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  1. For lots of reasons old suicide bomber scripts do not work for me so I made a simple and working one: snackgrp = createGroup [east, true]; snackgrp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; snackgrp setSpeedMode "FULL"; //change speed mode if you want the bomber to be slower snackpos = [player, 30, 100, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //change 2nd and 3rd value in the array to add distance the bomber have to travel bomber = snackgrp createUnit ["LOP_Tak_Civ_Random",snackpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //you can change the classname of bomber to fit your scenario {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"} forEach units snackgrp; {_x setSpeedMode "FULL"} forEach units snackgrp; explosives = selectRandom ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"]; //change expl classname for weaker/stronger effect or add more expl classnames for randomness charge = explosives createVehicle (position bomber); charge attachTo [bomber, [0,0.15,0.15],"Pelvis"]; charge setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]; bombtrg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",(getPos bomber),true]; bombtrg setTriggerType "NONE"; bombtrg setTriggerArea [10, 10, -1,false]; bombtrg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; bombtrg setTriggerStatements ["this", "detach charge; charge setDamage 1;", "hint'Death by explosives'"]; bombtrg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; //change numbers if you want to give some time for the player to run away after the bomber gets in radius bombtrg attachto [bomber]; private _stalking = [snackgrp, group player,5,0,{false},1] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; Run as needed - trigger, execVM. I name it "snackbar.sqf", declare is as function in description.ext and then in a trigger I just type call KIB_fnc_snackbar; This way, in a big scenario, you have to change only "snackbar.sqf" once and it automatically changes every trigger on the map. Enjoy. Everything in one place. Tested in SP.
  2. Dynamic ISIS War System ATTENTION: - 01/22/2019: Mission is under development again! I will upload it to Steam, when I get something ready! Heavily modified version of the famous DUWS-M, originally developed by Kibot (DUWS), modified by Bigshot and rlex (DUWS-M) and enhanced by myself (DISWS). In this version player(s) have to fight the Islamic State as well as the Al-Nusra Front. On each restart you'll get a dynamic, procedurally generated campaign, playable on any map you like (not tested on all maps! Please report back!). It's all about asymetric warfare against an enemy who is sometimes difficult to find. Even when you cannot find any differences between the enemy and the civillian population! Face suicide bombers, ISIS supporters and a lot of new features which are making the famous and great DUWS even more enjoyable! NOTE: If you like this mission, please leave me a rating. Thx! ******** A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N ******** !!! This mission does NOT run on dedicated servers !!! I'm very sorry for this, but there are so many scripts and for now it's just too much work to change them all. I once started creating this mission for SP for myself. - Update 1.80 - See Changelog below --------------------------------------------------------- *** Check the LATEST required mods *** --------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES It's basically DUWS - but with a LOT of new stuff! I turned it into a Insurgency-style dynamic whole-map mission with a lot of atmosphere. All new elements are working seamless together with the DUWS mechanics. Commandpoints can be earned by shooting Al-Nusra fighters, disarming IEDs, get intel by locals, finish missions based on intel, and more. You can choose several winning conditions for your playthrough in the mission parameters (lobby). Additionally to taking over ISIS held zones you have to help the locals defending their villages against the Al-Nusra Front. If you help them, they will forgot about civilian casualties and there will be less suicuiders and other supporters. Also Al-Nusra and ISIS are hostile to each other. I.e. if you get intel from the locals about an ISIS weapons cache, that one might be placed on a location where Al-Nusra fighters are hiding - or attacking. They will fight each other and you can use this situation to your tactical advantage, just to name one example. The whole situation provides a nice "dynamic chaos" with unforseen situations happening. AL-Nusra also likes to ambush their enemies - for example they hide in buildings and shoot from windows. So you might need to kick in doors and search houses to get them out of the towns. There are so many possible things happening around a playthrough that I really cannot write it all down. For DETAILS about using new features please check the DISWS-Manual (map ingame diary)!! Reputation System: Civilians will whether like or hate you, or just being neutral. Depends on the amount of casualties and if you help them defending their towns against Al-Nusra. The occupied/attacked villages will change on each new playthrough. You will never know where they are, so you have to check the villages. A red marker will appear when you find a occupied/attacked village - and turns green when you defended it succesfully Al-Nusra is able to re-take villages in some rare cases. If you fail to defend a place against one of their attack waves, they will occupy it and you have to plan an attack to re-take it. The more civilians get killed, the more people will join the enemy = More suiciders and ISIS Supporters will operate against you! Civilians are "divided" into religious groups who hate each other (Sunni and Shia muslims) You can gain your reputation by defending towns against the Al-Nusra Front. Conversations: You can ask civilians about their opinion and thoughts. Talk to them to monitor your progress about occupied and defended villages, as well as civilian casualties. Search civilians and dead bodies for intel and items - but take care. A suicider doesn't like to get interrogated! More sidemission from found intel! (Weapons caches, HVTs) Perform your own playstyle (missions from HQ, from Intel, or just clear villages or fight against ISIS) Command your team or command the whole army! It's up to you. Like in DUWS there's an AI commander, but you can of course add HC squads however you want Full RHS U.S. troops and equipment for WEST. ISIS and Al-Nusra Front troops and equipment for enemies (and some stolen vehicles from the Syrian Army) IEDs Arsenal Buy, recruit units, vehicles, weapons, support, AI squads, platoons, tanks, planes, helicopters, etc. Fire for Effect (Immersive Artillery System. See ingame description) Supply Drop includes Arsenal Logistics (transport any object with vehicles like trucks, helis, etc..) Respawn at homebase or any established FOB There's a chance for a dead man's switch triggering when shooting a suicider. So keep distance. Immersive Mine Detector for IEDs (it detects also materials used to construct IEDs which can lead to false alarm) Ambient soundscape (Prayer call, music, radio at houses and other places, ambient chatter - ONLY with TPW MODS) Support for Weapon Mods (Can be equiped via Arsenal) All progress is persistent and will be saved with your savegame All scripts and features written with performance in mind! But if you still get low FPS, try these: Ingame distance view setting (CH View. See ingame Manual) AI limiter (can be enabled via mission poarameters) ZBE Caching (can be enabled via mission parameters, if you're encountering low performance after trying other settings) All DUWS-M features are included and working - I won't name them here, they're too many Commandpoints will also be rewarded for disarming IEDs, shooting Al-Nusra Fighters and finishing tasks provided by intel Select the win conditions in mission parameters (lobby) DISWS-Manual can be found ingame (map). Check it for full features description and How-To Currently work in progress - So far everything is fixed now! I'll be working on future plans soon. SINGLEPLAYER: Use the server-browser and start a local host (LAN session). Save your progress using the custom save function (radio: 0-8-1 - Sitrep). - Default map is Takistan! But you can play it on any map you like. It might case trouble on real small maps. On some maps the random placement of zones/hq may not work properly - or placing zones out of the maps range. First try to decrease the distance from HQ, the zone radius or place them manually. To play on another map, just rename the PBO, i.e. to DISWS_1_66.Altis.pbo (Keep in mind that Windows maybe does not show file endings! Just make sure the file ends with ".pbo") DOWNLOAD PBO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B81rpxl19DuQQVRneW9iZHpjWGs/view?usp=sharing STEAM WORKSHOP: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159 CHANGELOG: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159462402 KNOWN BUGS: - If you loose the Request Menu and other action menu items after respawn or when resuming a save, just respawn again or use the Save/Rest action at HQ or FOBs. REQUIRED MODS - CBA_A3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 - RHS_AFRF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 - RHS_USF3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 - RHS GREF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 - RHS SAF: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32203 - CUP Weapons: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Units: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Vehicles: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains CORE: http://cup-arma3.org/download - CUP Terrains MAPS: http://cup-arma3.org/download - Takistan Civillians for CUP: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32020 - Iraqi-Syrian Conflict: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28406 - Revos's Mine Detector: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29929 STEAM-USER click here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=908457911 *Thx, bcmaster Not needed, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - TPW Mods: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/154944-tpw-mods-v20170208-enhanced-realism-and-immersion-for-arma-3-sp/ - RYD Liability Insurance: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 A word on TPW Mods: Sometimes (dunno why) the mission fails to disable unnecessary features from TPW. Better disable those in TPW's userconfig file. Specially Civilians, Croud, Cars, Helis, Fall, Puddles, Fog and Animals. SUGGESTED MODS - JSRS-Soundmod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32317 - Unit_SFX: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28888 - Virtual Projectile Sounds Reality: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31799 I don't recommend ACE because the mission includes a lot of custom scripts. But when using ACE, you'll also need: - ACE3 RHS Compatibility files: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31281 When using ACE, the 'Special Forces Training' Feature (no fatigue) might be overwritten by ACE Advanced Fatigue! Download this mod in this case: - Remove Stamina ACE (main mod required): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31792 Weapon Mods are supported. You're able to use them via Arsenal. CREDITS - BIS: Arma 3 - Kibot, BigShot, rlex: DUWS-Unofficial - BangaBob, ReVo: Their great scripts! - GigaS: Some partial scripts and support! - [ToS]HadeS, [ToS]AUT_Cyclon, [ToS]Zauberbesen: Help and testing! - R3vo: Mine Detector - TPW: TPW Scripts and helping me! Thank you! - AuTigerGrad: Ambient Sound Pack - Rydigier- Fire for Effect - Community for all the great stuff!
  3. Take back the oil drilling location that is currently captured by ISIS forces. This should be a quick operation. They will not see it coming. I wanted to create a scenario that would be fun to play once or twice and without minimal frustrations. It's not the hardest mission if you time the attack correctly. You have to start the operation with radio Alpha. You will hear a radio message and a feed when they are moving in. You have time to choose the M14 rifle with scope instead of the HK416 you start with. Some more goodies can be accessed at the supply crate near the spawn. Have fun! The Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2799008687 All my scenarios are made with gear and weapon packs to make them stand out and increase the fun factor. Previous scenario (In And Out - Night Operation): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2797835392
  4. "PSZ: POLISH ARMED FORCES" SITREP PSZ: Polish Armed Forces is a mod project focusing on adding a high quality, realistic modern Polish Army faction. This means we plan to recreate in-game most of the currently used Polish Army equipment, including of course most of the signature weapons, vehicles and units, like Beryl, MSBS and Tor rifles, Rosomak APCs, Leopard and Twardy tanks, Sokol helicopters, etc. The SECOND version just got released, so why won't you give it a try? THE FUTURE The general idea is to release the mod as soon as the base is ready, then build upon it, until we have everything one could ask for in terms of realistic Polish Armed Forces faction(s). Initial plan includes PKW 2010 faction with weapons, infantry and some vehicles, which then should be supported by following Special Forces, PKW "Motorpool" and also the 2020-ish PKW faction updates. 2020(-ish) faction will be there to include the newest weaponry polish military industry is trying to incorporate, like MSBS Radon assault rifle, Negev LMG and possibly more, like ATGM Rosomak APC variant. Mod requires CBA (for ASDG Joint Rails, for example) and at this moment we are thinking about incorporating MRT Accessory Functions and Weapon EventHandler Framework for greatest possible immersion and level of realism. Also because we want everything to depict real-life counterparts and their behaviour as much as possible, while keeping the best possible visual and technical quality. SECOND RELEASE Happy Easter, eh? Please bear in mind that it's STILL an ALPHA release, which means there's tons of stuff missing and that the stuff that IS present may need further polishing, not everything (or rather, nothing) might be final. Realistic expectations are a key to happiness and thus we suggest to take that approach :) Current mod version is ALFA 068.1103; and it contains: For the time being, PSZ: PAF mod REQUIRES CBA 3.2.1 or newer to work. DOWNLOAD - PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ ArmACenter.PL- PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ ModDB- PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ Goggle Drive USEFUL LINKS - ArmACenter.PL (home of the PSZ Team) - ModDB profile of the PSZ project - FaceBook profile of the PSZ project - Official PSZ Gallery on Imgur CREDITS ===PSZ TEAM=== WinteR5 Macko zGuba Istar Jon ===CONTRIBUTORS=== (more to be listed as we'll implement more goodies from our beloved friends!) Dan (former developer) - M97 Zbik Sgt. Pepper (former developer) - textures and layers Smookie (former developer) - animations Keeway (former developer) - developer, config, content porting, scripting Reyhard (M.I.A.) - developer, config, content porting, scripting RHS Team - Leupold scopes, repository Project Reality: Polish Forces Team (Veti, ddeo) - STAR trucks Kamil Nowicki - Alex / Bor, UKM-2000, Negev [ACPL] Ghost - "Steal the Data" scenario PSZ logo by WinteR5, uses great Eagle drawing by Julia Baradziej. Enjoy!
  5. Project OPFOR brings you new factions and armies, which were/are involved in recent military events in past few yearrs. For now to use this mod you only need three mods made by Red Hammer Studio - Armed Forces of Russian Federation, United States Armed Forces and GREF . Never heard about our mod? Mind reading this summary. It adds over 30 new factions to the Arma 3 from all around the world. A vast range of forces such as Middle Eastern Militia, Novorussian Armed Forces, Ukrainian Armed Forces, Islamic State, Irish Republican Army and many more will totally revamp your Arma 3 experience. You dont need to bother about quality of weapons used by our units - in this case we are totally dependent on RHS. In summ our mod adds nearly 500 new uniforms, headgears and vests to keep our factions as realistic as possible. DOWNLOAD: Mega - https://mega.nz/#!GwImlYRQ!I4zAYgarZjtPtB_mHOegURVHQxlGymp6ydX28zkNx80 Steam Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735566597 http://imgur.com/a/9nVey Changelog: (for complete check SW or README.txt) 0.3.0 - Added Hellenic Armed Forces - Added North Korea Army - Added Syrian Arab Army - Added Turkish Armed Forces - Added M93 uniform for several factions (about 50 variants) - Added some PMC uniforms textures (including DADPAT mod) - Added PASGT helmet in various camouflages - Added SSh-68 helmet in various camouflages - Added M1 Helmet in various colors - Added new content to randomization scripts - Added Offroad (SPG-9) for several factions - Added 2S1 for Iraqi Armed Forces, Iranian Armed Forces, Novorussian Armed Forces and Ukrainian Armed Forces - Added GREF weapons to several factions - Added IzH18 for Middle Eastern Militia - Added Kar98 for Middle Eastern Militia - Added L1A1 for Iranian Armed Forces - Added MG 42 for African Militia, Boko Haram, Iraqi Armed Forces, Iranian Armed Forces, Islamic State, Novorussian Armed Forces - Added Mosin Nagant for Afghan Militia, African Militia, Islamic State - Added Sa vz.58 for Afghan National Police, African Militia, Islamic State, UVF, IRA, Peshmerga, Iraqi Armed Forces - Added Sa vz.61 for Middle Eastern Militia, African Militia - Added Project OPFOR icon to uniforms in Virtual Arsenal - Changed renamed Ukrainian 6B27M to Kaska M-2 - Changed Lee Enfield hidden from arsenal and units - Improved totally revamped Private Military Company faction - Improved Datsun Physx (thanks to reyhard) - Improved many older textures - Fixed Land Rover dust effect - Fixed backpacks classes to better fit some units - Fixed many things we cant recall at this moment - Removed A3 BDU in favour of M93 uniforms - Removed 6B27M in various camouflages - Removed ISTS and Boko Haram tags from uniforms Known Bugs: - Generating ST on the fly is very slow .rpt error - Missing some takistani clothes (help needed) - Missing some dedicated textures for vehicles - Black spots on Chedaki 03 uniform back - Some 3den preview images are missing (IRA and UVF) Credits: - Red Hammer Studio for their awesome mods - Reyhard for a lot of help, T-72 CDF textures and permission to include his T-34 and T-55 - zGuba for introducing me to the arma configs and answering many of my questions - Stagler for his chechen units textures from Arma 2 - LFT? for textures for turkish faction - trenchgun for his "DADPAT" Private Military Company retextures - Nadezhda_grapes for his "Plaid" and "Floral Plaid" patterns - rawpixel.com for his "Floral" and "Palm" patterns - >D4S< Shepherd of Fire for extending some editor groups - Ma77h3hac83r for new logo and banner - Mikero for his awesome tools - Basher for helping with stringables - brainslush for helping me fixing a lot of stuff - (SWE) Jonathan for making ChDKZ and SLA screenshots - Aplion for letting me use his physX configuration for landrover (not in use btw) - Krukov and his IEU for bughunting and feedback in the past - Grim Panda and his Force Protection Combat Team for testing in the past - Sharpmaster1379 for being our military advisor in the past - Whole community for help, feedback and ideas - Bohemia for best game in the universe
  6. Abu Tahseen, AKA Sheik of snipers, died in a battle few days ago in iraq, in the last 6 months he killed 175 ISIS members while he's 63 years old, he killed 341 terrorists in total...https://www.timesofisrael.com/iraqs-sheikh-sniper-who-fought-idf-in-73-killed-in-battle-against-is/