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About Utopia_Amaury

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  1. Utopia_Amaury

    [Release] A3GPS - a real GPS for Arma 3

    Hello, it's the author, I don't play Arma 3 anymore, but don't hesitate to make PR or Github issues ! I'm still active on Github ! https://github.com/AmauryD/A3GPS/issues
  2. Utopia_Amaury

    [Release] A3GPS - a real GPS for Arma 3

    I just wanted to make the easiest installation possible for the user. But i didn't know you can create projects inside the string table , you learned me something.
  3. Utopia_Amaury

    [Release] A3GPS - a real GPS for Arma 3

    Hey , thank's for using it , you can just add a check before calling the menu. player addAction ["Open GPS",{ if ("itemGPS" in assignedItems player) then { [] call gps_menu_fnc_loadGPSMenu; }; }]; On the next version (v1.1) , an event handler system will be added to handle this but it's not implemented in v1.0.
  4. Utopia_Amaury

    [Release] A3GPS - a real GPS for Arma 3

    Thank's to you Foxhound :D
  5. A3GPS - a 'real' GPS for Arma 3 Description : Hello everyone , i finally release my GPS for arma 3 . It was more a challenge for myself at the beginning because arma road network is a headache to itself. All the code and updates/bugfixes are available on GitHub. Don't hesitate to send me suggestions/bugs/feedback ! It will be a pleasure to answer :) Features : French/English language. Shortest path calculation to arrive at a selected route. Save path and quickly start navigation again. Compatible with every missions (after arma 3 v1.70). Custom keybindings. HUD when you navigate (turn left/right , distance from goal , ...) . Path recalculation if user is taking another path. Quick navigation to travel for exemple to the nearest Fuel Station or Town without opening the main menu. Supported maps : Altis , Stratis , Malden , Tanoa . It will work on other maps but you can have performance issues. Installation : Every steps are explained on my GitHub . Download : Release 1.0 Screenshots : screen 1 screen 2 screen 3
  6. Utopia_Amaury

    ARMA_AC Arma 3 anti cheat & admin menu

    Hey named_dude ! , I tried to contact you by MP you didn't read the message. Like you said , i didn't know that that the key '><' doesn't exist on some keyboards , so i changed the anti cheat key to "SHIFT + O". If you want to edit it in your current mission just replace these lines in your ARMA_AC/ac_functions/fn_receiveAdmin.sqf. If you want to replace it manually , just replace this in ARMA_AC/ac_functions/fn_receiveAdmin.sqf systemChat "shift + >< key to open the menu."; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{ _code = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; if(_code isEqualTo 86 && _shift && (getplayeruid player in (getArray (AC_CFG >> "admins")))) then { if not dialog then { ["ac_logs_menu"] spawn ac_fnc_changeMenu; }; }; false; }]; by this , it should open the menu with shift + O key . systemChat "shift + O key to open the menu."; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown",{ _code = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; if(_code isEqualTo 24 && _shift && (getplayeruid player in (getArray (AC_CFG >> "admins")))) then { if not dialog then { ["ac_logs_menu"] spawn ac_fnc_changeMenu; }; }; false; }]; For the blackscreen problem , can you tell me what type of mission you're using ? Normally , the AC doesn't make problems when you are in admin (you can check the .RPT file for errors). PS : For some reasons i can't continue to develop the AC during a few weeks , but i'm still there for some minor changes and questions. Amaury
  7. Utopia_Amaury

    ARMA_AC Arma 3 anti cheat & admin menu

    Thank's claws :) . Don't hesitate to tell me if you are putting the anti hack on your server , i can help if you have questions . Amaury
  8. Utopia_Amaury

    ARMA_AC Arma 3 anti cheat & admin menu

    Thank you for the release foxhound :) .
  9. ARMA_AC Arma 3 anti cheat & admin menu by [utopia]Amaury Description: Arma_ac is an anti hack "scripts only" project with an admin menu , easy to use and configure . At the beginning it was just an anti cheat for my own server but after the server has closed . 1 year later i just wanted to share my old project , i updated it a little and here i'm. According to the MIT license , you are completly free to copy , modify and use all the scripts in this anti hack , you just need to keep my name in the project. Features: -Admin menu Logs menu with all the AC logs displayed. Admin menu to adminisrate the players (heal,kill,ban,kick,...). Objects creation menu : allow the admin to spawn vehicles , objects , weapons. Console menu where you can enter script lines. Config file maker , helps the user to create his config.hpp file , really easy to use. -Anti cheat Allowed weapons system. Allowed vehicles system. Chat filtering system : can filter ip , url , words entered by the user in the chat bar. Variables detection system : will eject the user with the non listed variables. Allowed displays system : users with uncorrect displays will be kicked. Bad files system : detect cheat files in the arma 3 folder. Installation: Create a description.ext file in your mission folder and add this code : view plain #include "ARMA_AC\config.hpp" #include "ARMA_AC\Menu\Menus\menus.hpp" Note : some conflits can happen with the mp_config.hpp if the CfgRemoteExec class already exists , to fix it just merge the content of the 2 classes in 1. Don't forget to add your UID to the config.hpp file in admins[] , and check the config.hpp file . Create a init.sqf file in your mission folder and add this code : view plain #define AC_FOLDER (getText (missionConfigFile >> "ARMA_AC" >> "folder")) if(isServer) then { [] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initServer.sqf"); if(hasInterface) then { waitUntil { !isNil "ac_fnc_log" }; [] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initClient.sqf"); }; }else{ [] execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initClient.sqf"); }; Then copy the Arma_AC folder in your arma 3 mission. There is an example mission included with the download. Notes: This project is compatible with aclogger https://github.com/AmauryD/aclogger an extension who creates .log files for arma 3 (this is recommanded to install it but not necessary) . Project link (github) : https://github.com/AmauryD/Arma_AC with more infos . Download link (github) : https://github.com/AmauryD/Arma_AC/archive/master.zip You can contact me on contact@utopiagaming.org . Do not hesitate to tell me if there are bugs , performance problems or other things , ... I didn't really know where to post this thread , it's not a mission , it's not a single script , it's not really server administration , ... so tell me if it's in the wrong place .
  10. Utopia_Amaury

    game crash - memory could not be read

    Maybe this thread will help you : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186139-memory-could-not-read/
  11. Utopia_Amaury

    ArmA 3 Sudden FPS Drop

    Check your running programs consumption with the task manager , it can come from there . it can also come from scripts or addons you are using.
  12. Utopia_Amaury

    How to add more ammo in vehicle mod.

    You can do that with scripts command in editor your_vehicle addMagazineTurret ["200Rnd_762x51_Belt",[0],theNumberYouWant] If you want to edit the config file , maybe check a field named "magazines[] = {}" , i'm not really sure about that.