed: Some Presets had CUP Towing Tractor in the wrong place or duplicated. Thanks to @Eogos Fixed: CUP Presets still had the Nemmera in the support vehicle section. Thanks to @Eogos Fixed: FOB resources weren't updated in build dialog, when building infantry units. Fixed: Some missing parameter information in the map screens parameter overview. Fixed: After creating a clearance at a FOB some light sources could remain.
  7. The huron issue is already fixed for the next version. Concerning POWs -> You've to take them back to the FOB to interrogate them to get intel points. Having them in cages would be too Unsung specific and doesn't fit in the open/general framework.
  8. Feel free to create it and contribute it via GitHub. Personally I don't use or know that mod, so I won't create a preset for it.
  9. Read the admin section in the wiki. You set it in the config.
  10. That's nothing from Liberation nor a bug in Liberation. Contact the creator of the mod where the UAZ is taken from.
  11. KP Liberation v0.96.5 (old framework) released GitHub Download Workshop download of new maps: Livonia Panthera Song Bin Tanh Changelog Added: Contact DLC LDF preset. Added: Contact DLC transport configs. Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod blufor preset. Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod opfor preset. Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod resistance preset. Thanks to @Bunnyhopps Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod civilian preset. Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod arsenal preset. Thanks to @Bunnyhopps Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod transport configs. Added: Swedish Forces Pack arsenal preset. Thanks to @Dahlgren Added: Swedish Forces Pack Desert blufor preset. Thanks to @Dahlgren Added: Swedish Forces Pack Woodland blufor preset. Thanks to @Dahlgren Added: Several CUP blufor presets. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Several CUP opfor presets. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Several CUP resistance presets. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Several CUP civilian presets. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Several CUP transport configs. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Statistic values for destroyed civilian buildings and vehicles. Added: Statistic values for total and friendly resistance kills. Added: Statistic values for spent/produced resources. Added: Statistics will be posted additionally in the server log after winning the campaign. Added: Encore Anti Air static to sensible presets. Added: Additional victory conditions, selectable in the mission parameters. Added: BI garbage collection via description.ext file. Added: Transport configs for the civil transporters (which came with Laws of War). Added: Livonia basefile. Added: Livonia building ignore list. Added: Island Panthera basefile. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Island Panthera building ignore list. Thanks to @Eogos Added: Song Bin Tanh basefile. Added: Song Bin Tanh building ignore list. Added: "Create Clearance" Action at FOB for Commander or logged in Admin. Clears all terrain objects (no built objects) in FOB radius. Added: FOB templates (FOB hunting) are now choosen in accordance with the selected opfor preset. Currently Unsung, Apex and "everything else" are separated. Thanks to @Bunnyhopps Added: 15 new FOB templates for the FOB hunting side mission. Thanks to @Bunnyhopps Removed: Vanilla player score saving. Removed: Old garbage collection script, as there are now engine solutions available. Tweaked: Changed default recycle building from carservice building to tanks repair depot building. Tweaked: Changed default air building from small radar dome to encore static radar. Tweaked: Vehicle in Vehicle action on FOB box is not displaying directly anymore when approaching the box. Tweaked: Added elite vehicles to CSAT presets. Tweaked: Formatting/Comments in the preset files. Tweaked: objectInit function and added comments to the array. Tweaked: Some smaller code optimizations in the whole framework. Tweaked: Changes in elite vehicles in presets are now also applied during a running campaign. Tweaked: Player lead squads are now also saved near FOBs. (but still needs to be reassigned via zeus after load, of course) Tweaked: Weather is now only handled by the server. Tweaked: Gear check after leaving the arsenal or load a loadout improved to not strip you completely. Thanks to Zharf Tweaked: Build tool now also adds the correct map name to the mission name, like in the release files. Tweaked: Sector defenders waypoint creation. Tweaked: Daytime parameter values. Tweaked: Shorter nights now multiplies the selected daytime time multiplier by 4 between 20:00 and 04:00. (3x between 21:00 and 03:00 before) Fixed: Intel value could get corrupted if leaving the secondary dialog directly after starting a mission. Fixed: "All is red" for first player after a server restart. (just a visual bug, doesn't affect gameplay)
  12. With the GM presets you don't have a "main helicopter" like in any other presets. So you have to load the FOB box on a truck with the new added action for it. Transport it to your location, unload and deploy the FOB. So with the GM presets you don't slingload the container, you load and transport it. That's the only difference.
  13. e.g. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/ace_advanced_ballistics.dll like others in the mod folder. And some server providers block the upload of dll files, if you upload the mod via their ftp or file explorer.
  14. Nothing from the mission. Contact the ACE support on this. My guess would be that the needed dll files are missing on your server, as some server providers restrict uploading of dll files. But as said, that's something you should discuss with the mod authors.
  15. Basically have a look at this article from GitHub. It should give you all information needed: https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/