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About Bad_Dad

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    Private First Class

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  1. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @Vdauphin cool thanks... im not too familiar with pull requests or github... maybe i will check it out
  2. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey @Vdauphin Would you be cool with me posting the 4 Extra side missions I made for H&M in this thread? Destroy IED factory - Search for and destroy the IED factory. (Use one M112 explosive to destroy the IED Cache). Destroy the mortar camp -Search for and destroy the Mortar Camp. (Destroy the Mortar Cache and mortar tubes with explosives). Destroy the AA camp - Search for and destroy the Anti-Air Camp. (Destroy the Anti-Air guns at the site with explosives). Plane Crash Site - A plane carrying a secure data terminal has gone down... your objective is to secure the crash site and retrieve the data.
  3. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @Vdauphin really appreciate your help.... i was able to make 3 new side missions after you lead me to the right files Destroy IED factory - you have to blow up a cache that is surrounded by APmines Destroy the mortar camp - you have to destroy the mortar tubes and the mortar cache Destroy the AA camp - you have to destroy the AA gun and weapon cache @bodybaq i can share the files if you want them ... just so you are aware these side missions have mod requirements for JBAD and CUP terrains core cause i used assets from them to make the compositions
  4. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    ah ok i think i see my issue!!! thanks
  5. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    @Vdauphin did that too already case 42 : { _description = [ (localize "STR_BTC_HAM_SIDE_IEDfactory_DESC") + ([_location] call btc_fnc_typeOfPreview), localize "STR_BTC_HAM_SIDE_IEDfactory_TITLE", localize "STR_BTC_HAM_SIDE_IEDfactory_TITLE" ]; _type = "search"; }; and added it to the stringtable
  6. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey, @Vdauphin So i was able to get a new side mission working and requestable with the side mission request ace interact.... all works well... except there is a minor error that pops up and i am having a hell of a time figuring out how to rectify it...Here is my code and the error below Any help would be appreciated!!! params [ ["_taskID", "btc_side", [""]] ]; private _useful = values btc_city_all select { !((_x getVariable ["type", ""]) in ["NameLocal", "Hill", "NameMarine", "StrongpointArea"]) }; if (_useful isEqualTo []) then {_useful = values btc_city_all;}; private _city = selectRandom _useful; private _pos = [getPos _city, 0, _city getVariable ["cachingRadius", 50], 10, false] call btc_fnc_findsafepos; if (_pos select 2 > 50) exitWith {[] spawn btc_side_fnc_create;}; _city setVariable ["spawn_more", true]; private _burning = selectRandom ["MetalBarrel_burning_F","FirePlace_burning_F","Campfire_burning_F"]; private _camo = selectRandom ["CamoNet_OPFOR_F","CamoNet_INDP_F"]; private _boombox = selectRandom ["Box_East_AmmoOrd_F","Box_IND_AmmoOrd_F","Box_EAF_AmmoOrd_F"]; private _btc_composition_hideout = [ [_burning,0,[-2.30957,3.02979,0]], [_camo,121.331,[0.675781,-1.52539,0]], ["Land_PlasticBucket_01_closed_F",121.331,[0.675781,-1.52539,0]], ["Land_WoodenTable_large_F",121.331,[0.675781,-1.52539,0]], ["Land_MultiMeter_F",121.331,[0.675781,-1.52539,1]], ["Land_Pliers_F",121.331,[0.61,-1.72539,1]], ["Land_DuctTape_F",101.331,[0.91,-1.22539,1]], ["AluminiumFoil_01_F",0,[0,-1.52539,1]], [selectRandom btc_type_seat,90,[-4.08203,3.99795,0]], [selectRandom btc_type_seat,279.689,[-4.52783,2.76416,0]], [_boombox,36.4913,[2,0,0.25]] ]; private _closest = [_city, values btc_city_all select {!(_x getVariable ["active", false])}, false] call btc_fnc_find_closecity; for "_i" from 1 to (round random 2) do { [btc_mil_fnc_send, [_closest, _pos, 1, selectRandom btc_type_motorized]] call CBA_fnc_directCall; }; private _btc_composition = [_pos, selectRandom [0, 90, 180, 270], _btc_composition_hideout] call btc_fnc_create_composition; private _IEDcache = _btc_composition select ((_btc_composition apply {typeOf _x}) find _boombox); [_taskID, 42, _IEDcache, [_city getVariable "name", _boombox]] call btc_task_fnc_create; waitUntil {sleep 5; !alive _IEDcache || _taskID call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted }; [[], _btc_composition] call btc_fnc_delete; if (_taskID call BIS_fnc_taskState isEqualTo "CANCELED") exitWith {}; 30 call btc_rep_fnc_change; [_taskID, "SUCCEEDED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
  7. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    does anything need to be done also with the compile.sqf? //SIDE btc_side_fnc_create = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\create.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_get_city = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\get_city.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_mines = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\mines.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_supply = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\supply.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_vehicle = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\vehicle.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_civtreatment = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\civtreatment.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_tower = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\tower.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_checkpoint = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\checkpoint.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_civtreatment_boat = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\civtreatment_boat.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_underwater_generator= compileScript ["core\fnc\side\underwater_generator.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_convoy = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\convoy.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_rescue = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\rescue.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_capture_officer = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\capture_officer.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_hostage = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\hostage.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_hack = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\hack.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_kill = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\kill.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_chemicalLeak = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\chemicalLeak.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_EMP = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\EMP.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_removeRubbish = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\removeRubbish.sqf"]; btc_side_fnc_pandemic = compileScript ["core\fnc\side\pandemic.sqf"];
  8. Bad_Dad

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey, @Vdauphin My Arma unit loves the Hearts and minds mission system.... Had an idea for another side mission that i feel would be awesome for H&M Bribe the tribal leader... Where you have to go to a village or other location and give a tribal leader an item in exchange for intel or better reputation Can you maybe walk me onto the process of adding a side mission to the system... ie what files would need to be edited / added in order to add a side mission?
  9. Bad_Dad

    JBAD Release Thread

    for the peeps looking on how to open and close the jbad bunker doors.... this animateSource ["Door_1",1]; closes door this animateSource ["Door_1",0]; opens door
  10. Bad_Dad

    Collect Intel

    [ this ] call BIS_fnc_initIntelObject; this setVariable [ "RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture", "INTEL_IMAGE.jpg", true ]; [ this, "RscAttributeDiaryRecord", ["INTEL_NAME","INTEL_DESC",""] ] call BIS_fnc_setServerVariable; this setVariable ["RscAttributeOwners", [west], true]; this setVariable ["recipients", west, true]; [ this, "IntelObjectFound", { params ["", "_foundBy"]; private _msg = format ["Intel found by %1", name _foundBy]; _msg remoteExec ["systemChat", 0]; } ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  11. Put this into the init field of the intel object. edit "INTEL_IMAGE.jpg" and ["INTEL_NAME","INTEL_DESC",""] intel will be shared with everyone when picked up [ this ] call BIS_fnc_initIntelObject; this setVariable [ "RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture", "INTEL_IMAGE.jpg", true ]; [ this, "RscAttributeDiaryRecord", ["INTEL_NAME","INTEL_DESC",""] ] call BIS_fnc_setServerVariable; this setVariable ["RscAttributeOwners", [west], true]; this setVariable ["recipients", west, true]; [ this, "IntelObjectFound", { params ["", "_foundBy"]; private _msg = format ["Intel found by %1", name _foundBy]; _msg remoteExec ["systemChat", 0]; } ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  12. Getting this error when launching mission .... Here is the script.... someone please help me fix it. //[] execVM "scripts\ied.sqf"; iedMkr=["ied_marker_0","ied_marker_1","ied_marker_2","ied_marker_3","ied_marker_4","ied_marker_5"]; //List of markers to spawn IEDs in _iedrandomnum = [6,8,10,12,14] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; iedNum=_iedrandomnum; //Number of IEDs per marker, defined in iedMkr [Default: 5] iedDmg=true; //Can the IED be killed with weapons? [Default: false] TRUE = Yes | FALSE = Can only be disarmed Dbug=false; //Show IED markers on map? [Default: false] player setUnitTrait ["explosiveSpecialist",true]; //!!DO NOT EDIT BELOW!! iedBlast=["Bo_Mk82","Rocket_03_HE_F","M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG","Bo_GBU12_LGB","Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10"]; iedList=["IEDLandBig_F","IEDLandSmall_F","IEDUrbanBig_F","IEDUrbanSmall_F"]; iedAmmo=["IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo","IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo","IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo","IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo"]; iedJunk=["Land_PlasticBucket_01_closed_F","Land_tires_EP1","Barrel4","Suitcase","Land_Sack_EP1","Land_popelnice","Land_Canister_EP1","land_cwa_wheel_cart","Fuel_can","Land_GasTank_01_khaki_F","Land_CanisterOil_F","Land_FlowerPot_01_F","Tire_Van_02_F","Land_WheelieBin_01_F","Land_Tyre_F","Land_GarbageBarrel_02_buried_F","Land_PaperBox_01_small_destroyed_brown_F","Land_PaperBox_01_small_ransacked_brown_F","Land_PaperBox_01_small_ransacked_white_IDAP_F","Land_FoodContainer_01_White_F","Land_CarBattery_02_F","Land_Pillow_old_F","Land_Pillow_camouflage_F","Land_Pillow_grey_F","Land_TentSolar_01_folded_sand_F"]; if(!Dbug)then{{_x setMarkerAlpha 0;}forEach iedMkr;}; if(!isServer)exitWith{}; iedAct={_iedObj=_this select 0; if(mineActive _iedObj)then{ _iedBlast=selectRandom iedBlast; createVehicle[_iedBlast,(getPosATL _iedObj),[],0,""]; createVehicle["Crater",(getPosATL _iedObj),[],0,""]; {deleteVehicle _x}forEach nearestObjects[getPosATL _iedObj,iedJunk,4]; deleteVehicle _iedObj;};}; {private["_ieds","_trig"];_ieds=[];_iedArea=getMarkerSize _x select 0;_iedRoad=(getMarkerPos _x)nearRoads _iedArea; for "_i" from 1 to iedNum do{ if(count _ieds==iedNum*4)exitWith{}; _iedR=selectRandom _iedRoad; _ied=selectRandom iedList;_junk=selectRandom iedJunk; _ied=createMine[_ied,getPosATL _iedR,[],8];_ied setPosATL(getPosATL _ied select 2+1);_ied setDir(random 359); if(!iedDmg)then{_ied allowDamage false;}; if(round(random 2)==1)then{_iedJunk=createVehicle[_junk,getPosATL _ied,[],0,""];_iedJunk setPosATL(getPosATL _iedJunk select 2+1);_iedJunk enableSimulationGlobal false;}; _jnkR=selectRandom _iedRoad;_junk=createVehicle[_junk,getPosATL _jnkR,[],8,""];_junk setPosATL(getPosATL _junk select 2+1); _junk enableSimulationGlobal false; _trig=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPosATL _ied]; _trig setTriggerArea[10,10,0,FALSE,10]; _trig setTriggerActivation["ANY","PRESENT",false]; _trig setTriggerTimeout[1,1,1,true]; if(isMultiplayer)then{ _trig setTriggerStatements[ "{vehicle _x in thisList && speed vehicle _x>4}count playableUnits>0", "{if((typeOf _x)in iedAmmo)then{[_x]call iedAct;};}forEach nearestObjects[thisTrigger,[],10];", "deleteVehicle thisTrigger"];}else{ _trig setTriggerStatements[ "{vehicle _x in thisList && isPlayer vehicle _x && speed vehicle _x>4}count allUnits>0", "{if((typeOf _x)in iedAmmo)then{[_x]call iedAct;};}forEach nearestObjects[thisTrigger,[],10];", "deleteVehicle thisTrigger"];}; _ieds pushBack _ied; if(Dbug)then{ iedMkrs=[]; _iedPos=getPosWorld _ied; _mkrID=format["m %1",_iedPos]; _mkr=createMarker[_mkrID,getPosWorld _ied]; _mkr setMarkerShape"ICON";_mkr setMarkerType"mil_dot";_mkr setMarkerBrush"Solid";_mkr setMarkerAlpha 1;_mkr setMarkerColor"ColorEast"; iedMkrs pushBack _mkr;}; }; }forEach iedMkr; sleep 5; {CIVILIAN revealMine _x; Resistance revealMine _x;}forEach allMines;
  13. Bad_Dad


    Thanks.... i figured out the too many spawn issues shortly after i posted this... but didn't know how to kill the timer... appreciate it this is what i ended up with boom = [] spawn { private _duration = 300; private "_color"; if (isServer) then {[_duration,true] call BIS_fnc_countdown}; waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_countdown_time"}; playSound "activated"; _time = BIS_fnc_countdown_time; for "_i" from _duration to 0 step -1 do { call { if (_i < 6) exitWith {_color = "#ff0000"}; if (_i < 16) exitWith {_color = "#eef441"}; _color = "#45f442"; }; _tt = if isMultiplayer then [{serverTime},{time}]; hintSilent parseText format ["BOMB COUNTDOWN:<br/><t color= '%1'>--- %2 ---</t>", _color, [(_time - _tt)/3600,"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; uisleep 1; }; uisleep 1; hintSilent parseText format ["<t color='%1'>--- Time is up! ---</t>",_color]; uisleep 1; null = [[6949.75,2226.93,25.3147], 10, TRUE, TRUE] execVM "freestyleNuke\iniNuke.sqf"; }; then adding this to a laptop to stop the bomb... [this, "DISARM BOMB", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 3", "_caller distance _target < 3", {}, {}, {execVM "scripts\terminatebomb.sqf";}, {}, [], 12, 0, true, false ] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, this]; and terminatebomb.sqf looks like this... // Terminate the bomb terminate boom; hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>Bomb Defused</t>"; [ -1 ] call BIS_fnc_countdown; //stop timer playSound "disarmed";
  14. so looking for some code help.... anyone know how to kill a code running in the game.... have a timer setup on a trigger the timer is in a sqf... bombtimer = [] spawn { execvm "scripts\timer.sqf"; }; but i want to be able to kill the scripts\timer.sqf" when they interact with at laptop how can i do this? timer.sqf looks like this 0 = [] spawn { private _duration = 60; private "_color"; if (isServer) then {[_duration,true] call BIS_fnc_countdown}; waitUntil {!isNil "BIS_fnc_countdown_time"}; _time = BIS_fnc_countdown_time; for "_i" from _duration to 0 step -1 do { call { if (_i < 6) exitWith {_color = "#ff0000"}; if (_i < 16) exitWith {_color = "#eef441"}; _color = "#45f442"; }; _tt = if isMultiplayer then [{serverTime},{time}]; hintSilent parseText format ["BOMB COUNTDOWN:<br/><t color= '%1'>--- %2 ---</t>", _color, [(_time - _tt)/3600,"HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_timetostring]; uisleep 1; }; uisleep 1; hintSilent parseText format ["<t color='%1'>--- Time is up! ---</t>",_color]; uisleep 1; null = [boom, 10, TRUE, TRUE] execVM "freestyleNuke\iniNuke.sqf"; };
  15. Ya i just posted on the thread in the slight chance the op would see it and reply... Anyways... this script if it worked was pretty much exactly what i was looking for... GUI interface for artillery for an insurgency mission i am working on. the interface for this is simple and if it worked would have been great.