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About shrike88

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  1. Crickets.... Sad though this thread was more active.
  2. Thanks, yea I was only trying to set up the Main Deck gun on the FFAA BAM ship for use as an artillery asset also. I had all of the configs and ammo set up correctly, however I think the issue is that The Turrets on the FFAA BAM ship are set up as remote UAV Turrets, and there might be a conflict in the core files between using an artillery computer coinciding with a UAV controlled (remotely controlled) turret. Will keep experimenting with this Thanks for the reply Shrike
  3. Still looking for guidance on the Artillery computers integration..... Anyone ? Shrike
  4. Just curious if this was ever figured out, Two years old however was looking toward doing the same thing with weapons on a Ship. Shrike
  5. Greetings, Love the BAM. However on a dedicated server having issues with the functionality of the helipad safety fences working. Single player and editor works correctly, however on the multilayer dedicated server there is no action menu appearing for the fence to be animated. Might have to possibly force it on somehow with script or init command in the mission file ? ------- Also have been speaking with one of the team members. I was looking into possibly adding artillery functionality for the main Deck gun. I have added the required coding for the class ammo, and the vehicle itself . artilleryscanner = 1; to the ammo artilleryLock =1; ballisticsComputer = 16; I have the artillery computer displayed when in the turret however no information nor able to click on the map. When not in the remote firing UAV computer in the the weapon sight, the artillery computer autocloses quickly. Any thoughts or suggestions ? Would there be a conflict as its using a remote UAV terminal setup for the weapons ? that conflicting with the Artillery computer ? Thanks Shrike
  6. To add to this, Thanks John S. for filling me in on the location. The Location of the files and UI setup is UI_f_data/A3/ui_f/igui/RSCingameui/RSCoptics/ attitude.paa attitudestatic.paa Im guessing its all run through turret optics settings in game and turned on or off based on AFM variable. Or I could just force them in the Class pilotcamera ? class RscOptics_CAS_Pilot: RscUnitInfoAirPlane { idd = 300; controls[] = {"CA_BackgroundVehicle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitle","CA_BackgroundVehicleTitleDark","CA_BackgroundFuel","CA_Vehicle","CA_VehicleRole","CA_HitZones","CA_VehicleTogglesBackground","CA_VehicleToggles","CA_SpeedBackground","CA_SpeedUnits","CA_Speed","CA_ValueFuel","CA_AltBackground","CA_AltUnits","CA_Alt","WeaponInfoControlsGroupRight","CA_Throttle","DriverOpticsGroup"}; class DriverOpticsGroup: RscControlsGroup { idc = 392; class VScrollbar: VScrollbar { width = 0; }; class HScrollbar: HScrollbar { height = 0; }; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))"; y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)"; w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; class controls { class TextMag: RscText { idc = 1001; sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH"; style = 0; shadow = 0; font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; text = ""; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class OpticsZoom: TextMag { idc = 192; style = 0; x = "48.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class ValueTime: TextMag { idc = 101; style = 1; text = "20:28:35"; x = "2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "27.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "4.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class TextAlt: TextMag { idc = 1002; text = " AGL"; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "34 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class CA_Alt: TextMag { idc = 191; style = 1; text = "3825"; x = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "34 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "3.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class TextSpd: TextMag { idc = 1003; text = " IAS"; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "35 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class CA_Speed: TextMag { idc = 190; style = 1; text = "120"; x = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "35 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "3.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class AnalogueHorizonStatic: RscPicture { idc = 1200; text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscOptics\attitude_static.paa"; x = "2.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "28.55 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class AnalogueHorizon: RscLadderPicture { idc = 383; topValue = 0; bottomValue = 0; visibleRange = -1; text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscOptics\attitude.paa"; x = "2.8 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "28.7 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; }; }; }; class RscOptics_CAS_01_TGP: RscUnitInfo { idd = 300; controls[] = {"CA_IGUI_elements_group"}; class CA_IGUI_elements_group: RscControlsGroup { idc = 170; class VScrollbar: VScrollbar { width = 0; }; class HScrollbar: HScrollbar { height = 0; }; x = "0 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneX + ((SafezoneW - SafezoneH) / 2))"; y = "0 * (0.025 * SafezoneH) + (SafezoneY)"; w = "53.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "40 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; class controls { class ValueDistance: RscText { style = 1; sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH"; shadow = 0; font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; idc = 183; text = "2456"; x = "34.6 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "25.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class ValueGrid: ValueDistance { style = 1; sizeEx = "0.02*SafezoneH"; idc = 172; text = "245678"; x = "34.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "27 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class TextGrid: ValueGrid { style = 0; idc = 1001; text = "GRID:"; x = "34.3 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "27 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class CA_VisionMode: RscText { idc = 152; sizeEx = "0.03*SafezoneH"; style = 0; shadow = 0; font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; text = "DTV"; x = "48.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "8.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,1}; }; class CA_FlirMode: CA_VisionMode { idc = 153; text = "BHOT"; x = "48.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "9.4 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.2 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class CA_Laser: RscText { idc = 158; style = "0x30 + 0x800"; sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH"; colorText[] = {0.706,0.0745,0.0196,1}; shadow = 0; font = "EtelkaMonospacePro"; text = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\rscingameui\rscoptics\laser_designator_iconLaserOn.paa"; x = "31.1 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "12.85 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "3.5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class TextTrackArea: ValueDistance { idc = 194; style = 2; sizeEx = "0.038*SafezoneH"; text = "AREA"; x = "24.2 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; y = "25.8 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; w = "5 * (0.01875 * SafezoneH)"; h = "1.5 * (0.025 * SafezoneH)"; }; class TextTrackPoint: TextTrackArea { idc = 195; text = "POINT"; }; }; }; }; If anyone knows of a easier way to force these on would be much appreciated. Or just the specific classes for the text / symbols etc. Im a Datajunkie on the Targeting cameras thanks Shrike
  7. Greetings, Hopefully this was just a setting I am overlooking, and not a update. The Bank Indicator or simplified Attitude indicator that is on the Targeting Camera for several aircraft and one aircraft mod that I am working on does not show up with AFM on. It does display when the AFM is off however I am searching for a way to force it on regardless of the AFM on or off on the settings. Reaching out to the community if anyone knows of a way to force this on in the config ? or going to have to remotely force it on when AFM is on. The entire information gauge cluster on the lower left is all part of this I believe with the Time / Bank indicator / Alt AGL / Airspeed. Not known if this is inbedded into the turret camera optics gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F_Beta\Reticle\Heli_Attack_01_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F"; I am assuming its separate and a global command that is run. Please if anyone knows how to force this on when AFM is on any help is appreciated. Thanks Shrike 111S.O.G. WEBSITE
  8. A good place is still www.armaholic.com under the arma3 vehicles helicopters section. Shrike
  9. shrike88

    Control sensitivity - per vehicle type?

    Agreed, Since the many improvements and updates to the flight models in the game there has been little done to the control context menu and ui. Basically an all or nothing approach including sensitivity and deadzones. Try using mode selection for your X52 with the supplied software. Not sure how reliable since madcatz is gone. Ill look up some good 3rd party stuff I have used in the past as I travel a ton for work and sometimes use gamepads on the road / HOTAS at home. Shrike 111 SOG
  10. shrike88

    unable to get DLC data Crash plz help

    I also having this problem, anyone ?
  11. Very nice work thus far Neddles, Also very happy to hear that the mod community was Positive and helpful to you starting out. Very encouraging. Looking forward to checking this out soon. Shrike
  12. As of now I believe the new DLC configs are binarized and locked for a while, therefore unable to pull any of the information from the current classes. I myself am very new at this also but the best way to go about it now I believe is to snag current p3d and rvmap files as well as the textures from current weapons, then patch via a config patches setup to edit current ammo, and create a new class to add to the vehicle. Good luck https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgPatches Shrike
  13. Walsh There were predicted impact points with earlier versions per the balisticcomputer = X; that was intigrated in 1.60 and believe it was on there. However since the 1.70 (Jets DLC) there now is the ability to create new HUD features with the CCIP Recticle and Dtoss lines on the HUD. Maybe something to be added in the future, however Im sure Firewill has tons on his plate already. regards, Shrike
  14. shrike88

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Thanks for the Quick response, I just simplified it for the forum thread and wanted to condense it. It is in the Draw class with other items that work . Sent you a PM with it. Need more Coffee Thanks Shrike
  15. shrike88

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Reyhard, Experimenting with the Poly Drawing of paa files and logos. Anything I am doing wrong here ? does it depend on the parent dimensions and size of the paa ? are they limited to a certain size ? Dont worry about the structure but the meat of the class is it limited to certain things alpha or size vs size of the image.paa ? Thanks Shrike class MFD { class Polytest_main { topLeft = "HUD_top_left"; topRight = "HUD_top_right"; bottomLeft = "HUD_bottom_left"; borderLeft = 0; borderRight = 0; borderTop = 0; borderBottom = 0; color[] = {0,1,0.3}; helmetMountedDisplay = 1; helmetPosition[] = {-0.0375,0.0375,0.1}; helmetRight[] = {0.075,0.0,0.0}; helmetDown[] = {0.0,-0.075,0.0}; class Bones{}; class Draw{}; }; class PolygonTest: Polytest_main { condition = "rpm<800"; color[] = {0.082,0.408,0.039}; // use to define color class Polygon { type = "polygon"; texture = "fir_ghosthawk_acc\images\mod.paa"; // only alpha channel will be used for drawing points[] = // space where texture should be drawn { {{0,0.1},1}, {{1,0.1},1}, {{1,1},1}, {{0,1},1} }; }; }; };