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  1. _______________________ 2nd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment British Realism Unit _______________________ ABOUT US The 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment is an ARMA 3 military realism group that recreates a modern interpretation of real operations, utilising up-to-date and realistic British army doctrine. We focus on having immersive campaigns and missions alongside having like-minded, mature and focused members who can appropriately carry out said operations in an effective manner and members who are able to work in a friendly and close-knit section. Our main focus is a unit is to host and play realistic and deeply immersive missions and to host a community where all members can have a good time and have some serious fun, not only destroying the enemy but making some friends along the way. Our primary recruitment video ROLES In the 2PARA community, we host a variety of roles and specialisms, allowing members to specialise in any field they would like to and to become a dedicated specialist role within the team to assist in operations. Some of our specialisms include: Leadership & Commanding Various Combat Medical Qualifications Signals Heavy Weapons Precise Weapons Instructing Rotary Aviation Intelligence & Reconnaissance and many more... 16 CSMR personnel training their MERT capability OPERATIONS We hold a high expectation on attendance, as mass attendance improves the experience for all of our members, however we understand commitments and other requirements in the lives of others. Because of this, we have a clear communication policy between members and their direct superior being able to report leave and absence. Below are some of the time scales and days we host specific events: Primary Operations (MANDATORY) Currently hosted on Monday & Wednesday Timed from 8PM GMT onwards Secondary/"Fun" Operations (OPTIONAL) Currently hosted occasionally throughout the week Timed from 8PM GMT onwards Training & Selections (CONDITIONAL) Currently hosted throughout the week, mainly Thursday and Friday Timed from 6PM GMT onwards A Coy, 2 PARA deployed into the Lythium Region of Afghanistan REQUIREMENTS Legal copy of ARMA 3 Working (and FUNCTIONAL) microphone ATLEAST 16 years of age Strong Attendance Correct attitude of maturity and seriousness Willingness to learn and train Ability to work with others and make friends JNCO Cadre being hosted at our Infantry Training Centre LINKS Our Discord - http://www.discord.gg/mMGfbAjN9X Our Twitter - https://twitter.com/2para_arma Our Teamspeak -
  2. Iv had this problem for months when using the ORBAT. I keep getting the same error when i try to run the game with the exported faction in the add on section, its extremely frustrating as these factions take nearly 3 days to create, iv had to delete them then remake them multiple times. Could someone please help me as i want to make a RMC faction, RAF, RAF regiment RN and so on. Asked this question on the ALIVE forum months ago and no one has replied , posted it on reddit and no one replied either, I even uninstalled and reinstalled ARMA twice hopefully someone here could help me out or redo it for me. (sorry for the crap quality) sorry for sounding so petty. Let me know if i should send you the folder or config etc. Please help https://ibb.co/0BG6Lcc https://ibb.co/rpSWxFn
  3. RKSL Studios presents the Official Port of our Puma HC1. NOTE: I'm not entirely happy with this release but im getting pretty frustrated with custom animations. So much so i need a break from it, lest it get binned. So I'm releasing it as a BETA and taking a little break from the project to work on fixes for the Foxhound and some other things. The Puma HC1 first entered service in 1971, and the RAF currently has a fleet of 34 aircraft available to the front-line Support Helicopter Force. The aircraft are operated by Nos 33 and 230 Squadrons, both based at RAF Benson. The combined Puma Force is separated into 5 operational flights and an operational conversion flight, which offers flexibility in its role with both desert warfare and arctic warfare specialist equipment available for fitting to the aircraft. RKSL Studios Puma HC1 Image Gallery LEGAL DISCLAIMER RKSL Studios addons are distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The RKSL Studios addons are not an official Addon or tool. The use of these addons (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT You may: DISTRIBUTION: You may distribute the original .PBO files within this download freely, so long as the PBO files are unmodified and the Readme and EULA files are included. Under the following conditions: ATTRIBUTION: You must give the original author credit. The content of this archive is the sole intellectual property of RKSL Studios and its Creators. NO COMMERCIAL USE: This content is provided free of charge solely for entertainment purposes. You may not use this addon for commercial, military or teaching/training purposes. NO DERIVATIVE WORKS: You shall in no way modify, repackage or reverse engineer any of the archive's content and PBO files included in this download without first receiving prior permission from RKSL Studios. NO VBS USE: Use of this SOFTWARE may not be used in the VBS/JCOVE product lines or any other simulator without written authorization from the LICENSOR (RKSL Studios) DO NOT UPLOAD TO STEAM WORKSHOP: You may not upload to Steam Workshop or any other service that reassigns rights over RKSL Studios Intellectual Property to 3rd Parties. FULL END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: Common A3 RKSL Studios EULA POLICY ON RE-UPLOADS FOR STEAM: Any uploads will be met with a DMCA takedown request. FULL DOCUMENTATION: Puma HC1 v3.090 ADDON FEATURES RKSL Dynamic Rotor System Sling Load Camera Countermeasures Sling loading upto 3000kg Custom Advanced Flight model Unique Lighting system Multiple paint schemes. Flat NATO Green 90's Two Tone Green 90's Two Tone Snow 70/80's Three Tone Green and Grey (Northern Ireland Scheme) Tiger Meet 2005 United Nations White Desert Pink '90/91 Fictional Dark Tiger Fictional Royal Navy Coastal Scheme A BIT OF HISTORY AND CURRENT STATUS. This model was first made in 2008. And bar a few tweaks and fixes hasn't really changed too much. The UV mapping and poly count were designed for the ArmA1 game engine. ArmA3 is far more capable and flexible than anything we had back then. Which means that this particular model is not going to be developed any further. I will continue to support the release until the new models for the HC2 and AS330 Series helos comes online. PLEASE NOTE: This build of the Puma uses a lighting system. To turn on the dash and cabin lights just turn on the aircraft lights. To turn off the external lights all you need do is retract the landing gear. PLANNED FUTURE FEATURES 100% new model. HC2 varient including: Full glass cockpit Increased power to simulate the Turbomeca Makila engines, new gearboxes and tail rotors Add option to control individual lights FINDING THE ADDON IN THE EDITOR You can find the Puma under: BLUFOR UK Armed Forces Helicopters Puma HC1 FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS Things you need to know if you intend on flying the Puma to its limits.. Speed and Limits: Vne = 257kph - Velocity Never Exceed. This is the absolute max safe speed of the aircraft. Going faster than this may result in damage to the airframe or loss of control. Notes: The Puma HC1 has a very high centre of gravity. Be careful when: taxiing during rolling landings. Max safe speed for rolling landing is 75kph Watch for loss of lift when making sharp braking turns. In AFM Try not to use too much rudder about 160kph. Similarly, be careful about pulling up rapidly and over torquing the main rotor. A WORD ABOUT REALISM We strive to make all our addons as realistic as the game engine and our own capabilities allow. This means that real world speeds and capabilities are simulated where possible. Compromises have and will be made where necessary but we will not downscale or completely cripple an aircraft, system or weapon to fit into the limited spaces some ArmA maps provide. We genuinely believe that the manual operation of aircraft is a skill that should be interesting and fun. Not every aircraft flies the same nor do they have the same capabilities. If you can't learn and adapt to change then stick with the vanilla equipment. The Puma has been designed from the ground up to use the Advanced Flight Model. A lot of effort has gone into developing it, give it a try. Its pretty forgiving and damage tolerant. Take the time to learn it and you won't be disappointed. COMMUNITY COMPATIBILITY It has always been a basic tenant of RKSL Studios design philosophy not to negatively affect other community made content. We do not replace core values or modify anything that will affect the function or experience of others. We are happy to discuss optional compatibility patches, but will not exclusively adapt our addons to anyone elses Mod standards. All RKSL Content is tested against the currently available stable build of the Vanilla game and official expansions. HISTORY Only milestones are mentioned. 3.090 - Public BETA Release (largely due to frustration) 3.085- Flight model and Damage Tweaks. 3.075 - Removed custom anims 3.068 - Added extra skins. 3.059 - Custom Anims for Pilot and Gunners. 3.045 - Rebuilt Turrets Config completely 3.037 - Door Gun build and retexture. 3.036 - Internal lighting test rig 3.035 - External lighting 3.034 - Advanced Flight Model hover trimming 3.033 - Advanced Flight Model damage limits increase 3.031 - Advanced Flight Model milestone power 3.030 - Advanced Flight Model milestone 3.025 - Advanced Flight Model reverted 3.024 - Advanced Flight Model matlab calculated 3.022 - Advanced Flight Model tweaks 3.019 - Advanced Flight Model BIS02 adapted 3.017 - Advanced Flight Model tweaks 3.016 - 1st Advanced Flight Model attempt 3.013 - Sling Load camera 3.012 - Sling Load addition 3.002 - Basic Flight Model tweaks 3.001 - initial ArmA3 Port KNOWN ISSUES All known issues are recorded in the Foxhound Bug Tracker. If you find any problems please report them and help make these addons better. Puma HC1 BUG TRACKER CREDITS This addons and model is 100% unique and doesn't not incorporate any 3rd party content: Model: Rock Textures: Rock Config: Rock Testing: Jamo of 4IB for helping understand the Rototlib/AFM setup. The lads of DAR-V Mathias aka ToxicLemon Siddy for constant nagging. Research & Information British Army Website Royal Air Force Website Aerospatiale AS330E Flight Manual Ministy of Defence Images Ministry of Defence - Defence Equiment and Support - DeSider magazine Gordon formerly of Westland Helicopters (RIP - 2014) Stephen C ex RAF Master Aircrew Oggy M - photo collection ex RAF Regiment John ex 230 Squadron Thanks Rock Jan 4th 2018 DOWNLOAD MIRRORS: @RKSL Studios - Puma HC1 v3.090 @Steam Workshop - Puma HC1 v3.090 @Armaholic - Puma HC1 v3.090
  4. Annnd we're back. After a 6month hiatus for personal reasons things have finally settled down and we're slowly starting to pick up where we left off. To that end I am delighted to announce that we will soon be releasing the ArmA3 native Typhoon v3.000. All the joys of ArmA3 features and the usual RKSL ones... Fully working mirrors BIS flares Engine & Smoke effects PhysX support Tweaked Flight model Improved Air Weapons Pack All previous ArmA2 plugins brought over to ArmA3 And a few more... Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will WIP Wednesdays be returning? A: Yes but only once at the end of each month. As much fun as they were they turned into a bit of a monster in terms of time to prepare and publish. They took quite a lot of time away from the actual act of making content which wasnt the point. Q: Will you be bringing all the old RKSL content over? A: Yes, eventually. One by one we will port the existing models over and include the new ArmA3 features. The first releases will be direct ports with the basic A3 features etc. Later releases will see improvements or in some cases new models. Q: What about new content? A: Yes there will be some new content but we are going to focus on the stuff we have shown you already in the previous WIP Wednesdays. Q: When are you going to release XXXXX addon(s) A: If you've been hanging around in this community long enough you already know the answer to that. If you are new... (Old timers all together now)... "When its done!!" :P Q: Whats happening with IAP? (Ilhas Africanos Project) A: We'll create a new thread for that at the appropriate time. Thats all for the moment. Keep an eye on the RKSL website for more details. www.RKSLStudios.info
  5. =kct=blackmamba

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    The Boeing CH-47F Chinook. Features: Openable cargo ramp/side door, ACE3 Compatible: ACE3 cargo system, ACE3 fastrope etc, Apex: vehicle in vehicle transport, In US olive, tan and in RAF color schemes. Changelog : V1.17 Added : Small amount of weapons/ammo to CH-47F in case of emergency, Added : Vehicle in Vehicle transportation (Apex), Added : new overhead panel (cockpit), Changed : CH-47F Tan version color correction (Again..), Changed : CH-47F Additional freedom of movement in cargo during flight (switch seats), Fixed : CH-47F Advanced flight model, Updated : Some base layers, Steam V1.17 : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=634535057 Links Below TBA.
  6. I would like to present the new version (2.7) of addon with soviet microbuses RAF-2203 "Latvia", significantly improved and expanded. The pack includes a lot of modifications of Riga bus factory microbuses (like ambulance, taxi, reanimation, militia, pickup etc.) and has many new interesting unique features. The original thread with pictures and detailed russian description was in Flashpoint.ru. Link for download: Google.Drive