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  1. When I move the cursor in the game settings, the control buttons disappear when I move the mouse. The interaction with the buttons is therefore very imprecise, inconvenient, and unintuitive. More is captured in the attached video.
  2. So guys, I use this simple script for spawning camera on game logic named game_logic : Camera = "Camera" camCreate position camera_logic; Camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; showCinemaBorder false; Camera camCommand "inertia on"; Camera camSetFocus [-1,-1]; I want to call camera via script trigger (file is called init.sqf). Problem is that as soon as I press "Play" in the editor and spawn in the game i dont spawn on player but on camera so basically the first thing I see is camera point of view and I cant use my player. Why does that happen? Thanks. EDIT SOLUTION : I renamed the file name from "init" to "camera.sqf" and now it will let me load it via trigger. I think if you name a file "init" it will auto load it as soon as u enter in game.
  3. So guys, There's something strange goin on with my Arma. It's like if it "resets" some random settings and options after every reboot. I was using POLPOX animaton viewer, saved some animations with bookmarks , load the game the next day and bookmarks are gone. So strange. Heppened also with mission, I saved a mission in editor, loaded the game next day, mission was gone.
  4. Recently there has been several instances of my vehicles malfunctioning. I will be driving and suddenly the controls will... change? or just stop working i guess. Hitting w no longer accelerates but turns on brake lights and vehicle refuses to move. I can still go in reverse though. When I spawn a new vehicle it operates normally but if I get back to the malfunctioning vehicle it is still bugged. Other people can drive it normally just not me after the bug takes place. I tried remapping my keys, but no matter which key I assign to accelerator it does the same thing. This happens in the Command Trucks, Jeeps and HumVs. Probably all vehicles, but i dont drive the others much. I THINK it happened in a transport truck but my memory is not too great.
  5. Hi ! I would like to highlight this bug which always happens depending on certain circumstances! This is a bug that causes the player's crate to disappear when they are killed, which can be a shame and is important to know! For explanation, this bug happens when the player dies while climbing something (a window, a barrier) with a height of at least 2/3 meters The box will then fall and cross the ground to disappear.
  6. My game crashed just now and since then I've been stuck on the loading screen. I tried to restart the game a couple of times and it's still like this. I even rebooted my phone and that didn't help either. I'm currently on a 20k+ veteran run, please don't tell me that it's doomed. I'm playing on iPhone 6s, please help.
  7. When exporting 2D geometry for the in game map, it gets stuck at 23 percent, then my RAM goes to 100% after two hours waiting and then the workbench crashes to desktop. Size of the map is very large so I'm not sure if its a RAM issue, maybe I don't have enough ram to compute the 2D geometry for this specific map size? Current Specs: Motherboard: B450 Aorus M CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 6core GPU: GTX 1070 8gb vram RAM: 24gb OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
  8. Good morning, I'm starting this new season and I've noticed a lot of bugs in the game which are more than worrying, * Crash in a running game regularly (around 3 times a day) *The empty expedition card must be closed and restarted to start an expedition. (already happened 4 times in 2 days) But my biggest disappointment comes from the seasonal rewards being so repetitive and unappreciated. Having the weapon of the season in gold is a good thing, I'm 100% happy with it. But such an ugly helmet? an eyepatch which is already in 2 copies in the battle pass? For what ? Where is the golden outfit that MANY have been waiting for? I'm going to highlight 5 outfits that you might like and that players would look forward to having in a gold version. If you have any doubts about what I'm saying, here's what I suggest, start voting on the next Seasonal Challenge Rewards outfit to have with 5 choices! and it is the community that will choose in a vote!
  9. Hello, since the release of 1.1 I've been the victim of a major bug that makes the game really frustrating. I've already tried everything, and the only solution is to uninstall all the mods. Being an Xbox Series X user, you can understand that it's not perfect. Every time I try to connect to a modded server, I get rejected and the game gives me the error : Kick cause: group=4 'DATA', reason=1 'RDB_MISMATCH' As a reminder, I only have this problem on modded servers, I have a fast and stable connection, this bug is completely random (one chance in 3) but when it's there, it's persistent, which means I just can't play. Please help me......
  10. I spent two days trying to understand why a coop mission was crashing for each player (except for the hosted server player) right after they tried to spawn for the first time in the mission. The nature of the issue makes the error "invisible" for the Mission Maker during their creation and test processes through World Editor (v. Production). Here is why the mission was crashing: medic boxes that had their Object Properties/components turned off manually by me (image below). I was trying to make the medic boxes only "simple objects" like in Arma 3. After removing those boxes, the mission runs flawlessly for 8 players.
  11. Hello I'm facing problems with the tab menu (inventory) When I'm close to some storage (bags, trunks, arsenals, etc.), if in the tab menu I want to open it (double clicking left or middle mouse button), it doesn't work since I have bought the game (2days). If someone could help with it, I would definitely appreciate it ! Thanks
  12. All of my arma reforger settings are bugged besides my graphics settings. for example all 3 field of view sliders in game are capped at 50%, my aim down sight focus intensity and my all my sensitivity settings go up to 5000% (all these settings should cap at 100%) on top of that the settings don't save they simply revert back when i close out. my knowledge with pcs is not too strong so im not sure how to diagnose this. if more info is needed I can go more in depth about what ive been experiencing through out this via screenshots, etc. Anyone who is familiar with this or can help fix. PLEASE REACH OUT!!!!
  13. Laurent L

    Bugs & Technical issues

    Something wrong with the game? Here you can report any bugs or technical issues you may encounter while playing.
  14. Hey, me again, There is a strange issue with my game, and I found no info about any bug resembling it while searching on the internet. I noticed that I was always get the same music when in the main menu (Through the Jungle - Apex DLC). I first thought that it came from one of the mods I was using, so I unloaded them all to find which one replaced the OG soundtrack. However, upon launching the game, the icons of the mods I used and the DLC I owned still appeared at the bottom of the screen, and the "you are using a modified version of the game" text appeared on loading screens. The mods that did not add any content, but rather slightly modified the game were still active (ex: no weapons sway), while those that added vehicles and units were absent. I then proceeded to unsubscribe from these mods on the workshop, then launched again using the "play without mods or optional DLC" button. This time, the icons for the DLC appeared, as well as the Steam IDs for the mods I used. I also still got the same music that seems to be exclusive to the Apex DLC in the same menu. However, the text did no longer appear on loading screens. The effects of the mods could still be observed. I deleted every Workshop file, the IDs disappeared, but the effects were the same as before. I reinstalled the game twice on 2 disks, deleted every file that had a connection to ArmA, to no avail. I even went as far as reinstalling Steam entirely. At this point I have no idea what to do about it. Is this an issue that some among you have faced / fixed, or is my PC cursed ? Optionally, is there a way to get the good music back in the menu even while using the DLC? (this one) If any other info is needed, I'll be happy to provide. Thanks in advance, Cheers. PS: Sorry if the language I use doesn't get to the point quickly enough, I'm Czech, so it's a bit tough speaking about technical stuff.
  15. virexhellstrom

    Access violation

    Yes the classic access violation has been hitting me for months now and I have no clue why! Below is my pc rig. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900KF 63.72 GB RAM 2560 x 1440, 59Hz I got 2 4 Tb's of m.2 storage. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mqznuza073zr9ljout294/ArmaReport_Log_20240201T234950_virex.zip?rlkey=ind0ozz8vynl7uph10lroqu6d&dl=0
  16. If any developers are reading this, official conflict is an amazing mode to play. At the beginning of every game, the performance is 10x better than modded community servers. The issue arises when AI won't de-spawn and over time it causes huge performance issues. This seems like an easy fix with a de-spawn timer on dropped items. I think we would see a big leap in performance on official servers. Best Regards, KLG Footage Of AI Bug
  17. hi, i buyed this game i while ago and i used to play with 30~ without any guide but i had a guide that boost my fps at 144~ but now when i do the thing of the guide its just dont boost i tried to put all of the graphics in very low desactivate shadow etc but its stuck at 20~ fps i have Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz Nvidia RTX 3060 16 go ram
  18. With 2.14, the newly introduced HashMapObject functionality seems broken. I observed that `_self` in an object's constructor does not seem to be an actual `HashMap` object. Using 2.14.150957 and the actual example code on the Biki (Example 4 [https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createHashMapObject]): private _temporaryVehicle = [ ["#create", { params ["_vehicleType", "_vehiclePos", "_lifetimeSeconds"]; // handle constructor arguments private _newVehicle = _vehicleType createVehicle _vehiclePos; _self set ["MyVehicle", _newVehicle ]; // Store the vehicle inside the object for later // because _self is passed as parameter, it will be referenced by the spawned script until it ends. [_lifetimeSeconds, _self] spawn { params ["_lifetimeSeconds", "_self"]; sleep _lifetimeSeconds; }; }], ["#delete", { deleteVehicle (_self get "MyVehicle"); // delete the vehicle when we go away }], ["MyVehicle", objNull] // placeholder, this is not needed ]; // create a temporary RoadCone, at player position, that will delete itself after 5 seconds. createHashMapObject [_temporaryVehicle, ["RoadCone_F", getPos player, 5]]; Results in this error: 22:11:41 Error in expression <leType createVehicle _vehiclePos; _self set ["MyVehicle", _newVehicle ]; [_li> 22:11:41 Error position: <set ["MyVehicle", _newVehicle ]; [_li> 22:11:41 Error Type String, expected Number 22:11:41 File mpmissions\scripting-test.Tanoa\initPlayerLocal.sqf..., line 5 Using `_self` in actual methods, however, seems to work fine.
  19. In the launcher, I'm having an issue where whenever I try to play, it says I have mods (Scion Conflict, CUP, JBAD, ETC) loaded and subscribed, when I do not. Is there any way to fix this?
  20. Arma 3 crashes every time I join a multiplayer server. A fix would be highly appreciated if you know one. I've reinstalled graphic drivers, Steam, Arma 3... I've followed fixes on this forum page, validated game files, ran the game with different parrameters... The issue persists.
  21. My mission works correctly in singleplayer, but in multiplayer it only works properly for the host. For some weird reason the end trigger gets executed prematurely for the non-host player(s). My first trigger: Condition: ({alive _x} count units apcGrp == 0) AND ({alive _x} count units tankGrp == 0) Activation: deadAttackers = true 2nd trigger (5 seconds delay): Condition: deadAttackers Activation: "2" objStatus "DONE"; hint "Objective completed"; end1 = true 3rd trigger (12 seconds delay) that ends the mission with End1 Condition: end1 apcGrp consists of 2 M113s, tankGrp consists of 1 M1A1 (squad leader) and 2 M60 tanks. For some reason the condition of the first trigger always returns true for the non-host player(s) at the very start of the game. Putting deadAttackers = false; in the init.sqs did not solve the issue. The missions just ends for the non-host player(s) with the 2nd objective completed. Any ideas? Could it be that because the units that are being checked if they are alive are crew members inside vehicles and are somehow local to the host? So the host sees them as alive but the other players don't? To me it seems like a weird bug.
  22. We have been running into a few problems with staying connected to our server, usually everyone when they first connect to the server within 10 minutes they will get kicked for a battleye query timeout. After this it ranges between 10-30 minutes but they will be kicked again but this time it is for a wrong signature, the server checks keys/signatures when joining and it will not let you join if there is a mismatch but this is happening at random times after connecting to the server, some players on my server only experience this once and they are good for the rest of the day where as others can get it multiple times. The mods that show up are also random, sometimes it is a pbo from ACE, RHS, CUP or even a random pbo from the base game. All of these mods have tons of pbos so maybe there is something there that plays into this? If anyone has experienced this and knows a workaround I would appreciate the help.
  23. Today I went to play some Arma 3 and discovered that I could barely move my tank's turret. I don't know if this is a result of the last update. Movement is very slow and choppy, almost like trying to play with a broken mouse. The rest of the movements are fine, like looking around, aiming my own firearm, etc. I've tried different turrets, from tanks, to remote weapon stations, to turrets on gunships, to static MGs. All are showing the same problem. I've tried unloading all mods and DLC, and verifying the game files through Steam. The problem is still present. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Update: I've been doing some more testing. I've found that applying 50% or more mouse smoothing solves the issue. Turning up mouse smoothing every time I board a vehicle isn't very practical, so I'll keep looking for other solutions. Update: It appears the problem shows up at very high framerates (>200). I found that I was only experiencing the issue in the VR map.
  24. WaywardVaga

    Mic not working in game

    Hi, I have had my mic working previously within the game but since my latest install I can't talk in game. The icon shows in the corner when I hold caps lock but my name does not show to my friends as transmitting. Voice is activated in game I have tried various channels Mic is set to default It is USB mic Steam is working with the mic Arma wont even let me auto adjust the mic so i assume it isnt even being detected.
  25. 1-(CZ) Předem chci říct že mám aktivované oba volitelné módy: Western Sahara a Contact. Hraju scénář Extraction. A mám problém v HUD. Nezobrazuje se mi panel INFORMACE O VOZIDLE. 1-(EN) I want to say in advance that I have activated both optional modes: Western Sahara and Contact. I'm playing the Extraction scenario. And I have a problem in the HUD. I don't see the VEHICLE INFORMATION panel. 2-(CZ) Zkrátka vůbec ani nevím jestli je možné tento panel někde zapnout, ale v nastavení jsem nic takového nenašel. A nevím jestli to může být tím že mám spuštěné oboje volitelné DLC 2-(EN) In short, I do not even know if it is possible to turn on this panel somewhere, but I did not find anything like this in the settings. And I don't know if it's because I've running both optional DLC.