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  1. Hi, I've been trying to do this for a while and I can't seem to get it right. It is quite simple, it is a function that destoys a certain part of the buidlings in a array of buildings. params["_houses","_amount"]; private _number = (count _houses) * _amount; for [{private _i = 0}, {_i < _number}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { (_houses select _i) setdamage [1, false]; }; It works in SP without issues, however in multiplayer weird stuff starts happening. It will work as intended for some players, but other with see both the wrecked building and the original building, most of the time flickering. I thought it was a JIP issue, and it probably is. But I've read a lot a posts and the wiki about a dozen of times and setDamage is global, and should work with the JIP queue (as said here http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-scripted-charges-v2/ at the end) And I trust bohemia with what they do, it usually works. So I guess I am missing something I could just do everything with a remoteExec[0,true] but that seems a little brutal and will generate a lot of unecessary traffic, I would rather not include that feature if that is the only solution. i could also store the buidlings somewhere and destoyThem whenever someone enters the server, it is less worse than the remoteExec but it still is a bit nasty since their is no local version of setDamage. So the question is, has anyone ever managed to do that in a "performance friendly" way? Thank you for your time :)
  2. Hey Everybody... I'm looking into making a server, but have some questions? If anybody happens to see this, and has experience, please help me:) Any advise would be appreciated! Okay, so here are the questions: 1. Can I make a "Multi level" building where players can go inside? 2. Can i make tunnels for cars?
  3. For making structures and also maps, that work well ingame it's important to know what metrics the infantry has, what it can navigate and so on. Today i made some tests with following results: Wall heigth: 50cm - look over:"high prone", shootover: "high prone", totally covered: "regular prone" 80cm - look over:"regular crouch", shootover:"regular crouch", totally covered:"high prone" (the sitting animation). Bipod deployable. 110cm - look over:"high crouch", shootover:"high crouch", totally covered:"low crouch". Bipod deployable. 130cm - look over:"low stand", shootover:"regular stand", totally covered:"high crouch". Bipod deployable. 145cm - look over:"stand", shootover:"high stand", totally covered:"high crouch". Bipod deployable. the heigths listed here are the VR Obstacle objects, you can use them as reference totally covered and shoot over depends on what heigth the target is at. I used Infantry targets at same heigth (flat VR map) at 100m as reference for this. Ceiling/ Gap heigth (e.g. in a fence, wall, door frame or room height) 20cm - can shoot below in "low prone", enemy feet past 50m barely hittable 50cm - minimum for moving through in prone 110cm - minimum for moving through in crouch, BUT bad clipping with head. Better use 120cm 170cm - minimum for moveing through in standing, BUT bad clipping with head. Better use 180cm (no clipping, even in high stand) Corridor Width: 90cm - minimum width for walking through. Turning in "regular stand" and "regular crouch" is possible but very twitchy (due to wall collisions of the weapon). Better use 100cm. Crouched turning causes head to clip through wall 130cm - minimum for turning in "low crouch" and "high crouch" (but twitchy). Better use 140cm. 170cm - minimum for turning in "regular prone", but twitchy (only is gone at 200cm). No "high prone" or "low prone" turning possible. 200cm - minimum for turning in "high prone" and "low prone" , no twitching. Corridor Width - walking past another standing soldier close to the wall, both facing along the corridor: 150cm - only using "step" function - pretty glitchy. 160cm - only using "step" but only 1 step required 180cm - passing without "step" possible. note that depending on orientation and stance of both soldiers, it may be easier or harder to pass When 2 seperate buildings/objects walls are 180cm apart from each other, the AI seems to be able to navigate this corridor (better use 2m in this case though). For interior of buildings (with paths LOD and roadway LOD) smaller corridors are no issue for AI, because they can walk through Geometry when on a path The tests where conducted with the 1x1x1m VR Block, and the 10x5x4m VR Block. So if their geometry doesnt properly match these results are slightly sqewed. Edit: It seems that for the VR Block skews the results a little bit (or the crouched stance got increased geometry model in some patch). I was not able to turn 360° in a gap of 1m in regular crouched stance inside a building. 1.1meter is fine however. Weapon Deployment Limits: You can definitely deploy weapons between 0.8m heigth (maybe even lower) and 1.45 meter heigth (maybe even higher). You need minimum clearance for the muzzle when deployed. Imagine you place a 130cm tall "resting block" in front of a 2m tall wall and you try to deploy the weapon on the resting block, facing in the direction of the wall. You will only be able to deploy if the space between restingblock and wall is somewhere between 35cm and 40cm (37.5cm worked in my case). Of note here is that this space needs to be in the firegeometry LOD, normal geometry LOD does not affect this particular case. Walkable Slope: Slope angle on Roadway LOD to be still walkable up to 50° from horizontal - no problem getting on the slope and walking on it at least up to 65° from horizontal (possibly steeper, test stopped at 65°) - can walk on the slope itself, but difficulty getting on it from horizontal level. Without using "step over" key (or glitching/walking diagonal) it's not possible to get on the slope from a horizontal place, when standing at the bottom. Generally avoid steep slopes where possible, because infantry are "turboboosted" when walking up or down (looks real goofy), as their walking speed is constant and referenced to the horizontal plane. Feel free to contribute 🙂
  4. Originally, when I was trying out ECP Redux, I was amazed at how most of the buildings were replaced by newer, enter-able ones. (Little did I know they were originally from FFUR 2008). I bring to you a standalone pack that brings only the buildings and vegetation without FFUR's other cool (yet performance heavy) addons. The buildings and vegetation are really resistance objects but converted for game wide use. You will find that most of the buildings from vanilla OFP/CWA's Nogova, Everon, and Maldova islands are now replaced by enter-able ones (though some may be out of place) along with neat looking grass and resistance trees that are so damn beautiful! Since this makes all objects from vanilla into resistance objects, there will be very few out of place objects (play "Steal the Car" for example and look at one of the apartment buildings) but nothing game breaking. This addon could be applied to any other mods such as ECP and Kenox's latest mod, Extended Effects. It also works without errors with missions like Abandoned Armies (which inspired me to make this updated pack because of some error popping up when replacing islands)! Installation: 1. Download these two files: Data (http://www.mediafire.com/file/w52425y6j1a4241/Data.pbo) and Data3D (https://www.mediafire.com/view/td735j39jjrr893/Data3D.pbo) 2. In your OFP/CWA directory, find a mod folder to use (or create a new folder called @buildings) and then find a folder called "dta" (create a new folder called "dta" if there isn't one) and create a folder called "HWTL" inside the dta folder.. 3. Place the Data and Data3D files you just downloaded into the HWTL folder. 4. In the launch options of your OFP/CWA shortcut add "-mod=@buildings" or whatever mod you are using. 5. Enjoy! You can see if the building addon is working by loading up a mission such as "Steal The Car" and see if some of the buildings has changed 1. To install, just go into the "FFUR Buildings & Grass" folder and extract "DTA" to the OFP/CWA directory and Addons in any custom addons folder or the same directory. (*If you're are modding dev and would like to edit the objects and textures at your own hand then go right ahead to "Backups & Tools". Have fun!) (Updated) *7zip or winrar extractor is required to extract. Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xfhv1eb3q6i8lib/Resistance+Enter-able+Buildings+and+Vegetation+Replacement+Addon+(FFUR+2008).zip (2/20/17) (Latest) (FFUR Buildings and Grass) * http://www.mediafire.com/file/82co5ei2bgp86pg/Less+Lag+Option.zip (2/22/17) (Alternate verison if you don't want SLX grass and want more performance instead) Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/g86mazy16z6l77d/Black+Hawk+and+Buildings+Addon.zip (2/14/17) Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/49gg9aua76r87sa/DTA.zip (2/18/17) (Old) (You can ignore this one) Re-modified to fix Black Hawk error. (adds custom Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk BAS texture from BAS studios). Follow the provided read me for further instructions (and be careful to follow the format to avoid problems). Please report any more errors that appear below. I almost forgot about adding in JAM!!! Credits: FFUR 2008 - The creators of the addons you're using right here! (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/64427-ffur85-2008-edition/) Me (Marc) - The one who modified it as a standalone pack for people like myself. ;) THIS ADDON IS NOT CREATED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO S.R.O. OR CODEMASTERS SOFTWARE COMPANY LTD. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADDON. BE AWARE THAT THIS ADDON MAY BE PERFORMANCE HEAVY EVEN WITHOUT SLX GRASS!!!
  5. During a stress test for hours using my script that generates waypoints automatically for units, I realized that, if I add some original Arma 3 building ("House") assets on the map, sometimes my units, going straight to their waypoints, have their waypoints deleted out of the blue, making the group stop immediately (but typically accepting to got new waypoints through Zeus power-ups). This anomaly BARELY always happens when the units try to pass by a near building placed by me with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V on Eden. typeOf = Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_F
  6. So, I'm officially reviving this project after about a years of work starting all the way from scratch! The plan now is to remake my old Arma 1 map Avgani, but renamed after it's arabic name "Al Ayadiya" all from scratch. This is a small map of 6.1x6.1 km size. This map will serve as a test base for my iraq assets. Once Al Ayadiah nears completion I will start working on the much more vast map of the city of Al Kut, this map is 24x24 km and features a much larger city and airforce base. For now, here's a few WIP pictures of some buildings I'm working on: https://imgur.com/a/10no8WR Much more to come and everything is subject to change. And here is satellite imagery of both maps: https://imgur.com/a/dod2tK4 Also, I've revived an old discord of mine where I intend to post more minor progress updates on these projects, anyone who's interested in iraq terrains is welcome to join: https://discord.gg/X7CeN9JnN3
  7. https://github.com/jakehekesfists/DMD_BuildingReplace
  8. StarFish-50124bf6f5acc6e5

    First time modeling

    (im new to this) Hello, im trying to import a 3D building i made in blender into Arma 3. I have already inserted it into object builder and messed around with the LOD's and etc. My issue is the config files needed to make it into a PBO and work within arma as a building / model. I dont really understand where im able to get the configs or even to write them. i've only done this once but forgot to save the files before formatting my computer. I was wondering if anyone has a tutorial or the files needed (where i just rewrite the names inside the script) Any help is appreciated! Thank you
  9. Hello, So I have decided to replace all the cup buildings on my terrain with Livonia buildings. I have imported them into terrain builder with the following path - enoch\addons\etc.. When I load bulldozer all is fine and all the buildings are there, but when I burn it into the .wrp and load it into arma it says that it cannot open object enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch\walls\woodenwall_05_m_d_4m_f.p3d and no livonia buildings appear on the map. I have searched the library for the file and it is in there under source dir at enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch\walls\wooden I have tried changing the enoch in the directory path to a3 but it says that it doesn't exist. Not sure what Ive done wrong but any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Hello, Brand new Mini DayZ player here, [less than a week] and I am loving it! My boyfriend was playing for a while then after hearing all the excitement, I asked about it and he showed me. I am now happily a fan. It takes me back to my PC game days of Krush, Kill, & Destroy but more hands on. After playing the game and lots of dying, I now have a ton of questions [and a suggestion or 2] that I can't seem to find the answers to. Hopefully you can answer them. ***What clothing items [besides T-shirt] can be torn into rags? I have searched so many places online and I cannot seem to find the answer to this. I know in the original game DayZ, there was a decent list of clothing that could be torn into rags, some even torn into more than 1 rag. Please help! ***How many times can you harvest a plant before it "dies" ? Do the plants die, become unable to be used? I know you get like 2-5 crop from most plants. What I'm wondering is if it keeps growing new crop on it's own or do you have to plant new things each harvest? [note: this is in reference to farming in the game. I am not asking about berry bushes.] *** How long do items survive when dropped on the ground? Does the map referesh every X amount of hours? *** Can your character get attacked while inside a civilian tent? *** Why can bear traps hurt our characters but not barbed wire? Wouldn't it make sense to make bear traps and other similiar things only harm the enemies? Seems to give them even more of an unfair advantage than what they already have. *** What is the purpose of the fuel can? *** Why can certain enemies enter certain buildings? How do we know which enemies can enter buildings or which buildings they can enter? Do enemies change per island you visit? *** What is the secret place? How would we know we have found the secret place?
  11. UNSUNG TEAM RECRUITING In order to continue producing this great mod at a high level of quality and quantity for the Arma community we are currently looking for the following people to boost our team productivity: 2 x model porters - porting models from arma 2 to arma 3 (e.g. motorbike, bicycle, helicopter, tank) - you need to have basic knowledge of Arma Tools (object builder) - we can teach you the rest, you just need to be willing to follow our guidance. - These posts allow people the ability to grow and develop their knowledge in model development. 2 x building artists - high level of ability to make new scale models from scratch in whatever program you use - uv mapping and texturing models - we can import to p3d / rig / animate / and config - The buildings are for a new urban map based in Hue 1968 that our world-builder artists are developing. - Your creative input to that map would become legendary! To be part of our team you will need - about 6-10 hours a week for no pay, except being part of a supportive 14 year-old modding team - open-minded and teamworking mind-set - skype account for group-chat - tortoise svn (we can teach you how to use that) Interested? please send me a PM or join the skype group here ok now onto the plan.... HUE 1968 We are planning to build a giant map of Hue City, 1968, to re-enact the Tet Offensive battle for Hue between 16 battalions of ARVN, US Army and USMC vs 10 battalions of PAVN and PLAF (VC). The city has a giant historic Citadel with moats from the Perfume River this is our satmap so far this is the approximate area footprint we plan to create Some useful resources http://1project2far.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/six-block-war-finding-your-way-around.html http://www.miltours.com/image/data/brochures/lneckhuepart2.pdf https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2vQ__WUjXkGaHNUWnYxRjQyT0E?ths=true https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNE3oNWMiBDRGV3R2JlT24yMHc?ths=true original map from 1968 and other free maps of vietnam here: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/vietnam.html original vietcong 2 assault on the citadel this is the key one - the MACV compund and streets to the bridge The aim is to build both banks of the river, with a variety of key features: - the hospital, treasury building and provincial admin building, cercle sprtif, MACV compound, etc - the main focus of fighting - citadel, Dong Ba Tower, Tong Tu Gate, West wall bridge, etc - Nguyen Hoang Bridge (6 hump suspension road bridge) - factories - churches - cinema - shopping streets - housing - river and canal bridges - stairways - bunkers - offices - roads and street furniture - fences, walls and railings We are also building a range of new armour and air assets to support this battle, which will be added to Unsung mod during the coming year, these include: - M41 Walker Bulldog - M42 Duster - M50 Ontos - PT76 - Type 63 APC we also need a new M274 Mule - if anyone fancies making one, or donating for it (Edit - Howells is making one) some pics of Hue buildings follow. We are keen to attract some new modellers to help - port and convert Takistan buildings and other A2 assets (not much experience needed as we can teach you) - retexture A3 assets if and where possible (and legal) (texture artists familiar with photoshop or gimp) - build new models (experienced modelers - we can help rig and config for arma) We feel that the release of this map will be a legendary event in the Arma series. Why not join the gang creating it? If you don't have much experience, we still have work, so long as you are prepared to make a commitment to completing one model task. Time-wasters need not apply! the work can be hard, so you mainly need enthusiasm and endurance. so yeah, it's a big project, we need people who can make street-signs, shop signs, railings, bridges, rubble piles, right up to citadel bastions, bridges and cathedrals. so if anyone out there can lend a hand, it's gonna be an awesome battle in the end - a legendary map for the arma series. we already have the satmap done, with the rivers and canals already in. Razorback, Londo and maybe Icebreaker are gonna be working on the basic layouts and ground textures we just need a lot of buildings and parts. I have imported a lot of stuff from takistan already, but if we could get some guys wh ocan just do the importing process on more of the takistan houses, i can help them with a process to follow, and guidance. it's a good way to learn your way around arma building models. then we need texture people to retexture the buildings to vietnamese colonial colours and signs, add shutters and details etc
  12. Arma 3 has: An awesome sensor overhaul which includes radar. Golf ball radar buildings sprinkled around the maps. It would seem logical (and awesome) for these radar buildings to be capable of more than decoration and actually operate as radar for a certain faction. I could not find any function or scripting command that would add a sensor to anything, let alone a building. One hacky idea I was thinking was to create a AN/MPQ-105 or R-750 Cronus radar inside the building and then somehow make the building transparent to sensors. But I'm not sure if there's a way to do that. Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on achieving this?
  13. Looking for a good terrain of a modern, urban city. Would like it to make some scenarios.
  14. Hi all, Did some one experience AIs in group player, SP/MP Vanilla mission, can be stuck in enterable buildings? It seems to me BI did some works about AIs while player (leader) falls unconscious. With weird results as new AI leader orders some targets to the unconscious, make AI's group disembarking,... But my problem is more specific: AIs in player's group can find path inside BI buildings and barracks (ordered or not). They enter, fine, but they never get out... Ai's are stuck whatever you order: regroup or go to there... You can see that the move order is taken into account: "move" appear on command bar and the unitReady shifts to false... but after some seconds, the stuck unit(s) are back to "ready" on the command bar and unitready true, without making any attempt to get out. I hope this is clear enough. Thanks for similar experience and possible workaround.
  15. Hello, I'm trying to understand if it is possible to replace the textures in Arma's houses. I'm building a terrain with typically very colored houses, and that's all I want to do: create a mod with houses based on vanilla Arma, just with different textures. Is this doable? This is what allows me to see a new building type in 2DEN: class CfgPatches { class Colored_Houses { // author name = "Colored Houses"; author = "_SCAR"; // settings units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.5; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F"}; }; }; // main object classes class CfgVehicleClasses { class Colored_Houses_Class { displayName = "Colored Houses"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F; class Colored_Houses_House_Large_Red: Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F { scope = 2; vehicleClass = "Colored_Houses_Class"; editorCategory="EdCat_Structures"; }; }; But it is unclear to me if there's a way to set the new texture.
  16. This script , is for replacing automatically , the Buildings in any map. //["Building to replace","replaced Building"] myBuildings = [["Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V3_F","Land_HouseV_1I4",0], ["Land_i_House_Big_02_V3_F","Land_HouseV_1T",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_F","Land_HouseV_2T2",0], ["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_HouseV2_01A",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F","Land_HouseBlock_C2",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F","Land_HouseBlock_C5",0], ["Land_Slum_House01_F","Land_Shed_W4",0], ["Land_Hut06","Land_Shed_W02",0], ["Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F","Land_HouseBlock_B5",0], ["Land_Slum_House03_F","Land_HouseBlock_B3",0], ["Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F","Land_HouseBlock_B4",0], ["Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F","Land_HouseBlock_A1",0], ["Land_Kiosk_gyros_F","Land_HouseBlock_C4",0], ["Land_d_House_Big_01_V1_F","Land_HouseBlock_C3",0], ["Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F","Land_HouseBlock_B6",0], ["Land_Factory_Main_F","Land_Ind_Pec_03a",0], ["Land_MilOffices_V1_F","Land_a_stationhouse",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_dam_F","Land_HouseV_3I2",0], ["Land_i_Shed_Ind_F","Land_Shed_Ind02",0], ["Land_CarService_F","Land_Repair_center",0], ["Misc_Cargo1Bo_civil","Land_Shed_M02",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_dam_F","Land_HouseV_1L1",0], ["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_dam_F","Land_HouseV_1I1",0], ["Land_FuelStation_Build_F","Land_Misc_WaterStation",0], ["Land_Chapel_V2_F","Land_Church_02a",0], ["Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F","Land_HouseV_2L",0], ["Land_Chapel_V1_F","Land_HouseV_2I",0], ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F","Land_Mil_House",0], ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i","Land_Mil_Barracks",0], ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F","Land_Mil_Barracks_L",0], ["Land_Airport_Tower_F","Land_Mil_ControlTower",0] ]; for "_i" from 0 to(count myBuildings-1) do { _CurrentBuilding = (myBuildings select _i) select 0; _ReplacementBuilding = (myBuildings select _i) select 1; _DirectionOffset = (myBuildings select _i) select 2; { systemchat format["getPosATL: %2 getDir: %4 _CurrentBuilding %5",getpos _x, getPosATL _x, getPosASL _x, getdir _x, _x]; //diag_log format["getPosATL: %1 getDir: %2 _CurrentBuilding %3 _ReplacementBuilding %4 _x %5", getPosATL _x, getdir _x, _CurrentBuilding, _ReplacementBuilding, _x]; hideObjectGlobal _x; _myReplacement = createVehicle [_ReplacementBuilding, getPosATL _x, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _myReplacement setDir (getdir _x) + _DirectionOffset; _myReplacement setPosATL (getPosATL _x) ; _myReplacement enableSimulationGlobal false; } forEach nearestObjects [markerpos "center", [_CurrentBuilding], 25000]; }; hint "Replacmentscript end"; Thanks! and also for trees (p3d) replacement:
  17. Hello guys i am working in a map in central africa and i need some buildings that fit this scenery. here are some examples: https://imgur.com/a/4KWX4xr
  18. OVERVIEW CompoT is a toolset designed for mission/addon makers to place and manipulate objects. CompoT is integrated directly into Eden mission editor, allowing you to place most ArmA 3 buildings and objects seamlessly, while normal mission making. To play mission made using CompoT, players do not need to have addon installed, everything is stored in mission.sqm and/or ct_projects.sqf. Addon is needed only for mission making process. CompoT have powerful GUI tools to utilize objects added by other addons, as example it is natively compatible with CUP objects, which is 3500 additional objects. CompoT`s cornerstone is randomization. With CompoT, mission/addon makers are able to significantly increase replayability and overall variability of their missions, by adding certain level of battle field randomization. CompoT is aiming to support as much of community tools and utilities as it possibly can. If you like to have CompoT`s functionality in your own project/addon/what-ever-you-are-doing, please don’t hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to help integrate CompoT in your project. CompoT is open source, it is found on GitHub, feel free to fork and/or pull request. Stable branch v0.2 github Dev branch github (latest updates and issues ^_^) KEY FEATURES Solid connection to Eden Editor Powerful object browser tool, with searching. Can be used to place objects from any mod or addon. Does not need mod to be installed for playing mission. Can be used virtually in any kind of missions, including persistent MP missions like DayZ. Flexible means of randomization. Object library with more than 4.5 k entities, all categorized and have screenshots. SHOWCASES If you would like to see CompoT in action, consider playing RTDM - Randomized Team DeathMatch. This game mode build around randomization of battlefield, looting and round based - one life - team death match. You can directly connect server with IP address Or search new server browser for "RTDM" In order to play you don`t need any mods. Please join the fight and call your friends! TS server available on same IP as server, password: rtdm INSTALLATION To install the Composition tool you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. STABLE 0.2 Armaholic Workshop DEVELOPMENT Armaholic Workshop Dev build have all the latest features and new bugs. It is updated as frequently as new features or fixes added. This is same as github`s CompoT->dev, but packed and sighned. MEDIA TUTORIALS Please see tutorials on official youtube channel. You will find all tutorials in this playlist. If you have tutorial request, let me know in this thread, i will try and make it for you. CONTACT If you like to contribute to project, have suggestions, want to add support for your objects addon or just talk about Composition Tool. Feel free to contact me via one of the following methods. Hate typing like me? Like to have voice conversation? Join discord PM me on this forum CHANGE LOG Changes mentioned from oldest to newest
  19. hello, i got flashing buildings, constantly appearing / disappearing it eats also a lot of resources, i have less than half frames than usual. here a video:
  20. torndeco

    DS Houses

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113351114 This addon is basically the work of I have spend the last few days gonna over the original files making some changes fixes etc I kept the name DS Houses, because its the name of the original work. Changes include Path LOD for most buildings, (AI Pathing) Geo & Fire Geometry Fixes Door Fixes The addon is roughly only 180MB in size To use the addon you just need to load it with CUPs. Note: I will be pushing a new update later tonight with new serverkey. To fix issue with 2 floating buildings. There is still some stuff left todo, but i will try keep the updates at most once a week.
  21. In a terrain I have made, some building appear in the ground for some users but not all. This what one users sees: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B62cVQheKk95UVhnZHhjdGQ2bTg And this is what I see at the same place with the same terrain version and addons. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B62cVQheKk95STFKbk5fU3BsMmc Anyone any idea what causes it and how to fix it? Thanks.
  22. Hello In regards to buildings,is there any impact on performance if a duplicated geometry lod (scaled,triangulated,sharpened) is used as the shadow lod.Are the extra faces that arent exposed to light(for instance where two cubes are butted up to each other) an issue.
  23. Hello! I been developing some sort of "Survival" gamemode with loot spawns and etc-etc; but I been also kind of been modifying maps and trying to add more maps so that there's variation. The issue I'm having is that my "loot" spawns on "positions" of different buildings - and some of the buildings I don't know how to get the name of (as they are custom or imported) and I need help figuring out the items (buildings) of a map or just a building I see around that I find interesting & fun to use. I need to obtain the classnames & positions for these. Thanks!
  24. EssacCrown168

    Chenaurus Map

    I suggest to BIS to rebuild this map for these reasons : 1.There is a lot of buildings can't be entered .The 2nd floor shooting position and observation post is very important to urban combat . 2.There is a lot of buildings get bugs when blowed up ,for example invisible wall ,or invisible hill .sometime even hand grenade will make it happen . 3.If you hit some of trees down on downslope of a hill ,they were not fall down to the ground but floating like they are lie down flatland ,And some of trees grows up so high and the tree root is out of dirt . 4.the biggest city Chernogorsk will make most players lag ,especially Sniper ,Marksman and Binoculars .
  25. There use to be a simple way to place AI in buildings just by placing a way point over the building or tower and selecting the position. How is this done in ArmA 3? I just need to set a basic way point that moves an AI sniper to a tower when the game starts. Thank you.