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  1. Hi, I need help to get this running. I want to call some code on opening the parachute. I didn't found anything matching in the list: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers. I even tried the GetIn-Handlers because the parachute seems to be handled as a vehicle. Any ideas? Thx in advance ;)
  2. What's Zeus airdrop parachute classname? By the way, even checking the "config" prompt in-game, I couldn't find any clue about this huge static chute classname. Looking only at the official Arma 3 content, I got only the small one (Steerable_Parachute_F). I have checked the A3_jets functions to figure out some but nothing was found. If you can explain how works your investigation to find this kind of asset, it would be very much appreciated. EDIT: the answer is "B_Parachute_02_F" This effect happens when you, in-game, drap a vehicle and drop it in the air with Zeus allowed.
  3. Hi all, Another question: When any AI unit does a parachute jump, they just seem to hold their position and not be able to move anywhere. Any group commands such as "Move to" or "Form up/Rejoin Formation" don't have any effect other than the AI reporting in the negative. That's a bit sad, because it prevents the AI from doing proper HAHO (high altitude, high opening) jumps. Is it really only possible to do this as a player? Or is there any way to get them to move somewhere (equivalent to players using WASD keys)? Cheers, M.
  4. Tandem freefall and parachute landing with a tethered cargo bundle for precise delivery of supplies and equipment with a HALO insertion. Steam Workshop Requires ACE GitHub Features Tandem Jump with cargo in aircraft Vehicle-in-vehicle and ACE cargo compatible Maneuver in free-fall with cargo tethered to jumper Maneuver under canopy with cargo tethered to chute Cut tether at any time via Self Interaction > Equipment > Cut Lowering Line Tether is automatically cut on landing Server & Client Reliable rope scripting requires mod to be running on server and all clients.
  5. _______________________ 2nd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment British Realism Unit _______________________ ABOUT US The 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment is an ARMA 3 military realism group that recreates a modern interpretation of real operations, utilising up-to-date and realistic British army doctrine. We focus on having immersive campaigns and missions alongside having like-minded, mature and focused members who can appropriately carry out said operations in an effective manner and members who are able to work in a friendly and close-knit section. Our main focus is a unit is to host and play realistic and deeply immersive missions and to host a community where all members can have a good time and have some serious fun, not only destroying the enemy but making some friends along the way. Our primary recruitment video ROLES In the 2PARA community, we host a variety of roles and specialisms, allowing members to specialise in any field they would like to and to become a dedicated specialist role within the team to assist in operations. Some of our specialisms include: Leadership & Commanding Various Combat Medical Qualifications Signals Heavy Weapons Precise Weapons Instructing Rotary Aviation Intelligence & Reconnaissance and many more... 16 CSMR personnel training their MERT capability OPERATIONS We hold a high expectation on attendance, as mass attendance improves the experience for all of our members, however we understand commitments and other requirements in the lives of others. Because of this, we have a clear communication policy between members and their direct superior being able to report leave and absence. Below are some of the time scales and days we host specific events: Primary Operations (MANDATORY) Currently hosted on Monday & Wednesday Timed from 8PM GMT onwards Secondary/"Fun" Operations (OPTIONAL) Currently hosted occasionally throughout the week Timed from 8PM GMT onwards Training & Selections (CONDITIONAL) Currently hosted throughout the week, mainly Thursday and Friday Timed from 6PM GMT onwards A Coy, 2 PARA deployed into the Lythium Region of Afghanistan REQUIREMENTS Legal copy of ARMA 3 Working (and FUNCTIONAL) microphone ATLEAST 16 years of age Strong Attendance Correct attitude of maturity and seriousness Willingness to learn and train Ability to work with others and make friends JNCO Cadre being hosted at our Infantry Training Centre LINKS Our Discord - http://www.discord.gg/mMGfbAjN9X Our Twitter - https://twitter.com/2para_arma Our Teamspeak -
  6. LOW and EXTREME ALTITUDE PARAJUMPS by Richard Von Quest VERSION: beta v0.6.0 UPDATED: 04 June 2021 DONATE: Support Project // INTRODUCTION: This is the Stand-Alone Module of my HALO/PARA Infiltration System from my SpookWarCom Project. This Module will allow the player to setup transport and perform a combat parajump into any area of the map you desire. Both low-altitude parajumps, and high-altitude HALO jumps are supported. For the more extreme HALO jumps, special equipment is needed to survive the harsh and dangerous environment of the low-oxygen, sub-zero atmosphere. I must stress this is a fictional project. Some creative liberties are taken for better gameplay and immersion. Do not expect a 1:1 simulation of a true military freefall operation. This is a GAME. NOTE: This is a complete overhaul and full re-write of the last versions. Numerous features and old options have been temporally removed to speed up this release. They will be added back in later. "Feet First into Hell" // EQUIPMENT: Dragonfly HALO ReBreather Rig System HellJumper Altimeter NEXTGEN Watch Thermal JumpSuit, H3 Helmet, O2 Bottle Automatic Opening Device (AR3) Electronic Auto Opening Device (ASTRA) Backup Reserve Parachute Sentinel Safety Reserve Trigger Device 3D Models and more coming soon... // FEATURES: Player select FlightPlan, JumpPoint, Cargo Custom Audio, Effects, Lights, Atmosphere Fog-of-War Human Flight Error, Drift, etc SAMs, RADAR, and Flak Enemy Air Defenses Hypothermia, Decompression Sickness, etc Parachute Cut-Away (SHIFT+CTRL+L) Travel Time, Cut Scene, Chute Failure, etc Bury Gear to Hide it from the enemy And many more under development... // AIRCRAFT: XC-130 Hercules "Nightmare" (Black-Ops Edition) // NOTES: This Forum Post glitched and I lost the details I typed up for this page - will re-type it later. Sorry! // KEYBINDING: Shift + D // REQUIRED: - CBA A3 - Community Base Addons // DONATE: HALO/PARAJUMP PROJECT Von Quest Industries // LICENSE: // CREDIT & THANKS: *BIS - for an amazing (and frustrating) hobby! *dr_strangepete - early stages and gear-saving *cobra4v320 - early stages and gear-saving *Mikero - Dev Tools; Utility *Alwarren - Dev Tools (Blender) *Sabre[DUST] - helping with the C-130 *killzone_kid - tutorials and info
  7. [RELEASE] Script to para jump and land with your squad in formation When using steerable parachutes, my squad never followed me. They were spinning around, hanging in their parachutes, and they were landing wherever they want. I got tired to catch up with my squad after every jump, so I wrote this script. WHAT IT DOES: If you go into freefall, your squad will drop out of the aircraft. When not looking at your squad, it gets repositioned behind you. In freefall and when they are in their parachutes. Your squad opens the parachute when you do, or when they reach a height between 100 and 75 meters. Your squad should land close to you. To make the units not spin around in their parachutes, the simulation of the parachute is disabled. THE SCRIPTS: Add this eventhandler for your player unit, to check for freefall animation: AIM_fnc_paraDropInit (this adds the action to open your parachute, handles your squad exit out of the aircraft, and initializes the formation) AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute (this opens your parachute, and for squad members it waits until you have opened your parachute) AIM_fnc_paraDropFormation (keeps your squad close to you, until you landed) YOU HAVE FOUND ISSUES OR YOU HAVE OPTIMIZATION SUGGESTIONS? Don't hesitate to tell me your feedback, down in the comments below. ANYTHING ELSE? No. Just have fun! 🙂 MAKE ARMA, NOT WAR! ...and maybe check out... "OPCOM - OPERATION COMMAND"
  8. What I want: So I'm making a mission where you start of by entering Arsenal. While you are in arsenal a timer ticks down and when it gets to 0 you get teleported away into the air. Before this happens I want the players to be forced out of arsenal so that they don't start free falling with arsenal open or (due to the fact that they should not take any damage until they have landed) can fidle with the arsenal while the mission is playing. When teleported into the air I want the player to not be killable. Once the player lands (either faceplant into the ground or by landing with a parachute) the player should then be able to take damage. What I got: All players get forced into arsenal in the begining and there is a timer ticking down. If you exit the arsenal you get a black screen telling you that the game is still preparing and that you can re-enter the arsenal with a button click. Once the timer runs out the players get teleported and enters free fall where he/she has access to a parachute. What I've tried: For forcing out of arsenal? Nothing cuz I can't find anything else than adding arsenal on google. For detecting if landed: getPos of player in Z axis, and it worked, unless you land on a roof. detect stances such as prone, crouch or standing. Did not work and got called while free falling. some weird hasLanded thing that most likely is only for helis/planes So again, what do I need help with: A way to detect if a player has landed, aka stopped freefalling and is not parachuting. A way to force the player out of the Arsenal.
  9. 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment About Us Sometimes referred to as 2PARA we are a Arma III MILSIM community that believe in having fun while getting the job done. We believe that Military Simulation can be done without certain aspects of the real military such as addressing people by their rank or calling them “Sir”. We aspire to create a fun Milsim environment for new or seasoned Milsim players from around the world, however we are Australian based and look after our Aussie members before our international members as the largest part of our community is Australian. Our Structure Applications are open in all air and ground sections. 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment - Alpha Company | Infantry - 1 Section - 2 Section - 3 Section - Bravo Company | Support - Armoured Section - Engineer Section 4th Battalion, Parachute Reserves - Reserves - Recruits No. 2 Squadron - Rotary Section - Fixed Wing Section Requirements: You must be of ages 16+ (unless vouched for by someone currently in the unit) You must have a microphone to be able to join! You need to be respectful to all members. You must have Teamspeak 3 installed. You must have a legit copy of ArmA 3. You must be able to follow orders from superior officers. You must be able to attend our weekly main operation Time Schedules Training Friday at 1800 AEST Operations Main Campaign: Saturday at 1800 AEST Fun op Sunday at 1800 AEST How To Join Us: If you are interested please join our teamspeak and wait in the Waiting For Recruiter channel and a recruiter will be with you shortly. Teamspeak: ts3.bris.wombatserve.rs:10100 Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/2ndBattalionParachuteReg ORBAT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10p_V0SNjIOX-zkb1QSv4fxul_z3u2eqzYDUCA2xgwLw/edit?usp=sharing Discord: https://discord.gg/48WVMhC
  10. Fastfood4Bigfoot

    Retexture open parachute

    Hi, trying to retexture the opened parachute at the moment. How can I achieve this? Already played around with (backpackContainer player) setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)'] from user comments at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTexture but no luck yet. hint str getObjectTextures (vehicle player) returns "[]" which means it isn't retexturable at all according to https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTexture Any ideas? Thx!
  11. Hi, I'm trying to attach a smoke grenade to the player while parachuting. I think it can be boiled down to ("SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (position player)) attachto [player]; but this doesn't works as expected. While running on the ground it works totally perfect but while flying in the air the smoke shell just spawns beside the character and falls down to the ground. Expected effect would be something like https://youtu.be/4nMvx33BZ1k?t=22. Any ideas what is missing? Thx in advance!
  12. Everyone starts up in the air with parachutes (units are named flead, fmark, far, fmedic, and fuav) : //Waaaaaay up in the sky: flead setPosATL (flead modelToWorld[0,0,2500]); fmark setPosATL (fmark modelToWorld[0,0,2500]); far setPosATL (far modelToWorld[0,0,2500]); fmedic setPosATL (fmedic modelToWorld[0,0,2500]); fuav setPosATL (fuav modelToWorld[0,0,2500]); They fall, and open their parachutes at default altitude. The next part of the script creates triggers to check each unit to see if it's a player, then opens the player's chute automatically too (I'm just posting fmark's trigger, but there are four - one for each playable unit (flead is not playable)): //Auto open parachute at 350 M: _fmarkChuteOpenTrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "dropZoneMarker"]; _fmarkChuteOpenTrig setTriggerArea [2000, 2000, 0, false, 350]; _fmarkChuteOpenTrig setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; _fmarkChuteOpenTrig setTriggerStatements ["(isPlayer fmark) and (fmark in thisList)", "fmark action ['openParachute']; deleteVehicle thisTrigger", ""]; Since the wind blows the AI all around, I have four more triggers to make sure the NPCs make it to their drop zone (again, only posting one of the triggers for you to see): //Make sure AI lands in the drop zone: _fleadDropZoneTrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getMarkerPos "dropZoneMarker"]; _fleadDropZoneTrig setTriggerArea [2000, 2000, 0, false, 80]; _fleadDropZoneTrig setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false]; _fleadDropZoneTrig setTriggerStatements ["(!(isPlayer flead)) and (flead in thisList)", "flead setPosATL [getMarkerPos 'fleadDZMarker' select 0, getMarkerPos 'fleadDZMarker' select 1, getPosATL flead select 2]; deleteVehicle thisTrigger", ""]; Once the player is 100 meters from the ground, the script checks to see if all 5 units are still alive. If everyone survived the jump (even using allowDamage false does not keep the stupid AI from dying on parachute jumps), then as soon as they're all on the ground, they get a waypoint (the group _fgrp) was defined already, I just didn't include it): waitUntil {getPosATL player select 2 < 100}; //Go to the next script once everyone's on the ground: if ({alive _x} count units group player == 5) then { waitUntil { (isTouchingGround flead) and (isTouchingGround fmark) and (isTouchingGround far) and (isTouchingGround fmedic) and (isTouchingGround fuav) }; //Waypoint to rally point: _wp = _fgrp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "rallyPointMarker",0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _wp setWaypointVisible false; The problem: the AI do not treat this waypoint like a LIMITED, SAFE waypoint. They are running around with their flashlights on, and they act like they're trying to secure the area around the waypoint (they take FOREVER) before they finally reach the waypoint. Additionally, all of the successive waypoints (even though identical Speed and Behaviour) act like this. The only way I've found to fix this is to start the player on the ground. If the player doesn't join the rest of the group for the parachute jump, it all works just fine. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.
  13. I am trying to create a cutscene where a crate is dropped from the air. I use this crate as an 'actor' for the cutscene and delete it after it has served its purpose, after which I just simply have a second crate setup for the actual objective So far everything has been setup right, exepct for the parachute. Which doesnt seem to work properly on a dedicated server The way I have currently set it up is via a series of triggers. First I enable the simulation, unhide it and set its position using the SetPos command Then I proceed to add the parachute using this code: para1 = "B_parachute_02_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; para1 setPosASL (getPosASL crate1); crate1 attachTo [para1, [0, 0, 0]]; para1 enablesimulation false; Now this seems to work fine in singleplayer, but on a dedicated server it either creates 2 parachutes or it puts the crate in the corner of the map, its really wierd and unreliable Any suggestions?
  14. When executed this script will give the player a parachute and teleport him into the air at a on the map chosen location. cutText ["Click somewhere on the map to jump from there", "PLAIN"]; player addBackpack "B_Parachute"; openMap true; onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1000]; onMapSingleClick '';true;"; onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1000]; onMapSingleClick '';true;"; the number is the height the player is jumping from, change it to whatever you like. If you have any questions or need help with your mission feel free to ask! Cheers Puffin
  15. Hello guys, I would like to know if it was possible to "unlink" parachute controls from helicopter controls ? I bound cyclic movements of the helicopters to mouse movements Thus, when I'm in a steerable parachute, whenever I want to look around, my parachute begin to turn Strange thing it that only Cyclic left and Cyclic right seems to be linked to parachute controls, not Cyclic forward nor backward Freelook mode doesn't seem to have any effect in parachute Thanks for your help ! :)
  16. Hi guys. I'm back after a VERY LONG time away, and find out that i still can not code to save my life! Can someone help me please? I'm sure this exists elsewhere and I'm sorry, I have searched but came up blank. I'm trying to write a little script to drop me and my AI (or player) team out of a BlackFoot. I 'could' give each unit a parachute backpack and force them to 'eject' as the plane goes through a trigger right? But I don’t want to do that, as the units will loose their default backpacks (medic, ammo bearers, explosive guys, etc). So what I’m doing is spawning a 'steerable_parachute' behind the plane and moving each unit in turn using movindriver. The problem is that they will not move to the chutes if they are in the plane. If they start on the ground, they'll instantly move to the chute. If i put them in the plane first at the start of the mission, they will not lose their association with the plane. UnassignVehicle doesn’t work. Can anyone please help me sort this stupid little issue please, it's driving me nuts! (I could share the script if you wish, but it's so rudimentary (and doesn't work!) there's no real point.
  17. Hello, I'm developing an airborne mission for my group, basically the guys (Two fire-team consisting of four members each, named A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4) spawn in an C-130 and parachute into the A.O. The problem is, I need them to have their backpacks when they land, so they have enough ammo and equipment to complete the mission, so I came up with this Idea, a trigger executing a script for each unit, the script will wait until they land and then add backpacks and equipment into it. The C-130 will enter the trigger area with the team onboard. These are the trigger's specs: ACTIVATION: BLUFOR ACTIVATION TYPE: PRESENT CONDITION: this && isServer ON ACT: para1 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\A1.sqf"; para2 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\A2.sqf"; para3 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\A3.sqf"; para4 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\A4.sqf"; para5 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\B1.sqf"; para6 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\B2.sqf"; para7 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\B3.sqf"; para8 = [] execvm "scripts\backpack\B4.sqf"; Now this is the A1.sqf script: I tested it and it worked great, except when I tested it in a multiplayer server (I hosted it locally), I got in as unit A1. When I landed, the script worked and the parachute got replaced by the backpack and the defined contents, however it didn't work for the other player, their parachutes didn't get replaced by the intended backpacks, At first I thought I could've screwed the script for their units, so I restarted the mission and got in as another unit (A2), as some of you guys may imagine, I got my backpack just fine, but the other players didn't, not even the unit I just tested (A1). I tested all the other units and it worked great when I was playing as them, but no one else got their backpacks. As you guys probably know, I think I fucked up the locality of the script execution, not sure how, could any of you guys enlighten me as how to make this thing work? We usually use conventional hosting (through the game Multiplayer menu) and Dedicated hosting, so it would need to be something that works for both. Thanks in advance!
  18. I have posted this question on a couple of threads , my apologies for duplicating it but I am a Newbie and it wouldnt let me start my own topic. I am having trouble with my helicopter remaining stationary after ejecting the last of its AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go too. It drops the troops ok but then just sits there and wont move. I have tried all sorts and its driving me nuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  19. Introduction To The 1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment Evening, morning, afternoon ladies and gents! I am posting on behalf of my unit, The 1st Battalion of the Parachute Regiment. We are a newly formed unit who have a lot to offer anyone who may be interested in joining! We strive to produce a realistic, however, fun and friendly environment while on operations and deployments. We conduct operations as closely to British Army standards. With extensive knowledge of the British Armed Forces the operations we conduct are of a high standard. aswel as thoroughly planned out. In addition to this i would like to point out that out operations we carry out are as a result of what happened in the previous operation to emulate a level of a story line which can create many memories for the future! We host other events out with ArmA to help create a sense of community and bring members together to create string friendship and relations with each other. We are in the process of making an ALiVE server which will be running 24/7 so that all of our members can hop on and do a patrol when they want. This will allow us to make sure that our unit is just as active as our members. We do not have set age limit however if you do your interview or you sound immature or even worse, act immature your interview will be terminated and so will your chance to join the unit. Legally however we cannot accept members any younger than 14. Training for Infantry If you join, all members must go through and pass a phase one training course lasting roughly 3 nights. This covers everything you would need to know to be a basic standard rifleman. On completion of your Phase One you will then go on to your desired role training (Phase Two) this is where you carry out the training for that role. All training is carried out from firsthand experience. Training For Pilots and Air Crewmen Due to the fact that being a grunt on the ground and being a fly boy is completely different means that both training regimes are completely different. We have 2 different flying courses from either fixed wing or rotary wing. All from first hand flying experience. Our Server List 24/7 Invade and Annex (55 slots) Training Server <> Closed unit only server (60 slots) Operations Server <> Closed unit only server (60 slots) We use the exact same ranking structure as both the British Army and Royal Air Force. Also the way people get promoted is through availability of that rank and the ability to lead. We carry out our operations on a Sunday and Tuesday night. We do it on these nights so that people's social life are not affected. We all like to go to the pub on a Friday/Saturday night you're not the only one. What Mods Do You Use? We have a custom modpack which is comprised of all our equipment. This can be fetched from our private repository once you have passed the recruitment process. How To Join? To join all you need to do is head along to our Teamspeak where one of our Recruitment and Training team will get a quick interview with you and then depending on if you want to become a infantry man then after that you need to download our mods and the turn up to our training sessions which will be at a set date. However if you want to become a pilot then you need to do a flight assessment after which you may or may not be approved to go through the training programme. ======================================================== If you would like to join hop along to our Teamspeak! Teamspeak: Website: Currently under development.