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  1. PROJECT BLUFOR Project BLUFOR aims to retexture already existing models within Arma 3, along with some big mods like RHS and smaller weapon mods; with the aim to create more playable factions for different types of scenarios and terrains. Most of our work focus is around infantry, but when possible we branch out to expand factions with vehicle reskins as well. BLUFOR REVITALIZED Some people may have seen this mod before on the workshop, and this is of course an older mod. However, i have now taken over updating and adding new content. Last update before me being in 2021. CURRENT FACTIONS AND CONFIGS: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS HAVE BEEN DONE SINCE I TOOK OVER: UPCOMING: RANDOM SCREENSHOTS LINKS ETC: Steam Workshop (Main Mod) Recommendations: To make full use of Project BLUFOR we highly recommend the usage of: Task Force Arrowhead Radio: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801 3CB Vehicles: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=893349825 FAQ:
  2. Jasło is located in south - eastern Poland, in Carpathian mountains. It is modelled after the real place, although it will be modified for gameplay sake :) The terrain is being created as an addition to PSZ: Polish Armed Forces modification The map itself is 64 square kilometers (8,192 m x 8,192 m), with 4 m cell. It includes one big city, Jasło (already done!), located in a valley where three rivers flow. Yup, three rivers - better storm those bridges or prepare your fording equipment if you want to get anywhere. It is currently in early alpha stage and undergoes closed tests :) There are also several smaller villages (TBD), and wide forest areas (more or less done). The map will offer varied enivronment for different missions. It currently utilizes CUP objects, but we intend to prepare our own building pack, to make it more varied and to add this central Europe atmosphere instead of generic CUP-city :) DOWNLOAD: Steam Download Less talking, more screens:
  3. "PSZ: POLISH ARMED FORCES" SITREP PSZ: Polish Armed Forces is a mod project focusing on adding a high quality, realistic modern Polish Army faction. This means we plan to recreate in-game most of the currently used Polish Army equipment, including of course most of the signature weapons, vehicles and units, like Beryl, MSBS and Tor rifles, Rosomak APCs, Leopard and Twardy tanks, Sokol helicopters, etc. The SECOND version just got released, so why won't you give it a try? THE FUTURE The general idea is to release the mod as soon as the base is ready, then build upon it, until we have everything one could ask for in terms of realistic Polish Armed Forces faction(s). Initial plan includes PKW 2010 faction with weapons, infantry and some vehicles, which then should be supported by following Special Forces, PKW "Motorpool" and also the 2020-ish PKW faction updates. 2020(-ish) faction will be there to include the newest weaponry polish military industry is trying to incorporate, like MSBS Radon assault rifle, Negev LMG and possibly more, like ATGM Rosomak APC variant. Mod requires CBA (for ASDG Joint Rails, for example) and at this moment we are thinking about incorporating MRT Accessory Functions and Weapon EventHandler Framework for greatest possible immersion and level of realism. Also because we want everything to depict real-life counterparts and their behaviour as much as possible, while keeping the best possible visual and technical quality. SECOND RELEASE Happy Easter, eh? Please bear in mind that it's STILL an ALPHA release, which means there's tons of stuff missing and that the stuff that IS present may need further polishing, not everything (or rather, nothing) might be final. Realistic expectations are a key to happiness and thus we suggest to take that approach :) Current mod version is ALFA 068.1103; and it contains: For the time being, PSZ: PAF mod REQUIRES CBA 3.2.1 or newer to work. DOWNLOAD - PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ ArmACenter.PL- PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ ModDB- PSZ Mod v0.68.1103 @ Goggle Drive USEFUL LINKS - ArmACenter.PL (home of the PSZ Team) - ModDB profile of the PSZ project - FaceBook profile of the PSZ project - Official PSZ Gallery on Imgur CREDITS ===PSZ TEAM=== WinteR5 Macko zGuba Istar Jon ===CONTRIBUTORS=== (more to be listed as we'll implement more goodies from our beloved friends!) Dan (former developer) - M97 Zbik Sgt. Pepper (former developer) - textures and layers Smookie (former developer) - animations Keeway (former developer) - developer, config, content porting, scripting Reyhard (M.I.A.) - developer, config, content porting, scripting RHS Team - Leupold scopes, repository Project Reality: Polish Forces Team (Veti, ddeo) - STAR trucks Kamil Nowicki - Alex / Bor, UKM-2000, Negev [ACPL] Ghost - "Steal the Data" scenario PSZ logo by WinteR5, uses great Eagle drawing by Julia Baradziej. Enjoy!
  4. GLOBAL GAMING GROUP THAT'S HOW MILSIM WORKS. > OUR DISCORD < / > OUR WEBSITE < -------------------- 3G IN A PILL---------------------- Name: Global Gaming Group Timezone: GMT+2 DST or GMT+1 Mission types: COOP and Joint Op Session times: Fri-Sun 6PM-10PM Requirements: Arma 3 and microphone How to join: discord.gg/7KkkXYE --------------------------- END ---------------------------- WHO WE ARE? Global Gaming Group (or simply 3G) is an international unit connecting both veterans and newcomers of ArmA series, military simulators' fans and gamers. We are the descendants of one of the biggest Polish ArmA 3 community that was founded in 2017. In our unit, we respect three main rules: ArmA is considered as a game, not a second life Being a unit is not a challenge, every clan is a friend of ours There's no place for any kind of toxicity 3G existence started since June 2020, yet our several years of experience allowed us not to start from a scratch. We started as a Polish unit, but we're international and everybody speaking English is welcomed to the clan. So far we have over 100 members and at least 20 regular scenarios attendants. More to add, we are not limited to ArmA series, we play many games that require cooperation and teamwork skills - Post Scriptum, Squad, Hell Let Loose, War Thunder, Foxhole, Barotrauma, DCS, Escape from Tarkov and more, but only Arma 3 is our main branch to be fair. HOW WE PLAY? Global Gaming Group can be described as a semi-milsim unit focused on heavily role-played COOP scenarios with active Zeuses and without universe limits. You can play any setting - from WW2, through present day conflicts, to future warfare like WH40k or any other Sci-Fi. On each scenario there's plenty of roles to choose and you aren't limited to any. Our mission makers develop their own modset basing on our framework, so each scenario differs in tasking and execution. Some missions are separate, some are a parts of bigger campaigns. Some are PvE, some - PvP. That's how milsim works. We also create and join Joint Operations with units from the whole globe, no matter what we do - it can be a simple PvE or a well-organized combined arms scenario. 3G plays mainly from Friday to Sunday 6PM-10PM (GMT+2 DST/ GMT+1, Polish timezone), sometimes there are smaller scenarios during the week. We also have few persistent modes available 24/7 like DRO, Escape, Liberation, Vindicta, Antistasi, OPEX, custom Patrol Ops etc. OUR REQUIREMENTS We are not a milsim unit nor a task force. We do not have any type of military hierarchy. You do not rank up from Private to Corporal. You are not limited to any specialization or a role. You don't have to pay us for a membership. You don't have to know anything about milsim/military. You don't have to attend every scenario to play or leave a LOA to live your life. All we care about are: a good teamplay, fun scenarios and many people during Arma 3 sessions. If you care about that too, than Global Gaming Group is for you. We require from you only a few things: own a legal Arma 3 copy and a working microphone play at least once per month, either COOP or Joint Op do not roster if you cannot attend try to be friendly be eager to learn new things and polish obtained skills check mentions on Discord to be up-to-date HOW TO JOIN? Joining 3G is very easy. Just follow these steps: Come to our Discord: discord.gg/7KkkXYE - It is our main community center, where you can find all info about our scenarios, server details and much more. You don't have to download an app, Discord also works from a web browser. Read the rules and verify yourself - upon joining you will be asked to read our community rules. It's a 5 minutes read and requires nearly no brains to be verified. Everything is clearly written. Pass our Mandatory Basic Training - every member of 3G gets a Recruit rank, so we can know that you are new to 3G. Our MBT covers basics of ArmA, basics of mods we use, some mandatory knowledge about milsim and a lot of info about our group and how does everything work. It's the best time to ask us any questions. Add yourself to Google Group and Arma 3 Units - access to rosters and modset is managed by our Google Group, so you need to be a part of it to be able to play. Also we require using our unit patch, especially during Joint Ops, so joining the A3Unit is mandatory. You'll be asked to do that right after the MBT. Join your first mission - and voila, now you have all access required to deploy yourself. MISSION MAKING AND TRAININGS Apart from the Mandatory Basic Training, we organize optional Specialized Trainings (called "Trainings") focused on 15 branches of Arma and military simulations: all kinds of tactis, medical knowledge, marksmanship, mission making and more. They are not required to play role on our scenarios, but they can provide you some good knowledge, so you can perform better as a desired soldier. These trainings are mostly theoretical and are a part of our Field Training Excercises (FTX), that are some kind of a practical test of more than two trainings combined. They formally look like a normal scenario, but players are assisted by our instructors to have a better view of everything that's happening. If you're interested in mission making, we can give you knowledge so you can provide us a scenario. You are not limited to any mods, just be sure that they are downloadable through Steam Workshop or available locally on our disk. Write a briefing, make an ORBAT and send us a proper announcement, and that's all. The better your scenario is, the more players will come. STILL INTERESTED? If so, then feel free to join Global Gaming Group through Discord or PM me for any details. If you want to invite us to your Joint Op, also feel free to join Discord or PM me. See you on the battlefield!
  5. Youngchaszczulol fortnite

    Polish Armed forces

    Hi i will create Polish armed forces
  6. Hi guys, decided to take a break from ARMA 3 and go back to OFP for a while. I remember that back in my days of playing OFP there was this campaign created for WP Soldiers mod called "Operacja Biały Orzeł" (Operation White Eagle in English) and I absolutely loved it. Wanted to go back to it but unfortunately all the links are dead (used Wayback Machine too, unfortunately no results). I would be much obliged if some good soul had it on his/her hard drive and decided to share it.
  7. Night Wings Who are we? The Night Wings Group is a newly created community focused on the ARMA 3 game. Our priority is the emphasis on MilSim (military simulation) and game-style roles maintained in the role-play style, but if you do not feel good about it, we will do what we can to draw you the pleasure of playing with us. The group was founded by veterans of various groups of Army players, starting from the famous "Operation Flashpoint" Arma III is not a simulator. It is a powerful Sandbox, which simulates some things. As a group, we strive for the most faithful reconstruction of the battlefield situation, which is helped by a unique set of mods and opportunities experienced Zeuses (Some kind of game moderator in multiplayer.) We are professionals, so in "shooting" also let's play professionally. We do not forget, however, that Arma is just a game, and games are for fun and a pleasant way to spend time. What do we offer? First of all, the opportunity to participate in organized COOP matches, which characterizes above all the realities of armed conflicts within the group (we do not exclude the possibility of acting in operations connected with other groups), as well as training in the field of fighting. In addition, all missions played in the community are carefully prepared by group members. Our technical facilities are primarily our own server for the game, and TeamSpeak 3 server, for use by the community not only during the game. Soon a repository will be created, containing modifications in the versions supported by the Night Wings group. What do we require from members? Above all, we expect two things from recruits: the ability to speak in polish, and the activity from players. You do not have to appear on every mission (everyone has their own private life, we are all human), although it is welcome. In addition, it should be mentioned that our community does not accept people with an illegal copy of the game. In the face of voice communication, you should also have a free TeamSpeak 3. More information can be found on our forum. Any more questions? Register on our forum: (Click!). The community members will be pleased to answer your questions. The polish vesion of the post is shown below:
  8. Tango-Five-Six

    Task Force: Aegis

    Hello This is the TF: Aegis Planning page, However there is nothing there as I am currently working on this first post and it may change drastically during that time. Thanks for your interest! Come back another time and I might have it sorted! RJR