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Found 18 results

  1. SOLDIER TRACKER by QUIKSILVER v2.6.0 CREATED: 8/08/2014 UPDATED: 11/10/2023 A3 2.14 Download (GitHub) VIDEO: IMAGES: DESCRIPTION: A system for showing Soldier, Vehicle and Group information on the Map, GPS and HUD. PURPOSE: Designed for scenario designers to have a powerful, high-performance and highly flexible solution to presenting player, vehicle and group information on the map, GPS and HUD interfaces. FEATURES: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: INSTRUCTIONS: PERMISSIONS: SUGGESTIONS / FEEBACK / BUG REPORTS: KNOWN ISSUES: CHANGE LOG: THIRD PARTY CREDIT: DONATE: DOWNLOAD LINK: Download (GitHub) Cheers! 🙂
  2. Okay so I'm currently working on a Vietnam Zeus mission. The players do have a GPS in their inventory (yeah i know its not time accurate but its to not get lost). I'm currently building some "underground" tunnels which are located on a dirt strip airfield. I don't want the players to know that they are on the airfield, thus i want to remove their GPS globally when they enter the tunnels via teleporter. I just can't find anything on if or how that works. Not even the config name of the gps so i can do a removeItem script. If someone already did that or knows how to do it, I'll be very thankful for any type of help. THY
  3. I would like to disable the vehicle panels showing GPS, radar, and crew. I have tried using the showHUD command and its parameters, but it does not work for vehicles.
  4. A3GPS - a 'real' GPS for Arma 3 Description : Hello everyone , i finally release my GPS for arma 3 . It was more a challenge for myself at the beginning because arma road network is a headache to itself. All the code and updates/bugfixes are available on GitHub. Don't hesitate to send me suggestions/bugs/feedback ! It will be a pleasure to answer :) Features : French/English language. Shortest path calculation to arrive at a selected route. Save path and quickly start navigation again. Compatible with every missions (after arma 3 v1.70). Custom keybindings. HUD when you navigate (turn left/right , distance from goal , ...) . Path recalculation if user is taking another path. Quick navigation to travel for exemple to the nearest Fuel Station or Town without opening the main menu. Supported maps : Altis , Stratis , Malden , Tanoa . It will work on other maps but you can have performance issues. Installation : Every steps are explained on my GitHub . Download : Release 1.0 Screenshots : screen 1 screen 2 screen 3
  5. We run a milsim unit and have a problem that so far, we have been unable to resolve. We want the ground players to have Waypoints disabled, which we can achieve via the Difficulty Setting. However, we want Pilots to be able to use waypoints. Is anyone aware of a MOD or Setting that would make this accomplish-able? I have been searching the modding websites endlessly to no avail. I would prefer to avoid loop scripts that disable/re enable every second. Always cautious of loops impacts on performance when you have ~20-40 players on a server. Thank you
  6. Alongside our planned Jets DLC platform upgrades, we needed moar UI. But quite a big part of the ingame screen is already taken by various elements and gadgets. We realize that, despite our goal to be more 'minimalistic' with UI, we have quite a lot going on in there. We've decided to put some elements into 'generic containers'. Together with Weapon and Vehicle Info, we now have a system called 'Custom Info'. It's 'Custom' because it allows you to pick which ones you want to have displayed in game. Custom also because creates a framework for modders to use - more about that later on wiki. Before we go any further, I recommend you to reset your keybinds to A3 or Apex preset (and dump all the hours you've spent customizing them) - otherwise you'll see a lot of missing strings and unnecessary action menu entries. As a player, what you get is a system of two windows - left and right. You have actions to toggle modules inside these windows. By default: [ - next module (GPS, feed, sensor display....) on left display RCTRL + [ - toggle sub-mode (range, feed spectrum...) on left display ] - next module on right display RCTRL + ] - toggle sub-mode on right display (no default keybind) - previous module on left display (no default keybind) - previous module on right display (no default keybind) - close left display (no default keybind) - close right display You can find following modules: Navigation (if your have a GPS item or GPS is configured as integral part of your vehicle) - the navigation is now rotating. The tech is being improved, so you can expect some hickups. Slingload assistant (if your vehicle can slingload) UAV camera feed (if you have an UAV terminal) Crew list (If you are inside a vehicle) In addition - in all military aircraft - you will have a Sensor display. More about that in the Sensor Overhaul feedback thread In all tanks, APCs, MRAPs and similar 'advanced' vehicles, you will have camera feeds from other crew's positions. In attack aircraft (gunships, fighters, CAS), you will also have feeds from TGP (driver), gunner and also from a launched missile wherever applicable. The old actions for GPS, Drone feed and Slingload assistant still work and will directly switch the default window to the respective module. Enjoy, and let us know what you think!
  7. I need to remove this GPS indicator on the map while beeing in an aircraft.
  8. Hi, I want to remove this GPS cross from the map which is showing while the player is in an aircraft. I want a map which is finally a map and not a GPS device named map.. How can I achieve that? In-game options? Script? Mod? Thanks
  9. Hi everybody, A year has passed since I issued the HUD Tactical glasses V 2.3 Thanks to all of you who took time to play with this add-on and feedback for improvement. This add-on is a pack of tools such as AUTO-REPACK, FATIGUE MANAGER, ENHANCED GPS, ENHANCED MAP TOOLS, TACTICAL ICONS, ARSENAL TEST, HALO JUMP,.. and much more! (details below and more info in readme.txt) Forget the "too heavy backpack" penalty, adjust Zeroing, use map tool for MK6 mortar computing, treat yourself at full with a 2nd FAK, auto repack your magazines,... Your settings are persistent from mission to mission. MP environment compatible. I hope this will please to you but I’m aware nothing is perfect. If you have any specific demand as server owner, just ask me. This add-on is not a heavy one! Just test it. Download here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673533220 View video here:
  10. MajorBaguette

    Arma maps for IRL GPS systems

    Hey, I'd like to know if someone here know where I could find GPS files (.kmz .mbtiles ...) for the most used maps especially Takistan & Takistan Mountains ? I need it for JTAC training and I can't find these on google or here. Thanks for reading me. Major
  11. Fly Tanoa Air is a flight SIM-u-LITE scenario with dynamic missions and aircraft features. What's new: (changelog) Steam Workshop Flying aircraft in ArmA III is difficult. It takes a lot of practice. Right when you think you've got it, you realize how much more there is to learn. Just dropping an aircraft into an empty scenario is fine to start but that gets boring and, as a pilot in training, you need something more compelling to keep logging more hours. Fly Tanoa Air provides a fun and re-playable scenario in which to practice your skills. This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Drive Link Download : Fly Tanoa Air 0050 Check out the new mission maker designed with the FTA framework New Live readMe file Check out the [FTA] guidebook, FTA Dev Topic Challenges Features Control Description Images: Videos (new): THANKS to everybody at: Bohemia Forums Check out our Patreon page Ascina Illustration & Design ArmA 3 Nexus mirror Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)
  12. Hey folks. I was goofing around in the UI resources configs and I managed to change the default colors of the GPS info panel. I tweaked it to use my more readable map settings (check out my More Readable Map mod in my signature). I also managed to find the setting responsible for the initial zoom and the zoom out from speed. I changed the ground GPS (on foot and vehicles) to increase the initial zoom to 500m and lock it like that (ie. GPS won't zoom out when moving). I also changed the aircraft GPS, this time I increased the zoom out factor as well as changing the colors. The zoom settings are kinda eyeballed and might need some tuning. NOTE: The panel position is NOT a part of the mod, it's just my UI layout. If you want to change the zoom, then these config settings control that: speedCoefSpeed0 - initial zoom speedCoefSpeedMax - zoom out factor when moving, the higher the speed the bigger the zoom out DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6521cda7ua4zh3a/@GPS_tweaks.zip/file
  13. Hey Folks, recently i was playing a bit with setting up the dijkstra algorithm in arma. With the following code you will be able to navigate from your position to a marker on the map. Have Fun! Video Tutorial: Tutorial on YouTube Parts of the Algorithm: Create Road Map, Gets all connected roads on the map and save them in an array Run the Dijkstra Algorithm, Defines the graph for the RoadMap with recent starting point Finding the Path, Gets the position of the destination marker on the map and finds the shortest path Create Local Markers, Create markers for every path node Delete Markers on Passing, When passing the navigation markers they will be deleted from the gui Create Road Map // Create Road Map _roadMap = []; _nextRoads = []; _finishedRoads = []; _startRoads = player nearRoads 10; _firstRoad = _startRoads select 0; _nextRoads pushBack _firstRoad; _iterationCounter = 0; while {_iterationCounter < 1000} do { _nextRoad = _nextRoads deleteAt 0; _connectedRoads = roadsConnectedTo _nextRoad; { _distance = _x distance _nextRoad; _roadMap pushBack [_nextRoad, _x, _distance]; if((_finishedRoads find _x) == -1) then { _nextRoads pushBack _x; }; } foreach _connectedRoads; _finishedRoads pushBack _nextRoad; _iterationCounter = _iterationCounter +1; }; Run the Dijkstra Algorithm // Run the Dijkstra Algorithm _startRoads = player nearRoads 10; _startRoad = _startRoads select 0; // Init Distances _distanceArray = []; _workQueue = []; _distanceArray pushBack [_startRoad, 0, null]; _visitedRoads = []; _visitedRoads pushBack _startRoad; _workQueue pushBack [0, _startRoad]; while { count _workQueue > 0} do { _workItem = _workQueue deleteAt 0; _actualRoad = _workItem select 1; // Get the connected Roads out the RoadMap { _road = _x select 0; _connRoad = _x select 1; _connDistance = _x select 2; if ((_road == _actualRoad) && !(_connRoad in _visitedRoads)) then // Find Connected Roads, not yet visited { _visitedRoads pushBack _connRoad; // Save connected road as visited // Calculate Distance between the Roads _roadDistance = _connDistance; // Search for Parent in Distance Array and get his Distance { _parentRoad = _x select 0; _parentDistance = _x select 1; _parentParent = _x select 2; if(_parentRoad == _road) then { _roadDistance = _roadDistance + _parentDistance; // Add distance of parent to new distance }; } foreach _distanceArray; // Save new Road in Distance Array _distanceArray pushBack [_connRoad, _roadDistance, _road]; // Add connected road to Distance Array _workQueue pushBack [_roadDistance, _connRoad]; // Add connected road to queue }; } forEach _roadMap; if(count _workQueue > 0) then {_workQueue sort true;}; }; Finding the Path // Now Finding the Shortest Path to Destination _destinationPath = []; _destinationLength = 0; _startNode = _distanceArray select 0; // Get the Destination Node from Marker _destinationMarker = allMapMarkers select ((count allMapMarkers) -1); _nearestDestinationRoad = (getMarkerPos(_destinationMarker) nearRoads 10) select 0; _selectedNode = []; // Find DestinationRoad in Array { _nodeRoadx = _x select 0; if(_nodeRoadx == _nearestDestinationRoad) then { _selectedNode = _x; } } foreach _distanceArray; // Get the Distance to Destination _destinationLength = _selectedNode select 1; diag_log format ["StartNode: %1, SelectNode: %2, DestinationLength: %3", _startNode, _selectedNode, _destinationLength]; // Get the Path to Destination while{!(_selectedNode isEqualTo _startNode)} do { _nodeRoad = _selectedNode select 0; // Select the Road in the Node _destinationPath pushBack _nodeRoad; // Save the Road in the Path _nodeParent = _selectedNode select 2; // Node Parent to find // Find Node Parent in Distance Array { _nodeRoadx = _x select 0; if(_nodeRoadx == _nodeParent) then { _selectedNode = _x; } } foreach _distanceArray; }; _destinationPath pushBack (_startNode select 0); Create Local Markers // Create Local Markers to navigate to the path { _streetMarker = "VR_3DSelector_01_exit_F" createVehicleLocal getPos(_x); // _mapMarker = createMarkerLocal ["markername",[getPos(_x select 0) select 0,getPos(_x select 0) select 1]]; // _mapMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; // _mapMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "DOT"; } foreach _destinationPath; Delete Markers on Passing // Delete Local Markers when passing them [] spawn { while{true} do { _nearestObjects = nearestObjects [player, [], 10]; { if(typeOf _x == "VR_3DSelector_01_exit_F") then { deleteVehicle _x; } } foreach _nearestObjects; sleep 0.1; } }
  14. Hi, I'm having problems figuring out what I'm doing wrong with the command drawIcon. It works in singleplayer and the icon shows up on the map, but in multiplayer it doesn't. It's supposed to be displayed on both the GPS-minimap and the regular map screen. Here's the code I've got so far. It's executed on the init of the unit (fredrik) in question. ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { (_this select 0) drawIcon [ "iconManMedic", [0,0,1,1], (getPosWorld fredrik), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), 0.5 / ctrlMapScale (_this select 0), getDir fredrik, (name fredrik) ]; }]; Any kind of clarification on how to get it to show up on the GPS and in multiplayer would be appreciated! Thanks!
  15. Hi, I saw this video on Dslyecxi channel. On his GPS there is a line between him and a waypoint. How does he do that? Cheers
  16. OO_PATHFINDING - shortest route between two positions Lastest version : 0.4 by Code34 Download from : Dropbox Download from : Armaholic Like to donate ? with Paypal GitHub : https://github.com/code34/oo_pathfinding.altis Pathfinding or pathing is the plotting, by a computer application, of the shortest route between two points. It is a more practical variant on solving mazes. This field of research is based heavily on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding a shortest path on a weighted graph (Source wikipedia) OO_PATH gives the opportunity to recover a set of positions that form a path between point A and point B. Several algorithm are avalaible to check the path.OO_PATH uses a virtual grid which replaces the map, and allows you to improve the precision on a well-defined area. The A* algorithm can use a weight function call back that permits to give weight depending of obstacles, objects, etc found on the sector. You must know that the condition of pathfinding is not optimized (it is not part of the object), that's why it takes time. Here the goal is to deliver an object ready for use for all types of use and not specifically for GPS. If you want to improve performance, precalculate prerequisites. Applications Pathfinding for units/vehicles AI improvements GPS Features GreedyBestFirst Algorithm Dijkstra Algorithm A* Algorithm, with dynamic call back weight function entrie Use a virtual Grid (OO_GRID) Licence Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author Documentation Example with A* Algorithm Readme
  17. OK so new to Zeus....have watched numerous videos and read the manuals online. Everything seems to work fine in Eden/Zeus. However, when I try to run it with my LAN group I end up getting either 2 variations. 1) Stuck with no GPS symbol 2) Stuck on the Splendid camera Are there any ideas you might have? Is it hard to share with another person to review? Thanks so much....
  18. I'm trying to disable the RightCtrl+M mini map, but it just wont work. In description.ext I have showGPS = 0; and yet the GPS is still coming up, when I preview the Mission. Everything else works fine. I have ACE running, may be that's the problem?