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Found 108 results

  1. All Arma 3 WW2 Mods Compilation List Last updated: January 1st, 2025 Current number of mods in the list: 573 Hello WW2 Fans! This compilation list was created from my frustration of steam Workshop's lack of function to better sort items in collections, this sorted list is my Arma3 WW2 Steams Workshop Collection seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1508144524 that compiles all the WW2 items (not missions) into one place! The collection on the Steam Workshop page has all the items in one place however they are not separated or sorted based on type or subject, my list here does this for you! Video Overview Animations & Static Poses Backpacks, Helmets, Gameplay, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Ships, Statics, Structures, & Tanks Compatibility Mods Compositions Creator DLC SpearHead 1944 Factions & Units Insignias & Loadouts Major Conversion Mods Map Markers Outfits & Uniforms Singleplayer / Multiplayer Campaigns Retexture packs, & Texture packs Scripts Sound, Music, Radio, & Voice Sound Mods Terrains (Maps) Credits I hope that my list here will help the community recognize the creators for their work, and give credit where due, as new content adds more enjoyment and replayability to the game. ========== Note: This thread will be updated as new content is added to the Steam Workshop Collection.
  2. DESCRIPTION: This addon pack will add the Waffen SS to your IFA3 LITE mod. RELEASE DATE: 24-Dec-16 UPDATE: 17-JUN-17 LATEST VERSION: v1.02 AUTHOR: Lennard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Waffen SS: This addon will add reskinned units from IFA3 to your game to resemble the Waffen SS. It includes units from the early campaigns up until the later stages of the war. Also winter units are included. SCREENSHOTS: CHANGELOG: v1.02 - Fixed IFA3 compatibility. v1.01 - Added ZEUS compatibility. - Added Officer's cap normal map. - Corrected displayname U_LEN_SS_SecLeader. - Seperated config from data PBO. v1,0 - Initial release on Steam Workshop KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES: None known at the moment. CLASSNAMES: CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game AWAR - Iron Front Liberation 1944 game & original textures Tounushi - Camo patterns El Tyranos & Kju - IFA3 team EULA: By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. - The use of Swastikas is strictly for historical purposes and is not intended to promote fascism, nazi ideology, imperialism and whatsoever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: Arma 3 Iron Front in Arma 3 LITE DOWNLOADS: LEN_IFA3_SS_V1.02 (Mediafire) Steam workshop Mirrors are welcome! Have fun!
  3. 23. Panzer-Division "Eiffelturm" Who are we? We are a professional Arma 3 realism unit portraying the 23rd Panzer Division, Panzergrenadier-Regiment.128 and their combat actions throughout the second world war. We also portray other Wehrmacht units such as the 79. Infanterie-Division during our Stalingrad and Kuban campaign. With our current manpower, we operate at a company level with over 70 members, hoping to expand to over 80 in the near future. With unit leadership and other members having years of experience in Wehrmacht realism, we aim to deliver the most professional, accurate and realistic portrayal of a Wehrmacht company in the second world war. What we offer? We take pride in our historical accuracy, and aim to offer the most authentic realism experience to someone who wishes to join our ranks. As well as realistic combat, we structure and operate our group as Wehrmacht units would have been historically. This encompasses ranks, tactics, tactical commands, radio procedures, uniforms, medals, weaponry, and most importantly camaraderie. With years of friendship between members of the unit and our diverse, international collection of individuals, you will be welcomed into a stable, active and friendly community to bond with. With a team of dedicated unit developers and permission from mod creators, we are the most customized and specialized ArmA 3 WW2 unit created with development in all areas of the gameplay experience. This includes completely custom maps, vehicles, uniforms and even artillery pieces for all theatres and time periods as well as special uniforms for individuals who have earned a combination of awards. Primary Language: English & German German is utilized to increase the immersion and historical authenticity of the events. - During trainings and operations, primary communication is done with English. (85-90% of communication) - Tactical movements and commands are given in German. (10-15% of communication) Combat billets Entry level combat billets is where all speculative members of the unit begin their time with the 23. Panzer-Division: - Mechanized Infanterie - High Demand Graduate level combat billets (You may progress to their different paths within the Kompanie when you graduate Rekrut Schule and reach Panzergrenadier): Specialized Gruppe Roles (MG-Gunner, MG-Assistant, Assistant stretcher bearer, Grenadier, Rifleman) - Tornisterfunktrupp (Funker - Radioman) - Kompanie & Zugtrupp's (Melder - Messenger) Sanitätstrupp (Sanitäter - Medic) - Panzer Crewman - (Gunner, Radioman, Driver) All billets are subject to availability within the Kompanie and those who are best fit for the role. Requirements to Join Age 18+: Accept if met current Criteria. 16-17-: Accept if met any of the following: - Friends with a current standing member of the unit. - Previous experience in a realism/mil-sim/reenactment unit. - Show above average levels of maturity for their age. - Show an interest in developing their current understanding and learning more about the Wehrmacht and what we do as a whole. Technical Must have a legal copy of Arma 3. Must have a working microphone. Must have or be able to have Teamspeak 3 VoIP program installed. Must be able to use Push to talk on Teamspeak 3 while in game. Must be willing to download mods off of Arma3Sync and utilize ACRE2 Schedule Attendance to main Sunday events and Saturday trainings is 100% mandatory. If real life bars you from attending you are able to write in a Leave of Absence to inform that Unit that you cannot attend: - Kompanie Operations, PvP's, & Trainings: Sunday, 2:00PM EST (19:00 GMT) - 1. Zug und Panzerzug (1st Platoon 4th Platoon(Tanks)) Training: Saturday, 2:00PM EST (19:00 GMT) - Aufklärungstrupp (Reconnaissance Troop) Training: Thursday, 6:30PM EST (11:30 GMT) Contact & Media Join our Discord below and fill out an application if this sounds interesting to you. If you're still thinking about it how about taking a look at our YouTube channel. Discord: http://discord.gg/YvMJQ57 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/PaleJudge Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/23PanzerDivision-public
  4. WW2 Hungarian Armed Forces Mod [WIP] Hello, this mod aims to recreate the Hungarian Armed Forces of WW2. Content: Early (1940-1943) and Late (1944-1945) infantry units and groups CSA_38 tanks and Anti-tank cannon Hungarian Airforce skins for the Ju-87 and FW-180 by Lennard Planned Content: Retextured Northern Fronts and Forgotten Fronts assets (as soon as their new content updates are released) Custom Tanks Custom Weapons Custom Grenades Custom Names You can download the mod via Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2110508406 Have a fine weak and stay healthy! - Schraxt
  5. Website: http://www.missionrepository.com/ The website is a compilation site of all the Missions & Files for: Iron Front: Liberation 1944 in one place. Site hosts missions and Files for: Iron Front: Liberation 1944 standalone game Iron front in Arma2OA also known as IFA2 Iron front in Arma3 also known as IFA3 Lite More information about the site can be found on the site's About page
  6. Closed for business on the 22nd of October 2023 Armaverse Nordic is hosting a 24/7 WW2 Warlords server with team vs team missions The missions are built on Arma 3's Warlords game mode and use HoverGuy's Simple Shops framework (GitHub, BIS forum thread) to provide players the freedom of choice regarding gear, vehicles etc. while still at the same time somewhat restricting the access to top-tier assets. Warlords game mode offers Sector Control / CTI hybrid style gameplay. This game mode unleashes the ultimate all-out combined arms warfare Note about the overall gameplay: the server is forcing Veteran difficulty, so 3rd person mode will not be available. About CDLCs and modifications Required DLC: Spearhead 1944 Get it from >> Steam Recommended modifications: @CBA_A3 - Community Base Addons Arma 3 (required with DUI - Squad Radar and LAMBS_Danger.fsm) Get it from >> Steam Workshop @DUI - Squad Radar - DUI - Squad Radar Get it from >> Steam Workshop @Immersion Cigs Get it from >> Steam Workshop @LAMBS_Danger.fsm - AI enhancement mod for Arma 3 Get it from >> Steam Workshop To easily download all the modifications that are listed above you can also use a Arma 3 Mod Preset file! Just download the preset HTML file to your PC and drag-and-drop the file to the Arma 3 launcher to directly start downloading all the required and recommended modifications from Steam Workshop. Arma 3 Mod Preset Armaverse Nordic @ pastebin.com You can find the raw paste data inside the spoiler below. Just copy-and-paste it for example into Notepad and save the file as HTML. Join the Armaverse Nordic Discord server (the link will redirect to https://discord.gg/X9AMAaA) On behalf of Armaverse Nordic Asmodeus
  7. Dear community, Is there any modder willing to make the Italian WW2 “Lightning” division unit which fought in Egypt? They allegedly fought bravely and were respected by Romell and the Brits. As can be seen below, they also had very unique smg magazine carrying vests. Thanks, Gideon https://www.google.co.za/search?q=italian+folgore+division&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjC4e-khsOAAxWgrycCHSkOBNoQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=itlian+folgore&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgcIIxCwAhAnMgcIABANEIAEMgcIABANEIAEOgQIIxAnOgUIABCiBDoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECAAQAzoHCAAQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6CQgAEBgQgAQQClCYHViRY2DZbWgKcAB4AIAB1AOIAd4nkgEIMi0xLjEzLjGYAQCgAQGwAQXAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=8vTMZMKgKaDfnsEPqZyQ0A0&bih=664&biw=390&client=safari&hl=en#imgrc=uZTMwGSWjJucWM
  8. Already familiar with Iron Front LITE, jump directly to what's new below. Want to contribute, go straight to how to participate. Preface This project has the agreement of all involved parties: AWAR (developers of Iron Front) X1Software (managing director) Bohemia Interactive (engine licensor) DeepSilver (publisher) Logo by Lennard Trailer by EvroMalarkey Trailer by Metalvenom Promo by J g0re MP mode "Blitzkrieg" - Official teaser by Kenwort "Omaha" D-Day - Short Film by IIN8II . # What is Iron Front It is a tactical shooter video game set in World War II Eastern Front built by AWAR - a group of former OFP and Arma modders. It was released mid 2012 as a standalone game using the Real Virtuality 3 engine also powering Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. The highlights: Five outstanding terrains of various sizes A large variety of very high quality and historically accurate units, weapons and vehicles A German and Russian singleplayer campaign across eight missions in an authentic setting Advanced gameplay features like the high level tank simulation, gun towing and artillery system or the realistic mine system Great gameplay with its low tech world war 2 setting Detailed content overview: 5 factions Germans: Wehrmacht, Panzerwaffe, Luftwaffe, Sturmtroopers, Tank Sturmtroopers Soviets: Red Army (RKKA), Tank troops of USSR, USSR Airforce Polish troops: Home Army Americans: US Army, US Tank Troops, US Airforce 32 weapons 9 rilfes 10 machineguns 2 sniper rifles 3 rocket launchers 8 pistols 53 vehicles 3 cars 21 trucks 3 wheeled APCs 10 tanks 5 planes 1 boat 10 static weapons 5 terrains Ivachev (128 x 128) Panovo (512 x 512) France (1024 x 1024) Baranow (1024 x 1024) Staszow (2048 x 2048) Recommended videos to give you some more insights about Iron Front: Weapons and infantry by Sibiluss Armor and tanks by Sibiluss Exclusive gameplay preview by SideStrafe Multiplayer gameplay by SideStrafe Exclusive units, settings and maps preview by fusionpoo Exclusive unexpected visit, air scenario preview by fusionpoo Exclusive tank armor preview by fusionpoo Our check out our Iron Front: Liberation 1944 - Youtube video channel. . # What is Iron Front in Arma Our development team has ported the assets to Arma 3 to be used in the latest RV engine. This most recent version supports many of the new technologies and features of Arma 3 and is continued to be made more complete. . Thanks to: tierprot all infantry units support the A3 clothing system. Shvetz weapons support the new A3 muzzle flashes, weapon effects and other new features. Fabio Chavez terrains shine in the new A3 lighting. tierprot all cars and most trucks support PhysX tech. Shvetz all tanks support PhysX tech. Lennard weapon resting and bipods deployment, Winter and Desert reskins, improved existing textures, as well as several new models. Megagoth1702 new sounds with latest Engine tech. Red Phoenix PhysX assistance, contributions and sharing templates. El Tyranos upgraded tanks, planes, infantry hitboxes and many other various assets to A3 standard. El Tyranos additional variants based on existing models. El Tyranos contributions from Lennard, reyhard and Joarius integrated. El Tyranos ACE compatibility. J g0re promotion creation and twitter presence. Dmorok testing as QA lead, our YouTube channel with many small info videos and doing steam community management. Reyhard bolting system and civilians. Joarius civilian and various reskins. Adanteh rifle grenade system. mikero and his tools suite - without him this whole project would not have been possible! In addition this version allows you to: Mod Iron Front itself Extend it with your own mods Combine it with community made mods Play in the most recent Real Virtuality engine In an alive and vivid gaming and modding community # Media Gallery Images by Fabio Chavez and Lennard. . More: Top rated videos on steam Top rated artwork on steam Top rated screenshots on steam Most views on youtube Most relevant on youtube # What is the LITE version Free version with lower quality textures and sounds. SP missions and campaigns are not available. # Why is it called Preview version This version is WIP until we deliver the FULL version. # More Known issues: Check out our issue tracker. Recommended content, class lists and more: Visit our wiki. Servers: Search via battlemetrics. Joining the team: Learn more here. # How to participate Try it, play it, enjoy it Tell your friends if you like it Share your screenshots and videos Tell streamers to try it or stream playing it yourself Give feedback/report issues Join our discord server for assistance, discussions or just to have a chat Create new missions or new content yourself! Join our discord server and we will have a chat!
  9. Gunter Severloh

    [SP] Ragnarok'44

    Hello Iron Front Fans! Here is a single player Rts (Real Time Strategy) Mission/Mode Rydygier and myself built back in 2013 for the Iron Front in Arma2OA (IFA2) conversion now ported to Iron front in Arma3 IFA3! What is Ragnarok'44? DESCRIPTION Ragnarok'44 is a single player WW2 RTS (Real Time Strategy) mission series based on Window of Opportunity "The battle from above!" mission mode by Mondkalb, modified for (IFA2 - Iron front in Arma2oa and ported to IFA3 Lite for Arma3) with his permission. Command, Build, Recruit, Capture, Incarnate, Seize & Destroy your enemy! Features: Command with a camera as a general pointing and clicking what and where you want your forces to go and do. Build buildings which will allow you to recruit various types of infantry, vehicles, tanks, and static weapons. Establish a logistics to gain better\faster resources, upgrade the level and skill of infantry, vehicle, and tankers, as well as increase efficiency of fuel, and ammo usage by the AI. Play as any of your forces in 1st/3rd person by incarnating into them, command a whole squad, be a lone soldier, play as a tanker, or just be a driver of a vehicle. Capture strategic points on the battlefield which will earn you more resource points allowing you to build more forces and upgrade them. Create your own Ragnarok'44 missions on any map! Fight enemy AI Commander (Hetman A3 (Artificial commander) that will seize strategic points, gather resources, build and deploy his own army, defend, and engage you with force. Requirements IFA3_AIO Ragnarok'44 mod (IFA3) v1.16 (Steam Workshop) Missions - Ragnarok'44 Steam Workshop Mission Collection Demo v1.8 Steam Workshop Battle_for_Staszow v1.6 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Baranow_Crossroads v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Chateau_Clash v1.2 Steam Workshop - Video Overview/Play City_under_Duress v1.7 Steam Workshop - Video overview Colleville_Engaged v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video overview Ivachev_Clash v1.7 Steam Workshop - Video overview Neaville Occupied v1.2 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video Panovo_Front v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Paros_Front v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview The_Szydlow_Stalemate v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Winter Missions Blood Red Snow v1.5 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video - Mission Overhaul v1.5 Video Neaville Occupied Winter v1.0 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video ==================================================================== ===================================================================== Video Tutorial & Step by step instructions------> See Tutorial Post Ragnarok'44 PDF Detailed information on subjects on the workings of the mission/mode See post with all information ------> LINK ============= Mod Changelog Credits Rydygier - Addon, scripting, testing, and building the Ragnarok'44 demo mission / Updating. Gunter Severloh - Acquired permissions from Mondkalb in 2013, testing, ideas, feedback, editing, translation, new missions, and promotion. Mondkalb - WOO - World of Opportunity - would not be possible without WOO and Mondkalb's original idea, and work in Arma2, thanks man! Kju - Advice, support, & fixing various issues - thanks Kju for your help, you really accelerated this project with your skills, and solved alot of issues making it possible in Arma3/IFA3. =================
  10. Introduction The 101st Airborne Division is a United States ArmA 3 Milsim unit that focuses on portraying the events of the Second World War through the eyes of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. We emulate a Parachute Rifle Company, the premier light-infantry of the United States. The 101st also operates a fighter-transport squadron consisting of combat and transport pilots that support ground troops in their efforts. Paratroopers were versatile in World War II, they were deployed to the Pacific, European & Mediterranean theaters. Although we primarily portray the 101st Airborne, we do campaigns focused on other units and revisioned-history events. Some of these range from the snowy forests of Finland, the luscious jungles of the Pacific, and of course the fields of Normandy. All of our missions are made in-house with a lot of care - such as custom-scripted events and interactions that most communities can't pull off. We have a heavy emphasis on organization and professionalism, but we're still a community. We play together outside of ArmA and build lasting friendships through gaming, with a heavy emphasis on camaraderie. Come join us, and portray the airborne! Billets Combat Billets: MOS 745 - Infantryman, Rifleman Rifleman Grenadier Messenger Ammo Bearer MOS 746 - Infantryman, Automatic Rifleman Automatic Rifleman MOS 604 - Infantryman, Machine Gunner Machine Gunner Assistant Machine Gunner MOS 657 - Medical Service, Medical Aidman Surgeon Aidman General Aidman MOS 607 - Signal, Radio Operator Radio Telephone Operator MOS 844 - Light Artillery Crewman Gunner Cannoneer MOS 770 - Army Aviator Combat Aviator MOS 636 - Intelligence Analyst Intelligence Clerk Membership Requirements We host mandatory events on Sundays, however if you are to participate in said events you must complete a Basic Training & Individual Technical Parachute Training: all of which will update you on the standards and procedures the unit follows. We have an orientation day/period for those unfamiliar with ArmA and mods we utilize on the server. Technical Requirements: Must have a legal copy of Arma 3. Must have a working microphone. Must have or be able to have TeamSpeak 3. 17+ Age Requirement, exceptions on individual basis. Schedule Attendance to main Sunday events is mandatory. We have an accountability system, but we understand real life comes first. If real life bars you from attending you are able to write in a Leave of Absence to inform that you cannot attend: Unit Operation/Training/PvP Day: Sunday @14:00 EST (2:00 PM EST) Contact Interested in joining? Pop in our discord, talk to a recruiter and submit an application! We're always open for recruitment and happy to have anyone that fits the requirements. Please note that you must meet the requirements and be capable/willing of filling out the proper form, completing the interview, and utilizing the mods we have laid out. Discord: https://discord.gg/j2uhxmr Teamspeak: Website: https://www.101aa.us
  11. Africa, 1942. The Allies are moving into counteroffensive. Our goal is to capture Hans Schumann, who will visit the Italian-German airport. By the way, we will destroy all planes at the airport - after all, we, SAS, are the best at it. Task: Your task is to capture Hans Schumann - adjutant of Erwin Rommel. In the near future he will visit the Italian-German airport. It's a chance for us to take him prisoner. While at the airport, destroy all planes. This will facilitate the task for our boys. Try to surprise the enemy. You can blow up the tank with fuel to distract him. Search the entire airport, destroy all resistance and find Schumann. He can't die. Destroy all planes at the airport as well. After the action, evacuate using a jeep or other vehicle. Mission have: -Original soundtrack from H&D2 -Fully of details airport from H&D2, reproduced as much as possible in Arma 3 -Provides 1.5-2 hours of gameplay -No bugs (I tested this mission many times to eliminate potential errors) LINK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1958961914
  12. Will be for Americans, Germans and Russians; will be much better than the one from female sniper. It still need much work, but I'll try :D Good gaming to all!
  13. Gunter Severloh


    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCosib351gO_3VcwMJWBEr_A Hello Bis community, and WW2 history fans, I would like to share my passion for compiling, and my massive compilation of WW2 documentaries and media. History of WW2Epic WW2Epic is a Utube channel dedicated to the history of WW2, it is a Massive compilation of many subjects, and Theaters of WW2 all videos based on a specific subject are sorted to playlists. - This is a nonpolitical channel. - Videos are added every 1-2 weeks mostly on the weekends, and sometimes during the week when i have the time and energy to do so. WW2Epic Currently compiles the following Subjects: Famous Battles Documentaries - Stalingrad Holocaust Documentaries Pacific - Pacific Front Theater Documentaries Italy - Italian Theater Documentaries Finland - Finnish Theater Documentaries Great Britain - English Theater Documentaries Ostfront - Eastern Front Theater Documentaries Africa - African Front Theater Documentaries DDay & Western Theater Documentaries Norway - The Norwegian Front Theater Documentaries WW2 in Color Ships & Submarines Cartoons Nazi Occult Discoveries, Relics, & Treasures Inventions People of WW2 Tank Documentaries Anthems, Marches, Music, & Songs Weapon Documentaries WW2 Tv Show - McHale's Navy - Season 1 WW2 Tv Show - McHale's Navy - Season 2 WW2 Tv Show - Twelve O'clock High WW2 Tv Show - Colditz WW2 TV Show - The Rat Patrol WW2 TV show - COMBAT! Bombers, Fighters, & Planes Short Films World War II: The Complete History Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East TANKS! Steel Tigers TANKS! Assault Guns and Tank Hunters Sturmgeschütz German War Files Documentaries Full Movies Full Utube Movies you can rent or buy ==========
  14. Hello there! Forgotten Fronts: 40-45 is a ww2 modification for Arma 3 mainly focussed on adding the forgotten factions of WW2. We're a team of various modders from across the globe with alot of interest and knowledge on WW2. (denazified for BI formums, In game will have historic symbols) (m40 uniform) (m36 Uniform) (Dutch Soldier holding carbine) (French Uniform in Progress) In Progress: Dutch Army - [NL] French Army - [FR] Dutch Resistance - [NBS] Wehrmacht and Waffen SS - [DE] American Army - [US] Civillian faction [CIV] Various map assets Ockenburgh Airfield Terrain Planned: Luchtstrijdkrachten faction - [LSK] KNIL faction - [KNIL] Korps Mariniers faction - [KM] Russian Army - [USSR] We eventually hope to tackle all of the above in a well functioning Arma mod for all to enjoy! Any help, tips and comments are very much welcome we're a relatively new bunch of chaps when it comes to Arma modding.. slowly piecing togheter this immense project. The Team: Justin (Importer, config coder, texture artist) Motta (Importer, modeler) Simcardo (Importer, Config coder, Modeler) Rikugun (Modeler, Texture artist) ItsJustCat (Texture Artist) Lakarak (Importer, modeler) Zhivets (Reference Aid) Lennard (Terrain Objects) GP-5 (Terrain Team) Jenkins (Terrain Team) (Discord: https://discord.gg/uaBfN7s) Other (Ex)Members: Ivan [7Pz.Div] (Spanish Project) Loki (Spanish Project) WelshStalker (Spanish Project) Xeno (Ex- Team member) PtrcK (Ex- Team member) Schwienny (Ex- Team member) Special Thanks To: Waxbutter (Assets, Information and overall support) (CSA38)Petrtlach (Assets, Information and many learning oppertunities) Scott Delbressine (3D Scan Developement) BraveSirCharge and Northern Fronts (Assets and enduring Support) Dutcheeseblend & Northern Fronts (Fokker Dxxi) Landrik (Historical Advising) Tomolyons (Amazing Music) Felix (Enduring support) Basher (Enduring support) Adami (Enduring Support) Rismarck (Assets and support) You (For taking the time to read this) Hope you all like the idea. There's more to come soon FF DEV has released on Steam workshop! Check it out here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1878095865
  15. "Go for Broke!" 100th Battalion, 442nd Regiment Who are we? We're a new semi-realistic unit based on the most-decorated combat unit in the US Army during WW2, the 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team (or Infantry Regiment). We aim to offer fun & realistic WW2 operations on Sundays, taking place throughout all fronts from Europe to the Pacific while also having one full campaign as the 442nd Regimental Combat Team! For now we follow a platoon-sized organization and we have plans to expand, we're also currently looking for passionate members who are willing to fill our ranks as; Grenadiers, medics, machine-gunners and of course as a Zeus for example. - We are not a "yes-sir, no-sir" unit. - We do also encourage new players to come and join in the fun, and we would be happy to have them in our ranks! Why join the 442nd? Our main goal as the 442nd, is to portray the 442nd as accurately as we can within the limits ARMA 3 can do, we'd like to say we are some-what unique by portraying a Japanese-majority American unit as far as we know it hasn't been done before. We're structured as an American combat unit dated around '44-'45, utilizing the tactics, uniforms & formations that were in use by the US Army. As mentioned before we aim to offer one full accurate campaign as the 442nd in the future alongside other side-operations as different units fighting in Europe, Africa or in the Pacific, in fronts such as the Sino-Japanese War. So, if you'd like to be part of a growing unit with a unique background as the 442nd with a varied operation plan, we encourage you to give us chance as your ARMA 3 unit! Our Schedule We run our operations every Sunday at 18:00 +0 UTC/GMT ICELANDIC TIME or 1PM EST, and they're all not mandatory but we do encourage people to attend and posting reasons for absence in LOA. Available Roles We follow a US Army infantry orgs dating back to '44-'45, allowing us to offer: Weapons Specialists, such as Mortarmen, Anti-Tank soldiers or LMG specialists. Infantry Squad Specialists, such as Automatic Riflemen or Grenadiers. Medical Platoon, for those medical enthusiasts. Command, for those who have interest in leadership positions. Technical, for members who want to help in roles such as recruitment. Zeus, for those who have an interest on making missions or directing battles. - Just a few examples, we do plan to branch out more as we grow. A few requirements to join Required age to join is 16+, any lower may be overlooked if the applicant shows levels of maturity. We require our members to have Teamspeak 3 and TFAR. We require our members to have a legal copy of ARMA 3. Our Contact, Media and Mod-pack Our Discord - https://discord.gg/suk3VDaEaS Unit Gallery (Before our unit became the 442nd) - https://imgur.com/a/y5045xd Our mod-pack - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1873336611&savesuccess=1
  16. ABOUT [RATS.ins] jujurat presents Orglandes, a 4km terrain that seeks to provide a playable, atmospheric, and engaging take on French countryside in WW2. Orglandes is a small town that was fought around during the allied assault on the way to Cherbourg. This terrain attempts to recreate Orglandes, and the areas around it in the approximate time period using references from old satellite images from the 1950s, and of course some fictional liberties taken to make the map playable for Arma. FEATURES 4km terrain that recreates northernish french countryside. Extensive bocage/foliage detail. Mostly accurate building placement (authentic as it can get with limited assets). Rolling hills, farms, and wheat fields. Footpaths that maneuver around the map and allow the player to explore multiple areas. Livonia lighting and foliage. (With some configuration edits to work well for this map too!) Fighting positions and ruins that accurately depict the events that unfolded in the areas around Orglandes. PLANNED FEATURES More trenches, defensive positions, etc. Custom soundscapes. Further detail on lackluster areas. Continued support and improvement based on community feedback. NOTES While I have released this map publically, it is still under development. Unlike most 'under development' maps on the workshop/release state, this one is very much playable and works fine without any issue. However, there are small (mostly cosmetic) issues that are going to be addressed and fixed with time. You may experience some trees on roads, roads not being aligned perfectly.. etc, all of which can be solved in your mission file, simply use the hide terrain objects module if you encounter any issues of this nature. CREDITS jujurat - Made the terrain. vuo - Help with some object placement when I ran out of ideas. scwheineyy - Helped me figure things out when I first started the map on 6/19/20. mo - """Historical""" advisor and general help. ADDITIONAL CREDITS simcardo - Being an inspiration for continuing to provide cool content for Arma. Ice - BIG HELP in the Arma Community Discord (particularly in the terrain channels). EO - Skies inspiration. All of the testers and people who previewed the map and helped find issues with it. Anyone who helped me in the Arma terrain chat that I'm forgetting. STATS FOR NERDS Terrain Size: 4096m Grid Size: 1024x1024 Cell Size: 4m TERRAIN IMAGES FULL IMGUR ALBUM: https://imgur.com/a/EzaI6PQ DOWNLOAD Current mirror: Steam Workshop. I don't intend on uploading it to Armaholic, but if someone would like to do so, that's fine. Just use all of the information posted here. 🙂 EDIT: Armaholic mirror available, however it is not maintained by me. Armaholic version may not always be up to do with newest versions. https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=36273
  17. well, i'm trying to create a ww2 scenery with parachute jump. And for that I'm using the IFA3_LIB mod. The C-47s from there have the normal sitting position and also the standing up position which is when you are about to jump. I wanted to make the player not have to worry about clicking anything when jumping, so I got this script so that the jump could be done alone: Now an important detail, this script works perfectly when the plane's crew is seated (in game they appear as: crew) But before the jump takes place/the above script runs, I put in another script that makes the entire crew that was seated to stand up, and therefore be in the standing up position. In this case, when the plane reaches the trigger with the jump script, everyone standing inside the plane is still inside the plane... :l I believe maybe that's why: since when they are standing they are apparently no longer considered "crew". But I don't know, I don't know much about scripts, I was wondering if there is another variety to use in forEach other than "crew" that works for this case... An example of all units jumping out of the plane except the pilot would work but I don't know how to do it. Challenge launched! xD Thanks in advance guys!
  18. TheQueenMalkova

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I had a look in the face of war mod but there are only summer uniforms. Is there any mods that include the coat and other winter uniforms of the Japanese Army?
  19. Vincent Richard

    Project France WW2

    France WW2 is a project that aims to integrate into Arma 3 French vehicles dating from the Second World War (during the Battle of France in 1940). We have almost all the 3D models made of the land vehicles from that time with the uniforms as well. We just need the integration to be done, that's why we are looking for people who know how to develop / integrate vehicles on Arma 3. In a second time, we are looking for 3D artists and historical advisors to bring their knowledge. If you are interested or you want more information, contact me in PM. France WW2 est un projet qui a pour but d'intégrer dans Arma 3 des véhicules français datant de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (durant la Bataille de France en 1940). Nous avons quasiment tous les modèles 3D fait des véhicules terrestres datant de l'époque avec les uniformes en plus. Il nous manque juste l'intégration à faire, c'est pour cela que nous recherchons des personnes s'y connaissant en Developpement / Intégration de véhicules sur Arma 3. Dans un second temps, nous recherchons des artistes 3D et des Conseillers historique pour apporter leurs connaissances. Si vous êtes intéressé ou que vous désirez plus d'informations, contactez moi en MP.
  20. Hello! We are The Arma Bois and we are a small(~15 active players) Semi-milsim and a bit more casual community mostly consisting of friends. We have both experienced players and newbies so anyone is welcome to join! We are based in the EU and we play missions each Sunday at 16:00 CEST. Those are zeused by me and they are set anywhere from WW2 till present. We also have an antistasi server up 24/7 and we plan to run smaller missions during the week outside of our main ones. There is no training per se, but we need you to know the basics of Ace. Mission organization: We do not have designated people for squads/squad roles, because the mission types vary and we like to keep it casual. You can slot yourself in whichever squad you want with whoever you like as long as the slot is not taken. We do have groups of Czechs and Germans who sometimes tend to play together with their native tongue, however English is the primary language everyone needs to know for communication with other squads and their players. We do not have an attendance so it is ok if you miss out on a mission every now and then. Mods we use: Due to the variety of missions I create, there is a lot of mods required for different factions. You can expect the usual RHS and CUP stuff with WW2 mods such as IFA3 and more. We use ACE for realisms sake and ACRE2 for proxy chat, radios etc. Due to ACRE, you will need to have Team Speak installed. Join us on our discord: https://discord.gg/qxvSHvBjAb or contact me directly by a PM if you want to ask me about something: DelT#5427
  21. General Equipment and Accessories (GEAR) includes several items such as uniforms and equipments aimed at accurately depicting the US military in WW2, such as field jackets, web gear, and a wide array of helmets. everything comes in several variations enough to make each person in a squad looks different to one another, while keeping things historical accurate at the same time. Units uses IFA3 weapons, early USMC ones uses M1903s from FoW FIles: This pack has been configured to be rather modular so that you can remove certain files if you wish to not play with certain things. Core Files (do not remove): - simc_uaf_44.pbo: most of the assets are here - simc_uaf_44_preview.pbo: bunch of icons and editor preview Other files: - simc_uaf_44_divisie.pbo: file for all the numbered units and helmets - simc_uaf_44_cfg.pbo: US Army equipments - simc_mc_44.pbo: USMC/USN equipments - simc_mc_44_cfg.pbo: USMC units (requires FoW) - simc_uaf_44_floaties.pbo: US Aircraft Retextures - simc_uaf_44_panzers.pbo: US Panzers Retextures - simc_uaf_44_ifa3_replats.pbo: Replaces IFA3 US Army Assets - simc_headfuck.pbo: Heads Current full list of included items: Classnames (thanks to mc_woland for the list) Credits: - IFA3 team for everything; weapons for units, rank and unit patches; - FoW team for M1903A1 - Bohemia Interactive for the arma sample models (and the game itself), made my jeep cap out of one of those beanies - Ethridge for m1 helmet shell, liner strap, and CC2 HBT textures - Lennard: Gloves model - motta: teaching me how to measure in blender, giving me accurate sizes for E-Tools, made 87th ID patch and stencil, providing 3D scanned boots and m1 helmet models. - Justin N. for basically teaching me how to sculpt nice normal maps, all the newly sculpted uniforms wont happen if it wasnt for his instructies. he also bought tannenbaum's models which is the base for several of the gear models. - Шоиветс for references and death threats - Schwienyy: UV-mapping the haversack, photorealistic scrim, advices and ideas, testings, and additional screenshots - Bigstone for advices and ideas, helmet band model, patch textures, and testing; Actually bigstone deserves more credits for dropping me all those ideas, w/o him this mod probably wont be this big, which actually, its not even that big now but it still could be much smaller - Frenchy56: structured collar 1937 khaki and wool uniforms, advices and threats, testings, additional screenshots - Jaki for advices and ideas, testing, some textures, and additional screenshots. - Courtland: Garrison cap model - Asmoro: Wool Trousers sculpt - Unitatoe: 39IR helmet stencil - Jujurat: Polaroids and M1 eyeshields - Olmo Potums: M1974 Goggles (part of the CVC helmet model ) - did i miss someone? Download (Requires FoW and IFA3): Steam Workshop Or Armaholic Alternate Version (Requires only IFA3): Steam Workshop Or Armaholic Full Changelog: By the way, If anyone wants to somewhat help me out even more, (which will help me in a rather significant way) one can donate to me via paypal; send it to my paypal email adress arkan_ebi@hotmail.com Or alternatively, you can support me on Patreon -------------------------------more pics:
  22. Hi folks, we came to the conclusion it will be a WW2 scenery. Since we noticed that there are a few WW2 mods out there already, we want to use them for our campaign, what will be the heart of FRONTLINE. But we also need a lot of new models for now. Specially german Tanks, british fighters (air) are required. So if somebody of you is interessted to join on that project, we would love to work together with you. What is FRONTLINE: FRONTLINE will be in the first hand a campaign about the WW2. It will include every important and well known battle of WW2 and also the not known fights against the nazi regime. But ok whats new on it? I will tell you: On one hand we have the regular fights everybody knows from other mods already, but we also want to include the resistance or civil life missions into the campaign. The campaign it self should cover all of the WW2 scenarios with ALL of the incidents. It will be a whole story of WW2 ingame. Since there are not enough models out there for planes, tanks and soldiers, we want to ask here to join our group to create the most realitsic and enthusiatsic WW2 feeling ever. Including concentrations camps, playing a german soldiers in the campaign, try to survive as a civilist, just everything that happened. A real diary of war. The whole campaign will be playable as a 4 players COOP campaign. With all the scary shit and brutal shit happened on WW2 without excuses. PLANNED CAMPAIGN CONTENT: FRONTLINE will be seperated in Seasons: - SEASON 01 (1939 - early 1940) 6 Episodes: Episode 01: TIME: 3rd September 1939 PLACES: Poland - Weichselbridge Dirschau, Polish Army Outpost, Somewhere on the fields PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Polish Army Episode 02: TIME: 4th September 1939 PLACES: England, Germany - Wilhelmshaven PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: British Pilots Episode 03: TIME: 8th September 1939 PLACES: Poland - 20km south of Modlin PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Polish Army Episode 04: TIME: 13th October 1939 PLACES: Poland - Warsaw, Warsaw Underground PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Resistance Episode 05: TIME: 7th January 1940 PLACES: Germany - Concentration Camp Dachau PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Civils Episode 06: TIME: 14th March 1940 PLACES: Poland - Krakow PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: German SS Multiplayer-Part: Several Gamemodes on the known places used in the Campaign and some extra designed Eden maps for MP such like Danzig. more Infos later on that... DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2375757963&searchtext= - SEASON 02 (1940 - December 1941) 7 Episodes: Episode 01: TIME: 9th April - 9th May 1940 PLACES: Norway PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Germany - Paratroopers/Navy Episode 02: TIME: 10th May - 2nd July 1940 PLACES: France PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Germany - Infantry/Tanks Episode 03: TIME: 3rd July - 12th October 1940 PLACES: Britain PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Great Britain - Airforce Episode 04: TIME: 13th October - 27th October 1940 PLACES: France PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: French Resistance - Infantry Episode 05: TIME: 28th October - 1st February 1941 PLACES: Greece PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Italy - Infantry/Commando Episode 06: TIME: 2nd February - 21th June 1941 PLACES: Africa PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Great Britain - Infantry/Airforce/Tanks Episode 07: TIME: 22th June - 6th December 1941 PLACES: Russia/Finland PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Germany/Finland - Infantry/Airforce - Season 03 (1941 - 1942) - Season 04 (1943 - May 1944) - Season 05 (June 1944 - End 1944) - Season 06 (1945 - end of war) STANDALONE DLCs: FRONTLINE - COLD IRON: current Version: 1.0 FRONTLINE - COLD IRON will get the player into Stalingrad 1943. As a russian well known sniper "Vassili Saizew" you will try to recapture the city step by step. COLD IRON is a semi-open-world scenario with included survival elements. You will need to eat, drink and warm up during the cold outside. FRONTLINE - COLD IRON is an open end project, so there is still room to add content in that scenerio later on. For now we have around 15 missions to complete in the gameworld. There are multiple ways to complete a mission and how to get there. Your actions are limited by the gameworld itself, thats why we will call it a semi-open-world. The gameworld itself is highly detailed, probably the best looking gameworld of ARMA3 so far. What makes COLD IRON really special is the atmosphere, in every corner or window can be a german sniper, you always need to be careful while moving through Stalingrad. The Stalingrad-gameworld is a fictional one, since we decided to let the gameworld designer some freedom for designing a gameworld. COLD IRON can be played as a singleplayer mission which will cause a lot of savings or as multiplayer for 4 people in COOP. COLD IRON is hard to play due the realism and survival additions. Its recommended to use a proper PC tu run FRONTLINE COLD IRON. SP-Version 1.0 DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2486768764 MP-Version 1.1 DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2508490220 WEBSITE: www.frontline-game.com FRONTLINE SOUNDTRACK: FRONTLINE will come with a unique, 100% new made soundtrack, specially for this campaign. We are working with different music programs and musicians together to create a unique soundtrack for FRONTLINE. The initial soundtrack of FRONTLINE will be available later on Soundcloud and on our Youtube-Channel of BPOF Black Panthers On Fight. PLANNED ADDONS: British: - Blenheim Bomber - Crusader Tank French: - Renault FT Tank WHAT WE NEED HELP WITH: So for now we are just searching for more people here to support us. We got some support from museums already for history stuff, this one needs to be perfect. If you are interessted give me a message here in the forums. Searching for: -Modellers, -Graphical artists -guys who well know the WW2 history -Soundartists -Voiceactors (urgent) for Polish, German, English and French Regards MaturE
  23. About [RATS.ins] jujurat presents Heilstein, a 2km terrain that seeks to provide a playable, atmospheric, and engaging take on German countryside in WW2. Heilstein is an area that is south of Simmerath, and was briefly occupied and fought in during the end of the Allied invasion of WW2. It is also south of the Hurtgen Forest. This terrain attempts to recreate Heilstein, and the areas around it in the approximate time period using geographical data, and of course some fictional liberties taken to make the map playable for Arma. Features 2km terrain that recreates winter German countryside in WW2. Serves as a winter alternative to my upcoming Hurtgen terrain. Extensive forest/atmosphere detail. Rolling hills, farms, villages, forests, and valleys. Custom lighting configuration. Ambient crows. Fighting positions and and trenches, as well as small terrain detail for fighting maneuvers. Breath fog; courtesy of haleks. Working snowflake precipitation, courtesy of CUP. Snow objects on the ground around forests to simulate build-up. Planned Features Continued support and improvement based on community feedback. Notes The breath fog script should be running clientside. You can remove it or disable it in the event of sudden performance drops or mod conflictions by simply dragging out the 'test' pbo from the addon's directory. It was created by Haleks, thank you very much! Stats for Nerds 2km Cell Size 2 Credits and Thanks For providing great information and help at times of need: Mondkalb Ice Adanteh Temppa Icebreakr EO haleks A3 Discord Terrain Channel HorribleGoat Bohemia Interactive DOWNLOAD
  24. About [RATS.ins] jujurat presents Port Lyautey, a 4km terrain that seeks to provide a playable, atmospheric, and engaging take on Port Lyautey, French Morocco during Operation Torch. Port Lyautey was one of the first territories of battle during the US' entrance to WW2. This terrain attempts to recreate that location and the areas around it in the approximate time period using real world data, and of course some fictional liberties taken to make the map playable for Arma. The terrain includes notorious locations such as the Kasba and the fated lighthouse, which held up the 9th Infantry Division during the storming of the beaches and subsequent control of the port. Battle of Port Lyautey The Battle of Port Lyautey began on 8 November 1942 for the city of Port Lyautey, today known as Kenitra, in French Morocco. The battle ended with its capture and occupation by American troops, overrunning French forces after more than two days of fierce fighting. Features Beaches that were used in US landings. Jungles and dry plains. A few villages, the castle, light house. A few trenches and defensive positions. General terrain area that is miscellaneous enough to be used for multiple purposes. Custom lighting config. Real geographical infromation such as the heightmap, gathered from QGIS with the assistance of Adanteh's Game Terrain plugin. Plans for the Future I will likely polish this a tad more in the future. Known Issues The mask is not correct in some areas. This is due to more than five materials being used in a cell. Trees/foliage on some roads. These will be fixed in due time. Foliage can be easily hidden via the Hide Terrain Objects module in 3DEN. Stats for Nerds 4km Cell Size 2 Credits and Thanks For providing great information and help at times of need: Mondkalb Ice Adanteh Temppa Icebreakr brg_africa/mbg A3 Discord Terrain Channel HorribleGoat Bohemia Interactive DOWNLOAD Current mirror: Steam Workshop. I don't intend on uploading it to Armaholic, but if someone would like to do so, that's fine. Just use all of the information posted here. 🙂
  25. We are currently preparing for the mod "ArmA II: OA", due to the fact that we are working on the mod Coming two, we can simultaneously do well on ArmA III version. Initial content should eventually be identical for ArmA II: OA and Arma III. For ArmA II remodel some models that had better quality than in ArmA.The basis for the creation of our military manuals.We are planning a series of real surfaces for playing in 1:1 scale..The idea is still the same mode. The main focus is on the year 1938, when Czechoslovakia began for World War II. The peace treaty treaty with Germany was signed only in February 1955. War for Czechoslovakia officially started on the 17th September 1938. Players will be able to compare the Czechoslovak and German army in 1938. As accessories, playable separately addons we want to do other models of Czechoslovak foreign armies. Very happy to provide some models for easier work to other modellers, as I did before. Community among themselves to help. ---------- Post added at 21:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ---------- http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x104/petrtlach/arma32013-03-1113-36-19-79_zpsf0209b11.jpg http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x104/petrtlach/arma32013-03-1116-37-09-40_zps587642ac.jpg http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x104/petrtlach/arma32013-03-1123-13-51-13_zpsa08229a1.jpg http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x104/petrtlach/arma32013-03-1123-13-51-13_zpsa08229a1.jpg (104 kB) ---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------