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Found 38 results

  1. Hi, Over the last weeks I tried to get the Unsung for Arma 3 M35 truck from RamaMarines into Arma Reforger. I wrote up the current state in this PDF: https://tetet.de/arma/reforger/Converting the Unsung M35 truck.pdf Hope that's of interest to some and maybe one or another can see where this approach fails and how to do better and make more overall progress. Cheers, TeTeT
  2. gaz1971

    SEAL Team 1

    Alpha Platoon SEAL Team 1 Who Are We?: We are a small group mainly from the US and UK, 1st Squad is mostly UK/EU based and 2nd Squad is mostly US based. We do recruit from anywhere as long as you can make the mission times and speak English. The age limit to join is 17 Our ops: Mainly small team tactics, based on what the SEAL teams did during the Vietnam war. Recon patrols, raids, HVT capture and assassination ect. Boat and Hely insertions, Roles: MG Gunner M60 MG Gunner Stoner Radio Op Medic Scout Timezone: GMT & EST Operation Times: 2000hrs Saturdays, in each respective time zone. However we have squads running ops most evenings We are also looking for MST Boat crew and Helicopter pilots for the Seawolves. We have no initial basic training, we have members on most nights so can teach the basics, we train together. Anyone interested please either DM me on here or join our discord. Website: www.sealteam1-arma.com Discord: https://discord.gg/FHPqYsEQ7j
  3. I was looking for SP missions for the unsung mod (arma 2), but after Armaholic has stopped their service I couldn't find any mission files. plz can you help me guys?
  4. Welcome to Unsung 3.0 Golf! This is a major release upgrade. In the past months the Unsung team was busy preparing this new Unsung version. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Now onto the changes: We removed some sounds and music to maintain steam workshop viability, and added a new feature to allow for custom sounds in missions to be played back in helicopters and boats. See this PDF for details: https://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/docs/The Unsung Custom Sounds and Music.pdf Londo was very busy in this release cycle and brought to us: new huts, a beta of the PT-76B tank, a M-40 recoilless rifle equipped Mule. He’s also involved with the CH-46D from Odyseus, which we were allowed to port into Unsung. Quite a few uniforms showed the wrong uniform model and texture in first person view. This was fixed. The A-1 Skyraider no longer explodes when turned in Zeus deployment mode. The E-2 Hawkeye radar is now functional. The PBR boats saw quite a number of updates, one that severely impacted FPS when multiple boats were deployed at the same time on Phuoc Tuy. The handling and speed of the Sampans were also improved. Londo created a new fuel consumption script, which can be beta tested on the PBR boats and the M-274 Mule vehicle. Excessive smoke development when firing the super bazooka and other related hand held launchers was fixed. Release video: The UNSUNG Team wants to thank everyone from the public players to the communities for an excellent 2019 and we hope to leave you this update with wishes for you all to have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  5. Unsung 3.0 - W.I.P THREAD Hi all , Well its a new year and time to move forward. The unsung team have had a rest from our 2.6 release for A2 and we are looking to move into the next installment of the Arma series. We have done extensive testing and work on the 2.6 release to the point where we are happy we have a solid base to work from as we progress. However, We need your help. We are currently seeking Config writers, Modellers, Texture artists. Especially those whom have experience in porting A2 content to A3 taking advantage of PhysX and other engine enhancements. So if you want to be a member of a strong team and a mod that's been around for over 10 years, then please send me a PM For those new to the Arma series who don't know who we are have a look here: Unsung History (needs an update :P ): http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/The_Unsung_MOD Latest work : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?181703-The-Unsung-Vietnam-War-Mod-v2-6-Released-!!!&p=2749195#post2749195 Some WIP's so far:
  6. 1st Platoon (formerly Project Delta) was created by Eggbeast (Unsung mod lead Developer) back in 2017 as a way from which some of the developers as well as beta testers could play the mod together, it was then expanded that idea to include the general public but still handpicked. We have our orientation course for new members joining the group on Saturdays at 11:00 EST/16:00 UK and our large campaign operations (50+ players) every Sunday at 11:00 EST/16:00 UK time, we also have a monthly World War 2 event to change things up a bit. We take part in various campaigns of the Vietnam era from 1964 to 1971 as well as WW2 era from 1940-1945 and consists of three squads, a recon team and a flight element - Spartan, Viking, Vandal, Wraith Recon Team, Eagle Flight . Each campaign we do is 12-13 weeks long with a different 'theme' for each new campaign, rotating between Air Cav, Marines, Airborne, Armoured and even Special Forces plus we use the task force radio mod for communication but only Nco's and officers carry radios in their load out. Simplicity and fast paced action is key to our gameplay, we use the AIS medical system and only employ two formations: Column (single file or staggered) for moving when out of contact, and battle line when in combat. To be a member of 1st platoon you must attend the 3 hour orientation course to get access to our events and other channels in our discord. The orientation course is there for us to get to know you, let you know what you can expect at our events and what we expect from you. Attendance is never mandatory but if you want rank then you need to show up on a weekly basis and stay for the entire 3-4 hour ops, Pfc's can ask for a specialist spot if there's one open as they're the ones who have attended the most events. RULES: Comradeship: Our large ops can get long and complex with multiple objectives, combat noise, radio traffic, etc so we ask that you never argue or debate with your squad nco's while we're in ops as we have a chain of command. We have squad debriefs after every op so if you want to voice an opinion or concern then that's the time. Respect: Please be friendly and DO NOT use offensive names/images as we have zero tolerance for Nazis, trolls or extremists. Understand we're all trying to enjoy a game on our free time and have no time to manage someone causing offence to others. Discipline & Teamwork: Rambo's/Lone wolves are not welcome as you will be expected to follow orders and stick with your assigned squad, fooling around at our ops is highly frowned upon as we're trying to focus and have fun. Team Speak: We're on Team Speak when we play and you're required to be there and have a mic when playing with us to receive the server info and password. Team Speak address: nlsmain.com:9988 Mods: Steam Workshop::1st Platoon Vietnam Mod List Steam Workshop::1st Platoon WW2 Mod List
  7. THE RAIN Take on the role as a Platoon Leader with the 1st Australian Task Force. Your mission is to complete a LRRP deep in the Vietnamese jungle, but things are never that simple in the 'Nam... Find the mission here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2107193170 CREDITS: - Big thanks to the UNSUNG MOD Team. - Thank you to the CBA Devs. - Music clips sampled are by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. - Thank you to everyone who has helped me learn throughout the years. - Finally. Big thanks to BI.
  8. JonnyCross


    MACV SOG An UNSUNG MOD Group MACV-SOG Military Assistance Command Vietnam – Studies and Observation Group, in a nutshell a boring name for an elite SF contingent during the Vietnam War, its purpose? Black ops and deep battle space recon. Who are we? We are a group of guys who play Arma 3 Unsung and a sprinkle of other well-polished mods to emulate Spec Ops forces during the Vietnam war. We’re not “milsim” as most of us are ex professional soldiers, we’ve been there and done that, we have no intention of saluting the pole again. We don’t have ranks we have responsibilities; you want responsibility just step up and it will be granted on ability. We do follow Standard Operating Procedure adapted from UK/US tactics and made to work with ARMA 3’s glorious engine. We are a small community of players who've been playing since Operation Flash Point, most of us are in our late twenties and early thirties, if your looking for a massive group, we are not for you. If your looking for team that's relaxed but has a professional side we are for you. How do we play? We are primarily a Special Forces orientated group, we conduct close target recon missions moving in to enemy held jungle and setting up OP’s on enemy positions. Direct action missions where we plan pre planned missions and then assault said objective. QRF missions, Bright light missions and Patrol & Ambush Missions. We are a COOP group, ordinarily due to the mechanics of the game we run a coop player team assisted by AI point men and extra firepower, we call the AI our INDIG. All air support is run through our COVEY RIDER (Zeus player), who directs in airstrikes via Zeus and our battlefield taxi’s aka helicopters. Requirements to join? Preferably 18 plus, however were flexible on that depending on the person. Own all DLC for ARMA 3 and a functioning microphone Have a passion for blowing up bad, bad guys. Progression? Everyone has to earn their stripes, come along and see if its for you, if you like it stay after a brief probation time you’ll be bumped up to operator where you can lead missions yourself as a ONE-ZERO or just strap dangle with other teams. Command And Sigs; TeamSpeak; Available on request Game Server; “FOB 6 – SOG” Discord; https://discord.gg/WHfvWmv Mods; SOG Basic Mod Pack Optional; Task Force Arrowhead Radio.
  9. UNSUNG TEAM RECRUITING In order to continue producing this great mod at a high level of quality and quantity for the Arma community we are currently looking for the following people to boost our team productivity: 2 x model porters - porting models from arma 2 to arma 3 (e.g. motorbike, bicycle, helicopter, tank) - you need to have basic knowledge of Arma Tools (object builder) - we can teach you the rest, you just need to be willing to follow our guidance. - These posts allow people the ability to grow and develop their knowledge in model development. 2 x building artists - high level of ability to make new scale models from scratch in whatever program you use - uv mapping and texturing models - we can import to p3d / rig / animate / and config - The buildings are for a new urban map based in Hue 1968 that our world-builder artists are developing. - Your creative input to that map would become legendary! To be part of our team you will need - about 6-10 hours a week for no pay, except being part of a supportive 14 year-old modding team - open-minded and teamworking mind-set - skype account for group-chat - tortoise svn (we can teach you how to use that) Interested? please send me a PM or join the skype group here ok now onto the plan.... HUE 1968 We are planning to build a giant map of Hue City, 1968, to re-enact the Tet Offensive battle for Hue between 16 battalions of ARVN, US Army and USMC vs 10 battalions of PAVN and PLAF (VC). The city has a giant historic Citadel with moats from the Perfume River this is our satmap so far this is the approximate area footprint we plan to create Some useful resources http://1project2far.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/six-block-war-finding-your-way-around.html http://www.miltours.com/image/data/brochures/lneckhuepart2.pdf https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2vQ__WUjXkGaHNUWnYxRjQyT0E?ths=true https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwNE3oNWMiBDRGV3R2JlT24yMHc?ths=true original map from 1968 and other free maps of vietnam here: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/vietnam.html original vietcong 2 assault on the citadel this is the key one - the MACV compund and streets to the bridge The aim is to build both banks of the river, with a variety of key features: - the hospital, treasury building and provincial admin building, cercle sprtif, MACV compound, etc - the main focus of fighting - citadel, Dong Ba Tower, Tong Tu Gate, West wall bridge, etc - Nguyen Hoang Bridge (6 hump suspension road bridge) - factories - churches - cinema - shopping streets - housing - river and canal bridges - stairways - bunkers - offices - roads and street furniture - fences, walls and railings We are also building a range of new armour and air assets to support this battle, which will be added to Unsung mod during the coming year, these include: - M41 Walker Bulldog - M42 Duster - M50 Ontos - PT76 - Type 63 APC we also need a new M274 Mule - if anyone fancies making one, or donating for it (Edit - Howells is making one) some pics of Hue buildings follow. We are keen to attract some new modellers to help - port and convert Takistan buildings and other A2 assets (not much experience needed as we can teach you) - retexture A3 assets if and where possible (and legal) (texture artists familiar with photoshop or gimp) - build new models (experienced modelers - we can help rig and config for arma) We feel that the release of this map will be a legendary event in the Arma series. Why not join the gang creating it? If you don't have much experience, we still have work, so long as you are prepared to make a commitment to completing one model task. Time-wasters need not apply! the work can be hard, so you mainly need enthusiasm and endurance. so yeah, it's a big project, we need people who can make street-signs, shop signs, railings, bridges, rubble piles, right up to citadel bastions, bridges and cathedrals. so if anyone out there can lend a hand, it's gonna be an awesome battle in the end - a legendary map for the arma series. we already have the satmap done, with the rivers and canals already in. Razorback, Londo and maybe Icebreaker are gonna be working on the basic layouts and ground textures we just need a lot of buildings and parts. I have imported a lot of stuff from takistan already, but if we could get some guys wh ocan just do the importing process on more of the takistan houses, i can help them with a process to follow, and guidance. it's a good way to learn your way around arma building models. then we need texture people to retexture the buildings to vietnamese colonial colours and signs, add shutters and details etc
  10. THE EXTRICATION Take on the role as a MAC/V - S.O.G Recon Teamleader - Your mission is to rescue a downed pilot deep within the Cambodian jungle. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Inspired by a legendary OFP mission by Toadlife called Operation LoJack. This was a fantastic mission where you had to track and locate a kidnapped Officer on Kolgujev. Unfortunately, my .sqf knowledge is pretty poor so I was unable to implement the Tracking script. If anyone would like to attempt it or has the know-how to put it in the mission please let me know! Find the mission here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1753529688 CREDITS: - Big thanks to the UNSUNG MOD Team. - Thank you to the CBA Devs. - Thank you to Bludclot for the amazing Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង. - Music clips sampled are by Trent Reznor and Attic Ross. - Thank you to everyone who has helped me learn throughout the years. - Finally. Big thanks to BI.
  11. HECATOMB Take up the role as a MAC-V/ S.O.G Recon Team Leader deep within the Cambodian jungle during the early 70's. You will be hunted soon as you step off the chopper. Keep moving. Eyes open. Complete the objectives. Stay alive. Extract. The enemy will hunt you down soon as you're on the ground so get moving quickly or set up ambushes to counter and eliminate them. Find the mission here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1736862444 ABOUT ME: This is my first published mission on Steam. I've been creating missions and scenarios since the good old OFP days. Feedback is greatly appreciated. CREDITS: - Big thanks to the UNSUNG MOD Team. - Thank you to the CBA Devs. - Thank you to Bludclot for the amazing Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង. - Music clips sampled are by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. - Thank you to everyone who has helped me learn throughout the years. - Finally. Big thanks to BI.
  12. Hi all, I'm making a scenario for Unsung mod on Prei map and have included three musics from Vietnam era like "Fortunate Son" and "boonie Rats". I tried to get the authorization for publication but it's not about hundred $ but thousand $$$ and very long delay. Now my question: -If I publish on steam without the music, would a download link with the "music pack" available "separately" be possible ? The ingress run on AI heli was recorded, the base look great, the music add a great touch and copyright free songs aren't as great as those I mentioned (or I didn't found great one) Much thanks for any advice.
  13. A small mission: You're on FAC duty over Khe Sanh in a OV-10 Bronco. Mark targets with WP (Willy Pete - White Phosphorous) rockets and call in AI strikes that way. You can refuel and rearm at Khe Sanh Combat Base (KCSB). Required mod is Unsung Fox https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29948 or via torrent http://tetet.de/arma/arma3/Download/unsung/@unsung-3.0.fox.torrent Subscribe to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613315753 OV-10 marking target
  14. COOP/SP mission with dynamic objectives for 1-6 players on the Prei Khmaoch Luong map. Try yourselves as SF team members during Vietnam war period. MISSION LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=959340725 FEATURES: - 3 different type of tasks (search and destroy, search and rescue, patrol)... I hope will be more - Random enemy strength, patrols and objective location every time you start scenario - Revive sytem - Combat support (transport helicopter and arty) - No respawn - Customizable mission parameters (weather, time, arsenal, ai) - Three different SF units (MACV-SOG, SASR and 173rd AB LRRP ) with authentic, custom made arsenal and loadouts - FPS friendly - Whole map mission MODS REQUIRED: - UNSUNG 3.1 http://www.armanam.eu/downloads.html - Prei Khmaoch Luong map http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950966660 - Huey Pack http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=370592133&searchtext=huey (cause Unsung Huyes dont work properly with AI) Thanks to all authors of scripts which I used in this mission. Leave feedback in comments and dont forget to rate mission if you like it, thanks. HOW TO LAUNCH THIS SCENARIO 1) subscribe scenario and required mods 2) Launch Arma 3 via launcher, turn on all required mods and launch game with them 3) In game menu choose Multiplayer game =} server browser =} host server(local or internet) =} host server 4) In opend map/missions menu choose map with scenario =} this scenario 5) Choose role, press play 6) Profit... Screenshots:
  15. I need help fixing (7, currently) fairly easy issues with my mission I'm working on. Workflow is mostly using my private Gitlab (Issues, ToDos) and Dash as a preferred (but not mandatory, you can use whatever IDE you want) editor. It requires Unsung mod, which can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 Mission already contains of scripts (both community i.e. EOS, ATM Airdrop, CHVD and couple of my own ones) and I think the completion drifts somewhere around 70%, although it's already playable and we're having so much fun playing it. There are plans to publish the mission on Steam's workshop and port it over to other maps, since currently it's created on Rung Sat island. What I need from you: * Basic ability to work under source control (git) * Ability to write SQF scripts * Discord installed on your PC for communication What I can offer: * Private gitlab server for code/version collaboration * Admin rights for testing the mission on my private dedicated server * Fame and glory in mission's credits ;) * Testing and playing the actual mission Best way to get in touch with me is to add me on Discord: Darjusz#3775 Looking forward for collaboration.
  16. OPERATION BOLD SWEEP BY 1-506Ranger and JoeBeast STEAM LINK: OPERATION BOLD SWEEP Do you love the Unsung Mod? Then you're going to love this mission on Prei Khmaoch Luong! This mission was inspired by this video: The Stoner Machinegun: A Navy Seal Remembers I've task organized a Seal Team based on LDCR Walsh's descriptions and loosely based the missions off of the operations he describes. Notes for SP/MP: READ THE MAP BRIEFING ADMIN You must play in the Team Leader position. The mission uses AIS Revive. You will have one non-playable AI unit medic that you can order to revive other playable slot AI team members, or Players. All of the playable slot AI will try to revive YOU if you are incapacitated, but it is not a 100% guarantee they will get to you if in contact. The playable slot AI will respawn in place after the revive period of AIS has run out. DO NOT LEAVE any playable slot AI teammates behind as ALL must be present for the final extract...if you make it that far. Also, only the Team Leader and RTO can call for resupply via 0-0 Bravo. HALO to re-enter the battle if needed is via ATM-Airdrop, pick your drop zone carefully, or you will get busted up in the trees and be right back at the respawn having to listen to CSM Grissom - again! To Play in SP: Multiplayer > Server Browser > Host Server > Host=LAN > HOST SERVER || Select Map (Prei Khmaoch Luong) and Mission (OFG_SP_BOLD_SWEEP > Start Known Issue Workaround Arma being Arma, playable slot AI may get stuck in buildings on this map. The Team Leader slot can use Radio 0-0-6 (Golf) to turn ON AI Fast Regroup if AI are more than 50 meters away and stuck. Once regrouped make sure to use Radio 0-0-7 (Foxtrot) turn OFF AI Fast Regroup. SITUATION Enemy Forces: Heavy VC and NVA presence in the AO as they guard the main supply route into the South along the Cambodian border. Expect the enemy to conduct robust patrol operations, man fixed sites, run local intelligence gathering and possible corrdinated attacks on Friendly units. Friendly Forces: USMC and other Seal units are currently operating in the AO. MISSION Sandman, your Seal Team will conduct various special operations in order to interdict all VC and NVA activities in the AO. Operations: *Movement to Contact: React to Near Ambush React to Far Ambush Prepare Hasty Ambush Break Contact React to Indirect Fire *Conduct Raid *Collect Intelligence *Destroy Cache Site *Conduct Link Up operation *Conduct River Boat operation *Conduct Overwatch and Support by Fire *Conduct Demolition operation *Conduct Deliberate Ambush *Perform Resupply *Hasty Extraction Recommended Client Side Mods: Enhanced Soundscape https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978 Enhanced Movement https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405 No Weapon Sway https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570118882 Scripts: ArmaPhronk - CRS and Earplugs Neko-Arrow - Air Drop, Mortars and Supply Pokertour - ATM Airdrop Psycho - AIS Revive Quicksilver - QS icons Kronzy - UPS Voice Actors from OS Tactical: Scout.ks - Striker Smith - CSM Grisson Papernut - Viking Like - Subscribe on Steam!
  17. Hi there, me and my brother have been working on an Unofficial and complete overhaul of Wyqers kp_liberation using the Unsung mod and Nam map, if you find it intresting please subscribe and send some feedback for us and your thoughts on what to improve or change. Link to mission file: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1379488064
  18. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33610 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1234500643 1-4 pilots and co-pilots can join and get randomized helicopter transport missions. Pick one of five available transport helicopters at Khe Sanh Combat Base and complete five missions. Players can either choose to man a single helicopter or fly a helicopter each or use one of the combat helicopters or planes at the main Khe Sanh Combat Base runway. For example, one player may fly a transport chopper, while another player can fly a gunship for fire support in case of a hot LZ. There is however only light enemy opposition present in the area currently. There are three places setup to deliver fuel, repairs and new crew members. The re-fueling occurs automatically when landing or hovering besides the fuel barrels close to the start area. Repairs and healthy crew members are acquired by landing at the repair/medics marker respectively, staying in the vehicle and using the radio 0-0-1 for repair and 0-0-2 for healthy new crew members. The player himself is not healed though. There's a simple respawn system in the mission, a player will be respawned at the starting area and is able to get new missions from the commander. A destroyed transport helicopter is respawned at the starting area as well. A crash landed damaged but not destroyed helicopter has to be destroyed by other means: Use an available gunship from the main base for this purpose. The mission makes use of a headless client to spawn most AI units there. If possible please use one, as it significantly reduces stress on the server. However the mission will also run with low fps on a hosted system. Best experience will be had on a dedicated server with a headless client (HC), see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client for setting up a HC. As this is about my first published multiplayer mission, please cut some slack for bugs and omissions. KNOWN ISSUES Sometimes the AI at hill 950 only reluctantly boards the helicopter. Often it is good enough to lift off and land the helicopter a few meter from the landing pad. Most times stuck straggler AI will board then. The AI does not like to walk on the landing pad, it will walk through it. Currently the mission will be nearly unplayable during the night.
  19. Delta Company of the 7th Cavalry Regiment [D/1-7] is currently recruiting. We are a Vietnam era Arma 3 clan using the Unsung mod and part of one of the largest and oldest milsim groups in Arma (Founded 2004. Active membership of 250-300 in 7th Cav 50-60 in ACV). Our style is realistic with a well-defined CoC, classes for almost all MOS, flight schools, milpacs, award systems and an infrastructure that is committed to making sure you get the most out of your time with us. The Unsung mod gives us dozens of Vietnam era jets and payloads as well as over 100 weapons, uniforms, choppers, etc. The ACV public server even has VC Spider holes! To join 7th Cav Air Cav Vietnam you must: Be 18+ years of age Not belong to any other FPS clans Must agree to conduct yourselves according to the rules and regulations of the 7th Cav Attend SP one hour a week (Multiple SP times available) and sign roll call weekly Join us on our Steam page http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aircavnam You can also join us on our teamspeak server and public server: Server Name: =7Cav=Official Air Cav Vietnam Server IP: Port: 2302 TeamSpeak 3: ts3.7cav.us Port:9987 Pass:7thCavalry Mods required: - Unsung (delta version): Unsung Download[www.armanam.eu] - Collection modlist COLLECTION - APEX DLC
  20. I am trying to port BTC Hearts and Minds by giallustio to The Unsung Vietnam War Mod Sea Lam Dong vetnam map. the maps work as a H & M map but when i change the units from the old BTC H & M to the Unsung mod units in the mission sqf nothing works. I am missing a steep some place or you just cant port it over i don't know and was wondering if someone has tried to port H & M to the Unsung mod " i have tried to ask giallustio but have gut no response" .
  21. Nightwolf2112

    Arma 3 Liberation Variations

    Hello Bohemia, Over the last week I have been working on the KillaPotatoes Liberation Gamemode made available here: I am using the most current edition of v9.60 and converted the mission to allow for both a Vietnam and Halo based missions. Vietnam: Halo: Each mission profile is set to be persistant and challenging with all mods required on the steam workshop page posted and links on how to get mods. I don't have access to a dedicated server of my own but I have tested the missions as best I could through LAN hosting. Please take a look at them and let me know what you guys think and if there are any bugs/glitches with the mission. *DISCLAIMER: I am in no way a member of the KP Community nor any of the mod communities who created such awesome modifications for ARMA. All rights go to the appropriate owners and I do not claim ownership of anything other than the basis of just porting of the information. Let me know if there are any issues that must be addressed via PM please. Thank you*
  22. Nightwolf2112

    UNSUNG Echo Liberation

    Hello all! Here is my official release of the KillahPotatoe Liberation game mode with the UNSUNG Echo Release that is now available on steam. Please give it a try and let me know what you guys think! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1193946142 I have other Liberation mods up on steam as well so take a look at them as well. Let me know if there are any issues or glitches that need to be addressed. *ADVISED: with the UNSUNG Echo release there is a little glitch going on with my previous UNSUNG liberation on Cao Bong and is only playable with the UNSUNG Delta release. I will be working to update that one to reflect the new Echo update soon* I will also be posting some of my own regular missions to the workshop over the next few weeks so keep on the lookout for those as well. Once again a big shout out to both the UNSUNG and KillahPotatoe Mod teams for providing amazing content for the community and I look forward to working with them and their updates.
  23. Hello all! Here is a pure UNSUNG Echo update liberation mod on the map Da Krong! This is literally just a UNSUNG mod mission that you can load up in either the editor or your public/private server to enjoy. Again please let me know if there are any issues that need to be addressed. *ADVISE: This does not include ACE at all. If you would like to variations with ACE Enabled, I will upload copies of the missions to the public* Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you all. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1195582852
  24. Oddball-47 Ronin

    The 14th Valley - Unsung Vietnam

    The 14th Valley 2 versions; Day and Night (links below) Coop: recommended 2-4 players (will allow 9) Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3, Apex DLC NVA units along with large caliber AA guns have occupied and built out The Three Canyons area of Da Krong. You are tasked with assaulting and neutralizing the AA batteries. Mission features: (1) Progressive resapwn points (thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom of Elite Warriors) (2) Virtual Vehicle Spawners availlable at LZ Savage and Camp Sarge. (3) Soundtrack mucic to enhance the immersion factor. (4) Numerous sound effects add to the atmosphere. (5)Full arsenal availlable to kit out with; both at LZ Savage and Camp Sarge, as well as numerous ammo crates in and around enemy emplacements. (6) On call artillery fire support. (Accessed via the "0" (ZERO) key at the top of your keyboard. Scroll wheel options availlable after that. (7) Option to insert/remove earplugs. (8) Random enemy patrol script ensures replayability. (9) And thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom, an "official" end to the mission. Mission Notes: In order to guarantee that you respawn with your arsenal kit/loadout, remember to "SAVE" it while in the arsenal screen. It is VERY important to ensure before beginning that your sliders for "Effects" and "Music" are set to at least 50 percent. (Mission sounds/music based on those levels.) It is recommended to set the "Radio" slider to zero to reduce/eliminate annoying AI chatter. Read the briefing and check the map out to get a feel for what you need to do and how you want to go about it. It is suggested also to disable all AI in the slots not taken up by a human player. While it is possible to play with 2 players, it is highly recommended you have at least 4. Known Bugs: "no entry cfg weapons. NAM_M16'" (problem with the Unsung Delta mod) Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung 3.1d Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3. and the Apex Arma 3 DLC Credits: My thanks to Kronsky, Nemesis, and Grumpy Old Man, Sushi, Aliascartoons, and Tonic for their scripting genius. Without their tools, this mission would have been MUCH the lesser. And to Kegety for his PBO/De-PBO tool. And special thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom of "Elite Warriors" for sharing his knowledge and time with me. And lastly, but not leastly (is that even a word?) big thanks to the entire crew behind the "Unsung Vietnam" mod. They have rekindled my enthusiasm for Arma 3 ! Urban Patrol Script Version: 2.2.0 Author: Kronzky NRE_earplugs.sqf Author: Nemesis GOM - Ambient AA :Author:Grumpy Old Man sush_pow_script.sqf Author: Sushi VVS Virtual Vehicle Spawner script by: Tonic Ambient Light script by: Alias LINKS: Day Version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138096388 Night Version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138099931
  25. Delta Company of the 7th Cavalry Regiment [D/1-7] is currently recruiting. We are a Vietnam era Arma 3 clan using the Unsung mod and part of one of the largest and oldest milsim groups in Arma (Founded 2004. Active membership of 250-300 in 7th Cav 50-60 in ACV).Our style is realistic with a well-defined CoC, classes for almost all MOS, flight schools, milpacs, award systems and an infrastructure that is committed to making sure you get the most out of your time with us. The Unsung mod gives us dozens of Vietnam era jets and payloads as well as over 100 weapons, uniforms, choppers, etc. The ACV public server even has VC Spider holes!To join 7th Cav Air Cav Vietnam you must: Be 18+ years of age Not belong to any other FPS clans Must agree to conduct yourselves according to the rules and regulations of the 7th Cav Attend SP one hour a week (Multiple SP times available) and sign roll call weekly Join us on our Steam page http://steamcommunity.com/groups/aircavnam You can also join us on our teamspeak server and public server:Server Name: =7Cav=Official Air Cav VietnamServer IP: 2302TeamSpeak 3: ts3.7cav.us Port:9987Pass:7thCavalryMods required:- Unsung (delta version): Unsung Download[www.armanam.eu]- Collection modlist COLLECTION- APEX DLC