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  1. Hi again, i would wnat to know what is causing this problem, which mod or which configuration
  2. I am learning a ton about the game but I cant seem to find the classname for a door in an addon vehicle. Help!
  3. Evening all! I'm new to scripting & coding in general (Only started this Friday) and came across a problem with doing an inventory check for a specific item. The concept is simple, I have a door which needs to be unlocked with a key (For this purpose I am using the vanilla Item_Keys object), but this item is not returned in the items array, so my function is unable to detect the item and skips the if statement. Is there an alternative to the Items command? or a way of forcing the Keys into the array? I don't want to "virtualise" this item using addAction, I need the physical item to be present on the character. Thanks for your time 😉 bungalow = (getMarkerPos "BungalowMarker") nearestObject 'Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F'; bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 1, true]; player addItem "Keys"; //Function to test inventory for the key searchInventoryFnc = { _item = items player; //stores an array of items from player's inventory in _items if("Keys" in _item) then { bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 0, true]; } else { bungalow setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 1, true]; hintC "You do not have the key for this door"; sleep 0.1; hintSilent ""; }; };
  4. Hey guys, I have created several buildings and objects to use them on my terrain. After placing them with the terrain builder and exporting them ingame, the doors are not working anymore. No scroll option either. In EDEN everything is working perfect! Here´s my object class and model.cfg class CfgVehicles { class Static; class PDE_larmschutz_tur : Static { author = "Prodeath21"; displayName = "$STR_PDE_larmschutz_tur"; scope = 2; scopecurator = 2; model = "\projekt_deutschland_structures\larmschutz\larmschutz_tur.p3d"; icon = "iconObject_4x1"; editorCategory = "PDE_Addon"; editorSubcategory = "PDE_larmschutz"; editorPreview = "\projekt_deutschland_structures\larmschutz\icons\preview_PDE_larmschutz_tur.jpg"; class AnimationSources { class Door_1_sound_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; sound = "MetalOldDoorsSound"; //From: A3\sounds_f\config.cpp soundPosition = "Door_1_trigger"; }; class Door_1_noSound_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class Door_1_locked_source { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 0.80000001; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenDoor { displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName = "$STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR"; position = "Door_1_trigger"; priority = 1; actionNamedSel = "door"; radius = 2; aiMaxRange = 5.25; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') < 0.5) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase')"; statement = "([this, 1, 1] call BIS_fnc_Door)"; }; class CloseDoor: OpenDoor { displayNameDefault = "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName = "$STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR"; priority = 1; condition = "((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') >= 0.5) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 0]) != 1) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase')"; statement = "([this, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_Door)"; }; }; }; }; My P3D name: "larmschutz_tur.p3d" class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class PDE_larmschutz_sceleton: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[]= { "", "" }; }; class PDE_larmschutz_tur_sceleton: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[]= { "door", "" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { skeletonName=""; sections[]={}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class larmschutz: Default { skeletonName="PDE_larmschutz_sceleton"; sections[]={""}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class larmschutz_tur: larmschutz { skeletonName="PDE_larmschutz_tur_sceleton"; sections[]={""}; class Animations { class Door_1 { type = rotation; source = Door_1_sound_source; selection = door; axis = door_axis; memory = 1; minValue = 0.1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = (rad 80); }; }; }; }; In the Geometry LOD I added the propertys "class = building", "map = wall" I allready tryed for 2 weeks without a solution... Thx for your help! :)
  5. Mister GTX

    Field Tent Doors

    Hi Community, Since Contact came out I was walking around and looking at the placement of objects in the Campaign. In the second mission you get called to a tent which is open on one side and closed on the other one and I would like to do that. Sadly I haven't found a way yet (you can only hide or unhide both doors but not a single one [actually at the decon-tent you can close only 1 door]) Thx in Advance!
  6. I am trying to figure out how to script AI to open a gate in a mission. A basic security checkpoint gate that is part of the map (NOT a spawned object) keeps getting smashed by my HMMWV instead of it being opened and driven through. Can anyone help?
  7. As the title says. I want a door to be locked in my mission, but since its a stealth mission I want the player to have to force the door lock instead of opening it with an explosion, for let's say 20 seconds, until it opens. How do I achieve this?
  8. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 I am trying to lock multiple doors - e.g. in the Police station building - this building has 15 doors. I would like only the Police to be able to open and close them. I have got this working in the init of the building, but it only works on one door - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false];} I am unsure what the format is to add the rest of the doors, I have tried the following with no success - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", && "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", && "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot" || "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2" || "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} Thank you
  9. I have played the game for some hours and i have to say: a very big potential. But i think the most frustrating situations are caused by the too small interaction zones. No matter if its looting a car or a closet. Or if you try to go down a ladder or go up to get out of the water. I think in much situations it would fasten up the game if the zone of interaction with anything would be two or threetimes bigger.
  10. Hi folks, I noticed when peering about in the light heli configs that the civilian MH heli has user actions to separately open all 4 doors. pic: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1304367873 i can get it working as a Virtual Garage option but not as an in game action, my intention being to make it so you can open the door before you get in/out. I thought changing 'available' to 1 would do it... i am fairly bad at configs and pretty sure some syntax is outdated. Here is whole config if anyone can see what i'm missing/doing wrong. Currently this kicks up a 'scope' error but otherwise works minus the working doors:
  11. Automated Doors - v2.5 Download v2.5 from Armaholic What? For each player on the map, this script creates and removes triggers on nearby buildings which open the door if a player intends to walk through it and closes it again, when he walks away. This script is configurable and customizable on both server and client side. Features: all doors open and close automatically usable in Singleplayer (client side) or in Multiplayer (server side only) support for dynamic locations where this script should only work support for side specific locations, where this script only works for players of the respective side actions for the following features: enable/disable automatically closing doors enable/disable "Automated Doors" completely irreversibly* remove all actions related to "Automated Doors" globally force doors to stay open, no matter what the player's actions say can be terminated and restarted without trigger-leftovers or action-leftovers minimized server load due to need-based dynamic object management available as script and as addon *) Actions will be available again, if you rejoin the server (MP) or restart ArmA (SP) respectively Supported maps: Altis/Stratis (combined in one file) Chernarus Takistan Zargabad Utes Why? At some point, I got annoyed of having to walk really close to a door and sometimes even having to scroll, if my default action is something different, to get the right action to finally open it. Maybe there's some people out there feeling similarly. How? Download the script here. (Armaholic, same link as above) execVM "automatedDoors.sqf" If you use Automated Doors on a map which is not listed above, but has buildings from one or more of these maps or if you want to override the script's default behavior, paste the respective map name(s) as parameter into the script like this: [["Altis", "Chernarus", "Takistan"]] execVM "automatedDoors.sqf" If you don't do so, the script will automatically take into account all maps. Singleplayer: Using the script: Execute the above line once upon mission start - that's it. Using the addon: Start ArmA 3 with startup parameter -mod=@automatedDoors - that's it. Multiplayer: Execute this script server side once upon mission start. Client side execution is prevented by "isServer" check. After joining a mission running this script, it might take a few seconds until it actually works for you as new player, because the sever runs the "scan loop" regularly, not taking into account JIP or just spawned players. Further Information "Automated Doors" has two optional parameters: maps -> (optional, default: "all") defines the buildings to be taken into account by this script -> e.g. ["altis", "chernarus"] means, all buildings from Altis and Chernarus will be taken into account doorsStayOpen -> (optional, default: false) global definition of door closing behavior - if true, doors will have to be closed manually, player action "Don't keep doors open" has no effect - if false, doors will close automatically, player action "Keep doors open" has an effect You can easily customize important values, like the size of the area of the door triggers, the time between each scan for surrounding buildings or the area to scan on each loop. Do that by changing the defines at the beginning of the file (after the comment block). Define locations: If you want this script to only work in certain areas, create locations of type "Name" and set their name with the prefix "doors". This script will check on each scan loop if such locations exist. If so, it will only manage these areas. If all "doors" locations are deleted, this script will handle the whole map again. Side specific locations: If you create a location as described above and setVariable ["locationSide", any side here] to it, the doors inside that location automatically open and close only for players of that side. Have a nice Play! Changelogs:
  12. Hopefully I'm not suggesting this too late in the development cycle but I'd like to see some improvements to the ancient action menu. I was very pleasantly surprised when Apex control preset came out which removed weapon switching from the action menu and reduced the clutter. I suggest taking it further and cleaning it up some more. I don't know about you guys but I hate menus, I hate interacting with them mid combat and getting arma'ed by them and so on. 1. Give us an option to remove certain actions from the action menu I personally think we should be allowed to remove actions such as: "Get Out" and "Eject" when there are keybinds for those (default V and 2xV respectively). I cannot count how many times me and other players been ejected from a vehicle when trying to use a certain action which disappeared for a split second when another player used an action and Eject option was the first one in the menu which got selected in that split second. Yeah it is so broken when it keeps resetting whenever someone else uses it. Additionally we have keybinds for: Engine On/Off; Lights On/Off; Turn Out/In; Gear Up/Down; Flaps Up/Down and some others I can't think off at the moment. Would like it if there was an option either in game options or controls to remove specific actions from the action menu so as to allow to customize it for those that prefer using action menu for some reason and keep everyone happy 2. Introduce a quick access/hot key system for inventory items So we can stop placing explosives on the helicopter or transport truck as we are trying to board it while the action menu keeps resetting because our fellow comrades are also trying to board it at the same time. What I am proposing is essentially an MMO style hot key system which would imo benefit Arma greatly. By default Apex Preset uses "1" for primary weapon, "2" for secondary and "3" for launcher. So player could assign his own keys for each quick access slot which would show the corresponding key bind like in the mockup image bellow. Then the player would drag and drop the items from uniform/vest/backpack into the quick access slots. Additionally it could be used not only for explosives but grenades as well. For example you press number 5 and your character switches to an RGO grenade. While I would prefer character actually holding the grenade in his hand like in FPS games since the 90s I'm not sure Bohemia can afford the animator labor? I could live with Shactac/ACE style floating grenades in front of you. Regardless I think Red Orchestra2/Rising Storm did grenades very elegantly in my opinion. You aim with your ingame hand and cook grenade at the same time, how intuitive :O Here's a Satchel You can throw the Satchel too 3. Improve opening doors/windows Could we have the door icon attach to doors, windows in the actual 3D world space so we know which door is about to open/close? Seems relatively simple If icons were to attach to doors/windows you could then remove those options from the action menu and look for an icon prompt instead. I also noticed that when giving move commands to AI there's an arrow that seems to attach to objects. So it seems that there's already a capability in the engine to attach HUD elements in 3D space. Anyway these are my suggestions. Looking forward to more suggestions and a discussion. Hopefully it's not too late to get the action menu improved
  13. Hi, does anyone know if and how you can close the big doors from this hangar: I did spend sometime trying but I am either too stupid or it doesn't actually open. Thank you
  14. It would be nice to be able to tell if a door is openable or not without having to run up to it to check. Maybe have unopenable doors have a metal security gate, a screen door, or just be barred up with wood. I understand the buildings have been made to look more aesthetically pleasing for the life crowd, but it is annoying trying to open a door only to find it's locked and impervious to bullets and explosives (or a good kick).
  15. Automated Doors - v2.5.a2 (ArmA 2 version) Download v2.5.a2 from Armaholic What? This is a backport of Automated Doors for ArmA 3 to ArmA 2. For each player on the map, this script creates and removes triggers on nearby buildings which open the door if a player intends to walk through it and closes it again, when he walks away. This script is configurable and customizable on both server and client side. Features: all doors open and close automatically usable in Singleplayer (client side) or in Multiplayer (server side only) support for dynamic locations where this script should only work support for side specific locations, where this script only works for players of the respective side actions for the following features:enable/disable automatically closing doors enable/disable "Automated Doors" completely irreversibly* remove all actions related to "Automated Doors" globally force doors to stay open, no matter what the player's actions say can be terminated and restarted without trigger-leftovers or action-leftovers minimized server load due to need-based dynamic object management *) Actions will be available again, if you rejoin the server (MP) or restart the mission (SP) respectively Supported maps: Altis/Stratis (combined in one file) Chernarus Takistan Zargabad Utes Why? At some point, I got annoyed of having to walk really close to a door and sometimes even having to scroll, if my default action is something different, to get the right action to finally open it. Maybe there's some people out there feeling similarly. How? Download the script here (Armaholic, same link as above). You need at least the following files: automatedDoors_a2.sqf or automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf removeAllActions.sqf setVariable.sqf one or more file(s) starting with "doors..." Execute one of the following lines depending on which file you're using: execVM "automatedDoors_a2.sqf" execVM "automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf" If you use Automated Doors on a map which is not listed above, but has buildings from one or more of these maps or if you want to override the script's default behavior, paste the respective map name(s) as parameter into the script like this: [["Chernarus", "Takistan", "Zargabad"]] execVM "automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf" If you don't do so, the script will automatically take into account all maps. Singleplayer: Execute the above line once upon mission start - that's it. Multiplayer: Execute this script server side once upon mission start. Client side execution is prevented by "isServer" check. After joining a mission running this script, it might take a few seconds until it actually works for you as new player, because the sever runs the "scan loop" regularly, not taking into account JIP or just spawned players. Further Information Note that there are two files, one compatible with ArmA 2 v1.06 or later and another one compatible with ArmA 2:OA v1.63 or later. The ArmA 2 version also works with OA, but not the other way around. Be aware that the version for OA is more efficient (faster) than the one for ArmA 2, so I'd recommend to use the version for the "normal" ArmA 2 only if necessary. "Automated Doors" has two optional parameters: maps -> (optional, default: "all") defines the buildings to be taken into account by this script - e.g. ["altis", "chernarus"] means, all buildings from Altis and Chernarus will be taken into account doorsStayOpen -> (optional, default: false) global definition of door closing behavior - if true, doors will have to be closed manually, player action "Don't keep doors open" has no effect - if false, doors will close automatically, player action "Keep doors open" has an effect You can easily customize important values, like the size of the area of the door triggers, the time between each scan for surrounding buildings or the area to scan on each loop. Do that by changing the defines at the beginning of the file (after the comment block). Define locations: If you want this script to only work in certain areas, create locations of type "Name" and set their name with the prefix "doors". This script will check on each scan loop if such locations exist. If so, it will only manage these areas. If all "doors" locations are deleted, this script will handle the whole map again. Side specific locations: If you create a location as described above and setVariable ["locationSide", any side here] to it, the doors inside that location automatically open and close only for players of that side. Changelogs will be posted in the original thread. Have a nice Play!