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  1. MONTAGNARDS ARE RECRUITING SQUAD NAME - SCU-MONTAGNARDS LOCATION - NORTH AMERICA GAMEMODE PREFERENCE - COOP, PVP, PVE, PVPVE CONTACT EMAIL: montagnards@yahoo.com WEBSITE: https://units.arma3.com/unit/montagnards LANGUAGE - ENGLISH WHO WE ARE We are the Montagnards, an ARMA III focused group formed with the intent of recognizing and honoring the heroic actions of the Montagnard people and other indigenous peoples of the Vietnamese Highlands and their contributions to the Vietnam War. The name "Montagnard" comes from the French language and translates into "Mountain People" and covers a wide range of separate indigenous tribes whom have inhabited the highlands of south central Vietnam. The Montagnard people have inhabited the southeastern Vietnamese highlands since the BC times and predate the Vietnamese people by over 1500 years. WHAT WE DO In ARMA, we utilize historic tactics and loadouts used by members of MACV-SOG, 5th SFG, and their Montagnard companions. Long range reconnaissance, destruction of enemy assets, HVT kill or capture missions, and downed pilot/POW rescue are what we train for and excel at. Since we are primarily a light, mobile recon force, we put emphasis on moving quickly and silently through the virtual battlefields of any server we're on. Make no mistake into thinking we cannot fight however as we make sure to utilize high violence of action and sheer volume of fire when the time calls for it. While ARMA III Prairie Fire is our main focus, we are not an exclusive Prairie Fire group. We also cater to a wide assortment of custom missions covering a wide range of scenarios, time periods, and mission objectives. We have run all types of custom missions from 1940's Spearhead focused amphibious assaults, 70's Rhodesian Bush War, 00's Iraq and Afghan GWOT missions, 2020's proxy war conflicts, and everything in between. Outside of ARMA, we also aim to spread awareness of the Recon Teams of MACV-SOG and the 5th SFG and Montagnard members attached to them. We do this by sharing photos, podcasts, audiobooks, videos, and written accounts of surviving members. WHY YOU SHOULD APPLY If you are looking for a unit that puts a strong emphasis on real life tactics and dedicates time to learning about and spreading the heroic deeds of the seldom remembered heroes behind the scenes, we are the place to go. WHERE TO FIND US DISCORD: https://discord.gg/q7rtXnDnHj EMAIL: montagnards@yahoo.com ARMA UNITS: https://units.arma3.com/unit/montagnards TWITTER/X: https://twitter.com/SMontagnar81380
  2. I know the Tunnel Entrance module only works for Cam Lao but was wondering how to use the different tunnel props and how to place them and enter them?
  3. Hey guys. I have a thought about fine tuning the difficulty of the AI against my group of players as the mission maker and zeus. What I want to translate is the difficulty of AI in SOG Prairie Fire into a non-SOG Prairie Fire setting. I have noticed that different dlcs and mods has different difficulties with different AI. In my experience, Global Mobilization has insanely high accuracy, while SOG Prairie Fire the enemy has very low accuracy. No doubt the dlc or mod makers tune this, in Prairie Fire case, to play on the idea of being outnumbered 1 to 100 in a bullet hell where shots fly all over the place. Makes sense. Really cool. Been trying for some time to translate that sort of difficulty and settings in the AI to other mods and settings, but not been able to. I have tried to adjust both the normal game settings, and the AI mod (VCOM) that I use. I have tried the very lowest of values, but still they are a lot more accurate than the AI in SOG Prairie Fire. Basically, I want that bullet hell with shots flying all over the place in other content, but I am not able to replicate what the AI is doing in SOG Prairie Fire difficulty so far. Anyone can help here it would be very appreciated!
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520244300 SOG Prarie Fire cDLC mission, SP focused and also playable in COOP up to 8 players. Properly set up so all tasks and scripted radio chatter works for all players in coop. Rescue downed pilots, search villages for evidence of hostile intent, fight off Viet Cong. Prairie fire's revive system enabled even for SP. Approximately 1 hour playtime. "You are a Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) unit squad leader stationed at FSB Quan Loi. Your unit's overall mission in the Area of Operations is to stand by for any downed aircraft, stranded vehicle or missing soldier who needs their fat pulled out of the fire. You go out on no other missions, however the missions you get are both sudden and urgent. Every call is an emergency for the poor souls you are coming to the rescue of. You are their Guardian Angels."
  5. I am aware that BIS_fnc_endMission exists and that there's a good level of parameters to customize the ending; however I am wondering if there is a way to change the font itself and remove the glitch overlay. Since it's vietnam era. I'm trying to keep the tone as much as possible, so the possibility of inputting a typewriter type font is the favored outcome.. I assume that it might require a call BIS_fnc_dynamicText function, but my understanding there is only a limited amount of in engine texts that I would be able to use. I'm also suspecting that I might need to create a transparent image layer, but I haven't figured out how to work that in. I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas that could solve this issue.
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2856874816 November, 1969. A 5-man SASR patrol is inserted into the fortified May Tao mountains to gather intel ahead of a full-scale operation by 6RAR/NZ. Put your mastery of jungle warfare to the test. FEATURES A single player (co-op friendly up to 5 players) scenario designed to match the quality of the S.O.G. Prairie Fire co-op campaign! Over a dozen detailed random sites, random patrols, VC tunnels, and more random elements for higher replayability - you will not experience everything this scenario has to offer in a single, or even two playthroughs! Thousands of hand-placed props and set pieces you can only experience in this scenario for maximum immersion - from a thrilling helicopter insertion sequence to a dangerous emergency extraction! Range of day/night play scenarios supported at your patrol's "laager" (the SASR equivalent of the SOG remain overnight site or RON), creep around at night or patrol by day! Compatible with SOG AI (recommended for even deeper single player immersion), or optional AI revive script and player always leads scripts! Dynamic Simulation and Show/Hide used for optimized CPU-friendly performance! AUTHOR'S NOTES This is my fifth release for the S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC and the first since the jaw-dropping 1.2 update that added ANZAC and SASR units and equipment (among a host of others). This scenario was created in collaboration with Johnnyboy, author of the excellent SOG AI addon that offers an improved experience for single player. INTENDED FOR SINGLEPLAYER, should work in co-op for up to 5, NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC SERVER Although I have a lot of learning to do, elements in this scenario are inspired and informed by historical sources related to the ANZACs and SASR/NZSAS in Vietnam, including books, film/documentary, internet articles, and historical insights graciously provided by members of the SOG PF discord's history channel. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, units, or events is purely coincidental. Some elements in this scenario are entirely fabricated and are intended purely for entertainment purposes. The author and this mission is not affiliated with Savage Game Design. This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. Reloading the mission can solve some issues. Please let me know if you run into any game-breaking bugs. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any game-breaking bugs or issues playing with any addons in addition to the required ones listed here and I can't be held responsible if things don't work because of another modder's addon. I'm interested to hear about your playthrough! If you enjoyed playing, please leave a comment, give a thumbs-up, or add it to your faves! KNOWN ISSUES The intro sequence featuring helicopter insertion is not entirely stable - most frequent issues are either the helicopter rotates to obstruct your shot (for SP, just switch units), and the helicopter takes fire, pulls up and flys over the insertion LZ and takes a long time to insert. Sorry about these issues, try restarting or just be patient as the helicopter should eventually insert your patrol. There are sometimes issues where the units will speak in an American or other accent and it breaks immersion - sorry about this as well, but it's due to the artful but different way Australian/NZ accents are included in the CDLC. Some issues with switching units while in the laager and the action not carrying over - the actions are always removed when the full team exits the immediate area of the laager and the group leader (or switchable unit you have selected in running the player always group leader script) will get the action. Can't figure out how to complete the primary objectives - read the damn briefing and refer to the attachments included in the briefing for more details! CREDITS Thanks to FUBAR, Johnnyboy, and Kju for testing and providing feedback Johnnyboy custom script solution for player detection by opfor and SOG AI testing AIF_Infantrymen and Crazy Earl for reviewing dialog and briefing for cultural/historical tweaks Veteran29 for sharing a quick fix to one of the modules Savage Game Design Uses Kronzky's UPS for some of the random patrols Uses Grumpy Old Man's carpet bombing script Uses pierreMGI's AI revive script (optional DO NOT run if you are running SOG AI) Shout out to the SOG PF Discord and the helpful folks and vets there BI forums and BI wiki as always Post processing effects created using Recolor addon
  7. Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2709098168 January, 1965. US Navy UDT scout swimmers conduct a commando raid in North Vietnam in response to guerilla attacks in the south. Operate from the shadowy depths in the early days of SPECWAR. FEATURES A single player scenario designed to match the quality of the S.O.G. Prairie Fire co-op campaign! Underwater stealth gameplay modeled after historical accounts of early-war UDT/SEAL operations! Lead your two-man scout swimmer team on a dangerous commando raid in North Vietnam against a numerically-superior enemy that reacts to your intrusion! Dynamic Simulation and Show/Hide used for optimized CPU-friendly performance! No additional addons required besides the S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC (rare for my scenarios)! AUTHOR'S NOTES This is my third release for the S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC and the first since the jaw-dropping update that added US Navy SEAL and UDT units and equipment. Although I have a lot of learning to do, this scenario is inspired an informed by both historical and fictional sources related to UDT, primarily SEALs: UDT/SEAL Operations in Vietnam by T.L. Bosiljevac. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, units, or events is purely coincidental. The author and this mission is not affiliated with Savage Game Design. This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. Reloading the mission can solve some issues. Please let me know if you run into any game-breaking bugs. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any game-breaking bugs or issues playing with any addons in addition to the required ones listed here and I can't be held responsible if things don't work because of another modder's addon. I'm interested to hear about your playthrough! If you enjoyed playing, please leave a comment, give a thumbs-up, or add it to your faves! CREDITS Thanks to SeaCow52 and Frost for beta testing, feedback, and suggestions Savage Game Design GOM Searchlight Script by Grumpy Old Man BI forums and BI wiki for helping solve virtually any bug or problem Post processing effects created using Recolor addon
  8. WarfareThai System Mod is a mod which aimed to turn ArmA 3 into a Semi-Arcade Shooter game and make the game easier for new players. Also, this mod can provide players to play a little aggressive toward AIs. WarfareThai System Mod IS NOT compatible with WarfareThai EX Mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2654384601 Recommend to play on WarfareThai Veteran difficulty (a custom difficulty preset from this mod). Features: - Arcade-ish body armor system which can absorb many hits before it breaks and will refill overtime until full. This feature only available for BI Revive and VN Revive. - Unconscious player can do self-gaining consciousness (self-revive) if Medikit type items or First Aid Kit type items are available in player's inventory. This feature only available for BI Revive and VN Revive. - Player can activate Isekai's Arsenal Loadout which provide an ability to use any Arsenal loadout without the restriction from BIS Arsenal (for example using modern-futuristic loadout on S.O.G. Prairie Fire CDLC's official missions). - Custom Vcom AI that AI can call for mortar strike or drone support. Need to manually activate from WarfareThai settings. - The AIs are little bit harder to be killed unless got shot to the head. This feature only available for BI Revive and VN Revive. This feature will be disabled if native/original Vcom AI with VCM_RAGDOLL is active (due to the AIs will be nearly impossible to be killed). - Player can drag an unconscious player (still WIP) - Player can pull out an unconscious player from vehicle (still WIP). - Player can do a self-healing when the Medikit is available in player's inventory. - Player can do jump when pressing SHIFT + V. - Player can do sliding down from the steep angle terrain when pressing SHIFT + V. - Player can climb over walls/fences. - Player can do a simple take down enemy (still WIP). - Player can do a simple repair vehicle when has Toolkit inside player's inventory. - Player can reserve a primary weapon to the back. - Player can do an arcade-ish target spotting (do the ADS then press Reveal Target button -default is T). - Player can convert any frag-type grenade into Booby trap. - Player can deploy either mini recon drone or mini autonomous turret from Drone Case item. - Player can deploy parachute while being dive down from the sky. - Player can perform a self-blowing up during unconscious state, if player has any mine inside inventory. Player will be able to attach Western Sahara CDLC's Portable Shields to UGV_01, UGV_01_rcws, and UGV_02. New Items: - Hydra Revolver (require Kart DLC), a revolver which can fire 12 Gauge shotgun shells, .45 ACP, and 20mm Flares. - Concussion Grenade, a low damage grenade which can knock out AI (no effect on player). This item will do effect only when WarfareThai System Mod is active. - Improvised Booby Trap, a trap which are converted from the frag grenade. - Drone Case, an item which can be deployed into either Mini Recon Drone, or Mini Autonomous Turret (this turret can be rearmed with any vanilla and CDLCs 5.56 magazine). - Rally Point (Portable), a portable rallypoint which player can use for teleporting to other teammates. - Some cosmetic headgears and goggles. Note: - You can manually activate BIS Revive system (if there is no other revive system presented) from clicking on WarfareThai system settings icon inside player's inventory. With this, you can use BI Revive system on Global Mobilization CDLC's official MP missions and official Escape missions. Version:
  9. Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2583639543 January, 1969. RT Raleigh is tasked with conducting an ambush on an NVA supply convoy headed for VC positions in-country. Getting in is easy, getting out will be the hard part. FEATURES A branching single player scenario designed to match the quality of the S.O.G. Prairie Fire co-op campaign! SOG PF Radio Artillery and CAS, and Helicopter Transport support modules! Virtual armory-enabled S-4 Logistics! SP-compatible AI revive script (speak to the doctor near the Dust-Off helicopter near the launch pad to use this feature)! Detailed FOB2 Kon Tum and FSB Quan Loi with tons of hand-placed occupants, props, vehicles, weapons range, scuttlebutt, and even a boat showcase to discover! Multiple approaches to completing the mission, call in a 20-man 'exploitation force' to help even the odds! Dynamically-spawned friendlies and enemies, Show/Hide module used for optimized CPU-friendly performance! No additional addons required besides the S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC (rare for my scenarios)! AUTHOR'S NOTES This is my second release for the excellent SOG PF DLC, hope you all enjoy it. While working on it, I learned a ton about the new modules, as well as various ways of spawning vs using show/hide module. Although I have a lot of learning to do, this scenario is inspired an informed by both historical and fictional sources related to MACV-SOG. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, units, or events is purely coincidental. The author and this mission is not affiliated with Savage Game Design. This is a beta release, some bugs may exist. Also, it's Arma, so there are bound to be things that will affect your playthrough. Reloading the mission can solve some issues. Please let me know if you run into any game-breaking bugs. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any game-breaking bugs or issues playing with any addons in addition to the required ones listed here, I designed the mission to support Virtual Armory, but I can't be held responsible if things don't work because of another modder's addon. I'm interested to hear about your playthrough! If you enjoyed playing, please leave a comment, give a thumbs-up, or add it to your faves! CREDITS Thanks to Frost for beta testing, feedback, and suggestions Savage Game Design AI Revive Script by pierremgi Carpet Bombing Script by Grumpy Old Man Post processing effects created using Recolor addon I forgot to make a post here when I released this scenario earlier this year. Wanted to share it here, hope you enjoy! Would love to hear your AAR!
  10. I am getting this error constantly while playing. It has made it impossible to play on coop campaing multiplayer. I can to play 5 minutes max on this mode. The error was different each time. This one just a example. it point differents files each time. I have tried to play single player campaing and this was the error... Please can someone help me about? Thanks everone. Cutter.
  11. Hello! I would like to play the S.O.G Prairie Fire coop campaign together with my friends on our dedicated server and not on public servers or a self-hosted game. With the Apex coop campaign you only have to enter the missions in the server.cfg. Here is an example: class Missions { class TestMission01 { template = MP_Marksmen_01.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission02 { template = MP_End_Game_01.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission03 { template = MP_End_Game_02.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; class TestMission04 { template = MP_End_Game_03.Altis; difficulty = "veteran"; class Params {}; }; }; another example: class MPMissions { class Apex { briefingName = $STR_A3_CoopCampaignName; class EXP_m01 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m01_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m01.tanoa"; }; class EXP_m02 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m02_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m02.tanoa"; }; class EXP_m03 { briefingName = $STR_A3_exp_m03_missionname; directory = "a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m03.tanoa"; }; }; }; But how do I do it now with the S.O.G missions? Can someone send me a template for the server.cfg? I am looking forward to help!
  12. Fear the Reaper Reaper Squad SOG is a Privately Contracted special forces unit dedicated to conducting Black Ops, HVT extraction and target search and destroy/sabotage in order to pave the way for large scale assaults or invasions, gaining entry via scuba, HALO, HAHO or rotary wing transport. Reaper One Actual Reaper One Actual is our ground team. Typically a Six Man operator team, every member is trained up to the point of being a basic Combat Life Saver, removing some of the stress from the team dedicated Combat Paramedic. Every team will always have several dedicated roles, such as: Team Leader Combat Paramedic Grenadier Rifleman Marksman Autorifleman/Machine Gunner (Situation specific) Anti-Tank Drone Operator JTAC Each team member is encouraged to think outside the box and share their plans and ideas to enable the team leader to develop a strong and actionable combat plan. YOU could be part of that team. Grim One Actual Grim One Actual is our air wing, primarily using rotary wing transport, such as the MH-6M Little Bird to transport our teams around the battlefield and using the AH-6M to provide light air cover when the situation becomes chaotic and requires an explosive solution. They may occasionally be asked to provide heavy CAS support by AH-64D or fixed wing capability, depending on the situation, those this is rare. Operations We run our Operations three times a week at 1900 UTC/2000 CET on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, run by a dedicated Zeus who will prebuild the missions, brief the teams and commanders and run the mission throughout the Operation, allowing for a versatile Operation which often includes roleplay, storyline and continuity between each operation. Contact Us Discord: https://discord.gg/KR3WUJr
  13. THE EXTRICATION Take on the role as a MAC/V - S.O.G Recon Teamleader - Your mission is to rescue a downed pilot deep within the Cambodian jungle. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Inspired by a legendary OFP mission by Toadlife called Operation LoJack. This was a fantastic mission where you had to track and locate a kidnapped Officer on Kolgujev. Unfortunately, my .sqf knowledge is pretty poor so I was unable to implement the Tracking script. If anyone would like to attempt it or has the know-how to put it in the mission please let me know! Find the mission here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1753529688 CREDITS: - Big thanks to the UNSUNG MOD Team. - Thank you to the CBA Devs. - Thank you to Bludclot for the amazing Prei Khmaoch Luong | ព្រៃខ្មោចលង. - Music clips sampled are by Trent Reznor and Attic Ross. - Thank you to everyone who has helped me learn throughout the years. - Finally. Big thanks to BI.
  14. What is the 111th S.O.G. ? The 111th Special Operations Group is modeled after the small direct action paramilitary units employed by the C.I.A.. As a component of the Special Activities Division, the 111th SOG is a highly trained group tasked with the most secretive missions in the world. Using every tier 1 specialty and asset in its arsenal the group takes on missions that include everything from hostage rescue, HVT assassinations, reconnaissance, demolition, and sabotage are just a small sample of the types of missions it takes on Who are we looking for ? The 111th SAD/SOG is currently rebooting our group from the ground up. We have already acquired a few new candidates and are looking to grow our ranks. We are a small and tight knit group of friends that enjoy ARMA 3 COOP milsim training and missions. We are mature older professionals looking for those out there that want to experience ARMA 3 MilSim in a "New to MilSim" friendly environment. For those out there that are brand new to ARMA or brand new to MilSim, we provide a great place to learn the ropes and will walk you through the entire process from installing your mods, to setting up your ARMA settings and training with our unit. We are also of course interested in those that are experienced ARMA players or those who have mission building experience. We are about 6 in size right now and want to be around the 16 unit member mark. Its a small number but we thrive off of that "small direct action unit" vibe. Again we are just starting and rebooting the group. We already have over 30 missions and 15 training scenarios we run regularly throughout the week and we also run large scale COOP mission on the weekends. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN Must be 18 or older Must be willing to approach the game with an eagerness and passion to be involved Our mission times are usually around 9:30PM Eastern Time Zone, so that timezone would need to be one you can work with Fill out the application on our website Read the rules on our website After you send in your application a 111SOG staff member will review it and reach back out to you. We will get you on our TeamSpeak channel and can discuss further and help get you set up with the 111SOG mod collection. 111 S.O.G. Website -  111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM i
  15. What is the 111th S.O.G. ? The 111th Special Operations Group is modeled after the small direct action paramilitary units employed by the C.I.A.. As a component of the Special Activities Division, the 111th SOG is a highly trained group tasked with the most secretive missions in the world. Using every tier 1 specialty and asset in its arsenal the group takes on missions that include everything from hostage rescue, HVT assassinations, reconnaissance, demolition, and sabotage are just a small sample of the types of missions it takes on Who are we looking for ? The 111th SAD/SOG is currently rebooting our group from the ground up. We have already acquired a few new candidates and are looking to grow our ranks. We are a small and tight knit group of friends that enjoy ARMA 3 COOP milsim training and missions. We are mature older professionals looking for those out there that want to experience ARMA 3 MilSim in a "New to MilSim" friendly environment. For those out there that are brand new to ARMA or brand new to MilSim, we provide a great place to learn the ropes and will walk you through the entire process from installing your mods, to setting up your ARMA settings and training with our unit. We are also of course interested in those that are experienced ARMA players or those who have mission building experience. We are about 6 in size right now and want to be around the 16 unit member mark. Its a small number but we thrive off of that "small direct action unit" vibe. Again we are just starting and rebooting the group. We already have over 30 missions and 15 training scenarios we run regularly throughout the week and we also run large scale COOP mission on the weekends. 111 S.O.G. Website - 111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN Must be 18 or older Must be willing to approach the game with an eagerness and passion to be involved Our mission times are usually around 9:30PM Eastern Time Zone, so that timezone would need to be one you can work with Fill out the application on our website Read the rules on our website After you send in your application a 111SOG staff member will review it and reach back out to you. We will get you on our TeamSpeak channel and can discuss further and help get you set up with the 111SOG mod collection. 111 S.O.G. Website -  111SOG.GAMERLAUNCH.COM image uploading site Edit
  16. The hum of the lights whispering secrets as footfalls echo throughout the hangar... Introduction This will the official WORK-IN-PROGRESS Thread for all projects. Released, Un-Released, Concept, Discussion, 3D Models, Feedback, SQF Scripts, Teasers, and general spit-ball'n of Ideas. Rather than create a seperate thread each and every time, I wanted to have just one centralized location for everything whether its been green-lit for release, or it was a smoldering heap of miscalculated rocket fuel. Check back often HERE as this Main Post will get updated from time to time. Silent Service -- Submarine Project: Frogmen -- Combat Diver Project: SpookWarCom -- Black-Ops Project: Feet First into Hell -- H.A.L.O. Project: