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About kibaBG

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  1. @Larrow Unfortunately, I cannot make it work and save players position ...
  2. Thank you @Larrow ! Thank you @Schatten ! I would never think of such complex script and it working perfectly on dedicated. The only question I have is how to delete the players data on the server to restart all players positions? KIB_fnc_deletePlayerData = { params[ "_player" ]; profileNamespace setVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Pos", vehicleVarName _player ], nil ]; profileNamespace setVariable[ format[ "KIB_%1Rating", vehicleVarName _player ], nil ]; };
  3. Hi, I am trying to save players position on a mission map using prifilenamespace of each player. Its working fine in editor, but refuse to work on dedicated server ... I wonder where is the problem? //PERSISTENT PLAYER POS AND RATING //saves players pos and rating every five min //loads players pos and rating when they join server //initServer.sqf []execVM "stats.sqf"; //stats.sqf while {true} do { _kibaPos = getPosATL kiba3x; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kibaPos", _kibaPos]; _kibaRating = rating kiba3x; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kibaRating",_kibaRating]; _kavhanPos = getPosATL kavhan; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kavhanPos", _kavhanPos]; _kavhanRating = rating kavhan; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_kavhanRating", _kavhanRating]; _konalPosition = getPosATL konal; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_konalPos", _konalPosition]; _konalRating = rating konal; profileNamespace setVariable ["KIB_konalRating", _konalRating]; sleep 300; }; //initPlayerLocal.sqf //playable units are given variable names "kiba3x","kavhan","konal" in the editor if ((str player) == "kiba3x") then { _kibaPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kibaPos"; player setPosATL _kibaPos; _kibaRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kibaRating"; player addRating _kibaRating; } else { if ((str player) == "kavhan") then { _kavhanPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kavhanPos"; player setPosATL _namalskPos; _kavhanRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_kavhanRating"; player addRating _kavhanRating; } else { _konalPos = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_konalPos"; player setPosATL _konalPos; _konalRating = profileNamespace getVariable "KIB_konalRating"; player addRating _konalRating; }; };
  4. @fn_Quiksilver Is there a way to remove the circle surrounding the player's icon on the map?
  5. It's the "if" statement that is messing the things up, without it everything runs fine and rating is taken from player. But I need somehow to disallow player to buy the items with rating lower than the price ... Update: I solved the problem, looks like there is condition in the addAction command which perfectly fits in my case -> if player has rating lower than the price the whole addAction will not show. I hope it will work in dedicated ... private _action3 = [ "Buy Pistol 1000", { player addRating -1000; trader_box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_black_F", 1]; trader_box addItemCargoGlobal ["acc_flashlight_pistol", 1]; trader_box addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_MRD_black", 1]; },nil,1.5,false,true,"","((rating _this) >= 1000)",2,false,"",""]; [trader, _action3] remoteExec ["addAction",[0,-2] select isDedicated, trader]; Update: Runs fine on dedicated, you just have to change player addRating -1000; with params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _caller addRating -1000;
  6. Hi, I am trying to do dead simple addAction that allows players to "buy" some weapons according their rating, the problem is it seems the command "rating" cannot be used in addAction because locality probably. private _action3 = [ "Buy Pistol 1000", { if ((player rating) < 1000) exitWith {hint "Need More Cash"}; player addRating -1000; trader_box addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_black_F", 1]; trader_box addItemCargoGlobal ["acc_flashlight_pistol", 1]; trader_box addItemCargoGlobal ["optic_MRD_black", 1]; },nil,1.5,false,true,"","true",2,false,"",""]; [trader, _action3] remoteExec ["addAction",[0,-2] select isDedicated, trader]; It give "GIAR prestack violation" error and simply doesn't show the addAction. I am breaking my head over this and cannot figure out what is wrong ...
  7. @Larrow you are the man, thank you so much !
  8. Hi, I am trying to apply some effects on player when he enters a "radiation zone". handle = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain", 2000]; handle ppEffectEnable true; handle ppEffectAdjust [0.3, 0.15, 1, 0.2, 0.5, 0]; handle ppEffectCommit 3; //terminate with ppEffectDestroy handle; I tried run this from trigger, its working but didn't find a way to terminate the script via the handle when the player get out from the zone ... I will be grateful for any ideas ...
  9. I have found a solution, just run on server: //set params as you like sleep 5; 0 setOvercast 0; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0; forceWeatherChange;
  10. Hi, I have my cloud quality settings on "Standard", mission has 80% overcast with manually set clouds to like 70-80%. In eden I see good clod cover but when I host the same mission on dedicated I get almost no clouds. Any idea why is this ?
  11. Using Actions makes the trick pilotOne action ["Surrender", pilotOne]; but I cannot make the unit to stop surrendering and go back to normal ... Nevermind, I need to read more carefully. The solution is already given
  12. Hi, I have some important things like change spawn points, end mission and complete tasks on the radio triggers. This variant is very useful but very risky if a player want to screw things he will simply dial 0-0-something and the mission will be ruined. I am asking if there is a (simple) menu framework or script that allows me to bind code but only admin (or player unit with specific name) will have access to it? I prefer not to use addAction because I can make a mistake and activate something I shouldn't in a firefight for example.
  13. @Mr Elusive I have tested your mission, works perfectly. I also found my mistake - I have doubled somehow the CfgDebriefing class, now its working as it should! Thank you for helping !
  14. Unfortunately, it does not work. I tried with trigger server only or not, I removed the ticket module, but still it only shows default end screen.
  15. @Mr Elusive The problem is I don't how to execute ["ZeroTickets", false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_endMission", 0, true]; with the ticket module, so it triggers automatically? I tried to run if (isnil "bis_fnc_moduleRespawnTickets_end") then { bis_fnc_moduleRespawnTickets_end = [] spawn { scriptname "bis_fnc_moduleRespawnTickets: Loop"; waituntil { sleep 1; (([[west,east,resistance,civilian]] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets) select 1) == 0 }; ["ZeroTickets", false] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_endMission", 0, true]; }; }; from initServer.sqf but the result is the same, I get only the default end screen when tickets reach zero ...