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Found 32 results

  1. Hello all! I am a moderate beginner with Arma 3 scripting. I have a script that is used with the Survival mod (waves of enemies where you are required to loot bodies in order to find weapons, ammo, and FAKs). One of the problems that our group has is knowing which bodies have been looted or not (in the end, there are hundreds on the field). I am using an InventoryClosed (Script 1)event handler to change the color or remove the uniform (doesn't matter which behavior) after a player has closed the dead body's inventory. The problem that I'm having is that two of the three ways of opening an inventory (scrolling to the action and activating it, or pressing "I" when in range) work just fine. But if the player presses "Use" when the inventory icon is up on the screen, the inventory opens and closes immediately. They can go back into the Inventory after that and loot, but it's an odd experience. I tried switching to InventoryOpened (Script 2), and the behavior now pressing "I" or pressing "Use", and sometimes supports scrolling to "Inventory" action (but sometimes closes the inventory immediately in that case). It seems like an Arma 3 scripting bug to me. Any ideas about what I can try to prevent that weird behavior? Here are the scripts (I placed them in initPlayerLocal.sqf). Script 1: player addEventHandler ["InventoryClosed", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; if (_container isKindOf "Man") then { _container setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.61,0.65,0.6)"]; }; }]; Script 2: player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; if (_container isKindOf "Man") then { _container setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.61,0.65,0.6)"]; }; false; }];
  2. Hi, I know how to add a custom ace 3 interaction by script, but is it possible to remove this action after use? And how?
  3. Hi, I need help to get this running. I want to call some code on opening the parachute. I didn't found anything matching in the list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers. I even tried the GetIn-Handlers because the parachute seems to be handled as a vehicle. Any ideas? Thx in advance ;)
  4. Hello there! I'm trying to pass a vehicle Object to a button action. On vehicles with variable names my current version works perfectly fine, but on vehicles without variable name it isn't... So do you guys have any ideas on how to pass the _vehicle variable to the button? // My current Version buttonSetAction [_idc, format ["player moveInDriver %1;", _vehicle]];
  5. za0

    Timer on Items

    You know that round timer that appears when you revive an ally, repair a vehicle or defuse a bomb? How do I add it to any item I want, and trigger a trigger when the timer circle completes? And if possible, how can I change the time to my liking, like 30 seconds or 60 seconds?
  6. Hello, I ran into some small trouble with my upcoming horror mission: SILENT ABDERA | COMING SOON™... The problem is that I'm using objects/items in my mission that are interactive. And I simply want to have them as props. Here's two examples: I have tried to disable simulation as well as turning them into simple objects, but it doesn't help. This is not the only object action problems I have. In the mission I'm having quite a lot of these items what I call notes, but they work as leaflets. I wanted the leaflet to have a look of a document, so I used a intel document. I pasted the leaflet script into init, and it works and looks great. But, it also has the dreaded take intel action, and I don't want that. Thanks in advance! I hope the images give clear description of what I want to achieve. Enjoy your weekend soldiers!
  7. I want to have a backpack initialized with an action to build up a campsite. For now I have the working script to add the action to the backpack and run the script as the action is triggered/used. Now I want the backpack to disappear after the campsite has been built up. I tried to call deleteVehicle but failed. I think it is because the script is bound to the object that I want to remove and therefore does not work. What I am looking for is like a custom event I might create? Like publishing an event called campFinished and registering and event handler to my object which will kill it in the callback function. Is something like this possible? If not - what is the common approach to achieve a similar result? Complete code is open here: https://github.com/xetra11/ReconMod If anybody wants to reproduce it on it's own. fn_backpackInit.sqf params ["_backpackItem"]; format['init backpack: %1', typeOf _backpackItem] call ReconMod_fnc_log; _backpackItem addAction ["Build Recon Camp", ReconMod_fnc_buildCampsite]; fn_buildCampsite.sqf (last line is my try to delete the backpack - does not work) params ["_target", "_caller"]; private ["_message", "_campComposition"]; _message = format['%1 is building up a campsite', name _caller]; hint _message; 'playing build up animation' call ReconMod_fnc_log; _caller playMove "AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medicUp3"; _campComposition = [ ["Land_FirePlace_F",[0.407715,-0.0605469,0.00431442],0,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_WoodenLog_F",[1.30078,-1.04712,4.19617e-005],0,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ground_sheet_folded_khaki_F",[-0.0664063,1.74048,8.01086e-005],260.778,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Laptop_02_unfolded_F",[1.31445,-1.0542,0.5],136.964,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[-1.36768,-0.928467,-0.00595856],37.9681,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_brown_folded_F",[2.34326,-0.0712891,-3.8147e-006],245.926,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[-0.641113,1.8584,-0.0278778],174.749,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Sleeping_bag_F",[2.49707,0.719482,0.0018959],266.758,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ground_sheet_khaki_F",[3.14111,-0.101318,3.8147e-006],96.0028,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_CanisterFuel_F",[-2.85938,1.72168,0.000972748],191.718,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ammobox_rounds_F",[3.03857,1.61816,0.00495911],218.802,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[-4.22217,-0.0065918,0.00314331],181.884,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_Ammobox_rounds_F",[3.88281,1.70947,9.53674e-005],143.886,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[-2.9668,3.74658,0.0138435],215.286,1,0,[],"","",true,false], ["Land_TentDome_F",[3.51807,3.35718,0.00638962],320.122,1,0,[],"","",true,false] ]; 'constructing camp...' call ReconMod_fnc_log; [position _caller, 0, _campComposition] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper; 'camp build!' call ReconMod_fnc_log; hint 'recon camp has been built up'; _message = format['deleting campsite building item: %1', _target]; _message call ReconMod_fnc_log; deleteVehicle _target;
  8. Hi everyone, Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine and we agreed that the Arma 3 action menu ain't that great or more generally: the way us, players, interact with the environment isn't that great, let's be honest. So I started to think about a way to improve the default interaction system and I decided to make my own. Later on that day, I came up with a little something that I decided to share a preview with you, the Arma 3 community. Let's have a look, shall we! Version #1 Version #2 - Houses Let me guys know what you think. Thank you.
  9. alkanet

    [SP/CO-06] Faith

    Halloween 2020 is upon us and this is my contribution. Play solo or get some friends and explore the perfect map for horror scenario. Vinjesvingen. Happy Halloween 2020! STEAM WORKSHOP Story: You got mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can gladly inform you that we have accepted your application. You are welcome to come and work at our farm up in vinjesvingen. We will provide you with a bed and food during your stay. Looking forward to our meeting. Best, Ryan Patel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-6 Players Stealthy/Action/Horror 50 to 80 minutes Gameplay Story Textures, sound effects and music. Cinematics Revive Sometimes the game tell you what to do. Sometimes you have to investigate. In multiplayer it will not progress until all players are ready (Seen all cutscenes, dialogs) but only one player is needed to interact.
  10. Do you have what it takes to escape the depths of the bandit territory? Contract in Chains is a singleplayer or cooperative experience, either with stealthy survival or action packed combat for up to 4 players. OUT NOW | STEAM WORKSHOP Plot: "Malden, 2033. NATO peacekeeping operations are struggling to maintain their support while a growing insurgency arise. A contract marksman designated to eliminate their leader, ended up in the worst situation possible; captured, tortured and deep in bandit territory... " Features: ◈ Singleplayer / Cooperative 2-4 Players ◈ Stealthy Survival / Action Packed ◈ 25 to 45 minutes Gameplay ◈ Completely Vanilla ◈ Engaging Story ◈ Voice Acting ◈ Optional Side Tasks ◈ Optional Revive & Respawn ◈ Story Rich Custom Textures Link to credits here BEWARE: this is designed for locally hosted sessions. If it works on dedicated is unknown. Please feel free to give feedback, and of course report any bugs you find. Last but not least, enjoy the experience by yourself or with your friends! 🤗
  11. Hello, I open this thread so that people who search for it on the Internet can find it easier than I do. I have solved this with the help of the people who were in the Slack of the ACE (special mention to Schwaggot). 1. It have to be executed from an Addon (or at least it is the only way it worked for me) 2. Code executed from my addon config.cpp class ace_medical_treatment_actions { class Diagnose; class ExecuteMyCode: Diagnose { displayName = "EXECUTE MY CODE"; displayNameProgress = "EXECUTE MY CODE"; items[] = {}; category = "examine"; allowedSelections[] = {"All"}; allowSelfTreatment = 1; treatmentTime = 3; callbackSuccess = "true"; callbackFailure = ""; callbackProgress = ""; condition = "true"; itemConsumed = 0; litter[] = {}; }; }; Spyke.
  12. Detachment One is a North America based Arma 3 unit based on MCSOCOM Detachment One. We are extending an invitation to skilled personnel interested in running operations of the following types: Direct Action Special Reconnaissance Special Activities The atmosphere at DetOne is more relaxed, as we have all been a part of previous milsim units. No need to report in, finish statements with “Sir!” nor address members by rank. We have a Teamspeak 3 and Arma 3 server and primarily use TS3 and Discord for communications. Events/Operations The main operation takes place on Saturdays at 9PM EST Other events and training may take place weekly or as determined. Our servers are online 24/7 with the exception of maintenance, so our members can additionally gather/play at any time. https://youtu.be/nAIed1M4a9g Requirements: Minimum age of 18 Teamspeak 3 with Microphone Fluent in English Arma 3 installed Good overall fit for the unit Open Roles: Direct Action Element Member SARC – Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman Aviator, 1-160th SOAR The unit also has a “Fires Element,” where members can serve roles of: Machine Gunner Infantry Assaultman Mortarman Candidates will undergo an Initial Skills Assessment covering the followin criteria before acceptance: Land Navigation Radio Communication/TFAR ACE Advanced Medical Skills Room Clearing/CQB and POS ID ACE Explosives Further skills on the individual and team level may be trained and developed after entrance. To join or if you have questions, please message one of these members: Bezaleel DareThrylls Arondight Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/S4NSw8J
  13. Hi community! My name is Paul and I am an illustrator, designer and author. I am also an amateur mod maker with ~20 years of experience beginning with Operation Flash-point all those years ago. Over this period of time the mods, maps, utilities, textures, concepts etc., that I have made were downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. This is not me trying to brag but to demonstrate that when I commit to a project I see it through to success. It's been a while since I wanted to commit to such a project and now the time has come. The Eden editor is a fun tool, and so I've come to join all of you. There are two projects I currently have in progress. These projects are very different but serve as a learning environment to develop future goals. Both of these projects use a GUI "toy" which is a major element that I want to incorporate in the final project. Ultimately I'd like to release these projects as "modular plug-ins" (a combination of in-engine assets and the scripts to run them), which fit easily into any existing or future scenarios. Here, my first goal is to post sample missions of the two current projects for others to try out and to show my participation with the community. A long time ago on a NEXUS far-far away I released a mod titled "187gurlz" for Fallout 3. The primary character, named Sasha Ashe, was an ass-kicking wasteland warrior devoted to assisting the player restore hope to the capital waste. The first modular plug-in will be a companion mod very much like the ones we're familiar with for Bethesda games. The first part will be the GUI toy connected to a generic character (which you can assign female assets to if you have them). The second part will be the same with custom assets for the female model. That's where you come in. I need the model assets to make this module stand-alone. Necessary is the Female model/outfits. Potentially custom weapons, too. Download link: SWO Mission Control The balance of flight mechanics in ARMA III, somewhere in the middle between Battlefield and DCS, are very appealing to me. With the same GUI toy philosophy in mind I am creating a mission control interface which can be slotted into any existing and future "flight oriented" scenario. Although I've had success getting all the elements to work, surely my scripting is poorly executed and, if nothing else, not optimized. That's where you come in. If you're interested in examining and potentially editing these scripts I'd be excited to see your feedback. Download link: JET TOYS My intention is to submit these projects to the community as a demonstration of participation and aptitude. And to potentially find like-minded modders of all different skill sets to work on a more ambitious future project. I'm honored to be here among service members, grumpy old men, and some alarmingly proficient computer science majors. Thanks for having me in your community, Paul
  14. Hello awesome BI community! This is the first time I'm posting an issue here so any help would be much appreciated, and thank you in advance for the use of your time. 🙂 END GOAL: helicopter spawns (via triggers listening to boolean variable in game) helicopter goes to object (defined in script) helicopter goes to player (defined in script) helicopter returns to base helicopter disappears (via triggers listening to boolean variable in game) and: the addAction has an initial menu that just states "SUPPORTS" then upon selecting deletes that action and adds a subset of supports for the player to use. INTENTION: What I'm trying to do is have ONE .sqf script and pass variables to that script via execVM from a trigger in game. I have created this script using 3 .sqf script files using public and predefined variables in game, and it works. But I want this to work more like a function than a script. So this is my first script which uses private variables. I would like this to remain as ONE .sqf so I can copy this to a new mission and create/define the objects/groups in the game, then pass those using execVM. PROBLEM: Everything works, except addAction transfers the code to a scheduled task and the private variables are undefined there, at least that's how I understand it. CODE THAT WORKS WITH PUBLIC VARIABLES: CODE IM TRYING TO GET WORKING WITH PRIVATE VARIABELS: HOW I'M CALLING THE CODE: *EDIT In the game it errors at: slingloadmain = _player addAction [ "SUPPORTS", { _player removeaction slingloadmain; _activate = false; Is this even possible?
  15. Hello, everyone. I have tried an option in a mission where the player can scroll down or up his middle mouse and choose an action to put his main weapon on back. I have found this script that can be placed inside a trigger and when the player is present. it will activate the action: player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100]; It works the same way in the mission, but how do I get this command/action when I scroll with the mouse? Thanks in advance! Cheers!
  16. Upon entering trigger area I'm trying to cut engine and eject the player from the _targetTruck. _targetTruck = "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_D_CP_fmtv_usarmy" createVehicle _mark; _returnTrig = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", _returnTrigPos]; _returnTrig setTriggerArea [5,5,0, false]; _returnTrig triggerAttachVehicle [_targetTruck]; _returnTrig setTriggerActivation ["VEHICLE", "PRESENT", true]; _returnTrig setTriggerStatements ["this", "player action ["engineOff", _targetTruck player] player action ["eject", _targetTruck player]", "" ]; I have also tried: "player action ["engineOff", _targetTruck] player action ["eject", _targetTruck]", This is what I came up with so far. The error that returns is "missing ]". Any help with any of the code would be greatly appreciated!
  17. Download: MIL_Priorities - Dropbox/Armaholic Description: MIL_Priorities is a simple script to add actions to a player that indicate what addActions are sitting where on the priority order. This script is likely to only be useful for organising your own addAction priorities or to determine other scripts/mods addAction priorities. Features: - Creates addActions with priorites from 0 to 6. - User can set the interval between each priority. To use: - Copy the file MIL_Priorities.sqf to your mission folder. - Run the script using: - nul = [_interval] execVM "MIL_Priorities.sqf"; - _interval - number (optional) - default: 0.5 - addActions will spawn from 0 to 6 using the interval - Example: - nul = [1] execVM "MIL_Priorities.sqf"; - addActions will be created with a priority interval of 1 - i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6 If anyone finds any problems please let me know. Thank you.
  18. Evening folk. So I've always been interested in scripting and general mission making for Arma even since I first played the series. Recently I choose to actually take steps to learn the above and attempt to make a mission (Of which is going decently well) Now while making the mission in question I've came to a point where I want to be able to make multiple objects at once disappear upon the chosen action being activated using the addAction command within an INIT; I've managed to with the following to make one rock disappear using the hideObject command but I'm unsure how I'd make multiple variables do the same using the same action command. rock1 addAction ["Move big fucking rock", "hideObject rock1"]; I presume this is very simple... Very, but I'm like stated above amateur at best so I'm using every moment to learn. Any help?
  19. Hi, I discovered recently a weird behavior, with addAction on a crate (or any object), while you're leader of a group. With any of your AI team mate (so local to your PC), you can order him the addAction on the crate (if conditions are met), with the action menu (6). That means the code will run locally even if you are away from the object. Just test: write an addAction for a crate: myCrate addAction ["Arsenal", { ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal },nil,10,false,true,"","vehicle _this == _this"]; Here is for arsenal opening, but any code will run a well. Place the crate or any object named myCrate. Place a squad with leader as player. Run the preview. You can see your added action when closing the crate (within 15m as hard coded). Move away then order an AI o close the crate on his turn. Now, you have an added line in commanding action menu (6) for this unit! You can even ask him to open arsenal. The unit will start an animation to come closer to the crate but at arrival, you will open arsenal for yourself. So, the conclusion is that the hard coded condition is checking the distance from object, not only for player but for all subordinates (not tested with several players in same group). The working filter seems to be: vehicle _this == player but this remains a waste of code and performance, imho, because the hard coded distance condition should check only for player's distance. As you can see, with no filter on player, you can open arsenal on crate, even if on the other side of the map. This occurred for me while an AI respawn point was too close from the crate.
  20. The Outbreak - Part 1 by SerBiX This is a SP/COOP Action-Horror scenario. Story: Year 2008, Chernarus. Yet another civil war was erupted. But soon it has been displaced by a sudden outbreak of the disease. The military forces failed to hold it back and the infection spread quickly throughout Chernarus. Somebody was lucky to get away alive and somebody was not. Now, it's too late to run away... It's time to survive. You are the Russian Forces soldier, returning to your headquarters after losing contact with your commanding. Story - Part I: Your helicopter has crashed after a spontaneous big blast while you were returning to your headquarters. You landed right in a dark, mysterious forest. Some say that this forest was cursed. There are many legends about lost expeditions, about people who wandered into its territory and never came back, about bright lights and strange sounds coming from inside. You have no desire to stay here too long. Features: Horror elements Every bullet counts You'll have to use your head Custom Dark Ambient music No revive Spectator mode after death (in multiplayer) ~1-2 hour length Installation: [SP] Extract the .pbo file to [\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Missions] [MP] Extract the .pbo file to [\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions] Required Mods: CM Zombies CUP Terrains - Core CUP Terrains - Maps RHSAFRF RHSUSAF Zombies and Demons Credits: Scenario: SerBiX (a.k.a. SerbiX8) Music: myuu from The Dark Piano burning-mir from Freesound Bohemia Interactive Workshop page or Download Ratings and comments are much appreciated.
  21. I'm trying to add a custom action to a passenger in a truck: As you can see, only the default "Join group" action is available. I would like to add another action, for instance "get out of truck". This is what I have, but it's not working: _actionInfo = [ "ScarPipelineWorkerGetOutOfVehicle", // 0: Action name <STRING> "Get out of truck", // 1: Name of the action shown in the menu <STRING> "", // 2: Icon <STRING> // Statement <CODE> { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; [_target] orderGetIn false; unassignVehicle _target; }, // Condition <CODE> { params ["_target", "_player", "_params"]; (vehicle _target == _target) } ]; _action = _actionInfo call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [_worker, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "ACE_Passengers"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; ....Any ideas? Thank you, _SCAR
  22. Hi. I want to add a custom action to a player that, when triggered, will play a custom sound "sound1.ogg" inside my mission file\music\ folder. My description.ext works properly, here it is: class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {01,02}; class 01 { name = "01"; sound[] = {"music\sound1.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; class 02 { name = "02"; sound[] = {"music\sound2.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; Note that sound2.ogg is not used yet. In the init field of the player that can play the sound, I have tried to make the custom action: this addAction ["Play Sound", this say3D "01"] but here's the problem: when I run the scenario, the sound is played at the beginning, right after the players spawn in, and there is no custom action on the player. If I forgot to add anything, please ask, this is my first post so I might have missed something...
  23. Altis last offensive Description: After conflicts in Libya, Syria and Iraq, terrorists settled on the Greece island Altis. Their escalation was fast and uncontrolled, until now. You are the best Altis Air Force pilot providing air support together with NATO air and ground units. Biggest offensive in European union ever from end of Altis civil war. Expect heavy military vehicles, artillery and epic action mission. Official DLC required: HelicopterDLC Addons required: No addons needed Specials: Two different endings If you like my creation you can support me. Thank you. Steam workshop: Altis last offensive
  24. tom4_atpl

    [SP] I am pilot

    I am pilot Description: You are commercial pilot in AIRTAK Airways operated on Altis island. Flying as a captain on aircraft An-2 made in Russia. AIRTAK Airways are know as precise airline operator which strictly fly under ICAO and EASA rules and laws. Do not forget that airspace above greece island Altis is divided to civil corridors and military restricted zones which are prohibited for all civil traffic. Early morning you are flying scheduled flights between Altis airport. Nothing important, just routine flights. Safety situation on Altis after war is almost "perfect" just some terrorists and thiefs at non-controlled zone which is marked on the map. Official DLC required: HelicoptersDLC Addons required: STEAM link NON-STEAM link Specials: IMPORTANT: Fly with ATC and mission instructions! If you like my creation you can support me. Thank you. Steam workshop: I am pilot
  25. Greece anti-terrorists Description: A highly trained special Ops soldiers are sent on a mission to eliminate terrorist cells across the reservation. We are sending our best Private Military Units operating under NATO and European Union. Your mission is to establish peace and save all civilians and especially Nicos. Be prepared to contact with non-uniformed terrorists units. Official DLC required: MarksmenDLC Addons required: No addons needed Specials: Virtual Arsenal available If you like my creation you can support me. Thank you. Steam workshop: Greece anti-terrorists