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  1. Download: MIL_CAS - Dropbox Description: MIL_CAS is a simple script to allow a mission designer to use the vanilla CAS Module in-game via scripting. All this does is perform the required actions to properly call BIS_fnc_moduleCAS. Best suited for ambience, the strikes shouldn't be relied on for 100% accuracy. Features: - Position and approach heading can be defined. - Plane and type of CAS to be provided can be defined. To use: - Copy the file MIL_CAS.sqf to your mission folder. - Run the script using: nul = [[_position,_direction,_vehicle,_type],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - _position - array - position for CAS to strike - _direction - number - direction for the CAS to approach on - _vehicle - string (optional) - default: "B_Plane_CAS_01_F" - classname of the plane to fly CAS - _type - number (optional) - default: 2 - type of CAS to be used - 0 - Guns - 1 - Missiles - 2 - Guns & Missiles - 3 - Bomb - Examples: nul = [[getPos player,240],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - Wipeout will fly in for a "Guns & Missiles" run. nul = [[getPos player,240,"RHS_A10",3],"MIL_CAS.sqf"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_execVM",2]; - A-10 will fly in and drop a single bomb. Credits: - This uses the vanilla function BIS_fnc_moduleCAS for the actual CAS. All I did was make an easy way to launch it from a script. Media: Everyone knows what CAS is all about, but here is all four types being called in anyway (0.52): If anyone finds any problems please let me know. Thank you.
  2. Hello everyone. I've got a problem with a script That's my problem: I created a door with a digital board that must open with a code. Once the code entered on the digital board, the door can open. But if it closes, you can not open it again!! (That's the problem). my script is: class CfgVehicles { class Static; class Wall_F; class Rico_my_gate_digitale_01: Static { editorPreview="\mydoc\data\ui\Land_ConcreteWall_01_l_gate_F.jpg"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; icon="iconObject_10x1"; model="\A3\Structures_F_Exp\Walls\Concrete\ConcreteWall_01_l_gate_F.p3d"; displayName="MyGateDigitalNamed"; vehicleClass="Structures_Walls"; cost=0; armor=200; mass=200; class EventHandlers { init=" Code_a_inserer =floor random [11451,50000,99999]; publicVariable ""Code_a_inserer""; Rico_code_gate_01=false; publicvariable ""Rico_code_gate_01""; [_this select 0] execVM ""mydoc\scripts\myOtherScript.sqf"";"; /*myOtherScript.sqf is the script I use to put de code on a keypad to open the door*/ }; class AnimationSources { class Door_1_sound_source { source="user"; initPhase=0; animPeriod=5; sound="RoadGateDoors"; soundPosition="Door_1_trigger"; }; class Door_1_noSound_source { source="user"; initPhase=0; animPeriod=5; }; class Door_1_locked_source { source="user"; initPhase=0; animPeriod=0.80000001; }; }; class UserActions { class OpenDoor_1 { displayNameDefault="<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName="$STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR"; position="Door_1_trigger"; priority=11; actionNamedSel="Door_1_action"; radius=3; aiMaxRange=9; onlyForPlayer=0; condition="((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') < 0.5) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase') && (Rico_code_gate_01)"; statement="([this, 1, 1] call BIS_fnc_Door)"; }; class CloseDoor_1: OpenDoor_1 { displayNameDefault="<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; displayName="$STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR"; priority=11; condition="((this animationSourcePhase 'Door_1_sound_source') >= 0.5) && ((this getVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1', 0]) != 1) && (cameraOn isKindOf 'CAManBase') && (Rico_code_gate_01)"; statement="([this, 1, 0] call BIS_fnc_Door); this animate [""OpenDoor_1"", 0]; Rico_code_gate_01=false; publicvariable ""Rico_code_gate_01"";"; }; }; actionBegin1="OpenDoor_1"; actionEnd1="OpenDoor_1"; }; }; So how to add a command that will verify that the unlocking script has been executed, and especially where? Thank you very much
  3. Hello, i want to edit Altis, and it would interest me very much how close in the future the source files are available.
  4. Automated Doors - v2.5 Download v2.5 from Armaholic What? For each player on the map, this script creates and removes triggers on nearby buildings which open the door if a player intends to walk through it and closes it again, when he walks away. This script is configurable and customizable on both server and client side. Features: all doors open and close automatically usable in Singleplayer (client side) or in Multiplayer (server side only) support for dynamic locations where this script should only work support for side specific locations, where this script only works for players of the respective side actions for the following features: enable/disable automatically closing doors enable/disable "Automated Doors" completely irreversibly* remove all actions related to "Automated Doors" globally force doors to stay open, no matter what the player's actions say can be terminated and restarted without trigger-leftovers or action-leftovers minimized server load due to need-based dynamic object management available as script and as addon *) Actions will be available again, if you rejoin the server (MP) or restart ArmA (SP) respectively Supported maps: Altis/Stratis (combined in one file) Chernarus Takistan Zargabad Utes Why? At some point, I got annoyed of having to walk really close to a door and sometimes even having to scroll, if my default action is something different, to get the right action to finally open it. Maybe there's some people out there feeling similarly. How? Download the script here. (Armaholic, same link as above) execVM "automatedDoors.sqf" If you use Automated Doors on a map which is not listed above, but has buildings from one or more of these maps or if you want to override the script's default behavior, paste the respective map name(s) as parameter into the script like this: [["Altis", "Chernarus", "Takistan"]] execVM "automatedDoors.sqf" If you don't do so, the script will automatically take into account all maps. Singleplayer: Using the script: Execute the above line once upon mission start - that's it. Using the addon: Start ArmA 3 with startup parameter -mod=@automatedDoors - that's it. Multiplayer: Execute this script server side once upon mission start. Client side execution is prevented by "isServer" check. After joining a mission running this script, it might take a few seconds until it actually works for you as new player, because the sever runs the "scan loop" regularly, not taking into account JIP or just spawned players. Further Information "Automated Doors" has two optional parameters: maps -> (optional, default: "all") defines the buildings to be taken into account by this script -> e.g. ["altis", "chernarus"] means, all buildings from Altis and Chernarus will be taken into account doorsStayOpen -> (optional, default: false) global definition of door closing behavior - if true, doors will have to be closed manually, player action "Don't keep doors open" has no effect - if false, doors will close automatically, player action "Keep doors open" has an effect You can easily customize important values, like the size of the area of the door triggers, the time between each scan for surrounding buildings or the area to scan on each loop. Do that by changing the defines at the beginning of the file (after the comment block). Define locations: If you want this script to only work in certain areas, create locations of type "Name" and set their name with the prefix "doors". This script will check on each scan loop if such locations exist. If so, it will only manage these areas. If all "doors" locations are deleted, this script will handle the whole map again. Side specific locations: If you create a location as described above and setVariable ["locationSide", any side here] to it, the doors inside that location automatically open and close only for players of that side. Have a nice Play! Changelogs:
  5. Hi, does anyone know if and how you can close the big doors from this hangar: I did spend sometime trying but I am either too stupid or it doesn't actually open. Thank you
  6. HI All, I Would like to get all the doors on a hanger to close on-mission start but using this code: 0 = [getpos this, 100] spawn { sleep 0.1; { _x animate ["Door1", 1, TRUE]; _x animate ["Door2", 1, TRUE]; _x animate ["Door3", 1, TRUE]; } foreach ((_this select 0) nearObjects (_this select 1)) } This is what happens: Does anyone have a way or think they could help me fix this? Thanks In advance Tom
  7. Automated Doors - v2.5.a2 (ArmA 2 version) Download v2.5.a2 from Armaholic What? This is a backport of Automated Doors for ArmA 3 to ArmA 2. For each player on the map, this script creates and removes triggers on nearby buildings which open the door if a player intends to walk through it and closes it again, when he walks away. This script is configurable and customizable on both server and client side. Features: all doors open and close automatically usable in Singleplayer (client side) or in Multiplayer (server side only) support for dynamic locations where this script should only work support for side specific locations, where this script only works for players of the respective side actions for the following features:enable/disable automatically closing doors enable/disable "Automated Doors" completely irreversibly* remove all actions related to "Automated Doors" globally force doors to stay open, no matter what the player's actions say can be terminated and restarted without trigger-leftovers or action-leftovers minimized server load due to need-based dynamic object management *) Actions will be available again, if you rejoin the server (MP) or restart the mission (SP) respectively Supported maps: Altis/Stratis (combined in one file) Chernarus Takistan Zargabad Utes Why? At some point, I got annoyed of having to walk really close to a door and sometimes even having to scroll, if my default action is something different, to get the right action to finally open it. Maybe there's some people out there feeling similarly. How? Download the script here (Armaholic, same link as above). You need at least the following files: automatedDoors_a2.sqf or automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf removeAllActions.sqf setVariable.sqf one or more file(s) starting with "doors..." Execute one of the following lines depending on which file you're using: execVM "automatedDoors_a2.sqf" execVM "automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf" If you use Automated Doors on a map which is not listed above, but has buildings from one or more of these maps or if you want to override the script's default behavior, paste the respective map name(s) as parameter into the script like this: [["Chernarus", "Takistan", "Zargabad"]] execVM "automatedDoors_a2oa.sqf" If you don't do so, the script will automatically take into account all maps. Singleplayer: Execute the above line once upon mission start - that's it. Multiplayer: Execute this script server side once upon mission start. Client side execution is prevented by "isServer" check. After joining a mission running this script, it might take a few seconds until it actually works for you as new player, because the sever runs the "scan loop" regularly, not taking into account JIP or just spawned players. Further Information Note that there are two files, one compatible with ArmA 2 v1.06 or later and another one compatible with ArmA 2:OA v1.63 or later. The ArmA 2 version also works with OA, but not the other way around. Be aware that the version for OA is more efficient (faster) than the one for ArmA 2, so I'd recommend to use the version for the "normal" ArmA 2 only if necessary. "Automated Doors" has two optional parameters: maps -> (optional, default: "all") defines the buildings to be taken into account by this script - e.g. ["altis", "chernarus"] means, all buildings from Altis and Chernarus will be taken into account doorsStayOpen -> (optional, default: false) global definition of door closing behavior - if true, doors will have to be closed manually, player action "Don't keep doors open" has no effect - if false, doors will close automatically, player action "Keep doors open" has an effect You can easily customize important values, like the size of the area of the door triggers, the time between each scan for surrounding buildings or the area to scan on each loop. Do that by changing the defines at the beginning of the file (after the comment block). Define locations: If you want this script to only work in certain areas, create locations of type "Name" and set their name with the prefix "doors". This script will check on each scan loop if such locations exist. If so, it will only manage these areas. If all "doors" locations are deleted, this script will handle the whole map again. Side specific locations: If you create a location as described above and setVariable ["locationSide", any side here] to it, the doors inside that location automatically open and close only for players of that side. Changelogs will be posted in the original thread. Have a nice Play!