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  1. FAP UNITS for A3 Latest version: 1.6b (Jan 2025) Here comes the FAP .... Foes & Allies Pack, of course <g> 🙂 this addon features: Shots made by: scruffy. I. Factions for my released islands such as: Afrenian Army & Police Molatian Army & Armed Civilians ARL Lingor Rebels GAL Government Army of Lingor Cecanian Army (currently occupying Isla Abramia, in regular & winter camo) Abramian Rebel Alliance & Police (four tribes with 4 camos, trying to restore order on the same island + policemen that operate mainly from capitol of Yolandi) Red & Blue Gangs Alienz Zetaborn & Reptile II. Vehicles There are some vehicles present, but mainly A3 skinned ones: Antonov An-12 Cub (Military & Civil variants) Fennek recon vehicles for Afrenian army (Afrenian Leopard camo) Leopard 2A5 (Afrenian Leopard camo) Abramian Police car (working lights & siren as horn/LMB) Kamaz trucks for almost all factions etc. III. Weapons & Equipment AKM, AKMS and RPK rifles && 40mm Grenade launchers M16A2s/ AR-15s RPG-7 SVD Dragunov PKM M1911 Igla AA Steyr AUG A1 Gasmask SF-10 1 Kilo of Cocaine 1 Stack of Dollars DOW Ballistic Mask List of classnames for Units: Available at -> http://www.icebreakr.info/fap/classnames.txt Contributors/Credits: - NZDFCrash (soldier model, weapons, configs, etc.) - Sahbazz (mags, configs, help, etc.) - TRYK xmosmos, zabb (Gasmask). - Kiory (head mask for Natives, coming with next version) - LordJarhead (sounds) - Rocket (Steyrs) - Kol9yN (Cocaine pack model) - RobertHammer (Grenade Launcher Hand Animation) - Bad Benson | alien model, scripts, energy weapons for Zetaborn faction - Ryan_D, Colonel26 | Aliens A1 Mod conversion for Alienz/Zetaborn Faction - Hitcher | Spaceships & Tanks Creations used for Alienz/Zetaborn faction - HcPookie | An-12 Cub Workshop / Subscribe: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=656514091 Official Website http://www.icebreakr.info
  2. alky_lee

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    NOTE: As of 19 August 2019, I will no longer be updating this forum. This is due to the forum becoming locked every time I update it. It is just untenable. Feel free to continue posting in the comments. The excellent single player mission by Rydygier was originally set on Altis. Official ports were provided for Chernarus, Lingor and Bornholm and links to those missions can be found on the Pilgrimage topic. Rydygier is currently busy with real life but has given permission for players to port the mission to other maps. The purpose of this page is to provide links to the unofficial ports of the mission that have been kept up to date. Some early ports have not been updated and may no longer work, so will not be featured here. When porting some players will add their own preferences into the mission, so they may vary slightly from the official missions and have extra features. Some maps, especially landlocked terrains, will require different mechanics to end the mission. The following missions have been updated to the latest version of Pilgrimage (1.95) Common Links - CUP Terrains - Core, CBA_A3 **** IMPORTANT NOTE - On landlocked terrains, where you start with a vehicle, you NEED that VEHICLE to finish the mission **** Al Rayak (Requirements CUP Core, G.O.S Al Rayak) - Al Rayak by Alky Lee Altis (Requirements - Cessna 185 Skywagon, Real World Weather, Advanced Rappelling ) - Altis by Pvt Partz (Notes) Anizay (Requirements - Anizay, CUP Core) - Anizay by Major Stiffy Australia (Requirements - Australia) Australia by Alky Lee Beketov (requires CUP Core, Beketov) Beketov by Major Stiffy Cambodia Real (Requirements - Apex, Prei Khmaoch Luong , Unsung Vietnam War Mod 3.2 , CUP Units 1.9.1, CUP Weapons 1.9.1, CUP Vehicles 1.9.1 , CBA , Asian Factions for CUP , Advanced Repelling ) - Cambodia REAL by Pvt Partz (Notes) Chernarus Redux (requires CUP Core, Chernarus Redux) Chernarus Redux by Major Stiffy *** New *** CLA Clafghan (Requires CUP Core, CLA Clafghan) CLA Clafghan by Major Stiffy Dingor (Requires CUP Core, Lingor + Dingor Island) Dingor by Alky Lee Isla Duala (Requires CUP Core, Isla Duala) Isla Duala by Alky Lee Kujari (Requires CUP Core, Kujari) Kujari by Vafana Kujari by Major Stiffy Lingor (Requires CUP Core, Lingor + Dingor Island) Lingor by Major Stiffy Lythium (requires Lythium, JBad Buildings) - Lythium by Major Stiffy Livonia (Requires Contact DLC) - Livonia by Vafana Malden - Malden by Alky Lee Namalsk ( Requirements - Namalsk , Namalsk CUP Replace (Rail Patch), Namalsk Light Patch V2 ) - Namalsk by Pvt Partz (Notes) Napf - (Requires CUP Core , Napf) - Napf by Alky Lee Panthera - (Requires CUP Core, Island Panthera) - Panthera by Alky Lee Rosche - (Requires Rosche, MBG Buildings, CUP Core) - Rosche by Major Stiffy Staszów - (Requires CUP Core, CBA_A3, IFA3_AIO_Lite) - Staszów by Pvt Partz (Notes) Summa - (Requires CUP Core, Summa) - Summa by Major Stiffy Tanoa - Tanoa by Vafana Taunus - (Requirements - Taunus, Arma's Nature, CUP Terrains Complete, Eden Editor Objects) - Taunus by Pvt Partz (Notes) Vidda - (Requirement - Vidda ) - Vidda by Pvt Partz (Notes) The following missions still use an earlier version of Pilgrimage (1.95 beta 1) Altis - Altis by Major Stiffy Cambodia (Requires Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង ) - Cambodia by Major Stiffy Chernarus (Requires CUP Core) - Chernarus by Major Stiffy (Requires Open Chernarus) Chernarus Winter (Requires CUP Core, Chernarus Winter) - Chernarus Winter by Major Stiffy (Requires Open Chernarus), Chernarus Winter by Alky Lee Kerama Islands (Requires Kerama Islands & CUP Core) - Kerama Islands by Major Stiffy Kobbvatn (Requires Kobbvatn, CUP Core, CUP Terrains - CWA, CUP Terrains - Maps, Xin_Ponds, ) - Kobbvatn by Major Stiffy Malden - Malden by A2012V, Malden by Major Stiffy Sahrani (Requires CUP Terrains - Core, CUP Terrains - Maps) -- Sahrani by Major Stiffy,, Sahrani port by Vafana Stratis - Stratis by Major Stiffy Tanoa - Tanoa by rsoftokz, Tanoa by Major Stiffy Tembelan (Requires Tembelan) - Tembelan by Major Stiffy Vidda (Requires Vidda) - Vidda by Major Stiffy CO-OP Altis by Major Stiffy (wip 10) Cambodia by Major Stiffy Chernarus by Major Stiffy Chernarus Redux by Major Stiffy Lingor by Major Stiffy Lythium by Major Stiffy & Pvt Partz Malden by Major Stiffy Stratis by Major Stiffy Tanoa by Major Stiffy Other BI Forum Topics Pilgrimage, Silent---Unseen by Pvt Partz Pilgrimage Ported Variations by rsoftokz SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition by rsoftokz Update Log
  3. RADICAL INSURGENCY An After East Wind Scenario Few hours ago, Greek and Altian special forces conducted a joint assault operation on Agon positions south of Pyrgos, around the village of Ekali. Unfortunately a massive counterattack from Chalkeia forced them to retreat by a CH-67 Huron transport helicopter. During exfiltration, it was shot down by a hidden anti-air emplacement and fell down deep in the Agon-controlled territory. Situation overview Hellenic Armed Forces and NAA had to cancel all aerial operations on this side of the island. Later that day Agon insurgents — possibly supported by Western Altian Militia cells — launched an attack on village of Faronaki with a goal of breaking through to Pyrgos. Because of this, most HAF and NAA troops were moved back to the city and the Greeks denied any close-air-support until the threat would be eliminated. NAA Command decided to move a handful of soldiers out of the Pyrgos garrison to help recovering any surviving members of the Greek special forces from the crashed helicopter and to eliminate the anti-air weaponry. Radical Insurgency This is a sequel to my Up and Gone scenario (but playing it is not required), set in After East Wind universe. Singleplayer infantry-focused scenario for ~60 minutes of playing featuring night combat and light usage of the High Command system. Voice acting done by me using voice cloning, I tried to sound like an English-speaking Greek but ended up with something reminiscent of the Polish operator from Thunder Tier One lol. Dependencies CBA 3; AEW | After East Wind; AEW | 2040 North African Campaign; AEW | Western Sahara Supplement; O&T Expansion Eden; Western Sahara Creator DLC (or compatibility data mod). Downloads Steam Workshop Google Drive MediaFire Screenshots
  4. Overview Charlie Company, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is an NA based Arma 3 milsim unit centered around a modified rifle squad attached to a Light Armored Reconnaissance section, set in the GWOT era, focusing on the use of USMC infantry and LAR doctrine. Operation Times: Saturdays at 1100 PST - (this time slot also accommodates our UK/EU members) Key Points Unit focuses heavily on application of infantry and LAR doctrine Immediate slot assignment upon acceptance - training mostly comes “On the Job” Modpack includes: ACRE KAT medical RHS Other mods tailored to emphasize firefight experience Leadership with extensive Arma 3/milsim experience, some active duty military Available roles: 0311 Rifleman 0313 LAV Crewman/0341 Mortarman (dual role) 0331 Machine Gunner Hospital Corpsman CLS (Combat Life Saver) certification Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/h6QfyNrxYd
  5. Elite Ops Entertainment

    Hostile Takeover v1.0

    Hello comunity! I have recently released a coop/multiplayer scenario Hostile Takover, available on Steam Workshop here. You are tasked to seize the city, eliminate El Presidente and avoid civilian casualties. You have a various units and equipment at your disposal and can choose how you approach the whole thing. Presence of all enemy units is randomized, so is time of the day and weather. Hopefully I found and fix all the major bugs except for the random AI brainfarts which seems like can not be avoided. Here is the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAR_QcsfGhg let me know what do you think! If the scenario sparks enough interest I might create another one like this on a different map.
  6. "My name is Steve R. Hawkins, intelligence sergeant..." More than 20 years ago, this sentence introduced thousands of players to one of the greatest games ever produced by the Czech gaming industry. And although Vietcong (2003) made by Pterodon and Illusion Softworks is now basically abandonware, we who grew up on it have not forgotten its name. This modest modification is my way to thank all those who helped to create Vietcong, all those years ago. Basic information: - PvE campaign for 4-6 players - Difficulty: Challenging - Category: Roleplay, Infantry, Special Forces - Dubbing: Yes - Setting: Vietnam War Description Vietcong COOP is a PvE campaign for 4-6 players, available in English and Czech language. Although it is theoretically possible to play with less than 4 players, this may negatively affect your gaming experience. All 16 missions are using the original voice acting taken from Vietcong (2003) and were designed with roleplay in mind. Features: 1. 16 missions for 6 players, divided into 3 chapters, with over 30 hours of playable content 2. The unique co-op format of the original Vietcong campaign 3. Original English (or Czech) dubbing 4. Briefings, armory, option to start a mission from a custom starting point 5. Additional mission "Red Dawn" For the best experience, it is strongly recommended to use this collection of mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3294234750 Requirements: Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/) StaminaPLUS (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2365681222) RHSPKL (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1978754337) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to the English version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3317055096 Link to the Czech version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3294283095
  7. 173rd Light Airborne Infantry Unit We are based on the United States Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. We strive to give our members an enjoyable and realistic Arma 3 MilSim experience through appropriate usage of tactics, leadership, and teamwork. Our training is suited for any experience level, and derived from the real life experiences of service members within our community. We conduct a variety of operations, all controlled by a Zeus Curation team to ensure a realistic environment full of mature and friendly gamers to enjoy immersive combat experiences within a simulated environment. What's the difference between us and the next unit? We offer MilSim, immersion, and role-play during ops. Hands on training and personnel development Up to 15 Diverse Roles Progression and Reward System Quality over Quantity Diverse Missions Combat patrols Raids Infiltration Airborne/Air Assault operations Intelligence operations Many more! When do we play? Time of Events: Squad Training – Depends on the squad assigned Platoon Squad Training – Bi-Weekly Saturday 5 PM EST Operations – Saturday 1900 CST Information Website: https://unitcommander.co.uk/communities/339 Teamspeak IP: http://TS3.173rd.us Discord: https://discord.gg/TdSBMWbT7f Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfMeg5vbkqs https://www.tiktok.com/@173rdairbornemilsim/video/7298808710170758443
  8. DESCRIPTION: This addon pack will add the Waffen SS to your IFA3 LITE mod. RELEASE DATE: 24-Dec-16 UPDATE: 17-JUN-17 LATEST VERSION: v1.02 AUTHOR: Lennard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Waffen SS: This addon will add reskinned units from IFA3 to your game to resemble the Waffen SS. It includes units from the early campaigns up until the later stages of the war. Also winter units are included. SCREENSHOTS: CHANGELOG: v1.02 - Fixed IFA3 compatibility. v1.01 - Added ZEUS compatibility. - Added Officer's cap normal map. - Corrected displayname U_LEN_SS_SecLeader. - Seperated config from data PBO. v1,0 - Initial release on Steam Workshop KNOWN BUGS/ISSUES: None known at the moment. CLASSNAMES: CREDITS: BIS - Arma 3 game AWAR - Iron Front Liberation 1944 game & original textures Tounushi - Camo patterns El Tyranos & Kju - IFA3 team EULA: By downloading this content you agree with the following: - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author. - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon. - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. - The use of Swastikas is strictly for historical purposes and is not intended to promote fascism, nazi ideology, imperialism and whatsoever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: Arma 3 Iron Front in Arma 3 LITE DOWNLOADS: LEN_IFA3_SS_V1.02 (Mediafire) Steam workshop Mirrors are welcome! Have fun!
  9. AI INFANTRY RESPAWN SP/MP Hi all, Here is a script to allow AIs respawning according to parameters. This works in SP or MP. Only infantry (on foot AI) concerned as far as the killed AIs while in vehicles is the object of a second script. parameters: SIDE(S) / POSITIONS / DELAY / MIN UNITS IN GROUPS / REMAINING LOADOUT Examples: [] spawn MGI_fnc_unitRespawn // [] passed as parameter equals to [ [WEST,EAST,RESISTANCE,CIVILIAN], "start", 10, 144, false] All ai units can respawn on their position at start, after 10 sec delay, with their initial loadout. [ [WEST,EAST], ["mrk1","death","start",""], nil, 3 ] spawn MGI_fnc_unitRespawn // equals to [ [WEST,EAST], ["mrk1","death"], 15, 3, false] here, only WEST & EAST ai units can respawn: - on the marker "mk1" if any, on death position if not, for BLUFOR - on the position of death for OPFOR, (other strings in positions array are useless), 10 second delay (default), if their group headcount is below 3 (delay already started at death), with their initial loadout. Code to be run on server. (trigger, server only, non-repeatable, condition true) or initServer.sqf
  10. Disclaimer: probably one of the hardest missions to complete I have made. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034213374 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. Cheers, thy_
  11. First of all want to say that this aspect of ArmA series has been much improved from previous tittles but is missing the gritty feeling of other Tactical shooters of the genre, SQUAD, Project Reality, Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum, etc Feedback Tracker Ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167121 Some Ideas to improve the "feel" of gunplay / infantry Weapon RECOIL - Overall recoil feels pretty ok, allthough could be a bit more while standing unsupported - Add VERY SNAPPY (barely noticable) amount of camera recoil impulse based on ratio of weapon weight to ammo caliber and weapon attachments (ex Squad, Hell Let Loose, Project Reality) - Impulse has to be very snappy and short and be over before you can think about it (Anyone who fired a gun IRL with cheek rested on the stock will know what I mean) Weapon Resting / Deployment - This is a must for all weapons not just the ones with bipods - Resting for all weapons - Resting of Left / Right sides of the gun on objects such as walls, ex: Weapon Sway - Weapon sway is basically not a thing in Reforger - Increase weapon sway while standing un-supported - Would accompany proper weapon resting / deployment - Make it so you actually have to think about instead of just standing up in the open spraying full auto like in COD / Battlefield / PUBG - Make stamina actually matter when it comes to weapon sway Weapon Suppression / Explosives Supression - This is a must IMO - Add bullet supression from other games (SQUAD, Hell Let Loose, Project Reality, Post Scriptum, etc) based on the weapon cailber - Good change to PVP, eg Conflict - Should also work on supressing AI - Makes firefights longer and more enjoyable, encourages team work, instead of current Arcade flow Weapon Muzzle Effects - Make muzzle flashes for small arms cast a bit more light on surrounding objects while in a dark shadow, inside of a building during the day based on the Muzzle Device, obviously muzle breaks > flash hiders > supressors - Flash hiders are good at hiding flash it is true, however they still give off light IRL to nearby objects shooting in an indoor range. Youtube videos do not do it justice - Muzzle flashes for weapons such as the .50 CAL and KPVT should give off a lot more light to surrounding objects especially the KPVT during the day - Add physics force emitters and effects to muzzle devices that would kick up dust / dirt / trash / foilage, etc based on the muzzle device and the materials of the objects surrounding the muzzle - Make the smoke puffs from weapons stay around for A little bit longer Weapon Ammo Counter - Get rid of live updating ammo counter on the bottom right - Add check mag functionallity with something like "Alt+R" or some other key, where the character checks the mag - The magazine bullet counter icon would update only after checking the mag Weapon Sounds - I think overall these are a great - Shot sounds could maybe have A LITTLE more "POP" to them, and a little more "POP" in the reverb - Shot sounds could be A LITTLE louder, - Currently gunfire just does not give you that "Oh Crap"/"Grittyness"/"Danger" feeling that games like SQUAD and Project Reality do - There is already a sound mod "War Tapes", which makes things louder, it is indescribable how much it changes the feeling / percieved danger of a firefight Launchers - Add backblast damage to launchers - Add a snappy Lighting flash to launchers to light up the surrounding objects from backblast when fired - Add sizable physics force emitters and effects to launchers that would kick up dust / dirt / foilage from backblast when fired - More smoke from launchers, make smoke puffs from launchers stay around much longer - This way you actually have to think when and where you fire from Grenades - Grandes are pretty much useless, you can stand 2-3 meters away looking right at it and it will not even leave a scratch - Increase shrapnel range for thrown and underbarelled Grenades to their realistic values - Add short and bright flash to grenade explosions lighting up everything nearby - Add physics emitters throwing up dust and dirt in addition to the current generic effect - Add a single VERY SHORT AND SNAPPY camera shake impulse and very short ear ringing or sound fading out effect based on proximity to explosion eg Grenade, RPG backblast, etc Bullet impact VFX - Needs work most of the effects seem the same with different color. I would look at SQUAD as en example, their VFX is pretty good - Metal impacts / sparks emit light to surround objects Stamina / Climbing Walls - This is a great addition to ArmA however right now feels way too arcady - Climbing animation should be 2-3X longer or even more if the player is carrying a lot of weight - Should not be allowed to climb if not enough stamina - Cost of stamina to climb should increase with weight of carried items - Add feature from Post Scriptum to drink water from Canteen to rapidly replenish stamina Character Movement - Separate Sprinting from Jogging/Running - Put character in the weapon down Jogging animation on the last "Scroll Wheel Up" setting regardless if the primary weapon is on safety or not - Separate Animation for Sprinting maybe with the weapon held in 1 hand muzzle up like in "Ground Branch" or just on the side like in "Hell let Loose" or "Red Orchestra 2" - Separate Animation vs just sped-up JOG/Run would make it obvious that sprinting is "Very Fast movement mode with Limited duration" vs I will just hold down Shift and end up jogging anyway - Biggest problem is characters are able to JOG Sideways at high speed while firing accuratley down the sights, resulting in circle-jerk Counter-Strike fights - Couple of solutions: - Substantially increase weapon sway while side-strafing at high speed - Do not allow players to look down the sights while strafing at high speed - Automatically slow down players to a reasonable, much lower side-strafe speed when player looks down the iron sights while side-strafing Footsteps - Could be a LITTLE bit louder - Increase the range of footsteps sound, so they can be heard from further away - Seems like footstep sounds for some materials are missing? - Add wet variation to footstep sounds, when the ground mateiral is wet, it would mix in or play different footstep sound Hills / Mountain Terrain - Movement in mountain / hill terrain makes no difference to flat or open fields - Characters are able to run up way too steep of a slope - Characters Sprint FULL SPEED up incredibly steep grades, this is cheesy - Movement up hill makes no difference to stamina? - High ground should be an advantage and difficult to attack requiring you to think about the approach instead of just YOLO sprinting full speed up a cliff Foilage / Bushes / Tree branches - Most bushes / Tree branches missing sound when player runs through them, add sounds for moving through all foilage - Sound of movement through foilage / crop fields / bushes / tree branches needs to be LOUDER, heard from MUCH FURTHER away, - Add sounds of branches / wood cracking and snapping, and rebounding when walking through bushes and thickets - Thick Bushes need to be an obstacle, slowing character movement down SIGNIFICANTLY, should not be able to sprint full speed through thick bushes, way too arcady - Add animations of bushes / branches moving around when disturbed by characters - Make it so you actually have to think about it sneaking up on players / AI instead of rushing full sprint - Add sounds and animations of bushes / foilage / thickets / branches disturbed by vehicles "SpinTires Mudrunner" is a great example - Trees / bushes should not just fall down when hit by vehicles, but should deflect away from the vehicle with sounds "SpinTires Mudrunner" as an example Wind Effects - Tree branches / Bush deflection / Wind sound is too small for moderate winds, needs to be increased - 7 m/s is around 13.6 knots and foilage is barely moving until turned up to 15m/s or ~30 knots
  12. MAIN POST WILL BE SOON REWORKED ----------------------------------------------------------- OBSOLETE
  13. Hi, I just wanted to present a mission I've been working on for quite a while now but never got around to posting it here. Basic description Random infantry skirmish on a random place on the map, you can choose any faction, any weapon and any vehicle and just start fighting. The battles are fast, fierce and fun. The mission purpose is to have some quick arcade fun with whatever faction mod you have. Main features Fast-paced, dynamically generated firefight with infantry and land/air vehicles Compatible with any mod that has proper units definitions Fully customizable, set your own rules, select your gear, pick a location, pick factions 3 game modes: Push, King of the Hill and Team Deathmatch Supports Singleplayer and COOP (up to 8 players) Supports 30 worlds! Game modes Push - attack and capture sequence of points, one after another while defenders put fierce resistance King of the Hill - team that has more units in a specified area gets points over time, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Team Deathmatch - get points for killing enemy units, the team that reaches the point limit first wins Workshop collection link (contains missions for all 30 worlds) The mission is fully open source, you can find the sources on GitHub: https://github.com/SkaceKamen/random-infantry-skirmish/ (feel free to use any code found there for any purpose)
  14. Trait Changer by UNIT_normal This allows you to change between default traits and custom traits. You can define your own trait setup in TC_init.sqf. Known Issues - This don't change actual unit class. Installation 1. Put Trait_Changer folder on your mission folder. 2. Put stringtable.xml or copy & paste contents to your stringtable.xml. 3. Add this to init.sqf. [] execVM "Trait_Changer\TC_init.sqf"; 4. Add this to object that you want. 0 = this execVM "Trait_Changer\functions\fnc_TC_object.sqf"; 5. Add this to description.ext. #include "Trait_Changer\defines.hpp" #include "Trait_Changer\TC_GUI_controls.hpp" #include "Trait_Changer\TC_GUI_classes.hpp" Option - In TC_init.sqf, you can set trait limit on server. Download https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GcMnaFlJdONlvaEcTMDTxugFcQzDqhVO Changelog
  15. 28th Regiment About Us The 28th Regiment is a Semi-Milsim, Semi-Serious Unit set in the Modern British Armed Forces. We are a combined arms force with an Infantry, Recon, Armored and Aerial detachments. We deploy all around the globe typically assisting local forces with emerging or serious threats. We do not operate off a Ranking System but instead slot people based on Qualifications and Trust meaning that members can obtain any role they wish simply by completing the relevant training. we also offer a Reward system to show off your achievements to the rest of the Unit. 28th regiment also runs an Antistasi mission on weekends. this will switch to a Liberation mission once the Antistasi is over. All aspects of these missions are voted on by all unit members, keeping things fresh and interesting. Operation Times Main Ops - Fridays 20:00 GMT Fun Ops - Anytime, Any day Antistasi - Weekends, any time Requirements to join .Must be 16+ .Own a Legal Copy of ARMA 3 .Own a working Microphone and/or Headset Unit detachment requirements Infantry (Sphinx) Riflemen Medics Machine-gunners Grenadiers Team leaders Are you Ready to be cannon fodder? Signed: Stacey - Sphinx 1st Platoon Lead Scouts (Jackal) Riflemen Marksmen Snipers Spotters Medics May god have mercy for we won't. Signed: - Napalm - Jackal 1-1 Team Lead Amour (Scarab) Drivers Gunners Commanders We will support the infantry and fix their vehicles...even if they stupidly drive into IED's. Signed: Gunnar - Scarab 1-1 Commander Aerial (Vulture) Rotary pilots Fixed wing pilots Training available for those who prove themselves worthy. Signed: Ekberg - Vulture 1 Commander Join us now https://discord.gg/ZMKr6xShp7
  16. Hello, this is a simple script to halo jump a player. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes, MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer. What does this script do? This script allows a player to HALO on a given point on a map. How do I use this script? Place the script in Select an object on the editor and place the following line into its init to allow HALO from the action menu: (remove <t color='#37A9E7'></t> to show it as plain white like any other action) //If script is in scenario root directory this addAction["<t color='#37A9E7'>H.A.L.O. Jump</t>","[player] execVM 'halo.sqf';"]; //If script is in other scenario directory this addAction["<t color='#37A9E7'>H.A.L.O. Jump</t>","[player] execVM 'yourFolder\halo.sqf';"]; halo.sqf //Uncomment following line if used as function //_unit = param[0]; //Uncomment following line if used as script _unit = _this select 0; _haloAltitude = 1000; //Opening map and handling click openMap true; mapclick = false; onMapSingleClick "clickpos = _pos; mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick """";true;"; waituntil {mapclick}; _haloLocation = clickpos; _unitLoadout = getUnitLoadout _unit; cutText ["H.A.L.O. in progress...", "BLACK OUT", 1]; sleep 1; openMap false; _unit setPos _haloLocation; _unit addBackpack "B_Parachute"; //Halo [_unit, _haloAltitude] call bis_fnc_halo; sleep 2; cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; waitUntil {(getpos _unit select 2) < 2}; //Giving loadout back sleep 1; _unit setUnitLoadout _unitLoadout;
  17. The 23rd Infantry Division is an Online Military Simulation Unit that Has Infantry, Armor, and Aviation. We are currently looking for New and Experienced Members to join our Growing Community. We are still New and have a lot to offer. We are looking for active Game Masters, Staff in all Areas, and just members. What we offer: We offer over 25 different MOS' to choose from, the list may include; Radio-Telophone Operator, Infantry, Auto-Rifleman, Pointman, Team Leaders, Armor Crewmember, Cavalry Scout, Rotary Wing Pilot, Aviation Crew Chief, Aviation Door Gunner, Light Armored Cannon Crewmember, Combat Medic, Combat Engineer, and Many more. Command Staff Positions are Open; Must be 17 years or older, Understand and Have Leadership Abilities and skills, Communication, and Discipline. Command And Drill Positions are available for Application at The rank of CPL (E-4b) to anyone. We have Operations in U.S. Timezone; Eastern Standard Time Daily or Bi-daily anytime from 14:00(2:00PM) - 20:00(8:00PM) as Start Times. Any Inquiries should be made to Z3R0PAT13NT5#3035 on Discord. The 23rd Infantry Division does not, in any way, Condone or allow any acts of Multi-Clanning; The act of purposefully being in multiple different units or communities with the same goal or principles. Ages 15+, Discord Is Required. ~ 1LT. Lyons; OIC of the 23rd Infantry Division OMSU https://discord.gg/UrjSZy7gzW
  18. Hi, is there a trouble with the AZERTY keyboards or what ? Q and S are no more recognised for infantry moves, no pb with the vehicules...Or is there a specific pb with the Corsaire Keyboards/iCUE ? P.S : in fact if I switch left strafe and right strafe command... it's working except it's invert... the pb should come from the code itself, I don't know where but there is a bug.
  19. Add-on for WW4 EXTENDED, an unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Requirements WW4 v2.5 WW4 Extended v1.0 or greater (full installation) WW4 Extended: Cold War Kegetys' Winter Nogojev v1.1 Download Version 1.3 - https://www.mediafire.com/download/yd1tit11htfdnhz/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip Patch 1.3.1 Install after the main download. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/cyxy87v31kwmgy6/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v131_patch.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_Patch_v1.3.1.zip Hotfix Install after the patch. https://copy.com/ONYWMvPAi4CgV39v Arctic is now also bundled in the new WW4 Extended installer. You can find download links here if you want an automated, no hassle, way to install all this. Manual installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC; Launch the game by using the new shortcut. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: You can also find premade groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Available winter islands for OFP/CWA Check this list: http://ofp-faguss.com/islands.php?type=Winter&reviewed=Any&sort=Rating&order=DESC Screenshots Album (v1.0): https://imgur.com/a/hWHzJ Changelog Credits - Sanctuary (WW4!) - Kegetys (Winter Nogojev sounds and vehicle models and textures) - krzychuzokecia (help on several aspects for v1.2 release) - Apocalypse83 (feedback and testing)
  20. Second turn of Task Force Nike peacekeeping operations on Altis has started. Join Sergeant Cosmos in his first day of serving in a small island republic that recently got on its legs and is about to collapse again. Situation overview Since the beginning of 2036, Greece has maintained its forces in the New Republic of Altis in the form of the peacekeeping contingent Task Force Nike. For several months, 180 soldiers together with members of UNTOFIAAS were controlling disarmament of the AAF and FIA, maintained peace in the cities and trained soldiers of the New Altis Army. A year later, it came to light that the whole process was incomplete and that the NAA did not appoint as many servicemen as intended. Civilians and ex-military, exhausted by the just-ended conflict, were opposed to NATO and any diplomatic relations with Europe, joined forces in guerillas or militias and tried to establish a new order themselves, often leading to tense situations between them and the TFN and NAA. Of the two parties to choose from, the separatist Agon was much more to their liking than the pro-Western FIP. Meanwhile, the climate warmed rapidly leading to draughts and forest fires in the Mediterranean, unrest began to increase, people found peacekeeping forces unnecessary or even problematic. When UNTOFIAAS and TFN began to report situations where 'militants' were simply disarming NAA soldiers or there were exchanges of state equipment for money, Greece decided to increase its presence by 500 new soldiers and launched a second turn of operations. The Greek ship, HS 'Valor' has entered New Altis Republic waters... Up And Gone This scenario is a short take on lore created by After East Wind mod and their makers. Singleplayer infantry-focused scenario for ~40 minutes of playing, planned to be at least twice longer however due to current major dynamic simulation bug the scope was reduced. Frames should be pretty stable except Pyrgos city where they might drop, but once outside this place, they will go up again. Follow the tasks and read the conversations. Supported languages - English - Polish (If you want to add your custom translation in your language, open the mission PBO, extract Stringtable file, add your stuff and send it to me). Dependencies CBA 3; AEW | After East Wind; AEW | 2040 North African Campaign; AEW | Western Sahara Supplement; Western Sahara Creator DLC. Downloads Steam Workshop - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876648863 Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pGHYeAn53fdeoFo5JRrBx97eEuLvujBM/view?usp=drive_link MediaFire - https://www.mediafire.com/file/j7pfudeyf1dxx7j/AEW_Up_And_Gone.Altis.pbo/file Screenshots
  21. mathiasstahle

    The Fall of Khe Sanh

    It's July 1968 and all US forces are retreating from Khe Sanh Combat Base, after several weeks of enemy artillery bombardment. Your helicopter crew must evacuate men and equipment from the USMC outposts surrounding the main base. The Fall of Khe Sanh is a flight mission for ArmA3's S.O.G Prairie Fire setting. I wanted to make a helicopter mission that's not just another "trainer" where you never actually get to do anything as a pilot. Here you will command a fully loaded Bell UH-1D Iroquois into an ever-changing combat zone. You and your crew will perform insertions, hot extractions and transport runs through hostile environments. The mission is voice acted with cinematic cutscenes. The Fall of Khe Sanh exists in both a multiplayer and a singleplayer version. The MP version has 18 playable slots and lets you play the entire helicopter crew, or join one of the infantry forces on the ground in need of a support helicopter. There's is no respwn, so you'll have to rely on the revive system. SINGLE PLAYER VERSION: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2863267263 MULTIPLAYER VERSION: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2863559513
  22. RELEASE INFORMATION Version: 1.13 Release date: 03 September 2022 ARMA III version: 2.10 ABOUT The Two Sierra campaign follows a NRF VJTF platoon during three tours of duty. Each tour takes place in a specific ‘Armaverse’ driven by a storyline loosely based on historical facts. The campaign missions support up to 36 players (30 + 6 JIP). FEATURES 3 tours of duty, 12 missions + 3 warmup missions offering challenging and Immersive gameplay in a lively area of operations; Each mission is accompanied with a detailed operations order (OPORD’s in-game and PDF/TXT for forum briefings), AO map and additional intel; Pre-configured TFAR for quick game start. Media (PDF, images) to be used with forum postings (mission cover image, AO map, objectives, etc.). Optimized for dedicated server play; Challenging opponents; Automatic detection of ACRE2/ TFAR, cTab and ACE3 add-ons. Optional mod compatibility (RHS/Project Opfor/3CB Factions -or- CUP/CFP) for BluFor & OpFor MISSION BALANCER Since v1.05 the Two Sierra missions are balanced based on the number of players active. Few notes: Less players = less OpFor / more players = more OpFor Recommended min. players: 12 Mission balancer setting can be overruled using the mission params at mission start. Tour 1 and 2 warmup missions have mission balancer running. Tour 3 has no mission balancer. DOWNLOAD INFORMATION Download Two Sierra ALL-IN-ONE via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/sdJjFJIa#7k1vAazsHbZvLlP2A0OmzbF4YUs2RDx7rLRRvakxBQA [v 1.13] Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=530541775 [v 1.13] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/two.sierra.arma/ REQUIRED ADD-ONS Community Based Addons ARMA 3 (CBA_A3) CUP Terrains RECOMMENDED ADD-ONS To enhance game play, the following (optional) client add-ons are recommended: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) -or- TaskForce Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) Commanders Tablet (cTAB) RHS + Project Opfor and/or 3CB Factions --OR-- CUP Units and Community Factions Project CHANGELOG Note: Both the Two Sierra website and Github repo are NO LONGER maintained. Please use this thread, Steam or Armaholic as your source for updates and information. In the archive you’ll find a '2Sierra_readMe.pdf' document with mission information, client/server information, training information, etc. Version 1.13 General: Various issues and optimizations. Updated: Insignia and texture issues finally fixed with ArmA3 2.10 Updated: Applied ADF 2.28 framework. If you have a VIDEO or SCREENSHOTS of your community playing a Two Sierra mission, please let me know. With your permission I'll post the content on the Two Sierra Youtube Channel.
  23. I wanted to post my first Arma 3 mission, Total Warfare: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2776356858. Back in the day, I made a lot of missions for Operation Flashpoint - such as Petrovice Salient, Apache Assault and Operation Sharkeye - but haven't done anything since. It's been fun to make although pretty time consuming due to the complexity of the mission and how rusty I was at scripting. Given that, I am happy that it's fairly polished. And whatever else it may be, it's not boring. The goal was to put you into a large-scale and brutal assault in which you have a genuine sense of having to fight for every inch. The downside of this sense of scale is that it's very resource-intensive. Despite spending a lot of time optimizing it, it's unlikely you'll get buttery smooth framerates. Happy to receive any criticisms/feedback. My questions at the moment with it are: Difficulty level - it's a hard mission, but I do not want to make it much easier as that lowers the intensity of the experience. As a compromise, there is revive (incl SP) but is that too much? There is an occasional issue with the game hanging for a few seconds before resuming, sometimes multiple times. This is caused by a script that ironically is intended to improve performance. The script moves and activates enemy units as soon as you or another squad is in the area. I assume the hanging is caused by the script disrupting the game's resource management - causing a temporary CPU overload. If anyone knows how to fix this, would love to hear. Total Warfare aims to give you the visceral experience of a large-scale, combined arms battle - a brutal urban engagement fought alongside other squads, with an unpredictable enemy, noise and explosions all around you, and unrelenting tension. You're a leading FIA officer who's turned the tide against CSAT/AAF, forcing them to retreat to Kavala. Finally, NATO are joining the war and are launching a massive airborne operation to take the city. You'll be fighting alongside them, but first need to pave the way by taking out the enemy AA units. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2776356858
  24. What does this script do? This script spawns random reinforcements (group from 4 to 10 men) of the desired faction at the given position, and they will automatically redirect to players position (at the moment of script call, as Last Known Position). Does it work in multiplayer? Yes, it works in MultiPlayer and SinglePlayer Parameters _faction → String → Faction (see below) _sideReinforcements → Side → Side of reinforcements of which can be → west, east, independent _spawnPosition → Position → Center position of where you want to spawn reinforcements _rangeOfSpawn → int → Range of spawn from spawnPosition (if you like to narrow spawn just set this as 1) _addVehicle → Bool → Add a support vehicle Do you think side can be redundant? Maybe, but faction has been added secondly as I didn't want plain CSAT reinforcements when I'm playing on Livonia with Specnaz units, you know? I know not all RHS units have been added, I probably will, no guarantee. If you do script, you can.. Just look at the code, it's easy. Supported Factions SUPPORTED VANILLA FACTIONS: BLU_F NATO (standard) OPF_F CSAT (standard) IND_F AAF (standard) BLU_T_F NATO (Apex, pacific) OPF_T_F CSAT (Apex, pacific) IND_C_F Syndikat (Apex) BLU_W_F NATO Woodland (Contact) OPF_R_F Specnaz (Contact) IND_E_F LDF (Contact) SUPPORTED MODS FACTIONS: rhs_faction_usarmy_d RHS USAF (USA Army D OCP) rhs_faction_usarmy_wd RHS USAF (USA Army D UCP) rhs_faction_usmc_d RHS USAF (USA Army D MARPAT) rhs_faction_usmc_wd RHS USAF (USA Army WD MARPAT) rhs_faction_msv RHS AFRF (Russia MSV EMR) rhs_faction_vdv RHS AFRF (Russia VDV DES) rhssaf_faction_army RHS SAF (KOV Digital) Tban EricJ Taliban Units Edit: Added Syndikat faction IND_C_F (26/02/2022) How do I call the script? Let's say I am a BLUFOR player and I call for reinforcements, just put the following line in a activation trigger line: ["BLU_F", west, getMarkerPos "spawnMarkerPoint", 1, true] execVM "reinforcements.sqf"; Let's say RHS AFRF (Russians) enemy called reinforcements instead, those reinforcement will proceed to my position to engage: ["rhs_faction_msv", east, getMarkerPos "russianReinforcementsSpawnMarker", 1, false] execVM "reinforcements.sqf"; reinforcements.sqf //Uncomment following if used as function //params["_faction","_sideReinforcements","_spawnPosition", "_rangeOfSpawn","_addVehicle"]; //Uncomment following if used as script _faction = _this select 0; _sideReinforcements = _this select 1; _spawnPosition = _this select 2; _rangeOfSpawn = _this select 3; _addVehicle = _this select 4; _unitsArray = []; _vehicleArray = []; _unitsArrayToSpawn = []; _counter = 0; //Parsing factions switch (_faction) do { //Vanilla case "BLU_F": //NATO (standard) { _unitsArray = [ "B_Soldier_SL_F", "B_Medic_F", "B_Soldier_GL_F", "B_Soldier_F", "B_HeavyGunner_F", "B_Soldier_LAT_F", "B_Soldier_M_F", "B_Soldier_AR_F", "B_Soldier_LAT2_F", "B_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F" ]; }; case "OPF_F": //CSAT (standard) { _unitsArray = [ "O_Soldier_SL_F", "O_Medic_F", "O_Soldier_HAT_F", "O_Soldier_GL_F", "O_Soldier_F", "O_HeavyGunner_F", "O_Soldier_F", "O_Soldier_M_F", "O_Soldier_AR_F", "O_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F" ]; }; case "IND_F": //AAF units { _unitsArray = [ "I_Soldier_SL_F", "I_Medic_F", "I_Soldier_GL_F", "I_Soldier_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_F", "I_Soldier_AT_F", "I_Soldier_AA_F", "I_Soldier_M_F", "I_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F" ]; }; case "IND_C_F": //Syndikat units { _unitsArray = [ "I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F", "I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F", "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_7_F", "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_1_F", "I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F", "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_6_F", "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F", "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_4_F", "I_C_Soldier_Para_6_F", "I_C_Soldier_Para_3_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "I_C_Offroad_02_AT_F" ]; }; case "OPF_T_F": //Chinese CSAT (Apex) { _unitsArray = [ "O_T_Soldier_SL_F", "O_T_Medic_F", "O_T_Soldier_HAT_F", "O_T_Soldier_GL_F", "O_T_Soldier_F", "O_T_HeavyGunner_F", "O_T_Soldier_F", "O_T_Soldier_M_F", "O_T_Soldier_AR_F", "O_T_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "O_T_MRAP_02_hmg_ghex_F" ]; }; case "BLU_T_F": //NATO Pacific (Apex) { _unitsArray = [ "B_T_Soldier_SL_F", "B_T_Medic_F", "B_T_Soldier_GL_F", "B_T_Soldier_F", "B_T_HeavyGunner_F", "B_T_Soldier_LAT_F", "B_T_Soldier_M_F", "B_T_Soldier_AR_F", "B_T_Soldier_LAT2_F", "B_T_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "B_T_MRAP_01_hmg_F" ]; }; case "BLU_W_F": //NATO (Contact) { _unitsArray = [ "B_W_Soldier_SL_F", "B_W_Medic_F", "B_W_Soldier_GL_F", "B_W_Soldier_F", "B_W_HeavyGunner_F", "B_W_Soldier_LAT_F", "B_W_Soldier_M_F", "B_W_Soldier_AR_F", "B_W_Soldier_LAT2_F", "B_W_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "B_T_MRAP_01_hmg_F" ]; }; case "OPF_R_F": //Specnaz (Contact) { _unitsArray = [ "O_R_Soldier_SL_F", "O_R_Medic_F", "O_R_Soldier_LAT_F", "O_R_Soldier_GL_F", "O_R_JTAC_F", "O_R_JTAC_F", "O_R_JTAC_F", "O_R_Soldier_M_F", "O_R_Soldier_AR_F", "O_R_JTAC_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "O_T_LSV_02_armed_F" ]; }; case "INF_E_F": //LDF (Contact) { _unitsArray = [ "I_E_Soldier_TL_F", "I_E_Medic_F", "I_E_Soldier_GL_F", "I_E_Soldier_F", "I_E_Soldier_AR_F", "I_E_Soldier_F", "I_E_Soldier_AT_F", "I_E_Soldier_AA_F", "I_E_Soldier_M_F", "I_E_Soldier_UAV_F" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "I_E_Offroad_01_covered_F" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_usarmy_d": //RHS USAF (USA Army D OCP) { _unitsArray = [ "rhsusf_army_ocp_squadleader", "rhsusf_army_ocp_medic", "rhsusf_army_ocp_grenadier", "rhsusf_army_ocp_rifleman", "rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman", "rhsusf_army_ocp_rifleman", "rhsusf_army_ocp_javelin", "rhsusf_army_ocp_marksman", "rhsusf_army_ocp_aa", "rhsusf_army_ocp_uav" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhsusf_m1025_d_m2" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd": //RHS USAF (USA Army W UCP) { _unitsArray = [ "rhsusf_army_ucp_squadleader", "rhsusf_army_ucp_medic", "rhsusf_army_ucp_grenadier", "rhsusf_army_ucp_rifleman", "rhsusf_army_ucp_autorifleman", "rhsusf_army_ucp_rifleman", "rhsusf_army_ucp_javelin", "rhsusf_army_ucp_marksman", "rhsusf_army_ucp_aa", "rhsusf_army_ucp_uav" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhsusf_m1025_w_m2" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_usmc_d": //RHS USAF (USMC D) { _unitsArray = [ "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader", "rhsusf_navy_sarc_d_fast", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_grenadier", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_rifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_autorifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_rifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_javelin", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_marksman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_stinger", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_uav" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhsusf_m1025_d_s_m2" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_usmc_wd": //RHS USAF (USMC WD MARPAT) { _unitsArray = [ "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_squadleader", "rhsusf_navy_sarc_wd_fast", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_grenadier", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_rifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_autorifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_rifleman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_javelin", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_marksman", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_stinger", "rhsusf_usmc_marpat_wd_uav" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhsusf_m1025_w_s_m2" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_msv": { _unitsArray = [ "rhs_msv_emr_sergeant", "rhs_msv_emr_medic", "rhs_msv_emr_grenadier_rpg", "rhs_msv_emr_rifleman", "rhs_msv_emr_arifleman_rpk", "rhs_msv_emr_rifleman", "rhs_msv_emr_rifleman", "rhs_msv_emr_aa", "rhs_msv_emr_LAT", "rhs_msv_emr_marksman" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhs_tigr_sts_msv" ]; }; case "rhs_faction_vdv": { _unitsArray = [ "rhs_vdv_des_sergeant", "rhs_vdv_des_medic", "rhs_vdv_des_grenadier_rpg", "rhs_vdv_des_rifleman", "rhs_vdv_des_arifleman_rpk", "rhs_vdv_des_rifleman", "rhs_vdv_des_rifleman", "rhs_vdv_des_LAT", "rhs_vdv_des_aa", "rhs_vdv_des_marksman" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhs_tigr_sts_3camo_msv" ]; }; case "Tban": { _unitsArray = [ "TBan_Fighter6", "TBan_Fighter5", "TBan_Fighter4", "TBan_Fighter3NH", "TBan_Fighter2NH", "TBan_Fighter1NH", "TBan_Fighter3", "TBan_Fighter2", "TBan_Fighter1" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "Tban_O_Offroad_01_F" ]; }; case "rhssaf_faction_army": { _unitsArray = [ "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_sq_Lead", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_medic", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_gl", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_rifleman_m70", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_mgun_m84", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_rifleman_m70", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_rifleman_m70", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_spec_aa", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_spec_at", "rhssaf_army_m10_digital_sniper_m76" ]; _vehicleArray = [ "rhssaf_m1151_olive_pkm" ]; }; }; _groupSize = [4,10] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _unitsArray resize _groupSize; //Random position around given position _randomSpawnPosition = [_spawnPosition, random _rangeOfSpawn, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; //Spawning group _spawnedGroup = [_randomSpawnPosition, _sideReinforcements, _unitsArray] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _waypoint = _spawnedGroup addWaypoint [position (allPlayers select 0), 0]; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _spawnedGroup setCurrentWaypoint [_spawnedGroup, 0]; //Spawning vehicle if (_addVehicle) then { _vehGroup = [_randomSpawnPosition, _sideReinforcements, _vehicleArray] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _vehGroup addWaypoint [position (allPlayers select 0), 0]; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true",""]; _vehGroup setCurrentWaypoint [_vehGroup, 0]; };
  25. Hello there, I am facing some challenges to implement the findEmptyPosition and avoid collision among vehicles those spawn in the same spot. Some help to fix it will be very much appreciated. Here below is my code working pretty fine, except for the collisions in some rounds. If you prefer, here is for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NIdU2pLEjl41M3Vlc0dVANRvuK3PFCqd/view?usp=sharing // SIDE SPAWNS // Spawnpoints for each faction. Only the specific faction can spawn. _bluAllSpawns = ["bluSpawn01","bluSpawn02","bluSpawn03","bluSpawn04","bluSpawn05","bluSpawn06"]; _opAllSpawns = ["opSpawn01","opSpawn02","opSpawn03","opSpawn04","opSpawn05","opSpawn06"]; _indAllSpawns = ["indSpawn01","indSpawn02","indSpawn03","indSpawn04","indSpawn05","indSpawn06"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // SHARED DESTINY // Waypoints where any faction can go. _goToSharedDestiny = ["destinoComum01","destinoComum02","destinoComum03","destinoComum04"]; // SIDE DESTINY // Waypoints where only the specific faction can go. _goToDestinyBlu = ["destinoBlu01","destinoBlu02"]; _goToDestinyOp = ["destinoOp01","destinoOp02"]; _goToDestinyInd = ["destinoInd01","destinoInd02"]; // ANY DESTINY // Use _goToAnywhere for the group to consider going to both shared destinations and those of all factions. _goToAnywhere = _goToSharedDestiny + _goToDestinyBlu + _goToDestinyOp + _goToDestinyInd; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _bluSquadLight = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadRegular = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluSquadHeavy = ["B_Soldier_TL_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F", "B_soldier_AR_F"]; _bluVehLight = ["B_Quadbike_01_F"]; _bluVehRegular = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]; _bluVehHeavy = ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F"]; // OPFOR GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _opSquadLight = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadRegular = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opSquadHeavy = ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F", "O_soldier_AR_F"]; _opVehLight = ["O_Quadbike_01_F"]; _opVehRegular = ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; _opVehHeavy = ["O_MBT_02_cannon_F"]; // INDEPENDENT GROUPS // Number of soldiers and type of faction squads. _indSquadLight = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadRegular = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indSquadHeavy = ["I_Soldier_TL_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F", "I_Soldier_AR_F"]; _indVehLight = ["I_Quadbike_01_F"]; _indVehRegular = ["I_MRAP_03_hmg_F"]; _indVehHeavy = ["I_MBT_03_cannon_F"]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // BLUFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _bluGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; _bluGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _bluGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 1]; _bluGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 0]; _bluGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToAnywhere), 1]; _bluGroup05 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //This one will hold position (no waypoint). _bluGroup06 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _bluAllSpawns), BLUFOR, _bluVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _bluGroup06 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyBlu), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // OPFOR STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _opGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _opGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 1]; _opGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _opAllSpawns), OPFOR, _opSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _opGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyOp), 0]; // ................................................................................................................................................ // INDEPENDENT STRATEGY // All faction groups and destinations. _indGroup01 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadLight,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup01 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadRegular,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 0]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 1]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 2]; _indGroup02 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToSharedDestiny), 3]; _indGroup03 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indSquadHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup03 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0]; _indGroup04 = [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _indAllSpawns), INDEPENDENT, _indVehHeavy,[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _indGroup04 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos (selectRandom _goToDestinyInd), 0];