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  1. Website: http://www.missionrepository.com/ The website is a compilation site of all the Missions & Files for: Iron Front: Liberation 1944 in one place. Site hosts missions and Files for: Iron Front: Liberation 1944 standalone game Iron front in Arma2OA also known as IFA2 Iron front in Arma3 also known as IFA3 Lite More information about the site can be found on the site's About page
  2. By Gunter Severloh Hello Iron Front Community, and WarMod fans! I am pleased to announce IFA3WarMod! What is IFA3WarMod? It is a massive addon/mod customizable compilation mod that adds many run-n-gun/realism gameplay features, functions, & effects, to your IFA3 - Iron Front: Liberation 1944 in Arma3, aka IFA3_AIO. IFA3WarMod is my 9th Mod in the WarMod Series. A general overview of what IFA3WarMod is: A gameplay mod that adds new gameplay features and functions to the game that isn't normally in Arma3 or IFA3 mod built for IFA3, so you wont find anything thats specific to modern war. mod is a massive compilation mod of collected addons and mods from the Arma3 community. mod is modular, which means any feature in the mod can be removed or tweaked (only a handful of mods can be tweaked as they have userconfigs). mod now (in the rebuild version) btw comes with an optional addons folder which will contain extra mods with a readme of info, so you can add more mods you may be interested in. mod has acquired Permissions & Licenses from the Arma3 community authors, so the mod is legit, I always ask for permissions and the Arma community knows my work Ethic for this. mod contains ACE3, but only the gameplay functions/features that would work with IFA3, meaning there are no added files that would add like say something from Modern era war. mod is my 10th massive compilation mod I have built since 2009, so its not my first time 😉 see all my other WarMods---> http://warmod.webs.com/ mod only requires @CBA_A3 and nothing else needed to run. mod is is geared towards mainly infantry play but may effect tankers too. mod is designed with what i call a run-n-gun realism, which means those who like to run n gun will love it, but also adds features/functions with realistic gameplay elements. Size of the mod is roughly 1gb, yes its pretty big! But it goes to show you it packed with alot of cool Shit! and many more! WarMod history More information on my WarMod series can be seen here on my About page on the WarMod website: http://warmod.webs.com/aboutwarmod.htm Download IFA3WarMod v1.15 - (175mb ) - (Patch, you only need this if you have Full v1.14) Mega IFA3WarMod v1.15 - (385mb ) - (Full v1.15, this is IFA3WarMod full v1.14 with Patch v1.15 applied) Mega IFA3WarModC v1.15 - (451mb ) - (Custom, This a custom full version 1.15 built for performance and what i use) Mega IFA3WarMod v 1.14 - (344mb) - (Full version) Patch v1.1 changelog: -----> LINK - (Many fixes & gameplay mechanic additions) Patch v1.2 changelog: -----> LINK - (general updates, added new feature) Patch v1.3 changelog: -----> LINK - (general updates) Patch v1.4 changelog: -----> LINK - (Mod rebuilt) Patch v1.5 changelog: -----> LINK - (added new weapon) Patch v1.6 changelog: -----> LINK - (Ace updated) Patch v1.7 changelog: -----> LINK - (added new tanks, statics, & vehicles) Patch v1.8 changelog: -----> LINK - (added 2 new inf weapons and gameplay feature) Patch v1.9 changelog: -----> LINK - (added 2 new static weapons, and gameplay features) Patch v1.10 changelog: ----> LINK - (updates, fixes, and added gameplay feature) Patch v1.11 changelog: ----> LINK - (updates, and added gameplay feature) Full v1.12 changelog: ----> LINK - (Full rebuild of mod with all patches v1.6 - v1.11 applied) Patch v1.13 changelog: ----> LINK - (update of a couple mods and userconfig tweak) Full v1.14 changelog: ----> LINK - (Full Rebuild) Patch v1.15 changelog:----> LINK - (Many updates & new additions) Requirements CBA_A3 & IFA3 Please note: ACE is already in the mod, and only some gameplay aspects of ACE are in the mod, see below Features & their files for more info) Videos =================================== Gameplay Mechanics & Features =================================== Features & their files-------------------------> LINK Performance Issues? see here-----------> LINK Features created by me: Gunter Severloh Autozoom for all rifles, smg's, mg's, and pistols including all DLC weapons Loading screen banner top left main menu - (if you have Apex then you will see the logo on menu, without Apex you get loading screen) WW2 background videos for main menu - (Videos wont be seen til you have been somewhere and comeback to menu) Tracers for infantry weapons, every shot fired is a tracer done for fun and effect - (k98,G43,Mp44, all Mg's, Mosin, Svt, other guns are wip) ================ ACE3: LINK (not all ACE3 features are in the mod, only those that would be ideal for WW2 are used) AI enhancement: ASRAI, TPW MODS, ACE3 AI, Injured AI addon Enhanced movement - you can jump, climb walls, leap over fences/walls CamShake for explosions, even distant ones! Slight "twitch" when someone or something fires nearby CamShake when shooting Body fall sounds and screams when a unit is hit Tweaked gun sway, & recoil guns are more solid, stable and smooth to shoot allowing you to concentrate more on your tactics and strategy Explosion dust, debris, lingering dust, and smoke Removed the peripheral dot HUD elements Removed the reload icon that shows with an empty magazine Disabled idle animations AI will copy your stance option 26 new faces with 5 faces from the Arma3 campaign Interaction between the player and objects ingame have increased so player is able to interact faster, also the icons have changed to reflect it The controls have been grouped based on their type so any control dealing with changing weapon use is grouped under that subject, goes for driving, flying, movement, aiming and many others Suppression effects Ragdolls will fall heavier and stiffer Bodies respond more to force from bullets and explosions - and will go flying during explosions rather than just fall to the ground. Unfoldable Map Blood, bleeding, blood splashes, gibs, and vaporization Knock on tanks - adds an ACE interaction allowing you to knock on the tank, alerting the crew. Knock a person unconscious Punch, kick, rifle butt, and apply take downs on your enemy Double weapon - allows you to carry two primary or secondary weapons, or a rifle and a submachine gun for example. More realistic fatigue enhanced editor features bullet casings for all infantry weapons (tweak-able in userconfig included) Increase the amount a player can carry Ai can get wounded and become unconscious with animations and sounds Ais team mate will try to help by dragging injured guy and heal him, React to being hit, Injured Ai will die if not get help in 2 minutes, Ais talk with radio or yelling while firing tweak, and change values in the userconfig add new features from the included optional addons folder included is a demo mission which acts like a template - (see gameplay vid for details) and many more! ========================== Known bugs and Issues ========================== - Injured AI addon From the author "Just note that sometimes the script may show an error as _dragger variable not defined, that means the script didn't find any ais near the injured unit. Its ok, the script working normal most time. I couldn't fix this error yet. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/186171232286725024/5C48158D68E752C6C00B8174254B1CA02A1513C0/ - Tpw mod - very rare sometimes spits up an error, depends, idk why it shows but nothing broke ingame, just an error, maybe a conflict of code with something else, idk other Issues - these effect performance - ASRAI - (most noted for me that effected performance) - Injured AI addon - Bloodlust - (effected performance when alot of gibs, and bodies) - Bullet casings Permissions See the included permissions readme that comes with the full download. CREDITS The following individuals I give full credits to, without their work, and mods IFA3WarMod would not be possible! ====================== ==============
  3. Hello Iron Front Community, and WarMod fans! As requested by many I am pleased to announce IFA3WarModSA! What is IFA3WarModSA? It is an SA - Standalone mod that adds Infantry weapons, ammo boxes, statics, vehicles, and tanks to your IFA3 - Iron Front: Liberation 1944 in Arma3. All the content mod was separated from IFA3WarMod and put into its own mod, this SA version is nothing but the new content, see the video demonstration and the listing of all the content below for more info on whats in the mod. IFA3WarModSA is the 10th WarMod in the WarMod Series, for more info on the WarMod Series see my website linked below. WarMod Series More information on my WarMod series can be seen here on my website's about page: http://warmod.webs.com/aboutwarmod.htm Download Use IFA3 Liberation mod instead it has everything and more then what this mod had, plus its not broke and works with latest version of the game. Patch v1.1 changelog: ----> LINK Patch v1.2 changelog: ----> LINK Patch v1.3 changelog: ----> LINK Patch v1.4 changelog: ----> LINK Requirements CBA_A3 & IFA3 Demonstration Video ================= Infantry Weapons ================= Mg30 Mg31 Mg34 MP38 MP41/r MP18 MP28\II MP35 PPS43 PTRD-41 FG42 German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42, "paratrooper rifle 42" ---> Video Demonstration K98 w/z41 scope K98\Gewehrgranatgerat ---> Video Demonstration Mp44\Gewehrgranantgerat G43\Gewehrgranantgerat SVT-40 w\scope MP44 w\scope Mosin Nagant w\Bramit Silencer 1895 revolver Pistol w\Silencer Lee Enfield Mk II Lee Enfield Mk III w/ Rail M1903A1, & M1903A1 with Unertl 8x Scope 4 Ammoboxes w\rifle attachments See Video that demonstrates these weapons: Pt1 pt2 ======================== Tanks,Vehicles, & Statics ======================== Panzer III Ausf.M Panzer III Ausf.N Panzer III Ausf.L Soviet Sd.kfz 251 w/now ability to shoot from back seats Scout M3 - w/now ability to shoot from back seats Russian Dshk M1927 76mm polk Gun M2 50cal Maxim M30 Kubalwagen with Mg42 R71-43 MotorCycle ---> Video Demonstration Nebelwerfer 42 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40 ======== Mission ======== Included is a demo mission with all the content you can try out, you have arsenal and zeus access. How to access the content ingame Credits The following individuals I give full credits to without their work, support, assistance, and mods IFA3WarModSA would not be possible! Scar - coding, ammoboxes Gunther.S, Adantah, WOG Group, & TacBF - IF_Extra Pack Jegor - Models, textures JustFighter - Models, textures, PPS-43 Pionner - texture/models Lennard - Textures for ZF41 sights, and all bramit silencers Shvetz - configuration, scripting, animation Fudge - BMW R71-model \ texture CSA38 - model \ texture Riksen - for his port, Scar09 for the model - Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (Fg42) Trixie - rifle pack (Lee Enfield Mk II) Toadie2k - NIArms M1903 Springfield Rifle Pack theOden - 7.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40 & config help ===============
  4. This is the Iron Front in Arma3 Bug list, all issues, bugs, known issues, and reports of problems for IFA3 will be listed and reported here. This list will be updated as issues are fixed, and new issues are reported. This list also includes those report on the IF Bug tracker seen here----> LINK Please note, there are limitations to fixing aspects of Iron front as the source files and other things are required in order to fix certain issues. Reported and known issues since v1.14 patch release Grenades in mp lag because of shrapnel a lot of sounds are far too quiet, especially in first person (e.g. all aircraft cannons are barely audible) Only ambulance, repair and refuel Tanks are to loud Satchels will not show on ground when trying to place them, they will not leave your inventory, mines, tripwires, and charges (detonator and wire) work np Sherman and Tiger tanks possibly all the tanks when they explode their chassis disappears Mortars dont fire when called, and mortar impact have no sound unable to call in air support using default module in arma3 IF Bug feedback tracker reports: Tiger and Sherman tank engine sound stuck on idle - Bug #76317 Unhistorical Polish Home Army uniforms - Task #76281 Virtual Arsenal Hides and Steals Weapons - Bug #76275 IF A3 German campaign, first mission after training. bug - Bug #76229 Satchels and Charges dont work - Bug #76195 Floating anti-air guns - Bug #76070 Tank's muzzle effect, no recoil - Bug #76069 JU-87 and PE-2 second pilot\gunner bug - Bug #75974 Parachute ejection - Bug #75957 STUG III in multiplayer - Bug #75956 MG42/Maxim - low rate of fire (AI shooting issue) - Bug #75914 Campaign Overview Images - Bug #75893 LIB_MLMG42 broken muzzle flash - Bug #75884 Fixed issues Unable to move faster then a walking pace with Panzershreck/backpack & Bazooka/backpack - fixed Jan 1st, 2016 MG42 has no sound, and sound comes after end of shot, hard to explain, basically no sound Thompson is same issue as above k98 has no rebolting sound PPSH's have closure sounds (old bug) Muzzle flash on stuka guns still not fixed The "Pz Kpfw IV Ausf.H" tank has misplaced textures. Fw 190 is bugged - it's impossible to take off All Opel trucks have Bugged textures. M3 halftrack the machinegunner do not eject when he dies, only in m3 halftrack , in m3 scout works fine. US willy jeep has no sound Download - latest version as of: Sunday Jan 3rd, 2016 IFA3 Fix