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  1. Hi there, Vehicles Overhauling (VO) is a system of repairing, refueling, and rearming vehicles by proximity and with any asset of your choice. Also, the services are divided by doctrine: Ground, Air, and Nautical. Each doctrine and even service is easily turned Off or On, according to the editor's needs. If needed, the editor can allow repairing just for ground vehicles while unavailable for air ones, for example. Triggering or code via Eden Editor is needless. VO is configured through only one file, prioritizing implementation simplicity and quick change management that the mission editor might want. How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script/blob/main/_VO_Script_Documentation.pdf What to expect from VO script: Set what vehicle type has automatic access to ground, air, or nautical services (rearm, repair, refuel); Set what service each station (asset) will provide: repair, refuel, or rearm or all of them (full service); Every object/asset on Eden Editor can be traceable as a station automatically, it's up to the mission-editor; Once configured which assets are stations, on Eden you just drag and drop the asset and the script will track them; All repair, refueling, and rearming of Arma 3 and its DLCs and CDLCs assets are already tracked; All repair, refueling, and rearming of RHS and CUP assets are already tracked as well; 100% compatible with CBA+ACE. No code or triggers are needed on Eden Editor; Just one file to set your mission easily: fn_VO_management.sqf; A parking-helper system for planes/jets, no matter where or what is the plane station (including carriers); Script working as gold on hosted and dedicated servers; The script automatically recognizes assets and their roles from: Arma 3; Expansion Apex; DLC Tanks; DLC Helicopters; DLC Karts; DLC Laws of War; DLC Contact; CDLC Western Sahara; CDLC Reaction Forces; CDLC Expeditionary Forces; Mod RHS; Mod CUP. Demo: Main file > fn_VO_parameters.sqf: Dependencies: None! Download: From Github: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Vehicles-Overhauling-Script From Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2758919670 Missions running it: Tanks & Helicopters (Light) Tanks Theater TvT Bradley Furious - - - - - - - - - - - Changelog: Dec 7th 2024 - v2.5: news, fixes and notes here. Known issues: Critical > RHS on > Air Doctrine > RHS airplanes are NOT rearming properly. ------ (RHS was abandoned, so sorry!) Important > Dedicated Server > If two or more players are in the same armed vehicle, the vehicle will rearm two or more times after spending some ammo ------ (WIP) Important > ACE on > Repairing > If the vehicle got damage only in wheels/tracks, guns and/or turret, the repairing doesn't run; Minor > ACE on > Repairing > If the vehicle starts to cook off with a repair station too close, the vehicle gets repaired, but still cooking. Cheers, thy
  2. All-in-One Single-Player Project by Leopard20 Short description: All-in-one Single-Player project is (at this time, will be) a collection of 3 separate addons that work in tandem to create the ultimate single-player experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Long description: Hello guys. I'm sure everyone agrees that the current state of ARMA single-player is not really playable (unless you're alone!). The AI are always a burden and hard to manage. Well, in this project, my goal is to change that. Check out the latest development videos on Superior Intelligence (aka Super AI) in the next post! This project will consist of 3 addons: 1. All-in-one Command Menu (Deluxe ver.): The improved and enhanced version of my old , dusty mod, All-in-one Command Menu which itself was basically an improved version of WW AI Menu by Windwalking. 2. Superior Intelligence (WIP) 3. ADDON #3 (WIP) The other two addons are not "command menus" but something entirely different and crucial to the single-player game, and interaction with them will primarily be through All-in-one Command Menu. I will update this thread about the latest development status. Stay tuned! All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe Version) Current version: v1.5.0 (Jul. 12, 2023) Some of you may have used, seen, or at least heard of my All-in-one Command Menu mod, which added many new capabilities to the vanilla AI. When I started working on that mod, I was completely inexperienced in scripting, and the mod, despite its great feature roster, became a poorly optimized and buggy mess over time. So I decided to rewrite the mod from the scratch; updated the visuals, rewrote most features and added many new stuff. Without further ado, let's jump into the feature list! Release Trailer: Additional Screenshots: Feature Overview: What's new since All-in-one Command Menu classic: This is a complete rewrite of the classic mod, so obviously there's so many changes. Here is some of the most important ones: Manual (MUST READ): Some of this stuff might be a little hard to grasp at first (but once you learn them you realize how easy and intuitive they were!). I'm very busy right now so I'll add a video tutorial later. For now, try to make do with these! Download: Steam Workshop GitHub Dropbox (Outdated) Google Drive (Outdated) Armaholic Installation (non-Steam): Note: The name of the mod folder has changed! Please delete the old "@AIO_AIMENU" folder if you have the classic version. F.A.Q: Donation and Support: If you like my mod and would like to support it, or you just want to buy me a drink, etc., you can become a Patron! Requirements: Community Base Addons (CBA)
  3. Hello everyone, I am a long time Arma player who's finally decided the time has come to dip my toes into the vast pool that is scripting in Arma 3. I have a very rudimentary knowledge of programming in Arma 3. I am currently making a post-apocalyptic S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-esq mission and I need to make a code that can salvage the wheels off of damaged vehicles and replace them on other vehicles. I would also like to be able to transfer fuel from one vehicle to another via a siphon script. Now as I said my knowledge of such things is very limited but I surmised that if I took an array of all of the "Wheel" based hit points, and counted the ones who's damage was within an acceptable level, I could then set their hitpoint values to 1 in order to simulate their removal. Then I would devise some sort of code to add those items to the players inventory or if they were missing adequate space, to place them on the ground. I would like to use RickB's items for this task as he has already made both tire and fuel items. It might be asking a lot but I would also wish the player to have some sort of toolkit in order to accomplish the tire harvesting and replacement. I am aware of the Ravage mod, however the module for doing such initializes before my script that spawns in random vehicles so it will not work. I wish to make a more standalone script as to permit its use within a variety of missions. Thank you for your time and help in advance.
  4. You know the vehicles I'm talking about - the HEMTT ammo / fuel / repair truck, the Huron containers, Taru pods, Zamaks, etc... you drive up to it and it just automatically repairs / refuels or rearms you, as is the case. I've searched high and low through the functions and config files, and I can't find the scripting that is making this effect happen. Does anyone know what it is, or where it can be found? Please don't answer with references to your own or other's Rearm / Refuel / Repair scripts, I have a ton of those but that's not what I'm asking - thank you! Why am I looking for this, specifically? 1. Vehicle rearming, with turrets and especially with dynamic loadouts, is especially problematic. I challenge you to reload 13 out of 19 rockets, exactly, on a rocket pod that's not on the vanilla configuration of a dynamic loadout aircraft. The vehicle rearm script on the Huron pod just works, it an cosmetically appealing way: the numbers just increase while you're next to the rearming source, until you're fully reloaded, and it doesn't seem to care whether it's a vanilla loadout or a dynamic one, whether the turret is local or not, etc. 2. There's no way to adjust the "flow rate" of vehicle rearming, repairs, or refueling. 3. The effect itself is capricious. Sometimes it works as intended (drive up to the box/ car/ whatever) and the vehicle resupplies as intended. Sometimes it doesn't, but it provides you with an action (complete with a lovely icon) to perform it. And sometimes it doesn't work at all. Thank you in advance! Ryko
  5. Due to 3den enhanced editor allows to set fuel amount in liters (fuel cargo volume)in vehicle attributes and due to there is, for example, static wagon tanker (Land_wagon_tanker is classname) who operates as refueling point, I am searching for a way to refuel that somehow. -Situation on the field looks like: There is transport base sector with those wagons installed and every of them have working refueling ACE system. There are trucks who need to enter this base and transports fuel on the field to helicopters, boats and other vehicles involved in separate operations accros the map. Once the truck cistern or wagon volume of fuel is depleted, is there a way to refuel that? -Setups and tried solutions: 1. Trigger activated by radio Alpha onAct: MyFuelTruck setFuelCargo 1; (don't work-it stays the number of liters what I put in editor 1000 and if I refuel some vehicle with, for example 100 litres there is 900 left in truck/wagon due to I set it to 1000) then I fire the mentioned trigger or in debug console put this setFuelCargo 1; or MyFuelTruck setFuelCargo 1 ; while sitting it that vehicle - nothing happens. (not added fuel in cistern tank). 2. All trucks have correct variable names same as ones in the onAct field of trigger 3. I know that I can place 10000 liters in Fuel Cargo Volume field and be good with fuel for upcoming 10 years but I search for some realistic environment of that base and also set up some addAction things which moves wagons by line of rails from big fuel reservoars to station logistical points in the middle of the base to simulate logistical operations inside base so I need refueling system to set up somehow. Thanks guys I hope I am writte this understandably.
  6. So first off, i'm completly new to scripting. never really done it so i don't understand it. Now, i have a helipad that i want to add a script to it's "init" line so that when a chopper lands on it, it can refuel, rearm and repair it, if needed with actions for all three. Please i'm looking all over and cant understand alot of what i'm reading so i needed some direct help
  7. Hi there I'm currently considering making the barrel cargo net (CargoNet_01_barrels_F) a functionnal refuel tank with ACE 3 framework. Problem, the documentation concerning the way to make a refueling device is non-existant. There is only guidelines concerning the way to make an object refuelable. Refuel Framework I've tried to browse through the code on the Github repo, in this file : cfgVehicle.hpp It seems to contain what I need, especially concerning refuel actions. But in this there is plenty of things that I don't know, despite manipulating configs for more than a year now. Such as all theses QPATHOF, GVAR, QVAR, CSTRING things. I think that if I only copy-past theses things into my box' code, it will not be able to work. Do anyone know about it ? Or has ever manipulated it ? Thanks EDIT : Actually it seems to be not possible by simple config entries, it has to be done via lots of copy-pasting and changing tons of things here and there. But rewrite of all this and proper documentation of the framework seems to be on rails in the Ace team : Github link. The dev in charge of this seems to be @jonpas. Thanks to him if he can do things cleaner than what we have know !
  8. Hi all, I am a Linux user who is new to the ARMA franchise. I have been having a crack at putting together a simple, vanilla mission whilst waiting for the game to be updated from version 1.42 to 1.54 and am wondering if someone could help me sort out a few issues I have encountered during testing. 1. I found that 2 missiles from a chopper will take down a Military Cargo Tower. I can't have that and am wondering if there is a script to make a building indestructible? 2. Is it possible to restrict the use of artillery, so the Scorcher, Sandstorm and mortars are not available? 3. AA units that I have placed on the side of a mountain do not change weapon and fire when an enemy chopper flies past. Is there a script that forces them to use the AA missile launcher as their primary weapon AND actually fire it when an enemy air unit flies into range? 4. I have a speedboat on patrol and would like it to refuel/re-arm when the patrol is complete. I am having difficulty in getting the boat to manouver alongside the pier where I have a Taru fuel pod and 2 boxes of vehicle ammo stationed using the "move" waypoint. ( I could probably get it so that it works with more tweaking and previewing but am hoping that there is an easier way or some kind of "refuel" option). 5. Finally, could someone please tell me if the mission I am creating using version 1.42 is going to transfer successfully to version 1.54 when my version of the game is updated? Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.