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  1. Dear Arma community, Previously i've shared all my knowledge and information on ACE3 Sniper Tutorial & Specifications of all Military Sniper Rifles in BI Offtopic forum (attached below): Now I'd like to share some reasearch i just made related to Arma 3 rifles performance. Yes i did some thorough analysis on the precision & accuracy of Arma 3 Rifles (vanilla & mods). I tried to measure their performance by analyzing their shot-group (bullet dispersion) just like real snipers determine the accuracy of their guns. I shot 40-shot group at their zero range (100 m) and 40-shot group at their maximum effective range. Then i calculated the analysis using a Gun Precision Calculator called "TARAN" to determine the in-game rifle's true precision & accuracy. Then I compared the in-game precision to real-life precision to see if the in-game rifles are overpowered or not. There are 5 Types of Rifles based on their Precision level: 1) Benchrest Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0 MoA – 0.09 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0 MoA - 0.23 MoA (0.00 inch - 0.23 inch at 100 yard) 2) Precision Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.1 MoA – 0.3 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 0.25 MoA - 0.76 MoA (0.25 inch - 0.76 inch at 100 yard) 3) Sniper Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.4 MoA - 0.6 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.00 MoA - 1.53 MoA (1.00 inch - 1.53 inch at 100 yard) 4) Designated Marksman Rifle --> Circular Error Probable = 0.7 MoA – 0.9 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is about 1.78 MoA - 2.30 MoA (1.78 inch - 2.30 inch at 100 yard) 5) Assault/Battle Rifle --> Circular Error Probable ≥ 1 MoA --> Shot Group / Shot Dispersion / Extreme Spread size is bigger than 2.54 MoA (2.54 inch at 100 yard) here's all the videos & their analysis. Sorry for not narrating the videos coz i don't got time :( Please check them all out & tell me if you think these rifles are overpowered or underpowered or spot on (in terms of Precision & Accuracy). Let's start the discussion, shall we? :D ==================================================================================================================== CheyTac M200 Intervention Precision & Accuracy of M200 Intervention in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIamtvMXlQRVZRVk0 Precision & Accuracy of M200 Intervention in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMkpsblJXLURuTVU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMFFKS0ZoWEN5c1U/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! CheyTac M200 Intervention (vanilla gun) with CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> ======================================================================================================================== AI AWM L115A3 Precision & Accuracy of AI AWM L115A3 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIU2dpZjc3Y0JFNzA Precision & Accuracy of AI AWM L115A3 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITGwybXB6dXdZWWM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZUk5R0ZnRzVzZ3c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! AI AWM L115A3 (from Dagger mod) with Berger 300 gr Hybrid OTM ammo --> =========================================================================================================================== Remington M2010 ESR & MSR Precision & Accuracy of Remington MSR & M2010 ESR in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIY0lKVDAtLUx4UjQ Precision & Accuracy of Remington MSR & M2010 ESR in Reality --> MSR --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIczd5eWoxWlRzb0E/view ESR --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIQlpRX3FiV3RkazQ bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability: MSR --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQm5oMnJ3emhSd0k/view ESR --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxITlB6TVVhYlBTYU0 Conclusion --> VERY SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! Remington MSR & M2010 ESR (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Remington M24 SWS Precision & Accuracy of M24 SWS in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIYlZEWXdxYmhsZTQ Precision & Accuracy of M24 SWS in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIX1ZCWUJua0VLNnc/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITThKQ3BGUEZQa28/view Conclusion --> VERY SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Remington M24 SWS (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> ================================================================================================================ USMC M40A5 Precision & Accuracy of M40A5 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIUklqMWVITDVBTTA Precision & Accuracy of M40A5 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIYjF1SUVUM1JtNUE/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ0VhRWE4ZndQVXM/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED (when using Match ammo)! & OVERPOWERED (when using standard ammo)! USMC M40A5 (from Dagger mod) with M118LR ammo --> ============================================================================================================== PGM Hecate 2 Precision & Accuracy of PGM Hecate 2 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIQ1BRV3lHYU1sV2M Precision & Accuracy of PGM Hecate 2 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISHNyRGt0bHZ4MGM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIamlaa0h4TFcxRVk/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! PGM Hecate 2 (from R3F mod) with Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo --> ================================================================================================================= Remington M24A2 Precision & Accuracy of M24A2 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIU1REXzRQZkp6STA Precision & Accuracy of M24A2 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRDExVDRnSjhiXzQ/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITUxRNXlhUnR4NlU/view Conclusion --> OVERPOWERED! Remington M24A2 (from Dagger mod) with MK248 mod 0 ammo --> =================================================================================================================== AK12 Precision & Accuracy of AK12 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIQnJqV1R5MDV3Z0U Precision & Accuracy of AK12 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRk8wUFVZMG1yR2M/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIckx1LTQ5VURxZW8/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! AK12 (from Massi mod) with 7N6M ammo --> ============================================================================================================== AK74M Precision & Accuracy of AK74M in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIRkhCSUFmR18wZWM Precision & Accuracy of AK74M in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIVF9fcWdhX2JacUU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIcVJaenFWT1BqMnM/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! AK74M (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with 7N6M ammo --> ============================================================================================================= M4A1 Precision & Accuracy of M4A1 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxISEFZSHRKSzVvaWM Precision & Accuracy of M4A1 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbVlNN3U2RGliVjQ/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIajRNQVdlQV91OGM/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! Colt M4A1 (from Massi mod) with M855 ammo --> ============================================================================================================= M16A4 Precision & Accuracy of M16A4 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIMFpYMXcwc3czOWM Precision & Accuracy of M16A4 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbHNwYVNuWmM5ZkU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIR2h3OTVNM3RXRUk/view Conclusion --> VERY OVERPOWERED! Colt M16A4 (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M855 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Dragunov SVDS Precision & Accuracy of Dragunov SVDS in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZzRhNl92cFBXZmM Precision & Accuracy of Dragunov SVDS in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIS09BNU5sc3B1Uzg/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUlVVa29ZQ0x6SzQ/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! Dragunov SVDS (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with 7N1 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== Lee Enfield No.4 Precision & Accuracy of Lee Enfield in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIaEo0ak9fbkxuQ2M Precision & Accuracy of Lee Enfield in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZVBjcDhnWkp2d2s/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIX0J3M2dzWWVXZ0E/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Lee Enfield No.4 (from Massi mod) with Mark VII ammo --> =============================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxINV92REFfTWlPREU Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIbTI1djJXTlY0dFE/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! KAC SR-25 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> =============================================================================================================== USMC SAM-R Precision & Accuracy of SAM-R in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIVmlacnV5bHBXYzA Precision & Accuracy of SAM-R in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQkp0eEpfU29RSkk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIaDRmcENBckNzZVE/view Conclusion --> OVERPOWERED! USMC SAM-R (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo --> =============================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIVlpmcXc0UFlwZUU Precision & Accuracy of SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIOWlTV29BRF9RR28/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! KAC SR-25 (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo --> ================================================================================================================== KAC M110 Precision & Accuracy of M110 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIb05JdGl1blZYdFk Precision & Accuracy of M110 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIeGNwWUc5S0FHNXM/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUHFsTWpKQ2JDMEk/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! KAC M110 (from Robert Hammer mod) with M118LR ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Remington 700 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZFVTME5MWEtnQjg Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIYWR4WUhpX2owRlk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISGE5LVktMk5KakU/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Custom Remington 700 in 7 mm Rem Mag (from Dagger mod) with Berger 180 gr VLD ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Remington 700 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIZE5EalpiWVVVbW8 Precision & Accuracy of Remington 700 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQkdIVWhRTWx4Z1E/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIS0dMdl9sM0dOX2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! Custom Remington 700 in 5.56x45 mm NATO (from Dagger mod) with Berger 90 gr VLD ammo --> ==================================================================================================================== NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR Precision & Accuracy of MK12 mod 1 SPR in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIOTVCTklFajY3Zms Precision & Accuracy of MK12 mod 1 SPR in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINGV2Z2k5X3UzSkU/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINjhiZjhEdkZZbkE/view Conclusion --> SPOT ON! NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo --> ==================================================================================================================== KAC SR25 Precision & Accuracy of KAC SR-25 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxINVVXZzRYSGIzR0U Precision & Accuracy of KAC SR-25 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUl9STHltUTFXSm8/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY OVERPOWERED! KAC SR-25 (from Robert Hammer mod) with M118LR ammo --> =================================================================================================================== Barrett M107 Precision & Accuracy of M107 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIM1FLQ2hycUNrWDg Precision & Accuracy of M107 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISkZjQWwtbjJoWHc/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ3NDa3FRRXBIMG8/view Conclusion --> VERY OVERPOWERED! Barrett M107 (from Massi mod) with MK211 mod 0 Raufoss ammo --> ================================================================================================================= KAC M110 Precision & Accuracy of KAC M110 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIYm96ZnhlUEVUSkk Precision & Accuracy of KAC M110 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIVDV3bEQwbGgtR0k/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUHFsTWpKQ2JDMEk/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! KAC M110 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> =========================================================================================================== H&K HK417 Precision & Accuracy of H&K HK417 in Arma 3 --> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-evVfZruOxIb2xSQlpCUFNEcEU Precision & Accuracy of H&K HK417 in Reality --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRFFUdDdpdUo4Tkk/view bullet drop, wind drift, & hit probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIWEtrc2llbXFaeDg/view Conclusion --> SLIGHTLY UNDERPOWERED! H&K HK417 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo --> ======================================================================================================= Here's all my "Arma 3 Rifles Precision & Accuracy Analysis" --> Here's my video channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw it's a non-commercial channel exclusively all about Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper videos. i always put all the complete weapon specification & ballistics analysis in the video description. i hope you all can learn long range precision shooting from that channel. Please share all the knowledge with other!!! coz knowing is half the battle ;)
  2. An unidentified sniper from the elite Joint Task Force 2 made the shot from a distance of 3,540 meters using a U.S.-made McMillan Tac-50 rifle and Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo chambered in .50 BMG cartridge! The Canadian Armed Forces confirmed Thursday that a member of Joint Task Force 2 made the record-breaking shot, killing an Islamic State insurgent during an operation in Iraq within the last month. The elite sniper was using a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target. “The shot in question actually disrupted a Daesh [Islamic State] attack on Iraqi security forces,” said a military source. “Instead of dropping a bomb that could potentially kill civilians in the area, it is a very precise application of force and because it was so far way, the bad guys didn’t have a clue what was happening.” The military source said the JTF2 operation fell within the strictures of the government’s advise and assist mission. “As stated multiple times in the past, members of the Canadian Special Operations Task Force do not accompany leading combat elements, but enable the Iraqi security forces who are in a tough combat mission,” the statement said. “This takes the form of advice in planning their operations and assistance to defeat Daesh through the use of coalition resources.” The kill was independently verified by video camera and other data. “Hard data on this. It isn’t an opinion. It isn’t an approximation. There is a second location with eyes on with all the right equipment to capture exactly what the shot was,” another military source said. A military insider told The Globe: “This is an incredible feat. It is a world record that might never be equalled.” The world record was previously held by British sniper Craig Harrison, who shot a Taliban gunner with a 338 Lapua Magnum rifle from 2,475 metres away in 2009. Previously, Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong had set the world record in 2002 at 2,430 metres when he gunned down an Afghan insurgent carrying an RPK machine gun during Operation Anaconda. Weeks before, Canadian Master Cpl. Arron Perry briefly held the world’s best sniper record after he fatally shot an insurgent at 2,310 metres during the same operation. Both soldiers were members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. U.S. Sergeant Bryan Kremer has the longest confirmed sniper kill shot by a U.S. soldier. He killed an Iraqi insurgent with his Barrett M82A1 rifle at 2,300 metres in 2004. JTF2 special forces are primarily tasked with counterterrorism, sniper operations and hostage rescue. Much of the information about this elite organization is classified and not commented on by the government. The unit’s snipers and members of Canadian Special Operations Regiment, who are carrying out the main task of training Kurdish forces, have been operating in tough conditions in Iraq. The Trudeau government pulled CF-18 fighter jets out of Iraq in 2016 but expanded the military mission, which will see the number of Canadian special forces trainers climb to 207 from 69 in an assist, train and advise mission. Canadian commandos are not supposed to be involved in direct combat, but are authorized to go up to the front lines on training missions with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and to paint targets for coalition air strikes. For operational security reasons, sources would not reveal the names of the elite Canadian sniper and his partner, nor the location where the action took place. A sniper and his observer partner are often sent to remote and dangerous locations to hunt down insurgents while having to carry heavy equipment. Once they have located the target, snipers follow the same methodical approach before each shot. Breathe in, out, in, out, find a natural pause and then squeeze the trigger. Canada has a reputation among Western military forces for the quality of its snipers, despite the small size of the Canadian Armed Forces compared to the United States and Britain. “Canada has a world-class sniper system. It is not just a sniper. They work in pairs. There is an observer,” a military source said. “This is a skill set that only a very few people have.” The skill of the JTF2 sniper in taking down an insurgent at 3,540 metres required math skills, great eyesight, precision of ammunition and firearms, and superb training. “It is at the distance where you have to account not just for the ballistics of the round, which change over time and distance, you have to adjust for wind, and the wind would be swirling,” said a source with expertise in training Canadian special forces. “You have to adjust for him firing from a higher location downward and as the round drops you have to account for that. And from that distance you actually have to account for the curvature of the Earth.” Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/06/23/how-canadas-tiny-military-produced-deadly-record-breaking-snipers/?utm_term=.654ffa726d7c https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadian-elite-special-forces-sniper-sets-record-breaking-kill-shot-in-iraq/article35415651/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills Their Loadout Specs (Most Likely): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISVpISjB1Wld0OW8/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUi1UTkppQmF0Y00/view
  3. Dear all, As a huge fan of precision shooting, I think it’s time for me to start a thread about Official Military Sniper Rifles here in this forum. Therefore I'd like to share some of my knowledge about legendary Military Sniper Rifles with you all. I give you their Internal Ballistics (Rifle & Handload specification) and External Ballistics (Firing Solution & Hit Probability). Honestly I'm not a military guy and I haven't shot all these Military Sniper Rifles. But i totally did some thorough research on these rifles. I used "Quickload" software to calculate the Internal Ballistics stuff and I used some External Ballistics Calculator too for the External Ballistics stuff. I'm sure you guys know much better than me. So if there's anything that needs to be addressed, fixed, or added, just leave a comment. If there's a false information about these rifles, just tell me here in the thread. You guys can also add more military precision/sniper rifles here in this thread. I'm also sharing some of my videos to demonstrate the use of those rifles in Arma 3. Please check them all out & share them with others ;) and please leave some feedback for me.... So Let's the discussion begin ;) ============================================================================================================================================== ACCURACY INTERNATIONAL L115A3 Rifle Specification & Handload of AI AWM L115A3 & Berger 300 gr Hybrid OTM ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITGwybXB6dXdZWWM/view Rifle Specification & Handload of AI AWM L115A3 & Lapua 250 gr Lockbase ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIdkxTNW0ya0lUM1U Rifle Specification & Handload of AI AWM L115A3 & Sierra 300 gr MK ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIczktdmwzdGt1ejQ Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZUk5R0ZnRzVzZ3c/view AI L115A3 (from Dagger mod) with Berger 300 gr Hybrid OTM ammo in Arma 3 --> ========================================================================================================================================== USMC M40A5 Rifle Specification & Handload of USMC M40A5 & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIYjF1SUVUM1JtNUE/view Rifle Specification & Handload of USMC M40A5 & M852/M118SB ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxITmQwWW1fbURjQkE Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ0VhRWE4ZndQVXM/view USMC M40A5 (from Dagger mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ====================================================================================================================================== REMINGTON M24 SWS Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington M24 SWS & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIX1ZCWUJua0VLNnc/view Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington M24 SWS & M852/M118SB ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIUGwwN2lsQWtOT1k Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITThKQ3BGUEZQa28/view Remington M24 SWS (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ======================================================================================================================================= REMINGTON MSR Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington MSR & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIczd5eWoxWlRzb0E/view Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington MSR & M852/M118SB ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIaVRhTFl1YV92M00 Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington MSR & Sierra 300 gr MK ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIQUdHME5RaGlNeDQ Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington MSR & Lapua 250 gr Lockbase ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIcTdYS0oyZjlJX00 Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQm5oMnJ3emhSd0k/view Remington MSR (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ========================================================================================================================================== REMINGTON M24A2 Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington M24A2 & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRDExVDRnSjhiXzQ/view Rifle Specification & Handload of Remington M24A2 & MK248 mod 1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIc1dSTVp4QlY0M1k Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITUxRNXlhUnR4NlU/view M24A2 --> Remington M24A2 (from Dagger mod) with MK248 mod 0 ammo in Arma 3--> =========================================================================================================================================== REMINGTON M2010 ESR Rifle Specification & Handload of the Remington M2010 ESR & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIVkZPWTlua3ZIS2M Rifle Specification & Handload of the Remington M2010 ESR & MK248 mod 1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIQlpRX3FiV3RkazQ Rifle Specification & Handload of the Remington M2010 ESR & Berger 230 gr OTM ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIUGpSWEVoQ1d0THc Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxITlB6TVVhYlBTYU0 Remington M2010 ESR (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with MK248 mod 1 ammo in Arma 3 --> ========================================================================================================================================= NSWC MK13 MOD 0 Rifle Specification & Handload of the NSWC MK13 mod 0 & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxISzEwSXEyLXdpVW8 Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIMnI4ZFlPNGYwWlk NSWC MK13 mod 0 (from Dagger mod) with MK248 mod 0 ammo in Arma 3 --> ======================================================================================================================================== NSWC MK13 MOD 5 Rifle Specification & Handload of the NSWC MK13 mod 5 & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIaVV1X1o0dmZINmc Rifle Specification & Handload of the NSWC MK13 mod 5 & MK248 mod 1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIeE9Kc1NqaTB4TnM Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIcjlEU2tmdDlCSFU NSWC MK13 mod 5 (from Dagger mod) with MK248 mod 0 ammo in Arma 3 --> =================================================================================================================================== MCMILLAN TAC338 Rifle Specification & Handload of the Mcmillan TAC338 & BlackHills 300 gr ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIT29abTg0a2VmUjg/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxITHlYeVdzekJxYW8/view TAC338 (from Dagger mod) with Sierra 300 gr MK ammo in Arma 3 --> ======================================================================================================================================== MCMILLAN TAC50 Rifle Specification & Handload of the McMillan TAC50 & Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxISVpISjB1Wld0OW8 Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIUi1UTkppQmF0Y00 McMillan TAC50 with Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo in Arma 3 --> ================================================================================================================================================ CHEYTAC M200 INTERVENTION Rifle Specification & Handload of CheyTac M200 Intervention & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMkpsblJXLURuTVU/view Rifle Specification & Handload of CheyTac M200 Intervention & CheyTac 350 gr Lost River ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIei0xT2xjcDgxOVk Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMFFKS0ZoWEN5c1U/view CheyTac M200 Intervention (vanilla gun) with CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo in Arma 3 --> ======================================================================================================================================= PGM HECATE 2 Rifle Specification & Handload of PGM Hecate 2 & Hornady 750 gr Amax --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISHNyRGt0bHZ4MGM/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIamlaa0h4TFcxRVk/view PGM Hecate 2 (from R3F mod) with Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo in Arma 3 --> =============================================================================================================================================== WINCHESTER MODEL 70 Rifle Specification & Handload of the Winchester Model 70 & M72 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIaVpQUUR0NzM1Vzg Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIOS15elFTdmJVakE Winchester Model 70 (from Dagger mod) with M72 ammo in Arma 3 --> =========================================================================================================================================== DRAGUNOV SVDS Rifle Specification & Handload of Dragunov SVDS & 7N1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIS09BNU5sc3B1Uzg/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUlVVa29ZQ0x6SzQ/view Dragunov SVDS (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with 7N1 ammo in Arma 3 --> ====================================================================================================================================== USMC SAM-R Rifle Specification & Handload of USMC SAM-R & MK262 mod 1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIQkp0eEpfU29RSkk/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIaDRmcENBckNzZVE/view USMC SAM-R (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo in Arma 3 --> ============================================================================================================================= KNIGHT ARMAMENT COMPANY SR-25 Rifle Specification & Handload of KAC SR-25 & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIOWlTV29BRF9RR28/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINXZZSFo5eXp5Y2c/view KAC SR-25 (from Red Hammer Studio mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ===================================================================================================================================== KNIGHT ARMAMENT COMPANY M110 Rifle Specification & Handload of KAC M110 & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIVDV3bEQwbGgtR0k/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUHFsTWpKQ2JDMEk/view KAC M110 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ============================================================================================================================================ NSWC MK12 MOD 1 SPR Rifle Specification & Handload of NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR & MK262 mod 1 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINGV2Z2k5X3UzSkU/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxINjhiZjhEdkZZbkE/view NSWC MK12 mod 1 SPR (from Robert Hammer mod) with MK262 mod 1 ammo in Arma 3 --> BARRETT M107 Rifle Specification & Handload of Barrett M107 & MK211 mod 0 Raufoss ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISkZjQWwtbjJoWHc/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ3NDa3FRRXBIMG8/view Barrett M107 (from Massi mod) with MK211 mod 0 Raufoss ammo in Arma 3 --> ======================================================================================================================================== HECKLER&KOCH HK417 Rifle Specification & Handload of H&K HK417 & M118LR ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIRFFUdDdpdUo4Tkk/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIWEtrc2llbXFaeDg/view H&K HK417 (from Massi mod) with M118LR ammo in Arma 3 --> ============================================================================================================================================ I think that's all the info i got for now. I promise you that I'll add more rifle specs later. If you have any question, just ask me here. If you wanna add more rifle here, feel very free to do it ^_^ And If you got some time, i hope you can check out my non-commercial youtube channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx6ZpuRmlNlAhAgha9zthbw it's a non-commercial channel exclusively all about Arma 3 ACE3 Sniper videos. i always put all the complete weapon specification & ballistics analysis in the video description. i hope you all can learn long range precision shooting from that channel. Good Shooting!!! -Best Sniper Simulator-