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  1. I have been working on a campaign for awhile and I just want to hear options on what is too much. Let me start off by saying I want to use the minimum I can while still getting the desired results. Currently the campaign would be about 7 mods and 2-3 paid DLCs. Is this generally okay for everyone? Thanks
  2. Hey Everybody, long time player, first time poster. This post is to give an overview of what I'm setting out to achieve with my current project, and I'd love to gather some feedback from anyone who might be interested. I’ll likely post this on the Workshop as well once I’ve got it in a working state, as I think others could also enjoy something that took so much time and effort to create. To keep it brief, modding has recently become one of my favorite creative outlets, and I find it incredibly rewarding. Although I've modded several other games, this is my first venture into Arma. As a quick side note, I'm not particularly focused on creating my own stories from scratch, but I do enjoy improving and expanding on the stories and elements that are already there. Here is a sample of my work on mapping from a different game: CTA - Ger map 1 Redux (I’m putting this here so that anyone reading this can understand what kind of map work I talk about when I mean, I want to rework the map to make it feel more lived in) Disclaimer: this is only My Idea for a rework - Have only done the research, must still compile EVERYTHING, so this is a nothing burger that will shape into something nice in due time (Hopefully). Backstory I recently returned to Arma after a two-year break and replayed the Stepping Stone campaign. While it was well-scripted, I felt that it had been developed under a tight deadline, as there seemed to be little focus on the overarching story, enemy defenses, and troop loadouts. So, I thought I would set out to rework this mission in several ways. Firstly, I’m not going to touch any of the actual mission scripts or try to change any of that; I just want to rework and expand it to make it much more fun and rewarding. When looking at loadouts, I’ll aim to align them with a blend of real-world ideas, role-playing concepts, and Arma’s 2035 lore. The game has never been in a better state, with more awesome new equipment thanks to the Western Sahara and Quick Reaction Forces CDLCs, and we now know more about modern warfare tactics, like the impact of drones and electronic warfare on the battlefield. With that said, let’s begin with a review of the overarching mission as well as the forces involved. (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong or misinformed on any of the story!) I’ll then dig a little deeper into the details. To start off, I’m a bit unclear on the purpose of the intro mission mentioning a holding force in the north while NATO makes a beachhead in the south and then works upward. Is this just meant to indicate they’re monitoring Chinese Shikras to ensure they don’t provide air support for the Scimitar Regiment? The Story So Far Here’s what we know: U.S.-led NATO forces aboard the lead ship of the U.S. Navy's 6th Fleet, the USS Freedom, begin sailing east toward the Republic of Altis and Stratis in response to the AAF's surprise attack against Task Force Aegis. However, before the operation to invade Altis can begin, NATO forces must first obtain air superiority over the Straits of Gibraltar. To that end, the 6th Fleet has been tasked with seizing the strategic island of Malden first. U.S. forces, specifically the 21st Brigade Combat Team (21st BCT) of the 111th Infantry Division (111 ID) stationed with Carrier Strike Group 14 (6th Fleet), launch an assault on Malden, occupied by CSAT forces, including North African Scimitar Regiment troops and neutral Chinese forces. In the early hours of July 24, 2035, a combination of heavy airstrikes and naval artillery bombarded the coastal town of Le Port. Light infantry from the 21st BCT proceeded to secure Le Port after its anti-air defenses were neutralized, and several more troops and vehicles were soon brought ashore to reinforce the existing ground elements. As twilight turned into dawn, the BCT began its attack on Cancon. Spender was tasked with assaulting one of the outposts on Cancon’s eastern side, while the rest of the BCT's mechanized and recon elements struck other checkpoints and CSAT supply dumps on the north and south sides. Timeline & Setup So, if we pause here, here’s what the actual event timeline looks like: the early hours indicate bombardment began around midnight, with the first mission starting roughly 4 hours and 40 minutes later. In that time, NATO bombarded Le Port, landed ground forces, and established what I’m assuming is the smallest FOB at Camp Noe. Let’s keep that timeframe in mind. It’s stated that Jared led his squad on the attack on Cancon, but there’s no mention of Le Port. I assume Jared and his team were preparing, checking equipment, and making ready during the Le Port operation so they would be fresh for the Cancon assault. Once Cancon was taken, I assume they got some quick rest, loaded up, and received their briefing for the second part of the mission moving north to Dourdan and Houdan. By the time this assault happens, it’s 12:00 p.m. on July 25. And you know how the story goes from there. So this gives us a timeline of about +- 12-15 Hours. Likely Timeline for Alpha leading up to the mission(This accounts for Fatigue and moral) Day before: Rest rotation established; some squad members sleep while others prep and remain on standby. Night (up to midnight): Controlled naps and rotations continue on the ship. Midnight to 1:00 - Bombardement Begins with forces moving into Le Port , Alpha and other forces stage and prepare to disembark, using this time to check gear and receive final orders as the bombardment continues. 4:40 - Ready to start the first mission After The First Mission: Likely a quick return to the FOB for rest, resupply, and a chance to recover and then Briefing before the next push Northern My Questions and Proposed Changes Here’s where my questions, concerns, and proposed changes come into play. I’ll start by looking at the infantry missions and then address the SF missions. Enemy Defensive Setup From the intro, we know Malden has been under CSAT’s influence since 2030, meaning they could have spent years shaping the island to their needs. Even if Scimitar Regiment only started responding after bombardments began, they’d still likely have had a few hours, if not 12+, to set up defenses. They should have had a contingency plan for an invasion. But in the current mission, NATO seems like an unstoppable force, and the enemy defense feels like a “cakewalk.” To add more realism, I plan to make Scimitar Regiment a genuinely formidable, entrenched force that requires cautious movement and hard fought battles to overcome. For example, capturing Houdan should feel like a real achievement. Using a “what would a real-world force do” mentality, I’ll set up Scimitar Regiment with realistic defenses, starting with Houdan and applying similar logic to Cancon. Strategic Entrenchment There are too few soldiers in each town, and the QRF force is too close (the one SF squad takes out). Based on what we know about Scimitar Regiment, they’re mechanized with APCs, IFVs, and similar assets. So, using O&T Eden Expansion, I’ll turn Houdan into a CQB hell. This means layered defenses, makeshift barriers, kill zones, trenches, and static weapons. Houdan’s hills make perfect spots for snipers, AT/AP weapons, and maybe a hidden mortar or two. I may even add a hull-down vehicle or two for defense. I’ll use Lambs AI and Drongo’s Defensive AI to set up a strong defensive AI, putting QRF mechanized forces on standby to assist defenders when called. The town itself will feel more closed off, with locked doors, gates, booby traps, and AP mines on approach and not so many holes in walls for easy movement. I also plan to “populate” the village with items that add a “lived-in” look, as well as using scripts like Tinter’s Furniture script to ensure that all the additions remain performance friendly. The idea is to create a believable defense by a smaller force using every possible advantage. Since they know they’re fighting NATO, they might “encourage” locals to pick up arms, with some defenders even blending into the civilian population, forcing NATO to carefully identify targets. I’ll think through static defenses and trenches based on whether they’d have had five years (When CSAT took over and maybe started building up defences as a contingency plan should the Island be invaded) or only 12 hours to prepare. Most likely, it will be a mix. Loadout Rework The current squad loadout doesn’t fully align with what the squad is supposed to represent. Here, I’ll look at what fits the 2035 universe for a NATO light squad loadout, while also including RP elements like water and MREs via ACE’s Field Rations. With the understanding they’ll be on foot for potentially extended periods, I’m opting for a lighter loadout focused on endurance but without sacrificing preparedness, considering how little they might have slept and how much they will be required to move with uncertainty as to how much rest they can get in between. So once again we need to reverse and think about what would be happening leading up to their first mission, including expectations of what kind of enemy they will face as well as sustainment. So we have to factor in the following, this squad is a bit weird if I’m honest, as they seemingly keep on being referred to as light infantry, yet since they are only 7 squad members, they are structured more like a mechanised infantry squad. Given that they’re operating on foot in both missions, with only occasional support from an IFV and then an APC, it seems more accurate to treat them as light infantry, with the vehicle support being more of a convenient bonus than a guarantee. They also face a lot of unknowns regarding deployment length and environments. From the briefing and maps, they expect to be moving through villages and towns, likely engaging at medium to short range, with some CQB as they clear these areas. New Loadout Details: No NVGs: Since it’s a daytime mission, NVGs are just unnecessary weight. Goggles: Everybody gets Combat Goggles to protect ‘dem peepers, except for medic and DM that get tactical glasses. Assault Mags: Considering that the MX rifles can all take the 100-round quad-stack mag, I think it could be argued that everyone with an MX starts with a 100 Round Mag for the initial assault so that they have a lot of fire power for when they are closing in until they reach CQC, then they can switch to the lighter 30 rnd mags. I will try and keep everyone’s total amount of rounds the same. Pistols: Everyone that has one will retain their P07, however, instead of having 1 16 round mag inside and a second 16 round mag as backup, they will forgo the second mag but have the 30 round mag to start off with. Squad Leader (SL): I’ll keep SL’s 40mm grenades for explosive power, however, I will load it with an initial 3rnd Grenade to add to fire power. Yes, this gun will be pretty heavy on the initial assault. As SL, a rangefinder would make sense, but realistically, he’ll make do with binoculars, we’ll just say since he’s a grunt.. DMR: Better scope for distance work; he’s the only one starting with a standard 30-round mag. Automatic Rifleman: Replacing the heavy SPMG with an MK200 for a lighter loadout, along with an improved scope. AT Specialist: Swapping the Titan for a lighter MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1. In terms of rigs and helmets, I’ll match them to each member’s role. The medic gets a light helmet but a Carrier Special rig, the DMR has light armor and helmet, and the AT specialist has light armor but a heavier helmet for protection when exposed. Everyone gets combat goggles for eye protection except the medic and DMR, who have tactical glasses. As for the SF OP. I’ve only given thought to the first one and not yet the second. And also, I only have an overarching idea of changes, haven’t yet thought everything through. I want to make that mission a little more fun and less tedious, as I feel like the extra running around the mission gives you doesn’t really add much but instead just comes off as filler to make the mission longer. So with equipment I want to reshuffle things, I’ll still see exactly what they start with, but right off the bat I want to give one of the SF guys the Commando Mortar and have him hang back for a bit and use it when the time comes. I want to give the main guy(You the player) the RC-40(Or whatever its called) drone/drones as they seem very “special forcy” and not just like a reggo asset. That being said, I want to make the enemy a lot more difficult by giving them access to either Suicide drones or grenade dropper drones, making it VERY dangerous for the SF guys to be detected, and really making it so that they need to keep a very stealthy mission. I’m looking into which EW mods I can use with it to make it more fun for you as the player as well, but this is still very much a work in progress. Anyway, I will update once I have actually started with the edits. This was just kind of an overview of what I want to do and to see if anyone else would be interested in playing this once I’ve done it and also maybe there is something that I overlooked, so If you have thoughts, suggestions, or see ways to further improve, I’d love to hear them as I refine this mission! Remember, this is only the start.
  3. Hey all, Some suggested i should post this here. I have put together a randomly generated mission, started development early 2016 and now on 2nd version of the engine. This is currently a Beta version, and once live I will be updating with new features and mission types Full details on Steam Workshop here: Malden 2035: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1259632853 Tanoa : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1270920304 Details of the mission here: http://www.trgm2.com In a nut shell, this is a quick start mission, that will be different each time, random events can occur during the mission (more soon), with the ability to adjust mission settings to your type of gameplay. Also an option to start a campaign mode : details here http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1270920304/2595630410193765175/ (ill be writing up more once out of beta) Any feedback or suggestions are very welcome
  4. "My name is Steve R. Hawkins, intelligence sergeant..." More than 20 years ago, this sentence introduced thousands of players to one of the greatest games ever produced by the Czech gaming industry. And although Vietcong (2003) made by Pterodon and Illusion Softworks is now basically abandonware, we who grew up on it have not forgotten its name. This modest modification is my way to thank all those who helped to create Vietcong, all those years ago. Basic information: - PvE campaign for 4-6 players - Difficulty: Challenging - Category: Roleplay, Infantry, Special Forces - Dubbing: Yes - Setting: Vietnam War Description Vietcong COOP is a PvE campaign for 4-6 players, available in English and Czech language. Although it is theoretically possible to play with less than 4 players, this may negatively affect your gaming experience. All 16 missions are using the original voice acting taken from Vietcong (2003) and were designed with roleplay in mind. Features: 1. 16 missions for 6 players, divided into 3 chapters, with over 30 hours of playable content 2. The unique co-op format of the original Vietcong campaign 3. Original English (or Czech) dubbing 4. Briefings, armory, option to start a mission from a custom starting point 5. Additional mission "Red Dawn" For the best experience, it is strongly recommended to use this collection of mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3294234750 Requirements: Arma 3 Creator DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1227700/Arma_3_Creator_DLC_SOG_Prairie_Fire/) StaminaPLUS (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2365681222) RHSPKL (https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1978754337) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to the English version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3317055096 Link to the Czech version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3294283095
  5. Black Lands >> Read a review at The Abandoned Workshops (April 27th, 2014) Version: 1.2 (beta) Author: Undeceived Required game version: Arma 2: Combined Operations (v. 1.62) Features: Story-driven resistance campaign (19 missions + cutscenes) with an enthralling plot about a group of men struggling against their enemies Custom music (including some self-composed titles) Many cutscenes, intros and outros A mix of linear, straight-forward missions and wide and complex ones with many tasks Weapon pool (weapons and gear are forwarded and available in the next missions) Squad management system (get to know the background story of your men and chose your group for the next mission) Description: After the Russian army takes control over Chernarus, Tomas Cerny and his best friend Dimitri, among other war-survivors, form up a resistance movement. At first, the group is able to cause harm to the Russian intruders, but little by little, Tomas sees the strength of the movement crumbling and deteriorating. As eventually Dimitri is killed in an Russian ambush and Tomas, all at once, loses everything he loves and cares for, the resistance fighter finds himself all alone, devitalized and a broken man. In his darkest hour, Tomas is suddenly contacted by an agent of the U.S. intelligence, who is able to light up a small flame in the young Chernarussian again. Tomas learns that there are still people who want to rise up against the Russians. He is able to find new courage, meets new friends and goes on the most difficult journey of his life. He passes through adventures and defeats, experiences friendship as well as betrayal and faces survival and death. Beta status (read!😞 Please help me with the English translation! 🙂 (I'm not a native speaker and many expressions might sound a bit strange. Please give me suggestions and corrections!) Bug reports are much appreciated Download: All required addons + installation instruction are contained in the download. Black Lands 1.2 (beta)
  6. All these questions are disparate so I'll just rapid fire them with bullet points in the spoilers tab:
  7. UNDERDOGS Author: UndeceivedVersion: 1.92 (updated December 15, 2023) Review (spoiler-free) at D E S C R I P T I O N "We were totally excited when we finally got the green light for the job that our contact Manos had told us about. Just a simple burglary - a pile of money waiting for us in return. At that moment we didn't know that this would be the trigger of a terrible nightmare and a wearying run for our lives..." A story-driven mini-campaign (5 missions, cutscenes, multiple endings) about a group of Altian kids trying to survive the consequences of a deadly coincidence. T R A I L E R S F E A T U R E S Story-driven SP mini-campaign (5 missions) A civilian style "crime thriller" - take a refreshing break from the daily military duties Cutscenes Multiple endings Many ways to solve certain tasks Crafting of certain needed improvised items You can adjust the brightness in night missions A V A I L A B L E L A N G U A G E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S Everything is part of the campaign download I S S U E S Playing with other mods apart from the required ones could break the missions or cause bugs. Other than that I have no clue what happens in the Arma dev version, so better play in the stable version. A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N D O W N L O A D Underdogs v. 1.92
  8. Wrote a detailed PMC Tactical forums: ArmA 3 Campaign Hub topic about how to design these things. Would love to hear feedback. Dunno what it is about campaign hub style of campaign design but I just love to hang out in such hub base/camp/FOB location, rearm etc before going to patrol/scouting to keep the bad guys away 🙂
  9. Hello everyone, I want to ask if anyone on here knows how to make a "persistance" for a campaign. I explain : My goal is to make the campaign more immersive through 3 things, from end of a mission to the next : Keep the gear (weapon, uniform etc...) Keep the health If a member of the squad / a character is dead he won't show to the next mission During my research it seems some Arma 3 campaigns had some of this by scouting missions, for the gear, and that members of your squad who died are remplaced in the next mission. If someone may had a clue I'll be gratefull. Thanks for reading, Retyan
  10. Some of you have already noticed, we have released public beta of the long awaited Resistance campaign. This thread will be dedicated to discuss bugs, new feature requests and to keep you informed about the updates. You can get the Resistance here. It is 1982, after the collapse of the coalition government and the betrayal of some party members, the Soviet army has invaded the island of Nogova. The majority of the inhabitants think that resistance is futile and resign themselves to their fate. A few, however, are ready to resist and bring freedom back to Nogova. They try to recruit Victor Troska, a former soldier in the British Special Forces, to lead their fight for freedom. Will they succeed and push back the Soviet occupiers. Or is the superiority too great and there is no escape? Witness how the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the partisans of Nogova develops. Welcome to Cold War Rearmed III : Resistance! As always, it took longer than expected, but we are happy to release a first public beta of this legendary campaign. But it was worth the wait, we spent a lot of time making the campaign more interesting, but without changing the original story. And without the following people it probably would have taken even longer: Lamasutra - The driving force behind the campaign, without him it would probably still be a mess CnotK - We used a small part of his Resistance campaign SHJ Studio - He reworked most of the cutscenes and intros Ataribaby - Tested first half of the campaign Palermo - Tested whole campaign before release Special Thanks W0lle - For the CWR3 and great support Bohemia Interactive - ArmA, we could not fly or dance in tanks. Ondřej Škaroupka, Nillers, Jan Libich, Marek Španěl - for help and permission to use original Czech dubbing in campaigns. Improvements We have added some improvements to the campaign. Configuration Options Addon Options / CWR3 "Unlimited" view distance. You can choose between the original engine limit of 5km or allow your settings up to 12km. Experimental rank system allows you and your units to be promoted and gain better skills. Victor can be a specialist. It allows defusing mines 😉 and satchel charges. You have to bring a toolbox. Victor is engineer - It allows vehicles repair. This skill is very OP. It can be enabled in easy mode or by playing veteran skill after you have finished the campaign. It allows the repair of critically damaged vehicles. Cars, tanks, choppers. You have to bring a toolbox. You can choose your and your unit's language. English, Czech, Polish, French, German, Russian and Chinese languages are supported. For German you need at least Data Compatibility addon for Global Mobilization dlc. Enable Team Switch. This can help you if you unit is stuck, or just to have some fun. Do not left Viki too long, things can turn pretty bad shortly. (U key) Rank System Experimental system which allows units from your group to be promoted. How it works: Every unit gets points from kills (rating). If the unit gets enough points, it can be promoted. After promotion, the rating is zeroed. Here is a list of possible ranks and required rating for unit to be promoted: 500 CORPORAL 1500 SERGEANT 2500 LIEUTENANT 3500 CAPTAIN 5000 MAJOR 7500 COLONEL Every rank should have skill upgraded. PRIVATE 50% CORPORAL 65% SERGEANT 78% LIEUTENANT 86% CAPTAIN 91% MAJOR 96% COLONEL 99% Nogova heightmap hotfixes Thanks to deformer tool, we have managed to fix some issues, they improve gameplay and some cutscenes. Victor's house and shotgun We have added a preconfigured shotgun, which could be placed properly outside the weapon box. Victor's house is filled with assets. They were converted from the initial cutscene and saved as script, which is being initialized on every mission. Nerfs and boosts Boost RPG75, it is now more powerful Speed nerf of V3S and Urals. Nerf of ammo and weapon boxes. Weapon pool Yes, it is working, but the engine does not support backpack and chest rigs removal. We advise not to store those types of equipment. Tips If you want to stash weapons and items to the weapon pool, the car or crate has to be at least 150m far from your position during mission end. Some missions have a weapon pool in the V3S, you can freely take it with you. But you will shortly find out it is full and items cannot be stored inside, only take, so think about items you need carefully. Multi Dubbing Thanks to our own function library, we can use both english and czech dubbing in one campaign addon. The Czech dubbing is available only for Czech game language. We will be able to implement the same way in CWC campaign. ... and others, but we don't want to be boring 😉 Known Issues AI units can get stuck in objects / buildings, you can free them by using "force regroup" action. It's available only when no enemies are detected - area clear. Weapon pool does not handle chest rigs and backpacks very well, it can make some difficulties. Some addons can change CUP or CWR3 addons' behaviour and use their own profile for the Resistance campaign in ArmA 3 launcher. TODO Implement reward and punish cutscenes Fix some flaws in cutscenes
  11. Overthrow is a dynamic [SP/CO16] revolution simulator campaign built for ARMA 3. Description: Overthrow simulates undertaking a grass-roots revolution against an oppressive NATO occupation of your home. Altis, Tanoa (Apex required of course), and Malden are currently supported. Start in a in a small town with nothing, and fight your way to remove the occupying NATO forces from the Island. There is no single way to Overthrow, which is what makes it exciting and unique. Head on combat, guerrilla tactics, or economic domination are all possible. ACE and CBA are required, and Advanced towing is integrated. Our overall focus is to ensure that all player actions matter, and that things behave generally as you would expect them to in the real world. It was inspired by the great times we had playing the original "Antistasi" dynamic campaign. We would love you to help us test our mod, and help guide future development. Updates (24 July 2017): APEX no longer required, and an Altis, Malden campaigns have been added. Get ready for more community-map additions soon! Current Version is, released 15th July 2017. Updates are coming out frequently as new features are added and fixes completed. To install: - Steam Link --> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=774201744 - GitHub (download full source) --> https://github.com/jabberzac/Overthrow To get in touch: - Facebook (general help and chat) --> https://www.facebook.com/armaoverthrow/ - Discord (keep Armazac company) --> https://discord.gg/QGQ5gf4 - GitHub (report issues / view wiki page) --> https://github.com/jabberzac/Overthrow/issues - Reddit --> http://reddit.com/r/armaoverthrow General features: - GTA-inspired wanted/stealth system - Dynamic political system with regional stability - Buy and sell just about in any-game item/vehicle/weapon for currency - Reverse engineer and build items and equipment for your revolution-machine - Complete jobs to gain faction reputation and access to blueprints for valuable equipment - Capture towns and military objectives - Dynamic economy/Regional pricing/Trade - Buy, sell and lease real estate with prices affected by regional politics - Fast travel to any owned real estate or camp (configurable with difficulty settings) - Manipulate the markets with guns or piles of cash - Recruit and arm civilians - Designed to work in both single player and multiplayer - Committed to creating a living and breathing landscape where anything can happen - Ongoing development and addition of features - Support for more maps planned This addon includes the following scripts: - VCOM AI - by Genesis92x - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25381 - Advanced Towing - by Duda - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30575 Warm Regards, Foofski and the Overthrow Dev Team
  12. VERSION INFORMATION Version : 1.74 Release date : 10 SEP 2022 Arma3 Version : 2.10 Vol 2 can be found here CHANGELOG Note: Both the Wolfpack website and Github repo are NO LONGER maintained. Please use this thread, Steam or Armaholic as your source for updates and information. In the archive you’ll find a 'Wolfpack_readMe.pdf' document with mission information, client/server information, training information, etc. It is recommended to disable all AI enhancement functionality (Vcom AI, ASR AI, bCombat, etc) on both the server and the clients. Version 1.74 General: Various issues and optimizations. Updated: Insignia and texture issues finally fixed with ArmA3 2.10 Updated: Applied ADF 2.28 framework. DOWNLOAD INFORMATION Download Wolfpack Vol. 1 via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/NJJgXKJJ#fe4BNzJEZru8SpBYQsJYQ-2KmqjMCIHxd70H21NwpCY [v 1.74] Download Wolfpack ALL-IN-ONE via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/ZI4myIKY#ZkOqL1TIfxZTjS6ElRhmHnLomFoOhP6IG7OLC1KJsqU [v 1.74] Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiztler/myworkshopfiles/ [v 1.74] REQUIRED ADD-ONS None. OPTIONAL/RECOMMENDED ADD-ONS Community Based Addons A3 (CBA A3) Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE 2) Taskforce Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) Commanders Tablet (cTab). Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) OPTIONAL SUPPORTED ADD-ONS RHS / Project Opfor RHS / 3CB Factions Community Factions Project CUP NIArms ABOUT WOLFPACK Wolfpack is a multiplayer (14 slots) special operations campaign consisting of ten challenging assault, demolition and reconnaissance missions, three bootcamp training missions and a warmup mission. Features: 10 Special Operations/Recon Missions 3 Bootcamp training missions; 1 Warm-up Mission for warming-up, mod line testing and general training (11 tasks/side-missions); Challenging and Immersive gameplay in a lively area of operations; Detailed Special Operations style briefings (in-game and PDF/TXT for forum briefings); Optimized for dedicated server play. Headless client fully supported; Support for (optional) mods such as NIArms / RHS / Project Opfor / 3CB Factions / CUP / Community Factions Project; Challenging opponents; Automatic detection of ACRE2, TFAR, cTab and ACE3 add-ons. STORYLINE June 2034, Altis is in turmoil. The island has been cut off from the outside world due to economical and physical blockades. The local populous has grown impatient with the government and the AFF in particular. Several demonstrations have resulted in the deaths of tens of civilians. The government was losing control rapidly and called in the help of CSAT. A mistake that would cost them dearly. CSAT saw a golden opportunity to get a much needed foothold in the Mediterranean area. The AAF requested a single battalion of CSAT Infantry. Instead CSAT send the entire 2nd brigade and soon CSAT outnumbers AAF by 11:1. Altis government realized that they lost control completely and stepped down. CSAT General Tehrani has since been in power and controls all of Altis and Stratis. CSAT is now proven a serious threat to the European region. As diplomatic efforts have not lead to the anticipated result, NATO decided to send a rapid task force to free both islands from CSAT oppression. DEVGRU has been ordered by J.S.O.C. to take out several high value threads on Altis before the NATO campaign commences. Wolf has been tasked with executing 10 missions over a period of 3-4 weeks. Your first mission commences 11 June. CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Concept & Development: whiztler (http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiztler/myworkshopfiles/) This MP campaign was carefully put together with the assistance, support and scripts from the following individuals/groups: Nopryl Community (www.nopryl.no), CIA community (ciahome.net), Project Milsim (reddit.com/r/ProjectMilSim/) VOL 1 MISSIONS DAY 01 - THE PACKAGE - Our area of operation lies north of Athira. JSOC expects a HVT to arrive and inspect the CSAR Frini base tomorrow. Wolf will eliminate the HVT once he arrives at the base. Due to the sensitive nature of this mission, detailed objectives will be given on a need to know basis once you have reached the RV. Our local on the ground will do an extensive briefing. DAY 02 - KAJMAN FIRE - CSAT has taken over the Abdera Airfield and turned the airfield into a helicopter base. The base is home to the 127 AAC Squadron with 6 or 8 Kajman Attack helicopters and to the 17 Air Support Group. The Kajman is a formidable opponent and can do some serious damage to the upcoming campaign. About one kilometer north east lies the village of Krya Nera. This used to be a little fisherman's village until CSAT stationed a small fleet of attack vessels there. Primary objective: Abdera Airfield, sabotage all Kajman Attack helicopters stationed at the airfield. Secondary objective: Krya Nera Naval Base, take control of the Naval Base and wait for further instructions. DAY 03 - SWITCH OFF - CSAT's primary communications station is situated on the outskirts of Kavala. It is essential we disrupt communications before we commence the NATO invasion. The nearby power station provides power to the Kavala region, including the communications station. We need to take both out in order to be sure that CSAT's ability to communicate is disrupted. Primary objective: Sabotage the communications station. Secondary objective: Sabotage the power station. DAY 04 - TOP SCREEN - CSAT's propaganda campaign is out of control. Their fear and retribution series broadcasted on television and radio has caused grave concerns both locally and abroad. We need the local populous on our side once the invasions commences. We need to shut down the Altis Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the Capital of Altis, Pyrgos. Sabotage the ABC headquarters. You'll be filled in on the specifics once you are close to the objective. DAY 05 - BULLSEYE - Maj. F. Kallaziz's replacement has arrived in Pyrgos, Maj. Farrokhzad. We know very little about Maj. Farrokhzad. According to Niko, the major has already made his mark by having tens of civilians arrested. Supposedly there is a public hanging the day after tomorrow. CIA and MIS are working hard to get more intel about this guy. So it looks like your Wolf troops are going back to Pyrgos. Your objective is to find intel on Maj. Farrokhzad.
  13. 1988 - Return of the Red Star REDUX THIS CAMPAIGN WENT THROUGH A COMPLETE REWORK! MORE INFO BELOW. Redux version 1.11 Google Drive download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pY7ZrN82OFpHmtkRxrKfT_BVp5geAlRp/view?usp=sharing Original release Mediafire download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/w6f0hox56vsnzm6/1988P2.zip Campaign: 1988 - Return Of The Red Star Version: 1.11 Author: Kalle AKA Teurastaja Required addons: None Islands: Everon, Malden, Kolgujev, Nogova Playable options: Singleplayer Playable characters: 4 Missions: 12 (intro and credits including) Language: English Features: cutscenes, intros, outros, infantry combat, tank combat mission. Enjoy!
  14. Krizmis


    Hello, My suggestion is to add offline and online campaign. it's a very cool thing to add and I'm sure players would love it Regards, Krizmis
  15. Hi, how to get the « No Requiem » achievement ? Thanks,
  16. Good day, everyone! "Callsign Minotaur" was supposed to be my entry for the "Make Arma Not War"-contest, but due to me being stupid and breaking my right hand, therefore being unable to do any work for 3 months, as well as me being a lazy p.o.s. after that, I couldn't finish it in time. This has changed now and I have decided to finally release this project out into the world. With the recent release of the Laws of War DLC on the dev-branch, I've decided to do some last-minute changes, reflecting our new knowledge about the A3 lore. Luckily I only had to change a few details, which is great, as that means my story still fits into the bigger picture. Once the DLC has been released officially, I'm going to do a few more tweaks. Until then, to get to the point... 2034. One year before the events of ‘The East Wind’, CSAT forces provide perimeter protection and counter-insurgency training for the government in The Republic of Altis and Stratis. Overview Callsign Minotaur is a fully voiced, story-driven CSAT mini-campaign, taking place shortly after the official Prologue / Bootcamp campaign. You are Sgt. Omid Nazari, stationed on Altis, and part of a tank crew manning the modern BTR-K Kamysh infantry fighting vehicle. You will find yourself set up against the ‘Freedom and Independence Army’, which keeps growing in strength again since the botched peace talks in Kavala sparked new unrest on the tiny island republic. With the Altis Armed Forces being unable to handle the situation on their own, and the relationship with NATO slowly decaying, new cooperation opportunities open up for the Canton Treaty… Download > Steam Workshop Mods Callsign Minotaur doesn’t require any mods to run. Any gameplay changing mods should be disabled while playing the campaign, as these can cause negative side effects. Supported languages Help wanted I'm still looking for people who want to help with translating the campaign into other languages. If you're interested, please send me a message. Website > https://callsign-minotaur.rotators.net
  17. Hi folks! This is my official release of "Operation Nightingale", a singleplayer campaign set in Chernarus 2008. * Features 13 missions including the prologue. * Combined Operations and ACR/BAF/PMC lite or full are required. Editing and/or releasing my work without my personal authorization is prohibited. Current version: 1.03 Download via Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13eTJKwcn8DT9qn9FLIxXX0Z_m2ZwjBNm/view?usp=share_link This campaign does not represent my current mission editing skills as it was developed about 4 years ago and lots of shit has changed since then. However, I have reworked the campaign but I kept most of the concept as original. My editing methods have changed alot since I first started working on this. Enjoy! Kalle
  18. I am very new to Modding on Steam and have just released my first scenario with Arma 3 only 2 weeks ago. Now I have worked tirelessly on this great campaign but I am haveing beginners troubles with getting my config file and my description file to work. I have scrounged the internet looking for every scrap of informaiton online to get my mod to do two simple functions. 1. Show My Custom Campaign under Campaigns in the Arma 3 menu. 2. To show my Overview.paa, Description, and not show my levels all at once. Currently I have only gotten them to work as scenarios but I have followed to the best of my knowledge the config and description.ext setups. Please anyone can you spare a few minutes to help me out with this? I would like to release the mod as a proper campaign. All the levels are finished and I already have a .pbo file. Here is my code in the config. /* Addon configuration */ class CfgPatches { // Directory under which all content contained in the PBO can be referenced ingame class Campaigns { // You can set up restrictions using these requirements units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] ={}; }; }; class CfgMissions { class Campaigns { // The campaign package class Campaigns { // Location of the campaign files. Note that it uses the defined directory in CfgPatches directory = "Campaigns\TCOE_MAIN\Campaign"; }; }; }; When I launch the game it comes up with an error stating... File SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Arma 3\Campaigns\TCOE_MAIN\config.cpp,line 15: '/CfgMissions/Campaigns/TCOE_MAIN.": '"' encountered instead of '=' Im not sure what I did wrong can someone please point it out to me in laymans terms?
  19. Hi, this is the WIP-Release of the upcoming „My Mistake“ Campaign. The Story is about a grandfather, who is very sick and gets his family around him to tell them about a mistake he did in his life, which he wants to talk about before his death. He starts with the last few days before his mandatory military service where the player visits friends behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany. Then war erupts and the player is thrown into the fight to save his and his comrades lives and their country from an invasion with unknown intentions. After this the player experiences the whole military career of the grandpa and discovers what he meant with the words „I made a horrible mistake“... Current state of the Campaign: Currently in the WIP release there are 3 missions with more to come as they are created into a playable state. None of these are 100% finished, which I do besides finishing the other missions, but they should be mostly bug free and are only lacking some immersive touch on like more AI civilians or more ambient conversations... Remarks: The campaign is nowhere near finished, and I didn´t start with creating it from the first mission on as these are missions where big parts of Altis and Tanoa need to be decorated, which I started with, but isn´t finished and needs more time. Also for now I skip everything that happens before the conflict with the GDR (about 10 missions, mostly training and immersion focused) as this part of the campaign (the second part) is planned out completely and I used the first mission of it to experiment with some mechanics that I want to use throughout the whole campaign and continued from there. What makes my campaign special is that it is a really realistic story that I develop in cooperation with a military advisor to keep it realistic on a strategic as well as tactical level so the player could be fully immersed into the life of the grandpa. I try to build as much randomness in the missions as possible, in one mission there are over 40 different possibilities how a conversation could unfold according to how a artillery barrage hits a target and that also changes the next mission on this point. Also there are often multiple possible ways to complete the mission. Because of this it takes long for the missions to be completed, but I think it´s worth it if the mission is better afterwards. Features: -Realistic and immersive campaign -Many random elements -Story changing corresponding to player and AI actions -Custom dialogues -Very long campaign (story spans over roughly 50 years) with potentially over 100 missions -Voice acting and cutscenes between and during the missions planned -Training missions to teach you what you need to know (coming in the future) -German and English localization (no english localization in the second mission, but it could come soon) I´m looking for your help finishing the campaign: Due to the massive scale of the campaign any help is greatly appreciated as currently I create this campaign alone with some help in testing, scripting and localization, but basically alone this would take forever to finish. Primarily needed is help in mission creation, scripting, testing, voice acting and localization in other languages. It doesn´t matter what you could do, if you want to contribute we find a role for you. If you find any bugs feel free to share them, so I could fix them. Also if you have suggestions for improvements please share them so I could implement them. I hope you enjoy this campaign. Requirements to play: - Global Mobilization Cold War Germany CDLC Workshop-Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791570343 Contact: You could join the projects Discord Server here or contact me via PM or simply reply here, I will try to answer as fast as possible. Credits: Jaentzen for help, advice, tips, testing and English translation Zink for suggestions and testing Sturmhuhn for suggestions and testing Gonzka for help with scripting [101.JgBtl] Th3_Jock3R for help with scripting Alpha993 for help with scripting the artillery attack in Barmke StellaStrela for the templates in the package "Weferlingen - Border Crossing Point and Military Bases"
  20. Experience Captain Percy Freeman's mission to eliminate the elusive Colonel Bob Kurtz during the Vietnam War. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heart of Evil for ARMA 3 is a -loose- fan recreation campaign of the classic single-player mod for Half-life released on 01 January 2002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861021603 STAND-OUT FEATURES: -Campaign spanning over 10+ scenarios -Original Heart of Evil voice acting -Prairie Fire music tracks -Specific scenarios offer replay-ability -Far less Barney-sitting -Comedy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Things to note before you play Dual Arms - Two Primary Weapons mod is recommended Extended Movement mod is not recommended Music is recommended to be turned on Most scenarios contain either an intro or outro. Your experience isn't over until that ARMA 3 "mission complete" message appears! Big THANK YOU to my small batch of fans for playing my ARMA 3 content! This it my largest project to date on the steam workshop. Please enjoy my many months spent further learning the editor and producing Heart of Evil for ARMA 3.
  21. mathiasstahle

    M.I.S.T – Global Manhunt

    M.I.S.T – Global Manhunt is a fast paced story driven campaign for ArmA III in seven interconnected episodes. You play as an undercover intelligence officer and will start out with a camera as your your primary weapon, gathering intelligence about three different targets. The action that follows takes place on five different ArmA III terrains where the missions will require stealth and planning as well as straight forward military assaults to complete. You will insert in jungles, deserts, mountains and higly populated urban environments. And of course there's a boss fight in the final episode. All missions are voice acted with cinematic cutscenes, and plenty of hidden easter eggs for a curious mind to discover. Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2873533097
  22. VERSION INFORMATION Version : 1.74 Release date : 10 SEP 2022 Arma3 Version : 2.10 Vol 1 can be found here CHANGELOG Note: Both the Wolfpack website and Github repo are NO LONGER maintained. Please use this thread, Steam or Armaholic as your source for updates and information. In the archive you’ll find a 'Wolfpack_readMe.pdf' document with mission information, client/server information, training information, etc. It is recommended to disable all AI enhancement functionality (Vcom AI, ASR AI, bCombat, etc) on both the server and the clients. Version 1.74 General: Various issues and optimizations. Updated: Insignia and texture issues finally fixed with ArmA3 2.10 Updated: Applied ADF 2.28 framework. DOWNLOAD INFORMATION Download Wolfpack Vol. 2 via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/4VRwXQzJ#yAK45EofU1I7O7UXN_XUQlSyQ_mSPiGywrkXgmk0ei4 [v 1.74] Download Wolfpack ALL-IN-ONE via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/ZI4myIKY#ZkOqL1TIfxZTjS6ElRhmHnLomFoOhP6IG7OLC1KJsqU [v 1.74] Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiztler/myworkshopfiles/ [v 1.74] REQUIRED ADD-ONS None OPTIONAL/RECOMMENDED ADD-ONS Community Based Addons A3 (CBA A3) Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE 2) Taskforce Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) Commanders Tablet (cTab). Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) OPTIONAL SUPPORTED ADD-ONS RHS / Project Opfor RHS / 3CB Factions Community Factions Project CUP NIArms ABOUT WOLFPACK Wolfpack is a multiplayer (14 slots) special operations campaign consisting of ten challenging assault, demolition and reconnaissance missions, three bootcamp training missions and a warmup mission. Features: 10 Special Operations/Recon Missions 3 Bootcamp training missions; 1 Warm-up Mission for warming-up, mod line testing and general training (11 tasks/side-missions); Challenging and Immersive gameplay in a lively area of operations; Detailed Special Operations style briefings (in-game and PDF/TXT for forum briefings); Optimized for dedicated server play. Headless client fully supported; Support for (optional) mods such as NIArms / RHS / Project Opfor / 3CB Factions / CUP / Community Factions Project; Challenging opponents; Automatic detection of ACRE2, TFAR, cTab and ACE3 add-ons. STORYLINE June 2034, Altis is in turmoil. The island has been cut off from the outside world due to economical and physical blockades. The local populous has grown impatient with the government and the AFF in particular. Several demonstrations have resulted in the deaths of tens of civilians. The government was losing control rapidly and called in the help of CSAT. A mistake that would cost them dearly. CSAT saw a golden opportunity to get a much needed foothold in the Mediterranean area. The AAF requested a single battalion of CSAT Infantry. Instead CSAT send the entire 2nd brigade and soon CSAT outnumbers AAF by 11:1. Altis government realized that they lost control completely and stepped down. CSAT General Tehrani has since been in power and controls all of Altis and Stratis. CSAT is now proven a serious threat to the European region. As diplomatic efforts have not lead to the anticipated result, NATO decided to send a rapid task force to free both islands from CSAT oppression. DEVGRU has been ordered by J.S.O.C. to take out several high value threads on Altis before the NATO campaign commences. Wolf has been tasked with executing 10 missions over a period of 3-4 weeks. Your first mission commences 11 June. CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Concept & Development: whiztler (http://steamcommunity.com/id/whiztler/myworkshopfiles/) This MP campaign was carefully put together with the assistance, support and scripts from the following individuals/groups: Nopryl Community (www.nopryl.no), CIA community (ciahome.net), Project Milsim (reddit.com/r/ProjectMilSim/) VOL 1 MISSIONS DAY 06 - RIGA HILL - Intel shows a large AA-emplacement at a base west of Zoros Bay (codename 'Istanbul'). which gets its intel from a radar site a little north east (codename 'Barcelona'). Your orders are to insert west of Zoros Bay and take out the radar installation at Barcelona and the AA-emplacements at Istanbul. DAY 07 - U-12 - Our man on the ground, Nikos got captured by CSAT Intelligence Services. Nikos knows too much about the upcoming campaign. We need to break him out before they fly him back to the CSAT capital. Nikos is currently being held in a secret prison codenamed 'U-12'. It is located in Thelos Bay on the east coast of Altis. Wolf is to secure and retrieve Nikos Fotopoulos. DAY 08 - ICE TIGER - The last two weeks, SatNav has been tracking a heavy armored squadron consisting of 6 T140 MBT's, 1 x Tigris and supporting units. SatNav lost Ice Tiger due to severe overcast weather. According to Nikkos, Ice Tiger should be in the North Western part of Altis. We need confirmation on its exact location. Your orders are to locate Ice Tiger. DAY 09 - DRAGONFLY - Two days ago the 127 Republican Wing Squadron, an elite squadron of TO-199 bombers touched down at Stratis Airbase. The 13th MEU is scheduled to assault Stratis in three days. This can only happen when those TO-199's have been disposed off. We'll advise objectives and targets when you're on the ground. DAY 10 - DOBERMAN - Your last mission is a high risk mission in Kavala. We are still gathering intel. We'll brief you when you're oscar mike.
  23. RELEASE INFORMATION Version: 1.13 Release date: 03 September 2022 ARMA III version: 2.10 ABOUT The Two Sierra campaign follows a NRF VJTF platoon during three tours of duty. Each tour takes place in a specific ‘Armaverse’ driven by a storyline loosely based on historical facts. The campaign missions support up to 36 players (30 + 6 JIP). FEATURES 3 tours of duty, 12 missions + 3 warmup missions offering challenging and Immersive gameplay in a lively area of operations; Each mission is accompanied with a detailed operations order (OPORD’s in-game and PDF/TXT for forum briefings), AO map and additional intel; Pre-configured TFAR for quick game start. Media (PDF, images) to be used with forum postings (mission cover image, AO map, objectives, etc.). Optimized for dedicated server play; Challenging opponents; Automatic detection of ACRE2/ TFAR, cTab and ACE3 add-ons. Optional mod compatibility (RHS/Project Opfor/3CB Factions -or- CUP/CFP) for BluFor & OpFor MISSION BALANCER Since v1.05 the Two Sierra missions are balanced based on the number of players active. Few notes: Less players = less OpFor / more players = more OpFor Recommended min. players: 12 Mission balancer setting can be overruled using the mission params at mission start. Tour 1 and 2 warmup missions have mission balancer running. Tour 3 has no mission balancer. DOWNLOAD INFORMATION Download Two Sierra ALL-IN-ONE via Mega: https://mega.nz/file/sdJjFJIa#7k1vAazsHbZvLlP2A0OmzbF4YUs2RDx7rLRRvakxBQA [v 1.13] Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=530541775 [v 1.13] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/two.sierra.arma/ REQUIRED ADD-ONS Community Based Addons ARMA 3 (CBA_A3) CUP Terrains RECOMMENDED ADD-ONS To enhance game play, the following (optional) client add-ons are recommended: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) -or- TaskForce Arrowhead Radio (TFAR) Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) Commanders Tablet (cTAB) RHS + Project Opfor and/or 3CB Factions --OR-- CUP Units and Community Factions Project CHANGELOG Note: Both the Two Sierra website and Github repo are NO LONGER maintained. Please use this thread, Steam or Armaholic as your source for updates and information. In the archive you’ll find a '2Sierra_readMe.pdf' document with mission information, client/server information, training information, etc. Version 1.13 General: Various issues and optimizations. Updated: Insignia and texture issues finally fixed with ArmA3 2.10 Updated: Applied ADF 2.28 framework. If you have a VIDEO or SCREENSHOTS of your community playing a Two Sierra mission, please let me know. With your permission I'll post the content on the Two Sierra Youtube Channel.
  24. Hello, I'm working on a few spin off mission from the East Wind Campaign and in order to recreate the first mission I created a similar ORBAT view. My only problem is that I cannot load the TF Aegis Helmet into the ORBAT Viewer. The file I am using is the original .paa file extracted from the img folder of the main campaign, and in the Text2View Editor it can be viewed properly. In the following Code example you can see that under "texture" i've added the .paa file which is in the same folder as the mission.sqm file. Furthermore the insignia "Aegis_background.paa" works perfectly fine ... class CfgOrbat { class TFAegis { id = 1; idType = 0; side = "West"; size = "Size1"; type = "HQ"; insignia = "Aegis_background.paa"; colorInsignia[] = {0,0,1,1}; commander = "MacKinnon"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "Task Force Aegis"; textShort = "TF Aegis"; texture = "Aegis_icon.paa"; color[] = {0,1,1,1}; description = "A US-led joint NATO-AAF peacekeeping force stationed on Stratis, with a strictly limited mandate and combat capacity."; }; };
  25. Climate change has brought famine and disease to Altis. The island republic stands on the brink of a devastating civil war, and NATO carrier group Freedom is deployed in the Mediterranean Sea to protect aid workers operating in the area. Your special forces team codenamed Alpha, stationed on the destroyer USS Liberty, must locate and apprehend an insurgent leader known as 'The Spartan'. G.R.U.N.T.S Mission Pack is a plot-driven cooperative multiplayer campaign for 1-4 players with a story that stretches over 8+ separate missions. All missions are designed to be used in hosted multiplayer without JIP. Finished (and playtested) missions: G.R.U.N.T.S 00: SITREP G.R.U.N.T.S 01: Casus Belli G.R.U.N.T.S 02: Si Vis Pacem G.R.U.N.T.S 03: Et Tu Brute G.R.U.N.T.S 04: Mare Nostrum To be continued ...