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Found 20 results

  1. I would like to know what steps I should follow to configure a custom head in the scripts, model.cfg, and config.cpp as shown in these tutorials and examples, to achieve the same result, or provide me with guidance or other links that can help. Examples: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198375402218/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  2. Hello everyone, I'm encountering an issue while trying to import models with shape keys into the Enfusion engine, specifically while working on patches for Arma Reforger using the RHS Status Quo mod. It seems that after downloading and modifying the files from the official RHS Status Quo page, the shape keys are not properly reflected when imported into Enfusion. Here are the steps I've taken and the details of the issue: Step 1: Verification of Compatibility and Format Ensure Enfusion Compatibility: I've checked to see if Enfusion supports the import and rendering of shape keys or morph targets. However, I couldn't find clear documentation on this. Can anyone confirm if Enfusion is indeed compatible with shape keys? Confirm File Format: The files I've downloaded and modified are in the standard FBX format. I assume this format should be compatible with Enfusion, but I'm open to suggestions if there's a better format to use. Step 2: Modification Process in Blender Shape Keys in Blender: Before exporting the modified model, I made sure that the shape keys are properly configured in Blender and are displaying correctly in the animation view. Export from Blender: During the export process from Blender, I ensured that all relevant options for shape keys were selected, such as "Shape Keys" in the geometry section and "Selected Objects" in the inclusion section, as per the recommended steps. Step 3: Import into Enfusion Import Process in Enfusion: I followed the standard import procedure in Enfusion for the modified models, the problem i have is that when im in a world testing, or when im cheking the xob imported, i dont see the shape keys
  3. ive tried exporting but whenever i export it doesn't want to work, every video i see shows a different window opening when i go to export. i cant get any help anywhere else so ill try here
  4. How do I apply _SMDI and _AS maps into texture maps I can apply in Blender? If needed to convert, how can I do that? Any tutorials?
  5. I have this error while exporting my Blender model into .p3d Python: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Norbi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\ArmaToolbox\__init__.py", line 223, in execute exportMDL(self, filePtr, self.selectionOnly); File "C:\Users\Norbi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\ArmaToolbox\..\ArmaToolbox\MDLexporter.py", line 511, in exportMDL export_lod(filePtr, obj, wm, idx) File "C:\Users\Norbi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\ArmaToolbox\..\ArmaToolbox\MDLexporter.py", line 423, in export_lod writeFaces(filePtr, obj, mesh) File "C:\Users\Norbi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons\ArmaToolbox\..\ArmaToolbox\MDLexporter.py", line 111, in writeFaces raise RuntimeError("Model " + obj.name + " contains n-gons and cannot be exported") RuntimeError: Model View Geometry contains n-gons and cannot be exported Can anybody help?
  6. Hey, here's a tutorial covering; - setup of animation files - setup of blender plugin - overview of provided skeleton - importing sample animation into Reforger - adjusting sample animation to custom model Hope it helps someone, sorry for my accent and spelling errors. Its my first video ever xd Hint: I know video is long, but I added chapters if there are things you are not interested in. Make sure to use blendfile from description https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmd-coajXm4&ab_channel=czesiek77PL
  7. Hi everyone. I'm currently modding the M983 into Arma Reforger. The Enfusion engine kinda hurts my head but I'm working on it. I've been trying to get land contacts to work. I've been building the model in blender and currently for my land contacts I have copied the colliders for my wheels and renamed them with the LC_ prefix aswell as defined the material as null and renamed their material as LC_Wheels. Do I instead need to create armatures for each land contact and name them with the LC_ prefix?
  8. Hi, I'm a bit new to this and I'm not sure exactly where i went wrong but i keep getting errors when trying to use the collider setup or updating materials. I followed the instructions about unzipping the Data file and linking that as the first path in addons folder but when i click collider setup i still get: "Collider Collection is missing!". I've tried unzipping to other folders and drives and linking those without any luck. When loading in example colliders and hitting the button python gives this error: bpy.ops.scene.ebt_import_fbx(filepath="C:\\Users\\danne\\Desktop\\Blender\\laptop\\collider_shapes_examples.FBX") bpy.ops.view3d.ebt_sort() bpy.ops.view3d.ebt_colliders_setup() Python: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\danne\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\EnfusionBlenderTools\operators.py", line 1879, in invoke layerPresets = get_layer_presets() File "C:\Users\danne\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\EnfusionBlenderTools\utils.py", line 64, in get_layer_presets f = open(addon + gproj,'r') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\danne\\Desktop\\Blenderaddon.gproj' location: <unknown location>:-1 Any help is appreciated, thank you. Edit: If you list the addon folder location twice in the addon preferences menu it locates the properly.
  9. Cytech Industries

    .p3d Open with Blender

    Here is a guide to set up "Open With Blender" Option on p3d files like this:  Save this as `openp3d.bat` in your Blender folder @ECHO OFF setlocal enableDelayedExpansion @REM ! CHANGE this path to your blender.exe ! set Blender="E:\Programm\Blender3.0\blender.exe" ECHO "Starting Blender..." ECHO "Don't close this window until your done in Blender" set PythonExpr=^ import bpy, sys;^ bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='SELECT');^ bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False);^ bpy.ops.armatoolbox.import_p3d(filepath=sys.argv[-1]); for %%f in (%*) do ( set str="%%f" set str=!str:p3d=blend! echo !str! %Blender% !str! --python-expr "%PythonExpr%" -- %%f ) CHANGE line 4 to to your blender.exe path !  Use the Default Programs Editor tool to edit the context menu of .p3d files. you can download the tool here https://defaultprogramseditor.com/  Add a new context menu item and name it Open With Blender by following this steps: - Select File Type Settings - Select Context Menu - Search ".p3d" select it and click next - Click Add - Command name: "Open With Blender" - Program path: "pathTo.bat" "%1" eg: "E:\Programm\Blender3.0\openp3d\openp3d.bat" "%1" ( You can use the Browse... function ) - Item Icon: Blender.exe icon found in your blender Install directory. - Click Next - Save Context Menu and you are done. Now you can right click Open With Blender .p3d files It even works with multiple selected files This Script was made for Cytech by Atom_Monky
  10. EDIT Got it working as v 0.1 The viewgeometry needs to be way bigger than the actual geometry to feel "realistic" for anyone who's interested. ------------------------------------------------------ I have an idea that (in my mind at least) might tackle Arma AI's keen ability to see through grass and ground clutter. Essentially, I just want to put a bush in front of the player that isn't visible to the player but is to the AI. It's not quite that dumb (parameters of stance, detecting surfaceType etc and it's actually several somewhat randomly placed bushes that move with the player all aimed at making this feel truly natural) but that's the gist of it. No actual tinkering with the AI, just a hidey bush. And I want this bush to work in singleplayer as well - I mention this because I expect hideObject might be all I need in MP as it's a local only command. The way I see it, the best thing to do would be to make my own 3D model (maybe all I need is a rectangle) and make it transparent from the get go while making it completely passable to bullets and it still obscuring the AI's view. I don't know how to do this. I know Blender essentials but that's it and I don't know how Arma figures out which parts of a model are see-through, how bullets react to it or how to set up the "fake" transparency, or if what I want is possible at all. I'm looking for tips, advice, pointers at what to read, anything. Programming wise I think I will be able to stumble my way through actually coding up the logic of this at least to a proof of concept level.
  11. Hi map/terrain/environment/world… makers, this is, after working at BI/BISim for almost 10 years, my first topic created here at BI forums. In my defense, I’m mostly active in Arma 3 Maps Terrains Skype’s group, but the topic I want to share with you deserves to be discuss here(skype has short memory and is not as comfortable as forums, for such kind of discussion). The Topic? It’s of course the bLandscapeTools(bLT), an addon for Blender I’ve been already working on for the last 8 years. The main reason I started this addon was: already knew Blender wanted to improve my python scripting skills, as I like to automate or at least speed up processes many handy world creation features were not available back then, are not available now and will never be implemented in BI/BISim world creation tools Necessary to note that I never intended to write a tool which would take over the world BI/BISim tools, but rather try to fill gaps(small/large) in terrain development. Blender is a 3D modeling tool(and much more), but you can’t expect fancy features which can handle big chunks of terrains with millions of objects on it, it has its own bottlenecks and limits, but even back then I could see, that the advantage of having possibility to import terrain mesh and its textures to Blender and start placing environment content much more easier way(comparing to Buldozer) or even modeling content over a terrain is a feature that will never come into Terrain Builder/Buldozer. By sticking together Blender’s default features like sculpting, painting + powerfull API I was basically able to add many time consuming and “Visitor4/TerrainBuilder hard to get implemented” features into Blender. Let’s stop talking for now… check out my talk at BlenderConference2016 about the Blender Terrain Tools(Edit: just currently I changed the name to bLandscapeTools) so you guys can make an image of what I’ve been working on. There are some features which will be really hard(almost impossible) to release because they are closely bound to BI dev content like raw(non-binarized) P3Ds, but on the positive note bLT has some handy features not even mentioned in the video(like quality assurance tools) Why now? After the conference I got contacted by individuals and even teams, asking me where they can download the addon as they would like to have their hands on it and give it a try. So I decided to start releasing the tool bits by bits to people so they, hopefully, can have a fun time play around with bLT. Also, the fact that this year(2017) it's going to be 10 years at BI/BISim or in other words working with the RVengine, as well as, Paul Pelosi(bushlurker) suddenly passing away, made me to do this decision and release the tool. It’s also going to be a challenge and something new to me, releasing my tool to other people, it needs a change of thinking about the tool, fix some parts of the pipeline..etc. and that may take some time. How? There’s plenty of how in the front of me. I need to figure out a way how to share the tool with you guys. Github, Blender market I have in my mind right now. As mentioned already, there are features hard to release(raw P3Ds). In this case I’ll have to ask someone here in BI, if company would be willing to release let’s say at least last LODs of assets so they could be imported into Blender and used within bLT. I use Blender for over 10 years, so I’m pretty comfortable with its workflow, but this doesn’t have to apply to a newcomer. Therefore, I’ll have to take some steps to make bLT even more user friendly than it is right now. I plan to make quite some tutorials how to use Blender and bLT to user’s satisfaction. Currently, Blender development is at the stage where quite a big major changes are being implemented and to be released with Blender 2.8. There’s going to be plenty of great new features such Viewport update(supporting PBR shaders), new Layers, Workflow system and much more. This means that I’ll have to re-think some of the bLT features to support all these new improvements once they’re released. Therefore I don’t want to do any major touches into what exists in bLT now. I hope that the improvements done for 2.8 will take bLT a few steps further again, as it already happened with the transition from Blender 2.4 to 2.5+. So once again, I’d like to ask you to have a look at my talk, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. It will help me to move on with releasing the tool as well as to know how the features should be done to help you create a map for any RV engine related project. When? Release of the '0-th' or 'Introduction' version is planned on the end of summer holidays. Progress will be tracked here. Subscribe to my personal youtube's channel here. Tools Github's here. Twitter Cheers, Miro
  12. Hopefully this is where you put this. I'm trying to import .p3d files into Blender, and export them as .obj but I keep getting this error for most of the .p3d files, see link. I have the add-on that allows me to import and export .p3d files, I just need help getting this error fixed, I'm new so I'm not sure why this is happening. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/285639647567282179/718581894987645029/unknown.png
  13. Hey guys, below are two sets of Tanoa-based HDRI environment maps I made for use in Substance Painter and Blender. They should be compatible with a number of other 3D modeling softwares and texturing programs. The idea is to allow users to have a 3D environment from Arma 3 to create their materials within so as to give better reference to the environment and the lighting around the object. Included below is a 4k set and an 8k set of 3D images at sunrise, midday, and twilight each for use with the Arma 3 Apex Shader's respective preview modes. Please feel free to comment with other maps or concerns/ideas to enhance the final products. Download 4k or Download 8k
  14. Hi Guys, i just found an model of mine, back from 2011 of a Panzerhaubitze2000 (A german artillery tank) It was one of just a few models, cause I wanted to try something with 3d modeling and some other modding stuff for arma. Since OFP I do texturing, config writing and I learned a littlebit of scripting, and everything 😄 But now I am on the top of my knownledge, I have this model running in blender with ~31200 verts I know that there is something about the LODs and this Stuff and i know what is, but i just need someone who can help my with this... I realy dont think i can get this ingame by myself. I would like to get a version for arma2 and one for arma3 Some pics of it :
  15. Hi guys, Ive taken a few complex parts of a model and simplified them for the geometry LOD using blender. Basically I have a few man sized cubes in one of my P3ds which were created using blender and exported using the arma toolbox. I'm not sure how to trouble shoot the "very small normal" but for the "Convex component" I found the component in the model and its the top face of one of the cubes. Is there something wrong with my export options? Should I delete those faces and "close" them? Can/Should I fix these problems in blender? Thanks! 22:12:03 "dirpos" 22:12:03 "[""Medship_mercy_Hull_02"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_03"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_04"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_05"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_06"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_07"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_08"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_09"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_10"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_11"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_12"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_13"",""Medship_mercy_Hull_14""]" 22:12:03 """Medship_mercy_Hull_02""" 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_02_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 1145, point 701, face points 701,706,702 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_02_f.p3d:1 22:12:03 "144de6fc820# 166162: mercy_01_hull_02_f.p3d" 22:12:03 """Medship_mercy_Hull_03""" 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 1, point 13, face points 13,10,9 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 41, point 4, face points 4,2,0 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 84, point 62, face points 62,58,54 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 109, point 55, face points 55,59,63 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:1 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 5, point 7, face points 7,3,9 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 7, point 5, face points 5,42,40 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 8, point 3, face points 3,49,48 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 9, point 1, face points 1,5,11 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 34, point 49, face points 49,48,38 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 5, point 7, face points 7,3,9 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 7, point 5, face points 5,42,40 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 8, point 3, face points 3,49,48 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 9, point 1, face points 1,5,11 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d:0 Face 34, point 49, face points 49,48,38 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 "144de6f7280# 166163: mercy_01_hull_03_f.p3d" 22:12:03 """Medship_mercy_Hull_04""" 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 18, point 35, face points 35,12,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 858, point 514, face points 514,512,511 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 949, point 26, face points 26,21,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 952, point 6, face points 6,12,35 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:1 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06463e+013 Face 18, point 35, face points 35,12,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06463e+013 Face 858, point 514, face points 514,512,511 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06463e+013 Face 949, point 26, face points 26,21,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06463e+013 Face 952, point 6, face points 6,12,35 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06492e+013 Face 18, point 35, face points 35,12,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06492e+013 Face 858, point 514, face points 514,512,511 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06492e+013 Face 949, point 26, face points 26,21,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d:-3.06492e+013 Face 952, point 6, face points 6,12,35 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 "144de6f6160# 166164: mercy_01_hull_04_f.p3d" 22:12:03 """Medship_mercy_Hull_05""" 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 13, point 8, face points 8,10,17 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 21, point 28, face points 28,29,31 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 118, point 143, face points 143,142,113 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 196, point 25, face points 25,26,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:4.54021e-043 Face 277, point 4, face points 4,0,1 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:1 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 13, point 8, face points 8,10,17 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 21, point 28, face points 28,29,31 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 118, point 143, face points 143,142,113 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 196, point 25, face points 25,26,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 277, point 4, face points 4,0,1 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 13, point 8, face points 8,10,17 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 21, point 28, face points 28,29,31 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 118, point 143, face points 143,142,113 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 196, point 25, face points 25,26,20 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d:0 Face 277, point 4, face points 4,0,1 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 "144de6fd940# 166165: mercy_01_hull_05_f.p3d" 22:12:03 """Medship_mercy_Hull_06""" 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 2, point 10, face points 10,11,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 26, point 55, face points 55,56,57 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 27, point 57, face points 57,58,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 29, point 55, face points 55,57,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 31, point 54, face points 54,55,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:1 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 2, point 10, face points 10,11,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 26, point 55, face points 55,56,57 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 27, point 57, face points 57,58,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 29, point 55, face points 55,57,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 31, point 54, face points 54,55,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 2, point 10, face points 10,11,6 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 26, point 55, face points 55,56,57 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 27, point 57, face points 57,58,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 29, point 55, face points 55,57,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:03 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d:-1.37755e-040 Face 31, point 54, face points 54,55,59 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:04 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 3069) - shadows disabled 22:12:04 "144de6fb700# 166166: mercy_01_hull_06_f.p3d" 22:12:04 """Medship_mercy_Hull_07""" 22:12:12 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:6.30584e-044 Face 58894, point 29684, face points 29684,29685,29689 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:12 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:1 22:12:12 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 58917) - shadows disabled 22:12:12 Strange convex component03 in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:geometry 22:12:12 Strange convex component05 in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:geometry 22:12:12 Strange convex component22 in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:geometry 22:12:12 Strange convex component24 in mercy\mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d:geometry 22:12:12 Warning Message: Cannot open object 22:12:12 : No geometry and no visual shape 22:12:12 "144de6f69f0# 166167: mercy_01_hull_07_f.p3d" 22:12:12 """Medship_mercy_Hull_08""" 22:12:13 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_08_f.p3d:0 Face 21977, point 11569, face points 11569,11565,11564 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:13 Warnings in mercy\mercy_01_hull_08_f.p3d:1 22:12:13 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_08_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 22163) - shadows disabled 22:12:13 "144de6fe1d0# 166168: mercy_01_hull_08_f.p3d" 22:12:13 """Medship_mercy_Hull_09""" 22:12:20 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_09_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 51900) - shadows disabled 22:12:20 "144de6fea60# 166169: mercy_01_hull_09_f.p3d" 22:12:20 """Medship_mercy_Hull_10""" 22:12:26 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d:0.29117 Face 43, point 55, face points 55,51,67 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:26 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d:0.29117 Face 54, point 51, face points 51,50,66 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:26 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d:0.29117 Face 55, point 50, face points 50,54,69 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:26 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d:0.29117 Face 217, point 273, face points 273,286,285 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:26 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d:0.29117 Face 228, point 269, face points 269,285,284 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:26 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 50990) - shadows disabled 22:12:26 "144de6f7b10# 166170: mercy_01_hull_10_f.p3d" 22:12:26 """Medship_mercy_Hull_11""" 22:12:28 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_11_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 28818) - shadows disabled 22:12:28 "144de6f8c30# 166171: mercy_01_hull_11_f.p3d" 22:12:28 """Medship_mercy_Hull_12""" 22:12:29 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d:6.38712e-042 Face 7, point 11, face points 11,8,15 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:29 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d:6.38712e-042 Face 11, point 1, face points 1,5,12 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:29 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d:6.38712e-042 Face 12, point 5, face points 5,11,14 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:29 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d:6.38712e-042 Face 13, point 8, face points 8,1,13 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:29 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d:6.38712e-042 Face 144, point 156, face points 156,159,347 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:29 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 15532) - shadows disabled 22:12:29 "144de700410# 166172: mercy_01_hull_12_f.p3d" 22:12:29 """Medship_mercy_Hull_13""" 22:12:45 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d:6.44597e-044 Face 18, point 23, face points 23,22,138 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:45 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d:6.44597e-044 Face 46, point 59, face points 59,58,62 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:45 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d:6.44597e-044 Face 51, point 57, face points 57,56,60 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:45 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d:6.44597e-044 Face 52, point 56, face points 56,59,63 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:45 Warning: mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d:6.44597e-044 Face 53, point 58, face points 58,57,61 - very small normal 0,0,0 22:12:45 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 75516) - shadows disabled 22:12:45 "144de6f9d50# 166173: mercy_01_hull_13_f.p3d" 22:12:45 """Medship_mercy_Hull_14""" 22:12:54 Too detailed shadow lod in mercy\mercy_01_hull_14_f.p3d (0:1.000000 : 122386) - shadows disabled Edit: I found the solution while using @mikero's tools (PBOProject), It kicked an error for one of the fualty P3ds saying Face Type (2) expected 3 or 4. In object builder under Faces > Degenerated faces there is an option to check and repair. I performed this operation for all of the P3ds and was able to crunch the PBO without error. Hope this helps someone! Would like to know what could cause this error I mean its not like I'm using 3 different programs to make a model for Arma...……….
  16. So I've been trying to search all over to see if there is any step by step tutorial for adding a complete new uniform to Arma 3 including processes that prep blender models to object builder, then from adding final touches in object builder to creating configs and lastly transferring the complete work to be packed into a .pbo. Im open to all suggestions. It also doesn't have to be in one video(or a video for that matter), but its hard to even find anything on the subject of making complete new uniforms from scratch. (For those who help, you will be listed under credits for the addon im making)
  17. Good day to all. I'll get to the point. At the moment I am working on one project where I need an enlarged skeleton. I've already increased the standard skeleton with a blender, and it works in the game. (See screenshots 1-2). However, only in the static version. When i try to set the speed in the config, the model hovers above the ground in its standard height. (See screenshots 3). Anyone who knows a blender or a animations config can help me? With best regards, WebKnight.
  18. I've tried to recently get into modding for Arma 3, Modeling using blender, I also wanted to have the ability to work on other things from within Blender as well. I am working in a team of sorts, and my role is mainly to model, texture and send over my stuff to the others to continue working on. I've stumbled across the Arma Toolbox for Blender, and the description and website seem to say that it is entirely possible to use the toolbox coupled with Blender to do everything that O2 would normally do. Meaning that O2 is made redundant with the toolbox around. I just wanted to know if anyone around has used/knows how to use this addon entirely, and can create a guide or tutorial on the complete workflow - well structured guides on this program is terribly lacking, and it seems to have good potential. Thanks, PS: I couldn't find an editing "general" so I put it here. I couldn't figure out which one this would go in so if someone would move this to a better one that would be appreciated.
  19. Hi guys, I need your help. I made a model with Blender, I use the 7 stage super shader RVMATs but when I preview everything in the game I get weird shadows on the model. All textures, maps, RVMATs etc should be ok, so I suppose it has something to do with the model itself. Things I tried: -recalculate normals (both in Blender and OB) -smooth/flat faces in Blender Any suggestion?
  20. Hello there! I'm looking for a clear list of which different "texture layers" (or maps) to make for my model and I would like some advise for where to look for tutorials etc. As of now, I know of these types of maps: Diffuse (General color) Opacity (Opacity, greyscale) Bump map (White is "pop-out") Normal map (Something like bumpmap, but different?) Specular map (Shinyness) Glow map (Glow in the dark, used on chemlights?) Reflection map (The how well if reflects other objects) source for this list. When texturing, is it correct that maps I assign to the model in blender, will be carried over to Arma through Object builder? - In that case, I should be able to use general blender-texturing tutorials as reference, right? As of now, this video is the best explanation of realistic texturing in blender, I have found. Any kind of pointing-towards-where-I-can-learn-more is much appreciated! // JustMathew