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[Release] SSSB - Sarogahtyps Simple Suicide Bomber V-1.0
sarogahtyp posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey guys! This is a simple script to turn a unit into a suicide bomber which waits for a nearby player and then follows and explodes. Have fun with it. In those spoiler below u can see how to use this script with COS - Civilian Occupation System /* SSSB - Sarogahtyps Simple Suicide Bomber Description: Function can be called wherever u want even in init line. It waits for player who is in range and follows him until reached and then BOOOOM! The bomber is walking if player can see the bomber. If there is no line of sight to player then the bomber will run. Works even if the bomber is driving a vehicle. If player is out of range before bomber can reach him then the bomber will just wait for the next player in range. You can pass a chance to get a bomber to the function. This is useful for implementing the script into COS - Civilian Occupation System. You can apply the script to all civilians and if u pass e.g. 1 % as chance then only every 100th civ will become a bomber and wait for near players. Enjoy the boom. :-) Cheers Saro. Paramameters: object - the object of your unit which should become a bomber number (optional) - range to seek for players (default is 300 m) number (optional) - chance to turn the unit into a bomber. (default is 100 %) Return values: number - handle of spawned script if someone likes to check if bombers script has ended (scriptDone) will return -1 if script ends without spawning code (in case no civ was turned into bomber) */ params [["_civ", objNull,[objNull]], ["_act_range", 300, [0]], ["_chance", 100, [0]]]; if ((random 100 > _chance) || !(alive _civ)) exitWith {-1}; _handle = [_civ, _act_range] spawn { params ["_bomber", "_act_range"]; private _melee_dist = 15; private _boom_dist = 5; private _dist_target = _act_range; private _lost_range = round (_act_range * 1.2); private _act_range_sqr = _act_range ^ 2; private _melee_dist_sqr = _melee_dist ^ 2; private _boom_dist_sqr = _boom_dist ^ 2; private _dist_target_sqr = _act_range ^ 2; private _lost_range_sqr = _lost_range ^ 2; private _grp_bomber = group _bomber; private _is_vec = if (isNull objectParent _bomber) then {false} else {true}; private _target_players = []; private _wp =[]; while {(alive _bomber) && (_dist_target_sqr > _boom_dist_sqr)} do { // wait until players are in range waitUntil { sleep (2 + random 1); _target_players = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") select {(alive _x) && ((_x distanceSqr _bomber) < _act_range_sqr)}; ((count _target_players > 0) || !(alive _bomber)) }; // end everything if suicide bomber is already dead if !(alive _bomber) exitWith {}; // follow nearest player as long as bomber lives, target is in range and target is not close enough to boom while {alive _bomber && (_dist_target_sqr < _lost_range_sqr) && (_dist_target_sqr > _boom_dist_sqr)} do { _target_players = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") select {(alive _x) && ((_x distanceSqr _bomber) < _act_range_sqr)}; // get nearest player _target_players = _target_players apply {[(_x distanceSqr _bomber), _x]}; _target_players sort true; _target_plyr = _target_players select 0 select 1; // check distance and visibility _dist_target_sqr = if(count _target_players > 0) then {_target_players select 0 select 0} else {_lost_range_sqr}; _can_see = [_target_plyr, "VIEW", _bomber] checkVisibility [(eyePos _target_plyr), (eyePos _bomber)]; // add waypoint and set bombers behavior if (count _wp > 0) then {_grp_bomber setCurrentWaypoint _wp;} else {_wp = _grp_bomber addWaypoint [position _target_plyr, 0];}; _wp setWaypointPosition [position _target_plyr, 0]; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "BLUE"; _wp setWaypointCompletionRadius 0; _grp_bomber setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _grp_bomber setCombatMode "BLUE"; //run if close enough or if target cant see bomber if ( (_can_see < 0.3) || ((_dist_target_sqr < _melee_dist_sqr) && !_is_vec) || ((_dist_target_sqr < (2 * _melee_dist_sqr)) && _is_vec) ) then { _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; } else { _wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; }; sleep (0.5 + random 0.5); }; // end follow while _wp = []; }; // main while end if (_is_vec) then { _boom = createVehicle ["Bo_GBU12_LGB", getPos _bomber, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; } else { _boom = createVehicle ["R_60mm_HE", getPos _bomber, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; deleteVehicle _bomber; }; //spawn end _handle Init Line usage: COS - Integration: Changelog SSSB 1.0 -changed from distance to distanceSqr for performance reasons -fixed bug with targets distance (variable not defined) -changed return value from true to script handle to make scriptDone check available SSSB 0.9 (initial version) -just created it because of so much requests for something like this seen in forum version with sound integration: -
UPDATE: Version 5.1 - No longer requires CUP, and CUP is now supported as an optional configuration. Look for the optional "pook_Bomber_Factions" rar file for the CUP-specific options! :) Copyright 2016 hcpookie. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named hcpookie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5 major feature: Added Tu-22 and Su-24 aircraft. Version 5.1 update - fix to nuke script and CUP addon signing issue affecting MP server joins All planes are found in a new "Air-Bomber" category in the editor. 3D editor preview pics now included. Changelog of fixes and improvements: The major Tu-95 family derivatives are present. The Tu-95 versions in this addon provide conventional bomber, strategic strike capabilities, and in the Tu-142 the ability to detect Ship objects (submarines, boats, etc.) via the use of the sonobuoy detection feature. Now included are Tu-16 family aircraft, including a strike/ASM version and a conventional bomber/ASM version. Included is a PDF guide describing the finer points of the mod, capabilities, and use of the Nuke Script. Wait... did I say "Nuke Script"??? Download the mod and the PDF "guide" here:!32228&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 The standard Tu-16: The Tu-16-K10 Strike/ASM model. Note the massive size of the K10 (NATO: AS-2) missile: Tu-95 "Bear-H": Tu-142 "Bear-F" (note tail stab antenna sensor array and front glass bombardier canopy, and lack of underwing weapon pylons): Kh-41 (3M80) ASM missile. 3x 3M80 "Moskit" missiles: Conventional bomber version w. 24 FAB-250 bombs: Tu-95 MS-16 (Bear-H) with 16 Kh-65 CALCM: Tu-142 dropping sonobuoy:
- 99 replies
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For lots of reasons old suicide bomber scripts do not work for me so I made a simple and working one: snackgrp = createGroup [east, true]; snackgrp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; snackgrp setSpeedMode "FULL"; //change speed mode if you want the bomber to be slower snackpos = [player, 30, 100, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //change 2nd and 3rd value in the array to add distance the bomber have to travel bomber = snackgrp createUnit ["LOP_Tak_Civ_Random",snackpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //you can change the classname of bomber to fit your scenario {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"} forEach units snackgrp; {_x setSpeedMode "FULL"} forEach units snackgrp; explosives = selectRandom ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"]; //change expl classname for weaker/stronger effect or add more expl classnames for randomness charge = explosives createVehicle (position bomber); charge attachTo [bomber, [0,0.15,0.15],"Pelvis"]; charge setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]; bombtrg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",(getPos bomber),true]; bombtrg setTriggerType "NONE"; bombtrg setTriggerArea [10, 10, -1,false]; bombtrg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; bombtrg setTriggerStatements ["this", "detach charge; charge setDamage 1;", "hint'Death by explosives'"]; bombtrg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; //change numbers if you want to give some time for the player to run away after the bomber gets in radius bombtrg attachto [bomber]; private _stalking = [snackgrp, group player,5,0,{false},1] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; Run as needed - trigger, execVM. I name it "snackbar.sqf", declare is as function in description.ext and then in a trigger I just type call KIB_fnc_snackbar; This way, in a big scenario, you have to change only "snackbar.sqf" once and it automatically changes every trigger on the map. Enjoy. Everything in one place. Tested in SP.
OK here we go... version 1 of my Tu95 port for A3 and CUP. The major Tu-95 family derivatives are present. The Tu-95 versions in this addon provide conventional bomber, strategic strike capabilities, and in the Tu-142 the ability to detect Ship objects (submarines, boats, etc.) via the use of the sonobuoy detection feature. Download the mod and the PDF "guide" here:!32228&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 Tu-95 "Bear-H" Tu-142 "Bear-F" (note tail stab antenna sensor array and front glass bombardier canopy, and lack of underwing weapon pylons) 3M80 ASM version (aka P-270). 3x 3M80 "Moskit" missiles Conventional bomber version w. 24 FAB-250 bombs Tu-95 MS-16 (Bear-H) with 16 Kh-65 CALCM Tu-142 dropping sonobuoy