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  1. Hello. We are in the process of manufacturing artillery equipment. I've done modeling with a blender, but what model should I use to implement artillery in Semple? Please tell me the name of the model. Thank you.
  2. SAM Pack. 'nuff said Copyright 2018 hcpookie. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named hcpookie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR UPDATE: also hosted on my onedrive. It is also on Steam for those who can't figure how to install mods. - addresses AAA script lag issues, and includes new Ground Control Intercept (GCI) function. Tutorial vid for GCI found here: REQUIREMENTS: The only requirement for "vanilla" play is my camonets pack: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186395-pook-camonets/ Default factions are now supported: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL DOWNLOAD (in multiple parts): https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!22139&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 STEAM DOWNLOAD HERE: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032494151/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 READ: Read the guide. Please! The Guide represents all the documentation, information, configuration settings, etc. to successfully enjoy this addon! Lots of pictures too, so read it 😄 STATUS: All known / reported issues have been addressed. Change log below. ANY ERRORS / POPUPS WERE NOT NOTICED IN TESTING... Please let me know if you find anything broken or simply... strange. I am already seeing several little things that need some TLC. It is somewhat difficult to test 50+ vehicles in all their scenarios so I am certain that some issues will be discovered.... MEA CULPA if they do! SPECIAL FEATURES: There are several new features that enhance gameplay. Included with the units are: Proximity fuses / indirect damage SHORAD counter-missile defense (yes I can shoot down your incoming missiles) ARM weapons (anti-radiation missiles) for use against key SAM/AAA site radar units. RWR missile alerts. Automatic, MP-friendly spawning of SAM and AAA sites. NEW in v4.2: Support for external ECM / JAMMING scripts UNITS: The addon includes both EAST / SOVIET heritage systems and WEST / NATO heritage systems. Due to the changes in 4.1 the vanilla factions can now access most all systems regardless of origin, with a few exceptions. All your favorite A2 factions are present (via CUP units) for their respective factions' systems, now within their own OPTIONAL download (see above). If you desire to run with CUP, you will need that additional file. If you do not use CUP, DO NOT USE THE FILE. Further information is found in the Guide. CHANGELOG Full detailed description and information from my A2 pack is collected here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176187-pook-sam-pack-v10/
  3. I have HIMARS long range artillery set up and periodically shooting two positions - first one is static (no problem there) but the second is a moving vehicle. I am using standard "fire mission" waypoints and a "cycle" waypoint so they cycle forever. I tried to "attach" the waypoint to the vehicle I need to be shot but it got only an artillery barrage when on starting position but no more if its moving or staying on a new position. I also tried to give the waypoint a name but it is not an object, nor marker so no clue how to change its position apart from manually attaching it to the vehicle.
  4. Released! Both Vanilla and CUP versions are published to Steam, and my onedrive link here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!156668&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 CUP version is available separately! I've been playing with the different artillery selections so their max ranges should be accurately simulated. Up to 300km range on the SCUD so it should work on even the big-huge maps out there. Arty Fire Mission Improved SCUD functions! Initiates player-requested SCUD fire mission for friendly pook_SCUD launchers. Can be scripted for mission-driven "RED DAWN" or "SEARCH AND DESTROY" SCUD fire missions (e.g. "Stop General Guba before he launches the SCUD" type missions). This function is available for SCUD, and Iskander (9K720) functions are in the works. To use the SCUD launch function: To use the SRBM Function: Players can ready, load and fire the missiles, enabling the choice of HE, cluster, and 5kt nuke warheads on a player-controlled vehicle. Multiple texture sets for the vehicles. Trying to cover all the different camo variations - forest, desert, jungle, drab green for most of the vehicles. I've redone some of the previous textures from the A2 models that weren't looking too good in A3. Credit where it's due: - Citizenship models: 2S19, 2S3, 9K720 (default textures) - BIS: SCUD model, T72 chassis - MAZ chassis units all based on SA8Gecko's original A1 model. - Me: All the other models; custom textures, and logic for all vehicles. - - Also, new wheel 3D model w/ actual modeled tread. Systems so far - 2S19 'Msta' Self-Propelled Howitzer 2S1 Self-Propelled 122mm Howitzer (on the right) 2S3 Self-Propelled 152mm Howitzer (on the left) 2S5 Self-Propelled 152mm Howitzer (no pic yet) TOS-1A Mobile Rocket Artillery A-222 'Bereg' Coastal Artillery 4K51 'Rubezh' Coastal Missile Artillery 3K60 'Bal' Coastal Missile Artillery 9K58 (Smerch) Rocket Launcher 9K72 SCUD SSBM Launcher (selectable HE, cluster, and 5kt nuke warheads) 9K720 'STONE' SSBM Launcher CHANGE NOTES
  5. Hi guys! I'm new to Arma and I'm really into playing artillery. I established in Eden Editor 1 soldier as an FO ( so as him I can provide for myself target coordinates) and 1piece of M4 Schorcher. So after I receive my target coordinate as an FO I calculate the range (elevation from the M4 Schorchers rangetable) and direction then I open fire to the target. As I wrote I do everything manually and it works well but my problem is that somehow I want to fire with all the 6 Schorcher at the same time with my calculated values (elevation and direction) to simulate a fire for effect. My question is, is it possible to control all the 6 gun at the same time or it isn't possible? Thanks for your help.
  6. I try to script simple mortar shooting to marker "attached" to the player. The idea is to give the possibility to evade the mortar barrage if the player is moving and not camp on one place. First I make a marker called "mortar_barrage" and make it change its position to player position every 20 sec. in initPlayerLocal.sqf : while {true} do { sleep 10; "mortar_barrage" setMarkerPos (getPos player); }; So far so good, works well. Then I make a trigger which fires if the enemies detect player. On activation : _mortargrp = createGroup [east, true]; _mortargrp setBehaviour "COMBAT"; _mortar = [(getMarkerPos "mortar_1"),350,"I_G_Mortar_01_F",_mortargrp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _mortar commandArtilleryFire [(getMarkerPos "mortar_barrage"), "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", 3]; But it does not want to shoot! I tried to make waypoint like _wp1 = _mortargrp addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "mortar_barrage"),0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "SCRIPTED"; _wp1 setWaypointScript "A3\functions_f\waypoints\fn_wpArtillery.sqf"; Does not work too ... What is wrong? 🙄
  7. Addon of 85 mm gun D-44. Available versions: - East (green); - Res (brown camo); - West (pixel camo); - Wrecked; To shoot the AI at the maximum distance (4100m - only the O-365K grenade), use a mechanical sight - useractions "Aiming" and "Fire". Download
  8. Hi there! I need a non-damaging repeating mortar or artillery fire for a beach assault. I currently am using on a repeatable trigger: bomb="M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG" createVehicle (getPos ied1); deletevehicle ied1; That is just my basic idea for an explosion. Either will work for me. But if there is a way to just spawn the shell dropping in WITHOUT damage, I would like that too. Just need the special effect. And without a .sqf file preferably. Just using triggers on repeat. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  9. hello , i have run a test (about showing a target scene what there an ai must start fire 3 round of mortart to my target via mortar) on single player and multiplayer on my pc in both of ways it work successfully, camera start moving and show mortar and the ai start fire fine, but when i up the mission to server for test the ai wont fire and just camera show he and he still not fire, i test this codes on server : _camera = "camera" camcreate position h2; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camPrepareTarget g2; _camera camCommitPrepared 5; g2 commandArtilleryFire [position han2, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",3]; _camera camPreparePos position h2_1; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 6; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; for sure i test another command as : _camera = "camera" camcreate position h1; _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]; _camera camPrepareTarget g1; _camera camCommitPrepared 5; g1 doArtilleryFire [position han1,"8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells",3]; _camera camPreparePos position h1_1; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camCommitPrepared 6; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; both kind of codes work just in single and mp mod in my pc, and not work on server. any help have my regards.
  10. Hello everyone! Can you please tell me if there is a script for calling artillery by clicking on the map for multiplayer? I need that the map interface in the window be called up and that you can click on the target and that the action of calling an artillery strike can be tied to an object (for example, to a radio station lying on the table) and, if possible, a limited number of times. Thanks everyone and sorry for my english.
  11. GOM_fnc_ambientArtilleryFire V1.2 Purpose of this script: Gives mission makers access to simple ambient artillery units that fire just for decorative purposes into random directions. Features: Dedi and local MP compatible Takes pre placed vehicles and uses their main guns to engage artillery fire at simulated targets for the given salvo/rounds number. Works fine with with vanilla artillery assets and multiple third party vehicles. It's also possible to immediately stop the script and free up all units to fire on actual threats, so you can use the same units for the vanilla artillery support module/other arty scripts. How to use this script: At first copy the spoiler contents into a file inside your mission folder and name it accordingly. init.sqf: _initAmbientArty = [] execVM "scripts\GOM\ambient\GOM_fnc_ambientArtilleryFire.sqf"; scripts\GOM\ambient\GOM_fnc_ambientArtilleryFire.sqf: In the editor: Place few grouped or ungrouped artillery units put the following into their init fields: this setVariable ["GOM_fnc_ambientArtyBatteryID","Battery01",true]; _fire = ["Battery01",3,4] spawn GOM_fnc_ambientArtilleryFire This will make arty guns assigned to "Battery01" fire 3 salvoes with 4 rounds each. Parameters: _battery = "Battery01"; //battery ID assigned through objects init field _salvoes = 3; //(OPTIONAL) how many salvoes will be fired _rounds = 6; //(OPTIONAL) rounds per salvo _debug = false; //(OPTIONAL) displays debug messages _fire = [_battery,_salvoes,_rounds] spawn GOM_fnc_ambientArtilleryFire To abort the script simply call GOM_fnc_abortAmbientArtilleryFire wherever you like. _abort = [] call GOM_fnc_abortAmbientArtilleryFire; By executing the script again guns will fire as usual. For best effect place multiple groups executing the code simultaneously, this way you'll get multiple groups firing at multiple simulated targets. Known Issues: None so far. Changelog: V1.2: Made script local MP and dedi compatible Improved firing Arc Improved projectile deletion Guns are now assigned to batteries to allow multiple batteries for ambient artillery fire SP Demo Mission Enjoy!
  12. Ok guys, my problem now is as follows: I want to set the number of rounds from an artillery support provider (virtual) to just one. And I also want to know if there's a way to enable only the mk6 mortar to be used, because there's other options there, and I just want the mk6, and that players only use it too... Someone can help me? Tks in advance!
  13. ITC Land Systems Introduction ITC Land Systems is a mod that aims to add depth to some of arma’s ground based systems, with our main focus being player crewed artillery systems and anything related to them. Features Battery Control System Commander's Fire Control System for SPH and MLRS platforms. Self Propelled Howitzer Ammo Handler & Autoloader Improved Gunner's Sight for SPH and MLRS platforms. Improvements to AR2 Darter UAS. New 155mm and 152mm howitzer ammunition including 3 new special purpose types including 2 PGMs and 1 new anti armour shell. New Multi Option Fuzes for artillery shells including: Proximity, Point Detonate, Delay, and Timed functionality. CRAM system for vanilla Phalanx and Sea Sparrow systems. Overhaul to vanilla artillery accuracy. Variants of vanilla IDF systems with these features implemented. Media Changelogs V1.01 Hotfix Documentation and Tutorials Detailed information on the features added by ITC Land Systems can be found on our wiki Requirements CBA & ACE 3 Compatibility Download ITC Land Systems can be found on the Steam Workshop Contact To keep track on the mod’s progress, discuss its features, or have any questions, feel free to join the ITC Addons Discord! If you’d like to keep track of what we have planned for future versions, you can have a look at our project’s trello page!
  14. Sean Newberry

    First Armored Division

    Come join the First Armored Division, we currently have 12 people, but pull in the corp 30-40 in events and drills! We have many mos, everything from motorized rifleman to a helicopter gunner. We primarily focused on land fighting but will have the occasional apache in missions. There is no age limit, only requirement is to have arma 3 and speak ok english. https://discord.gg/NsUyQXjQ4z To join copy and paste this link into your browser and accept the invite.
  15. InsanityGamer

    Satchels Only

    If i wanted to make a script that requires a satchel to be placed on a radio tower to destroy it, what would be a method i could use? Basically im trying to make it so players cant just shoot it with CAS or Artillery. someone has to physically walk up and place a satchel on the tower to blow it up.
  16. Hey, I was wondering if there was a way to do the following regarding artillery. 1. Disable the Artillery Computer on one or multiple artillery systems, but keep it on, on other vehicles. 2. Only allow artillery to fire on the mode: "Close" or "medium" if done via Artillery Computer (or any way really). ~PingWing
  17. In this topic I will display a simple design of Artillery Module. The "directly" in the topic means the artillery support is created by vehicles' directly shooting and the trajectory of shell strictly follows OFP original rule (namely airFriction is -0.0005*v^2 and gravity is 9.80665m/s^2). The "shotShell" in the topic means the CfgAmmo objects applied in this module have same "simulation" value: "shotShell". The (physical) rule (simulated in OFP) of "shotShell" is simple and totally known by now (August 17th, 2020), while rules of "shotRocket" or "shotMissile" are more complex and still remain unknown parts. See for more information. By motion equations one can solve the final range basing on initial data (direction and length of velocity vector and difference in height. The topography should be taken into consider when necessary, remain to readers), but the ODEs don't have elementary function solution, and I failed to build an appriximately one. The problem is "Cauchy Problem", we solve the final data basing on initial ones. And it's hard to solve conversely problem, like that we've known the range and difference in height between shooting position and the being attacked position, it's hard for us to solve the initial velocity, especially when we're still lacking of analysis solution of the ODEs. (Actually we can solve converse problem as an "Cauchy Problem" as well. If we know the final velocity and position, we can take converse velocity as initial velocity, and solve the ODEs whose form is totally same as while the coefficient shoult take "minus airfriction", namely if airFirction is -0.0005, the coefficient in converse problem should be +0.0005. However, mostly the final velocity is unknown. We might wish to solve the initial velocity basing on known range, which, however, provides only position information but not velocity.) I thus applied the numerical method in 2 aspects: 1. Use RK4 (Runge-Kutta-4-order) method to solve the ODEs and obtain final position/velocity. The time step is set as 0.05. This value is accuracy-and-efficiency-balanced one, with few meters' error. If set 0.1 then error will reach more than 10 meters with only half time cost, and set 0.01 can obtain precise result with no more than 1 meter error, but cost 5 times computation. 2. The relationship between elevation difference and range difference is locally linear (see figure below, which is a graduation of a initSpeed 180m/s weapon on elevation 15°~30°), and "Newton method" can thus be applied. Given Proper initSpeed and elevation, one can obtain precise enough range with no more than 4 meters' error by at most 5 iterations. The Proper elevation is provided by OFP vehicles in my Artillery Module. Roughly speaking, I designed a model for "target" object, and ask AI vehicles aiming at it. OFP will provide a predicted elevation when aiming, this elevation is precise only when initSpeed high and distance low, but it's enough as a "initial value" in iterating. The "Newton method" calculates the range basing on this initial elevation, and plus 1° (or -1° , depending on whether the range is less or more than actual distance between the vehicle and target. Mostly the range given by initial elevation is less) then calculates another range. Due to the locally linear relationship, a new elevation can be calculated by these 2 elevations and ranges, following a new range obtained again by RK4, which ends the first iteration. The terminate condition can be either that error no more than a threhold (like 4 meters) or having iterated 5 times (5 times is enough if initSpeed and elevation is proper, at least in OFP for shotShell). The error is defined as the absolute value of difference between iterated range and actual range. 3 videos displaying its effects: See more details below.
  18. Hi all, I've been stuck on this AI artillery problem for half a day now. I have 2 enemy mortars I wish to activate via trigger and script (separately, by that I mean they aren't grouped together and I have 2 triggers calling the script once for each mortar). Testing the trigger and script in game, I was originally getting an error for undefined variables (both _mortar and _target), but now I'm getting an error for "undefined variable in expression _target". In each trigger, I have: script = [mortarNumber, getMarkerPos markerNumber] execVM "eFireMission.sqf"; which, after some tuning, I turned into: markerTarget1 = getMarkerPos marker1; null = [mortar1, markerTarget1] execVM "eFireMission.sqf"; (does this difference do anything? I originally assumed that using "getMarkerPos" in the passed variable would work since "getMarkerPos" returns an array, doesn't it? And for my script, I incorporated a script I saw on the forums through a google search for artillery scripts from 7 years ago (user 2nd Ranger's post in that thread) for an MP mission I'm making for my friends and I: _mortar = _this select 0; //--- name of the mortar, arg passed from trigger _target = _this select 1; //--- central point around which mortar hits, arg passed from trigger if (isServer) then{ for "_i" from 0 to 8 do { _radius = 50; //--- random radius from the center _pos = [ (_target select 0) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), (_target select 1) - _radius + (2 * random _radius), 0 ]; _mortar doArtilleryFire[ _pos, getArtilleryAmmo[_mortar] select 0, 1 ]; sleep 2; //--- delay between rounds }; }; What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated, this is my first time scripting for Arma 3, I'm a little lost
  19. So like when I enter a trigger I want that the AI that is sitting in a artillery raise the barrel by some degrees and then shoot. If anyone knows another way make a AI shoot with a artillery on a target from like 200m please tell me. Why do I need this? I am trying to make a mission with a BM-21 artillery and I want it to shoot at a target inside of the minimum shooting range like 100m away or something like that. I can use doArtilleryFire but it will only work if the target is above the minimum shooting range
  20. Hello, I am one step away from finishing my first mission. BLUEFOR vs OPFOR PvP. I’ve watched and read a few tutorials on the subject, but i can’t get this to work. These are the details: each side has 3 ATV’s. ATV_Alpha, ATV_Bravo and ATV_Charlie for BLUEFOR. ATV_One, ATV_Two and ATV_Three for OPFOR. If they get fully destroyed, they respawn after 10s. When a team destroys one of three enemy ATV’s, they get arty support for reward, for example 7 rounds. Destroyed ATV respawns. After that team uses those 7 rounds, they dont have arty support available any more. If that team again destroys any of three enemy ATV’s, they again get arty support with 7 rounds available. And so on and so on...forever. If a team does not use the 7 rounds available and they destroy another ATV, they still have the maximum 7 rounds or 9 or whatever. I managed to set it up with artillery support modules and tasks, but after the ATV is destroyed, and one barrage is fired, support remains available. Also, eventualy the support providing artillery runs out of ammo. I am using RHS american and russian artillery but i dont care about where are the rounds coming from i just want those 7 rounds to hit around the area that a player has marked. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. EDITED: i expressed what i need abit clearer here... i hope
  21. REA [Redeploying Engage and Annex] 🔹 Very Friendly Community - 8 Units, One Objective a week. 🔹 We teach Newcomers how to play all the time. 🔹 Current map: Clafghan. 🔹 Current enemy: Taliban. 🔹 Next map: Lingor. 🔹 Next enemy: Russians. 🔹 No attendance required, but always helpful. 🔹 15+ Player Operations and growing. REQUIREMENTS Working mic is HIGHLY recommended Must be able to speak, understand, and type in English. Must be willing to contribute to the unit. Whether it's helping staff or showing up for ops, we like it when our members are a little more hands on. WHAT WE OFFER A friendly community of like-minded individuals who are teammates on the field and friends off of it. An environment where Quality of members is more focused on than Quantity. We like it when a lot of members join our operations, but do not like it when members start ruining the fun of everyone else. DIVISIONS/ROLES 164th Infantry Company - The main attacking force of REA. Typically composed of those that have a thirst for action. 62nd Force Recon Company - Secondary attacking force of REA, also specializes in Recon, and works closely with the 164th. 10th Mountain Division - Main Recon unit, typically located on mountain sides, not sky-lining. Primarily keeps over watch for other divisions. Can consist of a few Snipers/Spotters. 82nd Para Infantry - Airborne Unit, Focuses on jumping out of aircraft near combat areas/behind enemy lines via. C-130 or CH-47. Able to survive using limited resources. 300th Menewa Waya - A special unit that specializes in CQB, commonly clearing buildings and extracting subjects and/or hostages. 16th Air Cav - Specializes in anything air related. Redeployment, insertion/extraction, gun runs and more. 9th Armored Division - This division specializes with anything armored, aka tanks. 195th Artillery Detachment - This division supports from the ground, whether it be self-propelled artillery vehicles, or via. ground mortars. SCHEDULE ➤ SUNDAY: Post-op training ➤ MONDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ TUESDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ WEDNESDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ THURSDAY: Open for training/small ops ➤ FRIDAY: Recruiting/Pre-op training ➤ SATURDAY: Main Op 4:30pm EST If Saturday is unavailable, then it will be pushed to Sunday. INTERESTED? If you are interested in joining us or coming in for a chat, please join our discord or our teamspeak. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mT7mJ3y TeamSpeak IP:
  22. Hi I'm trying to find a script I can use to allow AI placed artillery to fire at an assigned target with parameters such as fire delay, disable auto-aim, move etc,. The script needs to work with the Iron Front artillery pieces. So far I have found and slightly modified a script by fatty that does what I want. The problem is the shells land some 700 meters short of the assigned Eden targets. I've moved the artillery targets further back and even changed the height of the targets. I also tried changing the targets from the invisible helipad to an invisible car and even tried game logics. The AI fired shells seem to land at the same short distance. The tested artillery piece I used is both the 10.5cm and Flak 36 guns. I'm at a loss to try and debug the issue. I also tried increasing the skill of the AI gunner and no dice. I even tried going into one of the guns myself while using the artillery computer and I couldn't even get the shells to land near the target area. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get reasonably accurate gun fire that works with the Iron Front artillery?
  23. All-In-One AI Command Menu A "WW AI Menu" Patch By Leopard20 & WindWalking This thread is no longer updated! For the latest release, check here Hello everyone. As you know, the WW AI Menu was one of the first and best AI mods released in the early days of ARMA 3 release. It addressed a lot of issues and shortcomings with the vanilla ARMA commanding system, and packed a lot of handy features including: - Infantry commands such as healing, garrisoning & clearing building, rearming, .... - Vehicle commands such as engine on and off, horn and eject with parachute. - Waypoint system with the ability to assign multiple waypoints to your squad members. - Weapon accessories (silencers, flashlights, ...) - Unsticking units. and .... Read more about the mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/153621-ww-aimenu-complimentary-commands/ Unfortunately, when Windwalking left the community some of the features ended up broken, and due to the community rule forbidding people from taking over and/or changing an author's work without their permission, nobody has stepped up to bring this mod back to life. Until now. I decided to bring this mod back to life in a way that respects the community rule and the author's work. Namely, "patching" the original mod by adding features and fixing broken ones. As a result, you will need the original mod installed for my mod to work. You can activate the menu by pressing Y .If you use the "Y" key for Zeus or anything else you can either change the keybinding for those features (I personally use "Ctrl+Y" for Zeus) or change the keybinding for the menu by navigating to: "OPTIONS > CONTROLS > CONFIGURE ADDONS > (dropdown menu) All-In-One Command Menu". I've also included a userconfig file where you can add support for your mods (if they are not supported already). Currently you can add support for: Resupply vehicles, AT soldiers (used in the rearming script) and the Handgun suppressors. Note that you might need to enable "file patching" for the config file to work (either add the -filepatching commandline or enable it in the launcher parameters). This mod is compatible with other commanding mods (such as C2). Although I don't recommend using both for issuing the same command at the same time (e.g when you use C2 to order your units to mount a vehicle, don't use the same command in this mod, as it may cause conflicts and unforeseen consequences) I also recommend this mod as it makes issuing regular and frequent commands a lot easier: (you may need to change the default keys used by the mod, keys 1, 2, 3 , 4, as these keys are used for switching weapons) Advanced Command System (ACS) All features were tested using the vanilla ARMA vehicles/weapons (including all DLCs up to the time of release), and work as intended. However some features (the most important of which being weapon accessories) may not work in other mods (such as RHS or CUP). Edit: As of version 0.50 Beta most features should work with other mods without issues. If they don't please post your feedback in this thread. Here's a quick overview of what is changed: Unchanged: Fixed/Modified/Removed: Added: Screenshots: Notes: Special thanks to: - @Windwalking for his awesome mod. - @Muzzleflash for helping me with showing objects on the map and also teaching me a lot about scripting. He's one of the best guys on this forum. - @mad_cheese for allowing me to use the "Bounding Box" function used in his legendary mod, C2. - and everyone else who kindly answered all my questions on the forum. Disclaimer: I can't guarantee this mod is completely harmless. Please back up your ARMA 3 directory located in the "Documents" folder (C:\Users\YOUR_PC_NAME\Documents\) prior to using this mod (especially the file *.vars.Arma3Profile and the "saved" folder because they are the only files that may be affected). Multiplayer support is in alpha state and not fully tested yet. Dear Moderators, The current release still uses the scripts from the original version. Also, to avoid some conflicts, I had to rename the global variables. If you think this mod is still not in compliance with forum rules please let me know to come up with a solution (you can PM me or post it here). By installing this patch, the original mod will be disabled (If you want me to leave it enabled please leave a feedback and I'll re-enable it). Download Link (Current Version: v1.2.1): GitHub (always up-to-date) DropBox Armaholic (updates with a slight delay) How to Install: Future Plans: Changelog: Requirements: CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 WW AI Menu by Windwalking: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22380 Since v1.0.0, WW AI Menu mod is not required anymore. It's because some users reported they had trouble setting up WW AI Menu (mostly because of FilePatching used in WW AI Menu, which complicated things), so I decided not to make it necessary to have this mod. A couple of such reports:
  24. Hi everyone, long time forum lurker. This is my first script to be released and i hope it won´t be the last. This script was and idea that came to my mind when a wrong click on a zeus mission sent a full 82mm mortar barrage on a squad. Thats when i came with the idea, even if it isnt completly realistic, of creating something that would give the players some time to react by displaying a small marker on the map to warn them of a possible round coming down on the area. I dont use any kind of eventhandlers, and if im not mistaken, all the calculations are run server-side. The script only works for mortars and artillery as easier to predict its target, where mlrs or rocket propelled rounds have an engine providing acceleration. (i might try to get them to work in the future) Radar Script 0.3 Hope you enjoy it, and if suggestions or ideas come up, write them down and if its in my skill range, ill try my best to add them. Future ideas: -Remove markers after hit. -Predict launch position after X rounds fired from around the same area. Released under APL-SA CHANGELOG: Version 0.3 #Changed -Fixed bug where markers wouldnt delete because of being stored the wrong way. -More optimizations were made. -Tested in Dedicated server and LAN. No script errors and no FPS drops while running. (Set at 5000m range and 6 second interval). Tested with 16 simultaneous players in VeteranMod. I can safely say that this boi saved lots of lives that day, exactly the purpose i built it for. Version 0.2 #Added -Radar_MrkR --- Its job is to mark the radar´s position and its range so its visible to everyone in the side of the radar. #Changed -All markers (Radar pos and range, and prediction markers) now only show to the side the radar belong to,making this viable for PVP. Markers are created globally but its alpha is set to 0 and only changed to 1 by remoteexec. -Several optimizations marked by sarogahtyp Version 0.1 BETA #Added -Added a floor height for the radar to detect rounds to simulate blind-zones too close to the radar.(Default Radar Pos ASL + 500m) -Added death range. This value shows the "sure range" of death around the round´s impact. If you are within this range, you die. THANKS sarogahtyp for showing me how to check class configs -Added filter to only predict artillery rounds and avoid tank shells or anything else - AGAIN THANKS sarogahtyp for the code -Markers are now stored and deleted in order when rounds impact #Changed -As artillery radars cant locate a single round, the threshold for detection has been increased from "> 0" to "> 2". -Position of the round was changed from getposATL to getposASL, this showed improved precision. -The radius of the marker now corresponds with the indirectHitRange X 5 #Removed -Replaced Radar_Alcance for Radar_CalcImpact.sqf by sarogahtyp Version 0 Release
  25. Steam workshop link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618325439 MISSION Russians have invaded the small peaceful island of Malden, and are holding it's citizens captive! Execute missions to weaken the russian presence on the island and set it's citizens free! A randomly generated campaign, execute missions and lead the United States Armed Forces to capture the island of Malden and win the war against the Russian Federation. FEATURES Random AO - One of Malden's cities, the main airport, or the military island base will be selected to attack. Finish one and another is generated. Random Selectable Side Missions - If you want a bit more excitement, you can choose a side mission from the mapboard at base. It will open the map and show you all available missions. Side missions range from diffusing a bomb on your officer, to stealing an enemy supply truck, to finding and rescuing a downed pilot, plus much more. Every time you open the side mission map, there will be different missions at different locations, so if you don't like what's available, just close it and reopen it. Civilian Population and Traffic - There is a heavy civilian presence on Malden, its citizens populate most of the island and are driving cars (shocking!), and walking around everywhere. They aren't hostile to our forces. In fact the reason we are on malden is for them, as the russians have invaded and are making their life a living hell. Recruitable AI - You can recruit AI units from the officer at base. Please allow them a few seconds to get deployed and join your group. If you wish to dismiss a unit, simply walk up to him and select 'Dismiss.' Mobile Respawn - There are 3 mobile respawn vehicles, a 4 door Humvee, an unarmed M113, and an unarmed MRAP. They should have green letters above them saying M.H.Q. 1, 2, or 3. When you die, simply choose which M.H.Q. you wish to respawn on, or just choose to spawn at base. If a M.H.Q. is destroyed, it will respawn at base. Revive - You can be revived by your teammates if you are incapacitated. There is a 5 minute window to be revived before you die. Players can only revive other players, A.I. units do not revive or become incapacitated, they simply die. HALO Jumping - You can HALO Jump by choosing H.A.L.O. Jump from the mapboard at base. You can also choose H.A.L.O. Group to jump with your squad members. CAUTION: if you have joined another players group, it will force ALL GROUP MEMBERS to jump as well! Dynamic Group System - Press the Teamswitch key (Default "U") to open the group menu. Here you can create/disband your own group, invite other players, join or leave another players group. Virtual Arsenal - There is an ammobox at base with virtual arsenal, and all MHQ vehicles are virtual arsenal enabled. You may also call in a supply drop which has virtual arsenal. AVAILABLE SUPPORT (Called with 0-8 on Radio) Supply Drop - An ammobox will drop near you and be marked with green smoke. This box will have virtual arsenal. UAV Recon - Click a location on the map and after the data from the UAV comes in, all hostile and friendly units will be marked for 3 minutes. These markers will not be updated, so be aware units may move around. Artillery, Mortars, Carpet Bomb - Choose one of the 3 from the support menu and click on the map to rain down some good ol' american pop rocks on the enemies. Caution when using in cities, as it may result in lots of civilian casualties, our mission is to protect the civilians, not kill them. Laser Designated Missile - If you have a laser designator, you can call in laser designated missile strikes. You must keep your laser designator on the target until the missile strikes. (There might currently be a bug that removes the missile if you turn the designator off). Fast Travel Transport Helis - A UH-60 and MH-9 are available to transport you around Malden. When you select the heli you want, it will mark an LZ near your location and head that way. Green smoke will automatically be popped at the LZ when the Heli is near. Once you get in, choose "Give a LZ to the Pilot" and it will head to that location. After a few seconds, the screen will go black and you will fast travel to the location. If at any moment the heli becomes bugged out, choose "Detonate Heli Transport' from your action menu to destroy the heli and make the support available again. Paratroop Reinforcements - Click on the map and a squad will paradrop on your location. After the squad has landed, they will fall under your command (Or your group leader's, if you are in another player's squad). Requires both RHS USAF and AFRF. Credits: DUWS by Kibot. Modified Version by BigShot. EOS script & Occupation mission by BangaBob Civilian scripts by Enigma ATM Airdrop HALO script by PokerTour. Defuse Bomb script by Cobra4v320. Thanks to Kempco for the mapsize script. Thanks to FrankHH for correcting the typos. Thanks to Yumsum, Porte and Phil for all their patience in testing.