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  1. Tools & Utilities Compilation List Last Update: January 14th, 2023 This is a compilation of all the tools and utilities created by BI, and the community for Arma3, its goal and purpose is to consolidate, organize, and sort each tool & utility based on what they do into one location, saving admins, developers, leaders, modders, and player's time. ===================== Video Overview Addons & Pbos Ammoboxes & Loadouts, Composition Tools, Mission Tools, & Files Benchmarking Coding, Configs, & Scripting Colors & Images Database Debugging & Error Checkers Discord & Voice FOV GUI & UI Logs, Rpt, & Reports Maps & Terrain Modeling & Texturing Mod, Tool Updater, & Steam Workshop Server Tools Credits To all those BI and contributors to the communities interest in Arma 3 who took the time to create tools and utilities for the betterment and enjoyment of this great game i hope that my list here would help shine more light on the work and time they spent.
  2. In this thread we'll try to describe updates happening in the Development Branch of Arma 3 Tools. This changelog is not complete, nor confirmed to be working as advertised. Again, Development branch does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with main branch if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread. The changes are not going to be done daily like the Arma 3 development branch does, but rather in irregular intervals according to needs and additions by our team. 20-06-2014 Fixed: Broken Addon Builder UI Fixed: Copying of files to the target destination in Addon Builder Fixed: "External" feature of Tools Launcher was disabled by error
  3. My Solncepek Clothes mod was deleted from my projects (In general, all projects were deleted) and now I do not have access to my mod. I can't edit or do anything. What should I do?
  4. DnA


    The TECHREPs will contain the changelogs for updates to the Arma 3 Tools suite on Steam. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details.
  5. Hi community - Disclaimer - I am not the best when it comes to explaining things to others. So please forgive me. - What is explained here is subject to change (this tutorial will be updated accordingly). - When a tools update is available (on main branch), after having installed the update be sure to verify game cache, extract game datas, and re-install buldozer before trying to do anything else. - The way things are explained here is the way I do it, there are other ways. - Introduction In this "tutorial" I will assume that you already have the tools installed (this step won't be explained here) and your directory mapping is the following: Arma 3 D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Arma 3 Tools D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools - Step 1 - Work Drive Folder Now we're gonna decide where we want our Work Drive to be located, go to D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ and make a folder here, name it the what you want (mine is Arma 3 Tools [WorkDrive]). Your Work Drive directory is now the following: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools [WorkDrive] - Step 2 - Arma 3 Tools Directory Paths Setup Now that your Work Drive folder is setup you can now launch Arma 3 Tools from Steam. Once the window pops up, click on Preferences at the top then click on Options. Here you're going to setup your directory paths. According to what we previously done, the tabs should look like this: *Do not forget to uncheck Use default box as in the picture just above* Now click on Register, and you're done with this step. - Step 3 - Mounting Work Drive *Make sure both Arma 3 Tools (Arma3Tools.exe) & Steam (Steam.exe) executable are NOT run as administrator, otherwise your will be unable to mount your Work Drive* You can now click on Mount the Project Drive to mount your Work Drive, yay. - Step 4 - Importing Arma 3 Assets Click on Project Drive Management Then Extract Game Data Click on Run. When prompted, verify information and click Yes. Once the process is done, you get this: Now open your Work Drive (Computer -> P:), your drive should look like this now: *Image coming soon* - Step 5 - Installing Buldozer Now you can tick the Install Buldozer box. Click on Run. Once it's done close the little window and go back to Arma 3 Tools then click on Preferences then Buldozer Configurator. Choose the preset you want for both Object Builder and Terrain Builder then click on Apply configuration. Now open your Work Drive (Computer -> P:), your drive should look like this now: *Image coming soon* *While you're at it open steam_appid.txt and verify that its content is 107410* - Step 6 - Enjoy Everything is now set up, you can now begin to work on your project. Thanks for reading. - Related link(s) Work Drive (BIS) Project Space (BIS) Project Directory Migration (BIS) - Update(s) April 28th 2016 - First Iteration May 30th 2016 - Update 0.984 March 17th 2017 - Update 1.08 - /!\ Read last post /!\
  6. My vest config worked for up to 1k lines, coded a new vest and now I get this error. I deleted the most recent vest code and tried unchecking “Clear temp folder” and “Binarize”, and I dont have an addon prefix, not sure if that actually does anything but I’ve seen other people fix this problem by doing that. I can’t find any errors in the model config or the other config but I’m still relatively new and something could have went by unnoticed. Edit - Moved the vest file to my P Drive and packed it from there and it got rid of the error.
  7. This is a complete script tool suite Bohemia Interactive's game engine used in ARMA II and ARMA 3. Poseidon Tools supports all text files (Scripts & configs) used by the Real Virtuality. Initially, this project was named "BI PTE" (BI Plain Text Editor) and was renamed Poseidon Tools when it was publicly released, in august 2013. So, the name, Poseidon Tools, is a tribute to the very first version of the Real Virtuality engine, "Poseidon", which is the base of all the Arma series. Latest announcement: Version 0.994.211 Features Project management Instant Project Switch Distraction Free Mode and full screen Split Editing (Can display up to four file on the same screen) Auto Completion (based on commands and existing text in the file) Current and parent brackets highlight Persistent sessions Snippets (eg: file header, control structures, game functions etc…) Syntax highlighter (for SQF (from ofp to arma 3), SQM, HPP, CPP, EXT…) Full support of SQF & SQS, XML, Cpp, CFG, RPT Can open RPT from the menu (Arma 3, Arma 3 diagnostic, Arma 2…) Can open SQM, BIEDI with Arma 3 Magic key F8 File diff Support of Mikero Tools Support of Arma 3 Tools Refresh the opened files everytime you get back to it Macro creation Documentation link and so on… Notes Some features require Arma 3 Tools installed; Every new release require a full clean install; Some other features require Mikero Tools installed; This is not an official tool, use at your own risks; Documentation is here: http://tom4897.info/projects/poseidon-tools/ I urge you to read the documentation and especially the shortcuts list Download Poseidon Tools @ tom4897.info - 0.994.211 Poseidon Tools @ armaholic.com - 0.994.209 Thanks Sublime Text devs, JonBons, Yourry, RawLine, Arma3.fr, Bohemia Interactive, The community, Arma2-wiki.fr, Armaholic, Arto, Tigerforce, Colin T.A. Gray, Will Bond, Lord, Noubernou, Mikero, Private Nelson, Sho
  8. Frosty Tool Suite Apparently, modding Frostbite games isn't too complicated after all. Mass Effect: Andromeda & Dragon Age: Inquisition pages at Nexus Mods. Take a look at this Mod Manager Tutorial and Recommended Mods, albeit for Andromeda but it applies for other Frostbite games as well.
  9. Discord bot to notify you when your server mods get updated on the workshop. Commands Integrated with Discord Slash commands! Links GitHub: https://github.com/UrekD/Steam-Workshop-Monitor
  10. Hi, I'm a bit new to this and I'm not sure exactly where i went wrong but i keep getting errors when trying to use the collider setup or updating materials. I followed the instructions about unzipping the Data file and linking that as the first path in addons folder but when i click collider setup i still get: "Collider Collection is missing!". I've tried unzipping to other folders and drives and linking those without any luck. When loading in example colliders and hitting the button python gives this error: bpy.ops.scene.ebt_import_fbx(filepath="C:\\Users\\danne\\Desktop\\Blender\\laptop\\collider_shapes_examples.FBX") bpy.ops.view3d.ebt_sort() bpy.ops.view3d.ebt_colliders_setup() Python: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\danne\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\EnfusionBlenderTools\operators.py", line 1879, in invoke layerPresets = get_layer_presets() File "C:\Users\danne\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\EnfusionBlenderTools\utils.py", line 64, in get_layer_presets f = open(addon + gproj,'r') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\danne\\Desktop\\Blenderaddon.gproj' location: <unknown location>:-1 Any help is appreciated, thank you. Edit: If you list the addon folder location twice in the addon preferences menu it locates the properly.
  11. Does anybody know, what is the limitation for addons and mods to launch and how can I launch more addons? Thanks
  12. DesolationREDUX has released our first Alpha build, v0.1.0. Server files are now available for hosting your own server. Server Files Download Instructions can be found at DR Wiki Support at DesolationREDUX Forums This post will cover two projects that are really one in the same. DR Project is a collection of a Mod Framework, DB Extension, Assets, Tools, Plugin Repository, and Terrains. DesolationREDUX is a survival mod using all that, working as a showcase for everything. The mod is currently in beta testing as we continue to add in the original planned features. Progress has been going very well, and we are pleased enough with how things are working that we decided to post up here. The hope, when completed and released, is that other mod makers will be able to take our work and make their own projects with them. The DR Project is open source, and will be released under APL-SA. Code, assets, terrains, will all be able to be used and edited by the community at large. ArmA Plugin Management System (APMS) The ArmA Plugin Management System (APMS for short) was created to add a plugin framework into ArmA. It allows for server owners to easily add and remove content from their server. Developers can create server-sided "plugins" that can add key binds, add events, add buildings to the map, and add SQF code. It also allows Developers to create a custom .cfg file to add control to the content within their plugin. The APMS system is the core for DesolationREDUX. Everything within the mod runs through the Plugin Manager; all key binds, events, and map edits. APMS WIKI The benefits of the APMS are as follows: Customizable keybinds created by the server. All aspects of a plugin can be customized by the server owner via the .cfg file. Managed events for both server and player. Managed Actions. Ability to easily add and remove features from a server. Managed map edits, spawned before the server has finished starting. Installation of plugins is incredibly easy. Simply place the plugin PBO into the Addons folder of @DesolationServer. Place the plugin CFG into the Config folder of @DesolationServer. Add the plugin name into the Plugin managers PluginList.cfg file. Done RedEx: REDEX WIKI Key features are: - Supports 64Bit and the new CallExtension with Arrayarguments. - Has an builtin mechanism to load additional config whitelisted Modules dynamically, so no need for plugin writers to struggle with the ArmA CallExtension API, you get wonderful objects containing "key -> value" associations, where you simply can call: `extArguments.get<unsigned int>("itemAmount")` or `extArguments.get<std::string>("listName");` and you return ArmA strings. Everything else like handling strings that are to long is done by LibRedex. - Supports sync, async and quiet async calls (calls that do not return any data) - Has a wide range of functionality to make life easier: -- Random lists that connect an chance with an item, like they are used for Loot spawn. -- Random lists of numbers (you request what kind of numbers you want, how many and in which range) -- Getting real world time in different formats like epoch(unix) time, an date array. -- Handling of file input and output on in the config defined files. -- You can define if an file readable, writable or even only readable one, which use useful to hide data. -- An module to call whitelisted urls and the Steam API, for example to get informations about VAC Bans etc. -- An build in client which can connect to an middle ware to allow ArmA to communicate with other tools like an admin web framework, as example we provide an Discord Bot, that does allow the players to request the current Performance and Server Stats. -- And of course an database connector. Database specific features: -- Does support multiple Databases like MySQL(MariaDB) and PostgreSQL, additional support for Stores like Redis are easy to implement. -- All IDs are based on UUIDs, so no longer waiting until data is committed to the Database to get back the identifier of an Object. Just request an UUID, set it as ID for the Object and then tell the System to commit the Object. -- All sql querys are sanitized additional most of them use prepared statements. -- Some function calls like "update objects" are dynamic and don't need all data to be supplied, for example you only want to update the position of the car? fine! only send the position. -- The goal of the design of the database itself was to fulfill all possible needs we could imagine. As Plugin writer perspective this means you should not need to change anything database related, all object and character information are stored automatically. This includes also variables starting with an specific Prefix as well as skins etc. -- In case of objects we provide the "svar_" prefix, so if someone would like to add a coins system, they could store the current coin count of the object ins "svar_coins". -- In case of an Player we provide "svar_" and "pvar_" both work the same as in case of objects, but the difference is "svar_" is bound to the character, so if the character dies the variable is lost, while "pvar_" is bound to the player profile, so if an character dies these variables are still present on a new character. Last is useful to save for example the skills an player has earned. -- There are also more advanced features, like the database is able to save the connection of two or more objects, so you can attach an box to the roof of an car and after the server restart the box is still attached to the car. -- An encryption library using an PSK set in the config to validate the hash of objects, and encrypt text in general. We created a couple tools along the way for server managers to use. Admin Tools: The DesolationREDUX Web Administration Panel is a plugin to help with server administration via the use of a fully configurable website panel which allows the server owner to define groups and permissions for all the staff. This panel allows the server administrators to be able to start, stop and restart the server. It allows admins to view all the logs on the server to allow them to help catch hackers! Server admins are able to view the chat of all servers on one simple web page. Server owners can use the web panel to setup and configure groups and permissions for a web based RCON tool to allow banning, un banning, kicking, remote chatting and much more. Server Manager: This tool is aimed at server owners who want to make server management easy as it aims to remove the annoying server start bat files. It will be GUI based and allows for easy server configuration. The Administration tool takes up the task of automatically restarting your server via a time picked by the server owner. It allows the installation of plugins via just one click as it works alongside the script Plugin Repository System. It allows server administrators to be able to easily add and remove parameters to their servers without the use of a bat file. Most importantly, it has support for multiple servers so managing more than one server could not be easier. The tool is C# based and currently only set up for Windows platforms. As of quarter 2 2017, C# received Linux support, but we have not done any Linux support for the Server Manager. It is planned. Plugin Repository: The DesolationREDUX Script Repository will be a website hosted on a sub domain of DesolationREDUX which hooks into our forums authentication system. This website will allow users of the community to easily publish plugins/ scripts to our website, push changes and updates to the plugin, and give a detailed description of the plugin. This website will be moderated by our forum moderators and staff to ensure nothing malicious is submitted. This repository will also be included in my Server Administration Tool, and will allow server owners to simply click a plugin on the repository to install it directly to the server. Vehicle and Loot Spawn Location Tool: The Vehicle and Loot Spawn Location Tool is used to get your own custom spawn location. This may be necessary for custom buildings, or to simply add your own touches to your server. These tools are located in Eden Editor, and are very simple to use. Due to the way in which REDUX spawns vehicles, the tool is needed for accurate position locating. Upon finding your locations, simply go to any text editor and "paste". It will paste the appropriate code config information. Server Discord Bot: The discord bot is a simple to install bot that provides easy access to server information such as Server FPS, CPS, Active Threads, Server Uptime, Player Count, Online Players, and has the option for the server owner only to shutdown the server. It is recommended this tool is placed in it's own channel as the players seem to love checking it. All assets we create, or port from the A2/TKOH data packs, will be made available as a separate download once REDUX goes into Beta. These assets will include magazine items, map objects, weapons, structures, characters & gear, and vehicles. All assets will be available unbinarized so they can be edited to suit the users needs. We hope these assets will be taken to supplement the available A3 assets, and used to create more interesting content for the ArmA community. All we ask is that we are credited with providing the source files and any derivatives are shared with the community. As for terrains, that portion of the project is on hold until we complete DesolationREDUX. Once the mod goes into Beta, the modeling team will move over to creating assets for a western themed map. We originally had plans for a map based on the San Juan Islands. This may still happen. Will have to see what the team feels like creating when we get there, but we will be creating a US based terrain and appropriate assets. Some of the project members also have their own side terrain projects that will be released as well most likely using available A2 ported assets and A3 assets. Thanks to past and present dev team members, and those that have contributed content. Present Kegan BigBen Legodev Optix TheKnightTemplar ComatoseBadger Nex ImUnleasheD JMaster Zisb CrazyMike Movinggun SonicSound Ducky Contributors DL++ (Has contributed some assets including journal image as well as shared ideas while he works on his No Cure mod) Argument (his released source files for open A2 buildings have been edited to fix many config issues and AI paths for use with A2 missions) Jonpas (for allowing us to use and edit his Theseus Services assets) Screamer (for our branding images and game icons) Kol9yN (Provides us with our custom animations) Past Dirty Sanchez ANixon David3D Natu StokesMagee Cronicash
  13. In SITREP #00118, we shared our decision to distribute the samples through a new Steam application, available for free – Now it's time for action. The Samples library keeps growing! Since some people want to access either just the samples or the tools, they're now available via the new Steam Application: Arma 3 Samples. Arma 3 owners will find it directly in their Steam library (Filter: Tools), whereas others will need to first subscribe (for free) through the Steam store. Both the Tools and the Samples will be governed by the same system of branches, development and main. A noticeable change for everyone who doesn't own Arma 3, these application may no longer be added automatically to your library. To use them, you may need to go on the Steam Store page and install them. Another upcoming change is the removal of the licensed data packages from the Arma 3 Tools, which was a gigantic branch including data from our previous games. If you are using this branch, we recommend you to move all the data to a new location outside the application directory (to avoid having to re-download). These packages will and are still available via our web page (direct download or torrent) In summary, what’s going to change? The samples directory included in Arma 3 Tools is no longer maintained, effective immediately. These samples will be removed very soon from the development branch (first half of September) and will be removed from the main branch with the next update. The samples (Samples_F) are going to be removed from the Tools. The structure of the samples has been reworked and sorted in categories, to be more flexible and user-friendly. The Licensed Data Packages branch will be disabled with the next update (subscribers will automatically switched to the main branch). Now you’re briefed on what’s going on, how to smoothly handle this transition? If you were doing experiments in the samples: (= you have edited files in the samples folder) We urge you to move the samples to another location before we remove them from the tools folder. Otherwise, you may lose all of your modifications. If you were just consulting the samples: As mentioned above, the samples are going to be removed from the Tools, so, if you want to keep consulting the samples, you will need to install Arma 3 Samples from Steam. If you were not using them at all: Obviously, nothing changes here, except the disk space used by the tools (which will decrease). Arma 3 Tools on the Steam Store Arma 3 Samples on the Steam Store
  14. Max to Arma or MtA in short, is script for 3ds Max (>2013) which can be used for creating more complex & precise animations in Arma 3. Script is utilizing direct type animation transformations which are supported by RV engine since at least Armed Assault. Each frame in 3ds max is transformed to axis-aligned transformation which can be used in model.cfg. There are still some limitations with that tech here and there and some there might be still bugs in current version of script but they shouldn't be that major. Blender version of that plugin is planned although there is no ETA for it since I'm quite slow with adapting to 2.8 version. I would like to thank in this place Redphoenix for initial setup of script with basic UI - without it I would probably spend couple extra days figuring out Max UI creation. Another person that I would like to thank is Kiory which allowed me to use his rig for that example animation. Hope you enjoy that script and let your imagination go crazy 😉 Script, examples & complete documentation can be found here. https://github.com/reyhard/mta_animExporter
  15. Hello, this script has been refactored and proven for 1 year already Current version: 1.0 What is it? This is a cron manager for Arma 3. It is a similar for crontab in Linux or Task Scheduler in Windows. It allows you to execute code at a scheduled time, repetitive or not. Script will help to avoid endless loops and make performance optimized missions with greater flexibility in terms of managing your code execution. This script is designed for server-side execution, but also works in SP What's inside? Script contains of 4 functions: RWT_fnc_cronInit - initializes cron manager, executed on postIinit RWT_fnc_cronJobAdd - adds jobs to cron manager RWT_fnc_cronJobRemove - remove job from cron manager RWT_fnc_cronJobRun - function that runs the code, when its time comes Example use case? Make an explosion in 30 minutes Periodically run garbage clean up code, say every 2 minutes Any other usecase which requires higher time lags (minutes, hours) How to start using it? Script is packaged according to guidelines of Arma 3 Mission Skeleton, so if you are using it, just download it to your mission's addons folder and run build script. If you are more experienced mission maker or scripter - grab the source from github. To add a task: [{hint str time},[],0,20,0] call RWT_fnc_cronJobAdd; // will display time every 20 seconds Please read the comments and description to functions Source - https://github.com/ussrlongbow/rwt_cron Package - https://github.com/ussrlongbow/rwt_cron/releases/download/v1.0/rwt_cron_a3ms.zip
  16. RED FRAMEWORK A collection of useful functions for mission maker. Website under construction: http://www.redframework.com Version: 1.0.9 Release date: 11-03-2018 WORKSHOP: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1226877632 GITHUB: https://github.com/RedBelette/RED_FRAMEWORK LICENSE: https://github.com/RedBelette/RED_FRAMEWORK/blob/master/LICENSE MISSION TEMPLATE (take it for a quick start !) https://github.com/RedBelette/RedFramework-Simple-Template https://github.com/RedBelette/RedFramework-TGV-Template INITIALIZATION - Voice is disabled for players (just for ingame recorded speeches, not VOIP). - Saving is disabled. FUNCTIONS ace improvements // This feature allows you to use a huntir ammo as a satellite that you can later use via ACE's huntir monitor. _huntirAmmo = [satellitePos] call RF_fnc_huntirSatellite; Action mecanism Trigger (by script) in arma are very useful but contain a lot of code to do something. We need to create new paradigm to replace it and to enhanced the behavior. We need an action mechanism. An action is to execute something when the condition is true. In more we can specify if the action is a one shot or in a loop. Maybe you want that the action is timed also. By creating a registry of action we can start and stop an action. // This function acts as a trigger and executes code when a condition is true. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _params(*default=[])] call RF_fnc_action; // This function acts as a trigger and executes code when a condition is true with a delay time. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _delayAsSecond, _params(*default=[])] call RF_fnc_delayedAction; // This function acts as a trigger and executes code every x seconds. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _timeToTheNextExecutionAsSecond, _params(*default=[])] call RF_fnc_repeatedAction; // This function acts as a trigger and executes code when a condition is true on the targeted remote side. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _params(*default=[]), _target(*default=0)] call RF_fnc_remoteAction; // This function acts as a trigger and executes code when a condition is true with a delay time on the targeted remote side. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _delayAsSecond, _params(*default=[]), _target(*default=0)] call RF_fnc_remoteDelayedAction; // This function acts as a trigger and executes code every x seconds on the targeted remote side. _action = [_condition, _codeAsString, _timeToTheNextExecutionAsSecond, _params(*default=[]), _target(*default=0)] call RF_fnc_remoteRepeatedAction; // This function opens a register of actions, allowing you to start or stop an action. call RF_fnc_actionRegistry; // The RF_fnc_actionRegistry function needs to be called beforehand to open an action register. _action = [_actionIdAsString, _actionAsReturnedAction] call RF_fnc_addAction; // This function allows you to find an action in the action register. _action = [_actionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_getAction; // Activate the action from the action register. [_actionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_runAction; // Desactivate the action from the action register. [_actionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_stopAction; // Remove action from the action register. [_actionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_unregisterAction; Ai behavior // Surrender occurs when the remaining units of the desired faction are below the desired minimum number. _trueOrFalse = [_side, _minUnitsToSurrenderTheSide] call RF_fnc_makeSideSurrender; // Order the entire faction to defend an area around a radius. [_side, _position, _radius] call RF_fnc_sideDefendArea; Ambience // Flash on the desired area (like zeus). [_position, _delay(*default:0)] call RF_fnc_lightningBolt Animation // Play a looping animation with the playMove instruction [_unit, _animClassName] call RF_fnc_playMoveLoop; Condition // Check if the unit is inside a vehicle _trueOrFalse = [_unit] call RF_fnc_isInVehicle; // Checks if a player is close to an entity following a radius _trueOrFalse = [_entity, _radius] call RF_fnc_isPlayerNearEntity; Converter // Convert string on side ojbect _side = [_sideAsString] call RF_fnc_convertSideStr; Heli control // Initialize a helicopter so that it stays quietly on the ground. [_group] call RF_fnc_heliInit; // Order the helicopter to land in the desired area. [_group, _position] call RF_fnc_landHeli; // Send the helicopter to fight. [_group, _position, _radius] call RF_fnc_sendHeliToFight; // The helicopters unload the units present in an area and then disappear. [_vehicle, _landingPosition, _getOutPosition] call RF_fnc_unloadUnitsWithHeli; Init // This function allows you to wait for the end of the loading screen. call RF_fnc_loadingComplete; waitUntil {loadingFinished}; Layer // Enable 3den editor layer. [_layerIdAsString] call RF_fnc_enableLayer; // Disable 3den editor layer. [_layerIdAsString] call RF_fnc_disableLayer; Mission generator This engine offer to you a complete engine to manage tasks and missions. You have a completer CRUD fort the task to create, changing state, close or remove it. You can also generate a random mission with a little configuration from description.ext. // Creates a new mission in the framework and generates an Arma task. This task may not be visible to players. _missionIdUnique = [_missionIdAsString, _side, _parentMissionIdAsString, _title, _description, _taskType(*default="default"), _taskDestination(*default=objNull), _taskSetCurrent(*default=false), _taskPriority(*default=0), _taskNotification(*default=true), _taskSharing(*default=false)] call RF_fnc_createMission; // Closes the mission identified by the missionID passed in parameter. By default, the status of the mission will be successful and an alert will be displayed. [_missionIdAsString, _taskStatus(*default="SUCCEEDED"), _taskShowHint(*default=true)] call RF_fnc_closeMission; // Returns true when the mission is closed. _trueOrFalse = [_missionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_isMissionClosed; // Return the task state of the mission _taskStatus = [_missionIdAsString] call RF_fnc_missionState; // Returns all the cities of the map. _locations = call RF_fnc_locations; // Return a random location of the map. _randomLocation = call RF_fnc_locationGenerator; // Generate a random mission based on the description.ext. (see config on the bottom) _missionIdUnique = call RF_fnc_missionGenerator; // Generates an example mission based on the condig file or past parameters. _missionIdUnique = [_side(*default=config), _helicopterClassName(*default=config), _unitsClassNameArray(*default=config)] call RF_fnc_spawnMissionHelicopterCrashInTown; Spawn // Create units. _group = [_side, _unitsClassNameArray, _position] call RF_fnc_spawnUnits; // Create garrisons around an area based on the description.ext or parameters. _allGroups = [_position, _radius(*default=config), _side(*default=config), _unitsClassNameArray(*default=config), _randomDistance(*default=config)] call RF_fnc_spawnGarrison; // Create patrols around an area based on the description.ext or parameters. _allGroups = [_position, _radius(*default=config), _side(*default=config), _unitsClassNameArray(*default=config), _radiusPatrols(*default=config)] call RF_fnc_spawnCirclePatrols; // Create a helicopter and teleport the group inside to the desired position. After landing the helicopter drops off the group, returns to its starting position and disappears. [_groupWillTeleportedInsideHeli, _spawnPosition, _landingPos, _heliClassName(*default="B_Heli_Light_01_F"), _side(*default=west), _driverClassName(*default="B_Helipilot_F")] call RF_fnc_spawnByHeli; Spectator // This script will allow you to create the spectator's mode. (config acre and tfar inside) call RF_fnc_spectator; // Add an action into object to enter spectator mode [_object] call RF_fnc_addSpectatorAction; Ui // Displays an image in full screen for a given time. [_imagePath, _timeInSecond] call RF_fnc_imageFullScreen; // Displays an image in full screen in the sky during a given time. [_imagePath, _timeInSecond] call RF_fnc_imageInSky; // Simplify the code to create a progress bar. [_object, _progressBarId, _titleAction, _titleBar, _codeAsString, _cancelCodeAsString, _parametersToTheCode, _timeInSecond, _actionType(*default=0), _actionParent(*default="ACE_MainActions"), _actionIcon(*default="")] call RF_fnc_progressBar; // Displays the name of the scenario and its author at the bottom right. [_missionName, _byAuthor] call RF_fnc_scenarioTitle; Vehicle // Charge a group of players in the cargo of a vehicle. The basic moveInCargo instruction is defective in MP. [_group, _vehicle] call RF_fnc_moveInCargo; Zeus // Allows zeus to modify all new spawner units by script. call RF_fnc_makeAllUnitsEditableForAllCurators; // Allows to make editable all the objects passed in parameter. [_objectArray] call RF_fnc_makeObjectsEditableForAllCurators; Zombie /* * The mod zombie Ryan's spawner module seems to pose performance * concerns in MP so here is a spawner optimize. * * Parameters * side: west, east, ... * gameLogic: gameLogic module * numberByWave: number of Z max spawned by wave. * time: delay between wave * type: (default: mediumCivilian) * - fastCivilian * - fastSoldier * - fastCivilianAndSoldier * - mediumCivilian * - mediumSoldier * - mediumCivilianAndSoldier * - slowCivilian * - slowSoldier * - slowCivilianAndSoldier * - walkerCivilian * - walkerSoldier * - walkerCivilianAndSoldier * - demon * - spider * - brittleCrawler * - mixedZombie * - mixedZombieNoSpiderNoCrawler */ [_side, _gameLogic, _numberByWave, _time, _type(*default:'mediumCivilian')] call RF_fnc_zSpawner Configuration in description.ext (optional) // Example class RedFrameworkConfig { class missionCfg { addItemEarPlugs=true; putInEarPlugs=true; putSafeMode=true; }; class MissionGenerator { missionPaths[] = { // HERE THE PATH OF YOUR MISSION "pathofmission1.sqf", "pathofmission2.sqf" }; }; class combatPatrol_CfgEnemis { side = "east"; // HERE THE DEFAULT SIDE }; class combatPatrol_SpawnCirclePatrols { // HERE THE FUNCTION DEFAULT VALUES distance = 200; unitTypes[] = {{"LOP_US_Infantry_SL", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4", "LOP_US_Infantry_TL"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_MG_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_Asst"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_Asst", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_2"}}; radiusPatrols[] = {50, 100, 200}; }; class combatPatrol_SpawnGarrison { // HERE THE FUNCTION DEFAULT VALUES distance = 100; unitTypes[] = {{"LOP_US_Infantry_SL", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4", "LOP_US_Infantry_TL"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_MG_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_Asst"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4"}, {"LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_2", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_Asst", "LOP_US_Infantry_MG_2"}}; ramdomizeDistance = 80; }; class combatPatrol_missions { class combatPatrol_helicopterCrashInTown { // HERE THE FUNCTION DEFAULT VALUES helicopterClass = "B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F"; unitTypes[] = {{"LOP_US_Infantry_SL", "LOP_US_Infantry_Rifleman_4", "LOP_US_Infantry_TL"}}; }; }; }; CHANGELOG ## 05-02-2018 version 1.0.1 - ADD RF_fnc_moveInCargo - FIX RF_fnc_spawnByHeli with the new move in cargo (MP fail) ## 05-05-2018 version 1.0.2 - FIX RF_fnc_moveInCargo: brute force moveInCargo with infinite loop protection ## 05-10-2018 version 1.0.3 - ADD RF_fnc_lightningBolt to flash on desirated area. - ADD RF_fnc_spectator create the spectator's mode on client - ADD RF_fnc_addSpectatorAction to addAction your object with the previous spectator's function. - ADD RF_fnc_zSpawner to spawn Zombie and Demons with more performance in MP ## 05-10-2018 version 1.0.4 - ADD Configure your mission with features: add and put earplugs, security safemod for weapons. // Example description.ext: class RedFrameworkConfig { class missionCfg { addItemEarPlugs=true; putInEarPlugs=true; putSafeMode=true; }; }; ## 05-13-2018 version 1.0.5 - FIX counter variable's name mistake, '_' missing CHANGELOG version 1.0.6 ## 05-20-2018 - HOTFIX: Resolve default value on the init - HOTFIX: Partial hotfix for RF_fnc_moveInCargo and RF_fnc_spawnByHeli CHANGELOG version 1.0.7 ## 06-02-2018 - ADD capabilities to recieve code instead string for the executed job. - ADD capabilities to recieve parameters - ADD remote action for all the types of actions see action mecanism for more details ## 07-15-2018 version 1.0.8 - FIX when you try to configure earPlug with description.ext ## 11-03-2018 version 1.0.9 - FIX move in cargo for MP
  17. Unfortunately upon installing Arma 3 Tools, I attempted to Mount the Project Drive and it mounted it onto my much smaller 250GB SSD on which the OS is installed and many other programs that I prioritize highly, so I wanted to assign it to the lower priority 1 TB HDD on which I have all of my Steam games including Arma 3 & Arma 3 tools, but it wouldn't install there. I would like to be instructed procedurally upon how to mount the project drive onto the correct drive (1 TB HDD). Perhaps the fact that Steam is installed onto my SSD is causing the conflict. Steam.exe & Arma3.exe are both not administrator-only executables. Additionally, I receive the "0x50001002: Failed to mount the work drive" error when I attempt to run the mapdisk.bat file. I also haven't updated my version of Windows after the update that was released on the October of last year because I was unable after my first and only attempt to install it. My computer frequently crashes programs and freezes as well. Perhaps that may have something to do with the error specifically?
  18. I am attempting to publish a custom campaign to the Steam Workshop. I have used Addon Builder and Publisher in BI Tools, but every time I generated a .PBO file of my campaign, the mission files and images would be missing. The campaign would also fail to display in the campaign menu in-game. So, I tried Eliteness, and managed to create a .PBO containing all of my mission files, images, and other essentials. However, upon publishing the campaign and downloading, it still doesn't show up in the campaign menu. Moving the .PBO file to my addons and campaign folders in the ARMA 3 directory doesn't do a thing either. Here's the contents of the .PBO file as seen in PBO Manager: https://i.imgur.com/XkmNEFC.png My description.ext is also below, in case that's a factor: Can anyone help? Thanks.
  19. prototype1479

    Animating In OFP

    What kind of tools you guys use to make animations for OFP? I heard some use 3ds max and use OFPAnim to confirm the animation details I really don't like do animate in OFPAnim because its unpolished i lost some animations that I worked hard on so I want to switch to something else If you use something other than OFPAnim to animate or know someone else who does please let me know
  20. I recently downloaded arma 3 tools and when i go to open object/terrain builder it doesnt do anything, the tools just crashes. I'm running a 1060 gtx, and a AMD FX-4300 processor. Has anyone found a solution to this or is it just me?
  21. What is it? Introduction... Some of you may already know I was working on such project. It was delayed, postponed because of lack of time, it has required more analysis and conception than planned... but, today, here we are. First, if you're wondering if it's the same tool released yesterday in the dev branch of Poseidon Tools: Yes, it is! The Community Tools Updater is a very simple application able to check if the supported tools need to be updated/installed. If an update is needed, it downloads the new version from a depot maintained by the tool author(s) and install the newer version without asking a single question. The main purpose is to provide to the modding community a simple method to install/update the tools they need without being forced to hunt news on all over the web and take the risk to download an outdated version (I saw this many times with Poseidon Tools). More, the risk of installing an outdated version is avoided by a simple fact: It's the tool maker that update the depot with his work, not a random person. You may recognize some tools made by the community veteran Mikero and some other made by me. For users... Usage is very simple, just download it, extract where you want and use it :) In short-term, the updater will update itself when needed, but for the moment, you just need to take a look at this topic or the depot. It downloads the depot manifest at startup, then checks for updates. Once it's started, you can: Explore the local depot (place where all downloads are stored, including installers and zip tools) Clear local depot (delete the entire depot, just to be sure to do not have unnecessary files) Populate local depot (this synchronizes your local depot with the server depot) Update / Install (obviously, install or update the tools that need it and are checked) * yes, pretty basic UI for now but it's working like a charm! For tools developers... For now, only Poseidon Tools and Mikero tools "packages" are included, but I'm looking for more developers to join us. If you're interested, just let me a message here or a PM! In the best case, your tools need an installer that can take one of the following startup parameters: /s -silent -noUI And one of the following if there are some configuration to do during the installation: /d -default or way to define the configuration in command line If your tool supports this kind of options but not these ones, it's just a matter of exception, not a big deal here. By the way, if you don't have an installer, note that NSIS does the job perfectly (used by Mikero Tools) and is very user friendly. If you have questions What tools are supported? ArmA3p (1) Rapify (1) SteamToolCheck (2) MoveFolder (1) IsRap (1) DeWss (1) ExtractPbo (1) DeWrp (1) DeRtm (1) MoveObject (1) GetDePboVersion (1) DePew (1) DeRap (1) DeTex (1) LintCheckRapV (2) DeP3d (1) texConverters (2) Poseidon Tools (*) TM4 Indenter (*) MakePbo (1) SetVersion (1) DePbo (1) QueryAddons (1) pboProject (1) Eliteness (1) ConvertWrp (1) DeKey (1) DeOgg (1) DePac (1) (1) Fully supported (check version, install/update) (2) Partial support (check version, tool available in the local depot when populated) (*) Will be supported soon (this tool is supported by the updater but the tool is not yet ready to be used with it) How it works? The concept is simple, the updater retrieve a XML file live generated from a depot including what is inside the depot, compares local installations and what's in the depot, then, update if needed. Note that it can install if the tool is missing from your workstation. Advanced and curious users can have a look at the application parameters in the registry: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\bohemia interactive\Poseidon Tools\Updater" Get the Community Tools Updater: Community updater Beta Note: I developed this tool to allow the modding community to get tools in the simplest way as possible, it was firstly designed for Poseidon Tools, then, Mikero tools have arrived and there are more to come! This is an unofficial tool and provided as it is; you bear the risk!
  22. First: all credits belong to Snake2200 the author of the big and excellent XAM1.06b-modifikation for ArmA1. you can download the hole addon for ArmA1 here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1756 -this mod is not from me, it is only a part of the Xam1.06b-mod from Snake2200 -I have only edited the mod a little bit (logic,sound balancing)that it works with ArmA3. Thanks to kju for pushing me into the right direction and also to (Snake2200 wherever he is)! -This addon gives you: -excellent nature ambient-sounds -churchbells with different distances -different windsounds on hills ..etc. -mornigbirds (excellent for europe) -at night wulfs, owls ..beware ..sometimes scary ! -on the field sparrows, larks, robins..etc. -multiplayer not tested -no bi-signs included and i am not able to create some -first shot error included ! ...and not yet repairable for me Installation: -note: CBA is needed for this. 1.copy "@xam_environment.pbo" to your ArmA3 root directoy 2.edit your shortcut for ArmA3 or use a Launcher you like to start. ps:enjoy it or leave it... for me me its a musthave... at least the file http://www.file-upload.net/download-9091901/Xam.rar.html
  23. So tried almost everything nothing works.... kind of give up on steam workshop right now: No matter what size or what folder or mods it doesnt "find" it and wont simply upload anything.. "Steam Error code: 9" "FileNotFound" weirdly enough its in a folder am i the retard or is it the tools? :P Publisher RPT Logs (some of it):
  24. So, like everyone else, my game updated the other day, as well as my tools. I went to install bulldozer again, and I get an error message from windows that says "work Drive has stopped working". My p drive is mounted, and all worked fine before the latest update. It stinks to have to pack the plane every time I want to trail and error something I did, just makes you lose motivation in your project. So, has anyone else had this error? Any solutions? Also, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times, does the same thing after a fresh install.
  25. Hi, Today I launched A3 tools as usual, then I tried to install bull dozer and I get an error code Here is what it says: Error received from: "DoTask" (0x50003003) The parameters source are destination are invalid. undefined c:\users\Robs\Documents\Arma 3 Projects Not sure what is going on, but it it halting me from working on my projects. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I did not change anything before this error occurred and I tried a reinstall but no luck. Thanks. Rob