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Found 148 results

  1. SOLDIER TRACKER by QUIKSILVER v2.6.0 CREATED: 8/08/2014 UPDATED: 11/10/2023 A3 2.14 Download (GitHub) VIDEO: IMAGES: DESCRIPTION: A system for showing Soldier, Vehicle and Group information on the Map, GPS and HUD. PURPOSE: Designed for scenario designers to have a powerful, high-performance and highly flexible solution to presenting player, vehicle and group information on the map, GPS and HUD interfaces. FEATURES: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: INSTRUCTIONS: PERMISSIONS: SUGGESTIONS / FEEBACK / BUG REPORTS: KNOWN ISSUES: CHANGE LOG: THIRD PARTY CREDIT: DONATE: DOWNLOAD LINK: Download (GitHub) Cheers! 🙂
  2. Yuuno -fr

    DVERG Forest

    Hi ! I would like to talk about this card that almost no one plays! It's "DVERG Forest". It takes me on average 4 to 8 minutes to find a game, unlike all the others where you can find one in less than 2 minutes! The reason, in my opinion and supported by several friends, is too many trees to hide in and you have to constantly run everywhere and watch out for those playing in the trees! Logically we are in a forest you will tell me! What I propose would be to "cut down" part of the forest to install a sawmill with an area covered with tree trunks. What do you think?
  3. Hey, I have seen this tutorial by Jerry Hopper Arma Reforger Cinematic Timeline howto . He is saving the whole map into the modfolder to make Eden editable, but in my version the "Save world as" button is greyed out. Does anyone know a workaround? It would be just awesome to get the possibility to delete objects and changing the terrain for so many mod ideas. I don't know why BI is restricting that. Same with the texture files. Modded weapons, cars and everything else could look like it would fit perfectly in the game. Have a nice day Mittens
  4. Yuuno -fr

    New Map Vigor ELIM

    Hi ! New little proposal for Vigor! Concerning the elimination but also the death match. I noticed that there was no map where we were locked in closed spaces. To change a bit from open play to focus on close or very short range combat. So I thought of 3 places that might be interesting. * The first one already available is on FISK FABRICK inside the tunnel. Just add a few trucks/containers and the area could offer some interesting frontal gameplay! * The 2nd does not exist yet and could appeal to many players, it is the interior of the big boat in ANIKKEN it would be filled with damaged containers and could even in the future become an agricultural area for transport once opened ! * The 3rd would be specific to the death match and would take place inside the KJERSTIN dam What do you think?
  5. Yuuno -fr

    New suggest In Map

    Hello New proposal to change the game! After a few minutes of play before the drop, a siren sounds signaling the arrival of a bombardment on a large red zone similar to the drop zone. All players in this area would have a warning message. This area could also why not change and become "irradiated"
  6. was trying to test how a vehicle would drive on the roads of my map but when I place a vehicle then switch to game mode the vehicle won't move, it just sits there spinning the tires. I am very new to this all the help is very appreciated.
  7. Hey guys, So im posting this in the hopes that it can help people looking for similar solutions to shading a custom map area defined by a polygon of markers, it took a while to get working but creates a really clean effect thats easy to adapt to most situations.
  8. In a game based on the use of the compass and the map for orientation, it could be interesting to have a survey map. Of course, it would be a useful asset to orient himself and organize the actions of his camp. The Everon map created by the "topography" code from Operation Flashpoint Arma:ColdWar Assault is completely useless. It is always possible to make your own map from assembled screenshots, that's what I did! It's useful, but it's of poor quality.😕 This is why, in any case, I think that distributing a map in the form of a .pdf file would be a minimum, a printed map would be perfect.
  9. Kalvoy YouTube Trailer/Showcase I'm currently hosting a Free-For-All server on this map! Can't guarantee it will have players, but search for "Kalvoy" in the server browser if you wanna hop on & try it out 🙂 Kalvoy (Kalvøy) is a small & dense map based in southern Norway. The map currently contains 3 walled off Free-For-All modes, and a plain sandbox mode. I've been working on this map for a few weeks, and plan on adding a couple of missions + doing playtests & bug-fixing. Bugs are to be expected, so feel free to comment here or @ me in the Arma discord if you want to report bugs or just give some feedback. Cheers! Doktor Plekter
  10. Hey guys, so I am practicing at making terrains right now. I decided to start following the suggested PMC ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial. https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial I am at the Binarization step, where I get stuck and encounter a sudden error when I press the Crunch button. Have been trying a bunch of attempts at a work around but not managed to solve it yet. The logs does not show any information at all and I have not managed to google the issue. Very sure I have followed all steps successfully up until this point. My files contain config.ccp and other files, despite it saying no configs or missions found?
  11. Hello, I am a norwegian man hoping to find someone that could "help" me with creating a Arma 3 map of the city of tromsø (tromso) and the surrounding areas. I am willing to pay a decent sum of money for a good quality map, though you would need to come with a price tag as i don't really know how much it would cost to have one made. Would love to hear from those who are interested.
  12. So I'm working on a mission in which I would like the players to use the MicroDAGR and the Ctab tablet. Both of these devices count as (gps) terminals which enable both the side panels (I managed to find a solution to this) and the map (even when there is none in the inventory). I am not good with eventhandlers which I assume would be the prime candidates for this. Does anyone have ideas for a simple script that either prevents the player from opening the map itself or closing the map screen as soon as its opened?
  13. Made a simple python script to transfer sections ASCII heightfield data between files. Although this was born out of a mess I put myself in I think a few people could find it useful. Main use cases in mind for this tool was. --Allowing easier versioning of HF data by enabling section transfers between versions. --Allowing people to work on terrain changes simultaneously. ASCII-HF-Transplanter Planning on supporting shape exports from TB down the line once I get my head around how TB handles them.
  14. Hi guys, one friend of mine is having problems with map tools. I am asking for help for him because he cannot speak English. His question is: 1. "When I make roads with polylines I cannot see them in Bulldozer, what can I do to make them appear"? Thanks for helping.
  15. Sup all! I've made a modification of BIS_fnc_markerToString and BIS_fnc_stringToMarker to allow Polylines (map drawings) to be serialized/unserialized, because native scripted functions does not allows it. I'm currently using this because my players sometimes participate in a pre-mission recon and this allows them to save important map intel data, that will be re-renderized on their maps on the official mission day. Use/modify them as you see fit. Enjoy! GLMRK_fnc_markerToString: GLMRK_fnc_stringToMarker:
  16. Scottish Highlands 1.0 is now available! See bottom of this post for the link to the Steam workshop. Scottish Highlands takes you to North-West Scotland, focusing on the hills and valleys around Loch Eil, only a few miles from the Largest mountain in Scotland, Ben Nevis. This area has an interesting mix of topography. Coastal areas are flat and broken up by villages, tall hedgerows and fields, whilst the less populated inland is mainly large valleys and hills with tight twisting roads, intertwined by dense forests. Roadmap: Full release Scottish Highlands is now at a point where I'm happy to call it a full release. I will still be making small changes here and there, making improvements to the satmap and maybe adding or tweaking a few areas, but as the map stands it is in a fully playable state. SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD: Scottish Highlands workshop page: click here
  17. tag Nero

    Map Legend

    Is there an online resource for Map Legend / Key for all the Symbols used on the map please ?
  18. Hi, in the first weeks I could move or remove assets from the eden map directly, and over a week I created my own custom towns and villages. Since the last updated, all my work from last week is lost and the changes are undone. I guess you are not allowed to edit the default layer of Eden any more. But how can I now make changes to already existing maps? For example, remove buildings and replace them with other assets?
  19. Sup all. I've have another question, this time, related to map markers. I'm running missions that slipts into two events: one day for recon, and the other for the mission itself. On recon day, a small group of players inserts into the map and makes a survelliance run, gathering the intel for the second day, that is, "the mission" itself. I want to save all the players markers on recon event (wich I can do via scripting), and then export them to the "mission map". The thing is that on single player, I can grab the map markers array data and export it as a string using "copyToClipboard", but according to Bohemia wiki, it's a server side only function. On a dedicated server, I'm running into problems to get that data from a client. What I achieved so far: Server side script: grab all the players markers into an array, then "send" that data to a zeus enabled player (client). On client side, I've got the markers data. Missing: how can I do to "export" that data. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  20. Hello. I am flying transport on a quite popular MP server ( Invade and Annex mission ) turnarounds are fast and the AO changes all the time. What I need is the map to stay focused where I want it, and it does not change when opening and closing. Zooming out, click dragging and zooming in every time I want to check the AO is quite annoying. The mission is MP , I am not hosting the game and I am not sure if they would let me use a mod. Is there a .cfg I can tweak ? In the editor if I get out of my heli and do some mapology the map stays at the last position , so I can open cand close the map and it will still show the same position ( no MY position but the one I am studying ) . If I get back into the heli this stops working. and it goes back to the whatever you call this function thing... HELP ! G.
  21. MONTELLA TERRAIN MOD ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Hello everyone, Its been more than two yeard since I started this project and I think it is time to make it public and breathe a sigh of relief. I hope you will enjoy every piece of it, just like i did making it. The Terrain is inspired by a mountainous region in Campania (Italy) south of Naples, yes it’s not an island. The vibe is the same as in “Chernarus” but with a touch of Italian Culture. The map is a scale 1: 1 with the real areas (Parco Regionale Dei Monti Picentini - Irpinia). It is essentially a big valley between two large mountains “Verteglia” and “Laceno” both with their points of interest, towns and much more. The valley has 3 big towns: the most important “Montella”, then “Bagnoli” and “Cassano”, two of which have already been completed. Also, an entire section has been removed to create an area that actually does not exist in real life, the “Irpinian Sea”. Being a rural area there are not many roads that connect the town easily therefore you will have to cross rivers and ride on top of high cliffs and mountains. The map uses at its best the Arma 3 assets both the vanilla and the Tanoa ones also, we imported some from Arma 2 and other mods. Update: Terrain is still Work in Progress The terrain is now in a condition i feel many of you can consider "playable". This does not mean that the mod is completed or that it represent a finished product, it still is a Work In Progress. You can download the mod from the workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053485750/myworkshopfiles/ Latest Video: - Map size is 10240x10240m - Grid size is 2048 cells - Cell size is 5m circa - Sat/Mask size is 15360px - Citys and Villages 6 - Airports 2 Completed Task: - Towns: “Montella” and “Cassano” with their surroundings. - All the areas covered by trees are completed. - 20 km of rivers. - Almost all of the roads are completed and connected. - Custom highway that joins the two sides of the map. - Custom handmade “satellite map”. - Custom “mask map”. - All configs are written and ready. - A test server with a Custom made Exile Mission is fully functional. To do list: - Second largest city “Bagnoli”. - Small city on “Laceno”. - Harbor and its surroundings. - Fields and houses to fill the areas between each town. - A lot of small adjustments in cities like light-poles benches garbage’s bin and many other small details. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================ I regularly post updates on my twitter and my YouTube channel and sometimes Stream at: https://twitter.com/MontellaTerrain https://www.youtube.com/user/avatar1924 https://www.twitch.tv/mistermark My Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053485750/myworkshopfiles/ If you want to contribute and help with the project you are welcome to Support the Team at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=22T9PSBBVQD2U
  22. ABOUT [RATS.ins] jujurat presents Orglandes, a 4km terrain that seeks to provide a playable, atmospheric, and engaging take on French countryside in WW2. Orglandes is a small town that was fought around during the allied assault on the way to Cherbourg. This terrain attempts to recreate Orglandes, and the areas around it in the approximate time period using references from old satellite images from the 1950s, and of course some fictional liberties taken to make the map playable for Arma. FEATURES 4km terrain that recreates northernish french countryside. Extensive bocage/foliage detail. Mostly accurate building placement (authentic as it can get with limited assets). Rolling hills, farms, and wheat fields. Footpaths that maneuver around the map and allow the player to explore multiple areas. Livonia lighting and foliage. (With some configuration edits to work well for this map too!) Fighting positions and ruins that accurately depict the events that unfolded in the areas around Orglandes. PLANNED FEATURES More trenches, defensive positions, etc. Custom soundscapes. Further detail on lackluster areas. Continued support and improvement based on community feedback. NOTES While I have released this map publically, it is still under development. Unlike most 'under development' maps on the workshop/release state, this one is very much playable and works fine without any issue. However, there are small (mostly cosmetic) issues that are going to be addressed and fixed with time. You may experience some trees on roads, roads not being aligned perfectly.. etc, all of which can be solved in your mission file, simply use the hide terrain objects module if you encounter any issues of this nature. CREDITS jujurat - Made the terrain. vuo - Help with some object placement when I ran out of ideas. scwheineyy - Helped me figure things out when I first started the map on 6/19/20. mo - """Historical""" advisor and general help. ADDITIONAL CREDITS simcardo - Being an inspiration for continuing to provide cool content for Arma. Ice - BIG HELP in the Arma Community Discord (particularly in the terrain channels). EO - Skies inspiration. All of the testers and people who previewed the map and helped find issues with it. Anyone who helped me in the Arma terrain chat that I'm forgetting. STATS FOR NERDS Terrain Size: 4096m Grid Size: 1024x1024 Cell Size: 4m TERRAIN IMAGES FULL IMGUR ALBUM: https://imgur.com/a/EzaI6PQ DOWNLOAD Current mirror: Steam Workshop. I don't intend on uploading it to Armaholic, but if someone would like to do so, that's fine. Just use all of the information posted here. 🙂 EDIT: Armaholic mirror available, however it is not maintained by me. Armaholic version may not always be up to do with newest versions. https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=36273
  23. Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113631358&tscn=1503026494 Chernarus 2035 is the Eastern area of the fictional country of Chernarus, known by most to just simply be Chernarus. This mod aims to be a slight re-master and overhaul to some locations of Chernarus in line with the original terrain. The terrain size has been increased from 225km2 to 419km2, a number of new islands large and small have been created off the coast of Chernarus, ranging from a Nuclear Power Plant to a large island with an airfield a some small settlements, to nearly a dozen smaller islands to fill in the gaps. More inland enhancements to locations are also underway, currently the only location which has had any noteworthy changes is Elektro with a large upper town area being added. Utes island has been added to the map aswell, bringing the total playable space up significantly, and even more locations previously barren may also be updated in the future. Thank you! Other notable features: -Overhauled Grass Configs & Textures -Beautiful Lighting, Sky, and Cloud Configs -Many structures have added interiors by Argument and myself -Utes Island + Chernarus merged -Post-Catastrophe Setting (Garbage and abandoned vehicles) -Many new additions planned for the future
  24. ព្រៃខ្មោចលង | Prei Khmaoch Luong A small, dense jungle province of Cambodia. The terrain is designed exclusively for LRRP, infantry combat, UH insertions and LOH. 1960-79 were years of conflict. Viet-Nam war, incursions and presidential lies, a Khmer Rouge regime ended by the Vietnamese forces and the Golden Triangle drug trade network have all left their mark. This is the first terrain to be released to the public of the Cambodian Playground Project. The terrain is a work in progress. It has taken a year to get this far and it will probably take six more months before it is completed and fully featured. Features: 8x8km custom objects custom textures massive entrenchments and fortified hilltops brown rivers custom native buildings/stilted huts several villages and plantationsTechnical: This map is intended for close combat in a dense jungle environment and thus requires you to configure your settings accordingly. 1000m object and 2km view range is enough. Anybody with a reasonable computer and correct settings will get good fps with this terrain. That being said, this is a map with 2017 release and is benched for 2016 computers, the visual detail level is made to be enjoyed on large resolution monitors and larger render resolutions. Known issues: Any bugs, things not working and weird object placement is due to area with them not being finished. There are many such. No need to report. If you find an issue, I know about it already. There are thousands ;) AI drivers will ignore the bridges more often than not, ai some times ignore houses. Will be fixed later. Fixes will be done randomly without announcement. Major updates happen monthly or slower. I only answer contact through my youtube channel or BI forums if I don't personally know you. No random friend requests please. It has been a year since I started this project now, beginning with PKL (minus two weeks or so) and almost six months since last public update. A LOT has changed since then. Ideas from people who use it has come in. I've watched as many videos as I could find or get sent to me and I've done a vast amount of research and experiments. All or some of this has led to the following changes. (actual changes are in the hundreds of thousands so you're going to have to explore to see.) All ruins have been removed. May return in a later version.. If you follow this thread you know already. All Tanoa rocks have been removed and replaced with another solution. All roads have been upgraded to make room for small and medium vehicles and enhanced with new textures and more shiny wetness. Almost all riverbeds have been upgraded and vegetation opened up to allow for more LOH oriented possibilites. Every single area and settlement has had some level of changes and improvements. More military locations in progress. ~200.000 vegetation objects and a similar number of rocks and cliffs have been removed or replaced to improve performance. The lower river area has rice farms started and will slowly have all available area converted into such. Massive rethink of the terrain to allow for vehicle based gameplay to the cost of less on foot detail. Several new areas opened up. AAA/artillery site added for OPFOR on western side. The following are my plans for PKL towards next major update: High detail rice. My buddy @Kimchi is going to Cambodia in the very near future and will help me create some detail photo studies of various rice. Finalized native buildings. New native buildings and pagoda. More hidden opfor installations. New vegetation models, in clusters for high performance to make the jungle more dense. Bamboo. Local Boats. (props and ones that work) Random Current stats: 910.000 objects where more than 700.000 of them were placed by hand. ~2000 people live in the area in approximately 600 simple homes. They probably dont' approve of what you are doing. There are 3 military police stations. Mud roads cover over 100km and there are 70km of foot paths and riverbeds in various sizes. You can fly single digit altitude between every major and most other locations in a littlebird. FINAL HOLIDAY UPDATE GALLERY All screens were taken with 8km view range and 2500m object distance, providing me 40-60 fps on my system. The holiday update is currently being tested and finalized and will be up on steam within hours of this post. If you enjoy my content, wish to see more, want to support me or show appreciation, any size donation to my paypal is greatly appreciated and everything goes to cover expenses, software licenses or hardware. Happy holidays and don't get malaria! -blud LEGAL NOTICE! READ THIS! FAILURE TO READ MEANS I OWN YOUR SOUL ETERNAL! THIS ADDON IS RELEASED UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS CC-AT-NC-ND 3.0 UNPORTED LICENSE. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS ON MONETIZED SERVERS! Download on steam workshop! Please do not "mirror" this anywhere. Hotfixes happen without notification. I only support downloads from steam. Special thanks to TeTeT, Lappihuan, Uro, Pennyworth, Kimchiguy, Mikero, Orcinus, Frankie, Mondkalb and the rest of the homies for the help and moral support! Additional Info: This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except for the original IP-Owner ("bludclot"). This means: You are NOT allowed to upload it to the Steam-Workshop! Do yourself a favor and create a Steam Workshop Collection, it makes yours (and all other lives) much more easier.