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  1. Download | Repository | Issue Tracker | Wiki | Steam Workshop What is DCG? Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios by supplying a collection of easy to use, modular addons. DCG's addons are highly customizable and allow creators to populate their missions with ease. What's Included in DCG? Modularity Save/load functionality Occupied cities with patrolling and garrisoned enemies Scaling enemy strength Dynamically spawned patrols Enemy static emplacements and sniper teams Populated cities Civilian interaction Roadside IEDs Dynamically spawned civilian traffic Hostile civilians Terrain based animal spawns Approval system FOB construction system Transportation system Dynamic weather Unit caching Headless client support ACE3 support ACRE2 support TFAR support Coop mission template How Do I Use DCG? The latest version of Community Based Addons is required on the server and client. Server Setup Extract the DCG and CBA zip files to the server's Arma 3 folder After extracting the files, @dcg and @cba_a3 should exist in the server's Arma 3 directory To configure a mission for DCG, take a quick look at Setting up a DCG compatible mission If you wish to customize DCG's settings, check out the Settings Framework Can I Contribute to DCG? Dynamic Combat Generator is open source and hosted on Github. Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Teamwork makes the dream work!
  2. Hello guys. I've got a COOP mission for you to try out! Originally I released this mission last summer 2023, but it turned out to have lots of script errors. Yeah, this was my first true experience of creating a scripted scenario for multiplayer. Fortunately I learned a thing or two and managed to put this project into a working condition. Feel free to try out with your friends: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2983422293 Now hear this, testing a mission from start to finish constantly is tiring as hell, but I managed to beat this with my friends anyway. It had some errors that I have now fixed. If you encounter any problems, please let me know and I'll look to them as soon as possible. Enjoy.
  3. – Last update: (full changelog is available via the link) – Description: Hello! Here's a pack of custom missions made by me. These missions do not require any addons to play, and do not involve complex scripting. There’s also no voice acting, only text dialogs that will develop the plot of each mission, but I tried my best to make them useful and entertaining. Also there’s a short backstory written by me as a supplement to the story missions of this pack. There are a few advanced gameplay options added for convenience and replayability: - pre-mission activity (you can change your gear before the battle); - reinforcements (new soldiers will arrive to replace your losses); - health regeneration (no need for a medic); - random time and weather (controlled by the players); - hardcore mode for true challenge lovers (can be turned on and off at any time). All missions are available for both singleplayer and cooperative playthroughs. – Content: There are two mission types - 'Task Force' and 'Outlaws'. Former is a set of single missions not connected to each other and mostly focused on the gameplay. The latter is a simple story campaign (kind of) that is currently in a 'work in progress' state. – Notes: To play these missions, place 'Missions' and 'MPMissions' folders inside the main game's folder (ARMA Cold War Assault). Missions will be available inside "Single Missions" and "Multiplayer" sections. If you spot any typos or mission errors during the gameplay, please let me know. Most of the time I playtest my missions by myself, so I might miss something! Also, keep in mind, this archive is currently unfinished and will be updated time after time (some missions are still ‘work in progress’)! – Missions and Changelog: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WRNMElpy3bYUMPuwazWoddSe9BVB4z7S – Feedback: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jDY4wlNy7zoLr8zVB7zc1ZCPbedOU5akh96NrmUEV2U/edit – Contacts: borkorus@gmail.com – Editor files (feel free to take my missions and change them if you want; old versions of my missions are also here) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10u_ZXqP2yUhyRNMCHSKn9OK5jRkmb01h https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GYAXd4saqpk2YD2f5rDtOD-IfYy8fPO1R8u4xGsUfPU/edit
  4. Armando Ramos Quintana

    Operation Exodus (COOP-04)

    Cooperative Mission 4 Players You are part of Team Bravo, a detachment of the Delta Force mission in Chad. Your vehicle has run out of fuel and you are alone in the desert. Or so you thought... Even so, you have a mission to accomplish. I would like to get feedback about this mission, I plan to do more like this one, and using these same mods. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2907198306
  5. After releasing my original mission in 2014, I have since been working tirelessly on this scenario privately. There are probably close to 500 hours worth of SQF code in this 1mb mission file. Your task force stationed in Anizay is assigned dynamic and complex objectives in a 5km x 5km open world. Operators will need to work tightly with their team as the majority of tasks have complex conditions such as hostage executions or explosive timers. The supported player counts are from 1-24 however 5-15 is optimal. Discord, TFR or ACRE are not required, but I very much doubt you will succeed at many objectives without a suitable method of communication. DOWNLOADS/CREDITS/TUTORIAL https://sites.google.com/view/dicemod/ includes all the information you will need to get started. I have tried to keep the mod list as short as absolutely possible whilst maintaining an authentic feel. (Current version: 2.0 - October 6, 2019) SPECIFICATIONS MISSION DOSSIER MEDIA / SCREENS CHANGELOG
  6. fabiodl93

    [SP/Coop 4] Dark Moon

    Hello Arma community, I want to share with you my first mission published on the Steam Workshop called Dark Moon. Mission Briefing: Last week, the island's media reported on a chemical theft from an industry in Kavala. The investigations conducted by the local authorities have indicated an anti-government cell as responsible for the incident and asked for our support to identify and neutralize the alleged threat. The aerial reconnaissance carried out in recent days, combined with information obtained in the field, identified the city of Orino as the main point of interest. We do not know exactly what kind of activities are taking place in the area therefore we recommend the utmost caution. Features: No mods required Singleplayer/Cooperative (up to 4) Virtual Arsenal Vanilla revive system for Coop Feedback If you have any feedback or encountered any bugs please share it here or on the mission's Steam page. Have fun and have a Splendid™ day. - Fabio
  7. Hello everyone! I haven't been active for a very long time. Now I am back and I need your help. I have downloaded a ready MP/Coop Mission - Rush Redux on Tanoa by OPTiX. Since we are a small community on a private server, I need to make this mission better playable and it needs to be agains AI soldiers, so my friends and I can fight them and still finsih the main mission by completing the objectives. This is possible by destroying the MCOM's when playing on the OPFOR side because if you spawn as a BLUFOR player, the enemies will simply show up, fire upon you and your squad mates and not attack the objective. So the gameplay would be pretty boring. That's why I am going to remove the BLUFOR playable units. I have tried using THIS example with the script in the description, including my own config lines of the enemy soldiers, but it didn't work, showing me that ")" was missing on a line in the main script: { if (_Spawntarget distance _x˃_Deletedistance) then {deleteVehicle _x;}; } forEach units _EditGroup; } foreach (allGroups select {side _x == _Spawnside && (_x getVariable ["spawned",true])}); And because it didn't work I tried with A.E.S (Ambient Enemy Spawner), but the enemy soldiers spawn around me very rare and too late, and it's always laggy as hell. I have tried different options in the main module, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. Other than that, I would like to use a simple script, may be like the first one above, in order to place down custom AI units, not only Vanilla, so I can put enemies from any mod I would like to use, and I need to make a stable version without any lagg while playing. What would you recommend me to do? May be put some units around the map and automatically spawn them on me when I start playing, but the thing is that the player always starts on a different random location and can spawn in the HQ or in a vehicle. If I want to use custom enemy units I guess I will have to use a config line to get them working. Please, give me some advices, scripts or suggestions how to accomplish this task. I want the enemies to hunt down the players. Thank you in advance!
  8. I am getting this error constantly while playing. It has made it impossible to play on coop campaing multiplayer. I can to play 5 minutes max on this mode. The error was different each time. This one just a example. it point differents files each time. I have tried to play single player campaing and this was the error... Please can someone help me about? Thanks everone. Cutter.
  9. Group: United Task Force (UNITAF) Branch: Flexible Schedule / Attendance - MILSIM just without the Yes Sir no Sir. Availability: Join on operations as often or as little as you like, including reserve roles if you want to join but aren't sure you'll make it. Language: English Time Zone: Central Europe (but we have plenty of people from the Americas and Pacific and wouldn't say no to more) Our Arma-integrated Website: United task force Discord: discord Operation Times: CEST/GMT/UTC - Flexible schedule (attend by choice from 1 to 20 ops a month) using our dynamic ORBAT deployment application. Operation Type: COOP (from 5-man Special Operations missions to 40-men+ beach assault we have it all) Mods: ACE / TFAR / RHS (Full list: mods) Roles available for:- Marksmen- Snipers- Leadership- Fixed Wing pilot- Rotary pilot and gunner- Tank crew- Autorifleman- Anti-tank/anti-air- Everything, seriously, any role is a potential option. Other Information: United Task Force is a one-of-a-kind session based cooperative MILSIM experience for the Arma series. A unique blend of realism, solid teamwork, just without the yes-sir-no-sir. Our Website: United task force FAQs and more information about UNITAF on the website. - 24/7 Public Server - Just search for UNITAF in the public server list. - Private session based MILSIM operations. - Numerous training sessions so you can become an expert in whatever roles you choose. - Our one-of-a-kind game integrated MILSIM website application. - Full of cool and friendly people from across the world. - Powerful and well maintained servers to reduce frame-drops and keep the game as immersive as possible. Email adress: hq@unitedtaskforce.net Website features: /- Order of Battle: Deploying on our missions looks something like this which makes it super easy to keep track of what team you're in and what your radio frequency is etc ORBAT Snapshot /- Operations Order [OPORD] are written in full for all official operations. To add immersion and let you know exactly what you should be doing on operation. OPORD Snapshot
  10. Hello, I'm happy to announce you the futur release of my last project concerning Arma game. Initially, i fixed to myself a mod development challenge to release it in one month. It Was in 2018. I missed the target cause i had to suspend it for others projects. But .. as some of players asked for it, and i'm not sastisfied to not finish my work, i release it now. My main idea was respected, and i mainly focused on the essential. Don't expect the game to be tweaked as a final release, but be aware that it offers more advanced features than what must of missions did. Goal : eXtinction is a Survival Mission that takes place on Liviona at the begining of a sanitary crisis. Players can play together or individual. The main scenario wich is not mandatory is you act as a special commando and have to discover what's happen in the Liviona country. Communications with HQ are broken since few days, ammos and moral are low. The population suffers from a mysterious disease (..) Like all survival Game, eXtinction manages the thirst, the hunger, the illness, etc. You will find everything you need to stay alive on your way. With the inventory system that replaces totaly the Arma vanilla one, you interact with all the objects of the game. You could search and find stuff everywhere. But more, to stay alive, you will need to be strong enough against zombies but also enemy army forces and manage your healh all along your mission. What ???? Only one life ??? Yes soldier, this mission is for the heros the real! Don't forget it's a milsim oriented game 🙂 The first version is in French langage. You are free to translate it, or modify it if you wish. The mission can be used in scenario mode or in sandbox mode if you want to bring your own content, or play like a lone wolf. About eXtinction: exTinction uses some of my advanced stuffs that make this game fully dynamic 🙂 BME2 : manage network exchange VITEMS : manage virtual inventory and arma stuff, interract with 3d objects INTDB : manage differents DB and backup for relisient game KEYHANDLER : manage keyboard All internal modules etc. And i also used some external mods: Ryan Zombies & Demons RHS Thanks to the autors Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658 Github: https://github.com/code34/projectx.enoch How to play: Start an Multiplayer game with a local or internet server, choose the liviona map, and projectx mission. If you like it, and want to help this project, you can evaluate it positively on steam. Do not hesitate to confirm your interest, if you want more informations.
  11. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    Halloween 2020 is upon us and this is my contribution. Play solo or get some friends and explore the perfect map for horror scenario. Vinjesvingen. Happy Halloween 2020! STEAM WORKSHOP Story: You got mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can gladly inform you that we have accepted your application. You are welcome to come and work at our farm up in vinjesvingen. We will provide you with a bed and food during your stay. Looking forward to our meeting. Best, Ryan Patel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-6 Players Stealthy/Action/Horror 50 to 80 minutes Gameplay Story Textures, sound effects and music. Cinematics Revive Sometimes the game tell you what to do. Sometimes you have to investigate. In multiplayer it will not progress until all players are ready (Seen all cutscenes, dialogs) but only one player is needed to interact.
  12. Do you have what it takes to escape the depths of the bandit territory? Contract in Chains is a singleplayer or cooperative experience, either with stealthy survival or action packed combat for up to 4 players. OUT NOW | STEAM WORKSHOP Plot: "Malden, 2033. NATO peacekeeping operations are struggling to maintain their support while a growing insurgency arise. A contract marksman designated to eliminate their leader, ended up in the worst situation possible; captured, tortured and deep in bandit territory... " Features: ◈ Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-4 Players ◈ Stealthy Survival / Action Packed ◈ 25 to 45 minutes Gameplay ◈ Completely Vanilla ◈ Engaging Story ◈ Voice Acting ◈ Optional Side Tasks ◈ Optional Revive & Respawn ◈ Story Rich Custom Textures Link to credits here BEWARE: this is designed for locally hosted sessions. If it works on dedicated is unknown. Please feel free to give feedback, and of course report any bugs you find. Last but not least, enjoy the experience by yourself or with your friends! 🤗
  13. accuracythruvolume

    Monster Survival Course

    I present to you a work in progress titled Monster Survival Course (MSC). A Coop mission for 1-10 players. Find on steam here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1952547229 An unknown plague began to spread from somewhere in Poland. Talking heads will later debate its origin in either an old unearthed Nazi bio-weapons lab or a cold war bunker. Either way the infection spread at a phenomenal rate. Russia mobilized whole divisions of troops and marched to the Belarus borders. The infection was halted to the east and south but reached deep into Germany before a combined NATO / UN force stopped the advance just short of Hamburg. Much of northeastern Germany now lies in the quarantine zone. UN troops man the quarantine zone, trying to isolate and purge the hordes of infected. Banditry quickly became rampant and after a brutal massacre of a UN forward operating base by survivors, UN policy quickly shifted to treat anyone with a weapon the same as the infected. Meanwhile numerous survivors are seeking to escape from the quarantine zone... Inspired by the legendary Escape mission, this mission follows much of the same gameplay with a twist: The main adversaries are 'monsters'. The mission space is in the quarantine zone in Germany where a zombie outbreak has occurred. MSC is designed to require the least amount of mods as possible: Map: Rosche, Germany https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1527410521 CUP Terrains Core https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=583496184 RHSUSAF, RHSAFRF, RHSGREF https://steamcommunity.com/id/rhsmods/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Zombies and Demons https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 That's it. All other mods will be optional. This mod supports MaxJoiner's great additions to terrorize your players: Jason mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1672972877 Predator https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1587622288 Terminator https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1453541574 Alien https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1450865805 Max Zombies (for the Zombie Dogs. Ryan zombies and Max zombies attack each other) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1453853092 MSC will detect any of the above mods and use them if they are loaded. This is completely modular and up you mission hosters. Some additional mods are supported as well. As the time of day is random (default setting, can be changed), MSC will give the players a headlamp if Mr. Sanchez' headlamp mod is detected: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930264602 Enhanced movement is highly recommended. Zombies don't parkour. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405 TFAR supported. MSC makes use of a loot system. MSC will detect any additional weapon mods and they will automatically be added to the loot list. Therefore if you want to run NIArms or SMA or any other weapon pack, MSC will support these dynamically. MSC features several 'classes'. These classes affect a player's starting gear. Some of them have unique abilities. Retired SOF: A former special forces member. He was able to grab a rangefinder from his personal gear. Mechanic: Two of the survivors happen to be mechanics in their former lives. They can repair damaged vehicles if they have the proper tools. Paramedic: The paramedic can revive downed players faster then other classes, in addition to being the medic of the group. Hunter: The hunter has a wider selection of firearms based on his hunting pastime. Reporter The reporter was left behind in the quarantine zone while on the job. He has his hazardous location body armor with him. Survivalist The survivalist been prepping for such an occurrence and has brought his 'perfect SHTF gear' with him. Chemist: The Chemist is able to build IEDs. As long as he keeps his tools. Which are in his toolbelt. Downed Pilot. A pilot that was on a recon mission over the quarantine area and was shot down by unknown groundfire. Criminal: The criminal was able to access one of his stashed weapons. Other MSC features: * Five different mission introduction types * Several configurable mission parameters to customize your experience * Player revive system * News reports system to assist in telling the background of the mission. * Random traffic by Enigma's great system * Random Civilians by Enigma's great system * Death Screen by GEORGE FLOROS GR. See a list of his great scripts here: * Civilian Death penalties system. Murdering civvies will get you unwanted attention. * Alias' fire script: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1732509110 Here the zeds have made short work of the UN's BTR: The game play loop is similar to Escape: You start with subpar weapons and no map. Your first priority is the acquire gear and a map. Random POIs are spread across the map. You will need to find a comms tower and contact the outside world. You will be given a task to perform to earn your freedom. Perform this task and you will be given an extraction location. Reach the extraction location a board your ride out of the hell hole. Sounds easy right? Like Escape, MSC will be a challenge. You will be outgunned and will need to be smart. Prepare to be see these types of messages alot MSC is a work in progress.....
  14. Good evening, community! I have found and used a couple of scripts that make enemy AI units surrender in singleplayer (SP). For example, when almost the entire enemy squad is dead and only 1 or 2 units are alive, they will surrender no matter other conditions. And I said "other conditions" because during the last 2 days I've read a lot of topics with information about their behavior and moral as a condition to make them give up. But this is not the case or the result I am looking for. I need a proper script for cooperative and multiplayer missions to give any enemy the possibility to surrender when forced to. If that with the moral is the right way to succeed, I am in! Thank you in advance and cheers! 🙂
  15. :: Introduction :: Bad Frag is a Casual Milsim Community created back during 2014 all the way back in ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, back then we were called 'Hyperion - Private Military Company' since then we have been going strong and we opted for a name change due to the original name not really suiting the way that we play. First and foremost we are a casual milsim community and that is that. To get it out the way the quickly and easily, we require nobody to always attend our sessions and we require nobody to attend training sessions or by any means flaunt a rank or anything like that. Our community maintains itself by an Administration which ensures that everything goes smoothly. However, we do have a ranking structure which is always rewarded and structured on people who have more knowledge of the game itself and the amount of over-all participation in events and general community based events we running. But of course, this doesn't mean they're better than anybody, everyone is on the same footing. Of course, if anybody joining the community is rather new to the game we are always willing to help teach the basics and the standards of Milsim. As a community we are always willing to help each other and get everything figured out. Nobody here is just another number or just another body, we appreciate everyone who shows that they'd like to be here. Of course, I'd like to say that the community isn't overly serious we like to laugh and joke around during the missions we do and outside of our missions. However, we always expect people to behave and not break the general rules of the community during said missions and respect professionalism. :: Events / Event Times :: Here are our event times that we play. As a quick note we do not expect everyone to attend every session during the week. Attend what you want to attend, just be sure to let us know if you can / cannot attend a mission as it helps gives us information for the eventual turn-out. - Cooperative [PVE] - [Large Scale] - Friday - Pre-Operation | 18:00 [GMT+0] - Friday - Mission Start | 18:30 [GMT+0] - Cooperative [PVE] - [Large Scale] - Saturday - Pre-Operation | 18:00 [GMT+0] - Saturday - Mission Start | 18:30 [GMT+0] - Skirmish [PVP] - [Biweekly] - Cooperative [PVE] - [Small Scale] - Event type changes weekly. - Sunday - Pre-Operation | 17:00 [GMT+0] - Sunday - Mission Start | 17:30 [GMT+0] :: Community Prerequisites :: - You must of the age of 16 or above, no exceptions will be made. - You must be willing to follow the rules of the community. - You must have Teamspeak 3 installed, or willing to install it. - You must have a microphone. - You must be able to understand and speak English. - You must active and / or willing to join our sessions. Also, to clear up a potential misconception about the group I would like to say that you are NOT required to own any of the official DLCs or the Creator DLCs for ArmA 3. If this content is being used it will be mentioned in the the sign-up posts we create. Whilst you do not require it I would suggest getting them if you can afford it so you don't have to miss out on roles or missions. :: How do I join? :: It's quite easy! All you must do really is simply contact one of us through Discord, Steam or even our own Teamspeak. You can contact a senior member in the community or a moderator which you can find which are easily recognizable. Of course, depending on the time it might be a few minutes before somebody responds but somebody will get to you in the end. Once that happens they'll happily give you the extra details and point you to the resources you need to join in on our sessions. Of course you can find our Teamspeak, Steam and Discord through these links. - Teamspeak - Our Discord Our Steam Group If you have anything to ask me specifically you are completely free to add me [Archer] through Steam and I will give you any information you need or point you in the right direction. I hope that this post has given everyone enough information about community and I'm looking forward to seeing new faces, thank you. - Archer / Bad Frag Administration.
  16. Operation Ayahuasca 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group are hosting a open-to-public event. This event is a series of dynamic missions spread over 2 operational days. Organized combined arms will be utilized to achieve mission-specific objectives. Multiple missions will be run on each day, with organized breaks in-between to re-kit and change roles as needed. This event is intended as a recruitment for both individuals and other units to join us on our regular, private operations that are held weekly on Saturdays and Sundays. RSVP by the end of Friday Dec. 14th with which op dates you are interested in: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKqkngrBimXwohBXlfdmI1_wzTw3akwkmACCZ6HDhR-tnMgg/viewform Primary Contacts: https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD, https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC See also: mercgg.com, MERC Discord https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8 Event Dates: Saturday Dec. 15th, 2018 @ 5:00pm PST Sunday Dec. 16th, 2018 @ 5:00pm PST Event Requirements: TeamSpeak 3 Client Microphone Arma 3 Mods setup according to the modlist Op modlist: https://mercgg.com/arma3/56RDvR1.html TFAR should be set up and checked prior to op! Expectations: A basic knowledge of Arma Mods & TFAR setup Maturity & patience - disruptive players and/or groups are not welcome About us 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group have worked together for over 5 years. Having forged a strong alliance in Planetside 2, we have brought our friendship to Arma 3 and have been running joint operations over the past year. Now, we hope to find more players and/or groups that are looking to join in on our growing operations. Both 56th Recon Division and MERC Gaming group are recruiting Arma 3 players. For recruitment details of 56RD, contact https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD. For MERC recruitment details, please contact https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC. Do you have your own unit (of any size) and want to come out to our regular events as a group? Contact https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD or https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC for more information, or join MERC’s discord (look for this event’s channel!) https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8 REMINDER: Event dates: Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 15th & 16th @ 5:00PM PST RSVP by the end of Friday, Dec. 14th with which op dates you are interested in. RSVP Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKqkngrBimXwohBXlfdmI1_wzTw3akwkmACCZ6HDhR-tnMgg/viewform Contacts: https://www.reddit.com/user/Treadstone56RD, https://www.reddit.com/user/MundaneMERC, https://discord.gg/UUZXzd8
  17. COOP/SP mission with dynamic objectives for 1-6 players on the Prei Khmaoch Luong map. Try yourselves as SF team members during Vietnam war period. MISSION LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=959340725 FEATURES: - 3 different type of tasks (search and destroy, search and rescue, patrol)... I hope will be more - Random enemy strength, patrols and objective location every time you start scenario - Revive sytem - Combat support (transport helicopter and arty) - No respawn - Customizable mission parameters (weather, time, arsenal, ai) - Three different SF units (MACV-SOG, SASR and 173rd AB LRRP ) with authentic, custom made arsenal and loadouts - FPS friendly - Whole map mission MODS REQUIRED: - UNSUNG 3.1 http://www.armanam.eu/downloads.html - Prei Khmaoch Luong map http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950966660 - Huey Pack http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=370592133&searchtext=huey (cause Unsung Huyes dont work properly with AI) Thanks to all authors of scripts which I used in this mission. Leave feedback in comments and dont forget to rate mission if you like it, thanks. HOW TO LAUNCH THIS SCENARIO 1) subscribe scenario and required mods 2) Launch Arma 3 via launcher, turn on all required mods and launch game with them 3) In game menu choose Multiplayer game =} server browser =} host server(local or internet) =} host server 4) In opend map/missions menu choose map with scenario =} this scenario 5) Choose role, press play 6) Profit... Screenshots:
  18. Oddball-47 Ronin

    The 14th Valley - Unsung Vietnam

    The 14th Valley 2 versions; Day and Night (links below) Coop: recommended 2-4 players (will allow 9) Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3, Apex DLC NVA units along with large caliber AA guns have occupied and built out The Three Canyons area of Da Krong. You are tasked with assaulting and neutralizing the AA batteries. Mission features: (1) Progressive resapwn points (thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom of Elite Warriors) (2) Virtual Vehicle Spawners availlable at LZ Savage and Camp Sarge. (3) Soundtrack mucic to enhance the immersion factor. (4) Numerous sound effects add to the atmosphere. (5)Full arsenal availlable to kit out with; both at LZ Savage and Camp Sarge, as well as numerous ammo crates in and around enemy emplacements. (6) On call artillery fire support. (Accessed via the "0" (ZERO) key at the top of your keyboard. Scroll wheel options availlable after that. (7) Option to insert/remove earplugs. (8) Random enemy patrol script ensures replayability. (9) And thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom, an "official" end to the mission. Mission Notes: In order to guarantee that you respawn with your arsenal kit/loadout, remember to "SAVE" it while in the arsenal screen. It is VERY important to ensure before beginning that your sliders for "Effects" and "Music" are set to at least 50 percent. (Mission sounds/music based on those levels.) It is recommended to set the "Radio" slider to zero to reduce/eliminate annoying AI chatter. Read the briefing and check the map out to get a feel for what you need to do and how you want to go about it. It is suggested also to disable all AI in the slots not taken up by a human player. While it is possible to play with 2 players, it is highly recommended you have at least 4. Known Bugs: "no entry cfg weapons. NAM_M16'" (problem with the Unsung Delta mod) Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung 3.1d Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3. and the Apex Arma 3 DLC Credits: My thanks to Kronsky, Nemesis, and Grumpy Old Man, Sushi, Aliascartoons, and Tonic for their scripting genius. Without their tools, this mission would have been MUCH the lesser. And to Kegety for his PBO/De-PBO tool. And special thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom of "Elite Warriors" for sharing his knowledge and time with me. And lastly, but not leastly (is that even a word?) big thanks to the entire crew behind the "Unsung Vietnam" mod. They have rekindled my enthusiasm for Arma 3 ! Urban Patrol Script Version: 2.2.0 Author: Kronzky NRE_earplugs.sqf Author: Nemesis GOM - Ambient AA :Author:Grumpy Old Man sush_pow_script.sqf Author: Sushi VVS Virtual Vehicle Spawner script by: Tonic Ambient Light script by: Alias LINKS: Day Version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138096388 Night Version: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138099931
  19. Gents, New version (1.63) of "Night Tigers", a multiplayer cooperative mission centered on night operations in Vietnam has been worked up. You can find it here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=907850156 I'll be posting it up on the Armaholic website as well. (For anyone new to Arma, Armaholic is a wonderful repository of all things Arma related; missions, scripts, tutorials, ad infinitum. By all means check it out. http://www.armaholic.com/ Mission info can be found below: Coop: recommended 2-4 players (will allow 9) (single player not tested) Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3, Apex DLC April, 1967. You are part of a MACV SOG team which has been ordered to locate and destroy several NVA AA guns in the "Muah Quah" area of operations located on Doung Island of the Rung Sat Special Zone, Vietnam. Mission features: (1) the ability to respawn at one of three points in the event the player(s) suffer any misfortunes in the field. ( Make sure you spawn at HQ initially.) (2) Highly immersive soundtrack which lends itself well to the eerie movement through the waterways and jungle. (3) Numerous sound effects add to the atmosphere. (4)Full arsenal availlable to kit out with; both at Headquarters and Outpost Kable and scattered throughout the map. (Look for U.S. ammo crates in and around enemy installations and emplacements.) ( Bring LOTS of flares; you're gonna need 'em) (5) On call artillery fire support. (Accessed via the "0" (ZERO) key at the top of your keyboard. Scroll wheel options availlable after that. (6) Option to insert/remove earplugs at any point in the mission. Make certain you take one of the PBRs parked at the "River Rat Boathouse" once you've seen the general and kitted up. (7) Random enemy patrol script ensures replayability. (8) And thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom, an "official" end to the mission. Mission Notes: It is VERY important to ensure before beginning that your sliders for "Effects" and "Music" are set to at least 50 percent. (Mission sounds/music based on those levels.) It is recommended to set the "Radio" slider to zero to reduce/eliminate annoying AI chatter. It is also very important to the flow and immersion of the mission to begin at Headquarters, see the general to get your orders and then take one of the PBRs located at the "River Rats Boathouse" to begin the mission. Read the briefing and check the map out to get a feel for what you need to do and how you want to go about it. It is suggested also to disable all AI in the slots not taken up by a human player Known Bugs: (1) "image: cluster.jpg" not found sometimes appears at mission selection screen. (I've apparently not the intellect to make this "go away".) (2) "no entry cfg weapons. NAM_M16'" (problem with the Unsung Delta mod Requirements: ArmA 3 Unsung 3.1d Vietnam War mod, CBA_A3. and the Apex Arma 3 DLC Credits: My thanks to Kronsky, Nemesis, and Grumpy Old Man and Sushi for their scripting genius. Without their tools, this mission would have been MUCH the lesser. And to Kegety for his PBO/De-PBO tool. And special thanks to Sergeant Dennenboom of "Elite Warriors" for sharing his knowledge and time with me. And lastly, but not leastly (is that even a word?) big thanks to the entire crew behind the "Unsung Vietnam" mod. They have rekindled my enthusiasm for Arma 3 ! Urban Patrol Script Version: 2.2.0 Author: Kronzky NRE_earplugs.sqf Author: Nemesis GOM - Ambient AA :Author:Grumpy Old Man sush_pow_script.sqf Author: Sushi VVS Virtual Vehicle Spawner script by: Tonic Regards, Oddball
  20. Date: 8 August. Place: Isla Duala. Situation: The militants of the organization Boko Haram attacked the convoy and kidnapped five diplomatic representatives and two guards. Preparing a rescue mission. Features: game modes - singleplayer, 4 player co-op; walkthrough duration - average (from 1 hour); difficulty - easy; voice acting - no; titers and descriptions - eng | rus; fast and fun gameplay scenario; easter eggs; unique game mechanics: virtual arsenal; revive system; marks; arrest and interrogation system; holograms; explosive materials; random units equipment using addons support (see below); and much more. Required addons: CUP Terrains - Core; Isla Duala 3.8; NATO_Rus_Vehicle. In this scenario involves addons support. To use, subscribe to the appropriate addons, the list of which is given below: CBA_A3 (required for playing with supported add-ons); CUP Weapons Pack - replace the weapons of the enemies presented in the addons.. Links: Steam Workshop MediaFire Armaholic
  21. Hey there! I've recently formed a new group, AB-12, designed for semi-casual Arma 3 players looking for a group to play with in Wasteland. I'm hoping to create a group dedicated to intense teamplay, and playing Blufor how it's meant to be played, working towards objectives as one. I'm looking for english speaking players who are team-focused, any ages and any experience levels - whether you've clocked 300+ hours or just cracked the game open, it doesn't matter, you're welcome. If you're interested, please search AB-12 on the Arma Units tab, or follow this link directly - https://units.arma3.com/unit/ab-12. Thanks for reading, Elliott AB-12
  22. Short backround: Me and 2 of my friends have been playing Arma series (from original Flashpoint) in every LAN-party we had. None of us have been playing these games in internet (no idea why), we'll not much anyways. Novadays we don't have LAN-parties as often as in kids (all +-30 years). So I'd have this idea to make a full cooperative campaign including the best missions from all games for our next LAN. Nostalgia for the win! And for extra twist I'll put us three in all of the missions and make some background story how we end up in all of the conflicts. So the campaign starts from 1982 Resistance and ends up in 2035 Apex protocol, when our 3 main characters are about 70 years old and still get dragged in to fighting. I'm not going to include all of the missions. And some missions like OFP's Desert ambush is just old MP-mission which is somehow integrated to the story (too legendary mission to pass!). Planned/finished so far: Reunite - Short mission in Tanoa, where all 3 reunite after many years [ALMOST COMPLETE] Resistance - Invasion (escape from Lipany, you can see Troska fleeing too, same idea as original mission, but alternative perspective) [ALMOST COMPLETE] More memories - Short side mission in "present day" Flashpoint - Desert ambush (not sure the date, maybe I'll put it between '82 and '85, more or less as original) [COMPLETE] - Flashpoint [COMPLETE] - Combined Arms [COMPLETE] - Camping [COMPLETE] - Alert [COMPLETE] - Montignac must fall [COMPLETE] - After Montignac [COMPLETE] These first OFP missions are pretty much identical to originals. After peaceful years - Short side mission ArmA - Seize the base (probably our most played coop-mission (original and variations), have to include this classic, slight changes) [ALMOST COMPLETE] Queens Gambit Arma II - Into the storm (slight changes) [IN PROGRESS] - Harvest red (slight changes) [IN PROGRESS] - Razor two First A2 missions are pretty close to originals. Operation Arrowhead Havent started yet. Arma III Havent started yet. Apex Protocol Havent started yet. Addon/mod list: RHS (all) East vs West CUP (all) FinMod (for some old FDF missions) Podagorsk (FDF) ASCZ_Heads zir_headpack1 Comment if you'll have a suggestion or how do you like the idea. All release all missions in here if someone else wants to use them or edit or whatever.
  23. Hello Reader! We Want YOU! Who are we: We are a small group of gamers who have united and chosen to become something more of just "gamers". We are lovers of Arma 3 and its community and we want more of YOU to join us for a fantastic journey into the highest mountains and into the deepest valleys! We care about tactics, authentic combat and role-play. We try to make everything as authentic as possible while still keeping the game fun for everyone. What we want: We are looking for friendly, respectful, mature, hard working and team-players members to join us into the battlefield for some unforgettable moments. What we don't want: We don't want immaturity, selfishness and we don't want you giving up! It is very important not giving up and always keep going no matter what! How to Join: If you would like to sign up then feel free to write here in the comments, send me a message, add me on steam (Alex150201) or send me an e-mail (alexandros.mirza@gmail.com). There is no age limit which might be relieving to some but to some others no. No age limit doesn't mean anyone can join. If you are not mature enough you won't be accepted or if you get accepted you can get banned. In your application for joining we would like you to have the following things: Age Location Name (Arma 3) What you would like to be (3 things) Anything else you want to say and why we should recruit you When we ask you what you would like to be you can answer the following: Infantry Sniper Diver Grenadier Machine Gunner Combat Medic Explosive Specialist Missile Specialist Mortar/Artillery Airforce Helicopters Planes/Jets Armor Tanks Mods and Addons: RHS: Escalation (Both Versions U.S.A.F and A.F.R.F) A.C.E 3 TFAR (Task Force Radio) ASDG Joint Rails CBA (Community Base Addons) MCC 4 Sandbox M.E.L.B (Mission Enhanced Little Bird) The modpack had a few problems so while we try to figure out the problems and fix it these are the mods for now!