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  1. CUP-to-Contact: CUP buildings with interiors A simple mission script that replaces old A2-era buildings from CUP with ones that have interiors from Contact. It accounts for the offset between models as to prevent horrendous clipping and misplaced objects. I would like to announce the release of a new script I have developed alongside help from others (Diwako and Simkas). It is a simple mission script that switches out old CUP buildings with ones from the Contact/Livonia DLC while accounting for the differences in offset between them, as to prevent clipping and things like houses being inside of signs, fences, bins, etc. It (currently) supports around ~60 buildings, including all Chernarus houses and multiple other buildings and objects. Keep in mind that this works not only for CUP maps, but any other maps that make use of CUP buildings, like Beketov, Podagorsk, Thirsk, OBG maps, etc. It is easy to implement into your mission (instructions on the GitHub page!) and does what it says on the tin. It requires CUP Terrains - Core in order to work and takes effect in postInit. This is my first time releasing a script to the public, so I'd like to know what you think. Feedback and suggestions are well appreciated! Credits: Diwako, for scripting help and general advice Simkas, for helping me to get started and wrapping my head around things Downloads: Github (download and installation)
  2. Note: I'm not having an issue with the base game (all add-ons disabled) after the last update at the time of this post: Hotfix 1.82 ArmA3 vers, 1.82.144710, I'm getting a few script errors. Seems every major update for A3 breaks the mods. I don't blame BIS for that. But some people are saying to go to CUP's website and download the add-ons because the workshop can't handle huge files. Some are saying that BIS never anticipated such large downloads. What ever the cause, I thought the whole point of using the workshop was the have your mods kept up to date automatically. Has anyone else experienced this when adding CUP assets into the editor and then playing the game? No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CUP_D_RadarProtocal_RU/SentConvering.'. There's also another error I'm getting that's freezing the game temporary until the error leaves the screen. Something about a Transit function. Again, everything was fine till this last main update to A3. These CUP mods are HUGE, I don't what to have to download them all again, but I guess I don't have a choice. The only mods I'm running are CUP, CBA, Eden settings and RedHammer. These are are workshop subscriptions. I've tried the Repair feature on each and every mod. Everything show OK for the status. I don't know what to do with this, and ArmA3 is getting to be more work then it's fun. I'm always trying to fix things after each major update. Maybe I just need to turn updates off once everything is working and not update again until everything settles. EDIT Well I just downloaded all the CUP add-ons, added them manually to the launcher options, and I'm still getting bin, function.. ect..ect errors. Like I said, every time there is an update to ArmA3, something gets broke. I don't remember dealing with this as often back in the A2 days. I'm getting sick of spending all my time trouble shooting this game. BIS, stop releasing DLC's and focus on compatibility. 22 years I've been playing this since OFP, and I'm about to hang it up with this title.
  3. SAM Pack. 'nuff said Copyright 2018 hcpookie. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named hcpookie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR UPDATE: also hosted on my onedrive. It is also on Steam for those who can't figure how to install mods. - addresses AAA script lag issues, and includes new Ground Control Intercept (GCI) function. Tutorial vid for GCI found here: REQUIREMENTS: The only requirement for "vanilla" play is my camonets pack: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186395-pook-camonets/ Default factions are now supported: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL DOWNLOAD (in multiple parts): https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!22139&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 STEAM DOWNLOAD HERE: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032494151/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 READ: Read the guide. Please! The Guide represents all the documentation, information, configuration settings, etc. to successfully enjoy this addon! Lots of pictures too, so read it 😄 STATUS: All known / reported issues have been addressed. Change log below. ANY ERRORS / POPUPS WERE NOT NOTICED IN TESTING... Please let me know if you find anything broken or simply... strange. I am already seeing several little things that need some TLC. It is somewhat difficult to test 50+ vehicles in all their scenarios so I am certain that some issues will be discovered.... MEA CULPA if they do! SPECIAL FEATURES: There are several new features that enhance gameplay. Included with the units are: Proximity fuses / indirect damage SHORAD counter-missile defense (yes I can shoot down your incoming missiles) ARM weapons (anti-radiation missiles) for use against key SAM/AAA site radar units. RWR missile alerts. Automatic, MP-friendly spawning of SAM and AAA sites. NEW in v4.2: Support for external ECM / JAMMING scripts UNITS: The addon includes both EAST / SOVIET heritage systems and WEST / NATO heritage systems. Due to the changes in 4.1 the vanilla factions can now access most all systems regardless of origin, with a few exceptions. All your favorite A2 factions are present (via CUP units) for their respective factions' systems, now within their own OPTIONAL download (see above). If you desire to run with CUP, you will need that additional file. If you do not use CUP, DO NOT USE THE FILE. Further information is found in the Guide. CHANGELOG Full detailed description and information from my A2 pack is collected here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176187-pook-sam-pack-v10/
  4. UPDATE: Version 5.1 - No longer requires CUP, and CUP is now supported as an optional configuration. Look for the optional "pook_Bomber_Factions" rar file for the CUP-specific options! :) Copyright 2016 hcpookie. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named hcpookie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5 major feature: Added Tu-22 and Su-24 aircraft. Version 5.1 update - fix to nuke script and CUP addon signing issue affecting MP server joins All planes are found in a new "Air-Bomber" category in the editor. 3D editor preview pics now included. Changelog of fixes and improvements: The major Tu-95 family derivatives are present. The Tu-95 versions in this addon provide conventional bomber, strategic strike capabilities, and in the Tu-142 the ability to detect Ship objects (submarines, boats, etc.) via the use of the sonobuoy detection feature. Now included are Tu-16 family aircraft, including a strike/ASM version and a conventional bomber/ASM version. Included is a PDF guide describing the finer points of the mod, capabilities, and use of the Nuke Script. Wait... did I say "Nuke Script"??? Download the mod and the PDF "guide" here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!32228&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 The standard Tu-16: The Tu-16-K10 Strike/ASM model. Note the massive size of the K10 (NATO: AS-2) missile: Tu-95 "Bear-H": Tu-142 "Bear-F" (note tail stab antenna sensor array and front glass bombardier canopy, and lack of underwing weapon pylons): Kh-41 (3M80) ASM missile. 3x 3M80 "Moskit" missiles: Conventional bomber version w. 24 FAB-250 bombs: Tu-95 MS-16 (Bear-H) with 16 Kh-65 CALCM: Tu-142 dropping sonobuoy:
  5. Evil's Last Will (Arma 3) Author: Undeceived Version: 1.4 (updated March 20th, 2023) T R A I L E R D E S C R I P T I O N Eliminate a target person and witness how murder and hatred only stoke more fear and death in this land - when evil fulfills its last will. F E A T U R E S A story-driven one-mission-mini-campaign with many objectives, ported from Arma 1 (OFPEC score back in the days: 8 out of 10) Modernized and optimized with Arma 3 features Full voice acting (German) English and German subtitles Thrilling and dark story, set in the deep forests of northern Sahrani Play as a Germany / NATO special forces operator: Infiltrate enemy positions, take out a highly valuable target, try to help local resistance forces, adapt to harsh circumstances due to missing allied support Cutscenes Custom music Custom main menu design Choose your equipment in the Arsenal, not in the briefing R E Q U I R E M E N T S CUP (Vehicles, Units, Weapons, Maps, Core) CBA (required by CUP) (Steam Workshop link) C H A N G E L O G D O W N L O A D Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 OneDrive Evil's Last Will v. 1.4 Make sure you log out from your 1drv before clicking the link. Otherwise your name shall be known to my 1drv for all eternity. 😲
  6. by Gunter Severloh Hello Arma 3 community! Here is a mission i built that i have been working on and off since November 2018: Story After a recent reconnaissance mission in Afghanistan, Intel reports ISIL forces have established a foothold in the Southwestern area of Kunduz using local Afghan compounds as their place of operations. Your mission is to locate and clear these compounds, eliminate the anti air threat, destroy their ammo, fuel, Radio, and eliminate the ISIL commander leading the occupation. Screenshots Video This video is a play through for the original mission with all mods. Video doesn't represent the latest build. The ISIL Foothold no mods & DLC version playthrough Download MISSION FEATURES General 6 Player Coop with Revive. Player apon death will have option to be revived if playing coop with other players. Player apon death will respawn at at base 5 seconds. Player can self revive/self heal without needing to respawn if a fak/medkit is in their gear. Player's body will delete on respawn. Player's loadout will save on respawn. You can change the AI difficulty in the MP parameters. You can change the weather in MP parameters. You can set the hour to any time of the day or night in MP Parameters. You can turn stamina/fatigue on or off in MP Parameters. You can change the grass density in MP Parameters. You can change the view distance in MP Parameters. You can change the weapon sway & recoil in MP Parameters. Friendly Assets 2 dune buggies seats 4 - (no respawn). 2 Humvee's with .50cal - (no respawn). 1 Ammo, fuel, & repair truck - (no respawn). 4 Artillery (Mortar M252) Fire missions. 6 calls for a helicopter to: CAS, Transport, pickup,fastrope, and Supply Drop - (Slingload or Paradrop). Access to Virtual Arsenal at Base to change uniform, weapons, loadout & gear. Recruit AI Custom Map Mission set on Kunduz, Afghanistan Map - (Fixed Doors version so you can open the doors). Over 1,075 custom placed buildings, walls, objects, sandbags, and wrecks in and around the compound areas. Gameplay Soldiers randomly garrisoned in and around the compounds - (Each play through is different!) Roaming infantry patrols will seek you out if you make your presence known. Random starting positions of several of the objectives. If you play solo you will respawn when you die. Option to recruit AI infantry to command. Full Briefing with Tasks. 18 objectives with tasks. Use your map to locate objectives based on their description for the task. Your enemy is the ISIL forces, also known as ISIS. Player's faction is Blufor (RHS - USA SOCOM / MARSOC). Start at a large FOB and drive, or fly to the AO. Advice & Tips Know that the enemy has anti air, locate it and destroy it before flying in or calling in for CAS support. Take your time, patience and recon are crucial in surviving in this mission. Theres no wrong way to approach or do an objective, but rushing and carelessness will cost you. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Check the rooftops, windows, doorways, and your corners before you make your move. Shooting your weapon will draw their attention, so shoot and scoot! Use your support Assets, they are limited but can maximize your efforts if used at the right time. Playing Coop means working together, covering the other guy, reviving/giving aid/ammo. Use the terrain to your advantage, as a long range fighter many threats can be eliminated from afar. Move to cover from cover, and look for the next position of cover for your next move. Do your recon, assess the terrain, plan your move, look at where there is cover. When in doubt throw a grenade. When the enemy has an idea or is zeroed in on your position, MOVE! Move diagonally, laterally, not straight when being shot at. Arc your doors and openings, doing so will allow you to peer the inside flanks. Close your flanks - after moving into a house with doors, close the door behind you. Dont try to out shoot an enemy that already has a bead on you, move! Use natural, and other light sources to illuminate the enemy surroundings. Dont crest hills and become a silhouette, always crawl and use rocks or bushes to conceal your shape. When searching for enemy, look for silhouettes, or shapes that dont belong, dark on sand stands out. When trying to move closer while an enemy is spotted ahead, put objects (buildings, stones, hard cover) in front of you while moving to hide your movement, and give you cover. Watch my video to see how i do it 😉 HOW TO PLAY 1. Go to Multiplayer 2. Server browser 3. Host Server 4. Type in server name, # of players, pw 5. Choose map on left mission on right. =================== Mission works on a dedicated & GSP Servers! =================================== CREDITS I want to thank the following members of the Arma community for their work/help with my mission: Rydygier - for his insights in using !ALive code, sorting out bugs with mission end. Larrow - for his code on Multiple support requesters. pierremgi - for his help with code for transferring the briefing on teamswitch. Kronzky - for his Urban Patrol Script. Sushi - for his [TOG] GARRISON SCRIPT. Simmax - for his Kunduz FOB Template which i upgraded. Rydygier & myself - for HAS - Hermes Airlift Services Mod. Red Hammer Studios - for their RHS Mod. AccuracyThruVolume - for his fantastic Iraqi-Syrian Conflict Mod. James2464 - for his original map Kunduz Afghanistan. Moser - Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux script. Ghost - Halo script. Hortzy - for his help with parameters. Other members of the community that contributed: * fawlty * Harzach * froggyluv * Play3r * ZaellixA * Kalle M. ================= Changelog:

    Zombie Survival Course

    by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Survive - Loot and Clear the Areas. 31 Different Enemy Faction. Fight VS Zombies or NPCS.Supporting almost EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3). Gameplay with a lot of options (MODULAR environment). Features: Respawn VCOM AI Psycho's aid system JIP compatible Game Mode selection 31 Different Enemy Faction Supporting almost EVERY map (ArmA 1/2/3) Long lasting Gameplay with a lot of options And much more Installation: Place the mission file in the MPmissions folder inside your Arma 3 installation. Your ArmA3 installation should be in yoursteamfolder/steamapps/common - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Usage: Recommended and/or optional addons and mods to use with Zombie Survival Course: Heros Survive http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31161 CUP Terrains Complete http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30045 CUP Weapons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 CUP Units http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29301 CUP Vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716 RHSUSAF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27149 RHSAFRF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27150 RHSGREF http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30998 Operation: TREBUCHET http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28614 Notes: It is supporting almost EVERY map ! (ArmA 1/2/3) , just by changing the name on the end of the mission name like : Zombie_Survival_Course.Stratis to : Zombie_Survival_Course.Tanoa 3 Game modes to choose A. Clear Area , ( Suggested for Zombies ) B. Clear Area + Destroy Communication tower ( Suggested for NPCS ) C. Capture + Hold Area ( Only for NPCS ) It is possible even to play with Virtual Arsenal available , if you enable it from the Extra Mission options . The Loot spawn system from Heros Survive is DISABLED . The Loot Script by BangaBob will be running instead + it works on any map . To Check + test the spawn of the items , there is also an option on the parameters , on the Loot Probability , to Enable Debug Weapon = 0 Magazines = 1 Items + Heros Survive items = 2 Vests = 3 Backpacks = 4 Heros Survive items = 5 2 extra pics to see the spawn of the items Select your desired Environment There is included in the selections , also Loot for , Community Upgrade Project [ CUP ] to activate it you must have the certain addon [ Weapons + Units + Vehicles] . For changes , go to the mission parameters . Your Selections may have effect on the performance , check more the parameters settings. If you want to enable the Heros Survive (SURVIVAL mode) , enable from the parameters and also you MUST have enable this addon , in order to play this mode! If the Survival mode is enabled , you will see on the right side the survival icons . Every time you are starting the mission , the starting position will be on random. If it stops generating objectives , then you should restart the mission. - Optional VCOMAI userconfig - The mission is using the VCOMAI . To use the extra settings see the Install Instructions of VCOMAI folder . Credits & Thanks: A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- =BTC=_TK_punishment Script by BTC Giallustio TAW view Distance v1.4 Script by Tonic AI HALO Jump Script by cobra4v320 Heros Survive Scripts by heros Loot system Script by BangaBob Advanced Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Urban Rappelling Script by Duda Advanced Towing - Script by Duda NRE Earplugs Script by NemesisRE VCOM AI Driving Script by Genesis92x Vcom AI 2.81 Script by Genesis92x Mag Repack Script by Outlawled Monsoon Script by aliascartoons Snow Storm Script by aliascartoons Real Weather by code34 Generic Dust Particles Script by Goon Generic Snowstorm Particles Script by Goon Situational Music Script by DemoCore Addon-Free Stat Save System [BETA] by Stealthstick/Zooloo75 Randomly generated roadside IED's by brians200 Engima's Civilians Script by Engima Engima's Traffic Script by Engima findSafePos Script by Joris-Jan van't Land taskPatrol Script by Joris-Jan van't Land Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.3 Added Headshot + Killfeed Script v2.0 Optimize Unit Spawn distance , for Roaming Selections Optimize for Suiside Bombers Spawn Minor fixes v2.2 Downgraded A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- to 15102016 ,because of errors v2.1 Optimized Unit Spawn for Roaming Selections Updated A3 Wounding System Script by [TcB]-Psycho- to v24062017 Added Suiside Bombers (civilians) v2.0 added options for: Civilians , Vanilla / APEX or CUP Civilian traffic , Vanilla / APEX or CUP ( vehicles ) Ambient life , Vanilla ( animals ) Roaming ZOMBIES Roaming NPCS ,Vanilla / APEX / CUP / RHS Roaming NPCS vehicles ,Vanilla / APEX / CUP / RHS / TREBUCHET Weapon Jamming Vehicle Crew Display Killing Civilias feed AI chatter Ambient Radio Chatter BIS_sandstorm v1.2 Minor fix (error with Ryanzombies) v1.1 Fixed some issue with Zombies and Demons classnames Added compability with , Operation : TREBUCHET v1.0 - Zombies and Demons Forum topic: - BI forums - Armaholic forums Armaholic Zombie Survival Course v2.3
  8. I have tried installing/reinstalling CUP Terrian - Core, reorganizing my command line add-ons, and server update. Given error message: Warning Message: Addon 'LSR_contact_in_cup_aesthetics_c' requires addon 'CABuildings' I have not run into this issue before. I am using a dedicated server, Host Havoc.
  9. Requires the latest version of CBA A3 Requires the latest version of Community Upgrade Project (Weapons, Units and Vehicles). UPDATED 4th JAN 2019! "On behalf of the CFP team we are extremely excited to announce a new community mod designed to bring a rich and diverse set of factions to Arma 3! This ambitious project is off to a flying start with 30(!) new or enhanced factions, over 900 new custom items and support for ZEUS, VCOM, ACE3 and ALiVE. We're building factions using CUP as a base, as CUP includes a huge array of vehicles, weapons and equipment in use by today's aggressors. We specifically built the factions with mission making in mind, with a wide variety of groups (including static weapons) and support for mods such as ALiVE and VCOM. We're very thankful for the community donations of assets so far and we welcome the community in helping us to bring more factions to Arma 3!" - Tupolov & AUTigerGrad (CFP Lead Developers) CFP is a community project to provide Arma 3 with 100 new or enhanced real world factions/sub-factions involved in current and historical armed conflicts. CFP comes in two flavours - CFP and CFP Ultimate, only CFP requires Community Upgrade Project (CUP) while CFP Ultimate will require a number of community mods. CFP offers not only enhanced vanilla CUP factions but also a huge number of new factions using CUP and community donated assets. CFP includes custom assets and textures in order to help expand whats possible with CUP. CFP Ultimate will enhance base CFP factions (if running CFP) and introduces new factions using the most efficient combination of community gear, weapon and vehicle addons. CFP Ultimate will be announced soon(tm)! Factions are delivered in a modular way, enabling groups to maintain their own tailored version of CFP by simply excluding any components they don't need, or those possibly in conflict with other mods. CFP Features CFP plus CFP Ultimate provides 91 new factions! (excluding enhanced CUP factions) CFP introduces 59 new factions based on CUP + custom assets (including 9 new civilian factions) Replaces certain CUP factions with factions split by theater (i.e. Arid/Desert, Woodland/Jungle, Artic/Snow etc) Enhances certain CUP factions with additonal groups and loadouts (i.e. special forces) Includes AccuracyThruVolume's Iraq/Syria pack Includes SP Craig's gear pack Includes Siege-A's insignias and patches content Includes VanSchmoozin's vests and helmets content Includes 75th Rangers mod content, thanks to Hawaiian and co! Additional custom textures and assets donated by community members 900+ custom helmets, vests, uniforms, rucks and more Custom Supply Crates for each faction Randomization tech that provides variation of gear and equipment to appropriate units and vehicles resulting in hundreds of possible civilian, insurgent, PMC, clandestine operative and special forces units and vehicles. Standardizes faction and group configurations for the community Follows best practice configuration and implementation using CBA and ACE3 standards Full support for ZEUS, ALiVE, ACE3 and VCOM CFP Ultimate will enhance the CFP factions and introduces 32 new factions/sub-factions based on common community addons taking the total new or enhanced factions to over 100! CFP Factions CFP factions cover major current conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Philippines, Ukraine, South America and African states dealing with Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab and islamic insurgencies such as Nigeria, Kenya, Central African Republic, Somalia, Yemen and Mali. In addition, western regular forces and special forces are represented along with historical and current aggressors. bold = Complete OPFOR Abu Sayyaf - CPF_O_ABUSAYYAF Al-Qaeda - CFP_O_ALQAEDA Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas) - CFP_O_HAMAS Al-Shabaab - CFP_O_ALSHABAAB Boko Haram (Nigeria) - CFP_O_BOKOHARAM Central African Rebels - CFP_O_CFRebels Chernarussian Red Star Movement (Winter) - CFP_O_CHDKZ_SNW Columbian FARC Rebels Hezbollah - CFP_O_HEZBOLLAH Houthis (Yemen) - CFP_O_ANSARALLAH IRA Iraqi Army (2003) Islamic Republic of Iran Army - CFP_O_IRARMY Islamic State - CFP_O_IS Libyan National Army Mali Islamic Rebels North Korea - CFP_O_NKARMY Russian Ground Forces - split into various theater specific factions including Special Operations Forces - CUP_O_RU, CFP_O_RUARMY_DES Russian National Guard (formerly MVD) - CFP_O_RUMVD Russian Navy Somali Rebels - CFP_O_SOREBEL South Thailand Insurgents Sudan Revolutionary Front - CFP_O_SDRebels Sudan People's Liberation Movement In Opposition - CFP_O_SSREBELS Syrian Air Force Syrian Arab Army - CFP_O_SYARMY Taliban Insurgents - CFP_O_TBAN INDFOR Al-Nusra - CFP_I_ALNUSRA Afghani Militia Central African Republic Armed Forces Chechnya Militia Columbian Armed Forces Egyptian Armed Forces Free Syrian Army Islamic State - CFP_I_IS Myanmar Armed Forces PMC: Blackwater PMC: ION - split into various theater specific factions South Sudan People's Defense Force - CFP_I_SSARMY Sudan People's Liberation Movement North - CFP_I_SDRebels Tuareg Rebels - CFP_I_TUAREG Ulster Loyalist Paramilitaries (Ulster Volunteer Force) UNAMID (Niger, Chad, Cameroon etc) United Nations - split into various theater specific factions Western Ultra-nationalists / Terrorist - CFP_I_WestUltra Yemen Armed Forces BLUFOR Afghan Police - CFP_B_AFGPOLICE Afghanistan Army - CFP_B_AFARMY Armed Forces of the Czech Republic - split into theater factions - CFP_B_CZARMY_WDL, CUP_B_CZ British Army - split into theater factions - CUP_B_GB, CFP_B_GBARMY_WDL Bundeswehr (KSK) - split into theater factions - CFP_B_DEARMY_WDL, CUP_B_GER Chernarus Defence Force (Winter) - CFP_B_CDF_SNW Iraqi Armed Forces - CFP_B_IQARMY Iraqi Police - CFP_B_IQPOLICE Israeli Defence Force - CFP_B_ILIDF Jordanian Armed Forces Kenyan Defence Forces - CFP_B_KEARMY Kurdish Peshmurga - CFP_B_PESH Libyan National Transitional Council / Government Forces Malian Government Forces - CFP_B_MLARMY Nigerian Armed Forces (Nigeria) - CFP_B_NEARMY Philippine Army Saudi Armed Forces Somali National Army Sudanese Armed Forces - CFP_B_SDARMY Sudanese Rapid Support Forces / Janjaweed - CFP_B_SDMILITIA Ugandan Defence Forces - CFP_B_UGARMY Ukraine Armed Forces US 75th Rangers - CFP_B_USRANGERS_WDL US Army - split into theater factions (Delta Force enhanced) - CUP_B_US_ARMY, CFP_B_USARMY_WDL US CIA (Middle East) - CFP_B_USCIA US CIA (South America) US Marine Corps - split into theater factions - CUP_B_USMC, CFP_B_USMC_DES US Navy SEALs - split into theater factions - CFP_B_USSEALS_WDL, CFP_B_USSEALS_DES YPG (Syrian Kurds) - CFP_B_YPG CIVILIAN African (Christian) - CFP_C_AFRCHRISTIAN African (Muslim) - CFP_C_AFRISLAMIC Asian International Committee of the Red Cross Afghani/Pakistani - CFP_C_AFG Middle Eastern (Iraqi/Syrian/Libyan) - CFP_C_ME South American Customizing load-outs for CFP units in 3D Editor (3DEN) CFP uses technology to script and randomize loadouts of units - this provides a massive variety for the units you'll see on the battlefield. In order to customize the loadouts of units in 3DEN editor, you will first need to disable the scripted loadout and/or the randomization. To do this simply: Right-Click the unit in 3D Editor (3DEN) Select Attributes Check the box Override ALiVE ORBAT Loadout and/or Disable CFP Randomization as needed. Contributors Tupolov AUTigerGrad AccuracyThruVolume SuperOps Archduke SP Craig Dusin Simcardo VanSchmoozin Siege-A Hawaiian For more information Please come join us over at out GitHub page! Download You can download Community Factions Project mod from Github here or on Steam. License CFP is currently licensed under the Creative Commons No-Derivatives 4.0 License [CC-ND]. Known Issues None FAQ Q. Why use CUP and not RHS? A. CUP offers a huge array of vehicles, weapons and equipment that really covers many modern day forces. The progress CUP is making around quality and quantity has been significant and they continue to improve as they move closer to complete coverage of Arma 2 assets. CFP provides new and hopefully improved textures (and where necessary models) for each new faction. RHS, although a great quality mod, does not give us the quantity of assets needed. CUP is also more open for development purposes and we feel CFP is a great compliment to such a comprehensive piece of work. Finally, we had to take into consideration compatibility with Arma 3 and other mods, particularly around vehicle damage models etc.
  10. hcpookie

    POOK Mi28

    Port of my Mi-28 from A2. Credit: Port of original CMA Mi28 from here. REQUIRES CUP as this is a port of my A2 work. While my work includes all three versions - main version, export Day model (no NVG), and export Night model (NVG, no FLIR), the current build contains only the "full" model with FLIR, NVG, and radome. Future releases will add the export model w/o radome and slightly reduced capabilities. I may also add several loadout options as per RL capabilities. Download the "preview" version here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265%2151699&cid=5B54FC51A7917265
  11. Introduction: This is a mod that adds a faction somewhat based on the group known as "Ahrar Al-Sham" & others related to it. The units should be somewhat accurate to their real counterparts though I decided to go for aesthetic over realism at some point. The mod contains 9 factions that are each based on a specific era or source material. The factions are the following: (It also contains some Multicam, Kryptek, and Tubitak uniforms) 1-Urban Cell 2-Rural Cell 3-Lions of War 1 4-Lions of War 2 5-Abu Laith Camp 2016 6-Syrian Liberation Front 7-National Front for Liberation 8-Syrian National Army 9-Al Fath Al-Mubin Operations Room Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2698357985 Background: "Ahrar al-Sham is a Sunni Salafist militant group operating in Syria that aims to replace the Assad Regime with an Islamic government. It was formed by former prisoners of the Assad Regime in late 2011 after Assad freed them in an effort to placate religious protestors during the Arab Spring. The group was initially based in the Idlib governorate but quickly expanded throughout Syria."..." The U.S. Director of National Intelligence considers Ahrar al-Sham and Tahrir al-Sham among the most effective Syrian opposition groups."..." Ahrar al-Sham is also known for uniting Islamist opposition forces under larger umbrella organizations. It led the formation of the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF) in 2012 and co-created The Islamic Front in 2013, which had 40,000-70,000 fighters and was Syria’s largest umbrella group."(https://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/groups/view/523) The In-Game Factions: (Disclaimer I'm not sure if it is correct to use the word cell in this case as I do not think that Ahrar adopted a cell structure for its units. Also, some of the photos are old and I have not had time to update them, so any help with that would be greatly appreciated) 1-Urban Cell: The urban faction is not necessarily based on any specific unit or image it is mostly inspired by combat footage. The units are equipped with civilian clothing and completely lack any plate carriers or helmets to simulate the nature of urban warfare in which insurgents favor mobility over protection. All of the units use derivatives of the AK platform and follow the same structure of a CFP faction as all of the factions that are to follow. They have the most lethal asset that the faction has which is an RCVBIED. 2-Rural Cell: This faction aims to emulate a more rural (in this case, desert-dwelling) population. They all wear shemaghs and favor quick and mobile attacks and ambushes. They rely on bikes for transportation. I tried my best to emulate an Arab look to the best of my ability while dealing with a severe lack of authentic MENA assets. 3-Lions of War 1: These units are based on a training camp video showcasing some of Ahrar's special forces. The units are all wearing black uniforms and have their faces covered with balaclavas. They also rely on AKs (A theme that is repeated) and have some locally made vests. They have some variety when it comes to their sniper rifles and were shown to use ghillie suits. The look of the units is unlikely to represent their battlefield condition but that is a concession that needs to be made in the quest for authenticity. 4-Lions of War 2*: These units were based on the second training camp video of the same name that had been released in 2014 as well. I had labeled it incorrectly as Lions of War 2017. They wear locally made balaclavas, and Tubitak uniforms, and have some unique plate carriers. They were also featured with SA23s, but we do not have those, so I went with M3 submachine guns instead. 5-Abu Laith Camp 2016: These units were based on a training camp video around the time of the battle of Aleppo. They wear digitally camouflaged black t-shirts, balaclavas, and Multicam pants. They were shown using both AK47s and AK74s. 6-Syrian Liberation Front: These units were based on an image of Syrian Liberation Front fighters, a group that Ahrar was a part of, they followed the later trends of the war. They have black helmets, Multicam uniforms, and vests. They have some AK74s and some wear Arid Tubitak uniforms. 7-National Front for Liberation: A less standardized rendition compared to their SLF counterparts. They are based on the National Front for Liberation, which Ahrar is part of. They wear a plethora of different uniforms and an assortment of headgear. They were based on footage from the battle for Al Nairab and have some ACV-15s at their disposal. 8-Al Fath Al Mubin Operations Room: A more standardized rendition compared to their NLF counterparts. They are based on the Al Fath Al Mubin, which Ahrar is indirectly part of as they are part of the NLF which is in it. They wear different variants of Kryptek uniforms and an assortment of headgear. They are based on some of the later pictures published by Ahrar and partially based on some HTS units. 9-Syrian National Army: One of the most modern renditions of rebel troops. They are based on the SNA, which Ahrar is part of as part of the NLF. They wear Multicam and Kryptek uniforms and helmets. They have the largest arsenal of weaponry and have Turkish support at their disposal in the form of ACV-15s, TOW2s, and M60A3s crewed by the Turks. Most factions rely on the Hilux as their main vehicle or a motorcycle. The Urban faction is no different, additionally, they have an RCVBIED based on a BMP1 chassis (You need a drone terminal to access it). Ahrar is reportedly responsible for half of the RCVBIEDs used throughout the war (https://hugokaaman.com/2019/10/01/the-myth-of-the-remote-controlled-car-bomb/). Requirements: -CUP -CFP -[R] Syrian and Iraqi civil war insignia Concessions: -It is quite difficult to accurately portray the apparel and some of the equipment that may have been used in real life due to the lack of appropriate Arma 3 assets + modded assets and the difficulty of finding gear that does not clip other gear. -Many of the units were based on training camp footage, thus they are even less accurate and portray a best-case scenario. Others are based on trends rather than actual photographic evidence and thus are extreme best-case scenarios. -Until a future update, there is no equipment randomization. Disclaimers: -The faction is Zeus compatible. All you need is CUP, CFP, and R-insignias. -"Since December 2015, the UN Security Council has been trying to assemble a list of terrorist groups in Syria. Russia, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, and the UAE support classifying Ahrar al-Sham as a terrorist group, but they have not been able to achieve a unanimous consensus"(https://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/groups/view/523) -I do not in any way condone terrorism, terrorists, terror groups, or any of the like. This is only a mod for a video game that aims to enhance the gameplay by providing a faction that can fit a certain theme. -This faction was created using the Alive Orbatron Creator and is completely dependent on CUP and CFP. -Have a nice day and remember to post any suggestions and I will try my best to address them. Credits -A big thank you to Alias for allowing me to use his JDAM script for the RCVBIED. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=760076984 -Thank you MrPenguin20 from Wikipedia for your creation of the logo.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Logo_of_Ahrar_al-Sham.svg -Thank you to b3lx for allowing me to use his assets although I have not done so yet. ;/
  12. If you are looking for a good feeling server, please don't hesitate to configure mods and join the [TCF] wasteland server on A3. Underrated gameplay with no limits and full tactics and combat freedom with missions, loot crates, a lot of vehicles and gear. Good starting server for a new players to learn and feel full potential of ArmA3 gameplay. Server made by FANS for FANS! Steam Group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/tcfwasteland Discord https://discord.gg/G6f3UHcb2F Required Mods https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572205181 Supported Mods https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572210741
  13. Greetings guys! I have a little problem with my addons when playing Zeus. I use mostly CUP, for example the Britihs Armed Forces groups not showing up in Zeus, only air, armor and MTP sniper teams. Is there any way to add all groups with a command line in Eeden Editor, or must have edit my CfgPatches? Thank you for all replying my question.
  14. A replacement mesh for vanilla small arms tracers (so no changes for big boi tank shells, those are fine IMHO). It's pretty much just vanilla tracers, but a bit more THICC. They are more visible, but still retain the overall shape and textures of the normal Arma 3 tracer. This is just a cosmetic addon that can be run purely clientside. No plans for RHS, they have their own tracers. DOWNLOAD: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2523193223 PATCH FOR CUP: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523203854
  15. Previously called the "US Army 2005" addon, now i renamed it to "US Forces 2000s", so the addon can have a wider scope and can include more branches. This pack includes Soldiers and Marines wearing BDUs in Desert camo or M81 Woodland camo and Interceptor Body Armors in M81 camo, 2004-2006 era Marines wearing Marpats, IBAs, Nomex Flightsuits, and there are also 2007 Era US Army units that wear Full UCP camo. They use RHS weapons and vehicles, GSTAVO's M16A2s are also used by most of the Marines from 2001-2003, and also rear echelon US Army units Features: - Units, primarily US Army and USMC, from 2001 to 2007, wearing appropriate uniforms and gear for each year - units are mostly available in woodland and desert variants (except for later US Army, wearing universal camo pattern, of course) - Generic Special Forces Units, from 2001s to 2005 era - Adapter for users of RH Accessories pack is available, inside the "optionale" folder found in the mod's directory (@simc_uaf_08_rhs). using RH Optics will give more period accurate attachments not found in RHS, primarily PEQ2s and Aimpoint M2s, also TA01 ACOGs Gear: - ACU Uniform (UCP camo, IR flag option) - MICH helmet (UCP, M81, and DCU camo, and coverless versions) - MICH battery pack accessories made by Lennard - PASGT helmet (M81, DCU, 6-colour, and Marpats) - LWH Helmet (Desert and Woodland Marpat) - Interceptor Body Armour OTVs (a shitload of them, really, in M81, DCU, and UCP camo, also plain coyote brown) - CIRAS vests - SPEAR BALCS vests - FLCs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - ILBVs (on its own and on top of IBAs) - BDU Uniforms (M81 and DCU) - Raid BDUs (M81 and DCU) - Units have randomised helmets - Nomex Flightsuit (model by Cinco) - ESS and SWD Goggles - few other glasses, ESS V12 and Birth Control Glasses (Made by Lennard) - Watch Caps for early years SF (Also Made by Lennard) - PVS7 NVGs on rhino mounts - optional ace compatibility for all glasses and NVGs available, config made by lizardbolo, optional config comes in a pbo located in "optionale" folder under the mod's directory - patrol caps, utility caps, and boonie hats, in DCU and M81 - Fleece jackets and MOPP suits Planned stuff: - Wound textures - m40 gasmask + hoodie - editor icons - some additional SF Vests Full Changelog: Known Issues: - Nametapes does not receive shadows (idk how to fix this yet, material issue or smthing i have no idea even) - Wound textures not yet working Credits: - Bohemia Interactive: A2 Sample models, for base of uniform model and also the pouches - bolo861: Helped me fix loades of config errors, beta testing, and made config for the glasses ace compatibility - punky: original FLC model - bigstone: Scrim helmet model, ISAF patch texture, and several other texture for other unit patches, and lots of advices - cinco: NOMEX fligtsuit model - Johannes for his awesome SF template for Arma 1 - RHS team: Awesome mod in general that becomes the base for this mod (vehicles and weapons) - GSTAVO: That wonderful M16A2 - Lennard: Several great models that he gave me, including the watch caps, glasses, and battery pack - John Hansen (of Brazilian Defense Force mod) for ALICE webbing models - everyone here who helped me discover all the bugs that appear due to mijn clumsiness, and also for all the suggestions and critics! image albums: https://imgur.com/a/hdcjLq9 https://imgur.com/a/DaEScEM https://imgur.com/a/WWkAhrA https://imgur.com/a/dVLSUVv Download: Steam Workshop ------------- Additional Units Optionally, if you want some more units, you can grab some here. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1116198232 The extra units that are included in this optional pack are: - 173rd Airborne Bde (2004 and OEF) - 10th Mountain Division (2004 and OEF) - 101st Airborne (OEF) - 3rd Infantry Division (OEF) - 4th Infantry Division (2004 and OEF) - 1st Infantry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 1st Cavalry Division (2004, 2007, OEF) - 2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment (2004, OEF) As always, the 2004 ones wears DCUs and M81 IBAs, and a mix of MICH and PASGT helmets. The OEF units are in Full ACU gear and they wear ISAF patch on their left arm.
  16. I have loaded CUP Terrains, CUP Vehicles and CUP Units on my Arma 3 server. But whenever I want to load the mods crash the server. The RAM consumption then breaks down from 2.5GB to 0.6 GB and the server is no longer to be found in the server browser. I once unloaded all my other mods and just loaded the CUP mods and it happens the same thing. But with my other mods, the server works. Only the CUP mods don't work. I did everything right. I put the mod folders in the /arma3 directory on the server and placed the keys from the keys folder of the mods in the keys folder on the server. But it doesn't work. why? Can someone help me? Because we need CUP on the server. I also want to load RHSUSAF on the server but I'm afraid that the same thing happened with CUP. Can who help me? If who needs the log files so he will tell me. I rented my server from Nitrado. Thx.
  17. Hi all im pretty tired of CUP'S bullshit when it comes to executing VM script's. Rant aside here is my SQF file titled "introscene.sqf": titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; titleText ["Pre-Loading Objects, stablizing frame rate", "PLAIN"]; playMusic "music17" sleep 4; 0 = createDialog "IntroCard"; titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2]; _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"]; _angle = 0; _camera camSetpos [4439.47,4654.71,37.0427]; _camera camSettarget [4444.59,4517.27,19.0443]; _camera camCommit 0; while {_angle < 360} do { _angle = _angle + 1; _camera camSetRelPos [10*cos(_angle),10*sin(_angle),4]; _camera camCommit 0.1; sleep 10; _camera camSetpos [4236.59,6745.48,55.1633]; _camera camSettarget [4173.15,6814.03,16.4087]; _camera camCommit 0; while {_angle < 360} do { _angle = _angle + 1; _camera camSetRelPos [10*cos(_angle),10*sin(_angle),4]; _camera camCommit 0.1; sleep 10; closeDialog 2; camDestroy _camera; }; I have this as my init Field: player execVM "introscene.sqf"; I have CUP terrains installed which i think has changed the coding language. just need at Init command that will Behave like a execVM command for CUP. I keep getting a generic error for the sleep commands.
  18. I have a pretty basic mod list I installed on a TCAdmin panel. It downloaded and installed the mods just fine. Then I installed my custom scenario and went into the server. When I loaded, it showed me the slot selection screen, with no slots loaded in. It also repeatedly crashes, giving me the reason that an item no longer exists. I've gone through to delete 3 separate items over this, and keep coming back to the same error about a new item. I looked at a couple things, my command line has some of the mods in it twice, as well as CBA at the very end, as opposed to the beginning. Here's the mod list if it helps: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2378758937 Here's my RPT as it seems that's important: Arma 3 Jets | jets | true | true | GAME DIR | ca8d2b15096709f721442f1bd8daaf340efe3c7a | 4dedcd93 | jets 10:53:13 Arma 3 Apex | expansion | true | true | GAME DIR | ba42c2077a3ccc61ad9da08b0520dcdd3bf836e1 | a9ced3d9 | expansion 10:53:13 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | true | GAME DIR | f4f2299213d3fbac83f93a40f3a9189981d3b4d4 | bdd1f9cf | mark 10:53:13 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | true | GAME DIR | a864c4890a0a81805ec227cad1f26be1773aa0a8 | da5627a1 | heli 10:53:13 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | true | GAME DIR | dda4727989bdfbf55ca28fe990bcf47d86ace303 | 3e52333 | kart 10:53:13 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | true | GAME DIR | d6bd1f0f8278a7e1c60de7d92c098cf210834cf3 | 2c4264c1 | curator 10:53:13 Arma 3 | A3 | true | true | NOT FOUND | | | 10:53:13 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================== 10:53:13 InitSound ... 10:53:13 InitSound - complete 10:53:13 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 10:53:13 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 10:53:14 core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 10:53:14 a3\data_f\krater.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 10:53:14 a3\data_f\koule.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 10:53:15 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_characters_f 10:53:15 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale 10:53:15 Creating action map cache 10:53:15 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 51 ms 10:53:15 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr 10:53:15 Reading cached action map data 10:53:16 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\briefing\hubbriefing_loop.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: hubbriefing_ext 10:53:16 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\spectator\hubspectator_stand.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: hubspectator_stand 10:53:16 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 1312 ms 10:53:16 a3\characters_f\proxies\flag.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 10:53:17 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2372, Steam Query Port: 2373 10:53:17 Steam AppId from steam_appid.txt: 107410 10:53:17 Connected to Steam servers Oh, and here's the exact error that was booting it down: 10:28:32 mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item7.type: Vehicle class CUP_vojenska_palanda no longer exists When I deleted that item, it would continue with things like this: 12:18:05 mpmissions\__cur_mp.Malden\mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/Item7.type: Vehicle class ACE_medicalSupplyCrate_advanced no longer exists I really just don't know where to begin with fixing it to read the mods
  19. Welcome to The Graveyard Shift! About us: We are a casual ARMA 3 community made up of some friendly people from around the UK and Europe. Our group originates from the days of ARMA 2 and have close friendships at our core, but are looking to expand our community. We are not a mil-sim group, so there are no ranks, forced roles, or entry requirements. We aim to have a regular session every Tuesday and Saturday but often play throughout the week. Discord: Join us on our discord server: The Graveyard Shift https://discord.gg/WCe7VGg ARMA 3 Unit: Our ARMA 3 unit profile can be found at: https://units.arma3.com/unit/graveyardshift Steam Group: You can find our steam group here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/The_Graveyard_Shift Game Server: We have our own dedicated server, hosted in the UK, running a moderate selection of cherry-picked mods such as ACE, ACRE & RHS, etc. Search for [TheGraveyardShift] in the server browser. or direct connect with the IP address; See discord for full mods lists.
  20. Hi all: I am getting trouble in find out how to lower the front ramp of the Type 072 LST from CUP Vehicles DEV. Same to all CUP Static ship , there has nothing in the AnimateSource and UserAction. However, during check the config viewers, I ‘ve find that the ship has into few parts like : CUP_Type072_Main (come first) CUP_Type072_Front, CUP_Type073_Rear, ..etc Then , I find both animateSources and UserActions in CUP_Type072_Front. Which called : ramp_4_source ramp_front_source then I tried scripts: this animateSource [“ramp_4_source”,1]; this animateSource [“ramp_front_source”,1]; However , they are not work 😞 And the same thing to scripts from userActions . The problem might be the ship placed is a whole object but the scripts are from parts and it cause the scripts cannot work.... Anyone could help me figure it out...I really need it in my mission (I know I can directly down the ramp from options in attributes, but I need the lowing process ...) All ideas are welcome, thanks in advance.
  21. So for awhile on a private server with friends we have been using Rubber edition CTI, but we want to update/change some things, for example uniforms, even just camo textures, I have found a few on the workshop but some are not signed/have no server key/or-just-broken. I was wondering if the community could point me towards a replacement pack, I currently have the amazing The CSAT Modification Project on the workshop. But I tried using a replacement mod for cup with the default factions Link to replacement project but it has no server keys or signed keys for the mods for a dedicated server. I just want to replace Nato and AAF/Fia/CTGR with cup or anything but can't find a solution?
  22. I was wondering if anyone knew of any updated ones that use some of the new features or that are more refined. I am using PVT Petes version right now, but the AI becomes unstable with alive... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  23. CUP CAS Modules mod for Arma 3 by ANZACSAS Steve. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2151978106 - Instant brutal and intense Airstrikes !! - Enhanced AI behaviour CAS Modules for CUP Mod fixed wing aircraft !! 🙂 - Big Napalm and bomb strikes for great cinematics! - Signed and comes with server key. - Thanks to bis and the community. - Thanks to CUP Team.Especially Alwarren for the instant support!! - Support module capable!! - Comes with example mission for Support Module airstrikes.Found in your @CUP CAS Modules ANZACSAS Mod folder! - Enjoy. Required Addons - Napalm Mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703765606 CUP Vehicles https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=541888371 - Quick how to use - - Place module on map.Sync to a trigger with a Radio Alpha activation or whatever activation you choose. - Make sure player is equipped with a radio. - The direction of the module sets the direction the planes will attack from. - Found in the module tab in the editor (F5) in the effects tab. - See below for a more in depth how to use guide by Phronk from BI Forums. Phronk says, Here's how to place a CAS module in the editor and edit it: Click the Modules button on the right (Or press F5) Click the category, "Effects" (It's the third one down) Click the "Close Air Support (CAS)" item in the list Place the module on the map Double-click on it to open the module and edit it Very bottom category in edit box lets you change type of attack and CAS plane used Here's how to sync it to a trigger: Place your Blufor player unit Place a trigger and set the Activation to "BLUFOR" Right-click your Blufor player unit, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your unit to the trigger Right-click the placed CAS module, highlight "Connect" and then click "Sync to" Left-click the trigger; this will sync your CAS module to the trigger Also, the azimuth you set the CAS module to will be the direction the CAS plane will ingress from. If the azimuth is 0, then the plane will come in from the north and egress south. Copyright 2019[ANZACSAS Steven].This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ANZACSAS Steven.
  24. This is a topic that I was confused that Arma doesnt do since release, making all attachments optional except grenade launchers. Sure it has its reasons in limitations in the engine. So here is my first mod: S.U.C.K. - Simple UBGL Conversion Kit SUCK on Steam Worschop SUCK is an Arma 3 mod that allows Players to attach and detach their under barrel grenade launcher (UBGL). It uses placeholder items for different UBGL models and is compatible with ACE3 and supports several of the most common weapon packs. Requirements this mod requires the latest version of CBA A3 Usage This mod adds under barrel grenade launchers as items that can be attached to the weapons bipod slot. As soon as a supported weapon has a grenade launcher equipped the weapon is switched to its UBGL counterpart. The Weapon is switched back by unequipping the UBGL item. Supported grenade launcher weapons are equipped with the UBGL item on pickup automatically. Features - switching between grenade launcher weapons and base weapons by attaching UBGL item. - Vanilla Weapons support - ACE Extension - Attachment Switching support - Advanced Weapon Mounting support - RHS USAF Weapons support - RHS AFRF Weapons support - RHS GREF Weapons support - RHS SAF Weapons support - CUP Weapons support - BW Mod Weapons support - NIArms Weapons support planned Features: (if requested) - FFAA Weapons - Specialist Military Arms - SpR Специальные подразделения России - HAFM Weapons - 2035: Russian Armed Forces - Complementary Special Weapons - 3CB BAF Weapons - Massi NATO Rus Weapons Vote for supported mod packs here [poll.ly] GL Models these UBGL types are available separately: M203: "dcd_suck_M203" M203s: "dcd_suck_M203S" M320: "dcd_suck_M320" HK AG36: "dcd_suck_AG36" GP25: "dcd_suck_GP25" FM EGLM: "dcd_suck_EGLM" 3GL: "dcd_suck_3GL" QLG-10A: "dcd_suck_SL40" SL40: "dcd_suck_SL40" UPG40: "dcd_suck_UPG40" SIX-12: "dcd_suck_SIX12" VHS-BG: "dcd_suck_VHSBG" G1: "dcd_suck_G1" Contributions and Requests For own contributions or requests such as weapon pack support requests please contact us using our git repo [github.com]. Any weapon pack Modder is free to provide his own Compatibility Mods. For introductions on how to create these see: developers guide [github.com] Known Bugs A list of currently known bugs can be found here [github.com]. Please feel free to report bugs at any time. License This work is licensed under a Arma Public License Share Alike [www.bohemia.net]
  25. Hey guys, I've created a faction here, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023072593, but the BDRM and most vehicles have no gunner. I've check the config files and it has the Main turret crewed, but it does not have a gunner turret. IDK if that's how its suppose to look or.. if you check the faction, all the vehicles that are suppose to have gunner seats do not. Please help, Thanks.