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  1. lexx

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Looks like there is a bug. Will be fixed for the next patch.
  2. lexx

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Yes, there is a bug with the fuse timer. You'll have to drop it from a bigger hight right now.
  3. lexx

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Works fine for me, I use it all the time. /Edit: It wants the action-key. Maybe you rebind your key settings? Try holding middle mouse button or whatever you reassigned it to.
  4. Is this some mod interface stuff? I don't have that in 3den. In any case, the duration of those tracks is set correctly in config, example the one you've mentioned: duration = 162.0; /Edit: Funny, in the ingame config it actually is not. Will investigate what's going on.
  5. Which track do you mean exactly? I just looked at the music config and everything looks correct to me. The only 32 second tracks are the "calm" jukebox tracks, which are supposed to be short and all correct as far as I can see.
  6. lexx

    Western Sahara - Changelog

    Western Sahara v1.1.3 Data Added: SLR Para rifle variant Added: GM6 Lynx (Snake) sniper rifle camo variant Added: DMS (Snake) optics camo variant Added: RPG-42 (Sand) launcher variant Added: Tura Offroad texture variant Added: Dazzle (Arid) texture variant for the CTRG Prowler Added: Opening/Closing the hatches on the UP-armored Offroads will now play a sound effect Added: Soldier (Light AT) classes to ION and UNA Added: CTRG (Desert) Sniper soldier class Added: Beret (Headset) headgear variant Added: RDS (High, Black, Sand) mixed color variant Fixed: Door texture on the Offroad (HMG) would show mirrored UNA letters in lower LOD levels Fixed: Suppressors were missing memory points and muzzle proxies Fixed: A mod compatibility issue with scenery skeleton class Fixed: Stray polygon in the Galat/Velko model file Fixed: XMS GL variant would not show the suppressor in 3rd person view Fixed: 12 Gauge 6Rnd HE and Smoke magazines would eject casings when fired Fixed: The short description of the GLX 40 mm wasn't showing correctly in the inventory Fixed: Broken normal map on the AT rifle grenade Fixed: The AA40 wouldn't inherit bipod classes correctly Fixed: Shadow LOD issue with the CTRG Plate Carrier Rig when using a Ghillie Suit Fixed: Missing simple object config for Marid HMG and Unarmed variants Fixed: Incorrect weapon icon of the SA77 in the field manual Fixed: Incorrect tooltip of ballistic mask with turban Fixed: Zu-23 crew would not show their NVGs at daytime Fixed: Broken thermal image texture on the AP-5 drone Tweaked: Improved the visuals of the RDS inside / scope effect Tweaked: Improved the SLR/GL, Galat, Velko R4, and Velko R5 fire sound effects Tweaked: The SLR rifle grenades can only be fired if the primary magazine is not empty Tweaked: RPM increased on the Galat (630 -> 650) and Velko (675 -> 750) rifle Tweaked: XMS SG now has a hidden selection for the shotgun attachment, allowing it to get retextured Tweaked: Enabled data-link on the AP-5 drone Tweaked: Weight of the portable shield has been reduced a little bit Tweaked: Enemy AI will now engage the Marid (HMG) gunner more effectively than before Tweaked: Marid (HMG) turret is now stabilized Tweaked: Offroad (UP, HMG) and (UP, AT) turret is now stabilized Tweaked: "Open/Close Hatch" user action on the Offroad (UP) variants won't be a priority selection anymore when entering the vehicle Tweaked: Zamak (Cargo, Flatbed, and AA) hidden selections have been adjusted for better mod compatibility Tweaked: Moved all Western Sahara related 3den editor modules into a new category for easier access Tweaked: The Alchemist Module in 3den can now be synchronized to players. If synchronized to players, only those will be able to access the magic spells Missions Extraction Added: New ending slide if the player has murdered civilians Added: New hold action on dead bodies to check if it contains special items (money, intel). NOTE: This is a quick notification feature only! You still have to actually loot the body and grab the special object from the vest or backpack Added: Vehicles from the Reaction Forces Creator DLC can spawn if the addon has been enabled Added: In multiplayer, the Alchemist game mode can now be enabled in the mission parameters Fixed: Minor issues with the skip tasks mission parameter setting Fixed: Despawn of civilian life when player is in a village Tweaked: Slightly increased the amount of gathered intel in singleplayer Tweaked: Removed randomness of the soldier recruitment in singleplayer Tweaked: Few script changes in hopes of increasing Linux dedicated server compatibility Alchemist Added: Weapons from the Reaction Forces Creator DLC can spawn in supply crates if the addon has been enabled Added: The new GM6 Lynx (Snake) and SLR Para variants will spawn in supply crates Added: The ability to hack and disable UGVs if the player has a UAV terminal (looted from CSAT soldiers) Fixed: Player can't teleport anymore when incapacitated or dead Tweaked: Marid (HMG) ai gunner behavior has been improved a bit ION Weapon Systems Fixed: Clutter cleanup didn't cover a few edge cases in the Support simulation Fixed: Medical tents in the Rifleman simulation should be regular tents Tweaked: AI skill in the Assault simulation has been reduced a little bit to be more forgiving Last Stand Added: Enemies can spawn with weapons from the Reaction Forces Ceator DLC if the addon has been enabled
  7. This seems ai related - we have no influence on that stuff / wouldn't even know where to start looking there. The Hellcat variant inherits from the vanilla Hellcat, so its stats are almost identical except for the MFD hud and the weapon pylons.
  8. The Ghost Hawk doesn't have pip screens like our vehicles. The Pickup has 3 pips (left, right, center mirror) and the Cougar has at least the gunner camera, or the 2D map in the unarmed variant. Also some of the civ variants have an optional mirror, which is also a pip screen. I believe it's simply a hardware issue, since I have constant 60fps (frame lock) in the Cougar. Here's the thing: The external LOD has more selections and more polys AND actually shows some of the instruments enabled same as in 1st person LOD. Basically, LOD0 is heavier than the View Pilot. The only actual difference is that the View Pilot has pip screens, while the external LOD0 has none. There is no script or anything else running that would drain performance when in 1st person but not in 3rd person.
  9. There is no Wildcat, it's "Hellcat" for all of them. That's why I didn't change Czapla either. Wildcat was used in Arma 2.
  10. You can play through the scenario without bothering about intel at all. So at least there's that. Now regarding the crash -- I don't think this one is on us, since we are using the default hold action from the game. Also nobody else so far has reported such a crash and the last update was over a year ago. It's a bit unlikely that something broke in the mission direct. Maybe you could try to validate your game files via Steam, but not sure if that would help anything. Other than that, you should post the error .rpt log. Maybe something about the crash can be found inside there. It should be under C:\Users\<your profile>\AppData\Local\Arma 3
  11. I hope you know that this is an incredibly important detail that changes literally everything about this issue? 😄
  12. Don't know how people are landing to destroy it on touchdown. Even in my hardest landings everything is fine. And in the harsher ones where I manage to get it damaged, even vanilla helicopters will be damaged. My guess is people aren't landing it straight but angle it or something? In that case the dampers probably won't work their magic correctly, so it's a pilot error? In any case, without repro, nothing can be done. 2. Same here, need repro, else nothing can be done. If I touch down hard from height into the water (even "just" 2 or 3 meters), the helicopter is usually done for.
  13. lexx

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Yes, it's fixed in the upcoming patch.
  14. lexx

    Reaction Forces - Changelog

    Reaction Forces v1.0.1 General Added: Pickup (HMG) variant Added: Tan and Olive texture variants for the AH-11F Hellcat Added: "Argana Royal" (National Police) texture variant for the Laws of War Van, fitting to the Pickup livery of the same name Fixed: Cougar helicopter would get damaged when landed while Advanced Flight Model is enabled Fixed: Typos in various translations Fixed: EventHandler inheritance in some object classes Fixed: Custom Game Options - MP behavior on server when Reaction Forces is not enabled (always visible helicopter gauges HUD) Fixed: Tactical Vest Rig model had shadow issues when a Ghillie suit was equipped Fixed: Spotlight related action names on the Pickup will only show up now if the headlights are on Fixed: Breaks on the Pickup were rotating with the wheels Fixed: Hole in the Twin Mortar artillery range, also improved AI handling a little bit Fixed: Stray polygon in lower LOD of the H6 rifle Fixed: The G19 pistol 65Rnd magazine had a lower velocity than the other magazine variants Fixed: Changed all G19 pistol magazine config classes to Type=16 Fixed: Typo in Pickup texture config entry Fixed: QRF Sharpshooter soldier classes were missing their binoculars Fixed: JIP client couldn't see Wildfire properly Tweaked: RC40 HE and Smoke drones can now be detonated with the fire action (left mouse button by default) instead of just the action menu Tweaked: RC40 speed increased slightly Tweaked: Various smaller G19 pistol and attachment texture improvements Tweaked: Since the HADES H6 rifle has a folding stock, it can now fit into backpacks Tweaked: Veles rifle distance sound have more punch now Tweaked: Improved Cougar helicopter crew survivability Tweaked: AH-11F Hellcat default color is now Olive to fit better into the rest of the NATO lineup Tweaked: The MH-245 Cougar now fires both equipped pylon weapons at the same time if they are of the same type Tweaked: Improvements to the Wildfire Module to reduce desyncs Tweaked: Bucket performance update/pond detection for improved compatibility with other CDLC terrains Tweaked: Replaced various Pickup (MMG) faction variants with the new (HMG). The old vehicle variant classes are now hidden by default Missions Air Control Added: If the Western Sahara CDLC is enabled, some of its vehicles are added into the randomized vehicle spawn and motor pool (usable terminal athe FOBs) Fixed: Wrong evac task description Fixed: Player was able to teleport other players if they are in the same team Fixed: Base attribute values weren't broadcasted correctly to JIPs Fixed: Scripted error related to the destroy structure task Fixed: Debug message was shown when calling artillery Fixed: EXP were removed from the wrong player when requesting a supply box via the support menu Fixed: After respawning, the player will now be the leader of his own group again Fixed: Script error when players are not around the supply drop point Fixed: Localization issues in MP (name of marker, FOBs and 3D hints) Fixed: Catapult guys will move to the side when the player is getting closer in a UAV Tweaked: Expanded task locations for infantry Tweaked: FOB Casino will now be unlocked after the Telos base is captured Tweaked: Casualties limits for end endscreen Tweaked: Prevention/safeguards in code to prevent certain script errors Tweaked: Fast travel condition due to JIP issues Tweaked: Vehicles can appear in destroy structure task Tweaked: Enemy supply and garrison income Tweaked: Increased cost of AI vehicles (requiring more supplies) Cashpoint Added: Mk18 to the robbers weapon pool Fixed: Alarm circle marker was duplicating Fixed: Prisoner will be returned to prison if he clips out Fixed: Bail money was removed from the requester and also from robbers money pool at the same time Fixed: Unlocalized marker Fixed: Prison walls are indestructible now Fixed: Release prisoners after bail was paid (dedicated server issue) Tweaked: Bail can be paid from already delivered money QRF Tweaked: Position of HVT in the research base location
  15. This is already fixed for the patch release soon™️.