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  1. (Picture created by RozekPoland, edited by RozekPoland, remixed by RozekPoland) Within a few days we are going to celebrate 12th anniversary of DXDLL 1.0 release that took place on 12th of July, 2004. I decided to share with you all the information I've found on BIForum and discovered myself about this amazing tool created by Kegetys and Feer. I am not going to repeat the information that is available in the readme and the configurator. Using DXDLL on modern OS (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10) It is a known problem that DXDLL do not like the modern OS. It crashes the game at the startup or while ALT+TABing. The solution is: Set ColdWarAssault.exe in Compatibility Mode with Windows XP (Service Pack 3). DXDLL is conflicting with other overlay(s) DXDLL is an overlay itself that is why it is not possible to run DXDLL with Steam Overlay, Overwolf or TeamSpeak Overlay at the same time. It even seems that it is not possible to run CWA with DXDLL through Steam with or without Steam Overlay. However, it is possible to run DXDLL and FRAPS together. GENERAL Use Trilinear Filtering Enabling this feature on a computer with modern graphic card lowers quality and sharpness of textures on farther distance. It is because Trilinear Filtering is obsolete and was replaced by Anisotropic Filtering which is turned on by default (in graphic card's control panel). Remove night pixelshader effect Removes black&white night shader effect. Highly usable feature. DISABLED | ENABLED Handle printscreen key The output format of the printscreen is TGA. Its final size is huge and taking a photo stutters a game for a second. There are better alternatives for taking photos ingame (FRAPS). Stage 0 mipmap LODbias Sets normal texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry). http://imgur.com/a/BeTsg Stage 1 mipmap LODbias Sets multitexture texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry). http://imgur.com/a/G3KZq POSTPROCESSING Enable postprocessing Enabling this feature disables AntiAliasing (not available in the game itself) turned on in the graphic card's control panel. Use special NV Goggles effect Works only with vanilla OFP/CWA nightvision texture and FDF mod. DXDLL does checksum (CRC32) for 25% (1/4) of nightvision texture (size). DISABLED | ENABLED Hard Light effect Allows to change RGB channels. The best thing of DXDLL next to water reflections. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (0.5, 0.5, 0.9). DISABLED | ENABLED Desaturate effect ARMA2-Chernarus-like feature. Not really usable in regular playing but a nice effect for a specific screenshots/screenarts. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (0.2, 0.4, 0.2). DISABLED | ENABLED Glare Blur, Bloom or whatever you call it. Eveything shines around you. Not useful for regular playing but (as above) a nice effect for screenshots/screenarts. If you don't like the original values you may want to try Kegetys' personal settings (Strength 0.4, Size 4). DISABLED | ENABLED Darken sky Darkens the sky by 15% and the fog color by 10%. All these just to avoid overbrightness caused by Glare effect. Possible to be enabled without Glare effect set to ON. DISABLED | ENABLED Use fading Useless because of making lighting show on your screen. Every bright source of light will stay on the screen for as long as another bright source will not show up to take place of the previous one(s) (explosions, searchlights etc.). REFLECTIONS Enable reflections This feature requires setting Landscape textures resolution (by ColdWarPreferences.exe) to at least 512x512. Works with vanilla OFP/CWA water textures only. DXDLL does checksum (CRC32) for 25% (1/4) of each water texture (size). Water reflections may not work for unbinarised models (MLODs). It is possible to manually set water reflections resolution (Configurator.exe limit is 1024x1024) by opening config.cfg (in dxdll folder), finding and changing sizeX and sizeY values. DISABLED | ENABLED Use exponential fog on water Introduces the specific fog on water that hides the irregularities of OFP/CWA water shorelines. Use lighting on reflections Introduces wider amount of colors on water reflections. Bumpmap strength Strength of bumpmap water reflections. 0 | 10 HIDDEN Requires manual change in config.cfg (in dxdll folder). Use Notepad to open the file. EnhancedTracers Enhances tracers to make them more visible. Less laser guns, more like the real ones. Disabled by default. LODbias Sets reflection texture mipmap level of detail, range -1.0(sharp) to 1.0(blurry).
  2. In mission editor on stream version,didn't have obj choice only men,vehicles and support How to add it.
  3. Hello all OFP fans in 2021. I'm proud to announce (in behalf of OFP community member TonyHawk) new remastered czech "Ruprtova poradna" website was re-released to celebrate 20 years of OFP. https://ruprt.ofpr.info/ Feel free to visit and enjoy the nostalgic feeling. It should contain all original content and some enhancements. Please report any problems or requests at https://github.com/Hawkie94/ofp-ruprt. PS: Original version is still available at http://ofp.ruprt.cz/, but it doesn't work properly anymore and links to downloadable content are mostly broken.
  4. RozekPoland

    OFP.info 2.0

    Today, on 22nd of June, 2018, we celebrate the 17th anniversary of OFP/CWA release. On behalf of [PFC] Polish Flashpoint Community, I would like to announce the revival project of the legendary OFP/CWA community website - OFP.info (that was closed down on 2nd of June, 2018) - on a modern website engine. This project is patronised and accepted by the OFP.info creator - @cervomix. The website is still work-in-progress so I will keep you posted. OFP.info 2.0 consists of: all the original news all the original community-made content catalogued in separate subpages all the original pictures all the original files that were hosted: on a website server on a separate ftp search function http://ofpr.info.paradoxstudio.uk
  5. Hey guys. Today I'm happy to announce to development of Conflict '85. A re-imagining and recreation of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. Conflict '85 was born out the CUP project as I created Russian and FIA units in the style of OFP units. From there the ideas grew and grew. Re-imaging: There's a lot of military hardware from 1985 that would fit sweetly into the OFP timeline. I aim to bring a unique yet fitting armory of vehicles and weapons into the fold. We'll get into a few examples later. Recreation OFP is a game adored by those who played here, those who yearn for that era one more time. There were vehicles and weapons in OFP that perhaps shouldn't have been used. (I'm looking at you OT-65) yet why the hell not have them back in A3. While a lot of vehicles don't exist right now. Hopefully as time goes on, it may be possible to bring back those missing vehicles. Screenies. M1 Abrams FIA captured T-72. Painted with the classic green stripe indicator. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/505902374494994338/08E6AE6C33FA9B14DC8FA08F533ABA7CC4BCCC06/ RU T-72 M151 Jeep M113A1 and M577. The ever reliable M113 and it's cousin, the M577 command post.ambulance. Return in MERDC camo. Giving them a new look. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/505902374502543185/82F5BE3A43D2020A48805BE6E574A7E1D1A1D034/ FIA encampment http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509280040511509501/8F966F03C798E84F36357DD87F90FE36BD40AD72/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/509280040511509723/F5BAC5DCB3816B5F931D10EA410273DEE0E5846C/ US Army UH-60A armed with M2 MG http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/501399955305426393/489CE502859FF3832A20C40CDE7C080A0B1B362E/ RU Ot-65 FUG CUP will be at the heart of this mod. A standalone is out of the question before you ask :) I'm a man of few words who can't think of much more to say but if you have any questions or suggestions. Fire away and I'll do my best to answer as soon as I can :)
  6. So I have a waypoint that gets activated by a trigger, where the units get in a T72. Unfortunatley, the units will go stand next to the T72, but wont get in it. By removing the condition field back to true, it all works fine. I have tried hours to see how could i fix this issue and now i really do not know what is up with that trigger.
  7. What do you think of a petition to open-source OFP / Arma Cold War Assault code? I know it's been a hot topic throughout the years, but I'm happy to resurrect it here a little. I sometimes play the classic OFP myself and there's some really cool people still improving it, so that'd be a great help towards improving the classic title that started it all. Also - does anybody know if BIS ever made some kind of statement regarding this matter?
  8. Add-on for WW4 EXTENDED, an unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Requirements WW4 v2.5 WW4 Extended v1.0 or greater (full installation) WW4 Extended: Cold War Kegetys' Winter Nogojev v1.1 Download Version 1.3 - https://www.mediafire.com/download/yd1tit11htfdnhz/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v13.zip Patch 1.3.1 Install after the main download. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/cyxy87v31kwmgy6/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_v131_patch.zip OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_ARCTIC_Patch_v1.3.1.zip Hotfix Install after the patch. https://copy.com/ONYWMvPAi4CgV39v Arctic is now also bundled in the new WW4 Extended installer. You can find download links here if you want an automated, no hassle, way to install all this. Manual installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC; Launch the game by using the new shortcut. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4EXT_ARCTIC folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH;WW4EXT_CW;WW4EXT_ARCTIC Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: You can also find premade groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Available winter islands for OFP/CWA Check this list: http://ofp-faguss.com/islands.php?type=Winter&reviewed=Any&sort=Rating&order=DESC Screenshots Album (v1.0): https://imgur.com/a/hWHzJ Changelog Credits - Sanctuary (WW4!) - Kegetys (Winter Nogojev sounds and vehicle models and textures) - krzychuzokecia (help on several aspects for v1.2 release) - Apocalypse83 (feedback and testing)
  9. I was wondering if Bohemia Interactive considered buying out red hammer and possibly the entire Code Masters OFP franchise from EA considering the parent company has no use for it and that the Codemasters series was discontinued due to red river failing?
  10. StriderTibe

    02: Ambush completed the hard way

    Well this game can still suprise me, even today. After a few retry and loaded saves, it turns out that ambush can be completed the hard way, even after the tanks starts rolling in, and you get the command to retreat from Houdan. It was true chaos, completely alone there, running in and out of houses in the town, popping armored vehicles, and some straggler infantry while trying to scavage even more rgp rockets from dead soldiers avoiding any line of sight with those bmp-s and t72-s, and those sneaky soldiers closing in on me. At the end the only thing that prevented the mission completion is some random enemy sitting with a grenade launcher east of Houdan. When i finally found that guy and dealt with it, the mission finaly get a good ending, despite my commander nagging me to evacuate with that chopper the moment we set foot in the town. Here is my proud achivement of completing this absolute insane mission on veteran difficulty. https://imgur.com/a/V5VDUdK This game still rocks, and still can be a challanging immersive and fun experience, even with its sometimes funky graphics. Any other non-convetional ways to complete missions you guys know about?
  11. Hello my fellow OFP community members! This pack includes multiple singleplayer missions made for ArmA: Cold War Assault 1.99. FDF Mod 1.4 is required. One of the missions require "Suursaari" expansion. All of them can be acquired from https://fdfmod.dreamhosters.com/ofp/ . Version 3 Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NKJbcgBjRNq7Frkr90bUJMmDv-rh0pNF/view?usp=sharing Thanks, Kalle
  12. Visual Studio Code SQF Language v1.0.6 Lastest update: 22.10.2018 Microsoft Visual Studio Code is a new, but already very known Code Editor. Works on Linux, OS X and Windows. Now in the Visual Studio Marketplace -> Report bugs, ask questions or make suggestions <- Supported Products: Operation Flashpoint [OFP], Operation Flashpoint: Resistance ArmA, ArmA 2, ArmA 3 (DLCs & Extensions included) Take On Helicopters [ToH] Community Based Addons [CBA], ACE Easy Installation (Recommended) Download Visual Studio Code. Open the Editor and click on the extension icon to your left ( ) Enter "SQF" and hit enter Select "SQF Language" and click on "Install" Enjoy Manual Installation Only use this guide if the installation over the extension manager and/or marketplace isn't working! Download VS Code Download the latest release from GitHub ( https://github.com/Armitxes/VSCode_SQF/releases ) Install Visual Studio Code Navigate to your VS Code extension Folder. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions Mac/Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions In the plugins folder, you create a folder called Armitxes.SQF, if you have it already delete all files inside! Inside the Armitxes.SQF folder you then unzip the sources you obtained from GitHub That's it, now simply (re-)start Visual Studio Code (or just "Code") and it's done :) With VS Code, every folder is a project! To open your SQF Project simply go on File->Open Folder and choose your mission/mod folder. Feel free to ask any questions, aswell the Code of the GitHub Project was now simplified several times by me and is open for everyone for contribution! Cheers, Armitxes
  13. -Snafu-

    SP The Green Zone

    I was inspired to create this mission after reading some accounts written by British troops who fought in Helmand Province in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Set in March 2007, command a troop of Royal Marines with an attached Fire Support Group as 3 Commando Bridage takes the fight to Taliban territory. You will lead the troop in a mission to clear a section of the Green Zone to the designated Limit of Exploitation. A battery from 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery will support you. Can you develop a sound plan and make effective use of supporting assets to get your troops home alive? Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwFt4VrPZG57cZQCJ1FEKRKEbsjhOOcJ/view?usp=sharing Features: - Blackblood's UK desert troops - PUKF weapons and Landrovers - CoC's artillery and mines - Reno's Afghaneveron - Kenoxite's squad control - Platoon command - Basic intro with custom music giving some historical background ReadMe: Screenshots:
  14. Sulon480

    [sp campaign] Operation Fikoj

    Author: Sulon480 Version: 1.0 ChangeLog: 1.0 (current) Operation Fikoj is a simple campaign taking place on Malden. The plot is simple; As a Soviet soldier you most lead your men in 12 various missions and slowly take control of the island. Fun fact: I'm not a pro, just an OFP fan, been making missions for a few years but only for myself. My friend persuaded me to make a full campaign from several missions, so here it is. As I said earlier it's not comparable to the official campaigns for example (no fancy cutscenes) let's just say, that I just binded some missions together in chronological order. Features: 12 missions with briefings which connect to each other. Hope you'll have fun playing it! 😉 Known Bugs: no Required Addons: -none link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iyIiorHi54k5-os1YfEtrgg_5xT0xQlB/view?usp=sharing
  15. Hi! I found a program called "Flashpoint Campaign Wizard 1.0.1 by Miker Andrew" This was made as a tool to easily make a full ofp campaign. So I quickly tied two of my random Arma missions to see if it worked... It actually did so I just started making proper missions (with story, descripitons and music and such) so I could make some kind of campaign to my friends or to upload it somewhere idk. I already made like 8 missions, wanted to test it but for some reason it doesn't work. Maybe cause this program was made for ofp, and not arma? I mean those are the same games, only different versions... So anyway, is there any way a simple mission maker like me could easily put a campaign together? I mean I don't need them fancy cutscenes and stuff, just like 15 mission after one another you know... BTW I hope this is the right place to post this... lol
  16. I was wondering if there was any consideration to port/remake old arma campaigns to arma 3 via creator dlc? I would love to play the original OFP campaign on brand new maps and an enhanced 80's version of Malden island. Hell, I would also like a port of take on helicopters to arma 3.
  17. BIForums personal (highlights) Gun light flash - how to remove or decrease 15th anniversary of OFP/CWA DXDLL - advanced tweaking (and 12th anniversary) 14th anniversary of OFP:CWC transitionsSimple making trees disappear when destroyed PRIMARY in config.cpp (regarding weapons)? Exclude face class(es) Berghoff's nature packs alignment fix ButtonFullSave Proxy driver/cargo - action relation DXDLL source code bn880's Tracers 1.25 Grades in CfgWeapons Discover and Identify IncomingMissile EventHandler [FIX] Workaround for faulty texture sorting (units visible through smoke, etc) Island Map in a Dialog MiniMap script This thread (highlights) Sniper crouch (animation) test 'Forest experiment' 'Building destruction experiment' (01) coop @c2 papier - intro Bike horn test (cut) JAM Smokeblock FDF smokeblock Handgun visibleSize bug (01) Handgun visibleSize bug (02) 'Parachute experiment' 'Mirror image experiment' 'Physics experiment' 'When a game becomes a meme' Adding user values to your models will increase the section count dramatically. 'Building destruction experiment' (02) ClimbOver Animation JumpOver Animation Building destruction (01) Building destruction (comparison) Forest destruction Forest destruction (comparison) Obscuring AI field of view after forest destruction Climbing script An example of model rescaling via island-editor Fixing forest ViewGeometry (01) Improved AI scipt (Take Cover script) Fixing forest ViewGeometry (02) Comparison of original and fixed Forest ViewGeometry CCS - @customfix cargo system (01) CCS - @customfix cargo system (02) On-the-fly loading of island's buildings Building destruction (02) Use view geometry lods to Occlude sunlight Totally Destructible Environment (TDE) 'A fallen static objects' geometries bug' HUD Evolution How to fix broken triangle-shaped forest model How I discovered the way Forest ViewGeometry works How to make Forest use ViewGeometry components How to build proper Forest ViewGeometry -benchmark Models replacement via mission folder FILE(s) NOT FOUND Security Flaw & Fix Checkfiles Aspect Ratio registry-derived issue Usage of black texture for ignoring FireGeometry components Fast Addon Testing SQUAD.XML - Problem & Solution A lone road sign on Everon Automatic Body Removal A lone road sign on Kolgujev Zamerny - memory point Geometry of fallen tree - FIXED The tallest OFP/ACWA model 1.96 vs 1.99 Gamma & Brightness (G&B) settings An update on HUD Evolution Change OFP/ACWA in-game fonts globally via CfgFonts Secret 5T-Truck Crate Animate (rotation) bug A 2nd update on HUD Evolution
  18. Killer Scar

    APNA Mod Project

    So Basically i was thinking about making mod for algerian people's national army for arma cold War assault but i know you guys hate me for being 12 years old i know but chill out, So the mod that im gonna make mod most of there equipment are -NiS i need help i cant find it -ICP for the russian equipment etc -RCWC for vehicles and stuff -CSLA or PR for the OT-64 SKOT vehicle And many more also i need people to help if you want to join my project add me on Discord KillerScar#4378 Also there is error on oxygen 2 that is called unable to load file. Load that dont let texture stuff and etc
  19. Addon Lun-class Ekranoplan (version 1.0) by SovietKot, VenoM218, SoldierEPilot. Ekranoplan has a maximum speed 280 km/h. Lun equipped 6 anti-ship missile SS-N-22 «Sunburn» and support turret with double autocannons GSh-23. Missile SS-N-22 «Sunburn» having maximum range - 6000meters. The addon can be found in the Editor under: >East>Armored>Lun-class Ekranoplan Archive UPDATE!!! Small fix. Download (Yandex Disk). Download (MediaFire). More screenshots: This addon requires: MCAR Scripts last version (MCAR_Engine.pbo) More information about the addon in the archive.
  20. Since there is an old idea going around that "Intel CPU's are good for Arma series. Ignore AMD's" but now its not anymore and I want to make that clear. So first I want to talk about Ryzen 3000 series. Ryzen 3000 series has a new CPU architecture called Zen 2 it has 15% more IPC increase in average than the previous generation's Zen+ CPU architecture. IPC increase per generation depends on the application in OFP it might not be even 15% so it could be less or more. Now I got a benchmarking mission where it specifically tests CPU's (the results make it obvious and changing from discrete to integrated GPU didn't make any significant difference. RAM speeds didn't either). So here are the Ryzen benchmark samples I got: Ryzen 7 3700x 3.6-4.4 GHz - Got 4375 points in average with all core turbo boost of 4.2 GHz https://i.ibb.co/ZSRzTXk/r7-3700x.png Ryzen 5 3600 3.6-4.2 GHz - 4235 points in average with all core turbo boost of 4.1 GHz https://i.ibb.co/8gQtyTM/r5-3600.png Now for the Intel CPU benchmarks: Core i5 9400 2.9-4.1 GHz - 4080 points in average with all cure turbo boost of 3.99 GHz (it may say its 3.96 but it was hitting 3.99 mostly) https://i.ibb.co/pxJMgGH/i5-9400.png Core i3 7100 3.9 GHz - 3950 points in average with all cure turbo boost of 3.89 GHz https://i.ibb.co/DYRyCYF/i3-7100.png With Intel's Skylake architecture the benchmark points seem to hit around - how many all core turbo boost ghz you get times 1000. Ryzen 3000's series is the same but it gets 100-150 points more than that. And lets also not forget ryzen 5000 series with Zen 3 CPU architecture exist and it gets 20% more IPC in average than the previous gens Zen 2 CPU architecture. (Edit: I also want to point out since OFP uses 1 core it doesnt seem to use CPU's 'single turbo boost' it uses 'all core turbo boost' instead. Basically CPU's never hit the rated single turbo clock rates when OFP was running) So in conclusion my point here is that AMD CPU's are better than Intel's in OFP now.
  21. FFtA3 : From Flashpoint to Arma 3 Project description : FFtA3 is a Multiplayer project. My objective is to recreate all the best OFP maps (starting by CTF: Capture the Flag and all the way to DM and TDM). As an old school player, playing Flashpoint since 2001 I have recently installed Arma 3. Only finding very little CTF and DM GamePlay, I have started gathering the wonderful maps we all played and on witch we spent soooo much time and started transferring them in the Arma 3 world. Scripts and Templates : In collaboration with the "88th Walking Death" squad and some other coders, I have built up stable CTF, DM and TDM templates. It's is now operational since 1.68 Update. Special thanks to [88] LORD without who this couldn't be possible. Special Thanks : Asaayu FrankForsyth Where to play : www.esportsmasters.org Map already recreated : - [CTF] The End - [CTF] Lost And Lonley - [CTF] Never Scared - [CTF]=S.O.F=Born To Kill - [CTF] Corridor - [DM] Tequila Sundown - [TDM] SNIPER SHOWDOW - [TDM] Urban Sniper - [DM] MAZED - [CTF] S-Curve - [CTF] Mini Hexenkessel - [CTF] Adagio (QA Testing) - [DM] Andersen Gunship (WIP) Maps to come : - [CTF] Scotch Valley - [CTF] PRiSONyARD (by SOD clan) - [CTF] Dead Mans Alley (by SOD clan) - [CTF] Head Fuck (by SOD clan) - [CTF] ToySoldiers - [CTF] Crazy ctf - [CTF] Cashville - [CTF] Dead Zone - [CTF] Yukon - [CTF] X-RAY - [CTF] URBAN ALLEY - [CTF] Little Everon - [CTF] LightHouseKeeper - [CTF] Up In Smoke - [CTF] PARADISE - [TDM] Double Tower Sniper - [TDM] SniperZ - [CTF] Labyrinthe ... Please feel free to send me some recommendations by Mail and if you have the maps you are asking for somewhere, send them too. What is CTF ? CTF stands for Capture The Flag. It is a "Close Quarters Combat (CQC)" game-mod played by a limited amount of players (2 to 24 players) in a restricted area (500m MAX). CTF players have to capture the enemy flag and bring it back to their own Flag. Fatigue is disabled and Snipers/long range riffles are not available (for CQC version). The team that scores the most times in a given time is the winner. CTF can be adapted to bigger maps and applied to a terrain. Listen to the ArmaNET podcast FFtA3 CTF Map Features : - Weapon Menu - Friendly tags (Optional) - Flag tags (Optional) - Self Heal system FFtA3 DM Map Features : - Lobby Weapon type selection - Full Randomised weapons & scopes - Friendly tags (For TDM Only) - Self Heal system NO MODS ARE NEEDED FOR THE SYSTEM TO WORK. License : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lQ_sMCqxYaTz7rWZyJ6rfiKpc2FVWe0i/view?usp=sharing Download : THE END : Workshop / Google Drive LOST AND LONELY : WorkShop / Google Drive NEVER SCARED : WorkShop / Google Drive =S.O.F=BORN TO KILL : WorkShop / Google Drive Corridor : WorkShop / Google Drive Tequila Sundown : WorkShop / Google Drive Sniper Showdown : WorkShop / Google Drive Urban Sniper : WorkShop / Google Drive MAZED : WorkShop / Google Drive S-Curve : WorkShop / Google Drive Mini Hexenkessel : Workshop / Google Drive @FlashRangerArma
  22. Take cover script Features of TC (Take Cover) script : 1) AI can dynamically take cover behind 3 different types of sandbags and 2 wreck jeeps 2) Not only that they can take cover inside houses too 3) The nearby enemy position is calculated and defenders will take cover on positions that fits right for them (For example if AI is taking cover in a house then they will take cover behind the nearest window to the enemy position) 4) There is also the assaulters they behave differently. They either push/flank or take cover using bushes by setting them on "RED" combat mode (Depending on the situation) 5) AI can be suppressed - just shoot somewhere near AI and they will go prone (If they are taking cover) Instructions are inside TC_Init.sqs there is also more in-depth info there Features of SW (Swimming script) and how it works : The main feature of SW is that you literally swim but there is few conditions - the unit must be in prone and must be slightly above sea level You will swim up if you fell into the water The way the script works is that a pallet spawns under you and that keeps you from falling The file : https://bit.ly/2FZJwps Oh also there is 1 more feature on take cover script that AI sends info about enemy positions time to time There is something on OFP that bothers me when there is a nearby group that is getting killed the other nearby group doesn't notice that but that feature fixed that NEW UPDATE! -Script is slightly more optimized -When the AI died and spawned again the AI didn't had the effects of the script but now it does -I think I might have fixed a bug where the game freezes completely it doesn't even crash if you see it happen then post here so we can fix it I'm still not sure if this is the fix though -I improved revive script too now when a unit dies the body bag spawns right at their location and also they automatically follow their leader after they revived (I'm not taking credit for the work though I already credited them inside the missions briefing) -The test mission had some bugs itself like to some players in MP , the objective didn't progress to them Now in future updates I might improve the system of take cover script right now the script controls the units per script but in future I might do it groups per script it increases the optimization and fixes some things that I wanted to fix And also after all of these I'm going to make a mod for this so people who want to play with this wouldn't waste their time trying execute the script for each soldier It's the same link as previous one but I thought I should still put one in this post too Cya
  23. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Texture Templates

    WW4 Texture Templates Hello all! Today I'm presenting a set of files that may be useful for many addonmakers - begineers or not. These are texture templates for WW4 mod, that allow to make a fairly detailed textures for WW4 models. While WW4 Modder Resources contain most thing that You would need, they lacked good templates for vests. Due to this most of the WW4 retextured vests are of "camo-all-over" nature like on picture below. See the difference? I've wanted to have some more details, like visible webbing or PALS. Also I couldn't find any template for PASGT vest. So I've jumped into GIMP and made what I wanted to have. Most of this work is quite old, earlier versions of these files were used to make units for Revan's Brotherhood Rising mod, but now I've revamped them a little bit and released to public. I hope some of You will find them useful. Download here. To edit the .xcf files GIMP is needed - for those who don't know it's a free but very useful (and powerful) image editor. Get it here. When You're done save as .png or .tga, and then conver to .pac using Your converter of choice. Included are: 1. Uniforms: BDU - containing also webbing for units without vests BDU with baseball hat - that was made by Sanctuary later and never got into Modder's Resources Pullover - useful for civilian-looking insurgents. 2. Vests: 6B23 - Russian style vest with webbing inspired by RD-54 and Neva LBE IBA - early version with OTV shell with PALS/MOLLE PASGT - contains ALICE webbing for Your Cold War purposes. Credits go to Hyakushiki (author of the models which Sanctuary used as a basis for his work), Sanctuary ('nuff said) and Jklv (who made "wrinkle" textures for IBA and 6B23). I've just put it all together, made PASGT template, cut the details (straps, webbing) and so on. Uniform models have lapels deleted so on-body webbing (without vest) will look nicer. For more clothing parts and camo patterns check aforementioned WW4 Modder Resources. You may also find useful a camo patterns made by SomerenV. Also, there are some more templates in my cooker, namely Ranger Body Armor (Blackhawk Down!) and IOTV variant of IBA. Oh, and the best part - it's all open-source! :)
  24. Unofficial expansion for WW4 v2.5 (by Sanctuary) Features Lots of new units and vehicles that expand the original WW4 selection for all sides Several support call options (CAS, transport, fire missions) Custom menu to issue squad orders and call for support Infantry units can be equipped with rucksacks, and AI units are able to use them Visual and sound effects (tracers, bullet cracks) All extra features are toggleable Fixes to some vanilla WW4 bugs Requirements WW4 v2.5 (already bundled in the installer version) Download Installer WW4 Extended v1.1 Complete Installer This installer contains the main expansion plus the Cold War and Arctic extensions. Vanilla WW4 is also included in the installer. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/f6x39b45drv0mkh/WW4_Extended_v1.1_Setup.exe Mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ww4-extended/downloads/ww4-extended-v11-complete-installer OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_full_v11.exe WW4 Extended v1.1.1 Patch Installer Installer that patches WW4 Extended to version 1.1.1. It includes the previously released scripts hotfix. Apply this patch after the main installer. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/jry2rnbcsr0uc3x/WW4_Extended_Patch_v1.1.1_Setup.exe Mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ww4-extended/downloads/ww4-extended-v111-patch-installer OFPR mirror: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/WW4EXT_Patch_v1.1.1.exe Hotfix https://copy.com/vhAGUc9cqkurWiC4 Zip files Main EXT v1.1 Infantry, objects, scripts and music. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/yxc227kn2bf86rd/WW4_EXT_v11.zip Main EXT v1.1.1 Patch - https://www.mediafire.com/download/r654y307y6ssdyp/WW4_EXT_v111_patch.zip Vehicles EXT v1.1 Just vehicles. Requires Main EXT. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/5nx4nkc7t4oydh6/WW4_EXT_VEH_v11.zip Vehicles EXT v1.1.1 Patch - http://www.mediafire.com/download/4dum8u1qhg8jmge/WW4_EXT_VEH_v111_patch.zip OFP v1.96 compatibility patch Rename the file from ww4ext_inf_cfg.pbo.OFP to ww4ext_inf_cfg.pbo and place it in the addons folder inside WW4_EXT. - https://www.mediafire.com/download/86d97zspupnjk9c/WW4_Extended_OFP_patch_v111.zip Manual Installation Shortcut method Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4_EXT and related folders) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4_EXT folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one. Create a shortcut of the ColdWarAssault.exe file. Right click on the new shortcut and click on Properties. In the Properties window add the following line in the Target text field, just after the path to ColdWarAssault.exe : -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; Launch the game by using the new shortcut. Steam method If you don't want to use shortcuts and use the Steam version: Delete any previous installation of this expansion (by deleting the WW4_EXT and related folders) Decompress the zip file and place the WW4_EXT folder inside your ARMA Cold War Assault one . In your games list right click on Arma: Cold War Assault and select Properties. In the Properties window click on the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS... button. Write this in the text field: -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; Click OK. Click Close. Click Play. If you want to skip the OFP intro you can add -nosplash before the -mod line, like this: -nosplash -mod=@ww4mod25;WW4_EXT;WW4_EXT_VEH; I've written more detailed instructions here. Configs for non-bundled vehicles For them to work properly you'll have to download both the custom config and the addons proper. All these vehicles listed here are entirely optional. Download non-bundled configs for v1.0: - https://www.mediafire.com/download/sx6fgmb7l8v6e6r/WW4_EXT3P_v1.zip Check the readme of the configs for detailed instructions and a list of the required pbos for each listed addon. Mi-2 Requires: Mi-2 version 1.1, by Our Weapons team(ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/Mi-2pack_byNO.exe) Extra Addons for EXT These are already included in the installer version. WW4 Extended: Cold War: Infantry and vehicle units from the 80’s Cold War era for all sides (already bundled in the installer version) WW4 Extended: Arctic: Infantry and vehicle units for arctic and winter islands from the 80’s Cold War era for all sides (already bundled in the installer version) Editor Categories You can find the units and vehicles in: You can also find premade groups with those units in the GROUPS (F2) window. Vehicle and Unit Classes There's now some txt files with class names inside WW4_EXT\_docs\Class names. Here you can check spreadsheets with the unit names and classes of the vehicles and units used in WW4 EXT: (Outdated) https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By2CaodBQ84GT3RYVW5fWEIzT1k&usp=sharing&tid=0By2CaodBQ84GN1RDM0ctazhyNlk#list Screenshots v1.0 album: http://imgur.com/a/NXoiC Assorted images from previous versions: Extra Features Manual The Extra Features Manual can be found here. This document is also bundled in the zip and installer files. MLODs and textures for v1.1 I've finally gone ahead and sorted and updated almost everything used in v1.1. The only things you won't find are the models that aren't explicitely public domain or that I'm able to share for one reason or another (middle east units, zils, BTRs, BMDs...) and the vehicle texture masters. With that said, if there's still something that shouldn't be there please let me know and I'll reupload the zip files with those models removed. WW4 Extended v1.1 MLODs WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures WW4 Extended v1.1 Infantry textures for Cold War and Arctic Note that the texture masters are in GIMP format (.xcf). Use them at will, as long is in an Arma game (there's the ported Arma vehicles there, and those have that restriction). No credit is required, although it'd be appreciated. Changelog You can see the full changelog here. Credits Credits can now be found here. This document is also bundled in the zip and installer files. -- EDIT: Updated to v1.1.1
  25. TheGuyFromCherno

    Need help.

    How do I access ArmA CWA's game logic to get the Zombies in Farmland Horror Pack 3 to properly work.