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  1. To be short. After many years we can at least try prevent forced bying dlc to get acces to maps Tanoa and Livonia without advertising on screen. Content like weapons, vehicles, gear not affected. Petition link here https://chng.it/QSfnbXsZm8
  2. Download, Mission briefing, loadout, and more: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878171355 Languages supported: English and Portuguese. This mission AI was dynamically built by CSWR: Cheers, thy_
  3. CUP-to-Contact: CUP buildings with interiors A simple mission script that replaces old A2-era buildings from CUP with ones that have interiors from Contact. It accounts for the offset between models as to prevent horrendous clipping and misplaced objects. I would like to announce the release of a new script I have developed alongside help from others (Diwako and Simkas). It is a simple mission script that switches out old CUP buildings with ones from the Contact/Livonia DLC while accounting for the differences in offset between them, as to prevent clipping and things like houses being inside of signs, fences, bins, etc. It (currently) supports around ~60 buildings, including all Chernarus houses and multiple other buildings and objects. Keep in mind that this works not only for CUP maps, but any other maps that make use of CUP buildings, like Beketov, Podagorsk, Thirsk, OBG maps, etc. It is easy to implement into your mission (instructions on the GitHub page!) and does what it says on the tin. It requires CUP Terrains - Core in order to work and takes effect in postInit. This is my first time releasing a script to the public, so I'd like to know what you think. Feedback and suggestions are well appreciated! Credits: Diwako, for scripting help and general advice Simkas, for helping me to get started and wrapping my head around things Downloads: Github (download and installation)
  4. Hello, so I spent last 4 days reverse engineering and studying the new contact functions and scripting systems. I have figured out almost everything and I will update this thread as I figure out rest of what's left unexplored. Spectrum Device / EM / Radios This one was really tough to solve. The internal system is quite big and chaotic a little bit. The most important functions tend to be descripted, but the rest of the system are "unorganized" chunks of codes. [string: Antenna ID,object: Owner,int: Antenna Type] call BIN_fnc_setAntenna; This function is easy to use. You just think of some unique ID for the antenna, object that will hold the antenna and you define the type of antenna (2 -> transceiver = both receives and transmits signal) Antenna ID is also looked up in the config for predefined values. Check CfgContact >> Antennas Example: ["AlienTracker",bin_drone,2] call BIN_fnc_setAntenna; [string: Antenna ID,string: Signal classname] call BIN_fnc_addSignal; This function is easy to use too. It gives the antenna sounds (signals) we want to play on it. The signals are defined in the config CfgContact >> Signals Signals can be looped. Example: ["AlienTracker","EM_Drone_01_Tracking_01"] call BIN_fnc_addSignal; [string: Antenna ID, string: Name] call BIN_fnc_setAntennaName; Set's the visible name of the antena ie. when used on squad, instead of "Unknown squad" displays the second param Example: ["AlienTracker","Ligma ET"] call BIN_fnc_setAntennaName; [object: UGV class UAV] spawn BIN_fnc_initUGV; This sets up all the EM functionality for UGVs UGVs emit UAV Telemetry signals and listens for jamming and hacking Hold action is added to the UGV for it's destruction. All UGVs set by this functions are on the same frequency, think of that when planning placements Example in editor init: [this] spawn BIN_fnc_initUGV; [object: unit, string: Company, string: Squad] spawn BIN_fnc_initAISquad; This one is the party popper. This is the one used on unit groups. It is initialized on any unit in the group Company is string in format "C0?" where ? stands for a number from 1 to 9 (but it really just reads entries from config CfgContact >> Antennas It is C-zero-one not C-O-one Squad is a single lowercase letter from "a" to "h" and "q" which is the base (not used in this function) This function looks for units that have a radio backpack on them in the whole group, uses them as target unit if found Example in editor init: [this, "C01", "a"] spawn BIN_fnc_initAISquad; The EM system for AI Base is created automaticaly from script initAISquad, which checks if the base is already ready or not. There are missionNamespace scripted eventHandlers for signal listening and custom scripting but I didn't test these enough to tell you about them properly. Alien Drone The small alien drone can be easily placed in editor (best practice as side east) and has two types of behaviour - Aggresive and Passive. You can read about the setup on the wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Arma_3_Alien_Entity_Behavior Official variable naming of the drone is bin_drone There are some uncovered script functions however (please note, I didn't yet properly test all behaviour branches so information I provide may be misleading anyhow) [object: Drone,int: Max signals,int: Jamming time,array: ?next puzzle?,int: number of repetitions] call bin_fnc_puzzle_mole; This function creates what is called a puzzle - numerous signals for player to jam with their signal detector. Max signals defines how many concurent signals are visible on the spectrum at the same time Jamming time defines how long it takes to jam one signal successfuly Next puzzle is something I didn't mess up with yet, so I can't provide much information Number of repetitions define how many times a new signal emerges when one is jammed There is a scripted eventHandler for you to listen, that fires when the puzzle is completed [missionNamespace, "puzzleCompleted",{/*codehere*/}] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; There are other event handler (self-explanatory): puzzleReset, puzzleStepCompleted, puzzleTerminated There is a lot of functions puzzle-related.. I am messing with them now, so I will fill this list when I create more robust information Example: [bin_drone,1,1,[],3] call bin_fnc_puzzle_mole; [object: Drone,int: Radius m,int: Speed m/s,int: Delay] call bin_fnc_setGravityPulse; Shield's effect is made using light entity nad sound effect (when hit, PP is also used) Shield eats away stamina and stops the player for a second when near the source. Shield shakes the player's camera and creates deep sounds when felt from far. Speed is the speed, the gravity shield reaches the Radius distance from the drone Radius define the distance from the drone the shield will reach This one creates pulsing shield around the Drone once every Delay seconds Example: [bin_drone,300,100,3] call bin_fnc_setGravityPulse; [object: AFO] call BIN_fnc_initMothershipLights; Powers up the big AFO (it's lights) CBRN There are some CBRN functions not explained in the wiki (specialized on the chemical warfare), but are tagged as incomplete or "not robust" so I will be experimenting with them and when something is proved to be working I will list it here Other There are few useful scripts for unit enhancement, you can find more of these on the wiki: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CBRN But there are some hidden ones: [object: Unit, bool: Attach/detach] spawn bin_fnc_attachChemlight; Attaches a blue glowstick on the shoulder of the unit the same way as it is seen in campaign. Best practice is to mark only soldiers with radios that can be messed up with signal detector. Example: [this, true] spawn bin_fnc_attachChemlight; [object: Ball, int: Time to decompose] spawn BIN_fnc_matterBallEffects; Effects used for the matter balls (yellow blobs the alien leaves behind) Adds lights, refraction particles and animates the ball to decompose itself Example: [this, 100] spawn bin_fnc_matterBallEffects [object: Vehicle] call BIN_fnc_empVehicle; Tunes the vehicle so it's more post-EMP Can be reverted by setting second parameter bool (destruction of the engine) Example: [this] call BIN_fnc_empVehicle; [object: Unit, vector: Force] call BIN_fnc_setRagdoll; Ragdolls the unit with the directional force Example: [player,[0,100,0]] call BIN_fnc_setRagdoll; [classname: Vision type] spawn BIN_fnc_showVision; The hallucination effect from the campaign when player completed the drone's puzzles Takes the data from config CfgContact >> VisionSequences [bool: Shown] call BIN_fnc_showHorizontalCompass; Shows or hides the horizontal compass at the top of the screen Example: [true] call BIN_fnc_showHorizontalCompass; So that's it, at least for now.. I will update this thread as I discover and study more scripts and functions the Contact DLC has to offer. Trust me, there is a lot of unused things (chemical detector for example) and I've created a lot of custom scripts to complement these features. Just take a look at this sneak peak: If there is anyone that wants to study these things with me, you just need the Functions and Config viewers. I tried to take a peak inside campaign init files, but there are mostly empty or contains unrelevant logic. The hard-way is sometimes the only way, at least for now 😄
  5. So my friend group and I have a dedicated server we play on, and noticed after the recent Arma platform updates, that anything we spawned in that was related to Contact DLC was throwing errors (Error object not found, it also keeps compiling these errors on top of each other), and eventually would lead to a server crash because the server was out of memory. (we have 200gb VM) We also noticed that all RHS and CUP mods along with a uniform mod we had would all throw multiple errors every time we got in a vehicle, started it, or blew one up. And every time we would equip anything Contact related in the arsenal or even open the arsenal with that gear on your person, it would throw errors for every piece of Contact gear/equipment you had on. We also tested this in a blank vanilla world with Contact and had the same issues. We believe this is because of the recent Arma platform update and hope that Arma Devs can look into this and fix it asap. If anyone has experienced this issue or has a way to fix it please let me know. Thanks for reading.
  6. Now that the Arma 3 Contact expansion is out, owners finally get to play the "First Contact" singleplayer campaign. We’re definitely still interested to hear your feedback. If you encounter specific issues, please consider filing a Feedback Tracker ticket. Of course other playable content, meaning the Livonia multiplayer modes, can be discussed here as well. For general expansion feedback we prefer this thread. While it may be hard to avoid spoilers entirely in this thread, try to use the spoiler widget to encompass plot points. How to access the campaign? The campaign can only be played using Contact's 'Total Conversion' mode. This mode makes changes to various parts of Arma 3 and is primarily intended for the campaign, not for regular sandbox usage nor multiplayer. Once in, you simply press PLAY. There are several ways to launch Arma 3 in that mode: In the Launcher: press the PLAY CONTACT button. In the Launcher, open the DLC page, select and enable Contact, then press PLAY. For advanced use cases, launch the game with -mod=Contact
  7. Multiplayer-compatible reincarnation of spectrum analyser from DLC Contact for use in normal Arma3 This is RU/ENG singleplayer showcase mission: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2214415193 Features: -automatic generation of UAV&terminals signals -custom signal source by missionmaker on any object (ACE cargo compatible) -realistic signal fade from terrain&distance -UAV&terminals jamming -UAV&terminals friendly-foe identification -multiplayer tested with 120+ players on server and 20+ devices working and nearly 20 signal sources. Thanks red-bear.ru players for it -no addons required Script developed and tested for MP, so some functions dont work proper with AI and in this showcase scenario are simulated with simple scripts (they still work fine in mp with non-ai clients) You can get the latest version of script on my google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11j-1GZAlLP5uWU0jrzp1A7_7tqdQjDr8?usp=sharing Quick "How to use in your mission": -place spectrum_device.sqf, sa_ewar.sqf, stringtable.xml (last for russian&other languages support) in your mission folder -call scripts in init.sqf of your mission like this: [] execVM "spectrum_device.sqf"; [] execVM "sa_ewar.sqf"; -give players device&antennas (in unit's init field or sqf file) like this (device&antennas are hidden in VR by default): this addWeapon "hgun_esd_01_F"; this addHandgunItem "muzzle_antenna_02_f"; this addItemToVest "muzzle_antenna_03_f"; -if you need to add a custom signal for any object in your mission by edinting spectrum_device.sqf //Mission settings sa_beacons=[[t1,-1],[t2,563.2]]; (t1, t2-variable name if object, second parametr-frequency of signal, -1 for random. 3rd parametr-base strength of signal. not used=defaul, -1 random, or some value in dBa)
  8. shadowhunter123

    Project Livonia

    WELCOME TO: Ladies and Gents! I present to you the newly re-textured/added assets to the LDF Faction in-anticipation for the upcoming Contact DLC. Hope you all enjoy! DOWNLOAD: PROJECT LIVONIA (ALL IN ONE) Version 1.0 CH-49 MOHAWK DOWNLOAD: Livonian CH-49 Mohawk Version 2.0 (New Texture Update) F-149 Gryf Bajeczny DOWNLOAD: Livonian F-149 Gryf Version 2.0 OT-12 Czar DOWNLOAD: Livonian OT-12 Czar Version 1.0 AWC-304 Nyx DOWNLOAD: Livonian AWC-304 Nyx Version 1.0 MBT-31 Leopard DOWNLOAD: MBT-31 Leopard Version 2.0 (New Texture Update) Pandur II DOWNLOAD: Pandur II Version 1.0 (Newly Released) What's inside: CH-49 Mohawk LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) Aircraft Grey Livery (Rescue) Dark Green Livery (Night Operations, Air Interdiction Patrols) Ranger Livery ( Air Interdiction Patrols, Local Law Enforcement) Rescue Livery (Emergency Rescue) F-149 Gryf LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) *Updated* Aircraft Grey Livery (Standard Military, Ceremonial) Dark Green Livery (Night Operations, Air Interdiction/Interception Patrols) OT-12 Czar LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) Aircraft Grey Livery (Standard Military, Ceremonial) Dark Green Livery (Night Operations, Air Interdiction/Interception Patrols) White Livery (Whatever you want it to be.) Ranger Livery (Forest Ranger Livery) AWC-304 Nyx LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) Autocannon Configuration (Anti-Infantry) Anti-Tank Configuration (Anti-Armor Operations) Anti-Air Configuration (Anti-Air Operations) Recon/Radar Configuration (Recon/Surveillance Operations) MBT-31 Leopard LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) Pandur II (IFV) LDF Camo Livery (Standard Military) Add-on Locations: Mohawk: INDEP > LDF > Helicopters > CH-49 Mohawk Gryphon: INDEP > LDF > Planes > F-149 Gryf Bajeczny Czar: INDEP > LDF > Planes > OT-12 Czar Nyx: INDEP > LDF > Tanks > AWC 304 (Autocannon, AT, Recon) Nyx (AA): INDEP > LDF > Anti-Air > AWC 304 (AA) Leopard: INDEP > LDF > Tanks > MBT-31 Leopard Pandur: INDEP > LDF > APC > Pandur II *Optional liveries can be found in the livery editor.* LDF Fighter Pilot: INDEP > LDF > Men > Fighter Pilot REQUIREMENTS: You MUST have purchased the Contact DLC. (All mods PR: Livonia releases use Contact Assets) Gryphon MAY require Jets DLC. Czar MAY require Apex DLC. Nyx MAY require Tanks DLC. Message of Thanks: A big shout-out to all of you who helped me out on Reddit and the Bi-Forums (Mug Runcher) for making this possible! Looking forward to bringing you more content in the future! If you haven't already, please don't forget to like and leave a comment! Would love to hear the feedback.
  9. Mister GTX

    Field Tent Doors

    Hi Community, Since Contact came out I was walking around and looking at the placement of objects in the Campaign. In the second mission you get called to a tent which is open on one side and closed on the other one and I would like to do that. Sadly I haven't found a way yet (you can only hide or unhide both doors but not a single one [actually at the decon-tent you can close only 1 door]) Thx in Advance!
  10. Hi gang, Thank you for the latest contact dlc samples, could we please also have template for LDF uniform and plate carrier? I've been eager to retexture LDF main uniform since expansion was announced. There is a similar CSAT/AAF officer uniform, but I am not the fan of it since it has rolled-up sleeves. The current LDF soldier uniform reminds me of old police and military uniform that was used in my country. So I am, really, really into it. Please allow for retexture of LDF main uniform.
  11. a small mod using the new assets from the contact dlc to make a less futuristic but still easily recognizable CSAT. Features brown hexcam texture from avenger helmet brown texture for modular carrier vest, lite, and GL rig brown texture for advanced modular helmet, with hexcam cover black version of csat beret added in old man update rebalance of LBV harness, LBV grenadier harness, and raven vest. https://imgur.com/a/wput7r1 Planned urban hexcam variants of currently retextured equipment pacific hexcam variants of currently retextured equipment retexture of basic helmet from laws of war dlc green version of csat beret added in old man update convert katiba to 5.56x45 NATO better photos possible/unsure vanilla replacement patch Community Upgrade Project patch desert & woodland camo textures add flags to uniforms and equipment this is my first attempt at a mod for public use, so any advice/help/resources are appreciated
  12. Please use this thread to share your notes on the new Livonia terrain in Arma 3 Contact (accessible to those who own it). For concrete bug reports, the preferred reporting method is Feedback Tracker. Remember to include coordinates, screenshots, Splendid Camera exported settings, or simple reproduction scenarios where possible. General expansion feedback is discussed in this thread.
  13. If you have any feedback on the various assets (props, structures, signs, and later vehicles, weapons, gear, etc.) in Arma 3 Contact, please share it with us here. When discussing alien assets, please use spoiler markings. For concrete bug reports, the best go-to is the Feedback Tracker. General expansion feedback is discussed in this thread. How to access the assets? Main Menu: Shift + P In the DLC Content Browser, select Contact Platform or Contact (when running this mode), and explore its contents. Some assets have a TRY button that will open the asset in … Main Menu: TUTORIALS > VIRTUAL ARSENAL (For vehicles, switch to the Garage mode at the top of the screen.) Each asset category shows the appropriate DLC / mod icons behind each asset for easy identification. Use Sort by mod to make it even easier to find them. Note: in this mode you should be able to preview the assets without DLC ownership. Main Menu: EDITOR In the Asset Browser on the right, all assets are marked by the DLC / mod icon. Use the Filter by mods option and select Arma 3 Contact (Platform) or Arma 3 Contact (when running this mode). What assets are available?
  14. I just brought Contact and its replaced the loading screen when i do not choose to play Contact, how do i access MP or better still get back to the default screen? i only want to use the assets
  15. Greetings Earthlings! After a long period of radio silence, we’ve finally revealed the next big addition to the game: Arma 3 Contact expansion. Check out its website for an overview of this very diverse package. We hope there’s something for everyone, not just the heavier sci fi aspect, but also more conventional sandbox goodies. This thread is the best place to let us know about your general feedback, comments, suggestions, and all that doesn’t fit one of the more specific threads. Concrete bug reports are still welcomed to Feedback Tracker. We know our activity there has been lower, but we do check for bugs, and try to fix those we can. The Contact devs will also be actively checking all channels. Thank you all for the help! Livonia feedback Asset feedback Playable Content feedback Translation feedback Some additional trivia 💡 Check out the F.A.Q. for some specific topics! The alien content is in an optionally loaded part of the expansion (via Launcher with PLAY CONTACT - or folder contact). They will not be in the vanilla sandbox, so that stays fairly conventional. The terrain, weapons, vehicles, etc. will be in default Arma 3 data with Content Licensing applied (folder enoch).
  16. Hey! I think I solved and easter egg in arma 3 contact dlc. This image shows a leaflet with an UFO and the headline "mysterious disappearance of all furniture" I was playing Arma 3 Contact for several times now. Yesterday i decided to play those missions again and just search the map (livonia) for some interesting spots. In the 5th mission (CAPRE NOCTEM), where you should search for the alien root, i was walking near "CAMP KRESNIK". On my way to CAMP KRESNIK (pretty close to those 2 HEMTT trucks) i saw something flying in the air. It was furniture. Yep, furniture floating in the air. I was walking in the direction where the furniture floated and i found something even better. A big fu***** pile of furniture. First of all i thought that this was a bug or something like that but i took some research and found out that this is acutally an easter egg which hasn't been solved since 2015. At least i couldn't find anything about this furniture easter egg. Well Arma 3 Contact is famous for aliens (at least UFO's) in it and on the leaflet was an UFO and missing furniture. So i guess i found the missing furniture? 😄 For all of those who want to find this themselves. The following link is a map of the furniture pile. LOCATION
  17. Mod Version : 0.1.1 (29/10/2019) "They didn't come here to make contact, it's a goddamn invasion!" Invaders is a light addon for the Contact DLC and adds a dynamic spawn system for Alien Drones. Aliens spawned by Invaders will use scripted behaviours designed by BIS and react to hostiles : left alone, they will wander around and investigate our world, but if you are spotted, you'd better run fast... The module can be found under “Modules>Invaders”, it is easy to use and designed to work both in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. More informations about Alien Behaviour can be found at : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Alien_Entity_Behavior#List_of_available_behaviors Known Issues - Spawned Alien Drones are excluded from the “Antenna System”. - Vanilla behaviour prevents Aliens from engaging vehicles : this has been tweaked in Invaders – to some extent. (fixed with Arma 3 v1.96) - The Alien AI is significantly more demanding than the average Arma 3 AI : don't use too many of them. Changelog Download Link : Invaders 0.1.1 How can you support me? If you want to support me, enjoy the content I make, or simply would like to buy me a coffee (or a beer), you can donate any amount you want, no matter how modest it may be, or support me on Patreon. License & Credits Invaders Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request. Using Invaders Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. Thanks to Bohemia Interactive for their passion and commitment to making unique games. Special thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon!
  18. haleks


    Hello Earth! Do you remember when we found out Arma 3 could have been about aliens? I reckon it could have been a lot of fun, and a good occasion to transform the gameplay dynamics by opposing unconventional ennemies to our very conventional little soldiers. Some mods out there offer excellent solutions for alien lovers (FAP units, OPTRE FC and others), but I wanted to try my hand at something 100% vanilla for once... So here it is : Contact : A collection of scripts to simulate alien invasions This demo is very much WIP and will be updated with new features and optimizations. It is released as a Singleplayer mission, but all the scripts are designed to work in Multiplayer as well. The demo currently offers the following features : - A script to spawn alien ships with working AI. - Alien ships can move around, execute patrols or other tasks just like the vanilla AI. - Alien ships will attack spotted targets with semi-autonomous weapons - those can be shot down before they reach their target. - Although they may seem invincible at first glance, alien ships can be killed. Further additions are planned, such as improved audio and visual FX or new enemies for infantry combat. Have fun! Download : If you want to support me, enjoy my work, or simply would like to buy me a coffee, you can donate any amount you want, no matter how modest it may be. AAN Footage by our reporter @section 20
  19. so i manage to replace my spectrum device with a pistol by accident. and the SD despawned... and auto-saved before i realised. do they spawn on the map or is the one yo start with the only one?
  20. Arma 3 Contact will be localized and translated to the standard Arma 3 languages. In order for our localization team to effectively process feedback, we'd like to ask for your language-specific notes in this thread (or on Feedback Tracker of course). The first iterations of translations are starting to arrive to Dev-Branch, however, we should point out that our own localization testing in all languages is only just beginning. General expansion feedback is discussed in this thread. Please include the following information where possible: Language (Czech, German, Polish, etc.) What is wrong? (including any incorrect text) What is your proposal? Reproduction steps Screenshot(s) Thanks!
  21. haleks


    Mod version : 0.1.3 (08/12/2019) Disclaimer : "Contact Mod" is not related in any way to the Arma 3 Contact Expansion. It is a continuation of an original project released in July 2018. Greetings Earth Welcome to the Contact Mod. Contact is a lightweight modification bringing aliens to Arma 3 : meet the "Hexos", a hive mind species from outer space. Contact adds a new faction, available to all sides, with scripted UFOs. It is designed to provide an easy-to-use tool for mission making and offers a flexible solution for your close encounter scenarios. Alien ships are editor-ready and can be manipulated through the usual editing tools : turn them into killing machines, have them control occupied cities after the invasion, or make them fight each others... The only limit is your curiosity. Features Alien ships available to all 3 sides : Includes scripted features, designed for seamless integration with the 3den editor. UFO customisation modules for 3den : WIP Immersion modules for 3den : WIP Screenshots Known Issues - UFOs are invisible in 3den editor : they are dynamically generated after mission start. - UFOs can't be remote-controlled with Zeus. Changelog Download Link : Contact 0.1.3 License Contact Mod by Haleks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available on request. Using Contact Mod on monetized servers is strictly forbidden. You may not reupload this mod on Steam.
  22. sooo the new update gave us the new "danger zone" module in the eden editor, and after looking around in the function viewer, i think i got it to kind of work. (in module) Variable name: BIN_dangerZone1 INIT: this call BIN_fnc_addDangerZone; this call BIN_fnc_markDangerZone; Hidden: unchecked when i enter the zone, it disables saves as usual, but doesn't disable time acceleration. i'd really like to know if somebody here got it fully working. additional PICS: https://imgur.com/PF3rEjl ERROR
  23. WombatInCombat

    Tatra 810 LDF

    Do you think its weird how the LDF uses Kamaz trucks despite their bad blood with Russia? Me too! Thats why I made this this addon https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1820464843
  24. WookieOfTheBush

    Spectrum device UI too low

    The spectrum device UI is too low to be able to really see the different wave lengths. Making it difficult to properly scroll through them. https://imgur.com/fVUvy2Z
  25. Like this picture shows https://prnt.sc/ol6mqg I think what is called the "detailed mode" does not work for me. I do not know how to open the screen like it's here https://prnt.sc/ol6nm7