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  1. A recreation of SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALs Mission 1 - Seeding Chaos. Specter (Ghost), Jester and the team infiltrate the Albanian countryside to locate and destroy black market contraband belonging to the Sesseri Syndicate. I plan on creating more missions from the game as time goes on. Radio audio from the game included as well as I attempted to use the environment to best represent the missions they attempt to emulate. CUP is the only mod required. File: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1892046716 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1892046716
  2. After many many hours fiddling about in the Arma 2 and 3 editor over the years, I have decided to try my hands on a complete mission. I actually prefer Arma 2 over Arma 3 so that's why I created this mission for it. Maybe someone else could enjoy it so here it is. Start of a fictional war between the NATO-alliance and AFRF in Germany. Your team is tasked with eliminating an enemy ZSU-23-4 behind enemy lines, gather intel from a Russian V-PVO-officer in Mellendorf to learn about it's whereabouts. Background: While NATO-forces were occupied with the Fist-Island-Chain conflict, the Russian Federation has seized the opportunity to invade and occupy Poland. It has become clear that the Russian forces would not stop at the German border however, so NATO-forces are getting ready to stop the Russian onslaught on German soil. Required mods: -ACE -ACEX -ACEX_USNAVY -ACEX_RU -CBA_CO -MBG_CELLE2 -US_SEAL_ACE -US_SEAL Download: https://www.moddb.com/games/arma-2-combined-operations/downloads/m1-operation-clear-skies
  3. FROGMEN, RE-BREATHERS, OPERATIONS, GEAR, and SUBMARINES by Richard Von Quest VERSION: beta v0.6.0 UPDATED: 17 April 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: This is the Stand-Alone Module of my Combat Diver System from my SpookWarCom Project. This will focus on the Underwater Environment and the unique elements of the murky and chilling capacity of Combat Diving Operations. For me, one of the greatest parts of ArmA is the Diving and NEW v1.6 water environment. What an amazing experience for a game. I want to build off the rebreather and add more layers to the SCUBA and explore some deep water possibilities and immersion. This project will be similar to my HALO Mod, but instead of the extreme altitude, this will focus on the deep sea and combat underwater operations. I want to explore more options of Gear & Systems (mostly fictional) for deep water ops, like salvage, recovery, surveillance, etc. I also will be adding a Submarine or three with the ability to use a Lock-Out Chamber for deploying Spec-Ops, CRRCs and SDVs. "Brave Men, Dark Waters" // FEATURES: Submarine Transport - HMS Proteus Submarine Composition (destroyer) Submarine Ready Room (Gear-Up) Stingray Rebreather Rig F.R.O.G.S Rebreather Rig SPECTRA Diving Goggles Submarine Navigation Command (mini-game/infil) Submarine Exterior Lighting (WIP) EFX, Sound, and Immersion Lighting: Low, Med, and High Vis SDV Mini-Sub (lock & unlock from Sub) CRRC Zodiacs (inflate/deploy from Sub) // NOTES: This is EXPERIMENTAL. You can Enter and Exit from the LOC. Flood and Drain the LOC multiple times. Re-Route of the Submarine possible as well. Multi-Mission capable. Can get a little unstable at times. Use caution. Stay clear of the SDV when Unlocking and Locking, as this is heavy equipment and can injure or kill the player. The same is true for the CRRC. Stay clear when inflating it and especially when detaching it as it will shoot up to the surface when you unlock it. Take care when placing the Sub as it is very hard to find again. GPS recommended for navigation if you want to find, then re-enter the sub. If playing MP, some features cant be experienced by the client. (I think, untested) Main features have been tested and work fine in MP. The SCUBA and other sections of this Mod are still under development. This part is ready for public testing and feedback. The first LOC broke and I hastily had to re-do it, so this is a "test / low res" placeholder version only. I have some better stuff coming as part of a bigger package and Submarine Project. // KEYBINDING: Shift + F // REQUIRED: 1. CBA A3 - Community Based Addons A3 // DONATE: COMBAT DIVER PROJECT Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: *n/a
  4. An unidentified sniper from the elite Joint Task Force 2 made the shot from a distance of 3,540 meters using a U.S.-made McMillan Tac-50 rifle and Hornady 750 gr Amax ammo chambered in .50 BMG cartridge! The Canadian Armed Forces confirmed Thursday that a member of Joint Task Force 2 made the record-breaking shot, killing an Islamic State insurgent during an operation in Iraq within the last month. The elite sniper was using a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target. “The shot in question actually disrupted a Daesh [Islamic State] attack on Iraqi security forces,” said a military source. “Instead of dropping a bomb that could potentially kill civilians in the area, it is a very precise application of force and because it was so far way, the bad guys didn’t have a clue what was happening.” The military source said the JTF2 operation fell within the strictures of the government’s advise and assist mission. “As stated multiple times in the past, members of the Canadian Special Operations Task Force do not accompany leading combat elements, but enable the Iraqi security forces who are in a tough combat mission,” the statement said. “This takes the form of advice in planning their operations and assistance to defeat Daesh through the use of coalition resources.” The kill was independently verified by video camera and other data. “Hard data on this. It isn’t an opinion. It isn’t an approximation. There is a second location with eyes on with all the right equipment to capture exactly what the shot was,” another military source said. A military insider told The Globe: “This is an incredible feat. It is a world record that might never be equalled.” The world record was previously held by British sniper Craig Harrison, who shot a Taliban gunner with a 338 Lapua Magnum rifle from 2,475 metres away in 2009. Previously, Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong had set the world record in 2002 at 2,430 metres when he gunned down an Afghan insurgent carrying an RPK machine gun during Operation Anaconda. Weeks before, Canadian Master Cpl. Arron Perry briefly held the world’s best sniper record after he fatally shot an insurgent at 2,310 metres during the same operation. Both soldiers were members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. U.S. Sergeant Bryan Kremer has the longest confirmed sniper kill shot by a U.S. soldier. He killed an Iraqi insurgent with his Barrett M82A1 rifle at 2,300 metres in 2004. JTF2 special forces are primarily tasked with counterterrorism, sniper operations and hostage rescue. Much of the information about this elite organization is classified and not commented on by the government. The unit’s snipers and members of Canadian Special Operations Regiment, who are carrying out the main task of training Kurdish forces, have been operating in tough conditions in Iraq. The Trudeau government pulled CF-18 fighter jets out of Iraq in 2016 but expanded the military mission, which will see the number of Canadian special forces trainers climb to 207 from 69 in an assist, train and advise mission. Canadian commandos are not supposed to be involved in direct combat, but are authorized to go up to the front lines on training missions with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and to paint targets for coalition air strikes. For operational security reasons, sources would not reveal the names of the elite Canadian sniper and his partner, nor the location where the action took place. A sniper and his observer partner are often sent to remote and dangerous locations to hunt down insurgents while having to carry heavy equipment. Once they have located the target, snipers follow the same methodical approach before each shot. Breathe in, out, in, out, find a natural pause and then squeeze the trigger. Canada has a reputation among Western military forces for the quality of its snipers, despite the small size of the Canadian Armed Forces compared to the United States and Britain. “Canada has a world-class sniper system. It is not just a sniper. They work in pairs. There is an observer,” a military source said. “This is a skill set that only a very few people have.” The skill of the JTF2 sniper in taking down an insurgent at 3,540 metres required math skills, great eyesight, precision of ammunition and firearms, and superb training. “It is at the distance where you have to account not just for the ballistics of the round, which change over time and distance, you have to adjust for wind, and the wind would be swirling,” said a source with expertise in training Canadian special forces. “You have to adjust for him firing from a higher location downward and as the round drops you have to account for that. And from that distance you actually have to account for the curvature of the Earth.” Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/06/23/how-canadas-tiny-military-produced-deadly-record-breaking-snipers/?utm_term=.654ffa726d7c https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/canadian-elite-special-forces-sniper-sets-record-breaking-kill-shot-in-iraq/article35415651/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills Their Loadout Specs (Most Likely): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISVpISjB1Wld0OW8/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIUi1UTkppQmF0Y00/view
  5. BurnerTactical

    USSOCOM Wolfpack

    Thank you for showing an interest in the Wolfpack. Please consider joining our Squadrons carefully as this entails a significant commitment on your end. I will advise that we are a very small group. If your looking for massive online scale, this isn't it. However, we operate in a small team which requires every member participating, communicating and shooting. If you are still interested and can meet on Saturdays at 2000EST apply. Please understand that by submitting an application you are considered an applicant of the Wolfpack. You must complete training and earn your Navy SEAL Trident before being considered for membership. Once you demonstrate a commitment to the pack, proficiency, and the ability to be a humble team player, you may be extended an invitation to become a member. Combat proficiency can be taught and is absolutely secondary to Character. We have high standards in our group, and we expect members to be humble, open to criticism, and respectful to team members. Our motto is "...if you want to be here, prove it". This is not for everyone. See you Down Range, Burner