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About Boss-Starstreams

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    Been playing since the start of OFP .
    I created a new account on the ArmA3 BIS forums, though my post count doesn't reflect my history. :)

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  1. Boss-Starstreams

    Prarie Fire discussion

    EDIT, sorry was not sure where to submit this bug issue. I used the feedback site. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185560 The textures on this tank are wrong when I start the game. Menu where I got the mod What the mod looks like in the editor. What is looks like In Game. What's strange is the texture showed up about 30 mins later. But not today again, it's a different texture than the camo
  2. Boss-Starstreams

    General Discussion (Spearhead 1944 RC Branch)

    EDIT, sorry, I put my post in the wrong section.
  3. EDIT. I think I found what I was looking for. Sorry https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/workshop/ I'm aware that the workshop is the new ways of getting add-ons, but where are the category intro pages? On Armaholic, you would actually go into specific sections, such as Maps, Vehicles, Tanks...ect and search what you wanted. it was organized. For now I'm pretty much just searching google for things and then being brought to a workshop link where I subscribe. But where is the main lists of ALL workshop content by category much in the way that Armaholic listed things? Thanks
  4. Who is the author of this, I think it came in an update with ArmA 3? I'm lost on scripting. I remember a small script you could add into a vehicles initialization field and it would auto supply the vehicle. Is there something similar for the MM 145 defender? This thing is really cool, but it runs out quick. I'm not even sure how to resupply it with a truck.
  5. Boss-Starstreams

    SAM systems set-up 2022

    How is that possible? Mine will not reload. I've been searching for a basic script, maybe something I can put into the Initialization box of the unit, but I've not had success. If this is an addon I would look into the read me, but I think this came with an update with Arma 3
  6. Got it working! I didn't realize you needed to add the radar with it..lol It seems to be working now, but are you suppose to group these to things? Or is placing one radio good for more than one Defenders? The other issue is, how do you refill the defender? Is there a script? This video was what i needed Force AI to Hold Fire and then fire on trigger EDIT
  7. How can I set a trigger to activate the MM 145 defender to only fire when the enemy helicopters enters into the perimeter of the trigger? In other words, I would like the defender to hold fire and be in a stealth kind of mode to prevent the helicopters from shooting it, but when the helicopters cross over a territory they activate. Thank you
  8. Standard civilian, Max Woman and ZEPHIK Female Units v2
  9. Boss-Starstreams

    Defult waypoint

    I remember reading something a while back saying that AI units have a default way point built in even if you don't set one. Just curious., if you set a group of units with no way point, what are the default behavior modes set to? I can't seem to find anything on this online. Like are they hold, or guard and is the mode aware, combat? It would be nice to save some resources by not having to add extra way points if when possible.
  10. Standard civilian, Max Woman and ZEPHIK Female Units v2
  11. Boss-Starstreams

    Can't get APC to stay on waypoint

    Yep, I've read all that. And you're right, they do need clarification on some things. There's too many variables in how way points can be connected for a one size fits all manual. But it does seem like the AI mode effects how they interact with way points. And I can say that the Guard way point in ArmA3 works totally different than in A2 without even reading up on it. Being that their editor is their main selling point in a now dated game, and the fact that not everyone has time to become a scripting master, simplifying the way points should be a main focus. The fustrating part is that, most of us can go out and find a script to add into the int fields to do certain things, but in all my searching, I have yet to find anyone who can make an AI Tank, Car stay in one place and fight.
  12. Boss-Starstreams

    CSLA Iron Curtain Unofficial discussion

    This Gabreta terrain is amazing. This is one of the first maps I've seen where the buildings have things in them. I love when developers pay attention to real world texturing, how the textures blend with roads and the right choice of ground real world ground surface that show though grass. All this make the game more fun when it feels real. The unique textures on walk ways, roads, is amazing. There are so many terrains that could be amazing but I won't bother to play because the textures and water creeks ...ect are not done right or don't look realistic. I'm going to play the heck out of this one. Beautiful.
  13. Boss-Starstreams

    Spearhead 1944 are all the assets loading?

    I see what's going on now. I was looking at the blue and red lists as though the colors mattered, It's not set up that way. The blue list is Germany, The green list is France and the US. Everything is good. Sorry.
  14. Boss-Starstreams

    Spearhead 1944 are all the assets loading?

    Did that, made not difference. I'm guessing that is why people are complaining.
  15. Are there any tanks or APCs on the German side for the Spearhead 1944 DLC? I wasn't sure if this was an in progress mod or if something is wrong with my game. I don't see any 1944 vehicles on the German side in the editor list. (Not that I can't use some from another mod) But there are some in the West list and some french tanks in the natural list. But t I don't see any heavy vehicles for the German side which surprised me because they had a ton of tanks during WW2. Maybe that was why the steam store page got some mixed reviews here. On a side note. The Normandy terrain is absolutely amazing. The DLC is worth buying just for the terrain IMO. I wish all terrains had this level of detail in the texturing and assets. Wow. Here are the DLCs I'm currently running.