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About Adacas

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    Staff Sergeant

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    3D modeling, Airsoft

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  1. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hello there. In theory... If there were Military Gear Pack Remastered released should it be a separate mod or this one updated? 🤔
  2. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I'll just say this for now. I wish I had time to continue modelling. Currently I'm preparing my bachelor assignment for college which includes developing a website (haven't done this before so this is new for me), capturing footage for an intro video that will be shown on the website and preparing a documentation of the whole thing. Beside that I have also started to organize public and private airsoft games that take most of my weekends to earn extra cash. I won't promise a date when can I jump back to modelling but it will come.
  3. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    If I decide to do drop-leg holsters I'll fit them to the A3 BLUFOR uniform and I'll base my uniforms on that as well. But for every drop-leg vest variant I'll also make one without it. I'll just move it on the battle belt.
  4. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hello! I wanna have a try to model a new holster for the pistols, because those Serpa holster I used before are not being used by active duty personnel anymore cause of safety reasons. I need something that would work with most of the pistols that are in A3. Throw your suggestions and if someone owns it personally and can take pictures of for me so I could model it more accurately even better.
  5. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    My mistake I didn't sound it that clear. What I intend to do is to remove some weight from the vests. Examples: dual stack magazines on the battle belts, some pouches on the back sides which in reality are not really accessible. I have been moving pouches on my JPC and battle belt until I found what it is working. Vests will still have those little details that made them good it is just that they will feature pouches that are actually has purpose and not just there to fill the empty molle space.
  6. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    UPDATE on the mods situation So at the beginning of the third semester I thought I'll have more free time. Well it turns out the third semester is the one where you really have to step it up with the studies. Assignments started flying in since the very first week. Now I know for sure that this job isn't for me alone. There is just way too much to handle for one person and work everything out efficiently. I'm bringing along a new face to help me out with the project @Cherkasov. His texture work is amazing and he'll help me out with that. Also @warden_1 will be helping out as well with the boring retopology and uv mapping part of 3D modelling from time to time. Now some things I want to mention about mod. I'm gonna go through all the old models I have and check them if they live it up to the new standards. So some stuff like JPC, FAST, AIRFRAMES will be in the T1GP. But their whole appearance will be updated as well making loadouts set-up looking not so overfilled with a lot of junk. Especially on the vests. That would be all for now. Thank you everyone who is still patiently waiting after all this time!
  7. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    It doesn't matter if it is airsoft or real firearm proper magazine maintenance is required at all times. Your comments adds no value to the topic except you just wanted to be sarcastic...
  8. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I don't think I'll do any closed mag pouches. For me they are so impractical and inconvenient. Ever since I started playing airsoft I felt the need to immediately switch out from any bungee mag retention and closed pouches. Kydex inserts, FAST mags and everything else that allows fast draw is the key. Don't see the problem here man. I just didn't want to create a new thread since this one has a big following.
  9. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Moved it a bit up. Now it should be good.
  10. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    New plateframe scaling. Actually it is Gerards Mery work. Warden did the textures and retopology of the model. Have I ever dissapointed with variety? Haha There will be multiple variants. Probably not during the first release but later sure. The stuff you have listed I don't call "accessories" these are mandatory items to have and of course those will be modeled. What I asked is what else I could add to make the vests and loadouts as unique as possible. Yeah I can create hiddenselections in appropriate spots (pretty much anywhere where there is velcro surface)
  11. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    And once again we are moving forward! I have been gone for a while now once again. But the summer is coming to an end and once again I have started working on the project. Right now I'm working on some small accessories for all the upcoming vests. So far I have (Carabiner, CAT, IR Beacon, Duct Tape, Zip Ties, Chemlight) All of them have been remodeled new except for CAT. After I'm done with all these small things I will continue working on S&S Precision gear for the Plateframe's release. After that we'll see where this project will head next. Now is a good time to suggest some new vest accessories (although I'm not sure what else to add and this is where you guys step in)
  12. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Military Gear Pack is obsolete :) No futher fixes will be made and all the work will be focused on the new project.
  13. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    While Warden_1 is working on the plateframe (He is pretty much done) I'm working on S&S Plateframe accessories. The first thing I modelled is Three mag pouch.
  14. Adacas

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    You spoiled too soon :O