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  1. Did the new update remove the aim dot for sniper rifles?
  2. Miroslaw Kowalski

    AWC Arms Release Thread

    The ArmA Warfare Cooperation is proud to release the first version of its AWC Arms addon. What is the ArmA Warfare Cooperation? The ArmA Warfare Cooperation (AWC) is a cooperation of multiple german clans focusing on tactical, immersive and realistic ArmA Gameplay. We share a modset and a TeamSpeak 3 Server. Why have we created this addon? This weapons addon was created by some of our members to get some weapons ingame that make for a good variety in the weapons we can choose from and therefore the roles our members can fill in. Addon content: McMillan Tac-50 A1-R2 (3 colors: black, tan and olive) AAC Cyclops .50 caliber suppressor (3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Desert Tech SRS-A1 (chambered in .338; 3 Colors: black, tan and olive) Enhanced M14 Rifle featuring a rail system allowing for a configurable weapons platform (2 Colors: Wooden, Olive; this is a modification to the ArmA 2 M14 model) Magazines and Ammunition for all the weapons Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-RvJkmk8dpyaDJ4aVpCaXZWdnM Requirements: CBA (optional) SMA - ArmA shows a message that it is needed but it is only for the m14 which i configured to be able to load SMA Magazines Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EJHn5 ToDo: maybe some new weapons (if you have some wishes we'll consider doing them ;) ) Credits: [ARES] Miroslaw Kowalski - Modelling, Texturing and Config writing [ARES] William Porter - Testing and Screenshots The rest of the ArmA Warfare Cooperation for their advices and kind words B) And of course Bohemia Interactive for their awesome game and the awesome assets they provide for their community
  3. Evil's Last Will (Arma 3) Author: Undeceived Version: 1.4 (updated March 20th, 2023) T R A I L E R D E S C R I P T I O N Eliminate a target person and witness how murder and hatred only stoke more fear and death in this land - when evil fulfills its last will. F E A T U R E S A story-driven one-mission-mini-campaign with many objectives, ported from Arma 1 (OFPEC score back in the days: 8 out of 10) Modernized and optimized with Arma 3 features Full voice acting (German) English and German subtitles Thrilling and dark story, set in the deep forests of northern Sahrani Play as a Germany / NATO special forces operator: Infiltrate enemy positions, take out a highly valuable target, try to help local resistance forces, adapt to harsh circumstances due to missing allied support Cutscenes Custom music Custom main menu design Choose your equipment in the Arsenal, not in the briefing R E Q U I R E M E N T S CUP (Vehicles, Units, Weapons, Maps, Core) CBA (required by CUP) (Steam Workshop link) C H A N G E L O G D O W N L O A D Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 OneDrive Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 Make sure you log out from your 1drv before clicking the link. Otherwise your name shall be known to my 1drv for all eternity. 😲
  4. Dear Arma community, I'd like to share some of my knowledge regarding the ACE3 Sniper mechanism here. I know there's been lotta ACE3 Sniper Tutorial or Guide out there and you guys probably have been playing as ACE3 sniper for long time. But i just wanna highlight some important things that have always been forgotten by the players when they play as snipers which hinders the precision shots to be delivered. Yes, some players are still doing it wrong and their shots tend to fly too high or too low off the target :( #NoOffense Therefore, i'm trying to give you some easy instructional steps on how to play as a professional ACE3 Sniper and shoot like Real Military Sniper in Arma 3. If there's something needs to be added, changed, or fixed, just let me know. The steps written in Blue are the things the players most likely already know. And the steps written in Red are the things the players usually keep forgetting. Alright then, let's get it started now! To become a badass ACE3 Sniper, all you gotta do is follow these 12 Easy Steps: 1. Determine what kinda battle you’re going to engage & what type of shot you’re gonna take: a. MTE (Multiple Target Engagement) → this really requires fast shooting at many moving targets. “One shot one kill” shooting & Long Range Shot are not really a neccessity so Precision & Accuracy are usually less required. b. HVT (High Valuable Target) assasination → this really requires “one shot one kill” shooting! Mostly Medium & Long Range Shot are required. Precision & Accuracy are really required! c. HC (Hostage Crisis) → this really requires “one shot one kill” shooting! Short Range Shot are required (100 m below). Precision & Accuracy are really required! 2. After that, you conduct a Loadout Selection correspondig to the type of battle you’re gonna engage. While choosing a weapon, you must focus on its Precision Level (Shot Group/Shot Dispersion), Accuracy Level, Maximum Effective Range, Rate of Fire, & Damage (it must fit the type of shooting you’re gonna take). You have to do some thorough analysis on the rifles & bullet you're going to use! You always gotta measure rifle true performance by analyzing their shot-group (shot dispersion)! In Sniper World, Precision & Accuracy really matter a lot >_< Precision & Accuracy will greatly affect the Probability of Hit. You gotta understand what Precision & Accuracy really mean. The Precision & Accuracy of your loadout will totally affect your shots. There are 5 Types of Rifles (based on their Precision level) which you can choose: 1) Benchrest Rifle --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0 MoA - 0.23 MoA (0.00 inch - 0.23 inch at 100 yard) --> this rifle is extremely very accurate! :) it's good for HVT, HC, & MTE shot. 2) Precision Rifle --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0.25 MoA - 0.76 MoA (0.25 inch - 0.76 inch at 100 yard) --> this rifle is very accurate! :) it's good for HVT, HC, & MTE shot. 3) Sniper Rifle --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.00 MoA - 1.53 MoA (1.00 inch - 1.53 inch at 100 yard) --> this rifle is accurate! :) it's good for HVT, HC, & MTE shot. 4) Designated Marksman Rifle --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.78 MoA - 2.30 MoA (1.78 inch - 2.30 inch at 100 yard) --> this rifle is pretty accurate but not good for precision shooting! :( it's good only for MTE shot. 5) Assault/Battle Rifle --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is bigger than 2.54 MoA (2.54 inch at 100 yard) --> this rifle is not accurate & not suitable for precision shooting at all! :( it's good only for MTE shot. Benchrest, Precision, & Sniper Rifles have small/tight shot dispersion which gives them much higher probability of hitting the target. Here's the example of Precision Rifle (with High Accuracy & Long Range Capability) in Arma 3: As you can see in those pictures above, M40A5 rifle (from Dagger mod) is insanely very accurate! At 100 m (its zero range), the 40-shot group size is very small. At 850 m (its max effective range), the 40-shot group size is still relatively small too. This is the type of rifle you wanna use to snipe in Arma 3! Here the things which are gonna affect your Loadout Precision & Accuracy (you gotta consider these while selecting a loadout): a. Cartridge & Caliber Selection - 5.56x45mm Nato (.224 cal) → for short range (100 – 400 m), has small damage (more like varmint hunting cartridge, it takes couple of shots to kill a man). It’s more like a battle-rifle cartridge but some soldiers use it as designated marksman cartridge. - 7.62x51mm Nato (.308 cal) → for medium range (500 – 800 m), has pretty huge damage (can kill a man in one shot). it fits the MTE, HVT, & HC shot. - 300 Win Mag (.308 cal) → for long range (900 – 1100 m), has huge damage. It fits MTE & HVT shot, but not the HC shot (coz it could hurt the hostage as well) - 338 Lapua Magnum (.338 cal), 50 BMG (.510 cal) → for extreme long range (1200 – 1600 m), has very huge damage. It fits HVT shot, but not the HC shot (coz it could hurt the hostage as well) and not the MTE shot (coz the cartridge is too heavy and the recoil is hard to control) - 375 CheyTac (.375 cal), 408 CheyTac (.408 cal) → for super extreme long range (beyond 1600 m), has very huge damage. It fits HVT shot, but not the HC shot (coz it could hurt the hostage as well) and not the MTE shot (coz the cartridge is too heavy and the recoil is hard to control) b. Action Selection - Bolt Action Rifle → it mostly offers more precision and accuracy but it definitely lacks of Speed & Rate of Fire. This obviously fits HVT & HC shot! - Semi-Auto Rifle → it definitely offers more Speed & Rate of Fire but it usually lacks of precision & accuracy. This obviously fits MTE shot! c. Barrel Selection, Stock Selection, Trigger Selection → choose whatever gives you more precision & accuracy (these actually don’t matter in Arma 3 coz they come within the rifle so you can’t really costumize them, but they really matter in real life!) d. Scope Selection → pick High-Power scope for HVT & HC shot, pick Low-Power scope for MTE shot! Always use scope with Miliradian-based reticle (dont use duplex reticle coz it’s useless)! Scope with Miliradian Ballistics reticle (like Horus reticle) is even better coz you can use it to Mildot Holdover all the time very easily (no need to dial the adjutment at all). RHS Mk4 M5 scope (from RHS mod) has Horus H58 reticle which allows you to do Mildot Holdover fast without ever needing to dial at all. And Make sure the scope is perfectly zeroed at 100 m! e. Attachment Selection → Bipod & Muzzle brake is a must for Precision & Accuracy! Bipod will steady your aim & Muzzle Brake will reduce the recoil. Suppressor is optional (use it when you need to stay stealthy). f. Ammo selection → choose some Match-grade ammo (which has high Ballistics Coefficient, optimal Muzzle Velocity, & awesome Ballistics performance)! Make sure you really got the right ammo magazine loaded in the rifle receiver! Coz sometimes players mistakenly load their rifles with the wrong/different ammo (still thinking it’s the right ammo), shoot it, & then the shot trajectory becomes completely different lol XD 3. Always equip yourself with AtragMX (a Ballistics Calculator), Kestrel 4500 (a pocket weather tracker), & Laser Range Finder → These 3 items are very important to calculate the firing solution! Without them, you guys will never be able to shoot long range accurately. So always carry these 3 items in your vest or in your backpack!!! 4. Zero your Rifle at 100 m and confirm the true 100 m Zero (make sure no offset at all!) → Spawn a target at 100 m and take couple of shots at it. You’ll see your shots are low or high. Yup ACE3 100 m zero is always 0.3 Mil – 0.5 Mil low or high (depends on your current loadout) so you gotta make an adjustment for your 100 m zero by dialing 0.3 Mil – 0.5 Mil up or down and then set it as a new 100 m zero. Do this through ACE Self-Intercation menu (Click & Hold the “Left CTRL + Windows” key, drag your mouse to the “Equipment”, then to the “Set Zero Adjustment”). You gotta make sure your 100 m zero is really spot on (not high or low at all)! After doing that, i guarantee your 100 m zero will become really spot on! Lotta ACE3 players don’t do this which always causes their shots to become low or high >_< Why you gotta zero your rifle at 100 m (not at other distance)? coz 100 m zero is easy to do & very stable! 5. Measure the True Muzzle Velocity using the “Chronograph” or calculate it yourself → in Arma 3 you can use a "Chronograph" by spawning a Steel Target right in front you (at 0 m), shoot it directly and it’ll tell your remaining velocity! You always gotta measure the True Muzzle Velocity coz your Muzzle Velocity is always changing corresponding to Powder Burn Rate, Temperature shift, and the Barrel Length. Plugging the wrong Muzzle Velocity into the AtragMX will always give you wrong firing solution & cause your shots to be low or high off the target >_< ----------------> Shooting my rifle directly in front of a Steel Target will inform me about its Remaining Velocity (which is the true Muzzle Velocity) ^_^ this "Chronograph" is actually an exclusive feature in "360 Degree Training Course" mod created by Ruthberg (the Author of ACE3 Advanced Ballistics). If you really can’t measure the true Muzzle Velocity with that “Chronograph”, then you gotta find it by asking the Weapon Mod Author or using the Config Viewer in Eden Editor! Config Viewer will help you find the Muzzle Velocity. But the Muzzle Velocity you see in the Config Viewer is actually the basic MV (it only applies at 21°C). Don't forget that MV is constantly changing corresponding to Air Temperature!!! So at other temperatures higher than 21°C, the MV will shift higher than the basic MV (+1.5 mps per 1°C shift). At other temperatures lower than 21°C, the MV will shift lower than the basic MV (-1.5 mps per 1°C shift). So you still gotta calculate the True Muzzle Velocity yourself with this table: Muzzle Velocity Shift -26.55 mps -25.47 mps -22.9 mps -20.12 mps -16.98 mps -12.8 mps -7.64 mps -1.53 mps + 6.0 mps +15.2 mps +26.2 mps Powder & Air Temperature -15 °C -10°C -5°C 0°C 5°C 10° C 15 °C 20 °C 25 °C 30 °C 35 °C Note: The basic air temperature for the basic MV of all Arma 3 weapon is always 21 °C! So when the air temp is cooler or hotter than 21 °C, your MV will always shifts (as described in the table above). The average MV change (due to the temperature) in ACE3 is +/- 1.5 mps per 1°C shift. And the average MV change (due to the Added Barrel Length) is +/- 10 mps per 1 inch added barrel length. For example: You’re shooting an M24 SWS rifle (24” barrel length) loaded with M118LR ammo. The mod author of that weapon or the Eden Config Viewer said the basic MV is 790 mps (it only applies at 21 °C). While your current air temp is 30 °C. It means your current MV will certainly be = 790 mps + 15.2 mps = 805.2 mps. And if you load the same M118LR ammo into the M40A5 rile (25” barrel length), your MV will be approximately = 805.2 mps + 10 mps = 815.2 mps 6. Plug all your Rifle & Ammo Data into Ballistics Calculator (AtragMX or whatever you use) → you gotta get all these ballistics data of your Loadout from the mod author of the weapon or you can just google it! To bring up the AtragMX, you click “Pause/Break” key. Then you select the “GunList” at the bottom left corner of your AtragMX screen. Then you select “Add New Gun”. Then Add a “New Gun Name”. Then you go to the “Gun” tab in the AtragMX. Then you select M (Metric unit) at the top right corner. And then you plug-in all these things: a. Muzzle Velocity → you plug the True MV that you just measure through the “Chronograph” before! Remember MV is always constantly changing depending on the Air Temperature & Barrel Length!!! b. Ballistics Coefficient → ask the mod author or just use the config file viewer in the EDEN Editor! (AtragMX only works with G1 BC! If you got G7 BC, you gotta convert it first to G1 BC) c. Bullet Caliber/Diameter → ask the mod author or just use the config file viewer in the EDEN Editor! d. Bullet Length & Twist Rate → ask the mod author or just use the config file viewer in the EDEN Editor! e. Bullet Mass → ask the mod author or just use the config file viewer in the EDEN Editor! f. Scope Height → ACE3 scope height is always 3.81 cm / 1.5 inch g. Zero Range → always plug 100 m! ------------> 7. Measure the Atmospheric Condition using the Kestrel 4500 and plug the data into Ballistics Calculator (AtragMX or whatever you use) → To open Kestrel 4500 for the first time, click “Scroll Lock”, then press the down arrow to switch it to the “Atmosphere” page. It’ll show you these 3 things which you gotta plug into the AtragMX: a. Air Pressure → in hPa b. Air Temperature → in °C c. Humidity → in % Remember this atmospheric condition is always changing all the time so you better always monitor it with the Kestrel 4500! To keep the Kestrel 4500 opened all the time, click “Left Shift + Scroll Lock”! It’ll show up at the left bottom of your screen permanently. Yup, you can easily keep track of the Atmospheric Condition by letting the Kestrel stay open like that. Click the Atmosphere tab in the AtragMX, then select “TBH”, and then enter those 3 things into the AtragMX! ----------------> ----------------> 8. Plug all the Target Data into Ballistics Calculator (AtragMX or whatever you use)! Plug them all in the “Target” tab in AtragMX: a. Range → find it with Laser Range Finder (click “B” key and aim it at the target) b. Angle of Firing → for uphill and downhill shooting, measure it with the Protractor (click “Left CTRL + Left Shift + K” key) c. Target Speed & Direction → for moving target d. Latitude & Azimuth → For calculating the Coriolis Effect. Find the Azimuth with the compass (click “K”). The latitude for all common Arma 3 maps can be found in here e. Wind Speed & Direction → there are 2 ways to measure the Wind: - Using the Wind Arrow click “Left Shift + K” key to bring up the Wind Arrow. The Wind Arrow will show up at the upper left corner of your screen. It’ll show you where the wind actually blows. If the Wind Arrow is pointing to your right, it means the Wind is blowing to the right and your bullet trajectory will drift to the right. If the Wind Arrow is pointing to your left, it means the Wind is blowing to the left and your bullet trajectory will drift to the right. If the arrow turns out to be a White Circle, then it means there’s no wind at all. The Wind Arrow also shows you some different colors indicating different Wind Speeds (white = 1 mph ; very light green = 3 mph; light green = 5 mph ; green = 10 mph ; darker green = 20 mph ; yellow = 25 mph) based on Beaufort scale. Don't forget to convert the number from mph to m/s coz AtragMX can only use m/s! For Example: -----------> 3 mph - 8 mph Wind coming from 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock (Blowing from left to right) - Using the Kestrel 4500 Click “Scroll Lock” to bring up the Kestrel. Then click its down arrow button to switch from the “Atmosphere” page to the “Wind Speed” page. It’ll show you the wind speed (but that’s not the true wind speed you’re currently dealing with yet!). To get the real wind speed, you gotta have your Kestrel 4500 facing the wind directly! Click “Left Shift + Scroll Lock” to let the Kestrel stay open (it’ll show up permanently at bottom left corner), then you face the direction where the wind comes from. By doing that, the Kestrel 4500 will show the real wind speed. Here’s exactly how you do it . After getting the Wind Speed & Direction, you plug the data in the AtragMX to calculate its Windage value. Remember! Windage is very tricky, my friend! There are 2 types of Wind you gotta plug in AtragMX. 1. "Uprange Wind" → Wind at shooter's position (Wind that blows only around the shooter) 2. "Downrange Wind" → Wind all the way to target's position (Wind that blows between the shooter & the target) The Wind data that you got from Kestrel 4500 is actually an "Uprange Wind" coz that wind most likely blows only near you. You can only measure "Downrange Wind" with Mirage Reading (which is really hard to do in Arma 3). It means you can't really trust the Kestrel 4500 to measure the actual Wind Speed coz the Kestrel 4500 only measure the Uprange Wind :( Kestrel 4500 can't measure the Downrange Wind. So You also gotta pay attention to the Wind Arrow & the Mirage to measure the actual Downrange Wind. It's really hard to read them but if you practice a lot, you'll get the hang of it ;) Sometimes Uprange Wind could be equally the same as the Downrange Wind, but only when the map contour is perfectly flat (not mountainous at all)! If you're shooting in a mountainous area, the Uprange Wind & the Downrange Wind will always be different so be careful. Here's some trick to estimate Downrange Wind: After finding the Uprange & Downrange Wind, you gotta plug them both into the AtragMX! You may notice that in the “Target” tab in AtragMX, there are two gaps or squares to fill in Wind Speed. You better plug your Uprange Wind data (from Kestrel) into the gap/square number 1 (the left one) in the "Target" tab in AtragMX. And you plug the Downrange Wind data into the gap/square number 2 (the right one) in the "Target" tab in AtragMX Gap/Square number 1(the left one) is for "Uprange Wind" and Gap/Square number 2 (the right one) is for "Downrange Wind". After getting all the Target Data, you gotta plug them all into the Target tab! Then the AtragMX will give you the final Firing Solution. Here's the Official Manual of Horus AtragMX. Here's the AtragMX tutorial by ACE3 team. ----------> ----------> Or you can actually do the Todd Hodnett “Quick Windage Formula” instead of plugging the wind data in the AtragMX (yup it works! I always do this all the time coz it's much faster than using the AtragMX!) ^_^ 9. Plug the Firing Solution onto your Scope! → To compensate for Bullet Drop, Spin Drift, & Wind Drift, there are 2 things you can do : a. Dial the Scope Adjustment → click the "Up Arrow (↑)" and "Down Arrow (↓)" key for Bullet Drop. click the "Left Arrow (←)" and "Right Arrow (→)" key for Wind Drift and Spin Drift. But I strongly suggest you to NEVER dial for the Wind Drift coz wind is constantly changing all the time, so always use Mildot Holdover for the Wind Drift! I highly recommend you to use Todd Hodnett Quick Windage formula to calculate the Wind Drift fast without even using any ballistics calculator ;) b. you can do the “Mildot Holdover” → use the mildot to hold over the target for Bullet Drop & Wind Drift compensation without dialing the scope adjustment at all. Remember that AtragMX always spits out the Firing Solution in Miliradian! ACE3 scope adjustment is always in Miliradian! Arma 3 scope reticles are mostly Miliradian based reticles (Mildot)! So what is Miliradian? Miliradian is actualy a sniper's angular measurement. 1 Miliradian = 0.0572958° 1 Miliradian = 10 cm at 100 m 1 Miliradian = 1 m at 1 km 10. Always go Prone (click “Z’ key) to stabilize your aim and always Deploy a Bipod (click “C” key) to rest your rifle on it to reduce the scope sway significantly. 11. Make sure the Scope Sway has been reduced so the reticle & the rifle aren’t moving at all when you take the shot. If it still moves a bit, you can hold a breath by holding the right mouse button before taking the shot. 12. Take the shot (click Left Mouse Button really gently) and see the Point of Impact. If it’s still off the Point of Aim, then you gotta re-adjust your weapon system and do follow-up shot fast before the target runs away. Here’s my Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper Tutorial video in which i’m demonstrating all these easy 12 steps in less than 8 minutes: ARMA 3 ACE3 SNIPER TUTORIAL (VERY QUICK, SIMPLE, & EASY 12 STEPS) PLEASE TURN ON THE SUBTITLE! Coz there's no audible commentary in that video :( you guys notice all my shots land perfectly on that Steel Plate target, right? Not low or not high at all! Just perfectly dead on! \m/ Now that’s how you should snipe in Arma 3 (ACE3) from this moment on! Now it's all about ONE SHOT ONE KILL! Here's also some very nice tutorial pdf from QuickDagger (the author of Dagger Sniper Mod) → https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PWnTQRX-1NdpHFc2803mp5FbtCPykCZt Does my tutorial really work for live operative mission??? Does being a sniper really work in this simulator??? Will it be effective??? Just check out this video showing how effective this tutorial really is!!! ARMA 3 SNIPER KILLING SPREE / KILLSTREAK (1 SNIPER VS 29 INFANTRIES) In this video, i'm on a killing spree / killstreak during an operative mission. I kill 29 enemy troopers from a far away quickly, easily, & stealthily. They don't even know where i'm at :) ARMA 3 SNIPER KILLING SPREE / KILLSTREAK (1 SNIPER VS 100 INSURGENTS) In this video, i'm on a killing spree / killstreak during an operative mission. I kill 100 enemy troopers from a far away quickly, easily, & stealthily. They try to return fire but they all get killed ;) ARMA 3 SNIPE A TARGET IN HIS MOVING CAR (SHOOT THROUGH WINDSHIELD) In this video, i'm shooting an enemy sitting in his moving car. I shoot him through the Windshield of his car. Yup, you can't run from a sniper! You'll just die tired :) "POINT OF IMPACT" (ARMA 3 SNIPER MONTAGE) this is my sniper montage video that shows how effective this tutorial really is! "DEAD ZERO" (ARMA 3 SNIPER MONTAGE) this is my sniper montage video that shows how effective this tutorial really is! here's my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw here's my analysis on World Records for the longest sniper kill shot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all for tuning in :) I hope this tutorial will help you become a better ACE3 Sniper ;) If there's something needs to be added, changed, or fixed, just let me know here. Please share the knowledge with others because knowing is half the battle! Good shooting! -Best Sniper Simulator-
  5. hello guys...i'm sorry to ask an apparently ridicolous question (because it is), but ARMA3 make every effort to make obvious things...impossible! to cut it short, i just wish to place a sniper and make him able to see and hit targets at ranges up to 1500m (with a 0.50 lynx rifle). it wasn't working, so i documented myself, and finally i made this script to try solve the problem: ...and it actually works....when its 12:00 in a sunny DAY ! at night or in rain it simply dont shoot! i'm getting mad about this thing that should already work in default ARMA3 without scripts! hope you can help me, thanks!
  6. I've been using .300WM from RHS with Advanced Ballistic for a while with the help of ballistic table and now decide to move on to ballistic computer. Unfortunately, there isn't a right ammo for me to choose with default .300WM setup, so I need to setup all the data by myself from the start. So far I've got the C1 data and other stuff, but I am now stuck on calculating drag and the computer never calculates the right data. Is there any sniper expert that can help me with setting up AtragMX?
  7. ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS*** Hello There! I am currently in the process of designing a Campaign and want feedback on my idea and eventually when I start rolling out mission's them as well. Since moving over to ACE I've loved the ballistic system as part of it. I was inspired by Igneous01 - ArmA 2 Campaign and wanted to create something similar but on the ArmA 3 Platform. However, I wanted to make something that is also co-op but was unsure if that is possible so please feel free to comment down below. I also didn't want thousands of mods I wanted to use mods that are the most popular on the Steam Workshop but like I've said if you have any suggestions please mention them below. Here's a general summary of my campaign: MODS: ACE RHS USAF RHS AFRF Apex Now I know this campaign won't be for everyone but I would appreciate any idea's that great community can provide. ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS***
  8. MourningStarV

    Sniper Idea

    It’d be nice if there was a sniper that had a Variable Scope. It can change the magnification of the scope so the outlander may shoot between long distances and slightly longer distances. This most likely means there will be more outlanders watching Points of Interest. But the only one to blame is the outlander that had fallen victim, since there are so many ways to avoid death in this kind of situation. 1. Completely ignore the chosen P.O.I if you feel it’s too dangerous. 2. Use Portable Signal Detectors (Which are now fixed, thank goodness) or use the Signal Detector located on the map and once the outlanders watching the P.O.I are marked, hunt them down. These type of outlanders will most likely stay in the exact spot. 3. Locate an outlander who is watching the P.O.I. Once they’ve been located, call a Mortar Strike or throw some Fragmentation Grenades. All of these consumables are meant to be used, don’t let them collect dust back at the Shelter.
  9. STALKING, CAMOUFLAGE, ORIENTEERING, and SNIPER-UNIT TRAINING by Richard Von Quest VERSION: beta v0.6.0 UPDATED: 27 July 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Scout/Sniper Addon from my SpookWarCom Project. This will focus more on the scout-side of the mysterious of the lethal Spec-Ops Sniper and the unique elements of scouting, stalking and the recon aspects of Scout/Sniper Operations. A Sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates alone, in a pair, or with a sniper team to maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engage targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the detection capabilities of enemy personnel. These sniper teams operate independently, with little combat asset support from their parent units. Snipers typically have highly selective and specialized training and use high-precision/special application rifles and optics, and often have sophisticated communication assets to feed valuable combat information back to their units. ~ Wiki "One-Shot, One-Kill" // FEATURES: Simple Custom Ballistics, Wind, Drift, etc Acute Scout/Sniper Hearing while in Blind/Hide Keen sense of Smell for detecting nearby Enemy Questrel Weather Computer (aka Kestrel) 1966 USMC "Hathcock" Edition BoonieHat Audio & Visual Signature Management Targets - Practice & Training Feedback System FPV Scope Minute-of-Angle Knob FPV Scope Zero/Elevation Knob Sniper Immersion without the ACE non-sense Very User & Frame-Rate Friendly Data & Logbook, Charts, etc Mission-Level Module & Settings // NOTES: This is only about 20% done. This version was a re-write to get it back on track again. There are several features that may not still work, or are unfinished at this time. I just wanted to get this public version out now so you can test and enjoy what I have running so far that is at least stable and playable. This project is more about the Scouting Skills, rather than the Sniper Shooting anyway. I have a lot more coming, but updates are slow due to I have a huge mod-set under development at the time of this writing. Also to speed up this public version, there is no documentation included. You will have to Search for the older version of this for more details, or wait until an update later for the new stuff. // KEYBINDING: Shift + D (player menu) Shift + S (scope knobs) // REQUIRED: 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 // DONATE: SCOUT/SNIPER PROJECT Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: *n/a
  10. !ATTENTION! !DO NOT PLAY THIS MISSION WITH MODS, THAT AREN'T REQIRED! Description: you play as partisan female sharpshooter Sofia Synetós and provide fire support while an attack on a enemy village. This is just a reapload of a very old small mission, where I tested how things work in ArmA 3 compared to ArmA 2, as I found out, that it was broken. Changes over the old version: -Fixed a bug, whre squadleader got stuck on a waypoint and didn't continue. -added more enemies inside buildings to snipe. -added more "killcams". -a lot of smaller fixes/imrovements. Features: -You play as female partisan sharpshooter. -Fully voice acted. Most of it is dubbed by me, the rest is just text-to-speech program, as it would not be good only with my voice. -Small intro cutscene. -Custom notification icons. -You can select from some weapons before the mission. Known issues: -An error pops up in the mission briefing. It started to occure since I removed sound mod and even though I tried to resolve this problem with several ways, I just can’t get rid of it. Other, than that the mission works fine. DOWNLOAD on Steam Workshop
  11. Hello everyone! I have been diving into the ACE Advanced Ballistics recently, as our unit decided to try and add a dedicated Sniper team to our roster. After a few weeks of testing and reading guide/watching tutorials (none of which seem to know everything, had to figure out stuff by researching real life ballistics and dive into the config files), I think I have a decent grasp of the mechanics, and our first Sniper team trials work prefectly. Right now, we are using a modded Sniper Weapon System (SWS) with a G1 ballistic coefficient, which pairs well with the C1 model used by the AtragMX ballistic calculator, so all is good. That being said, we might want to expand in the future to allow the team to field a variety of SWS, so I have been scouting other modded weapons. The community has made some awesome models and weapons in general, but I noticed many of those are coded with the G7 drag model (in their config files, I mean). Now, I know G7 is better suited for long-range shooting, as it is made for a boat-tailed bullet, whereas the G1 model is for flat-based bullets, so I'd be all for using G7. The issue is that the AtragMX only computes with C1 (which is pretty close to G1), and not with G7, and this won't change anytime soon (I specifically asked one of the ACE modders). My question would be: how would you use a G7-coded weapon with the AtragMX? So far, here's the solutions I've gathered: I know one can calibrate the drag model with the Truing Tool, but that would give a new C1 value. Would that work? Would it be better to tweak the config of the weapon with a G1 BC? I found a Ballistic coefficient converter online, would converting to C1 and then truing the BC work? Someone suggested using real-life calculators, like Applied ballistics, but we'd rather keep it in-game as much as possible, and we can't really ask all of our snipers to buy a 30 dollars app. If anyone has a good suggestion, I'd be grateful and all ears! 😄
  12. Dear Arma community, I'd like to share some very useful military sniper technique called "Todd Hodnett Quick Windage Formula" which can be used in Arma 3 (especially with ACE3 mod). This technique was made by a famous gun instructor named Todd Hodnett. It has been used by military snipers (especially USMC, Navy Seal, & US Army) to calculate the windage/wind hold very fast without even using any ballistics calculator. You can use this formula for any kind of projectile (but you have to adjust it depending on the BC though)! here's the easy & simple Todd Hodnett Quick Windage Formula: Windage (Miliradian) = Wind Speed (mph) / BC 1st decimal number X Target Range (converted to 0.xxx Miliradian) "Wind Speed" is the FINAL VALUE of wind speed (not its real speed) after taking Wind Direction into account! "BC 1st decimal number" is the 1st decimal number of your BC (0.4xx BC → 4 ; 0.5xx BC → 5 ; 0.6xx BC → 6 ; 0.7xx BC → 7 ; 0.8xx BC → 8 ; 0.9xx BC → 9 ; 1.xxx BC → 10 ; so on) "Target Range converted to Miliradian" is the conversion of the target range into miliradian:100 m = 0.1 mil 200 m = 0.2 mil300 m = 0.3 mil400 m = 0.4 mil500 m = 0.5 mil600 m = 0.7 mil → adding 0.1 mil due to velocity bleed off (depending on the BC though) 700 m = 0.8 mil800 m = 0.9 mil900 m = 1.0 mil1000 m = 1.1 milso on After getting the windage, snipers use their mildot reticle to compensate for that wind drift. They're using the mildot to hold to the left or right of the target for the wind drift. NEVER dial the scope adjutment turret for the wind coz it's useless (wind is always constantly changing)!!! :( so always hold for the wind!!! For example: you're shooting M24 SWS rifle loaded with M118LR ammo (BC = 0.485 (G1)). Wind blows 12 mph from the Left to the Right. Your target is at 600 m away from you. What's your windage? :/ Windage (Mil) = Wind Speed (mph) / BC 1st decimal number X Target Range (converted to 0.xxx Mil) Windage (Mil) = 12 mph / 4 X 0.600 Mil Windage (Mil) = 1.8 Mil to the Right of your target so to compensate for that wind, you hold 1.8 Miliradian into the direction in which the wind comes from (you hold 1.8 Miliradian to the left of your target just like in the picture below). Never dial-in for the Wind Drift! You always have to hold into the direction in which the wind comes from (just like in the picture above)! This can be used for 5.56 mm with a BC of .3xx, using 3 mph window (adding 0.1 mil at 500 m and beyond)This can be used for 300 Win Mag with a BC of .5xx using 5 mph window (adding 0.1 mil at 700 m and beyond)This can be used for 338 LM with a BC of .6xx using 6 mph window (adding 0.1 mil at 800 m and beyond)and so on.this technique is best to hold off for the wind especially when wind is changing like crazy give this a try, it'll get your shot 100% dead on the target! i tried it in this game & it surprisingly works! To demonstrate it, i show you some of my sniper videos i just made. Those videos ain't about to show off my skill or anything (i'm a noob actually lol). I just wanna show you guys how "Todd Hodnett Quick Windage Formula" works in Arma 3 (with ACE3).I put all the loadout specs & ballistics analysis in the video description. Sorry for not narrating the videos coz i don't got time :( Sniper Quick Windage Formula with USMC M40A5 rifle (in 7.62x51 mm Nato cartridge) & M118LR ammo --> Sniper Quick Windage Formula with NSWC MK13 mod 5 rifle (in 300 winchester magnum cartridge) & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> Sniper Quick Windage Formula with AI L115A3 rifle (in 338 Lapua Magnum cartridge) & Blackhills Sierra 300 gr MK ammo --> Sniper Quick Windage Formula with NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR (in 5.56x45 mm Nato cartridge) & MK262 mod 1 ammo --> Sniper Quick Windage Formula with CheyTac M200 Intervention (in 408 CheyTac cartridge) & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> So that's how military snipers deal with Wind Drift. Very fast and easy! Just try it yourself ;) if you got some time, please check out my youtube channel here --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw it's a non-commercial channel exclusively all about Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper videos. i always put all the complete weapon specification & ballistics analysis in the video description. i hope you all can learn long range precision shooting from that channel. Please share the knowledge with others coz knowing is half the battle ;) Good shooting! -Best Sniper Simulator-
  13. Dangerous Crumbs Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) Hostile troops are occupying Kamar. Troops that need to be eliminated! Will you be the one to eliminate them? 1.] Hypothesis: Kunduz might have been a battlefield for many months but nowadays none but a few hostile forces remain. These forces have just got a few villages occupied. One of those villages is Kamar. This is the village we will be assaulting today. The plan is this. The assault squad will stealthily clear an enemy sniper pos so as for our sniper to get into position. After that the sniper will cover the assault squad while it takes over Kamar using stealth tactics. 2.] Important details: a)Playing in SP will be hard but if you do play in SP you will have to be THE GROUP LEADER of the ASSAULT SQUAD. b)This mission has low replayability. Once and if you manage to complete the mission successfully you might never play it again. c)To open/close a door you will have to press the ALT key. Normal controls no longer work at the Kunduz map. d)You should NOT DISABLE AI units that are in the ASSAULT SQUAD. Those units should exist for your convenience. e)If you do not have the ASR AI 3 mod, it would be great to install it. It really enhances gameplay and takes Arma 3 to a whole new level. f)Respawn:Instant 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Serious combat abilities and sniper skills. 3.2]Technical: a)Arma 3 Apex b)Marksman DLC c)CBA-http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 d)ASR AI3-http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080 e)Kunduz-http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27882 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: None 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.] Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-1/dangerous_crumbs.kunduz.pbo?dl=1 Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits Enjoy
  14. Ghosts Wanted Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) When ghosts are desired, Savior Ghosts guns are fired! 1.] Hypothesis: Malden is held by CSAT forces. Forces which have drained the islands supplies. Whatever food or water they need for their army they confiscate from the locals. The locals are therefore starving. Starvation has caused them to want to rebel. Why have they not then? General Tahir Al Kazat is the answer. Tahir is stationed in Malden and is tasked to suppress the local population. He does so by torturing and slaughtering entire families! No more than a few days have passed when he even amputated all members of a family. That was a family of four that tried to take back their food that was confiscated So Tahir Al Kazat needs to be eliminated! A spy was recruited but following an act of treason he was captured. Now he is held somewhere around Le Pessagne and Vigny. A place where Tahir is also stationed. A perfect opportunity for Special Forces sniper team Savior Ghosts to act. A few hours ago you have parachuted without being detected near Vigny. You are to save the hostage and also eliminate Tahir Al Kazat. 2.] Important details: a)In MP when 2 players take part in the mission, one of you should be the SURVIVOR and the other should be the LEADER of team GHOSTS WANTED. b)Patrols, units placements along with ammo and weapon placements are all RANDOM. Due to that the mission has high replayability. c)The survivor may start in 3 different locations. To change that location you can teleport using an IV Stand located next to you when the mission starts. d)Each location has a RIDDLE to solve in order to get out. e)A Flanker is a heavily armed unit supporting the Sniper and Spotter. f)You should NOT DISABLE AI units that are in ANY team. Those units should exist for your convenience. g)The sniper team can activate HARDCORE mode where if the survivor dies it will be a mission failed. To activate there is a satellite dish with the appropriate action at the start of the mission. h)Respawn:Instant 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Serious combat and sniper abilities plus basic organizing skills. 3.2]Technical: a)Arma 3 Apex b)Marksmen DLC c)CBA - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 d)ASR AI3 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: None 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.]Website SubLink: here 7.]Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-1/ghosts_wanted.malden.pbo?dl=1 Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great. If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits. Enjoy
  15. Rebelism Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) A government official is about to ally with a rebel terrorist! Their meeting point? An enemy compound.. 1.] Hypothesis: Afghanistan is a country where foreign aided rebels may have raged war against the legal government but they have managed to occupy none but a few settlements. The problem is that one highly ranked government official, Sabid, has decided to betray his country for cash and ally with rebel leader Talah! If he does so, a lot of highly classified documents will be given to the rebels and all of the country’s military facilities will be compromised. It would be a huge blow to the government! So, what we need to do is simple. Intervene when the official meets with the rebel general and take both of them out. 2.] Important details: a)When 3 players are present you should be the GROUP LEADERS of all three squads. b)This mission has low replayability. Once and if you manage to complete the mission successfully you might never play it again. c)To open/close a door you will have to press the ALT key. Normal controls no longer work at the Kunduz map. d)You should NOT DISABLE AI units that are in your SQUAD. Those units should exist for your convenience. e)If you do not have the ASR AI 3 mod, it would be great to install it. It really enhances gameplay and takes Arma 3 to a whole new level. f)Respawn: Instant 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Serious combat and organizing abilities. 3.2]Technical: a)Arma 3 Apex b)CBA - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 c)ASR AI3 - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24080 d)Kunduz - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27882 e)HAFM - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28905 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: None 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.]Website SubLink: here 7.]Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-2/rebelism.kunduz.pbo?dl=1 Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great. If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits. Enjoy
  16. Panochori Cleanup Brought to you by John Kalo and zigTtzag(zTt) Panochori. Full of traps. Full of radio jammers. Jammers that cause casualties. Jammers that need to be destroyed. Will you be the ones to destroy them? 1.] Hypothesis: On the island of Altis there is a village called Panochori. Panochori is an abandoned place which a small number of enemy troops use as a radio jammer base. They use advanced tech so as to block our communications in specific areas and subsequently cause huge problems to our troops. So, guess which our next stop is going to be! As an assault squad and a sniper team we are to head towards Panochori and destroy the enemy's high tech radio jammers. Now what you should know is that the place is most likely filled with mines and traps so be careful at all times, if you are planning on returning back alive. 2.] Important details: a)In MP when 3 players take part in the mission, 1 of you needs to be the LEADER of the SNIPER TEAM, one of you should be the LEADER of the ASSAULT SQUAD and the third person should be the EXPLOSIVE SPECIALIST. b)You should FOLLOW the TASKS that are given to you. Going solo elsewhere might ruin the mission. c)This mission has low replayability. Once and if you manage to complete the mission successfully you might never play it again. d)You should NOT DISABLE AI units that are in ANY team. Those units should exist for your convenience. e)Respawn:Instant 3.]Requirements: 3.1]Players' skills: Serious combat abilities and basic organizing skills. 3.2]Technical: Arma 3 Apex, Arma 3 Marksman DLC, CBA, ASR AI3 4.]Bugs: 4.1]Minor: None 4.2]Serious: None 5.]Installation: Just copy the pbo to your Arma 3 directory. Place the .pbo file at the mpmissions folder. 6.] Direct Download link: https://dl.orangedox.com/Arma-3-Missions-Pack-2/panochori_cleanup.altis.pbo?dl=1 7.] Changelog 7.1] Version 1.1: Fixed Dedicated Server JIP (Join in Progress) players falling of the chopper. Your feedback about things we can improve or things that we should keep is really important so you providing it would be great If any of you wishes to reconstruct the mission or use part of it please ask permission and mention us in your credits Enjoy
  17. United Kingdom Special Forces | Milsim INTRODUCTION Welcome to the UKSF Arma 3 Milsim Unit. We are a like-minded community dedicated to fun, immersion, and professionalism. The unit is based on a real task force responsible for British special forces missions around the globe. As a result, you can expect to carry out a multitude of mission types in a variety of environments using a broad spectrum of skills. While we teach our members to be better tacticians, better rifleman, better pilots and generally speaking, better soldiers, we are not for the casual Arma player. OVERVIEW We offer a wide variety of roles: SFSG (Special Forces Support Group) - Incl. Mortar platoon - Sniper platoon RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) JSFAW (Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing) - GOOD TO KNOW WHEN YOU JOIN US With all the different roles being offered, it is important to understand that you won’t be able to enter all these roles immediately. Initially you will become a Cdt. (Candidate). This serves as a way for you to check whether we are the type of unit you’ve been looking for by attending one of our side missions that we run throughout the week. This first op is so we can see how you play but more importantly, whether you want to play with us. You will thereafter enter the basic training phase as a Rct. (Recruit). Basic training consists of four phase trainings with the fourth being the examination. Upon completion of basic training, you will be assigned to SFSG (See OVERVIEW for explanation) where you will get the proper amount of training and time to gain experience that will prepare you for further advancement in to the unit. Whether that is for entering JSFAW, RAMC or any other role such as an NCO within SFSG, is up to you to decide, based on availability. We take great pride in our roles and expect you to do the same. REQUIREMENTS Age Requirement: 16+ Years old. Be Mature and able to take criticism. Valid Arma 3 copy. Your application will not be processed without a valid Arma 3 Player ID (Required: Apex DLC) Have a positive attitude Teamspeak 3 VoIP Client and working microphone/speakers/headset Have a schedule that allows you to attend Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7.30pm (GMT+0) Not to be a part of other Arma units, also known as multi-clanning Be disciplined, motivated, and eager to learn specialised tasks If you are interested in learning more, and/or applying for membership, add me on steam or please visit us in our Discord. Look for the "Lobby" channel and write a message expressing your interest in joining the unit, and one of our SR1 Recruitment Officers will take care of you. INTERESTED IN KNOWING MORE? FEEL FREE TO CHECK US OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA YOUTUBE - Check out the latest video from one of our campaigns. INSTAGRAM TWITTER HAVE A QUESTION? WANT TO TALK TO US? Teamspeak - uk-sf.co.uk Discord UKSF Home Page UKSF Command Staff
  18. stburr91

    [SP] Sniper At Sea

    This mission is short, but is challenging, and may take a couple of tries to complete. Inspired by the real life story of Captain Phillips, Sniper At Sea is a mission about pirates that take the crew of a trawler hostage. You are a CTRG member tasked with para dropping into the AO, linking up with the USS Liberty to provide sniper support in the operation to recover the hostages. The pirates are refusing to release the trawler's captain, the situation is tense, you will be on standby if the situation deteriorates. Can you save the hostage before the pirates kill him? No mods required Mission can be found here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471687132
  19. beno_83au

    [MP] MIL_SniperHuntDM

    Download: MIL_SniperHuntDM - Dropbox/Steam Workshop/Armaholic Description: MIL_SniperHuntDM is a 2-4 player, sniper versus sniper deathmatch, playable on a number of different maps. Play for the long game and try to hunt down your enemies while keeping them guessing, or set up a short match through customisable lobby settings. This is built for a dedicated server with custom difficulty settings (listed below) in order to achieve the difficulty I was going for. It will work fairly well on a hosted server, but there was only so much I could do to force difficulty settings that I recommend to be used on a dedi. MIL_SniperHuntDM is intended to be difficult, and while taking your shot is still a critical part of the mission it is only a small part. I've tried to build this mission to require the player/s to put a lot more effort into some of the other aspects of "sniping" (navigation, judging distance, cam & concealment) while at the same time requiring them to out-think and out-hunt their enemies. MIL_SniperHuntDM has been ported across 18 maps (listed below). If there are any map requests let me know, as I made it fairly simple to set up on other maps. *** One MAJOR point to note - I wanted this to be all about the hunt. So, depending on the customisable settings used at the start of the mission this could just descend into a boring camp-fest (I've created adjustable player markers to alleviate this). The mates I tested this with didn't camp (most of the time). We "hunted" each other down, and it was fun with plenty of tension. Features: - Dedi/Hosted server support. - Player markers, adjustable through lobby params, to indicate enemy positions that: - Can have an inaccuracy applied to them. - Can increase in accuracy over time. - Optional weather settings, including snow in place of rain on arctic maps. - Credits to "IndeedPete & KokaKolaA3" for snow scripts. - Randomly assigned gear (equipment/weapons). - Arctic, desert or woodland. - Limited ammunition (2 x mags per weapon). - Randomly spawned quad bikes (small chance for Hummingbirds). - Custom kill/death & disconnect messages. - No rangefinding. - Spectator slot. - Easily adaptable to other maps. - Supports vanilla, RHS, CUP & Massi NATO SF and Russian Weapons. - Added ability for users without mod to still play by giving them vanilla weapons. - However, mod weapons won't be visible to non-mod players. - Support for a headless client. - Offload handling of vehicle spawns (handled by host on a hosted server). - More of a learning point for myself. Supported Terrains: //Small - Bukovina (CUP) - Nordkvingo, Norway - Proving Grounds (CUP) - Shapur (CUP) - Utes (CUP) - Winter Town //Medium - Bystrica (CUP) - Chernobyl Zone - Chernobyl Zone (Winter) - Gorgona - Kolgujev (CUP) - Santa Catalina Island - Southern Sahrani (CUP) - Stratis - Takistan Mountains (CUP) //Large - Esseker - G.O.S. Koplic //Extra Large - Bornholm, Denmark Dependencies: - Terrains for the non-vanilla maps. - For mod weapons, either: - RHS USAF - CUP Weapons - Massi US SF & Russian Weapons Install: Add all the SniperHunt_DM mission .pbo files to your MPMissions directory. Dedicated Server Difficulty Settings: - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile - Add/amend the custom difficulty class of your server profile. - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg - Add/amend the following line in your server config file. Media: As these we're WIP videos, there's a bunch of bugs. So, never mind the confusing markers....... First playable tests, 4 different sessions (9:47s): Second playable tests, 2 missions, 1 as spectator and 1 drawn out mission (10:53s): Third/final test, 1 mission with a different and fairly vocal group. Also the first time I get killed playing this (8:47s): Known Bugs: - Players used to sometimes spawn in rocks, and markers sometimes didn't function correctly, and vehicles sometimes exploded on spawn. I applied changes to fix all these issues and haven't seen any repeats of them since but if they do still occur, please let me know. If anyone finds any problems please let me know. Thank you.
  20. Author: JTS Introduction: Highly scripted sniper mission. Feel like a real sniper Description: A few days ago, the terrorists managed to capture an convoy, which transported chemical weapons. It is necessary to stop them until they leave Tanoa. This morning, our intelligence sent us an information about the location of terrorists who have stolen these weapons. Two Special Forces troops were sent to the enemy territory to destroy these weapons Features: - Hardcore - Cutscene - 2 localizations: English & russian - Realistic color correction - Dead body detection system - Carefully selected beautiful places on Tanoa - Stealth Notes: - It is recommended to enable music in your game settings - Read briefing carefully - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ACE and other mods, which change the behaviour of AI - No JIP (Join in progress) - Be sure you disable all not needed mods before you start the mission Credits & thanks: Urban (Mission testing) Screenshots: Requirements: - CBA A3 - Arma 3 Apex - Arma 3 Marksmen - Arma 3 Malden Download (Steam workshop) Download (Armaholic) Updated: 02.08.2018 *Fixed bug in Cutscene.sqf Updated: 20.05.2018 *Added difficulty option: Easy, Normal, Original (Affects the number of enemies and the distance of detection)
  21. An unidentified sniper from the elite Joint Task Force 2 made the shot from a distance of 3,540 meters using a U.S.-made McMillan Tac-50 rifle and Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo chambered in .50 BMG cartridge! The Canadian Armed Forces confirmed Thursday that a member of Joint Task Force 2 made the record-breaking shot, killing an Islamic State insurgent during an operation in Iraq within the last month. The elite sniper was using a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target. “The shot in question actually disrupted a Daesh [Islamic State] attack on Iraqi security forces,” said a military source. “Instead of dropping a bomb that could potentially kill civilians in the area, it is a very precise application of force and because it was so far way, the bad guys didn’t have a clue what was happening.” The military source said the JTF2 operation fell within the strictures of the government’s advise and assist mission. “As stated multiple times in the past, members of the Canadian Special Operations Task Force do not accompany leading combat elements, but enable the Iraqi security forces who are in a tough combat mission,” the statement said. “This takes the form of advice in planning their operations and assistance to defeat Daesh through the use of coalition resources.” The kill was independently verified by video camera and other data. “Hard data on this. It isn’t an opinion. It isn’t an approximation. There is a second location with eyes on with all the right equipment to capture exactly what the shot was,” another military source said. A military insider told The Globe: “This is an incredible feat. It is a world record that might never be equalled.” The world record was previously held by British sniper Craig Harrison, who shot a Taliban gunner with a 338 Lapua Magnum rifle from 2,475 metres away in 2009. Previously, Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong had set the world record in 2002 at 2,430 metres when he gunned down an Afghan insurgent carrying an RPK machine gun during Operation Anaconda. Weeks before, Canadian Master Cpl. Arron Perry briefly held the world’s best sniper record after he fatally shot an insurgent at 2,310 metres during the same operation. Both soldiers were members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. U.S. Sergeant Bryan Kremer has the longest confirmed sniper kill shot by a U.S. soldier. He killed an Iraqi insurgent with his Barrett M82A1 rifle at 2,300 metres in 2004. JTF2 special forces are primarily tasked with counterterrorism, sniper operations and hostage rescue. Much of the information about this elite organization is classified and not commented on by the government. The unit’s snipers and members of Canadian Special Operations Regiment, who are carrying out the main task of training Kurdish forces, have been operating in tough conditions in Iraq. The Trudeau government pulled CF-18 fighter jets out of Iraq in 2016 but expanded the military mission, which will see the number of Canadian special forces trainers climb to 207 from 69 in an assist, train and advise mission. Canadian commandos are not supposed to be involved in direct combat, but are authorized to go up to the front lines on training missions with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and to paint targets for coalition air strikes. For operational security reasons, sources would not reveal the names of the elite Canadian sniper and his partner, nor the location where the action took place. A sniper and his observer partner are often sent to remote and dangerous locations to hunt down insurgents while having to carry heavy equipment. Once they have located the target, snipers follow the same methodical approach before each shot. Breathe in, out, in, out, find a natural pause and then squeeze the trigger. Canada has a reputation among Western military forces for the quality of its snipers, despite the small size of the Canadian Armed Forces compared to the United States and Britain. “Canada has a world-class sniper system. It is not just a sniper. They work in pairs. There is an observer,” a military source said. “This is a skill set that only a very few people have.” The skill of the JTF2 sniper in taking down an insurgent at 3,540 metres required math skills, great eyesight, precision of ammunition and firearms, and superb training. “It is at the distance where you have to account not just for the ballistics of the round, which change over time and distance, you have to adjust for wind, and the wind would be swirling,” said a source with expertise in training Canadian special forces. “You have to adjust for him firing from a higher location downward and as the round drops you have to account for that. And from that distance you actually have to account for the curvature of the Earth.” Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/06/23/how-canadas-tiny-military-produced-deadly-record-breaking-snipers/?utm_term=.654ffa726d7c https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadian-elite-special-forces-sniper-sets-record-breaking-kill-shot-in-iraq/article35415651/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills Their Loadout Specs (Most Likely): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISVpISjB1Wld0OW8/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUi1UTkppQmF0Y00/view
  22. Hi I'm new to mission editing, but I wish to learn. I want to set a sniper to stay hidden and quiet, until comes in his view the designated VIP to kill together in a group of enemies, *kill him only*, then runs away unharmed. Other enemies must survive. I did try a lot of failed attempts using enable/disableAI, etc. but I have to give up: the sniper always attack other enemies before and after the VIP kill. Thank you.
  23. The road to Lolosalam is heavily mined. In order to restore access for our forces and build rapport with the local populace we have initiated a clearing operation. As an EOD specialist you will be attached to the lead element. Your job is to clear mines when requested to do so in order to facilitate mission fulfillment. Following this mission you will spend the night in the hills surrounding Lolosalam. In the morning you will RTB. Your callsign will be 'Keymaster'. You will be attached to a small fireteam codenamed 'Seeker'. Following you will be two rifle squads codenamed 'Reaper' and 'Slayer' respectively. Headquarters callsign is 'Crossroads'. This is a very basic mission with very little scripting, but it feels really good and almost like you're really on a deployment. You (and up to 3 of your friends) are EOD specialists in the United States Army and are attached to a fireteam which will lead and assist you. You need to move in a convoy of 3 MRAPs to the city of Lolosalam, securing the path along the way for more troops to follow in your wake. You ride in the front MRAP while the two MRAPs following behind you contain regular U.S. Army rifle squads to support the ultimate Lolosalam objective. You start at the base by an arsenal box. Get whatever gear you need out of there and then go to the front of the base and get in the lead MRAP. Don't worry about the fireteam leader bitching at you over the radio, they will never leave without you because they need you. All you have to do is concentrate on your job. The AI will (should) do their job without you having to babysit them. They will order you from time to time to defuse or destroy an IED blocking the path of the vehicles. After you're satisfied that the area is safe get back in the MRAP and the convoy will start moving again. If you ever come under fire or are attacked simply retreat to the MRAP and re-assess the situation. If you have to clear a path of IEDs while under fire it is easiest to simply detonate them with an explosive charge. The front MRAP has a decent supply of these explosive charges for dealing with the IEDs. Be careful because some IEDs are dual-charges and are designed to kill EOD. This usually takes the form of an anti-personnel landmine placed on top of or near the main IED. Use your eyeballs and be cautious. This mission starts out very slow and boring because not much happens at first. There are long periods of driving through the mountains looking at the sights and listening to music, but the Taliban are always watching you. If you look closely in the hills you may see them planning your future demise. As you get closer to Lolosalam, that dreaded city, more and more activity will start popping up. Your troops should deal with the enemy most of the time (as long as they can find/see them) and will even call in air support to help level the playing field. This all plays out over sidechat radio. To actually win the mission and end the game you just have to clear the way and let the two rifle squads do their patrol around Lolosalam. They will inform you of further developments. No Taliban can be in or near Lolosalam. You can make the Taliban retreat without having to hunt down and kill every last one. If they feel like they're getting fucked up they'll run into the hills to regroup, just like real life. This mission can be completed without taking a single U.S. casualty, but one wrong move can also instantly take the lives of about 40 people. Possible glitches/bugs you may encounter: - Vehicles falling off mountains - A-10's crashing during CAS runs - No lag during most of the mission but a lot of lag inside of Lolosalam Top two are caused because of the nature of the map Clafghan and its extremely steep slopes. I did everything I could to kind of code around it though, so it should be okay most of the time. The last one is simply in regards to your CPU and possibly RAM. I've had two people play this same exact mission and one had 120 FPS the whole game, the other had 120 FPS and then about 15 FPS once they entered Lolosalam. A dedicated server and headless clients will mitigate this issue. Let me know if you run into any problems. Note: Default view distance is 4500 for gameplay purposes. This seems to be okay for most people. If you need to turn it down the host or any logged in admin should be able to access the debug menu in-game in multiplayer. Simply type "setviewdistance NUMBER;setobjectviewdistance NUMBER" and hit global exec or something and it should change it for everyone. I'll add in an option later that lets you select the view distance at the beginning of the mission. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1265397099
  24. Best Sniper Simulator

    How far a shot can go in Arma 3? :\

    I'm always wondering how far a bullet can go in Arma 3. Is there any distance limit here in this simulator? :\ How far a bullet can go in Arma 3? Is it infinite? Therefore i went through some test to see the limit. And I'm pretty surprised that we can even go beyond 5000 m!!! :o So far the farthest i got is 5580 m....but it's pretty hard! >_< i could barely see the target :'( can we go even farther than that? what's the farthest distance you guys ever shot? :D Please share your experience here in this thread ;) Here's all my farthest shots in Arma 3. These videos ain't about to show off my skill or anything (i'm a noob actually lol). I just wanna show you guys how far the shot we can achieve in Arma 3 (even with ACE3). I put all the loadout specs & ballistics analysis in the video description. Sorry for not narrating the videos coz i don't got time :( with Cheytac M200 Intervention rifle (in 408 CheyTac cartridge) & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo with Cheytac M200 Intervention rifle (in 408 CheyTac cartridge) & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo with Cheytac M200 Intervention rifle (in 375 CheyTac cartridge) & CheyTac 350 gr Lost River ammo with Cheytac M200 Intervention rifle (in 375 CheyTac cartridge) & CheyTac 350 gr Lost River ammo And yup i got tons of extreme long range shooting & sniping videos! Here's all the rest of my "Arma 3 longest shot" videos --> If you got some time, please check out my youtube channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw it's a non-commercial channel exclusively all about Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper videos. i always put all the complete weapon specification & ballistics analysis in the video description! i hope you all can learn long range precision shooting from that channel. Good shooting! -Best Sniper Simulator-
  25. Abu Tahseen, AKA Sheik of snipers, died in a battle few days ago in iraq, in the last 6 months he killed 175 ISIS members while he's 63 years old, he killed 341 terrorists in total...https://www.timesofisrael.com/iraqs-sheikh-sniper-who-fought-idf-in-73-killed-in-battle-against-is/