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Greetings folks! I've created a mod and published it on Steam workshop. It is a combination of scripts and configs (editing the base classes and creating new units). Everything works great, I have no issues with any units except for the following: HEMTT Defender and HEMTT Radar - the purpose of these HEMTT variants is to spawn either the MIM-145 Defender or AN/MPQ-105 Radar behind the truck, provided with user actions (addAction) for further interaction. This is the code I wrote so far: private _vehicle = _this select 0; if (hasInterface && isServer) then { _vehicle addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Deploy MIM-145 Defender</t>", { params ["_vehicle", "_caller"]; if (isNil {_vehicle getVariable 'defenderDeployed'}) then { private _defender = createVehicle ['B_SAM_System_03_F', getPos _vehicle, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _defender attachTo [_vehicle, [0.03, -7.3, 2]]; _vehicle setVariable ['defenderDeployed', _defender, true]; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _vehicle removeAction 0; createVehicleCrew _defender; { if (vehicle _x == _vehicle) then { moveOut _x }; } forEach allUnits; }; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "isNull objectParent player", 5]; _vehicle addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Deactivate SAM</t>", { params ["_vehicle", "_caller"]; if (!isNil {_vehicle getVariable 'defenderDeployed'}) then { private _defender = _vehicle getVariable ['defenderDeployed', objNull]; if (!isNull _defender) then { _defender hideObjectGlobal true; _vehicle setVariable ['defenderDeployed', _defender, true]; _vehicle setVehicleLock "DEFAULT"; if (_caller == (uavControl _defender select 0)) then { _caller connectTerminalToUAV objNull; }; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach crew _defender; }; }; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "isNull objectParent player", 5]; _vehicle addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Activate SAM</t>", { params ["_vehicle", "_caller"]; if (!isNil {_vehicle getVariable 'defenderDeployed'}) then { private _defender = _vehicle getVariable ['defenderDeployed', objNull]; if (!isNull _defender) then { _defender hideObjectGlobal false; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; createVehicleCrew _defender; { if (vehicle _x == _vehicle) then { moveOut _x }; } forEach allUnits; }; }; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "isNull objectParent player", 5]; _vehicle addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit"]; { detach _x; deleteVehicle _x; removeAllActions _unit; } forEach attachedObjects _unit; }]; _vehicle addEventHandler ["Deleted", { params ["_unit"]; { detach _x; deleteVehicle _x; removeAllActions _unit; } forEach attachedObjects _unit; }]; }; Lack of coding is present, however with each implementation of certain features, I understand how most of it works. This is the only script (similar to the Radar script) in the entire mod that is this extensive (and will probably remain like that). The code will be fine tuned for other reasons too, but I'm mostly focused on multiplayer compatibility right now. The script works in singleplayer, but not multiplayer (dedicated and non-dedicated servers). Would anyone assist me in solving the issue? Any help would be appreciated. 🙂
Hey, I have a cqc server and cant for the life of me figure out how to make it so that when a player spawns whether that is when they join or when they respawn they spawn with combat stance active. (the stance you get when you double press C). If anyone have any ideas i would be very grateful.
mission maker tools MGI ADVANCED MODULES
pierremgi posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
MGI ADVANCED MODULES Hi all, Here is an addon for mission makers. If you need to easily spawn some factions, some civilian life or just add randomized weapons loot in houses... If you want an advanced AI heal & revive, for SP or MP mission, able to heal players or bros.. ... or respawning AIs, in waves or at once.. If you want a transport support on any vehicle... A vehicle respawn system with crew, waypoints, loadouts, addActions, arsenal.... Friendly kill sanction... AI cannons able to fire HE shells on infantry... Some generators able to switch on/off a district... or adapt silencers to combat behavior... or perhaps a simple tool for reading all map object classes/display names/p3d model names... Other tools like tire puncture on barbed wires? ... And of course, MP compatible, favorite mods compatible... Here you are. MODULES on Steam: The summary is just here. The modules are described and explained in an updated documentation: DOCUMENTATION LINK Have fun! Pierre MGI- 302 replies
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Hey, I need help, i have textured my own granit uniform and need help putting it into my cqc server. Tried to make a custom arsenal but cant seem to get it right. Can anyone help me?
Keeping your head down, or suppressive fire woes
cooked auto posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
So I'm working on a cold war version of the Brecourt Manor assault, but I've run into an issue that's been giving me some grief. Namely; how do I make the MGs placed at the back keep up a constant stream of suppressive fire? I've tried a bunch of lines of code I've found from searching around on the forums, but none have really delivered in a satisfying way. Either the AI breaks off contact after a while, unless you peak your stand up in the trenches to reveal yourself. Or they're conflicted about targeting the player or the suppression point. The former feels self-defeating as I really want to encourage people to duck underneath a barrage of machine gun fire and have that be a constant thread to spice things up. While the latter looks a bit janky. While the AI suppressive fire module is great, and kind of what I'm looking for, but it's also exclusive to Zeus and I haven't found a way to recreate that functionality in Eden. -
A safe zone where you can't shoot or throw grenades. When the player leaves the zone, he can shoot and throw grenades. If the player died and slept in the area of this zone, he again can not shoot in it until he leaves it. If the player left the zone and came back, he can not shoot in its territory.
global mobilization MRL's in Global Mobilization are broken for doArtilleryFire
thy_ posted a topic in ARMA 3 - CREATOR DLC
Just a head up for the Global Mobilization team. What is NOT working: For some reason, any MRL from GM is NOT able to use commands like inRangeOfArtillery and doArtilleryFire: gm_ge_army_kat1_463_mlrs gm_gc_army_ural375d_mlrs gm_pl_army_2p16 gm_gc_army_2p16 Mags associated: gm_40Rnd_mlrs_122mm_he_9m22u gm_36Rnd_mlrs_110mm_he_dm21 gm_1Rnd_luna_he_3r9 In my tests, sometimes the animation of the turret starts but is 'canceled', returning to its initial position. I used the GM DLC with Arma 3 Original Content from Default DLCs and, to make things clear, later I tried isolating the GM but nothing was different. All GM MRLs look broken using BIS some artillery commands related. Disclaimer: MRL Fire missions work if using Waypoint > Advanced > Fire Mission, even though the animation looks broken in some angles when compared with the rocket smoke tracks. What is working: The howitzers are working okay, so it means: gm_ge_army_m109g gm_dk_army_m109 gm_gc_army_2s1 gm_pl_army_2s1 Cheers!-
- dlc
- doartilleryfire
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Hello, im newbie at scripting on Arma 3. I write a short script for searchlight. But for unknow for me reasons its crashes. _searchlights = [searchlightTower1, searchlightTower2, searchlightTower3, searchlightTower4]; _searchlightmans = [searchlightman1, searchlightman2, searchlightman3, searchlightman4]; { _searchlightman = _x; _searchlightman spawn { params ["_searchlightman", "_searchlights"]; while {alive _searchlightman && alive _searchlights} do { if (!alive _searchlightman || !alive _searchlights) then { _searchlights select _forEachIndex setDamage 1; break; }; }; }; } forEach _searchlightmans; What am i doing wrong? Can u help me pls.
scripting Having GUI menu appear on addaction.
DLX.Ziality posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi, I was just wondering how I can have my GUI menu appear by using the addaction, I haven the control.hpp, defines.hpp, description.ext & openDialog.sqf all figured out but I'm unsure on how to have the GUI appear once selected on a infostand via addaction. I'm aware I will need a initplayerlocal.sqf file but I'm unsure on what goes in this file in relation to my GUI menu working, I know nothing about scripting aside from the basic's I have learnt like teleporting and giving loadouts via addaction. -
Scripting Introduction for New Scripters
Ranwer135 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
G'day guys, There has been a lot of new threads by newcomers that ask the same/similar questions, found in many other threads. If you are new to ArmA or want to get into scripting, welcome to the forums! :) As you know, there is a search box at the top of the page, it can be used to search throughout every thread what you are after. Bear in mind that it may sometimes not provide you with the proper answer. This, however, doesn't mean that another thread should be opened. In fact, there is a huge library of scripts you probably never heard of. Check it out, there is an abundant of examples provided in each script command: It is constantly being updated with new facts, info and scripts by many of our users such as KK. (Killzone Kid) Lastly, here are some basic info and tips on scripting. To create your own scripts, navigate to "My Documents\Arma 3\missions\your_saved_mission". Then, create a text document and rename the extension ".txt" to ".sqf". Once done, open it with Notepad or Notepad++. To run your script in the game, navigate to your mission folder and create a "init.sqf". Open it and put this in: [] execVM "myscript.sqf"; If you want to get a specific unit to do some action (e.g. setDamage or setFuel), give your unit a name but without spaces. Then in a trigger, put this in: myguy setDamage 1; The symbol ";" used after each command, is to separate the command from another. (Think of it as a period symbol)Also, if you are thinking that Steam Workshop is the only place for mods, addons, scripts, etc. Armaholic is the official site for releasing such. You can find it here, they also have a FAQ as well: If you want to convert a string to code, you can use call compile STRING. This is very handy (and sometimes a smart trick) when passing code around such as lbData. ;) This wraps up the introduction for those new to scripting. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas that may improve this thread, feel free to post here. ^_^ Happy Scripting, ;) Rawner135 ArmA 3 Tutorial Links: Arma 3 Scripting Tutorial For Noobs - [Tutorial] Server Side Scripting - Camera Scripting - KK's blog - ArmA Scripting Videos: Modding Tutorials by GameDev Byrne: Other Tutorial Links: Conversation System Mission Editor ArmA 2 Mission Editor Triggers OFPEC ArmA 2 Scripting Commands ArmA2 COMREF Forums Post - Classnames ArmA2 Library ArmAholic ArmA2 Moves ArmA2 Modules Description.ext Scripting Topics (Check All Links) Startup Parameters Crash Files Tasks ARMA 2 Functions PostProcess Effects- 97 replies
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AI Task Scripting - Help Needed
ziipzaaapM16A4 posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Configs & Scripting
Hello, I usually work with C# and program ai mods for GTA V. i did a few arma 3 missions but thats all i did with arma "modding". Im having trouble to understand the general envoirement. Therefore i have a few questions - getting the vehicle, the character is in? [ANSWERED] => player.GetParent(); - How to Get Position of an Character. [ANSWERED] => player.GetOrigin(); - how to Perform actions such as GetInVehicle, MoveTo And PerformBandaging/AdministerSaline <====== [STILL UNKNOWN] (Help Needed) I value your time so if you want to only provide me with example code i would be also very happy because most of the code available does not contain Tasking AI via Script -
Intel that plays sound on the player
Godfather Blue posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've been trying to figure out how to make an intel that plays a sound off of the caller of the action. I'm having trouble getting both to work with each other and want to know if it's possible. -
Trigger lightning module at random interval over time
Irishcream216 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
First post here, long time lurker. I used the search function but was unable to find a solution to the problem at hand. I appreciate any advice. As the title suggests, I am attempting to generate a "ring of lightning" around an object for a cinematic effect. I am using the ZEUS lightning bolt modules in 3den, placed in a circle around said object. What I would like to happen is as follows: When the player(s) get within a certain range, the trigger(s) will activate the array of modules (one at a time, in quick succession) at random(z1 - z16), for a certain amount of time. When that time expires, they will then ALL fire at once for a brilliant flash finale. It sounds simple on the surface, but I cannot for the life of me get them to fire at random, even adjusting the trigger timer. After a set interval, they all fire at once. I have tried using multiple triggers in groups, and even having a separate trigger for each module covering an area of 250m radius each, centered on exactly the same point. I am VERY new to scripting, but previously have been able to do things without calling a function or a script from SQF. please advise, and thank you. -Irish -
scripting Identify what player activated the addaction
Wilson543210 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Hello, I have an addaction on an object that any player can walk up to, and activate the action, and fires a trigger that does the intended thing. I'm trying to figure out how to make a hint saying "XXXX did the action!!", which can be in the same trigger, or can be in a separate one with a longer countdown. I see the wiki says that addaction has a param for caller, but I don't really understand the implication of it, or how I would output that into a hint. Would I only be able to get the player UID of who activated the addaction? Or could I somehow, miraculously, obtain the player's profile name in the hint? -
issue on launch MP - Spawn One Player AT Location, The Rest At Respawn Point
CADPAT_Soldier posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Idea- MP Lone survivor mission (VIP). One player tries to survive at a dangerous location, the rest of the players' job is to get there in time to save the survivor. Must- Survivor must spawn at his placed location. All others have respawns available at a set location (FOB) and spawn there at the beginning. Problem- When starting an MP mission, the survivor is automatically forced to respawn at the same spawn as the other players, as opposed to what I want, which is for them to just take control of the existing AI OR spawning at his already placed position, WITHOUT "Enable AI" being checked in the MP settings. Solution- Either a way to set up a spawn position that only the survivor can see OR Disabling the survivor's ability to respawn hopefully causing them not to just outright die but spawn at the spot with no lives. Tried- player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {[14716.65, 9175.446, 0]}]; player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {[here]}]; (In player INIT as well as Spawn INIT with variable name) Deselect "Select Respawn Position" (Causes all players to spawn on death location) if ( player isKindOf "B_Officer_F" || player isKindOf "O_Officer_F" ) then { player setPosATL getMarkerPos format[ "VIP_Respawn_%1", side player ]; }; if ( player isKindOf "B_Officer_F" || player isKindOf "O_Officer_F" ) then { [ player, format[ "VIP_Respawn_%1", side player ] ] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; }; Plez help- 1 reply
- spawn
- multiplayer
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I'm looking for a way to stop a specific vehicle from being able to be blown up. I want the hull and engine to be invincible, so that the vehicle won't explode when hit, but the wheels should still be vulnerable so that it can still be disabled, just not destroyed/blown up. I'm looking for this to be achieved within the vehicles init field, or via an external script. The reason I want this to be possible is because I don't want a simple vehicle respawn in my mission like I have now. I want to punish players for getting a vehicle blown up, making them have to airlift the damaged vehicle back to base where it can be repaired (I don't need help with the airlift or repairs I've got that covered, just need help on making the vehicles hull and engine invulnerable.) Are there any scripts out there which can help me a achieve this? I was looking into the "SetHit" functionality etc but I am a total noob when it comes to scripting. To be completely honest with you I'd love for someone to figure this out for me as I really don't have a lot of time to dedicate to testing and playing about with things myself
So I have a problem with my helis/planes that whenever someone goes unconscious/is dead in one or one explodes you can't respawn and you either need the zeus to delete you or someone else pull you out of the vehicle. I have made this script so far but it doesn't seem to properly work. { if ( _X getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false]) or (!alive _x) then {moveOut _x} } foreach crew _vehicle This seems to simply move the unconscious guy out of the vehicle even if he is the only one unconscious there. How would I make it so anyone who is unconscious gets moved out of the thing only when everyone else in the vehicle is also unconscious? Thank you in advance
As the topic says, I want to know if there is a way I can increase the light of a vehicle? In my case the ED-1D Pelter. The lamp itself is not the brightest and NVG and Thermal is going to be disabled due to the mission setting. Is there even a command for that? Any help is welcome 🙂 Thanks
scripting Help! My script should be working! Various errors with "variable undefined"
Justin Bowes posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm new to Arma scripting. I've been using ChatGPT 4o to generate code (after having it research the language of Arma), then using my limited knowledge on the language of Arma to try to repair various problems. Since ChatGPT seams to have hit a wall with its ability to help me, and it keeps repeating like a skipping record that I need to double check my code is actually correct, I decided perhaps experienced (human) scripters would immediately see the issue, diagnose the solution, and then kindly and comprehensively explain what was going wrong and how to fix it. I'm eager to learn more about coding, but you may need to break things down into laymen's terms. If you respond to this, Thank you so much for trying to help me in advance. A bit of background on what I'm trying to accomplish: I have a bunch of terrorist riflemen. I want to make it to where, on mission start, there is a 80% chance that they spawn with a "basic Rifleman" loadout and a 20% chance that they spawn with a "elite rifleman" loadout. I tried getting it to work with specified variable names, but eventually figured out that I can design the code so any unit with the initiation script in its Init field can have the script applied to them. It still doesn't work, despite my code editor (Visual Studio Code) not finding any errors with the script itself. Arma 3 seams to be very stingy about "defining" variables, and I can't seam to fix it no matter what I do. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have been frustratedly working on this for almost 2 weeks now, working on it almost 2 hours a day, and I'm not getting anywhere. The script itself: Initiated by the init field of each affected unit: [this] execVM "EliteOrNot.sqf"; private _basicLoadout = [ //Defines what should be in _basicLoadout variable ["arifle_AKM_F", "", "", ["30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", 30], [], ""], [], [], ["Binocular", [], "", "", [], ""], ["U_I_C_Soldier_Bandit_4_F", [ "FirstAidKit", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F" ]], ["V_BandollierB_blk", [ "HandGrenade", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F", "ACE_CTS9" ]], ["B_Messenger_Black_F", [ "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_EarPlugs", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_splint", "ACE_splint", "ACE_tourniquet", "kat_EACA", "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F" ]], ["H_Bandanna_gry", "G_Balaclava_blk"], ["ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"], [], "", ["male01per"], [], [] ]; private _eliteLoadout = [ //Defines what should be in the _eliteLoadout Variable ["arifle_AK12_F", "", "", ["30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", 30], [], ""], ["hgun_Rook40_F", "", "", ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 16], [], ""], [], ["Binocular", [], "", "", [], ""], ["U_C_E_LooterJacket_01_F", [ "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_packingBandage", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_tourniquet", "30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag" ]], ["V_PlateCarrier2_blk", [ "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", "30Rnd_762x39_AK12_Mag_F", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag" ]], ["B_LegStrapBag_coyote_F", [ "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_fieldDressing", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_quikclot", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "kat_chestSeal", "ACE_EarPlugs", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_splint", "ACE_tourniquet", "ACE_tourniquet" ]], ["H_PASGT_basic_black_F", "G_Bandanna_beast"], ["ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"], [], "", ["male02per"], [], [] ]; if (random 1 < 0.8) then { //80% chance _unit setUnitLoadout _basicLoadout; //affected unit sets loadout as "basic" } else { //If this does not happen, then _unit setUnitLoadout _eliteLoadout; //affected unit sets loadout as "elite" }; //End Function I don't know how much context you need to understand any of this, but I did my best to give EVERY DETAIL I could possible give you because I'm used to working with AI, which requires as much specification as possible to function correctly. If I over-informed you, I'm sorry, and thank you for being patient with this. Again, thank you so much for your advice in advance. I know that if your responding to this forum, you either have a similar problem, or you know your way around a code and are searching forums, perhaps bored, looking for challenges to conquer. Either way, any information you want to contribute to this forum, please do, regardless of why you are viewing this thread. Thank you and thank you again!- 15 replies
- errors
- new to scripting
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I'm making a tank and I have a problem, I have an animation of hiding an armor element when a hitpoint is destroyed (like ERA), it hides and works correctly, but I want to make an unhide animation after the first animation of hiding after receiving damage is triggered, so that the "visually burnt" version of the top is revealed, I made a model of "burnt armor" but I can't get it to reveal after the 1st animation is triggered, how can I do this? My model.cfg part of animation: class BKL1 { type="hide"; hideValue=0.99999; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKL1"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKL1"; }; class BKL1_Broken { type="hide"; hideValue=0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKL1_Broken"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKL1_Broken"; }; class BKR1 { type="hide"; hideValue=0.99999; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKR1"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKR1"; }; class BKR1_Broken { type="hide"; hideValue=0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; source="BKR1_Broken"; sourceAddress=0; selection="BKR1_Broken"; }; My animationsources part in config.cpp: class BKL1 { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKL1"; raw = 1;}; class BKR1 { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKR1"; raw = 1;}; class BKR1_Broken { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKR1"; raw = 1;}; class BKL1_Broken { source = "Hit"; hitpoint = "BKL1"; raw = 1;}; So how i can make "Unhide", animation correcly, to make it work?
WorldEditor makes wrong override function for OnPlayerKilled
Depechivo posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Configs & Scripting
I try create OnPlayerKilled override from GameMode_Editor_Full by pressing "+" in Script section, but World Editor makes: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, Instigator killer)" and in SCR_GameModeEditor we have: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)" that why i have error when compile script (Overloaded function 'OnPlayerKilled', argument 'killer' is not compatible with prototype argument type or spec 'Instigator'). How can i unlock function modify in script editor to add "notnull" in created function or make another actions to resolve this problem? -
С чего начать изучение скриптинга в arma reforger? Википедия почти полностью не понятная ибо без примеров и тд/ How do I start learning scripting in arma reforger? Wikipedia is almost completely incomprehensible because without examples and so on
- 1 reply
- arma reforger
- guide
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Hello guys. I've basically created an account to ask for your help as I really don't have any idea what's going on. I'm currently doing a little experiment with some scripts I found on the Steam workshop. I created my mission and created an init.sqf file for testing purposes (of course, inside the mission I created). After that and several tests, I decided to stop and continue today. Nevertheless, for some reason, when I loaded the mission I was welcomed with an error message saying: "Script C:\Users\USUARIO\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[Sgt]%20Zeonn\missions\DiosDelClimaTEST.Altis\init.sqf not found". My first thought was to make sure my init.sqf was actually a sqf file just in case Windows messed up with my stuff. But it didn't, it is an sqf file and everything is exactly how it was yesterday, after checking the RPT files I saw this: 20:45:49 Invalid path (only relative paths supported): 'C:\Users\USUARIO\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[Sgt]%20Zeonn\missions\DiosDelClimaTEST.Altis\init.sqf' 20:45:49 Warning Message: Script C:\Users\USUARIO\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[Sgt]%20Zeonn\missions\DiosDelClimaTEST.Altis\init.sqf not found 20:45:49 ScriptVM file C:\Users\USUARIO\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[Sgt]%20Zeonn\missions\DiosDelClimaTEST.Altis\init.sqf cannot be opened! It doesn't make any sense because the file path is correct, and file extension is correct (I did the full extension thing, save the file on Notepad++ and with Visual Studio to be double sure). I was about to give up when I loaded another mission, imagine my surprise when I saw the exact same error message, it's happening in all my missions. Even the older ones (like Liberation). However, I discovered that if I export the mission using the editor option (the one that saves it in the steam folder Arma3/missions as a PBO), and loaded using the Scenario option in the main menu, the init.sqf LOADS PERFECTLY, and everything runs as it's supposed to. I don't what's going on, and I have no idea how to solve it. I already tried creating a new profile, reloading the missions, verifying the game files, and everything. Would you guys help me on this? Forgot to mention: if I do an execVM "init.sqf" it also detects the file. Which makes even less sense.
I always found interesting the usage of dynamic ambient soundtracks in games with a more or less open environment (e.g, Fallout, TES...). In my opinion, dynamic music change based on combat/calm state always gives players more immersion and brings the overall joy of the gaming process higher. Unfortunately, Arma doesn't have anything similar in terms of dynamic music so I decided to do it myself. The base concept of this script was made in late 2019 and was used mainly for SP/private MP scenarios being constantly polished throughout these years. I'm not a very experienced scripter, but I tried to make this performance-friendly as much as possible so all suggestions are more than welcome. The script is very customizable, so you can even come up with your own music. Installation for SP: init.sqf → Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — SOG PF — CUP (A2) — Scripts\onLoadEH.sqf → Anything that is not SOG PF — SOG PF — Installation for MP: initPlayerLocal.sqf → Scripts\DynamicAmbient.sqf → Vanilla — SOG PF — CUP (A2) — Steam guide (fore more thorough explanation) Showcase missions: Vanilla CUP SOG PF Showcase videos: Credits: Bohemia interactive for such an amazing game. Savage Game Design for beautiful CDLC CUP Team for an astonishing addons Official Arma 3 discord (especially Lou Montana) for various hints Tinker, modify, and use as you wish, just don't forget to give a credit to the author 🙂
Okay so I'm currently working on a Vietnam Zeus mission. The players do have a GPS in their inventory (yeah i know its not time accurate but its to not get lost). I'm currently building some "underground" tunnels which are located on a dirt strip airfield. I don't want the players to know that they are on the airfield, thus i want to remove their GPS globally when they enter the tunnels via teleporter. I just can't find anything on if or how that works. Not even the config name of the gps so i can do a removeItem script. If someone already did that or knows how to do it, I'll be very thankful for any type of help. THY