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About reyhard

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    Staff Sergeant


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    Flashpoint and everything about WW2 :)

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  1. Just incase you ever visit this website again, and I know that your work has stopped on Arma 3...

    But I was just curious how to fix an issue a recent update caused with one of your scripts.

    Something is wrong with the RKG-3EM script for RHSAFRF where the grenade spins uncontrollably.


  2. reyhard

    RHS: Status Quo

    See this page https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Known_Issues#XBox-specific_Issues
  3. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    those are not for dev builds (notice mention of RHSAFRFDEV) though. Changelogs for dev builds can be found in installation dir of mod - look for buildlog.md. You can open this file with any text editor
  4. Do you have any other errors in console log when you run this custom scenario in Workbench?
  5. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Most likely you also need AFRF loaded to use this feature at the moment. For development purpose, some of the classes which would normally duplicated between two mods, are stored just in one of them so the result can be iterated quicker.
  6. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Custom script most likely - on that video they are also using wrong trucks
  7. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    There is no ready to use system for that and you would have to script it somehow. In real life you would use Kraz 255 truck to transport every segment of the bridge + BMK-T tugs (also transported on Kraz-255) to place those segments in place
  8. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Right now there is no such option due to difficulties in implementation of it Use static versions of PMP-60 pontoon which snaps to each other.
  9. Game scripts have to be located in Scripts/Game folder. You can see in the logs, where games is checking for scripts actually
  10. Where did you store that script? In any case, I've managed to compile and place that entity in game
  11. It seems you have some hidden unicode (right side is code that I've copy pasted from here) character over there. Try the code that I've attached below and check if its working [EntityEditorProps(category: "GameScripted/Badger", description: "Defines a spawn area for a given side", color: "0 0 255 255")] class SCR_Badger_SpawnAreaClass : SCR_SpawnAreaClass { }; class SCR_Badger_SpawnArea : SCR_SpawnArea { [Attribute("", UIWidgets.CheckBox, "Can this faction spawn if enemies are present in this area?", category: "Badger: Area")] protected bool m_bSpawnIfEnemyPresent; private bool m_bCanSpawn = true; FactionKey GetFaction() { return GetAffiliatedFactionKey(); } bool CanSpawn() { return m_aEnemies.Count() <= 0; } int GetSpawnRadius() { return GetSphereRadius(); } protected override void OnInit(IEntity owner) { super.OnInit(owner); // Supress messages out of playmode, order of things is not quite guaranteed here if (!GetGame().InPlayMode()) return; } };
  12. What happens when you try to readd project? Are there any errors?
  13. Do you have any kind of errors in the console log?
  14. Currently there is no such option and the only thing you can do is changing your mod to "Private". In future it might be possible to remove mod from the Workshop via dedicated option in the Workbench
  15. Did you hold alt key when doing that? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Prefabs_Basics#Adding_entities_to_prefab