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Found 27 results

  1. Hello, I'm a complete newbie in the field of modding in games, I've never done this before, I don't know where to start, I want to create a vehicle BMP-2M, I know that it seems to be on the Internet, but I want to create my own version , I have a friend who is obsessed with military vehicles, I would like to create several vehicles for him. Where should I start, what should I use? (I want to warn you that English is not my native language, I mostly use a translator, but sometimes it translates very clumsily, so I may not understand something, sorry)
  2. Hello, I want to make a scope pack with a lot of optics. But Im confused about how to do it. Looking at arma samples... I dont know if I have to seperate the lens from the tube or its another texture slot... So... How a scope should be modeled? Is there any guide or video where explains how to do it? Im using blender!
  3. BIForums personal (highlights) Gun light flash - how to remove or decrease 15th anniversary of OFP/CWA DXDLL - advanced tweaking (and 12th anniversary) 14th anniversary of OFP:CWC transitionsSimple making trees disappear when destroyed PRIMARY in config.cpp (regarding weapons)? Exclude face class(es) Berghoff's nature packs alignment fix ButtonFullSave Proxy driver/cargo - action relation DXDLL source code bn880's Tracers 1.25 Grades in CfgWeapons Discover and Identify IncomingMissile EventHandler [FIX] Workaround for faulty texture sorting (units visible through smoke, etc) Island Map in a Dialog MiniMap script This thread (highlights) Sniper crouch (animation) test 'Forest experiment' 'Building destruction experiment' (01) coop @c2 papier - intro Bike horn test (cut) JAM Smokeblock FDF smokeblock Handgun visibleSize bug (01) Handgun visibleSize bug (02) 'Parachute experiment' 'Mirror image experiment' 'Physics experiment' 'When a game becomes a meme' Adding user values to your models will increase the section count dramatically. 'Building destruction experiment' (02) ClimbOver Animation JumpOver Animation Building destruction (01) Building destruction (comparison) Forest destruction Forest destruction (comparison) Obscuring AI field of view after forest destruction Climbing script An example of model rescaling via island-editor Fixing forest ViewGeometry (01) Improved AI scipt (Take Cover script) Fixing forest ViewGeometry (02) Comparison of original and fixed Forest ViewGeometry CCS - @customfix cargo system (01) CCS - @customfix cargo system (02) On-the-fly loading of island's buildings Building destruction (02) Use view geometry lods to Occlude sunlight Totally Destructible Environment (TDE) 'A fallen static objects' geometries bug' HUD Evolution How to fix broken triangle-shaped forest model How I discovered the way Forest ViewGeometry works How to make Forest use ViewGeometry components How to build proper Forest ViewGeometry -benchmark Models replacement via mission folder FILE(s) NOT FOUND Security Flaw & Fix Checkfiles Aspect Ratio registry-derived issue Usage of black texture for ignoring FireGeometry components Fast Addon Testing SQUAD.XML - Problem & Solution A lone road sign on Everon Automatic Body Removal A lone road sign on Kolgujev Zamerny - memory point Geometry of fallen tree - FIXED The tallest OFP/ACWA model 1.96 vs 1.99 Gamma & Brightness (G&B) settings An update on HUD Evolution Change OFP/ACWA in-game fonts globally via CfgFonts Secret 5T-Truck Crate Animate (rotation) bug A 2nd update on HUD Evolution
  4. Hi All, I'm new to texturing and messing around with different mats, maps, etc with Arma, so i don't really know what's going on here. Currently, I'm trying to figure out why my model always has the same stretched and scuffed areas on the models texture even though they are all using different UV maps? I'll show some screenshots showing different textures and maps being used, but no matter what the same areas on the model are disgusting (ignore the actual textures, they're only there for testing this issue) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/smCrKS7 Furthermore, its almost like it hasn't even changed from the very first prototype UV I did - even though they're different maps that have been exported from blender (each model has a different and modified unwrapped blender .png), then into paint (to apply the crap textures), then changed into the .paa's for the game. At the top of the backpack models, they're constantly being stretched, I just don't understand why and how - Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers, Tom.
  5. Hi All - Hope everyone is doing well, I've got a little problem here that i didn't have 1 month ago. I recently after 4 weeks starting to work on my custom backpack mod again, and for some reason it seems that Arma now cannot find the icons or models for the packs. The config is correct (at least i think it is - it was working and the items DO appear in the Virtual Arsenal list, just no .paa files and .p3d models.) I don't really understand what has changed, but obviously something has happened. I will post the config below - but again, it is working because the mod and the mod contents appear in game, just no models or icons. It almost like the config model and picture paths to the objects is hidden or prohibited when loaded in game? I will add imgur images to show the file directories and example files. The mod is called A3MOD (for testing purposes i haven't changed it) then it has Addons, then the A3MOD PBO, then the contents (objects, icons, textures - textures aren't implemented yet though) Icons: Objects: CONFIG.CPP: class CfgPatches { class A3MOD { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[]={}; author = "Tommy"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land; class Man: Land { class ViewPilot; }; class CAManBase; class B_AssaultPack_cbr; ////////////////////////////BAGS///////////////////////////////// class BF_Pack_Iteration1_OB: B_AssaultPack_cbr { displayName = "BF - Assault Pack"; author="Tommy"; model = "\@A3MOD\Addons\A3MOD\objects\BF\BF_Pack_Iteration1_OB.p3d"; picture = "\@A3MOD\Addons\A3MOD\icons\bf.paa"; icon = "\@A3MOD\Addons\A3MOD\icons\bf.paa"; descriptionShort = "Small and lightweight assault pack perfect for small operations"; transportMaxMagazines = 8; transportMaxWeapons = 1; }; }; Any help would be GREATLY appreciated - perhaps its something right in front of me that i cannot see, or maybe i'm just blind. Cheers guys. EDIT: This is what appears in-game https://imgur.com/a/FMxed1W
  6. Hey guys, I've got 2 separate issues with a model of mine. I made a ball and I basically want it to roll down a hill with Physx. This all works, partly. This is the p3d with textures: https://puu.sh/sPkxb/a71ff2427e.zip config: class ref_ball_big : Land_DuctTape_F { author = ""; simulation="thing"; scope = 2; displayName = "Big ball"; vehicleClass = "r_ent"; hiddenSelections[] = {""}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ref_losttemple\ballbig\ballbig_co.paa"}; model = "ref_losttemple\ballbig\ballbig"; armor = 100; destrType = "DestructMan"; mass = 500; }; I'm new at this, and I've been reading up a lot and making progress. First issue: Only after I enabled the physx (setVelocity) the ball collides with players/objects. As soon as it comes to a stop it doesn't have any form of collision. I have a Geometry with Component01 and mass. It's fully closed. What am I missing? Fixed this issue. Apparently I didn't build the last pbo with the component. Second issue: I'm completely new to texturing. Somethings wrong with the texture of the ball, some parts aren't colored correctly and appear to 'shine through'. This is probably because I messed up either the rvmat or the ballbig_nohq.paa. The mapping and everything is correct (done with blender), it's just that somehow the colors are a bit off.Image of the ball. What I did now is just save the ballbig_co.paa and nohq.paa, and I'm guessing that is wrong. I don't really need the ball to look fancy so I don't mind the ball having no structure at all (from my understand that's what the nohq does. What would be the best approach to this? I've tried looking up what the different stages mean, but I'm having a hard time finding any good documentation on it. The arma wiki is a bit vague on this. Rvmat (also in the zip): Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Hi all, I've recently taken my first steps in arma modding and have successfully created an object in blender, added textures and materials, imported to the game etc etc. Consists of 7 components and 4 different textures. I'm attaching a picture of it below: It's basically an airport taxiway direction sign, for immersion. These 3 "displays" with letters on them are their own components in the custom LOD (display_L, display_M, display_R) and have an emissive material applied to them (no texture in the material), which works pretty great. However, I would like to be able to switch the textures on those displays with scripting (setObjectTexture command), and I''ve been trying to use hiddenSections for that with no luck so far. When I run getObjectTextures on the object, it returns the ones that are set in the config. If I run setObjectTexture and then getObjectTextures, it gets updated, but nothing changes on the model. Model has these 7 components and display_L, display_M and display_R have the same textures assigned to them in the object editor as the ones mentioned in the config. Here's my configs: model.cfg class CfgModels { class Default { skeletonName = ""; sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {}; }; class VAP_DTD_SIGN : Default { skeletonName = "VAP_DTD_SIGN_Skeleton"; sections[] = { "body", "display_L", "display_M", "display_R", "Leg1", "Leg2", "Leg3" }; }; }; class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class VAP_DTD_SIGN_Skeleton : Default { skeletonBones[] = { "display_L", "", "display_M", "", "display_R", "" }; }; }; config.cpp class CfgPatches { class VESTARR_AIRPORT_PROPS { requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F"}; name = "Name"; author = "Vestarr"; url = ""; requiredVersion = 0.1; units[] = {"VAP_DTD_SIGN"}; weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Thing; class VAP_DTD_SIGN : Thing { displayName = "D-T-D Taxiway Sign"; author = "Vestarr"; editorPreview = "\airportshit\data\dtd_sign\icons\dtd_sign_icon.paa"; scope = 2; mapSize = 0.9; accuracy = 1; destrType = "DestructNo"; model = "\airportshit\data\dtd_sign\objects\dtd_sign.p3d"; hiddenSelections[] = {"display_L","display_M","display_R"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\airportshit\data\common\textures\taxiway_dir_b_9_ca.paa", "\airportshit\data\common\textures\taxiway_mark_a_ca.paa", "\airportshit\data\common\textures\taxiway_dir_b_9_ca.paa"}; }; }; Also my material, in case it matters: ambient[]={1,1,1,1}; diffuse[]={1,1,1,1}; forcedDiffuse[]={0,0,0,1}; emmisive[]={100, 80, 28,0.2}; specular[]={0,0,0}; specularPower=2; PixelShaderID="Normal"; VertexShaderID="Basic"; Can anyone shed some light how does this thing work and how to use it properly? I'm really confused.
  8. Hey folks, I am currently developing a Coast Guard Addon for Arma 3. I already modded a Coast Guard Faction and Uniforms as well as Boats and a Helicopter, and now I want to add some special Objects. A rescue basket and a life raft. I am pretty good at making 3d Models of technical objects so that was no challenge. However I am not really good at scripting configs for Arma 3 and working with the Object Builder. So I could use your help. Here is a model of the rescue basket I made https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1862964052 I was able to implement it into Arma but I need to add some features and solve some problems with your help. Features I have to add: -basket floats on water (implemented) -basket can be slingloaded to a helicopter (implemented) -basket has 2 passenger "seats" one for the survivor sitting in the basket and one for the rescue swimmer hanging on the side of the basket (implemented) -basket has strobelights for night operation (not really implemented) -lights can be toggled Problems: -basket is static, it won't fall down if placed in the air (fixed) -i dont know how to get textures on the basket (worked around) -basket doesnt move if a vehicle crashed into it (fixed) -crew view position is not where its supposed to be -sling loading behaves odd -light sources don't relly emit light to the environment Basically I want the basket to be a Boat which can't be driven because it has no motor. This is the current config of the basket class cfgPatches { class Rescue_Basket { units[] = {"Rescue_Basket"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1 requiredAddons[] = {}; }; class Life_Raft_8 { units[] = {"Life_Raft_8"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1 requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Boat_F; class Rescue_Basket : Boat_F { side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Coast Guard"; model = "\Coast-Guard-Objects\Basket.p3d"; slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"}; displayName = "Rettungskorb"; }; class Life_Raft_8 : Boat_F { side = 1; scope = 2; faction = "Coast Guard"; model = "\Coast-Guard-Objects\LifeRaft8.p3d"; slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"}; displayName = "Rettungsinsel (8 Personen)"; }; };
  9. Im new to the modelling i made myself a workable car but i want to make turn in out position with workable hatch and when the person turn out they would be able to shoot (FFV). Is there any tutorial or something ? So far what i searched i couldnt find anything. Any help would be welcome thx :)
  10. Hello guys, I am new to modelling here but I am having a problem with my geomtry lods. I made a basic model (PC case) and I am able to see it in game. BUT, My geometry lods don't work. I can drive, walk and shoot through my basic model. I followed a tutorial on youtube and made a basic shape that outlines the model (a cube). The shape has no non convexities and I did find compunents+ add a mass to the geometry lods. The author of the video says everything looks good, and that it should work, but it just doesn't and ends up like this. https://gyazo.com/6c88f9c9807626fa9f897edebfdae96c I used mikeroe's pboProject to build the PBO and also tried using addon builder. Still no luck. Here is a link to my files: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4yu6k1jixv43ixt/JAF_pccase.rar Any help would be appreciated as I am pulling my hair out right now Thanks for reading! EDIT: I got it to work ONLY when it is under CfgVehicles but it refuses to work under CfgMagazines? Could anyone please add to this?
  11. Hi guys i have some questions about creating a custom building for arma 3. Did i need to model a new door with hinges, handles if i want to put a door in my building ? Windows need a model too ?
  12. Hey guys, I ve seen a Clip with the unsung mod. Someone create an epic battlebus and I want to do this on my own. The Normal way is to merge objects with the attachto command in the eden editor. But I think it will take much time to get the right position of the objects. Now my question. Can i merge all the objects i need in the o2 together? My truck should have some static mgs a flak or something else and sandbags on the Plattform. I want that the vehicle is a single unit what i can place again and again in my missons. I am sorry but i am a greenhorn in modelling. I will learn it to bring myself to the next level of creating cool stuff for arma 3. So thanks for your help :)
  13. Hey guys, I am making a new model (one of my first ever) and I am trying to simulate a translucent red glass for the back lights on the car like in this picture. https://gyazo.com/c2b99acb7abae508fd05fdc3f085c798 But this is what I end up with. https://gyazo.com/03975503ee0f4826570086bbf157a1d0 This is the face properties. https://gyazo.com/1049b7a39af6a82d6ce3558685608f9e Any help would be appreciated as I am currently pulling my hair out. Thanks for reading!
  14. I have been trying to animate the door but cant seem to get a few things right, i have read this over and over but cant figure out what i had done wrong, is there any way someone has a tutorial on a step to step basis on how to do it, would be much grateful :)
  15. So, I'm new to modelling and made a test building. I got all the geometry, phys and shadow lods working nicely, but my object seems transparant? Here is a gif of what it looks like. https://gyazo.com/cbedb41b5a7a690b1345d6a3769dd7ae Help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  16. Hi guys, I'm wondering how to change the particles (and the sound) that fly around when you shoot at a certain object. Per default it always looks and sounds like you're shooting the ground. Thank you for your help! :-)
  17. Hey, I'm working on the config of a model I created but I'm having trouble with the config of the Physx, more precisely the speed. I am aware of the normal reason for this, being that the memory points for the wheels aren't all the same diameter but that isn't the case, the warrior was stuck at about 12-13km/h when this was the case with the sprockets at a different size but after fixing this the new max speed is a whopping 8 km/h! picture of the memory LOD for the axis & bounds: physX.hpp link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_clmWh1yXm2z_BAag3cgdt9eqgLZv-DU model.cfg link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YTLLd0_N6zpp9vNuSeWGRRM9dN2k8ABo The only thing I can think of might be the mass? The mass for the geometry is 25400.0 and the mass for the Geometry PhysX is 6.45. Pictures of both: Any help is very very appreciated!
  18. nacrogamers

    help for the texture

    hello, I just started to create addon for weapon 3 but i can not build textures for hd buildings, like photoshop programs thank you for the help. sorry for my English.
  19. Hi All, I'm busy working through the Process of getting a vest into Arma. After slogging through problems with my RVMAT and the fabric looking way too "Metallic" I stumbled upon this problem: Some weird looking pixels on only one specific material surface of the model. They definitely aren't there on the texture: I figured I'm maybe missing something important in my RVMAT file, so here it is: Anyone encountered this before? Thanks in Advance, RS.
  20. This is my first post, so I'll begin by apologising for any rules I may break or any syntax issues. Secondly, Im Trying to remodel an entire Arma 3 unit for a mod I am creating. The model was imported to Object builder no worries, I then took my time to follow every tutorial I could get my hands on regarding rigging and setting the unit up to be a playable unit in game. Here is a list of everything that has been done up till now (Without knowing any extra steps): -LODs and Texture set up and working, tested in engine and in game. -Geometry working. -Memory components set up (Now these memory points were used for the Arma 2 example). -Weighting selection to allow for animations (So tedious). - model.cfg and config set up correctly (hopefully). Now when I load it into game, everything works fine, the class path, the textures, I can even control as player, and he moves around as normal. EXCEPT, the model remains in the default "T" stance and about half way through the floor. Does anyone know anywhere I could look, or give me any information on how I can make this work. (Please let me know if you need any more details, like images or my config and model.cfg)
  21. Hey, does anyone know how to deselect vertices in Object Builder? I couldn't find anything on the internet. Thanks in advance :)
  22. Hi, I have been making a custom building and am on the final few stages of it, However I cant seem to get the windows to work (I have never done windows before and am a bit lost) If anyone could link me to a guide on how to do windows that would be much appreciated or tell me what I need to do in the comments. Config.cpp #include "config_macros_glass.hpp" class CfgPatches { class CG_CityBank { unit[] = {"CG_CityBank"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Structures_F"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class House; class House_F: House{}; class CG_CityBank : House_F { scope = 2; model = "\CG_Buildings\CG_CityBank.p3d"; displayName = "City Bank"; vehicleClass = "CG_Category"; editorCategory = "CG_Category"; edtiorSubcategory = "CG_Structures"; cost = 50000; author = "CG_JimmyBulmer"; class AnimationSources { class Door_01_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 2; }; class Door_02_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 2; }; class Door_03_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 2; }; class Door_04_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 2; }; class Door_05_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class Door_06_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class Door_07_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class Door_08_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 1; }; class VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 10; }; class VaultDoor_Full_Rotation { source = "user"; initPhase = 0; animPeriod = 10; }; class Glass_1_Source { source="Hit"; hitpoint = "Glass_1_"; }; }; class UserActions { class VaultDoor_Open { displayName = "Open Vault Door"; position = "VaultDoor_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation"", 1]; this animate[""VaultDoor_Full_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class VaultDoor_Close { displayName = "Close Vault Door"; position = "VaultDoor_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""VaultDoor_Full_Rotation"", 0]; this animate [""VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation"",0];"; }; class Front_Door_Right_Open { displayName = "Open Doors"; position = "FrontDoor_Right_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_01_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_01_Rotation"", 1]; this animate [""Door_02_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Front_Door_Right_Close { displayName = "Close Doors"; position = "FrontDoor_Right_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_01_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_01_Rotation"", 0]; this animate [""Door_02_Rotation"", 0];"; }; class Front_Door_Left_Open { displayName = "Open Doors"; position = "FrontDoor_Left_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_03_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_03_Rotation"", 1]; this animate [""Door_04_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Front_Door_Left_Close { displayName = "Close Doors"; position = "FrontDoor_Left_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_03_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_03_Rotation"", 0]; this animate [""Door_04_Rotation"", 0];"; }; class Door_05_Open { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "Door_05_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_05_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_05_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Door_05_Close { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "Door_05_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_05_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_05_Rotation"", 0];"; }; class Door_06_Open { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "Door_06_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_06_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_06_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Door_06_Close { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "Door_06_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_06_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_06_Rotation"", 0];"; }; class Door_07_Open { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "Door_07_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_07_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_07_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Door_07_Close { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "Door_07_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_07_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_07_Rotation"", 0];"; }; class Door_08_Open { displayName = "Open Door"; position = "Door_08_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_08_Rotation"" < 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_08_Rotation"", 1];"; }; class Door_08_Close { displayName = "Close Door"; position = "Door_08_Trigger"; radius = 2; onlyForPlayer = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""Door_08_Rotation"" >= 0.5"; statement = "this animate [""Door_08_Rotation"", 0];"; }; }; }; }; Model.cfg class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class CG_CityBank_bones : Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[] = { "Door_01","", "Door_02","", "Door_03","", "Door_04","", "Door_05","", "Door_06","", "Door_07","", "Door_08","", "VaultDoor_Full","", "VaultDoor_Handle","VaultDoor_Full", "VaultDoor_Handle_Axis","VaultDoor_Full", "Glass_1_Hide","", "Glass_1_Unhide","" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class CG_CityBank : Default { skeletonName = "CG_CityBank_bones"; sections[] = { "Glass_1_Hide" }; sectionsInherit = ""; class Animations { class VaultDoor_Handle_Rotation { type="rotationZ"; source="user"; selection="VaultDoor_Handle"; axis="VaultDoor_Handle_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=0.25; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 360"; }; class VaultDoor_Full_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="VaultDoor_Full"; axis="VaultDoor_Full_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0.25; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 90"; }; class Door_01_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_01"; axis="Door_01_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -100"; }; class Door_02_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_02"; axis="Door_02_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 100"; }; class Door_03_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_03"; axis="Door_03_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 100"; }; class Door_04_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_04"; axis="Door_04_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -100"; }; class Door_05_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_05"; axis="Door_05_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -105"; }; class Door_06_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_06"; axis="Door_06_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 105"; }; class Door_07_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_07"; axis="Door_07_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad -100"; }; class Door_08_Rotation { type="rotation"; source="user"; selection="Door_08"; axis="Door_08_Axis"; memory=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animPeriod=0; angle0=0; angle1="rad 100"; }; class Glass_1_Hide { type="hide"; source="Glass_1_Source"; selection="Glass_1_Hide"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; hideValue=0.99999; }; class Glass_1_Unhide: Glass_1_Hide { selection="Glass_1_unhide"; hideValue=0; unhideValue=0.99999; }; }; }; }; config_macros_glass.hpp #define DOOR_GLASS_HITPOINT(glassID,arm,rad) \ class Glass_##glassID##_hitpoint \ { \ armor = arm; \ material = -1; \ name = Glass_##glassID; \ visual = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ passThrough = 0; \ radius = rad; \ convexComponent = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ class DestructionEffects \ { \ class BrokenGlass1 \ { \ simulation = "particles"; \ type = "BrokenGlass1ND"; \ position = Glass_##glassID##_effects; \ intensity = 0.15000001; \ interval = 1; \ lifeTime = 0.05; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7ND"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass1S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass1SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6SD"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7SD"; \ }; \ }; \ }; #define BIG_GLASS_HITPOINT(glassID,arm,rad) \ class Glass_##glassID##_hitpoint \ { \ armor = arm; \ material = -1; \ name = Glass_##glassID; \ visual = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ passThrough = 0; \ radius = rad; \ convexComponent = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ class DestructionEffects \ { \ class BrokenGlass1 \ { \ simulation = "particles"; \ type = "BrokenGlass1NB"; \ position = Glass_##glassID##_effects; \ intensity = 0.15000001; \ interval = 1; \ lifeTime = 0.05; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7NB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass1S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass1SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6SB"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7SB"; \ }; \ }; \ }; #define NORMAL_GLASS_HITPOINT(glassID,arm,rad) \ class Glass_##glassID##_hitpoint \ { \ armor = arm; \ material = -1; \ name = Glass_##glassID; \ visual = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ passThrough = 0; \ radius = rad; \ convexComponent = Glass_##glassID##_hide; \ class DestructionEffects \ { \ class BrokenGlass1 \ { \ simulation = "particles"; \ type = "BrokenGlass1NN"; \ position = Glass_##glassID##_effects; \ intensity = 0.15000001; \ interval = 1; \ lifeTime = 0.05; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7NN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass1S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass1SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass2S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass2SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass3S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass3SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass4S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass4SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass5S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass5SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass6S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass6SN"; \ }; \ class BrokenGlass7S: BrokenGlass1 \ { \ type = "BrokenGlass7SN"; \ }; \ }; \ }; Im sure that those configs aren't right (the macros is just copied from the ARMA samples. If anyone could show me how to A - remove the need for macros and have it done inside the config.cpp and B how to get it working, or link me a guide I will be very grateful I would like to also note at the moment only one window is in the p3d I have the visual lod defined as Glass_1_Hide and Glass_1_Unhide, the GEO lod has just Glass_1_Hide (as well as physX) There is no memory lod for it (that ive put anyway) and the hitpoints are Glass_1 there is only 4 vertices in each corner(between each two vertices in top right, left ect)
  23. Hello there! I'm looking for a clear list of which different "texture layers" (or maps) to make for my model and I would like some advise for where to look for tutorials etc. As of now, I know of these types of maps: Diffuse (General color) Opacity (Opacity, greyscale) Bump map (White is "pop-out") Normal map (Something like bumpmap, but different?) Specular map (Shinyness) Glow map (Glow in the dark, used on chemlights?) Reflection map (The how well if reflects other objects) source for this list. When texturing, is it correct that maps I assign to the model in blender, will be carried over to Arma through Object builder? - In that case, I should be able to use general blender-texturing tutorials as reference, right? As of now, this video is the best explanation of realistic texturing in blender, I have found. Any kind of pointing-towards-where-I-can-learn-more is much appreciated! // JustMathew
  24. Welcome if you are a complete Noob in making models for games I will teach you a few things ive learned, please feel free to add information on this topic for others to expand their knowledge ( 3d models only, no texturing, SDK, sound). 1) you will need a 3d editing program, (there are two programs which I have worked with and that is 3ds max 2014 and Blender.) you may be asking yourself or me down in the comment section, "what is the difference between 3ds max and blender" well the difference between them are very minor in what they can accomplish however what makes Blender my preferred tool is that blender is completely open sourced meaning that anyone can improve upon blender and its tools with scripts they even include all the good stuff later in future updates without the need to search on websites for them! another advantage to blender is that its completely free no bs licencing, student version ect ! it does everything that 3ds max does and more. tons of free tutorials on youtube for you to learn, dont forget blender.com and similar websites have great step by step tutorials encase you forgot how to do something but be warned blender has had many revisions done to it which has changed some things around what ive found is that anything newer then 2012 should be relevant to the current version of blender. :) 2) I know you want to open Blender and start fooling around with making your model but first you will need to educate yourself. here are some great youtubers who are really great at what they do. BlenderForNoobs > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgg_IAVh6t8hV_Cd_6CNke7GPZ49NZado BornCG > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLda3VoSoc_TR7X7wfblBGiRz-bvhKpGkS Blender Guru CG Masters CG Cookie Blender > Arrumus 3D > he does very good videos on how to make models in 3d programs but he uses 3ds max still there is so much you can learn from his videos and I highly recommend watching his videos once you have a decent understanding of blender. https://www.blender.org/manual/contents.html 3) ... Ok so finally you are ready to start making models in blender, first is to choose what you want to make... I recommend that you should choose a weapon first. ok so once that is done start looking for high res images on the internet which encompasses a wide amount of angles of what you are trying to model the more the better... start working on the left or right side first depending on the reference image you are using. be advised that some weapons have varying detail depending on a number of conditions for instance the SVD has a number of differences depending on year of production, the SVD 1963 model first production has a 3 holed hand guard on each side, receivers vary on production and country manufacture there are two types of military receivers type one with lighting cuts, type 2 which are smooth without magazine cutouts on the outside, there are 2 versions of flash hiders on standard SVD one a common and the other a rare early production for the 1963 to 64 models. for receiver covers there are 4 types of covers, the most common is the soviet model ribbed with side pinchs on the rear, 2) ribbed cover without pinchs, 3) angle cuts) 4 irak model which is distinctly different from all other types again I would like to stress the differences between weapons can vary from a simple screw head found on the left side to something such as a shortened barrel version of the same weapon... Start making your Highpoly gon model, a high polygon is used for baking the models detail in a low polygon model which is used in game. a good rule of thumb is to make anything that is made in one piece to remain in once piece on your model ( for instance a romanian akm has a ugly wooden forgrip made out of one piece this should be reflected in your model , however sometimes it can be beneficial do the complete opposite however this is rare. please do not make a model out of one single mesh this is a common rookie mistake! Low Polygon models are the in game meshes, the point of low poly models is to create efficient models for the game which reduce resource usage drastically, faux detail is baked on to the low poly model using the high poly/ floating geometry in the form of texture maps. low polygon models are in simple terms the silhouette of the model... Tips Always try to model your high polygon in Quads, tris are ok if no alternative can be made however can create issues. Use Mirror or symmetry modifier to reduce work load Use snapping for make repeating geometry Use the subdivision modifier when you are making your high poly this will reduce work load by a large amount and create a nice smooth model. Use Support edges when modeling a cutout such as a hole in a hand guard. this will make sharper detail when sub dividing modeling something cylindrical will always be close to scale when you use a reference image :D Dont be afraid of using floating geometry for recessed screw heads, hand guard cut outs and a few other things this will drastically reduce time in modeling your high poly model. Things like stamped lettering and fine checkering on a pistol like a 1911 can be done in Photoshop or similar programs wtih little headache, make repeating checkering in blender and bake them on a plain and use the normal maps textures in photoshop. Create an archive of meshes which can be used for future projects such as bolt heads, hex, slotted, Philips ect... Do try not to model things which will never be seen, for instance the internally trigger assemble of a weapon will never be seen... however a bolt head on a bolt of an automatic weapon will never be seen by the average player or if only for less then a second so go easy on the detail and try not to stress yourself on such useless detail. refer to your reference images ever so often Make constant saves of your work with different titles this is very easy to do in blender I will be adding images in the future. feel free to add content to the topic and never give up on doing something because its hard... if anything keep pushing or try again another day :) Low Polygon models are the in game
  25. Greetings, I'm making a headgear addon (already my 3d one) and all of a sudden I'm experiencing a problem: I've made a model, made .p3d file, created all necessary selections (as in my previous addons which were okay, after experiencing the problem I tried binarizing the previous models again and got the problem which I hadn't had before), assigned textures, made the modelconfig, binarized it, made the cfgWeapons class, the headgear item is present in game, but when I put the headgear on the player it's not visible at all, no shadows or anything. And it's not the "autocenter" problem. However, when I take off the item and put it on the ground, the model is visible, everything's fine, with all textures. I suspect it has something to do with the updates (the mods I made earlier, in May-September 2015 were fine) but not really sure. UPDATE: nevermind, please remove this thread. I apologize for posting it here, already found the problem -- good old "model" instead of the "uniformModel" fail :(